Reviewing and Presenting Legislation Reviewing Legislation Each Tuesday, legislation is posted online by 4pm. Read the legislation prior to your meetings! When reviewing, amending, and discussing legislation, here are some questions to keep in mind:
Remember: If when reading legislation, it is unclear how it could be interpreted or used, and you need to ask clarification questions to the sponsor regarding content, it might not be ready to be voted on the Senate floor. Do your due diligence to resolve issues of incongruence before Wednesday nights!
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What is the purpose of the legislation?
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What are the intended consequences of the legislation?
How can the language be interpreted? What needs to be clarified to make the legislation more clear and sustainable?
How does it benefit the student body? Who does it impact? Who has been communicated with regarding the legislation? Who needs to be? What are the unintended consequences of the legislation? Where else is this topic discussed (Rules, Statutes, Constitution)? Does it align with what is currently stated in other places?
Presenting Legislation OPENING
As a sponsor, you have time to highlight the work you’ve been doing and state your case. Focus on details, data, and impact!
Follow up on anything that needs clarification that was mentioned on the floor.
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What did you research? Who did you talk to?
Remind the Senate what you do, how you did it, and why it is important!
What does the data say? Why is your legislation important?
Funding Processes Senate votes on the consent resolutions providing funding to RSOs for programs, promotional materials, and travel through PAC and RTAC, and budgets for organizations through SAP and the CLC funding Board. In addition, Senate votes on the annual budget and any bills requesting funds from Senate Projects. When thinking about funding for programs, events, and services, please remember to:
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Follow Finance Code (Chapter 800) Follow the SGA Financial Manual (link) Follow University rules and guidelines Remain content neutral Focus on process Think about the impact/reach to the student body
2019-20 Student Senate Guide 25