Throughout the year there will be lots of people on campus that help you and your organization be successful. These are some of the most common folks contacted for planning events, booking space, looking for co-sponsorship opportunities, or registering for Sound Hour and Market Wednesday! Your Advisor can always help connect you to others across campus too. Everyone is ready to support you!
Important Resources Nole Central Nole Central is the online system where RSOs keep their organizational rosters, financial information, and is a great resource for students to find you. This is also the system used to update recognition each year, submit purchase requests, and complete Event Proposals. You can even contact members! For questions or help, contact:
The Globe
Reservations for the upcoming semester open one month before the start of the semester. Visit to make your reservation. For more information contact: Jesse O’Reilly Scheduling Coordinator 850-645-9779
Carolyn J. Harris Assistant Director, Student Governance & Advocacy (850) 644-4850
To reserve space in academic buildings visit the Virtual EMS website.
Event Proposals
Outdoor Campus Spaces Every event on campus needs an Event Proposal submitted through Nole Central at least two weeks prior to the event For issues or questions, contact:
Other space for programming includes Langford Green and Landis Green, but have special rules. Talk with your advisor for more information.
Campus Event Services 850-644-6083
Campus Recreation (The Rez, IM Fields)
Reserving Space Campus Event Services (Union Ballrooms, SSB, ASLC)
Reservations for the upcoming semester open the first week of April and November. Visit to make your reservation. For more information, contact: 850-644-6083
50 SGA Leader Guide 2019-20 For information about reserving the IM Fields, contact: Chris Toliver Program Coordinator, Facilities 850-645-0922 For information about reserving facilities or services at the FSU Rez, contact: Jen McKee Associate Director, FSU Reservation (850) 645-0283