DI XI E TECHNICAL TEC H N IC AL COLLEGE C OLLEGE MESSAGE MESSAGE DIXIE Lorem dolor sit be Should auldipsum acquaintance
amet, consectetur adipiscing forgot, and never brought to elit. Ut rhoncus ex id ex blan-
sim song volutpat consequat. Nam eget massa quam placerat The wouldn’t be complete without theatchorus: “We’ll take
nec a neque. Phasellus nec sapien et tellus molestie avulputate cup of kindness yet…for the sake of old times.” Has there ever fermentum. Nam elementum vehicula ex, sed dignissim tellus
been a time when kindness was more needed than right now?
Should auld acquaintance be
We may be overwhelmed with political rhetoric (either up close
forgot, and days of auld lang
or from a distance) or find ourselves fearful of the future for any
number of legitimate reasons. While we cannot control many of
dit porta. Etiam erat turpis,
vehicula eu egestas sit amet, rhoncus ut leo. Sed com-
modo purus feugiat mauris
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, ac volutpat tortor tincidunt,
We’llsodales. take a cup of kindness yet,lorem. for auld lang syne. Etiam et tincidunt Curabitur vehicula, ligula vitae varius dignissim, ligula ligula consectetur purus, ut placerat tel-
Scholars disagree onDonec exactly how far back this song (1711? lus ante nec est. iaculis interdum orci. Seddates at felis eros.
lobortis id. Etiam et pellentesque eros. Mauris bibendum, erat
nec accumsan lobortis, nunc dui euismod elit, venenatis ultricies neque justo eget enim.
the Pellentesque circumstances in which weurna. find Duis ourselves nor can we control vitae laoreet condimentum mauany other human being, we areAenean in complete control of ourselves. ris euismod dapibus tristique. facilisis augue nisi, eu For me, takingeros timevolutpat to drinkut. in aFusce cup of kindness is theinperfect pellentesque tortor mi, iaculis massa way to set out on the adventures 2022. Maybe we could ac, volutpat tincidunt dolor. Proinof quis volutpat ante. Maurisstart et a
1788?) or whether it was et written byhendrerit James Watson Robert Maecenas non lorem massa finibus or vitae a felis.
augue scelerisque, rhoncus commodo magna. Proin groundswell of kindness andex letmattis, it permeate the entire year here in
Vestibulum urna, cursus sed of elitgenerations, ac, sodales particularly viverra dolor. Burns, but it hasnibh captured the hearts
vehicula ultrices dapibus. Phasellusthe varius leo accumsan Washington County. I’ve challenged faculty and staff atnibh Dixie
Morbi et nibh lectus. at the endinofarcu an old year viverra and theaccumsan beginningsed of aac new one. PellenRegard-
mattis, ipsum Tech to sed thinkblandit and act with fringilla. more kindness, and I’ve encouraged
libero, a placerat velit fringilla et. withstood Aliquam lesstesque of howfacilisis or whenorci it originated, I’m grateful that it has
euismod est, a malesuada justo. eu tincidunt the vitae test of time, especially considering theDonec circumstances of lectus, our quis mollis sem.
current world.
Sed orci ex, rutrum vitae erat ac, feugiat pretium ipsum.
As we begin this new year, is there a more important question to
Donec id diam nisi. Fusce lobortis arcu nec ex elementum, nec
ponder or a more appropriate sentiment to express than those
imperdiet risus accumsan. Vivamus ac suscipit arcu, ut mattis
found in the words of this song? “Should auld acquaintance be
mi. Vivamus hendrerit ligula urna, id ullamcorper eros cursus
forgot and never brought to mind?” Should old friends be forgot-
them to take this kindness challenge to our students.
Pellentesque ullamcorper, diam sit amet dapibus efficitur, mi
ligula blandit est, vel eleifend sapien leo non velit. Sed eu nunc
Since our future memories depend on how we live today, will you quam. Integer fermentum imperdiet luctus. Nullam tincidunt,
join us at Dixie Tech in “taking a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang ligula sit amet interdum elementum, quam turpis feugiat nisi,
syne”? Let’s do it for our own health and well-being!
vel efficitur purus dolor sed turpis. Cras pretium mauris lacus, at porttitor ex tincidunt ac. Nam vel blandit odio, in scelerisque
May you have the happiest of new years!
nunc. Praesent ut leo quis urna egestas gravida a id dui.
non. Fusce consequat elementum nisl sed laoreet. Ut eu risus
ten?vel Let’ s hope not! Tosodales a largequis degree, our relationships going nunc pharetra ut diam. Morbi justo tortor,
forward will besed a continuation our past relationships. People dignissim tincidunt et, of tincidunt quis quam. Curabitur auctor
Happiest of Holidays!
matter. matter. gravida, I’ve taken some time to reflect on the wonodioFriends viverra massa facilisis dapibus dolor facilisis. derful people vestibulum who have colored my life with warmth andacrichness; Phasellus vestibulum sollicitudin. Nunc purus I ultrices, luctus odiothat quis, iaculis treasure them. I hope you’ll takeenim. some time as we launch into
the unknown of a new year to look back with gratitude at the good
Kelle Stephens
placerat, lacus scelerisque rutrum, orci est peopleNulla you’ve been fortunate enough tovestibulum count as friends. scelerisque justo, in tincidunt ligula sapien non ante. Praesent
President of Dixie Technical College Kelle Stephens
libero neque, hendrerit quis porta eu, convallis nec ex. Ut dignis-
President of Dixie Technical College
12 www.sghealthandwellnessmagazine.com