"Empowering Leaders to Mindfully Lead Us into the Future." Atlanta, GA August 18th-20th, 2022
Dr. Sarah Killian National President

Table of Contents Content Page(s) Table of Contents 2 Supreme Basileus Welcome 3 Southeast Regional Director Welcome 4 Agenda 5 6 First Time Attendees 7 13 Hashtags and Technology Support 14 Educational Disclosure 15 BIO Embracing the Power Within: The Keys to Continued Success! 16 BIOs- Quantum Leadership (RD Panel) 17-31 BIOs- Sponsorship Essentials: Building Fiduciary Relationships 33 34 BIO- Multi-Generational Professional Publicity 42 BIOs The Art of Succession Planning (NO Panel) 35 61 BIO- Do the Right Thing: Protocol Still Matters! An Interactive Workshop 62 BIO- Leadership Institute: Rationale and Progress 63 Planning Committee Members 64 Vendors 65 Evaluations: Education and Overall 66 68 2023 Boulè Save the Date 69 2024 Leadership Summit Save the Date 70
Norlissa Cooper, PhD, MS, RN Regional Director
Sarah M. Killian, DNP, RN, NEA BC President Cherry Ridge Blvd Decatur, GA., 30034 Hamilton, DNP, RN, MSHSA, PNP BC, NE BC Vice President Agee, MSN Ed, RN, APRN, CRNA Vice President Avery, BSN Vice President Johnson DNP, RN, CCM, SAFE Secretary
of Sponsors
Juanita Gibbons Delaney, MSHA, BSN, RN Regional Director
“Service for Humanity” August 1, 2022 WelcomeGreetings, to Atlanta and Leadership Summit 2022! The Administrative Arm of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® is excited that you decided to join us for a fantastic, engaging Summit. The educational theme, Leadership: Empowering Visionaries to Mindfully Lead us into the Future, addresses Chi’s mission to “…provide service, elevate the plane of nursing … through…the identification of a core of nursing leaders who can act as agents affecting social change…” The dedication and resilience of the membership in fulfilling the mission are energizing incentives for the presenters; the 22nd Administration is engaged to recruit additional organizational leaders through the educational experience at this year’s Summit. The leadership team has worked diligently to prepare an unforgettable experience for you, so be prepared to enjoy the learning and the awesome city of Atlanta. Thank you for your continued support and the opportunity to serve.
Erica Underdown Palmer, MS, BSN, RN Treasurer
Nadirah Keith DNP, RN, APRN, FNP C Dean
Zenobia Richbourgh, MSN, RN, FNP Organizer
Angela R Jourdain Dr.PH. MSN, RN, CCRN, NEA BC Regional Director
Priscilla Murphy, MS, MEd, BSN, RN, LPCMH Past National President
Joycelyn Westbrooks, MPH, BSN, RN, RN C Regional Director
Terri Taylor Hopkins, MSN, RN, FNP C Financial Secretary
Felicia Foster Gibson, BSN, RN Dean of
Sylvia S. Page, MSN, MBA, RN Regional Director
Respectfully submitted with Chi Love, Sarah M. Killian Sarah M. Killian, DNP, RN, NEA BC 22nd National President Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED ® “Professional Nursing Organization” 3029 13th St., NW ♦ Washington, D.C. 20009 ♦ (202) 232 3858 ♦ FAX (202) 232 3460 https://chietaphi.org/ AlieneFounderC. Ewell, BSN, RN OF DIRECTORS

In The Service of Chi, Juanita Gibbons Delaney Juanita Gibbons Delaney, MHA, BSN, RN BC 20th Southeast Region Director Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated®
Greetings To The Members of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated®!
“Service for Humanity”
Founder Aliene C. Ewell, BSN, RN ETA PHI Nursing 3029 13th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20009 (202) 232 3858Fax (202) 232 3460 www.chietaphi.com REGION Board of Directors 2022 2023
Juanita Gibbons Delaney, MHA, BSN, RN BC Southeast Regional Director Anita M. Chesney, EdD, MPH, RN First Assistant Southeast Regional Director Ashley Wiley, BSN, RN Second Assistant Southeast Regional Director Valencia Patterson, MHA, BSN, RN Grammateus Angela Hunt, MSN, BSN, RN Epistoleus Alice Jackson, MSN, RN Tamias Dearline Thomas Brown, MPH, BSN, RN Tamiochus Gwen Davis, MIDT, BSN, RN Historian Calperta D. Green, BSN, RN Chaplain Rhonda Hollis, Ph.D. RN Immediate Past Southeast Regional Director Darnetta G. Brown, MSN, APRN BC Event Planner
It is with great pleasure that I officially welcome you to Atlanta, Georgia for the 2022 Leadership Summit. Our theme for this year’s Summit:“Leadership: Empowering Visionaries to Mindfully Lead us into the Future”, encompasses our vision. We are pleased to have in person and a virtual option for this year’s Summit. Your commitment and dedication is critical to the success of our organization. Our Leadership Summit will give us an opportunity to refine our goals and gain knowledge which will lead us into the future of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated®. Enjoy Atlanta’s historic sites, the delectable restaurants and the inviting malls. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the members of Gamma Chi and Mu Phi Chapters We are still practicing and encouraging COVID safey protocols. Your safety is a priority. When we depart from this Leadership Summit, I am confident that you will leave feeling reinvigorated and you will have acquired the skills and tools to help elevate your chapter to greater heights.

Leadership AtlantaAugustAtlanta,SummitGA1820,2022MarriottMarquis Hotel SUMMIT SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thursday, August 18, 2022 (Pre Summit Activity) TIME EVENT LOCATION 4:00 PM Hotel Check In Hotel Front Desk 4:00 PM 8:00 PM Registration Imperial Registration Desk 6:30 PM 10:00 PM Vendor Set Up Only ***No Sales*** Imperial Foyer Friday, August 19, 2022 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Fitness/Self Care M302 M303 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Registration Imperial Registration Desk 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Breakfast Marquis A and B 8:00 AM 8:00 PM VENDORS OPEN Imperial Foyer 9:00 AM 10:15 AM General Session: Opening / Greetings Samantha Agee, Nat. 2nd Vice President Dr. Sarah Killian, 22nd National President Embracing the Power Within: The Keys to Continued Success! Selece Beasley, Esq Imperial Ballroom, Salon B 10:15 AM 10:30 AM Break 10:30 AM 12:00 PM General Session: Quantum Leadership Regional Directors Panel Moderator Sylvia Page Imperial Ballroom, Salon B 12:00 PM 1:15 PM Lunch Marquis A and B 1:30 PM 3:00 PM General Session: Sponsorship Essentials: Building Fiduciary Relationships Montien Miller, Nat. Sponsorship Chair Carlena Saunders and Lora White Green Imperial Ballroom, Salon B 3:00 PM 3:15 PM Break 3:15 PM 4:15 PM General Session: Multi-Generational Professional Publicity Chayla Avery, Nat. 3rd Vice President Imperial Ballroom, Salon B 4:15 PM 4:30 PM Day 1 Wrap Up/Evaluations Nat. Education Committee Imperial Ballroom, Salon B 8:00 PM 11:00 PM Reception: “A Casual Affair” Marquis C and D
General Session: Leadership Institute: Rationale and Progress
Saturday, August 20, 2022
TIME EVENT LOCATION 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Fitness/Self Care M303 M303 AM 9:00 AM Breakfast Marquis A and B AM 10:30 AM
Breakout Group #2: Administration / Finance (Nat. Sec, Treasurer, and Financial Sec)
Breakout Group #3: Membership (Nat. Organizer, Deans of Membership/Sponsors)
Karen Rabb, Nat. Protocol Chair
Imperial Ballroom, Salon B 12:00 PM 12:15 PM Break PM 1:15 PM
Dr. Mildred Fennal, 19th Nat. President Imperial Ballroom, Salon B PM 1:30 PM Evaluation and Closing Remarks
Samantha Agee, Nat. 2nd Vice President Dr. Sarah Killian, National President Imperial Ballroom, Salon B
Breakout Group #1: Leadership (Nat. President, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice Presidents)
9:30 AM 10:30 AM
11:00 AM 12:00 PM General Session: Do the Right Thing: Protocol Still Matters! An Interactive Workshop
10:30 AM 11:00 AM Snack Break
General Session: The Art of Succession Planning National Board of Directors Overview Imperial Ballroom, Salon B
9:30 AM 10:30 AM
Moderator Dr. Norlissa Cooper Imperial Ballroom, Salon B
Moderator Latasha Bolden M301
9:30 AM 10:30 AM
Moderator Judi Jackson M304
WELCOME FIRST TIME ATTENDEES First Name Last Name Chapter Region Deanne Givens Alpha Northeast LaJuan Gorham Alpha Northeast Valerie Hayes Alpha Northeast Robin Pirtle Alpha Northeast Joan Smith Alpha Northeast Andrita Spencer Alpha Northeast Diana Wharton Alpha Northeast Chayla Avery Alpha Delta Beta Northeast Michelle Ames Eta Northeast Monifa Dukes Eta Northeast Loleta Hammond Eta Northeast Hownetta Haynes Eta Northeast Tiffany Smith Stokes Eta Northeast Robin Ward Eta Northeast Sharon Adams Eta Eta Northeast Debulon Bell Eta Eta Northeast Juanita Tucker Eta Eta Northeast Eleanor Woodson Eta Eta Northeast Y Carr Gamma Northeast Ericka Smith Gamma Northeast Tiffany Sparkman Gamma Northeast Seleste Upshaw Gamma Northeast DotsCella Key Gamma Alpha Beta Northeast Lakeisha Bombay Iota Chi Northeast Brentnie Adams Iota Eta Eta Northeast LaWanda Wood Iota Phi Northeast Crystal Jackson Kappa Eta Northeast Angela R. Jourdain Kappa Eta Northeast Zandra Layne Lambda Phi Northeast Davisa Banks Omega Northeast Kimberly Brewer Omega Northeast LaDonyia Graham Omega Northeast Carol Marsh Omega Northeast Linda Taylor Lowry Omega Northeast Audrey Dupree Sealey Omega Chi Northeast Sabrina Foskey Credle Omega Chi Northeast Gwendolyn Lancaster Omicron Northeast Michelyn Johnson Omicron Chi Chi Northeast Nyishah Samaniego Omicron Chi Chi Northeast Nycole Hollington Rho Chi Chi Northeast Montien Miller Rho Chi Chi Northeast
First Name Last Name Chapter Region Minnie Moore Rho Chi Chi Northeast Kellye Payne Rho Chi Chi Northeast Jacqueline Taylor Kittrell Rho Chi Chi Northeast Pamela ParsonWilliams Tau Chi Northeast Jazmine White Johnson Tau chi Northeast A’sian Rochester Tau Eta Northeast Trina TurNortheast Tau Eta Northeast Bonita Ball Theta Northeast Katrese Collier Theta Northeast Shirley Crawford Jones Theta Northeast Nicole Douglas Theta Northeast Wanda Gbemudu Theta Northeast Lisa Hammond Theta Northeast Adele Jones Theta Northeast Karima Robinson Theta Northeast Sharon Ryan Theta Northeast Carlena Saunders Theta Northeast Laurie Tillery Russell Theta Northeast Rhonda Whitaker Theta Northeast Patricia Garfield Theta Eta Eta Northeast Teresa Howard Theta Eta Eta Northeast Regina Johnson Theta Eta Eta Northeast Gaye Riddick Burden Theta Eta Eta Northeast Lora White Green Theta Eta Eta Northeast Bernice Barnes Alpha Chi Southeast Latasha Bolden Alpha Chi Southeast Lisa Humphrey Alpha Chi Southeast Terrie Moody Alpha Chi Southeast Mechele Neal Alpha Chi Southeast Tonise Robinson Alpha Chi Southeast Mamie Williams Alpha Chi Southeast Betty Wilson Alpha Chi Southeast Panissa Caldwell Chi Chi Southeast Angela Brandon Clark Chi Chi Southeast Barbara Crumb Chi Chi Southeast Tangela Patterson Paul Chi Chi Southeast Porshia Mahoro Chi Chi Chi Southeast Renee Reese Chi Chi Chi Southeast Stephanie Scott Chi Chi Chi Southeast Natasha Page Chi Eta Phi Southeast Dearline Thomas Brown Chi Phi Southeast KImberly Clayton Delta Chi Chi Southeast Stephanie Dorsey Delta Chi Chi Southeast Tujuana Dudley Delta Chi Chi Southeast
First Name Last Name Chapter Region Sherry Hill Delta Chi Chi Southeast Gale Robinson Delta Chi Chi Southeast Mildred Evans Delta Eta Southeast Velvet Riley Delta Eta Southeast Doreen Stubbs Delta Eta Southeast JoAnn Williams Delta Eta Southeast Versie Wilson Delta Eta Southeast Kristin Ashley Epsilon Southeast Tina Betts Epsilon Southeast Amy Pack Epsilon Southeast Toya Ali Eta Phi Southeast Sherita Fantroy Eta Phi Southeast Cheryl Franklin Eta Phi Southeast Yolanda TurNortheast Eta Phi Southeast Agnes White Eta Phi Southeast Kimberly Hawkins Gamma Chi Southeast Felicia Andrews Gamma Chi Southeast Michelle Bolden Gamma Chi Southeast Kimberly Booker Gamma Chi Southeast Velda Graham Gamma Chi Southeast Elizabeth Harris Gamma Chi Southeast Miriam Henderson Gamma Chi Southeast Kimberly Hollis Gamma Chi Southeast Clemmie Jones Gamma Chi Southeast Latonya Law Gamma Chi Southeast Sandra Leonard Gamma Chi Southeast Trina Pitts Brunn Gamma Chi Southeast Bridgett Stroud Gamma Chi Southeast Mary Walker Gamma Chi Southeast Tiffany Melvin Gamma Eta Eta Southeast Christy Swinson Gamma Eta Eta Southeast Iris Burke Iota Southeast Stephanie Neal Iota Southeast Imani Reece Iota Southeast Waynett Boyd Kappa Phi Southeast Dorethea Archie Booker Mu Phi Southeast Selece Beasley Mu Phi Southeast Alvernell Cotton Mu Phi Southeast Dana Harris Mu Phi Southeast Angela Patton Mu Phi Southeast Gail E Brown Nu Southeast JoAnn Guyton Nu Southeast Betty Harrison Nu Southeast Gwendolyn Mike Nu Southeast
First Name Last Name Chapter Region Cleo Reynolds Nu Southeast Betty Abraham Settles Phi Chi Southeast Catrina Crawford Phi Chi Southeast Shandra Drayton Bryant Phi Chi Southeast Gwendolyn Smith Phi Chi Southeast Penelope Wilkins Phi Chi Southeast Nichole Barnette PI Southeast Mary W. Burriss Pi Southeast Marri Fryar Pi Southeast Freda Johnson Pi Southeast Wyvonia Perry Pi Southeast Jouel Taylor Pi Southeast Connie Levister Rho Phi Southeast Vanessa Snellings Rho Phi Southeast Pamela H. Stokes Rho Phi Southeast Toshia Swinson Rho Phi Southeast Tiara Cohen Sigma Southeast Andrea Keck Sigma Chi Southeast Angela Martin Sigma Chi Southeast Ashley Wiley Sigma Chi Beta Southeast Barbara Demus Sigma Eta Southeast Mary Dorsey Sigma Eta Southeast Janice Deathridge Upsilon Chi Southeast Bonnie Graham Upsilon Chi Southeast Angela Lattimore Upsilon Chi Southeast Remi Omitaomu Upsilon Chi Southeast Carolyn Tabors Upsilon Chi Southeast Marcella McCall Upsilon Phi Southeast Diane Myers Upsilon Phi Southeast Evelyn Hoover Southeast Debra Julius Southeast Wanda Wilson Southeast Alethea Thacker Gamma Chi Chi Middlesouth Contessa Henry Lambda Middlesouth FreDerrica Fobbs Lambda Eta Middlesouth Donna Hunter Lambda Eta Middlesouth Margienetta Norris Lambda Eta Middlesouth ASeneque Daniels Mu Chi Chi Middlesouth Beatrix Scott Pi Chi Chi Middlesouth Tamara Wesley Psi Phi Middlesouth Aaliyah Strickland Psi Phi Beta Middlesouth Deidre Cloud Rho Chi Middlesouth Brittany Beasley Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth
First Name Last Name Chapter Region Azzie Bennett Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Brenda Garland Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth LaKeshia Hulum Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Tina Jackson Tahirou Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth DeMonica McClurge Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth CaMeika Mims Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Sherida O'Neal Wright Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Sonya Pegues Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Osella Reed Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Stephanie Smith Sigma Chi Chi Middlesouth Bernice Johnson Sigma Phi Middlesouth Alma Manigo Sigma Phi Middlesouth Donna Arbuthnot Theta Eta Middlesouth Venetia Cantrell Theta Eta Middlesouth Sandra Evans Theta Eta Middlesouth Gennifer Holmes Rhem Theta Eta Middlesouth Amanda Parham Theta Eta Middlesouth Loretta Parks Twillie Theta Eta Middlesouth Alanda White Theta Eta Middlesouth Carolyn Jones Upsilon Eta Middlesouth Ivonna Mims Upsilon Eta Middlesouth Keona Smith Upsilon Eta Middlesouth Carla Smith Upsilon Eta Middlesouth Sharonda Barber Evans Xi Phi Middlesouth Gillian Calloway XI PHI Middlesouth Sonya Curtis Xi Phi Middlesouth Deondria Dickson XI Phi Middlesouth Renee Jackson XI PHI Middlesouth Queeneth Jones Xi Phi Middlesouth Alitha Jones Xi Phi Middlesouth Cynthia Kelley Xi Phi Middlesouth Tomika Rogers Xi Phi Middlesouth Tiffany Waites XI Phi Middlesouth Latoya Coakley Xi Phi Beta Middlesouth Candace Shingles Xi Phi Beta Middlesouth Emily Bennett Zeta Chi Middlesouth Bennie Blake Zeta Chi Middlesouth Natalie Bostic Zeta Chi Middlesouth Kimberly Goodly Zeta Chi Middlesouth Letitia Graves Zeta Chi Middlesouth Judith (Judi) Jackson Zeta Chi Middlesouth Brittany Johnson Zeta Chi Middlesouth Kyra Johnson Zeta Chi Middlesouth
Shatoi King Zeta Chi Middlesouth Sheila Oliver Zeta Chi Middlesouth Deena Victor Zeta Chi Middlesouth Natasha Wardsworth Zeta Chi Middlesouth Adrian Watson Victorian Zeta Chi Middlesouth Yalanda R. White Zeta Phi Middlesouth April Brown Middlesouth Toni Oats Alpha Eta Middlewest Caesanea Ashford Alpha Eta Eta Middlewest Joyce Baker Martin Alpha Eta Eta Middlewest Sharon Gillespie Alpha Eta Eta Middlewest SM Consulting "Meeting People Where They Are" Epsilon Eta Eta Middlewest Rosalyn Brown Perry Eta Chi Middlewest Wanda Hicks Eta Chi Middlewest Mary Johnson Eta Chi Middlewest Julie Barrett Gamma Eta Middlewest Leah Brown Gamma Eta Middlewest Tonya Johnson Gamma Eta Middlewest Ajoi Jones Gamma Eta Middlewest Kathy Wright Gamma Eta Middlewest Alexandria Ballard Sims Lambda Chi Middlewest Gloria Barnes Lambda Chi Middlewest Wanda Edwards Lambda Chi Middlewest Toni Grant Lambda Chi Middlewest Nikita Lewis Ford Lambda Chi Middlewest Ruby Nzoma Lambda Chi Middlewest Ramona Strong Lambda Chi Middlewest Soraia Washington Liggens Lambda Chi Middlewest Candice Evans Rho Middlewest Marsha Luster Smith Rho Middlewest Johnathan Liechty Zeta Eta Middlewest Sylvia Page Zeta Eta Middlewest Nicole Richards Alpha Phi Southwest Jamerson Holloway Eta Eta Eta Southwest Vicki Schmidt Eta Eta Eta Southwest Darlene White Petaway Eta Eta Eta Southwest Terri Yates Eta Eta Eta Southwest Alicia Geolingo Iota Eta Southwest Tigist Ajibe Lambda Chi Chi Southwest Michelle Benson Lambda Chi Chi Southwest Kimberly Humphrey Lambda Chi Chi Southwest Vonda Nolan Lambda Chi Chi Southwest Adrienne Rogers Lambda Chi Chi Southwest
WELCOME FIRST TIME ATTENDEES First Name Last Name Chapter Region Sandra Brooks Mu Chi Southwest Jessie Cannon Mu Chi Southwest Erica Ashley Psi Eta Southwest Ora Robinson Psi Eta Southwest Barbara Smith Psi Eta Southwest Kenya Smith Psi Eta Southwest Amala Abdul Aziz Erma Baker Kim Balark Michele Butler Barge Kendra Cain Pamela Clark Glenda Clement Shemeca Crawford Michelle Frank Kim Gilmore Cieanna Hairston Celestine Hughes Twyla James Tonya Johnson Gilliam Debra Jones Stapleton Porsha Lockett Vineta Mitchell Nikesha Mobley Diane Nzonzimbu Lucille Rayford Tiffany Redd Carmen Salone Tyea Santiago Tara Maclin Seals Gwenneth Simmonds Erma Storay
Leadership Summit 2022 Conference Hashtags #ChiNursesExcel#ChiEtaPhiNurses#XHO2022#ChiNursesLearningandLeading#XHOLeadershipSummit2022 For tech assistance relating to Glue Up and the Leadership Summit, please send an email to IT@chietaphi.org. For all other National issues, please scan the QR code and submit the form.

Disclosure Approval statement of provider awarding Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Credits Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. is an approved provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Completion of this program will award up to 8.5 CNE credits. Disclosure Evaluations: Use password given during presentations to complete and submit Criteriaevaluations.forawarding nursing continuing professional development credits: Attendee will receive CNE credits by complying with the following: Be registered for the Summit and Remain for 90% of each presentation Complete and submit the presentation evaluation form no later than September 2, 2022 Disclosure Presence or absence of Conflicts of Interest The speakers and the members of the planning committee have declared no Conflicts of Interest. Commercial support: The activities of the Leadership Summit have no commercial support or sponsorship.

Selece Beasley, JD, BSN, RN Selece Beasley, Esq is Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer for Kindred at Home. Selece is responsible for the development and implementation of the company’s compliance program. She has more than 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry and nearly 24 years of service with Kindred at Home. Her background as an RN and her legal and compliance expertise led her to roles as Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Kindred at Home, as well as the Divisional Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Risk, where she guided the company through the interpretation and education of regulatory changes, with the goal of minimizing financial and patient care risks.
Summit Presenter Bios
Selece holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Howard University and earned her Juris Doctorate from North Carolina Central University. Selece was named to Black Enterprise’s 2019 List of Most Powerful Women in Corporate America. She was later listed in 2021 by Business Insider as one of 67 powerful Black women CEOs and executives of their time in corporate America.
Selece was initiated Fall 1983 into Alpha Delta Beta of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. at Howard University. She is a member of the Mu Phi Chapter, Stone Mountain, GA, where she serves as the Vice President and Chair of the Nominating Committee. Selece is a member of the Decatur Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., where she serves as Assistant Financial Secretary and Co Chair of Risk Management Committee. She is a member of the Advisory Counsel for Omicron Xi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at Emory University Selece serves as a member of the Atlanta Alumni Club of Howard University Scholarship Committee. Selece is married with two adult children.

Sylvia has a nursing career of over 30 years and always went where opportunities took her. Previous professional roles included Director of Clinical Services of homecare, Director of Nursing of Long Term Care, Business Director of Perioperative Services, Quality and Outcomes Coordinator, Associate Consultant Case Manager of Clinical Trials, Clinical Trainer of Case Management, and Nurse SheEducator.launched
Summit Presenter Bios
Sylvia is an active member of the Zeta Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. since 1991. She held several positions to include chapter President, Vice President, Dean of Membership, and Secretary. She the regional Treasurer for six years and served as the Assistant Regional Director.
Sylvia Page, MSN, RN attended Purdue University Fort Wayne for her nursing degree. She holds a graduate certification in informatics, a Master degree in Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University, and a Master of Science degree in Nursing Education from Western Governors University (WGU).
Sylvia Page, MSN, MBA, RN
Not Just A Nurse (NJAN), providing video clips on Facebook and YouTube to help others not be defined by only what they do professionally by highlighting their other talents. In January 2017, the first live radio show aired on WQSW 100.5 FM in Fort Wayne. She is an active member of the African American Healthcare Alliance, VP of Operations Black Chamber of Commerce, and board member of Metro Youth Sports.
Family is significant to Sylvia; she has three children, Greg, Madison, and Jordan, and was married to minister LeRoy Page for 21 years before his passing. Her mother, Gertrude Timberlake, just celebrated her 100 year birthday.

Juanita Gibbons-Delaney, MSHA, BSN, RN
She serves as a mentor to members in new leadership roles and helps to develop recruitment and retention programs for the chapter. She is instrumental in securing financial sponsorship, affording her chapter the ability to award thousands of dollars in nursing scholarships and grants annually.
Juanita holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL., and a Master of Science in Health Services Administration degree from the University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL. Additionally, she holds certification in Medical Surgical Nursing through ANCC.
Juanita holds membership in the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, NCNW, and Florida A&M University Nursing Alumni Association. She is a member of the Healthcare Ministry at the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA where she presented several presentations on Heart Health and Kidney disease. She is in the choir, on the Ladies Usher Board, and the Mission Union where she serves as the financial secretary.
Juanita is currently employed at Emory University Hospital Midtown, as an Administrative Nursing Supervisor. She is married to Dominic Delaney, with three children and two grandchildren.
Summit Presenter Bios
Juanita Gibbons Delaney’s Registered Nursing journey with Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. started in 1991, and she has been actively involved with uninterrupted membership in Gamma Chi Chapter Shesince.held numerous leadership roles, including the immediate Past President. She continually enhances her leadership and knowledge of the organization by attending and actively participating at Boulè, Southeast Regional Conferences, and Leadership Conferences. Locally, she champions the Heart Health and Kidney Disease programs.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated Southeast BIOGRAPHICALRegionSKETCH Name: Juanita Gibbons Delaney Chapter: Gamma Chi Year of Intake: 1991 Candidate for Office of: Present Sorority Offices: National: Local: Regional: Past Sorority Offices: National: Local: Regional: Professional Education: Southeast Region Director Board of Directors SoutheastNone Region Director NoneBasileus, Anti Basileus, Dean of Membership, Tamiochus Chair of Audit Committee Masters of Health Services Administration University of St. Francis BSN Florida A&M University School of Nursing Professional OrganizationalExperience:Activities: Administrative Nursing Supervisor Emory University Midtown Hospital Current Unit Director Surgical Services Emory University Midtown HospitalClinicalSupervisor Kaiser Permanente Revitalized "Connect the Dots" within the Region. Developed SER Newsletter; Started Regional Webinars for SER; Program Participant for Founder's Day Celebration, Gamma Chi Chapter, Atlanta, GA, 10/16/2021, Silent Auction Chair for Gamma Chi Scholarship Luncheon 11/20/21; Boys & Girls annual toy drive; Fundraising and Programs & Projects committee for Gamma Chi; Conduct Kidney Sunday presentations; Medical tent for annual Sisters by Choice 5K Breast Cancer Walk; Annual Health fairs Other Organizational Activities: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc./Physical and Mental Health Committee

Previously as Nurse Manager (Perioperative Director equivalent) for the Department of Veterans Affairs, she was hired to lead and oversee the enterprise for the start up joint initiative program between the Air Force and Veterans Administration to provide Ambulatory Surgery to Veterans due to her expertise and knowledge of health administration, management of health care programs, and practices in military medical environments. Sheila assured the program integrated nursing staff and surgical resources to provide access for approximately 117,000 southern Colorado Veterans.
Sheila is a member of multiple nursing organizations to include American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), American Nurses Association, Colorado Nurses Association, Illinois Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Certified Nurse Operating Room (CNOR), Association of Perioperative Nurses (AORN), Ella Mae Branson Sickle Cell Association, Appointed by Colorado Governor to the Governor’s Sickle Cell Advisory Board. She is the Director of Operations, secretary, musician, and musician liaison for the Colorado Springs Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America.
Leadership positions held in Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. include Southwest Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director, Chapter President, Secretary, and National Nominating Committee.
Sheila was a career Army Nurse since graduation from the University of Illinois College of Nursing to staff nurse as a new lieutenant, head nurse, and educator. She conferred a Master in Nursing Administration at the University of Illinois College of Nursing and was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. She deployed on two humanitarian missions to Pamerola Air Base in Honduras, Central America, as a Head Nurse and Deputy Commander of the Medical Element. After two deployments to the Gulf for separate Combat Campaigns, Sheila settled in Colorado Springs, retiring as Chief Nursing Officer. She is a published speaker and active volunteer in the community and nursing.
Summit Presenter Bios
Sheila provides interim leadership across the nation providing stability during times of leadership gaps affording the organization time to make the best long term hiring decision.
Sheila Grumbach, MS, BSN, RN CNOR

Name: Sheila Grumbach Chapter/Region: Iota Eta Chapter, Southwest Region Present Offices (Other Organizations): § Nurse on Board Colorado Governor’s Advisory Board on Sickle Cell § Nurse on Board YWCA Northwestern Illinois, Advocacy Committee § Ella Mae Bransom Sickle Cell Association Director of Communications, Secretary. 2010 present SOUTHWEST REGION CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Name: Sheila Grumbach, MS, BSN, RN, CNOR Chapter/Region: Iota Eta Chapter, Southwest Region Year Initiated: 2007 Present Offices (Sorority): National: Audit Committee Regional: Immediate Past SWR Director Local: Grammateus/Epistoleus, Historian Past Offices (Sorority): National: Technology Committee; Nominating Committee; Glowing Lamp Editorial Committee Regional: SWR Assistant Director Local: Basileus, Grammateus,Epistoleus Professional Education: MS, BSN Professional Experience: Executive and Perioperative Interim Leader Perioperative Director Chief,CNO Ambulatory Services Organizational Activities: • American Nurses Association, member • Colorado Nurses Association, member • Illinois Nurses Association, member • Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, member since 1994 • Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority, Incorporated (non profit) since 2007 • Ella Mae Branson Sickle Cell Association (non profit), secretary and communications director • Certified Nurse, Operating Room (CNOR) since 1991 • Association of Perioperative Nurses (AORN) since 1986 • Colorado Nurses Association Legislative Advisory Work Group 2017 • AORN Colorado State Legislative Coordinator the liaison between AORN’s public policy interests and efforts in Colorado and the National Legislative Committee and AORN Government Affairs staff 2008 present

§ Director of Operations, secretary, musician and musician liaison for the Colorado Springs Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America (non profit). This organization focuses on developing music appreciation throughout the state and Nationally. Boulés Attended: 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011 Regional Meeting Attended: 2008 2019 Skilled Executive and Surgical Services leader with more than 20 years of experience managing resources to facilitate safe, effective and efficient care. Serves on AORN Government Affairs with emphasis on health advocacy and grassroots legislation.
Contributing author on the American Nurses Association Practice Standards (July 2015); developed the Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices book, contributed to monthly “Clinical Issues” column in the AORN Journal, developed the Correct Site Surgery Tool Kit: Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, developed the Human Factors Tool Kit: Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, and co thedevelopedAORN my Career Path” Signature: Sheila Grumbach, S, BSN, RN, CNOR
Longstanding genetics counselor in Southern Colorado.

Summit Presenter Bios
Angela Jourdain, Dr.PH, MSN, RN, CCRN, NEA BC
Dr. Jourdain attended Spelman College in Atlanta, GA and graduated with a B.S. degree in Natural Science. She is a graduate of the Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing in New York, NY. She holds a Master of Science degree in Nursing Administration with Informatics from Molloy College. She received a Doctorate in Public Health from Walden University. Dr. Jourdain is currently a Nurse Administrator for Northwell Health System in Glen Cove, NY. Dr. Jourdain is an active member of several local, national, and international organizations, with public service missions. An active member of Kappa Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. since 2004. Dr. Jourdain served as the National Technology Committee Chairperson, and chapter President and Dean of Membership. Dr. Jourdain served on the Northeast Region Board of Directors as the Assistant Director and Chair of the Projects and Programs Committee. She served as Nurse Volunteer for the Nassau County Medical Reserve Dr.Corps.Jourdain is an elected Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine. She was inducted into Sigma Alpha Pi National Honor Society for Leadership and Success and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society. She holds certifications in Adult Critical Nursing from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses and Nurse Executive Advanced Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Dr. Jourdain received multiple awards and recognitions from the Diabetes Health and Wellness Academy of NYC, the Queens County Black Nurses Association, the NY Alliance of Black School Educators, and the Nassau Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She received the Kappa Eta Chapter and the Northeast Region of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Member of the Year Awards, and the Mabel K. Staupers National Scholarship Award. In addition to being a nurse leader and community activist, she is a devoted wife and mother of two daughters.

Summit Presenter Bios
Margaret strongly believes in adding value to whatever endeavor she undertakes. She facilitated the development of a regional budget which accurately reflected the organization’s annual income and expenses, developed tracking systems for detailed documentation of all income sources and expenditures, and developed a system to streamline the conference registration processes.
Margaret received multiple recognitions for superior performance as well as a Hospital Director’s Commendation Award. Post retirement positions include 4 years as a classroom instructor for an LPN nursing program and 4 years as the Director of Nursing for a local home health agency.
Margaret Pannell, BSN, RN
Margaret is a graduate of Indiana University School of Nursing. Her nursing career consisted of 33 years of service at the Richard L. Roudebush V.A. Medical Center in Indianapolis, IN. Her experience in nursing includes care of medical/surgical patients, and general psychiatry and substance abuse treatment. At the time of her retirement, Margaret held the position of Program Coordinator for the Substance Abuse Treatment Program.
Margaret Pannell was initiated into Eta Chi Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated in March 1987. Her 31 years of service included Chapter Historian, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Dean of Membership, Vice President, and President; Regional Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Chair of Budget and Finance Committee, Chair of Investment Committee, Chair of Credentials and Registration Committee; and National Chair of Credentials and Registration Committee.
Margaret always held a gift for service. Through the years, she received certificates of appreciation from the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, and the American Legion.

coordinated two formal leadership development programs for the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Emerging VA Leaders, and the Leadership Development Institute. She is a certified mentor and serves as faculty for the medical center’s hospital based coaching and mentorship program. She was initiated into Epsilon Chapter, Tuskegee, AL in 1991 and is an active member of Zeta Chi Chapter, Houston, TX for the past 22 years. Past positions in Chi Eta Phi, Sorority Inc. include Chapter President, Secretary, Dean of Membership, Fundraiser Chair, Historian, and Regional Nominating Committee. She served as the Middlesouth Regional Conference Coordinator from 2018 21’. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc., and Signa Theta Tau Honor Society. An active member of the Health/First Aid Committee at her church, where she taught numerous staff members CPR. She is married to Elanis Westbrooks of 23 years with two children, Elana Joy and Brian George.
Joy is a graduate of Hampton University, VA with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and The University of Alabama in Birmingham, AL with a Master in Public Health. She holds certification in Medical-Surgical Nursing through ANCC and Vice President for Professionals with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 1633. She is the Treasurer for VA District 10 Council 227. Her vast leadership skills and ability to work well with others have gained her respect and the ability to affect change. She is sought out for her “humorous” yet insightful presentations on leadership, personality styles, and a Winning Mrs.Mindset.Westbrooks
Summit Presenter Bios Joycelyn (Joy) Westbrooks, MPH, BSN, RN

Name: Joycelyn (Joy) Westbrooks Year of Intake: 1991 Present Chapter/Region: Zeta Chi/Middlesouth Candidate for the Office of: Regional Director Local Chapter meetings attended in past year: (check) More than 4 __X___ Less than 4 ______ Present Sorority Offices National: Board of Directors Regional: Regional Director Local: Past Sorority Offices Regional:National: Nomination Committee, Conference Coordinator, Regional CE Provider Rep. Local: Basileus, Grammateus, Epistoleus, Dean of Membership Professional Education Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN), Masters in Public Health (MPH) ANCC Certified in Medical Surgical Nursing Professional Experience Clinical Nurse Educator for the Michael E. DeBakey VA Med Center Completed a certified Secretary Treasurer training through American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Certified Mentor through the VA Organizational Activities Serve as the Vice President for Professionals for AFGE Local 1633 at the VA in Houston, Tx; Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Sigma Theta Tau Inc.; Secretary Treasurer for AFGE District 10 Council 227 Other Organizational Activities List Years Last Three (3) Boulés Attended: Hanover, MD 2021 Mobile 2013 New York 2011 List Years Last Three (3) Regionals Attended: Waco, Texas 2022, Houston, Texas 2021, San Antonio 2019 List Years Last Three (3) Leadership Summit Attended: Dallas 2018 Panama City, Florida 2014 Orlando, FL. 2012 Local Chapter Basileus/Officer: Confirmation of information contained on form Signature/Officer Title: Date: MIDDLESOUTH REGION, INC. CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED Biographical Data Form

Additional Resources: Quantum Leadership

Summit Presenter Bios
Jesus is a healer! Montien is an active member of Rho Chi Chi Chapter Incorporated® in Howard County, MD after transferring in September 2021 from Theta Chapter Incorporated® in Philadelphia, PA.
Montien Miller is a mother of two adult children, and a Christian minister. She is a member of Theta Chapter Incorporated®, Chi Eta Phi Sorority Incorporated® since March 2009 and held the roles of Chaplain, Theta Chapter from 2010 to 2019; Northeast Region Chaplain 2016 2021; and National Vendor Coordinator 2018 present. Montien earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from La Salle University in 2005 and her Master of Science in Health Informatics degree from Temple University in 2018. She is a veteran of the United States Army to which she attributes as establishing her strong work ethic and passion for nursing. Montien has a desire to empower the healthcare community with tools to successfully manage patient care using technology.
Montien Miller, MSHI, BSN, RN
Montien relocated to Maryland in October 2019; became a member and is a licensed minister at The Sanctuary at Kingdom Square Church in Upper Marlboro, MD, where the Senior Pastor is Bishop Anthony G. Maclin. Her favorite scripture is Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the lord, and in the power of his might;” her personal experience with the healing power of Jesus Christ has solidified her faith after witnessing her son’s miraculous healing from a congenital heart defect and overcoming her diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer in 2016.

Carlena’s community work includes 26 years as a volunteer and Board member for Women’s Way, Philadelphia, PA. She is a member of TWIGs, INC., North MontCo Chapter and held office as the Nominating and Ways and Means Committee Chair and Chapter President. As an active member of Theta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated, Carlena served as the Historian and on the Health Committee, and the Retention and Recruitment Committee. She maintains membership in the National Council of Negro Women, (NCNW), Del Val Chapter working on Covid initiatives with Good Health Wins (GHW)/CDC. As a member of the Association of African American Life and History (ASALH), formerly the Carter G. Woodson Association, she served as speaker to the local chapter on COVID 19 vaccination hesitancy in Philadelphia, PA (2021) and at the national meeting on "Black organizations ...a necessity for our youth" in Atlanta, GA in 2007.
Prior to early retirement from PENNMEDICINE, her last 15 years were in the business aspect of healthcare. Including Corporate Compliance and Medicare auditing, she procured additional services for patients through the managed care office. She educated patients and families on the complexity of the finances of healthcare.
After an early retirement from PENNMEDICINE system in 2003, she resumed clinical work as an RN in the homecare, palliative/hospice specialty area for 14 years. Carlena was a Case Manager with Aetna and Independence Blue Cross for six years and educated members with chronic diseases for better management.
Summit Presenter Bios
Carlena Saunders, BS, RN
Carlena Saunders is a graduate of the Temple University School of Nursing and St Joseph’s University with a BS in Business, healthcare focus. Her professional background in healthcare, includes clinical expertise in adult patient education over the last 30 years.

Lora E. White Green BSN, RN, CNDLTC, IPCO
Lora is married for thirty years and has a daughter who is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and Director of Operations. Lora enjoys crocheting, audiobooks, and traveling.
Summit Presenter Bios
Mrs. White practiced professional nursing for over thirty five years after graduating from Philadelphia General Hospital School of Nursing in Philadelphia, PA and received her BSN from Immaculata University She is a member of Alpha Sigma Lambda and Sigma Theta Tau Honors Societies, the National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration, and serves as the Anti Basileus of Theta Eta Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Incorporated. Lora was the Co chair of the Northeast Region’s Vendor/Sponsorship Committee, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee and Public Relations Committee. She serves on the National Vendor Sponsorship Committee. Her acute care path is vast including Med-Surg, Maternal Child Health, Operating Room, and Psychiatric nursing. Lora’s senior care experience includes roles as Staff Development Coordinator, Director of Nursing Administration, Regional Nurse for several local and national organizations, Educator of Nursing Leadership and Survey Management, Quality Assurance Consultant, Infection Preventionist, Compliance Specialist, and Post Acute Care Nurse Consultant.
Lora’s expertise is in quality improvement, infection control surveillance and education, risk management and mitigation as well as assisting facilities to attain and maintain Federal and State regulatory compliance.

Dr. Cooper is a member of Lambda Chi Chi Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated and serves as the Southwest Regional Director.
Norlissa M. Cooper, PhD, MSN, RN
Dr. Cooper earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Rochester, NY, her Master of Science in nursing with a concentration in Education from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and her PhD in Nursing with a concentration in Health Policy from the University of California, San Francisco, Dr.CA.Cooper works as a Registered Nurse at San Francisco General in San Francisco, CA. She has over 13 years of experience in the acute care setting working as a staff nurse, charge nurse, nurse educator, and continuing education committee co chair.
Dr. Cooper is trained as a critical ethnographer and her research agenda focuses on examining the intersections of policy, practice/implementation, and community impact with the purpose of identifying policies that create and/or reinforce institutional and structural racism and contribute to health disparities. Dr. Cooper’s area of expertise is perinatal illicit substance screening policies and practices in the acute care setting.
Summit Presenter Bios

She has assumed leadership roles in professional organizations on the local, regional, national, and international levels. Her vision for Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated is to “Embrace, Honor, Elevate, & Empower the Core of Chi,” “Embracing our Legacy with Honor; Elevating our Presence in the Community; and Empowering Visionaries to Lead us into the Future.”
Dr. Killian is a nationally recognized nurse leader in education, administration, and practice. She recently retired as a Clinical Associate Professor, from a 14-year stent at Georgia State University, where she was instrumental in designing and implementing the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Dr. Killian spent more than half of her work in nursing in the practice settings as a nurse administrator and clinical nurse educator. Her research interest and focus are on formal mentoring of nurses and retention in the practice, academic, and professional organization settings. Publications of this research include but not limited to: “Examining Mentoring for Nurses” (NBNA News, Spring 2016) and “Examining Mentoring Relationships for Nurses: A Pilot Study” (JOCEPS, Fall 2015/2016).
Summit Presenter Bios Sarah M. Killian, DNP, RN, NEA BC

Summit Presenter Bios
Her nursing experience is varied from staff nurse, nurse manager, director of nursing and adjunct professor at several area nursing programs. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Life member of Detroit and the National Black Nurses Association, currently serving as the local Vice President, Life member of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® and Lambda Chi chapter and National First Vice President, Diamond Life Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated® and active in the Detroit Alumnae Chapter, Life member of the NAACP, as well as other nursing and civic organizations. She received numerous awards from all the organizations she is affiliated with.
Jonnie is a pediatric nurse practitioner currently employed as the medical manager of Ascension SE MI Community Health School Based Health Centers. She received a diploma in nursing from Providence Hospital School of Nursing, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Health Service Administration from the University of Detroit, a certificate as a pediatric nurse practitioner from the University of Michigan. She earned her Doctor of Nursing practice from Oakland University where her research was on asthma education in school settings.
Jonnie has three adult children, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Jonnie Perryman Hamilton, DNP, PNP BC, NE BC

Samantha is a servant leader with over twenty years of leadership and mentoring experience. A member of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® over thirteen years serving in leadership roles and contributing to education on the local, regional, and national levels. Her position as Second Vice President stems from serving as the immediate past Assistant Regional Director of the Southwest Region and multiple positions locally, regionally, and Innationally.2008,she was invited and inducted into the phenomenal Phi Chi Chapter of Augusta, GA, chartered Kappa Chi Chi Chapter of Honolulu, HI with 12 dynamic nurses in 2015; and provides “Service for Humanity” as a member of the awesome Alpha Chi Chapter of Nashville, TN.
Summit Presenter Bios Samantha Agee, MSN Ed, RN, APRN, CRNA
Serving as an active duty U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel she held numerous civilian and military staff and leadership positions in various environments to include development of others via mentorship and leadership.

Chayla remains highly active at her alma mater and back home in the Metro Detroit area. Her extracurricular activities include membership in the National Council of Negro Women, the National Black Nurses Association, and mentoring underclass nursing majors through the Howard University Health Connects program. Chayla is a firm believer in the idea of sharing with others what was invested in you. Since induction into the Alpha Delta Beta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® in Spring 2019 and committed herself fully to “Service for Humanity”. Locally, she served as the Vice President and recently completed her second term as the President of her undergraduate chapter. Regionally, she works diligently as a member of the NER Beta Coordination Committee. Her merit and dedication to the Sorority, afforded her numerous scholarships, including the national Aliene Carrington Ewell Scholarship, the regional Henrietta Chisholm Scholarship, and several other chapter sponsored awards.
Chayla’s commitment to extraordinarily compassionate patient care and outstanding clinical skills afforded her the regional Daisy in Training and Sandra Fisher Beta Image Awards. During the 2021 Sorority conference, Chayla received the National Beta Image Award for excellence in academics, creativity, leadership, and volunteer service."
Summit Presenter Bios Chayla Avery, BSN, GN
Chayla Avery embodies the mission, vision, and values of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® As an alumna of Howard University, she received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in May 2022. With a Health Education minor and concentrations in Maternal/Child and Community Health, she has a passion for working in Women and Infant Services with a focus on underserved populations. This fall she will start her career as a Neonatal ICU nurse in the District of Columbia. Chayla plans to continue her education in hopes of becoming a dual certified Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery and Women’s Health.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Name: Chayla Avery Chapter: Alpha Delta Beta Year of Intake: 2019 Candidate for Office of: N/A Present Sorority Offices: National: Third Supreme Anti Basileus Local: Basileus Regional: N/A Past Sorority Offices: National: N/A Local: Anti Basileus (2019 2020), Basileus (2020 2021) Regional: N/A Professional Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree, Howard University, 2022 Diploma, Chippewa Valley High School, Cum Laude, 2017 Medical Academy Program, Chippewa Valley High School, 2013 2017 Professional Experience: Student Nurse Extern, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, 2E/2EI Neurosciences, 2021 current Child Care Provider, Washington, DC, 2019 current Patient Care Assistant, McLaren Macomb Hospital, 2016 2017 Organizational Activities : Northeast Region, Incorporated, Daisy in Training Award Recipient, 2020 Alpha Chapter, Incorporated, Aliene Carrington Ewell Scholarship Award Recipient, 2021, 2022 Northeast Region, Incorporated, Sandra Fisher Beta Image Award Recipient, 2021 Northeast Region, Incorporated, Henrietta Chisholm Scholarship Award Recipient, 2021 National Beta Incentive Award Recipient, 2021 National Aliene Carrington Ewell Scholarship Award Recipient, 2021 National Sandra Fisher Beta Image Award Recipient, 2021 Other Organizational Activities : National Council of Negro Women, Member, 2020 current Health Connects, Mentor, 2018 current National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Member, 2018 current Just Us, Mentor, 2018 2020 Howard University College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences Dean's List, Member, 2017 current

LaTasha C. Bolden, RN, CPSN
Summit Presenter Bios
LaTasha earned her AD in nursing from Tennessee State University. She has 18 years of nursing experience in Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing. Her nursing career includes working as a surgical oncology nurse and a staff nurse at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the Orthopedic Trauma Unit.
LaTasha is a member of the International Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Nurses (ISPAN), Tennessee Nurses Association (TNA) and currently serves as Secretary for Alpha Chi Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority.

Summit Presenter Bios Stacey Johnson, DNP, RN, CCM, SAFE Stacey Johnson started in Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® in the Spring 1996 at Hampton University, Hampton, VA as a Beta (Tau Beta 96). She has 25 years of nursing experience with a multifaceted skill set and experience in clinical areas ranging from Acute Care, Community Care and Executive Administration. She is the Senior Clinical Strategic Nurse Consultant at CareSparc Consulting Inc.; Chair of the Board at The Institute for Health and Social Equity, Inc. a 501(c)(3) designated organization whose mission is to reduce health disparities by improving the health and social equity of vulnerable populations and underrepresented groups. Stacey held several roles in Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Locally, as Recording Secretary, Vice President, and charter President of the first Westchester County, NY Chapter in the Northeast Region. Regionally, she served as the Assistant Regional Director and Treasurer. Nationally, she co chaired positions on committees and is the National Secretary. She is an active member of the Westchester County Alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., National Black Nurses Association, and CMSA.

Ms. Underdown Palmer received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at Villa Julie College and is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Administration at Trinity University in Washington, DC.
Summit Presenter Bios Erica Palmer, MS, BSN, RN Erica Underdown Palmer was initiated into the Prince George’s County, Maryland chapter in March 2007. She served as Dean of Membership and the President of Lambda Phi Chapter, Incorporated®. She currently serves as the Northeast Region Financial Secretary, as well as the National Treasurer. She serves on numerous committees on the local, regional, and national levels.
Professionally, she is the Senior Manager Associate of Health at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center.

Terri Taylor Hopkins, MSN, RN, APRN, FNP C
Her Professional Organization Affiliations includes American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, American Nurses Association, Chi Eta Phi Sorority Incorporated®, and National Black Nurses Association/Los Angeles Council of Black Nurses.
Terri Taylor-Hopkins is an active member of Delta Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority Incorporated®, Los Angeles, CA since March 1999. She is an active participant and served in leadership roles on the local, regional, and national levels of this great Sorority. She is the immediate past President of Delta Chapter and the current Treasurer. Terri served as the chapter Historian, Financial Secretary, and on many committees. Terri is an educator, mentor, California Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, and Community Activist. She served as Coordinator/Liaison for many community-based programs. She provides independent and collaborative holistic and comprehensive personalized care in health promotion and maintenance for families. She ensures emphasis is given to primary care across the lifespan.
Summit Presenter Bios
Her education includes Licensed Vocational Nurse from the LA Unified School District; Associate Degree in Nursing from East LA College, Monterey Park, CA; Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing Education, and Family Nurse Practitioner from University of Phoenix, Southern CA Campus. Her professional experience includes Clinical Nurse, Oncology Nurse, Hemodialysis Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, Nursing Director, Public/Community Health, Home Health, Adjunct Professor of Nursing and Allied Health and Primary Care Family Nurse Practitioner. Her commitment to community service and her involvement in the nursing profession expands more than 40 years.
Terri is the proud parent and grandparent to her daughter, Karla (Daudi) and grandchildren, Toni Kamara and Kingston. And she is honored to be called “Sister” by eight siblings.

Judith M. Jackson MS, MSN Ed, NPD BC, RNC OB
During her 35 plus years in nursing, Judi wore many hats as nurse mentor, coach, trainer, educator, and motivator. She is a teacher at heart and exemplifies the qualities of a servant leader and role model of excellence. “When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness” Proverbs 31:26(NLT).
Summit Presenter Bios
Judi is a Clinical Prevention Specialist Nurse and the Staff Development Coordinator for the University of Pittsburg Medical Center. She earned her Master of Science degree in Administration with a focus in Health Services Administration and a Master of Science degree in Nursing with an emphasis in Nursing Education. She additionally has achieved the distinction as a certified nursing professional development practitioner and obstetrical nurse.
Soror Judi is approaching her 10th year as a member of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Incorporated®. During her tenure she held several officer positions (currently immediate past President of her previous chapter) at both the local and regional levels. Furthermore, she served in the role as both chair and member of numerous committees at all levels of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Incorporated®.

Summit Presenter Bios Linda Tellison, BSN, RN
Linda Tellison is a member of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® by way of Zeta Chi Chapter, Inc., Houston, TX since March 1974. She is a very committed member to the organization on all levels and serves faithfully. To expound upon her roles of our esteemed organization / professional nursing sorority, Soror Tellison, is the National Operations Committee Chair and a member of the National Jurisprudence Committee. She is the Immediate Past Middlesouth Region Bylaws Committee Chair and served on the Vice President Committee. She is the Immediate Past Chapter Vice President.
In January 2013, retirement from the Harris Health System (Harris County Hospital District) in Houston, TX culminated after forty five (45) years of service, closing another adventurous chapter in her life. Ms. Tellison attest, she will continue to serve Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® to the best of her ability!!!
Over the years, Ms. Tellison served as / on the National Organizer, National Beta Sponsor, National Dean of Membership, Bylaws Committee Chair, Protocol Committee, Operations Manual Committee, Theme Committee, Scholarship Committee Chair, and is Founder of the Beta Image Award approved by the National Board of Directors and Boulè. Her regional roles included Regional Director, Grammateus, Scholarship Committee Chair, Bylaws Committee Chair, and Handbook Committee. She served the chapter as President, Vice President, Dean of Membership, Beta Sponsor, and Secretary. One of many great accomplishments during her tenue as the National Organizer (2013 2017), was the chartering of twenty three (23) new chapters which included an undergraduate chapter. Two milestone endeavors were the undergraduate chapter chartered at Seton Hall University, in Orange, NJ and the graduate chapter chartered in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Summit Presenter Bios
Felicia was inducted into Lambda Chi Chapter, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Detroit, MI March 2002, she served as the chapter Vice President. She is the immediate past Dean of Membership, past Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. She Chairs the Programs and Projects, Education, Bylaws, and Newsletter Committee Member. She served as the Middlewest Regional Liaison for Accelerated Membership Intake Pilot Project, Timekeeper Committee chair, and member of the Tellers, Door Keeper, Protocol, and Awards Committees. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Felicia is on the Board of Directors of Pearls of Promise Foundation, Incorporated, where she Chairs the Minor Hall Program and Advisor for Ivylettes Program. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society and Board Member for Camp Michi Mac (camp for Asthmatic children). Felicia coordinates the Gleaner Mobile Pantry for Early Intervention Diagnostic Center. She coordinated H.O.W Project Healthy Living Health Fair and Asthma Camp for Henry Ford Health System Pediatric Clinic. In 2006, she received Healthy Mother’s Healthy Baby MI Coalition Regional Award and was 2004 Runner up Nightingale Award Winner for Oakland University Alumni. Felicia lives by the following words “To live life to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised.”
Felicia Foster Gibson has 27 years of nursing experience. Prior to becoming a nurse, she obtained certifications as Nursing Assistant and Emergency Medical Technician. In 1991 she earned her ADN and AS in 1993 from Wayne County Community College and Bachelor of Nursing from Oakland University in 2000. She maintains a Nurse Aide Trainer Permit. She is a Faith Community Nurse with Henry Ford Health System and a Home Care Nurse Case Manager. Felicia has a passion for serving the community as a Girl Scout Troop Leader, Foster Mom, Cheer Coordinator and Cheer Head Coach.
Felicia Foster Gibson, BSN, RN

Other Organizational Activities: Board of Director for Camp Michi, Board of Director for Pearls of Promise Foundation, Inc. Chairman for Minor Hall Mentoring Group Pearls of Promise Foundation, Inc. and Ivylettes Mentor. The following committees for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc Membership Committee, Risk Management Team, Women’s Health Committee, Bylaws, College Admission Process Committee, Co Chairman for the Medical Response Team, American Heart Association Ambassador for the Check, Change, Control Program, Assistant Ministry Leader for Second Ebenezer Emergency Medical Response Team and
Organizational Activities: Program and Projects Chairman, Education Chairman, Chairman of Local Chapter Newsletter (Pacemaker), Bylaws Chairman, Resource for Dean of Membership, Founder’s Day, Ways and Means, Retreat, Round Up, Grant Writing, Reclamation and Retention, Retreat Committee, Served as the Middlewest Region Representative for the Accelerated Membership Pilot Program
Professional Education: Bachelor of Science (Nursing), Associate of Science, Associate Degree Nursing, State of Michigan Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Nurse Aid Trainer Permit Professional Experience: IP RN Care Coordinator, Wayne Mobile Health Unit Nurse, Nurse Aid Trainer Instructor, Faith Base Community Nurse, School Nurse Consultant, Home Care Nurse Case Manager/Supervisor, Fetal Infant Mortality Review Abstractor/Home Interviewer, Adjunct Professor, Nurse Educator, Managed Care Coordinator, Lead Cord Blood Specialist, Inservice Director, Pediatrics Nurse Leader/Asthma Case Manager, Scheduling Coordinator, Clinical Nurse II/Preceptor for Labor and Delivery, Childbirth Educator
: National
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH
Name: Felicia Foster Gibson Chapter: Lambda Chi Year of Intake: 2002 Candidate for Office of: National Dean of Membership Sorority Offices : Local: Anti Basileus Regional: Past Sorority Offices: National: Local: Dean of Membership, Tamias

Dr. Keith is an advance practice clinician who currently practices as a lead provider within the Novant Health Corporate Health Group. In addition to clinical practice, Dr. Keith is an adjunct professor at Simmons College and ECPI University, teaching courses at the associate, bachelor, and master level. Dr. Keith served as a preceptor to students pursuing their Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree and master’s
Summit Presenter Bios
Dr.degree.Keith earned her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from North Carolina A & T State University, Master of Science degree from Hampton University, and her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Chatham University. She served in the medical field for over 13 years and has a diverse background and experience. Her professional background includes nursing leadership, intermediate care, and critical care as a registered nurse. Primary care, retail health, colorectal surgery, and ortho-spine as a family nurse practitioner. Her passion in healthcare is promoting health and wellness and disease prevention. She is an active member in her community. Dr. Keith is an active member of the Iota Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. in Charlotte, NC. where she served as the chapter Anti-Basileus. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, National League of Nursing, North Carolina Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, Novant Health African American Business Resources Group, Metrolina Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, and American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Nadirah Keith, DNP, RN, APRN, FNP-C

Page 1 of 4 CHI ETA PHI SORORITY, INCORPORATED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Name: _Nadirah Keith DNP, APRN, FNP C Year of Intake: __2004____ Chapter/Region: Iota Chapter_/ Southeast Region Candidate for Office of: N/A Present Sorority Offices National: National Dean of Sponsors Regional: N/A Local: Anti Basileus, Iota Chapter, Charlotte, NC 2019 2022 Past Sorority Offices National: N/A Regional: Assistant Regional Director, Northeast Region 2015 2017 Second Assistant Regional Director , Southeast 2005 2007 Local: Anti Basileus, Iota Chapter Charlotte, NC 2019 present Basileus, Tau Chapter Hampton, VA 2015 2016 Anti Basileus, Tau Chapter Hampton, VA 2014 2015 Grammateus, Tau Chapter Hampton, VA 2014 2012 Beta Sponsor, Tau Chapter Hampton, VA 2010 2012 Basileus, Sigma Chi Beta Chapter Greensboro, NC 2005 2006 Tamiochus, Sigma Chi Beta Cha pter Greensboro, NC 2004 2005 Professional Education Post Doctorate Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certification December 2021 East Carolina University Doctor of Nursing Practice December 2015 Chatham University Pittsburgh, PA Master of Science December 2011 Hampton University Hampton, VA

Mrs. Rabb is a member of Xi Phi Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® since March 2005. A registered nurse for over 32 years, she has vast experiences in numerous therapeutic areas, not limited to peri-operative nursing, cardiac and medical/surgical intensive care, or rare diseases and over 20 years’ experience in clinical trial Mrs.research.Rabb has a propensity for leadership and mentoring, and served in numerous positions to include supervisor, NIH project manager, and Senior Clinical Trial Manager. Leadership positions in Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated® includes Middlesouth Regional Director (Immediate Past), Middlesouth Regional Secretary, Chapter Basileus, Student Nurse (Beta) Sponsor, Chaplain, National Chair of Public Relations/Marketing Committee, and National Protocol Committee Chair (current).
Mrs. Rabb is tremendously blessed, due to her strong faith and love of people. She does not believe in the “one man show” philosophy. She believes to be a good leader; you must be a good follower and people will follow if you provide a sense of direction and purpose. As a Deaconess, her purpose in life is to be the best Christian, wife, mother, nurse, leader, and friend. A native of Detroit, MI, she resides in DeSoto (Dallas), TX, is married 35 years, has 3 adult children, and a 15-year-old grandson. Mrs. Rabb is indoctrinated with the notion that “Service for Humanity” is her true calling.
Mrs. Rabb graduated from El Centro Community College with an Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences Degree in Nursing. She completed a RN to MSN bridge program to obtain her Master of Science degree in Nursing with a specialization in Leadership and Management from Walden University. She holds an active certification in research monitoring Certified Clinical Research Associate (CCRA).
Summit Presenter Bios Karen Rabb, MSN, RN

Summit Presenter Bios
After teaching graduate and undergraduate nursing for many years, she retired from Florida A&M University in 2008. Currently, she is the Director of the International Nursing Education Consortium, a non profit organization working to ensure nursing students and nurses are given the opportunity to have a culturally diverse experience in a foreign setting. She teaches graduate nursing education courses part time at Walden University and Excelsior College. She spends a lots of time mentoring nurses (mostly former students and referrals) in multiple states across the country.
Completed and published research projects include Self-regulation and types of anger; violence against women; obesity and poverty; obesity and the development of complications; obesity and sleep apnea, prostate cancer, and computer assisted instruction. Her numerous publications include the most resent, Developing an International Nursing Initiative: The Chi Haiti Project. Along with the Southeast Region Leadership Institute Committee, Developing a Leadership Institute: A description of the process and the sharing of the learning experience
Mildred Fennal, PhD, RN
Dr. Fennal is a well known nurse leader whose background includes a PhD in Nursing Science from the University of South Carolina, a Master of Science in Critical Care Nursing from the Medical University of South Carolina, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the State University of New York.
Practice expertise includes critical care nursing, nursing education, leadership/management, and international nursing. Dr. Fennal often states: “The most profound experiences of my career to date have been working with the orphans of Haiti, taking student nurses to study abroad in the Dominican Republic, and being a National President of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Her favorite things to do include teaching nursing students and ballroom dancing where she won a second place finish in her division in 2020.

19-20 A U G Atlanta Marriott Marquis 265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta, Georgia HOST Director IT Management Event Planner Darneta G. Brown Second Supreme Anti Basileus Samantha Agee Supreme Basileus Sarah Killian www.chietaphi.org 202-232-3858 Tamias Erica Palmer Tamiochus, Terri Taylor-Hopkins Sponsorship/Vendor Chair Montein Miller Technology Chair Akia Blandon Executive Director Nadia Cayce Ofce Manager Deborah Searles

19-20 A U G Atlanta Marriott Marquis 265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta, Georgia SPONSOR G3 WEALTH PARTNERS www chietaphi org 202-232-3858 Denim Lab Coat VENDORS Handbags U Like Chanté The Label Brodie’s Unlimited University

Friday - 8/19/22 1. Embracing The Power: https://chietaphi.org/embracingthepower/ 2. Quantum Leadership: https://chietaphi.org/quantumleadership/ 3. Sponsorship: https://chietaphi.org/sponsorshipessentials/ 4. Multi Generational Professional Publicity: https://chietaphi.org/multigenerational/

Saturday - 8/20/22 5. Art of Succession Planning: https://chietaphi.org/artofsuccession/ 6. Right Thing: Protocol Still Matters: https://chietaphi.org/protocolstillmatters/ 7. Leadership Institute: https://chietaphi.org/leadershipinstitute/

Overall Conference Evaluation • Please scan the QR code to complete the online evaluation. • Use phone camera or QR reader 2022 Leadership Summit

h J u l y 1 0 t h - 1 5 t h , 2 0 2 3 harlotte, North Carolina Dr. Sarah Killian, National President

Dr. Sarah M. Killian National President