Shalom Santa Barbara 2020–2021

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Jewish Family Service of Greater Santa Barbara:

RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 CRISIS In the months since the outbreak of COVID-19, Jewish Family Service (JFS) of Greater Santa Barbara has been able to continue to provide our full-range of professional services to the community, offering much needed mental health support during this time of challenge and crisis. In the weeks leading up to the stay-at-home orders and in anticipation of our building closure, our entire JFS clinical staff, including licensed therapists, associates and trainees, transitioned completely to HIPAA and Medicare-approved telehealth platforms. Thus, our clinicians were immediately ready to provide short-term support; crisis intervention, as well as long-term therapeutic intervention and counseling for teens, adult, couples, and families with a special emphasis on the needs of older adults in our community. While other agencies in our community

much-needed personal touch, which is now, although transitioned to virtual platforms, even more critical during this time when many are feeling so very alone. In general, staying in contact with as many members of our community as we can right now is a priority – our Holocaust Survivor group is an important example. Our Mitzvah Meal Program (hot meal delivery) and challah deliveries have been very important ways for us to connect and let others know that we are here for them. Our new Schmooze in a Box Program is a weekly curbside lunch pick-up opportunity which started in early June to allow a safe alternative, while our building remains closed. In partnership with the Food Bank of Santa Barbara, bags of food staples will also be available for pick up at this time.

saw a drop in those utilizing clinical services, our numbers have actually risen, as telehealth has provided an opportunity for some clients to

Jewish Family Service generally plays an active role interfacing with our community, but during a time of crisis, this role is elevated even more. JFS is one of thirteen

comply with treatment,

local agencies actively engaged on the Community

without the burden of

Wellness Team (CWT), part of the Department of Behavioral

physically having to

Wellness of Santa Barbara County. Having formed after

get to our building. In

the Thomas Fire/Debris Flow disasters, this team knows

addition, as we are one of the few agencies in our

how to respond effectively to community crises. Our JFS Director receives frequent briefings as a member of

community which accepts

this team, constantly shares resources, and is involved

Medicare, as well as Medicare/

with impacting local policy and working on solutions.

MediCal insurance, this allows many older adults to utilize our services, a lifeline for many, especially at this time. In addition to therapy services, we are always committed to serving those who are particularly vulnerable – especially now during this unprecedented crisis. Our Caring Visitors Program, which combines a social service and spiritual focus, is managed by our Chaplaincy Department. Pairing para-professional visitors with those isolated and alone and in need of weekly visits, this program provides that

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Coordinating with other local agencies, JFS has been able to broaden our Mitzvah Meal Program to help Hospice patients and families, First Responders, and at-risk youth who are working as volunteers in their own community.

“ Community is society with a human face — the place where we know we’re not alone.” – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks


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Articles inside

Be Informed. The Israel Committee of Santa Barbara

pages 51-52

Come for the Pizza, Stay for the Jewish

page 53

PJ Library: Free Jewish Children’s Books to Families Across the World

page 45

Naomi Bollag: The Healing Power of Art

page 46

YAD: Connect with Your Tribe

pages 40-42

SYVJC: Cultivates Belonging and Celebration

pages 35-36

Daughters of Abraham Bring Together Jews, Christians, and Muslims

pages 38-39

Temple Beth El — Santa Maria: A Spiritual Home to Many

page 37

Community Shul: An Innovative and Caring Community

pages 33-34

Chabad: Completing the Circle of Jewish Life

pages 30-32

Mesa Shul: We Put the Modern in Modern Orthodox

page 27

Hillel: Inspiring the Jewish Future

pages 28-29

How We’ve Engaged the Community Beyond our Walls

pages 20-22

JCRC: Jewish Community Relations Committee

page 23

CBB: Jewish Living — An Evolving Practice

pages 24-25

A Brief History of Mesa Shul Santa Barbara

page 26

Portraits of Survival: Life Journeys During the Holocaust & Beyond

page 19

Jewish Family Service of Greater Santa Barbara: Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

page 18

ADL Responds to COVID Fed Bias and Bigotry

page 15

The Center for Jewish Education: A Renewed Gathering Place

page 11

Hadassah: Connecting and Empowering Women to Effect Change

page 13

Mussar Practice Transcends Adversity

pages 16-17

Jewish Family Service: Elevating the SB Community

page 12

ADL: We are Indeed Better Together

page 14

Mixed Media Artist Margaret Singer

pages 9-10
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