Haimeshe… Mesa Shul Santa Barbara, the Central
while others have drawn nearer to
Coast’s Modern Orthodox synagogue
Judaism and Jewish learning recently.
community, invites you to meet us.
We are also open to people of diverse
We are a small but very enthusiastic
sexual orientations. Ashkenazi
and haimeshe congregation.
or Sephardi, all are welcome!
Weekly Shabbat services include
We are especially pleased to
the traditional Hebrew liturgy with
meet guests at our (free) monthly
full Torah reading, followed by a
family-style Kabbalat Shabbat
scrumptious oneg. Shabbat morning
dinners, preceded by a “Carlebach-
services begin at 10:00 am; holiday
style” Friday night service.
services are usually at the same
For dates and times of services
time, but contact us for details. We also hold services if someone is observing yahrtzeit on a weekday. For a relatively small group of people, we are also remarkably diverse: some of our members are Santa
and other information, please refer to the Shalom Santa Barbara Community Directory. Mesa Shul Santa Barbara: We Put the Modern in Modern Orthodox.
Barbara natives, while others have roots literally around the globe. It’s not uncommon to hear French and Spanish, along with Hebrew and English, on a typical Shabbat. Some of our members have an extensive Jewish background and education,
Shlomo Carlebach, known as Reb Shlomo to his followers, was a Jewish rabbi, religious teacher, spiritual leader, composer, and singer dubbed “the singing rabbi” during his lifetime.
2020–2021 | SHALOM SANTA BARBARA | 27