Shalom Santa Barbara 2020–2021

Page 38

DAUGHTERS OF ABRAHAM BRING TOGETHER JEWS, CHRISTIANS, AND MUSLIMS On Monday, February 10, 2020 a group of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women from Santa Barbara, known as the Daughters of Abraham, gathered to learn about the Holocaust first-hand from local survivor Regine Pringle. Founded three years ago by Santa Barbara resident Sissy Taran, the local chapter of Daughters of Abraham comprises 15 members: 5 Jewish, 5 Christian, and 5 Muslim women. The group meets monthly and alternates between book discussions and social gatherings. Daughters of Abraham, a national organization, was created in response to the events

member of the Santa Barbara Jewish

the holiday was by chance, but the

of September 11, 2001 by and for

community, Sissy strongly felt that she

group took the occasion to study

women of the three Abrahamic faiths,

“didn’t want to die without having

some text, hear a story about the

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The

a Muslim friend.” These 15 women

holiday, and eat traditional holiday

women learn about one another’s

have become very close and share

foods of dried fruit and nuts.

religions, and by so doing they come

the motto, “we are like a lemon; if

to know one another as members

you peel us back, we are identical.”

Then, Regine Pringle, a survivor

of a unique community of friends.

The group’s most recent meeting

shared her story as well as photos

Sissy was inspired to begin the local

took place at the Jewish Federation’s

of her family whom she’d lost in the

group after attending a conference

Bronfman Family Jewish Community

Holocaust, and places where she lived

in Boston where she participated in

Center in downtown Santa Barbara

during World War II, including the

multiple workshops about interfaith

on the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat,

path of her escape from France over

relationships and first learned about

the birthday of the trees. The

the Pyrenees mountains into Spain,

Daughters of Abraham. As an active

meeting’s date coinciding with

then Portugal, and finally to the U.S.

38­  |  SHALOM SANTA BARBARA­  |­  2020–2021 ­

of a French Concentration Camp,


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Articles inside

Be Informed. The Israel Committee of Santa Barbara

pages 51-52

Come for the Pizza, Stay for the Jewish

page 53

PJ Library: Free Jewish Children’s Books to Families Across the World

page 45

Naomi Bollag: The Healing Power of Art

page 46

YAD: Connect with Your Tribe

pages 40-42

SYVJC: Cultivates Belonging and Celebration

pages 35-36

Daughters of Abraham Bring Together Jews, Christians, and Muslims

pages 38-39

Temple Beth El — Santa Maria: A Spiritual Home to Many

page 37

Community Shul: An Innovative and Caring Community

pages 33-34

Chabad: Completing the Circle of Jewish Life

pages 30-32

Mesa Shul: We Put the Modern in Modern Orthodox

page 27

Hillel: Inspiring the Jewish Future

pages 28-29

How We’ve Engaged the Community Beyond our Walls

pages 20-22

JCRC: Jewish Community Relations Committee

page 23

CBB: Jewish Living — An Evolving Practice

pages 24-25

A Brief History of Mesa Shul Santa Barbara

page 26

Portraits of Survival: Life Journeys During the Holocaust & Beyond

page 19

Jewish Family Service of Greater Santa Barbara: Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

page 18

ADL Responds to COVID Fed Bias and Bigotry

page 15

The Center for Jewish Education: A Renewed Gathering Place

page 11

Hadassah: Connecting and Empowering Women to Effect Change

page 13

Mussar Practice Transcends Adversity

pages 16-17

Jewish Family Service: Elevating the SB Community

page 12

ADL: We are Indeed Better Together

page 14

Mixed Media Artist Margaret Singer

pages 9-10
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