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Submit Entries for Wildlife Habitat Certification
he alland responsible volunteer use of natural Charlotte resources Wildlife Stewwhen conards (CWS), the sidering a Charlotte Chapmove to this ter of the North area. Growth Carolina Wildshould not solely life Federation be measured by (NCWF), invites GNP, population submission of enand Fortune 500 tries of properties companies located Ernie McLaney to be certified as here. Quality of wildlife habitats by the National Wildlife life (for all living things) is becoming more Federation. Opportunities are open to any crucial as we consider the long-term efproperty and can be located anywhere and fects of development on human health. A include residential properties, business more natural landscape is not only better campuses, schools, places of worship, for the environment, it’s better for our parks and more. pets, our family and the future of our city. Multiple global studies indicate human Applicants do not need to own the property to pursue having it certified health benefits associated with a connecalthough working with the property tion to nature.” owner is suggested. Certification means less chemicals, more native plants, less turf and a more “Charlotte can be both economically strong and provide high-quality landscapes sustainable, natural ecosystem, creating for local wildlife to thrive,” says Ernie more trees, flowers, pollinators, songbirds McLaney, a Charlotte native and co-founder and other opportunities to connect with of CWS. “It’s a very positive thing for all of us.” nature. Certification enhances habitat far beyond property lines. By transforming Since 1973, the National Wildlife our landscapes, providing food, water, Federation certification process has been cover and places to enhance healthy ongoing. Charlotte now averages addgardening practices, we can offset what ing about two new wildlife habitats each has been lost to development. Landscapes week. Charlotte is one of the Top Ten Cities for Wildlife as reported by the don’t need to be perfect; most properties National Wildlife Federation. already qualify for certification and are ready to be added to the official wildlife By 2013, when the area chapter began, habitat count. Charlotte had certified about 829 properties. Today, it’s more than 1,470. Cost to engage in certification process: $20. “This is a little known, yet priceless NCWF location: 1346 Saint Julien St., jewel about Charlotte,” says McLaney, Charlotte. For more information includa certified Wildlife Habitat Steward, a ing criteria of certification by the National Master Naturalist and a volunteer with Wildlife Federation, call 704-332-5696, NCWF since 2007. “We should all be proud of this unique and positive quality.” email or visit Also He adds, “People and businesses look visit or in part, for evidence of sustainable growth
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