(So You Can Achieve Optimal Health, Naturally)
If the first two bones in your neck are misaligned, communication between the brain and body is interrupted and can cause numerous health problems.
Dr. Ray Drury has spent the last 30 years helping over 10,000 patients from all over the world with a wide range of conditions right here in Charlotte, NC. Dr. Drury is one of less than a thousand doctors around the world that use a unique form of chiropractic called Upper Cervical Care.
Upper Cervical Chiropractors focus all of their attention on the upper neck and how it impacts the brainstem and central nervous system. This precise and gentle procedure allows Dr. Drury to help patients that have often tried everything else nally get the help that they need.
Call (704) 588-5560 today to schedule an appointment to see if you suffer f rom an upper cervical misalignment that may be affecting your health. We have helped people with more conditions than can be listed.
After an Upper Cervical doctor changed my life while in chiropractic school, I have dedicated my life to helping those that thought they could not be helped. In my 30 years of practice, I have been honored to help thousands of people get their lives back from all over the world. It is my lasting purpose to help as many people as possible live a life full of health and happiness.”
-Dr. Ray Drury
P.O. Box 456, Cornelius, NC 28031
Ph: 704-499-3327 • Fax: 866-632-9118 AwakeningCharlotte.com
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Recently I’ve been feeling uneasy about 2025. I know myself and understand this is my default reaction to the unknown. And with any new year, there are unknowns—I’m just feeling a heightened sense of foreboding this go-round. Even though I also know there are beautiful things in store, the “not knowing what will be” leaves me anxious.
This is not how I want to enter the new year, and I intend to turn things around. Plus, feelings like these come and go over time. This too shall pass.
I just came across some inspirational quotations, and here are a few. I plan to read through them when I have moments of doubt, because again, I truly want to go into the new year bravely—with joy and hope for a better tomorrow for all of us.
“Life’s not about expecting, hoping and wishing; it’s about doing, being and becoming.” ~Mike Dooley
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ~Nelson Mandela
“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” ~Tom Peters
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase; just take the first step.” ~Martin Luther King
“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~Carl Bard
Wishing you happy holidays and an inspiring 2025,
Mama Bessie’s Place, in Charlotte, will host a Winter Solstice Healing event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on December 21. In grounding themselves and calming their nerves after this stressful year, attendees can schedule an intuitive consultation or crystal bed healing session at the outset with separate fees for each with all experiences beginning at 10:30 a.m. on a first-come, first-served basis.
Guests will have the opportunity to do lastminute holiday shopping with a 10 percent discount on many items. Many crystals have already been marked down, and there will be a free gift with purchases.
A variety of intuitive reading styles will be available—card, spiritual, scrying and more. Crystal bed healing can intensely stimulate the body’s potential for self-recovery, using seven, exquisitely pure, Vogel-cut quartz crystals to generate color and light therapy to cleanse, clear and raise the vibration of our chakras (also known as energy centers). This allows for deeper, more subtle energies to be aligned and brought into balance, igniting and accelerating one’s healing process and levels of overall well-being. As a positive and beneficial stimulation of the immune system, it’s recommended for physical, spiritual or psychological problems or as an anti-aging agent. The vibration helps one manifest ever higher levels of awareness, harmony and peace. Experiences can range from a sense of deep relaxation to being energized and, in some cases, profoundly moved.
Location: 3010 Monroe Rd., Ste. 104, Charlotte. For more information, call 704-632-9911 or visit MamaBessiesPlace.com. See ad, this page.
Eleven Eleven Wellness Bakery is offering Natural Awakenings readers an 11 percent discount on first orders. The bakery recently switched to organic almond flour, and readers can enjoy healthier baked good options, at an additional discount, for their holiday meals and desserts this year.
Select from a variety of gluten-, soy-, grain- and dairy-free bread, muffins, cookies, cakes, cupcakes and special holiday treats. They also provide local delivery or pick-ups at their Matthews location.
“We are Eleven Eleven Wellness Bakery, where gluten-free doesn’t mean compromising on taste, texture or flavor,” says owner Sussa Goins. “Our 100 percent gluten-free bakery is dedicated to helping people with gluten allergies or sensitivities get fresh, delicious baked goods made with nutrient-dense organic and/or non-GMO ingredients. Made by a passionate chef who believes that everyone deserves to indulge in gluten-free goodness without sacrificing quality or worrying about their health.”
Order online at 11ElevenBakery.com and use code NA1111 for the discount. See ad, page 5.
Smith Environmental Solutions (SES), an indoor air quality testing company that focuses on mold inspections and testing with an overall goal of improving the quality of our indoor air, is offering readers 10 percent off their services through this month and for a limited time in 2025. The quality of our indoor air has become even more important since the pandemic as people have been spending more time in their homes and may realize that something with their health is not the same.
Daniel Smith, a Certified Mold Inspector with 19-plus years in the indoor air quality field, has inspected and tested more than 5,000 various properties, striving to bring solutions to indoor pollution and creating healthy homes.
Inspired by his father, Smith started Smith Environmental Solutions (SES) in 2005 in Williamsburg, Virginia with two things in mind—changing the way people value their air quality and offering solutions that can assist with improving indoor air and the overall health of his community.
“That is exactly what SES stands for: Family,” says Smith. “We take pride in serving the families in our community by providing them with cleaner and healthier environments.”
For more information or to make an appointment (mention Natural Awakenings for discount) call 704-964-7681, email Daniel@SmithEnvironmentalSolutions.com or visit SmithEnvironmentalSolutions.com. See ad, page 5.
Starting in January 2025, Claudia Josephine Design, based in Waxhaw, NC, will begin welcoming new clients for comprehensive interior design services, including full-service interior design, new builds and transformative remodels. Serving South Charlotte and surrounding areas, their expertise is crafting luxurious, eco-friendly and sustainable designs that elevate everyday living.
The company sees the new year as an ideal opportunity for new clients to collaborate with an awardnominated, sustainability focused design team that transforms spaces into timeless, personalized havens.
Claudia Josephine Design is an Accredited Green AP, certified Maria Killam True Color Expert and member of the Sustainable Furnishings Council, with two nominations for the Sustain Charlotte Awards. Their work has been featured in Luxe Lifestyle Magazine, SouthPark Magazine, Home Design & Décor Charlotte and Delmar Magazine.
For more information, visit ClaudiaJosephineDesign.com to use a contact form to begin the process of working with the company. See CRG, page 33.
New clients can experience an initial 30-minute, intuitive, virtual or phone reading with Anna Sophia, spiritual counselor, healer, meditation coach and owner of Charlottebased Pure Sophia, for $75 through the end of February 2025, a 50 percent savings off her regular rate. She specializes in finding our life purpose and guiding us on how to achieve living life to its fullest with guidance on ideal dates for marriage, promotions, opening a business and other major life decisions.
Participants can enhance their health and happiness with the Archangels’ support and receive personalized meditations tailored to their needs.
“Since I was a small child, I have always been connected to the spirit world,” she says. “At the age of 4, I could remember waking up between 3:30 and 5:30 in the morning, with the Universe and feeling at one with its energy. I now know this time of day is called the ambrosia hours, where we can connect to the Spirit World much more easily. I have always had vivid dreams and messages sent to me from the other side in order to help my family and friends. I also have had major life events happen where the Archangels communicated with me to warn me before the event took place,” adds Sophia, who is certified in Kundalini, Shakti Naam yoga and meditations, Harmonyum, Pranic and Reiki Energy Healing and Universal Astrology and been practicing and teaching for 30plus years.
For more information or to make an appointment (mention Natural Awakenings to receive special discount), call 850-602-0526, email AnnaSophia10@comcast.net or visit PureSophia.com. See CRG, page 33.
As the holidays approach, homeowners naturally reflect on their property's worth and potential upgrades. With spring real estate markets on the horizon, veteran Charlotte realtor Scott Pridemore offers professional guidance.
"Start the conversation early, whether you're planning renovations, looking to upsize, downsize, or leave Charlotte entirely," says Pridemore, a 25-year industry veteran. He's been creating “clients for life” by building lasting relationships with his buyer clients, seller clients, developers and builders with 80% of his business coming from client recommendations and repeat business. “Many homeowners hesitate to reach out for professional advice if they’re unsure about moving, but I’m here to say: Don’t let that hold you back.”
To simplify the process, he has launched a website where homeowners can quickly assess their property's current market value.
Pridemore, who specializes in sustainable and eco-friendly properties, adds: "This is the perfect time to review your homeowner's insurance. Ensure you're fully covered— both property and possessions. I've created this resource to help, and I'm here to answer any questions."
For a home evaluation, scan the QR code or visit tinyurl.com/HomeValueCLT. For more information, call 704-562-0792 or visit ScottPridemore.com. See ad, page 16.
The Scalar Health Enhancement Center, in Kannapolis, North Carolina, is hosting a family session from 4 to 6 p.m. each Saturday in their Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) energy session room. Children of all ages can attend with a responsible adult that may come and go as necessary and don’t need to stay through the entirety if their children need to leave for any reason.
“We have had many requests for the opportunity to bring young children into the center to benefit from the incredible health-enhancing energy,” says Sonny and Leslie Carl, co-managers of the center. “We have finally been able to work out the logistics and are happy to make the service available to families in the area.”
The EESystem, a bio-scalar photonic fusion technology developed by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D., DNM, DCSJ, that employs custom-built and precisely installed units and screens to generate multiple bio-active energy fields, creating a highly beneficial energetic environment, has garnered attention from Jason Shurka, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Scott McKay, Mike Adams and Nino Rodriguez.
The system generates various bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves,” that are believed to facilitate cell regeneration, enhance circulation and immune function, reduce inflammation and pain, detoxify the body, elevate mood, assist in achieving optimal brain balance for improved meditation and sleep states, increase cell membrane potential, boost mitochondrial and stem cell activity, and enhance energy levels for optimal bodily function.
Cost: Adults and children 13 and over: $50; children 12 and under, $10. Location: 938 Cloverleaf Plaza. For more information or to register, call 704-490-5483 or visit ScalarHealthEnhancement.com/product/family-session. See ad, page 7.
Unity of Charlotte will hold a Burning Bowl Service at 11 a.m. on December 29. Revs. Lisa Herklotz and Jim Ernstsen invite everyone to participate in this beloved Unity tradition of letting go of the past and inviting the new. This annual community event is a powerful way to transition into the new year.
Participants will be able to release the old, those experiences of the past which have ceased to serve them, and welcome in the new—their aspirations, goals, hopes and dreams for the new year, through the burning bowl ceremony. The simultaneous sense of release and renewal will accompany participants into 2025.
Unity is a positive, practical and progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths present in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose and follow their own spiritual path.
Free admission. Location: 3200 Park Rd., in the red-doored chapel of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. For more information, call 704-565-9626 or visit UnityOfCharlotte.org. See CRG, page 34.
Individuals recovering from critical illnesses that spend time in an intensive care unit (ICU) frequently experience depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Existing interventions in and out of the hospital have not been effective in relieving the psychological distress symptoms of these patients. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine tested various ways of delivering a mobile app-based mindfulness intervention to ICU survivors.
The study included 247 ICU patients that had been in the hospital for an average of more than 15 days and in the ICU for an average of almost seven days. The patients were randomly assigned to one of eight intervention groups that evaluated different combinations of treatment elements, including an introductory session via mobile app or therapist call, a once- or twice-daily guided mindfulness meditation regimen, and management of increasing symptoms via mobile app or therapist call. While all eight groups showed significant improvements in their psychological distress symptoms after three months, the optimal intervention included an app-based introduction, twice-daily guided meditations and an app-based response when a participant had increasing symptoms of depression.
In a nonrandomized controlled trial, researchers studied the viability of psychiatric service dogs for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Eighty-one veterans with PTSD were given a trained psychiatric service dog, and 75 veterans in the control group did not receive one. Both groups had access to other PTSD care. Over a three-month measurement period, the group with the service dogs had significantly lower PTSD symptom severity, significantly lower depression and anxiety, and better psychosocial functioning, as compared to the control group. The dropout rate in this study was substantially lower than other trauma- and nontrauma-focused treatments, leading the researchers to conclude that the dogs may be an effective complementary therapy for military service-related PTSD.
Shingles (herpes zoster) is a viral disease that causes a red rash on the face or one side of the body, accompanied by fluid-filled blisters, pain, burning and tingling. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1 million Americans suffer from this condition every year. In a systematic review of studies, researchers evaluated 59 randomized controlled trials involving almost 4,000 shingles patients that had been treated with acupuncture. They concluded that acupuncture therapies were effective and safe for the treatment of this viral disease, reducing pain and skin lesions with few adverse effects.
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Those 60 or older may notice a deterioration in short-term memory such as often losing things, forgetting important events or appointments, difficulty remembering words or staying focused. Cognitive function peeks around the age of 30, and from there begins a slow, steady decline that can eventually lead to dementia or Alzheimer’s.
According to Dr. Shai Efrati, a physician and an associate professor at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University and director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at the Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center, in Israel, “The occlusion of small blood vessels (atherosclerosis), like the occlusions which may develop in the pipes of an aging home, is a dominant element in the human aging process. We found that HBOT induced a significant increase in brain blood flow, which correlated with cognitive improvement. We can conjecture that similar beneficial effects of HBOT can be induced in other organs of the aging body.”
HBOT addresses this by stimulating the growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to reestablish blood flow to the tissue not getting enough oxygen in the same way it
stimulates new blood vessel growth to repair non-healing diabetic wounds.
The primary generators of cellular energy are the mitochondria located in every cell. Their numbers and functioning efficiency decrease with age. HBOT has shown in several studies that it can improve and restore the decreased mitochondrial function.
As we go through life, tissue and organs become damaged. Stem cells are produced by the body to repair that damaged tissue. The regenerative process is much more efficient in young people because of higher numbers and more efficient stem cells. As we age, the number of stem cells decreases, along with their function, because of mitochondrial dysfunction. Aging also results in a failure to regenerate the damage due to a decrease in the number of stem cells.
HBOT induces stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow to the blood stream at up to an eight-fold increase, including the differentiation of stem cells to the different tissues such as heart, muscle, kidney and brain to aid in their repair.
As we age, the caps on the ends of the chromosomes (telomeres) shorten. This has
been considered the holy grail of the biology of aging. Senescent cells are old, malfunctioning cells that harm the body.
In 2020, Efrati’s group released a peer-reviewed study that showed for the first time that telomere length could be increased by more than 20 percent and senescent (deteriorating) cells decreased up to 37 percent. Their protocol consisted of 60 HBOT treatments five days per week for 12 weeks. Patients reported improvement in short-term memory, attention, information processing speed and executive functions.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment administered in a chamber in which the patient breathes 100 percent oxygen under pressure. This produces up to a 15-fold increase in blood oxygen concentration, causing oxygen to diffuse into every cell in the body, stimulating healing in all tissue, including the brain. It is an extremely safe, non-invasive, painless therapy.
Dr. Roger Hunter is the owner of Nirvana Hyperbaric Institute, located at 146 Medical Park Rd., Ste. 110, in Mooresville. For more information or a free consultation, call 704471-4100 or visit NirvanaHBO.com.
Women’s bodies evolve with each phase of life presenting unique challenges. For many, perimenopause marks a significant shift— not only in reproductive health, but also in mental and emotional well-being. Hormonal changes can leave women feeling foggy, distracted and emotionally on edge.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often thought of as a childhood condition, yet many women are diagnosed later in life—sometimes not until their 40s or 50s. For those already living with ADHD, perimenopause can amplify symptoms, creating an intersection of hormonal upheaval and ADHD symptoms for which many women are unprepared.
Perimenopause, the period leading up to menopause, can begin in a woman’s 30s or 40s and last several years as estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate. During this time, they often experience increased forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, sleep disturbances and mental fog—symptoms that overlap with ADHD traits such as trouble focusing, impulsivity, memory lapses and emotional sensitivity.
For women already diagnosed with ADHD, hormonal fluctuations in perimenopause can magnify symptoms. Combining these effects with perimenopausal symptoms can make daily life feel overwhelming. Many describe feeling a loss of control over their mental sharpness and emotions, impacting
the ability to manage daily responsibilities. There are ways to manage both ADHD and perimenopause. Here are a few strategies.
Prioritize Sleep: Good sleep hygiene— avoiding screens before bed and following a regular sleep schedule—can help ease ADHD and perimenopausal symptoms.
Balance Hormones: Hormonal therapies, supplements and lifestyle changes can relieve perimenopausal symptoms. Working with a healthcare provider to balance hormones may reduce ADHD-related struggles.
Optimize Nutrition: A diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats and complex carbs supports brain health. Key nutrients such as omega-3s and magnesium help manage ADHD symptoms.
Exercise Regularly: Physical activity boosts brain blood flow, enhancing focus, mood and energy levels.
Practice Mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness reduce stress and help with emotional regulation.
Board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine
Tiffany Brown-Bush is licensed through the North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, and owner of Doc Brown-Bush Integrative Therapy, located at 21000 Torrence Chapel Rd., Ste 208, in Cornelius. She provides ADHD Intensives and a brain health assessment. To schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation, make an appointment or for more information, call 704-491-2216. To download the free Perimenopause and ADHD Survival Guide, visit DrBrownBush.com.
With over 25 years of real estate experience, I’ve helped hundreds of families find their perfect place in this vibrant
Let’s find your tribe and your ideal living space, including those seeking eco-friendly living spaces.
In a study published in the journal Science, Eyal Frank, an environmental economist and assistant professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, sought to quantify the human health impacts of biodiversity loss. He analyzed the effects of a significant decline in insect-eating bat populations across North America that started in 2006 due to a deadly disease known as white-nose syndrome.
By analyzing annual data after 2006 in numerous U.S. counties, Frank noted that chemical insecticide use by farmers had increased by about 30 percent, on average. During that same time period in the same counties, infant mortality rates due to internal causes (i.e., neither accidents nor homicides) rose by nearly 8 percent.
The study highlights the direct benefits biodiversity provides to agriculture and human well-being, “where interactions between natural enemies—insect-eating bats and crop pests—allow farmers to use lower amounts of toxic substitutes,” says Frank, who further noted that by improving our understanding of how changes in biodiversity affect human well-being, we can better design and implement conservation policies.
An elastic band developed by Northwestern University, in Illinois, can show how strenuously muscles are working by measuring the acidity of perspiration on the skin. The band can be placed around the user’s working muscle, such as the ankle of a cyclist or the wrist of a tennis player.
A series of tiny reservoirs collect sweat at different intervals, while a sensor measures the acidity, and a smart phone or electronic monitor reports the results. A low pH may indicate the need to stop exercising to avoid sore muscles, whereas a high pH suggests the user has not worked out enough.
Mecklenburg County Solid Waste experts receive hundreds of residential waste disposal and recycling questions weekly. To educate and empower Natural Awakenings readers, their experts provide updates and answer some of the most frequently asked questions in a bi-monthly column.
The average U.S. household produces 30 percent more waste during the holiday season. This year, please consider the following tips to have a more sustainable festive season:
1. Buy gifts that do not require wrapping or wrap gifts with the comic section of the newspaper or other reusable paper.
2. When shopping, take reusable bags to reduce packaging.
3. Make decorations out of recycled or natural materials.
4. Use cloth napkins and washable flatware and skip the paper towels. The landfill will be glad you did.
After the holidays Mecklenburg County residents can bring up to two live trees to any of our four Full-Service Recycling Centers at no cost (there is a fee for artificial trees).
This holiday season, consider using less stuff and always recycle right.
If you have program questions about recycling, waste diversion or anything else related to waste, please visit WipeOutWaste.com. To submit a waste disposal and recycling question, email SolidWaste@MeckNC.gov. Jeff Smithberger, Director of Solid Waste, answers the top seven residential recycling questions at https://tinyurl.com/MeckRecyleRightFAQs..
by Marlaina Donato
Winter urges us to schedule more downtime, but the festive season can sweep us into a whirlwind of time-sensitive preparations, social gatherings and the nurturing of our loved ones. Between the office party and taking the family feast out of the oven, self-care can easily be forgotten, and we may wind up feeling overwhelmed.
Many of us are stressed out. According to a 2023 survey by the American Association of Retired Persons, 50 percent of caregivers are burdened emotionally from maintaining the role, and four in 10 caregivers rarely, if ever, feel relaxed. A national survey conducted by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that 62 percent of parents feel the weight of burnout.
Earlier this year, the American Psychological Association revealed in a survey that 57 percent of workers are enduring workrelated stress in the form of burnout, anger and emotional exhaustion.
This giving season, remembering family members near and far, as well as service providers, teachers, emergency personnel, nurses and tradespeople, can provide relief (and even a sprinkle of magic) to those that make a meaningful difference in our lives. While sharing holiday joy with others, it is important to also gift ourselves with soothing activities and helpful items to temper holiday stress.
“Self-care needs to happen daily—whether meditation, journaling, taking yourself out for a cup of coffee with a book, cooking yourself nourishing food or even dancing to your favorite song in the kitchen,” says Caitlin Ball, a health and lifestyle coach in Zurich, Switzerland. “Sometimes, planning to have no plans is a special treat, especially for those of us that have packed calendars. Even if you’re spending the holidays with family, you don’t have to spend every waking minute together, and everyone will be happier if you are happy.”
Whether we go online to create a curated box of comfort for ourselves or surprise someone with a gift certificate from their favorite yoga studio or nail salon, acknowledging body, mind and spirit can be the ultimate gesture of generosity. “Gifting self-care to someone else is like saying, ‘I see you fully.’ It acknowledges that a person is more than just their day-to-day roles or responsibilities—they have emotional, physical and mental needs,” says Chrissa J. Santoro, senior director of communications at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, in Rhinebeck, New York.
Investing in someone’s peace or transformation outlasts and outshines less thoughtful presents. “Gifting a retreat experience, workshop or wellness service to a loved one is like giving them permission to prioritize themselves—a gift many people hesitate to give themselves, especially after hardship,
long work weeks or grief,” Santoro asserts. “These experiences create a space for someone to step away from the stress, noise and demands of daily life, giving them a chance to reset. This kind of thoughtful gift offers not only physical rest, but also emotional renewal, reminding them of their own worth and helping them rebuild strength from the inside out.”
A self-care gift can be as simple as a basket of locally made artisan bread or as life-changing as a personalized therapeutic intervention. “Maybe that holiday gift is a gift certificate to see a coach, a counselor or a therapist,” suggests Paula Forte, an integrative health and wellness coach in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, who specializes in helping caregivers that too often care for others more than themselves.
Forte spent 45 years working as a registered nurse before becoming her husband’s caregiver when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She knows firsthand the downward spiral of self-neglect. Her suggestions for mindful gift-giving include a week of meal delivery service, especially if eating healthy has been a challenge; simple pleasures, such as a canister of fragrant tea or a bouquet of flowers; or a ticket to a botanical garden, inviting the recipient to spend healthful time out in nature. Slipping a gift certificate into a holiday card for prepaid healthy lunches, a pickleball membership or the services of a home organizer might usher in a positive new chapter.
Since ancient times, people have sought luxurious and therapeutic respite in baths and the use of precious oils and scents. From hot stone massage to aromatherapy spa treatments, today’s bodywork modalities offer something for everyone. Pampering might be seen as a vanity-driven practice, but heading to the nearest spa or salon is a surefire way to boost endorphins that not only improve mood but lower stress hormones such as cortisol, promoting the body’s natural state of homeostasis. A 2020 study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that 10 minutes of massage, as well as simple rest, significantly reduces systemic stress by prompting the nervous system to switch into parasympathetic mode.
Giving someone a pampering experience can be a wonderful way to bring them fully back to all their senses. “A great option is a
gift certificate to your favorite spa for a facial or a skincare basket to create that self-care routine at home,” says Diana DePaoli, holistic esthetician, herbalist and owner of Aura+Bloom, in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. “Men need self-care, too. According to my husband, Danny, it is sleep and a good shave, followed up with some extra love for his beard with my chamomile serum.”
DePaoli’s energy facials include tuning-fork sound healing, as well as reiki, an energy-healing modality, combining physical and spiritual restoration in one session. Even à la carte spa treatments like Himalayan-salt massage or foot reflexology does a body and soul good.
Making someone’s world light up this holiday season doesn’t need to involve expensive presents. Creating a special music playlist, serving breakfast in bed or inviting a neighbor out for coffee are simple, but lovely gestures that make a person feel special. “I think coupons for experiences you can do together are very meaningful, and you get to spend quality time together. Maybe a coupon for a day hike and picnic, or a movie night with lots of fun snacks,” recommends Ball, adding, “The older people in our lives just want to hear from us or spend time with us. Give them a coupon saying you will call them once a week.”
Forte’s low-cost suggestions include “a book of coupons to run errands they simply don’t have time to complete, like taking their kids to a museum or park, returning the purchase that was the wrong size or detailing their car.” For DePaoli, inexpensive but thoughtful gifts can also fill someone’s belly with love. “You can’t go wrong with making someone a homemade meal or dessert,” she suggests.
Self-care is vital during the holidays and beyond. DePaoli says, “Being able to rest and reboot is very important to being able to have the energy and mindset to move forward in anything.” And according to Forte, “Self-care isn’t selfish. It is self-preservation.”
Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and recording artist. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
by Maya Whitman
Whether it’s chunky chocolate chip, classic sugar, jammy rugelach, spicy gingerbread, Russian teacakes or cinnamon-dusted snickerdoodles, the holidays would not be complete without a festive array of cookies. Seasonal favorites usually pack on the sugar, but with a little know-how, whipping up healthier versions can be both easy and fun.
“The most important thing to remember is that the techniques are the same; only the ingredients have changed,” says Christina Pirello, Emmy Award-winning host of the national public television cooking show Christina Cooks! and author of 13 plantbased cookbooks. “Even healthy versions of cookies can feel indulgent while being better for you. Use the best quality ingredients you can, and you’ll never go wrong.”
Most conventional cookie recipes require up to two cups of sugar, not-so-good news for any health-conscious sweet tooth, but alternatives are plentiful. “With the caveat that most sweetener substitutions require some adjustments to make sure the final texture still works, there are some fabulous options that up the nutrients, add more flavor and depth and pack much less of a glycemic punch,” says Katie Wells, founder of Wellness Mama, an online resource for women and moms that want to live a healthier life.
The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much specific foods increase blood sugar levels on a scale of zero to 100, where sugar is 100. Numerous studies have found that following a low GI diet may reduce blood sugar levels
and improve blood sugar management in people with Type 2 diabetes.
Monk fruit and unprocessed forms of stevia, a plant-based sweetener, are blood-sugar friendly and nutritious when used alone, but are controversial when combined with erythritol, a sugar alcohol that, based on recent studies, is suspected of increasing the risk for blood clotting, stroke and cardiovascular events.
For Pirello, baking without pseudo sweeteners or processed sugar does a body good while imbuing festive favorites with even deeper flavor. “For me the best options for cookies are coconut sugar and beet sugar as both are granular and can be substituted 1-to-1 in recipes. Both are the color of brown sugar so your cookies may take on a darker color, but the flavor will be amazing. I also use brown rice syrup, but often mixed with coconut or beet sugar.” For the best flavor, Pirello praises 100 percent pure monk fruit, as well as her no-calorie favorite, BochaSweet, which is made from kabocha squash and “tastes and behaves like sugar.”
In addition to coconut sugar, Wells also favors maple syrup and honey, which require an increase in dry ingredients to balance the liquid but add amazing flavor and other beneficial properties, such as naturally occurring minerals and antioxidants.
Common dates, larger and plumper Medjool dates and other dried fruits can replace
conventional sugar with rich sweetness, especially for no-bake holiday cookies and bars. Wells likes the versatility of dried fruits when chopped or blended. She recommends soaking them before using in recipes to help improve their texture.
For cookie dough recipes that do not require much liquid, powdered date sugar can be used in place of sugar 1-for-1 while reducing dry ingredients by 25 percent. Mashed bananas can rock an oatmeal cookie recipe, taking it to another level in terms of flavor without any other added sweeteners.
• ¾ cup honey or maple syrup for 1 cup of sugar
• 1 cup of blended dates for any amount of sugar in a recipe
• 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce for 1 cup of sugar
• ¾ cup of mashed ripe bananas for 1 cup of sugar
• For vegan cookies that won’t crumble, mix 1 tablespoon of finely ground flax seeds with 3 tablespoons warm water to replace 1 egg.
Gluten-free (GF) baking has come a long way with plenty of GF flour options, but knowing which ones to use can make or break a holiday baking spree. “It has never been easier to make gluten-free cookies that taste almost identical to their gluten-based inspirations,” says Wells. “There are even organic, measure-formeasure flours that let you bake the original recipes as written.”
Pirello sees more of a learning curve. “It’s such a challenge to make a good glutenfree cookie, but with products like almond flour out there, you can do it,” she says. “Use a gluten-free flour mix—not a cake or cookie mix—and mix it with 75 percent almond flour to create a moist yummy cookie. They will always be fragile unless you use eggs, but it works for me without them.”
In the end, baking is all about having fun. “They’re cookies, not world peace, although I think more cookies could bring about world peace,” Pirello quips, suggesting what we all know: love is the secret ingredient in any holiday cookie recipe.
Maya Whitman is a frequent writer for Natural Awakenings.
⅔ cup sprouted whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour
½ tsp baking powder
2 Tbsp arrowroot
Pinch of sea salt
Generous pinch of cinnamon
18 oz dark, non-dairy chocolate, coarsely chopped
4½ oz extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp spring or filtered water
3 Tbsp of store-bought egg replacer with 6 Tbsp of water (or mixture of 3 Tbsp finely ground flax seeds with 9 Tbsp warm water) and let sit for one minute to thicken
1 cup coconut sugar
2 Tbsp brewed espresso
5 oz pecans, coarsely chopped
5 oz hazelnuts, coarsely chopped
Preheat oven to 350° F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Place 12 ounces of chocolate and oil in a heat-resistant bowl over simmering water. Cook, stirring occasionally until the chocolate has melted and is creamy and smooth. Set aside.
In a stand mixer, whip the egg replacer, sugar and espresso to combine well. Add the melted chocolate mixture and mix well. By hand, fold in the nuts, the remaining 6 ounces of chocolate and the other dry ingredients to form a soft cookie dough.
Use a spoon to drop 16 (or so) ½-ounce mounds onto the baking sheet, leaving at least two inches between cookies, as they will spread. Bake for 15 minutes or until the tops crackle. Allow to cool completely before transferring to a container.
Recipe courtesy of Christina Pirello.
5 Tbsp vegan butter substitute
¼ cup coconut sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
½ cup sprouted whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup fine almond flour
2 Tbsp arrowroot
½ tsp baking soda
Pinch of sea salt
Strawberry or other fruit-sweetened preserves
Preheat oven to 350° F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Place all the ingredients, except the preserves, in a stand mixer and mix until a stiff dough forms.
Form the dough into walnut-size balls and arrange on the baking sheet, allowing about an inch between each cookie for rising. With a wet thumb, make an indentation in each cookie. Using a small spoon, fill the indentation in each cookie with preserves. Bake for 13 to 14 minutes. Remove cookies from the oven and allow to cool completely before transferring to a container.
Recipe courtesy of Christina Pirello.
5 Tbsp vegan butter substitute
¼ cup Suzanne’s Specialties Maple Rice Nectar
6 Tbsp coconut sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of ground cinnamon
1 cup almond flour
½ cup whole wheat pastry flour or sprouted whole wheat flour
½ cup rolled oats
½ cup walnuts, coarsely chopped
⅔ cup non-dairy, dark chocolate chips
Preheat a conventional oven to 350° F or convection oven to 325° F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Whip together vegan butter, rice nectar, coconut sugar, vanilla, sea salt and cinnamon until smooth. Mix in almond flour, wheat flour and oats to form a soft, sticky dough. Fold in nuts and chocolate chips until well-incorporated through the dough.
Scoop tablespoons of dough and arrange on the baking sheets, leaving room for them to grow—approximately 18 cookies on a sheet, three across and six down. Do not press the cookies down.
Bake for 13 minutes. Remove the trays from the oven. Using a small spoon or spatula, slightly and gently flatten the cookies. Recipe courtesy of Christina Pirello.
Natural Awakenings appreciates the generosity of its distributors throughout the area.
Natural Awakenings appreciates the generosity of its distributors throughout the area. Pick up magazines monthly at:
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Natural Awakenings appreciates the generosity of its distributors throughout the area.
Natural Awakenings appreciates the generosity of its distributors throughout the area.
3½ cups almond flour
1 tsp baking powder
Please consider supporting these major distributors by shopping there and picking up the magazine each month from one of the racks. Thank you!
1 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated (or 1 tsp powdered ginger)
4 tsp ground cinnamon
Pinch of ground cloves
Pinch of ground nutmeg
½ tsp salt
¼ cup coconut flour
Please consider supporting these major distributors by shopping there and picking the magazine each month from one of the racks. Thank you!
2 large eggs
¼ cup butter or coconut oil, melted
12 pitted dates
¼ cup almond or coconut milk
⅓ cup organic blackstrap molasses or unsulphured molasses
¼ cup coconut sugar (optional)
Preheat oven to 350° F. Line baking sheets with a silicone mat or parchment paper.
In a medium-sized mixing bowl or stand mixer, mix the almond flour, baking powder, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, salt and coconut flour.
In a blender, blend the eggs, melted butter or coconut oil, dates, almond or coconut milk, and molasses.
Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients with a hand mixer or stand mixer. The dough should be thick enough to form balls, but not quite as thick as Play-Doh. Refrigerate dough for at least 15 minutes to let harden slightly. This will make it easier to form for baking.
Carefully roll the dough into 1-inch balls. A cookie scoop can help with portioning. If using sugar, roll the dough in a light coating of sugar for texture and to help prevent sticking.
Place dough on a baking sheet. Flatten the cookies with the bottom of a glass or measuring cup. Bake cookies for 15 minutes. Halfway through baking, remove from oven and make marks with a fork, if desired. This step is completely optional but creates the look of traditional molasses cookies.
Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before carefully removing from baking sheet onto a cooling rack or wire rack. Store any leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature.
Recipe courtesy of Katie Wells.
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by Megy Karydes
When Chicago resident Debbie Carlson wants to buy a book, she goes online. Instead of Amazon, she places her orders through Bookshop.org because her local bookstore benefits from the purchase while she enjoys the extra convenience. Carlson is not alone, as consumers increasingly look for ways to bolster their neighborhood economy.
“I want to have a thriving retail and local community, and I want to support businesses here,” she says. “If I can’t get to the physical store, I want to be able to go to their website and see what they have.” Although she lives within walking distance
of independent shops, food markets and hardware stores, as a full-time professional, she appreciates the convenience of online shopping. Once Carlson finds a store she likes, she’ll sign up to receive updates via email. When something catches her eye, she has no problem picking up the phone and speaking with the proprietor to clarify any questions. “I know they’ll get back to me right away and give me the information I want,” she explains.
“We have become friends with so many of our customers,” says Bonnie Schulz, owner of Bonnie’s Chic Boutique, in Grayslake,
Illinois, which features apparel, accessories and home goods, and celebrated 10 years in business this fall. While an active customer base shops in person, she understands that it isn’t easy for everyone to regularly come in to see what’s new. To stay connected with her clientele, she greets them on Facebook Live every Wednesday, walking around the shop and pointing out the latest arrivals.
“Every single time I do a What’s New Wednesday, we have people calling to set aside an outfit or coming in to buy something,” Schulz says, noting that her customers are not always local to the area. Some of her regulars keep tuning in even though they have moved away. It’s easy for them to place an order on the phone or have a neighbor or family member pick it up to ship to them.
Schulz has spent years nurturing her relationship with her customers, and they trust her opinion as they would a friend’s. She has become a trusted personal shopper,
and once she gets to know them, she can steer them in the right direction even if they’re not in the store.
Part of the reason online shopping has become so popular is it can be done with a click of a button, and there is hardly anything that cannot be found online. According to a Pew Research Center survey, whether ordering household items or the latest fashions, the internet has reshaped how, when and where we make purchases. Smartphones have made it so convenient that about one in three Americans shop online with their phone at least weekly.
Companies like Locally.com are making it easier for customers to find items close by, even if they want to shop online. Their omnichannel business strategy provides a seamless shopping experience across all channels, including in-store, mobile and online. If a shopper is looking for a local retailer to buy their next pair of running shoes, for example, they can input
their location and the product on Locally’s website or app, which will identify which nearby retailers have that item in stock. The shopper can then choose to order it online or go to the store to make their purchase.
While Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok dominate online sales, 87 percent of brands report that their email marketing campaigns are just as critical to their business success, according to Litmus, an email marketing platform. It takes time for independent retailers to keep websites updated, and sending emails is timeconsuming, but independent retailers understand that shoppers appreciate the convenience of shopping online while supporting the local community. “You have only so much money to spend,” Carlson says. “I want to make sure that I’m spending it in a way that I think my dollar will have an impact, not just financially, but socially, as well.”
Megy Karydes is a Chicago-based writer and author of 50 Ways to More Calm, Less Stress.
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PRACTITIONER SPACE – available at Haas Wellness Center in Arboretum area. Likeminded professionals: chiropractor, naturopath, psychotherapist, acupuncture, massage. Contact drkenhaas@gmail.com.