Light Magazine (Tamil, Sri Lanka)

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to take care of the changes that take place in a language. The names of the ON review scholars, editors, translators etc OBAL more than 25 percentof of the work copies of of God’s we believe they inclusive oneWord, thousand (1,000) verses by:forThe Bible Society India. Used by are available at : THE ARCHIVES, The Bible 5 Tyndale Houseaccount Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, DESIGN Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. in which they are quoted, and provided that a will feel more empowered to be Illinois the hands 60188. All rights reserved. Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin All rights reserved. DESIGN Society of India, 206 M.G. Road, Bangalore without express written permission ofof the permission. All rights reserved.” Notice copyright must the Scripture text is taken from complete book of appear the Bibleas is follows not quoted. Note: We acknowledge that no Bible feet of Christ in their Our All passion atandShareWord Global iscommunities. Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin 560001. publisher, provided the verses quoted do Scripture quotations are taken from the HolyNLT text are used When quotations from the PHOTOGRAPHY translation is perfect or final; but we on the title page or copyright page of BSI - Tamil O.V. (N.F.) sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with The Scriptures we offer are designed to When the Holy Bible,media, New Living Bible, New Living Translation, copyright in When non-salable suchTranslation, as BSI church quotations from the - Tamil - that God uses imperfect and not amount toBible, a contextually. complete book of the Dona Nathan people all over the world and giving them The text of the Holy New Living©1996, TranslaEDITOR engage the reader Whether is quoted, one of the following credit lines also know printed works quoting from the BSI Tamil EDITOR 2004,PHOTOGRAPHY 2007 by orders Tyndale House bulletins, of service, newsletters, HOLY BIBLE CREDITS Dennis Drost ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND ABOUT tion, may be quoted in Scripture any form Foundation. (written, a chance to read or hear God’s Word forquoted O.V. (N.F.) are in non-saleable media, CREDITS Bible nor do the verses account for HOLY BIBLE it’s aMarshall Gospel of must appear onCREDITS the copyright pagea complete or title Peter Peter Marshall CREDITS Used by permission Tyndale ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, transparencies, orofused similar media, ABOUT CREDITS inadequate things FOOTNOTES(*) to AND His honour and Copyright ©We’ve The Bible Society ofJohn, India -for 2015 up magazine, (N.F.) or in aDrost corresponding location Dona Nathan Janette TAMIL TRANSLATION visual, electronic, or audio) to- O.V. and themselves. been doing this US NEW LIVING TRANSLATION page of the work: New Testament, full Bible, an Audio Bible SHAREWORD GLOBAL House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 50 percent or more of the total text of the such as church bulletins, orders of service, copyright notice is not required, but the TAMIL TRANSLATION HOLY BIBLE US NEW LIVING TRANSLATION FOOTNOTES(*) CREDITS Dennis Drost inclusive of five verses without when the BSI - Tamil - O.V. (N.F.) is atquoted praise. Hence, the BSI publishing team All Rights Reserved ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND SHAREWORD GLOBAL over 100 years, starting in hundred Canada and ABOUT CREDITS CONTRIBUTOR or a digital copy for(500) a mobile device— 60188. All HOLY rights reserved. BIBLE BSI VERSION © 2015 HOLY BIBLE CREDITS CREDITS initials (NLT) must appear the end of each ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND CONTRIBUTOR Mandy Samaraweera ABOUT CREDITS ABOUT CREDITS work inTRANSLATION which they are posters, transparencies, similar a updates the translated text Scripture quotations marked (NLT)orare takenmedia, FOOTNOTES(*) written permission ofquoted. the publisher, spreading outexpress across the globe. BSI VERSION ©GLOBAL 2015 TAMIL Janette Drost Carl Santos US NEW LIVING TRANSLATION they’re all designed to resonate with media: in other constantly quotation. SHAREWORD TAMIL TRANSLATION TAMIL TRANSLATION Carl Santos from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, US NEW LIVING TRANSLATION FOOTNOTES(*) US NEW LIVING TRANSLATION FOOTNOTES(*) provided that in thetheir verses quoted do heart nototherwise Unless indicated, copyright allGLOBAL Scripture SHAREWORD SHAREWORD GLOBAL complete notice is not required, the reader world, in their BSI VERSION 2015 We work closely with local churches and- O.V.of quotations to take care of the changes that take Permission requests: The BSI -©© Tamil © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013or byother Tyndale account for more than 25 percent the work BSI arecopyright taken from the Holy Bible, Publication of commentary Bible must DESIGN VERSION ©any 2015 BSI VERSION 2015 language. but the initials BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) The BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) Bible text may complementary ministries to carry out our House Foundation. Used by of in which they are quoted, provided thatLiving a New Translation, copyright © 1996, “Scripture quotations areproduced from The Holy place (N.F.) Bible text mayDrost, be quoted (in and written, reference work forpermission commercial sale in a language. The names of the Janette Kelvin Warkentin DESIGN mission in strategic ways. equipping The text of the Holy Bible, New Living TranslaEDITOR Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Joinquoted us in By introducing people around be for audio (audio cassettes, appear at the end of the quotation. complete book of the Bible use quoted. EDITOR 2004, 2007 Tyndale Foundation. uses the New Living Translation requires review scholars, editors, translators etc visual or with electronic form) up tois not and Bible, BSIby - that Tamil -House O.V. (N.F.) published The text of the Holy Bible, New Living TranslaJanette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin EDITOR tion, may be quoted in any form (written, Christians evangelism training and EDITOR Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. the world to Jesus Christ and putting a Peter Marshall Peter Marshall Used by permission of TyndaleforHouse PHOTOGRAPHY written permission useinofany the NLT text. CDs, audio television) up to two tion, may be quoted form (written, When the Bible, New Translation, visual, electronic, or audio) up to and Note: WeARCHIVES, acknowledge that no Bible All the Scripture text is taken from Notice of copyright must as follows copies of of God’s Word, we believe they are available at : THE The Bible inclusive one thousand (1,000) verses by:hundred Bible Society of India. Used by Peter Marshall Peter Marshall The text of the Holy Bible, Newappear Living Translacopy ofHoly God’s Word inLiving their hands. Visit EDITOR Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Our passion at ShareWord Global isTheInc., Dona Nathan EDITOR The text of the Our Holy Bible, New Living The text of the Holy Bible, New Living Translavisual, electronic, or audio) up to and Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy EDITOR EDITOR is quoted, one of the following credit lines Publication of any commentary or other fifty (250) verses without express written inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without will feel more empowered to passion at TranslaGlobal is EDITOR New Living Translation, NLT, and the New EDITOR tion, may be quoted any form (written, PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTOR uswritten online at-be All permission. rights translation isRoad, perfect orShareWord final; but we BSI Tamil -Jesus O.V. (N.F.) on the title page copyright page ofof sharing the gospel ofhands Christ with reserved. Dennis Drost Society India, 206 M.G. Bangalore without express permission of the All rights reserved. ”inorany Peter Marshall Peter Marshall CONTRIBUTOR tion, may be quoted in any form (written, tion, may beof quoted in form (written, inclusive five hundred (500) verses without Bible, New Living Translation, copyright must appear on the copyright page or title express written permission of the publisher, and feet of Christ in their communities. Peter Marshall Peter Marshall Peter Marshall Peter Marshall CONTRIBUTOR Living Translation logo are registered visual, electronic, or audio) up to and theGod gospel of Jesus Christ Carl Santos work produced for to find out how can begiving to permission of you the publisher, provided Bible reference Dona Nathan people all over the world and them Janette Drost CONTRIBUTOR also sharing knoworthat imperfect and with printed works quoting from the BSI - Tamil visual, audio) upuses to and visual, electronic, or by audio) towithout and 560001. publisher, provided the verses quoted doequipped ©1996, 2004, 2007 Tyndale express written permission ofup theHouse publisher, Carl Santos page of the work: provided that theverses verses quoted do electronic, not When quotations from the NLT text are used Carl Santos trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. inclusive of five hundred (500) share the gospel in your community. people all over the world and giving CONTRIBUTOR chance toare read or heardo God’s Word for to a The ScripturesaDennis we designed to Drost commercial sale that uses the BSI -inclusive Tamil theaoffer verses quoted not amount of five hundred things (500) verses without inclusive of five hundred (500) without Carl Santos Foundation. Used by of 25 provided that thepermission verses quoted do not CONTRIBUTOR account for more than percent of the work in non-salable media, such as CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR ©We’ve The Bible Society of India -for 2015 quotations inadequate to to Hisread honour and God’s -Carl O.V. (N.F.) or in achurch corresponding location express written permission ofverses the publisher, from the BSI - Tamil -Tyndale not amountScripture toCopyright complete book ofdoing the DESIGN Mandy Samaraweera Santos them a chance or hear themselves. been thisWhen CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR quotations marked (NLT) are taken engage the reader contextually. Whether express written permission of the publisher, express written permission of the publisher, House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois Janette Drost account for more than 25 percent of the work in which they are quoted, and provided that a bulletins, orders of service, newsletters, O.V. (N.F.) Bible text must include written complete book of the Bible nor do the Carl Santos Carl Santos Carl Santos provided that the verses quoted do quoted not DESIGN Janette Drost, Warkentin DESIGN All Rights Reserved when BSI - Tamil -Kelvin O.V. (N.F.) praise. BSI do publishing team been over 100Scripture years, starting in Canada and (N.F.) 60188. O.V. are used in non-saleable media, Bible nor doof the verses quoted account for from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, forthe themselves. We’ve it’s a Gospel John, magazine, Carl Santos Carl Santos that Word theHence, verses quoted not provided that the verses quoted doisis not All the rights reserved. in which they are quoted, and thatprovided complete book of theprovided Bible not quoted. transparencies, or similar media, afor complete account for more than 25 percent of the work Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin DESIGN permission use of the -work Tamil -a O.V. constantly verses account forby50 percent oraccount DESIGN Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin spreading out across the globe. ©quoted 1996, 2004, 2007, Tyndale New Testament, full Bible, an Audio Bible doing this for over 100 years,text starting in account more than 25 percent of the work more than 25 percent ofBSI the updates the translated in other media: such asnotice church bulletins, orders of service, 50 percent orcopyright more of the total text of2013 the complete book of but the Bible is not quoted. copyright is notfor required, the DESIGNfor DESIGN in which they are quoted, and provided that a PHOTOGRAPHY Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin DESIGN Janette Drost, Kelvin Unless otherwise indicated, all New Scripture House Foundation. Used by permission When the Holy Bible, Living Translation, or a digital copy for aclosely mobile device— (N.F.) text. of the total text ofchurches the work inof which which Drost, they are quoted, and provided that a that in which they are quoted, andWarkentin that a in Canada and spreading out take across the initials (NLT) must appear at the end ofBible each Janette Kelvin Warkentin Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin Wemore work with local and complete book of the isprovided not quoted. DESIGN DESIGN Dona Nathan Permission requests: The BSI Tamil O.V. to take care of the changes PHOTOGRAPHY posters, transparencies, or similar media, a work in which they are quoted. quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, isHoly quoted, one the following credit lines When the Bible, New Living Translation, Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin they’re all designed to quoted. resonate with complete bookglobe. of the Bible is not quoted. complete book of the Bible is of not quoted. PHOTOGRAPHY complementary ministries to carry quotation. out our they60188. are Dennis Drost Dona Nathan Janette Drost, Kelvin WarkentinThe names of the Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin PHOTOGRAPHY New Living Translation, copyright © credit 1996, text may be quoted (incomplete written, place in a language. “Scripture quotations are Thelines Holy Illinois All reserved. must appear on thefrom copyright page or title copyright isofNathan not required, isPHOTOGRAPHY quoted, one the following the reader in(N.F.) theirBible world, in rights theirways. heart When the notice Holy Bible, New Living Translation, PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY Dona mission inofstrategic Byappear equipping Janette Drost Dennis Drost Dona Nathan Notice copyright must as follows tord is taken from Note: We acknowledge that no Bible When the HolyWe Bible,work New Living Translation, When the Holy Bible, New LivingFoundation. Translation, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House CREDITS page of the work: Publication of any commentary or other Bible must appear on the copyright page or title closely with local etc churches Global is HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND language. is quoted, one of the following credit lines CREDITS review scholars, editors, translators visual electronic form) to andinitials Bible, BSI - of Tamil -(N.F.) O.V.must (N.F.) published but the BSI Tamil O.V. The BSI - Tamil - O.V.or (N.F.) Bible may Dona Nathan Dona Nathan PHOTOGRAPHY Christians with evangelism training and Dona Nathan Janette Drost Scripture quotations are text taken fromup the Holy Dennis Drost Dennis Drost is quoted, one of the following credit lines is quoted, one the following credit lines Used by permission of sale Tyndale House reference work produced commercial page offor the work: onLIVING the title page or copyright page of .V. (N.F.) translation isSociety perfect or but we PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY Christ with must appear on the copyright pagefinal; or title and complementary ministries to carry Nsus Dennis Drost Dennis Drost TRANSLATION FOOTNOTES(*) Mandy Samaraweera copies ofuse God’s Word, we believe they Bible, New Living Translation, copyright are available at : THE ARCHIVES, The Bible inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses by: The Bible of India. Used by AL Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken Dona Nathan Janette Drost Joinquoted us inNEW introducing people around appear at the end of the quotation. be for audio (audio cassettes, Dennis Drost must appear on the copyright page or title must appear on the copyright page or title Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Janette Drost that uses the New Living Translation requires page of the work:that nd giving them Dona Nathan Dona Nathan Janette Drost out our mission in strategic ways. By Janette Drost printed works quoting from the BSI -the Tamil also know God uses imperfect and will feelChrist more empowered be the hands ©1996, 2004, 2007 by to House Mandy Samaraweera from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, the world totelevision) Jesus and putting aTyndale Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken page of the work: page of the work: All rights reserved. Dennis Drost written permission for use of the NLT text. without express written permission of Society of India, 206 M.G. Road, Bangalore permission. All rights reserved. ” Janette Drost CDs, audio up to two hundred God’s Word for LIGHT Drostequipping Christians with evangelism Dennis Drost Used by permission of Tyndale and feetinof Christ in communities. copyright © 1996, 2004, 2013Dennis byand Tyndale Mandy Samaraweera copy- 2015 of God’sFoundation. Word their hands. Visit from the Holy Bible, Newto Living Translation, - O.V. (N.F.) or intheir a corresponding location iety of India inadequate things His2007, honour Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken Janette Drost doing this for Mandy Samaraweera Mandy Samaraweera 560001. publisher, provided verses quoted doTranslation, Publication ofcopyright any commentary or other fifty (250) atverses without express written Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken When quotations fromFoundation. the NLT text are used House Publishers, Inc., the Carol Stream, Illinois and copies of God’s Word, we House Used by permission of training New Living and the New Janette Drost Janette Drost us online © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 Tyndale from theNLT, Holy Bible, New Living Translation, The Gospel ofby St. John The Scriptures we offer are designed to when the BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) is quoted served praise. Hence, the BSI publishing team n Canada and from the Holy believe Bible, Newthey Livingwill Translation, the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, infrom non-salable media, such as church 60188. All rights reserved. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Living logo are registered feel more empowered not amount to a contextually. complete book of Translation thereference When quotations from the BSI - Tamil to find out how can be equipped to House Foundation. Used by permission of -Stream, permission of you the publisher, provided Bible work produced for copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale engage the reader Whether Tamil 30P 0407/2018-19/20M lobe. copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale bulletins, orders of service, newsletters, in other media: constantly updates the translated text Illinois 60188. Allbyrights reserved. trademarks Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, House Foundation. Used permission of shareverses the gospel your community. to be the hands and feet of Christ in The text of the Holy Bible, Newquoted Living Bible nor do the verses account forof transparencies, O.V. (N.F.) are used in non-saleable media, EDITOR the quoted do not amount toallmagazine, aTranslacommercial sale that uses the BSI - Tamil it’s ainGospel of John, Scripture Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture EDITOR Note: We acknowledge that no Bible Notice of copyright must appear as follows All the Scripture text is taken from House Foundation. Used by permission of House Used by permission of or similar media, a complete ISBN 81-221-3607-9 Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, and- O.V.tion, Our atAudio ShareWord Global is Foundation. Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. el churches BSI - Tamil to take care of the changes that take their communities. may be are quoted inBible, any form (written, New Testament, fullpassion an Bible quotations taken from the Holy Bible, Peter Marshall Peter Marshall Scripture quotations arebut taken from the Holy Published by: 50 percent or more of the total text of the such as church bulletins, orders of service, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, copyright notice isrights not required, the O.V. (N.F.) Bible text must include written complete book of the Bible nor do the Holy Bible, Note: acknowledge thatornofinal; Bible Notice of copyright must appear as follows All the Scripture text is taken from Illinois 60188. All reserved. translation is perfect but we on the title page or copyright page of We BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) o carry out our sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 electronic, orat audio) up from to and Our passion ShareWord Global is New Translation, copyright © 1996, or “Scripture a Living digital copy for a mobile device— quotations are The Holy quoted (in written,visual, place in a language. The names of the Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. initials (NLT) must appear at the end of each Scripture quotations aremust taken from the Holy TheWe Scriptures we offer are Bible designed Note: acknowledge that no Notice of copyright appear as follows All the Scripture text isSociety taken from New Living Translation, work in which they are quoted. posters, transparencies, or similar media, a House By equipping people all over the world and them The Bible of India permission for use of the BSI -page Tamil - appear O.V. verses quoted account for 50 percent or inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without Our passion at ShareWord Global isgiving translation is appear perfect or final; but weWeand on the title or copyright page ofNote: BSI - Tamil -resonate O.V. (N.F.) sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with also know that God uses imperfect printed works quoting from the BSI Tamil 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. CONTRIBUTOR they’re all designed to with All the Scripture text is taken from Note: acknowledge th Notice of copyright must as follows We acknowledge that no Bible Notice of copyright must as follows All the Scripture text is taken from ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale quotation. Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Bible, BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) published orm) up to and review scholars, editors, translators etc Our passion at ShareWord Global is Our passion at ShareWord Global is CONTRIBUTOR to engage thetheor reader contextually. © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 m training andof the aover chance to read or hear God’s Word for express written permission of-Jesus the publisher, translation is that perfect final; but we on the title page ororcopyright page of quotations BSI -work Tamil O.V. (N.F.) sharing the gospel of Christ with Scripture are taken from Holy Scripture quotations areTranslation, taken from the Holy people allin the world giving them complete copyright notice iswith required, Used by of permission of Tyndale House (N.F.) text. more total text the Carl Santos Foundation. Used by permission of-on Tyndale the reader their world, inand their heart 206 ‘LOGOS’ Mahatma Gandhi Road also know Godor uses and and printed works quoting from the BSI Tamil Bible, New Living copyright inadequate things to His we honour - of O.V. (N.F.) in anot corresponding location Copyright ©which The Bible Society ofsharing India -©1996, 2015 2007 by Tyndale House BSI - 2004, Tamil -at O.V. (N.F.) translation is perfect or fin the title page copyright page of translation isor perfect final; but on the title page or copyright page of BSI -read Tamil -hear O.V. (N.F.) the gospel Jesus Christ sharing the gospel ofin Jesus Christ with Carl Santos Whether it’s a Gospel of imperfect John, Scripture e believe themselves. We’ve been doing this for that the verses quoted do not by: The Bible Society of India. Used by are available : THE ARCHIVES, The Bible and (1,000)they versesprovided people allInc., over the world and giving them Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Publication of any commentary or other Bible a chance to or God’s Word for Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois language. printed works quoting from the BSI Tamil also know that God uses imperfect and ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House The BSI - Tamil -The O.V. (N.F.) Bible text may but initials BSI - Tamil -- O.V. (N.F.) Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale are quoted. people all-the over the world and giving them people all over the world and giving them inadequate things to His honour O.V. (N.F.) or in corresponding location Copyright ©All Bible Society ofWord India -Canada 2015 praise. Hence, the BSI publishing team when the BSI Tamil - Bangalore O.V. (N.F.) isto quoted All Rights Reserved Bangalore –doing 560 001 o be thethey hands 100 years, starting infor and for more than 25 percent of the work printed works quoting from the BSI - Tamil alsoand know that God uses im printed works quoting from the BSI -must Tamil also know that God uses imperfect and magazine, New Testament, full Bible, This magazine is not be sold but is to be given chance toover read or hear God’s ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House reference work produced foracommercial sale Allapermission. rights reserved. by Tyndale House Foundation. DESIGN themselves. We’ve been this for 60188. All rights reserved. rights reserved. ” permission of theaccount Society of India, 206 M.G. Road, Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois inadequate things toTyndale His honour and - O.V. (N.F.) inpermission aTranslation corresponding location Copyright ©We’ve The Society ofWord India -for 2015 a chance to the read or or hear God’s Word for athemselves. chance tofor read orBible hear God’s Join us 100 inare introducing people around be quoted audio use (audio cassettes, appear at the end the quotation. in which they quoted, and provided that a-for ommunities. out across the Used by permission of been doing thisglobe. Foundation. Used by ofrequires Tyndale that uses New Living an Bible a location digital for atextthings to His Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin praise. Hence, the BSI publishing team when the BSI Tamil -this O.V. (N.F.) isFoundation. quoted All Rights Reserved updates the copy translated in other media: over years, starting in ofCanada and Copyright DESIGN inadequate - O.V. (N.F.) or Audio inSri aconstantly corresponding ©We’ve The Bible Society of India -for 2015 inadequate things toor His honour and -60188. O.V. (N.F.) orbeen in a-of corresponding location Copyright ©spreading The Bible Society India 2015 All rights reserved. House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois away freely within Lanka. All rights reserved. verses quoted docomplete 560001. themselves. doing themselves. We’ve been doing thisused for When quotations from the NLT text are the world toof Jesus Christ and putting a book the Bible isup not quoted. Unless otherwise indicated, allHouse Scripture praise. Hence, the BSIIllinois publishing teamtext when the BSI -use Tamil - Stream, O.V. (N.F.) is quoted All Rights Reserved Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, House Publishers, Inc., Carol Illinois over 100 years, starting in Canada and written permission for of the NLT text. CDs, audio television) to two hundred mobile device—they’re allchanges designed totake the BSI publ spreading out across the globe. 60188. All rights reserved. re designed to Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin We work closely with local churches and to take care of the thatHence, Permission requests: The BSI Tamil O.V. constantly updates the translated in other media: praise. when the BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) is quoted All Rights Reserved praise. Hence, the BSI publishing team when the BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) is quoted All Rights Reserved over 100 years, starting in Canada and over 100 years, starting in Canada and in non-salable media, such as BSI church copy of God’s Word in the their hands. Visit quotations are taken all fromScripture the 60188. Holy Bible, When quotations from the Tamil plete book of the All rights reserved.updates 60188. All rights reserved. spreading out across globe. PHOTOGRAPHY Unless otherwise indicated, resonate with the reader in their world, constantly the translated text in other media: tually. Whether complementary ministries to and carry out our J° fifty (250) verses without express written Publication ofthe any commentary orare other When the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 4Permission | work outotherwise across globe. spreading out across the globe. New Living Translation, NLT, andalltheScripture New bulletins, orders ofBible service, newsletters, We closely with local churches New Living Translation, copyright © other 1996, us online at athe language. Thethat names “Scripture quotations from The Holy (N.F.) text may be quoted (inUnless written, to takeplace care inof the changes take of the requests: The BSIways. - Tamil -spreading O.V. constantly updates the tra in media: constantly updates translated text in other media: indicated, Dona Nathan quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, O.V. (N.F.) are used in non-saleable media, uoted account forisPHOTOGRAPHY ture magazine, mission in strategic By equipping in their heart language. LIGHT quoted, onehow ofof the following credit We work closely with local churches and Unless otherwise Scripture Unless otherwise indicated, allproduced Scripture to takeindicated, care of all the changes that translators take Permission requests: The BSI - lines Tamil - O.V. Living Translation logofrom arethe registered transparencies, or similar media, acarry complete 2004, 2007 by Foundation. complementary ministries to out toWe find out you can be equipped to permission the publisher, provided Bible reference work forHoly quotations are taken Holy Bible, Dennis Drost review scholars, editors, etc of the change Bible, BSI -Publishers, Tamil (N.F.) published visual orlocal electronic form) up to and We work closely with local churches and-from work closely with churches and New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, place infrom aoflanguage. The names of take the care “Scripture quotations are The (N.F.) Bible text may bepage quoted (in written, to Permission requests: The BSI -Tyndale Tamil -House O.V. toaretake care changes that take Permission requests: The BSI -orbut Tamil -our O.V. antotal Audiotext Bible Christians with evangelism training and appear on the title complementary ministries to carry out our quotations taken thethe Holy Bible, quotations taken from the Holy Bible, such as church bulletins, orders of service, he of themust trademarks ofare Tyndale Inc. copyright notice iscopyright not be required, the Used byHouse permission of Tyndale Houseplace The Gospel of St. John share the gospel in your community. mission in strategic ways. By equipping New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, Dona Nathan Janette Drost in a language. The names of the “Scripture quotations are from The Holy (N.F.) Bible text may quoted (in written, Join us in introducing people around the verses quoted do not amount to a commercial sale that uses the BSI Tamil 2004, 2007 by-be Tyndale House Foundation. complementary ministries to copyright carry out our complementary ministries to carry out ourto page of the work: mobile device— copies of be God’s Word, we believe they available at : names THEHoly ARCHIVES, The by: The Bible of India. Used byin a are inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses mission in strategic ways. By equipping New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, Living © 1996, review scholars, editors, translators etc Bible, BSI Tamil -Carol O.V. (N.F.) published visual or electronic form) up and place in Bible “Scripture quotations from The (N.F.) Bible text may quoted (inSociety written, place language. The of the “Scripture quotations are from The Holy (N.F.) Bible text may (in written, initials (NLT) must appear at quoted the end of each Publishers, Inc., Stream, Illinois 60188. Christians with evangelism training and 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. posters, transparencies, or similar media, aNew quoted. Tamil -Translation, 30P 0407/2018-19/20M Dennis Drost the world toareJesus Christ and putting aa language. The na Used byBSI permission ofO.V. Tyndale House mission in strategic ways. By equipping mission in strategic ways.Bible By equipping review scholars, editors, translators etcBangalore Bible, -Tyndale Tamil -must (N.F.) published visual or electronic form) up do to and resonate with will feel more empowered to be the 2004, hands complete book of the nor the - Bible, O.V. (N.F.) Bible text include written 2004, by Tyndale House Foundation. 2007 by House Foundation. Christians with evangelism training and quotation. All rights reserved. Society of India, 206 M.G.hands. Road, permission. All rights reserved. ” 2007 without express written permission ofby: the copies of God’s Word, wetraining believe they Used by permission of Tyndale House Mandy Samaraweera review scholars, editors, tra Bible, BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) published visual or electronic form) up to and review scholars, editors, translators etc BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) published visual or electronic form) up to and are available at : THE ARCHIVES, The Bible The Bible Society of India. Used by inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Christians with evangelism training and Christians with evangelism and copy of God’s Word in their Visit complete copyright notice is not required, Janette Drost in their heart and feet of Christ in(1,000) their communities. ISBN 81-221-3607-9 permission of atTyndale House Used byThe permission of Tyndale House copies ofmore God’s Word, we believe they available : THE ARCHIVES, The Bible by: Bible Society of India. Used byby are inclusive of one thousand verses verses quoted account forTranslation, 50 or permission for use ofbelieve the BSI - verses Tamil - Used O.V. Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. will Holy feel empowered to bepercent the hands from the Bible, New Living All rights reserved. 560001. publisher, provided the verses quoted doone copies of permission. God’s Word, we they copies ofmore God’s Word, we believe they Published by: Publication of any commentary or other Bible are available at : THE ARCHIV by: The Bible Society of India. Used by Bangalore inclusive of thousand (1,000) are available ARCHIVES, The Bible by: The Bible Society of India. Used by used inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses Society ofatIndia, 206 M.G. Road, All rights reserved. ” text without express written permission of the When quotations from the NLT are us online at: THE Holy Bible, Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. will feel empowered to be the hands but the initials BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) must .F.) Bible text maycopyright ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 All rights reserved. and feet of Christ in their communities. The Scriptures we offer are designed to Society of India, 206 M.G. Road, Bangalore permission. All rights reserved. ” without express written permission of the © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale more of the total text of work inquoted which text. will feel more empowered to bereserved. the hands will feel more empowered to be hands reference work produced forthe commercial sale in written non-salable media, as permission. church All rights All(N.F.) rights reserved. toAll find outreserved. how you can be equipped to India, 206 M.G. Roa When quotations from the BSI -reserved. Tamil - ofrights amount to athe complete book of the New Living Translation, and feet of not Christ in the their communities. Society of ” Road, without express permission of theused Society India, 206 M.G. Bangalore permission. All rights ”such without express written permission 560001. publisher, provided the verses do The Bible Society of India When quotations from the NLT text are engage reader contextually. Whether appear the end of the quotation. epeople (audioaround cassettes,House Foundation. Used by permission of of the feet of quotations Christ in their communities. and feet ofatChrist in their communities. that uses the New Living Translation requires bulletins, orders of newsletters,560001. publisher, provided the verses quoted do The Scriptures we offer are designed toand they are quoted. When from the are NLT textservice, are used share the gospel inused your community. © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 in When non-salable media, such as church O.V. (N.F.) used inmedia, non-saleable media, Bible nor do the verses quoted account for transparencies, 560001. publisher, provided the verses quoted do 560001. publisher, provided the verses quoted do Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, putting a it’s Mahatma afor Gospel of John, Scripture magazine, quotations from the BSI Tamil not amount to a complete book of the The Scriptures we offer are designed to When quotations from the NLT text are When quotations from the NLT text are used written permission use of the NLT text. 206 ‘LOGOS’ Gandhi Road or similar a complete pand to two hundred in bulletins, non-salable media, such the asnewsletters, church engage therights reader contextually. Whether When quotations from BSI - Tamil - service,media, such as church not amount toTestament, aoffer complete book the The inScriptures we offer are designed to The Scriptures we are full designed toofAudio orders ofnotice service, Illinois 60188. All50 reserved. eir hands. Visit New Bible, an Bible in media, non-salable non-salable media, such as church engage the contextually. Whether church bulletins, orders percent or more ofaccount the text ofO.V. the copyright is notBSI required, but When quotations from the BSI - Tamil not amount to asuch complete book of the When quotations from the - Tamil - ofthe not to aany complete book oftotal the (N.F.) are used inmedia, non-saleable Bible nor do the verses quoted for bulletins, orders ofas service, newsletters, it’samount a of Gospel of John, Scripture magazine, Publication of commentary or other ut express written New Bangalore –reader 560 001 engage the reader contextually. Whether engage the reader contextually. Whether sd taken from Notice copyright must appear asTyndale follows Note: We acknowledge that no Bible transparencies, or similar ato complete Translation, NLT, andfor the New This magazine is not be sold but is toofbeservice, givennewsletters, HOLY BIBLE or aJohn, digital copy a mobile device— Bible nor do the verses quoted account for O.V. (N.F.) are used inmedia, non-saleable media, by House Foundation. CREDITS bulletins, orders bulletins, orders of service, newsletters, it’s Living a Gospel of Scripture magazine, Global is ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND initials (NLT) must appear at theor end of each ABOUT CREDITS transparencies, or similar a complete posters, transparencies, similar media, asimilar work in which they are quoted. New Testament, full Bible, an Audio Bible Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible nor do the verses quoted account for O.V. (N.F.) are inmedia, non-saleable Bible nor do the verses quoted account for O.V. (N.F.) are used in non-saleable media, it’s atransparencies, Gospel of John, Scripture magazine, it’s a percent Gospel ofpage John, Scripture magazine, such as church orders of service, 50 or more of the total text of the copyright notice is bulletins, not required, but the Living Translation logo are registered be equipped to they’re all designed to resonate with provided Bible reference work produced for HOLY BIBLE transparencies, or used a completemedia, or similar media, a complete (N.F.) on the title or copyright page of translation is perfect or final; but we New Testament, full Bible, an Audio Bible CREDITS s.blisher, Christ with All rights reserved. quotation. away freely within Sri Lanka. ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, TAMIL TRANSLATION such as church orders service, 50 percent orcopy more ofathe total device— text of the ABOUT CREDITS copyright notice is bulletins, not required, but ofthe US NEW LIVING TRANSLATION FOOTNOTES(*) Bible, New Living Translation, copyright or a digital for mobile SHAREWORD GLOBAL New Testament, full Bible, an Audio Bible New Testament, full Bible, an Audio Bible trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. initials (NLT) must appear at orders the end of each complete copyright notice is not required, such as church bulletins, orders of service, 50 percent or more of the total text of the such as church bulletins, of service, 50 percent or more of the total text of the the reader in their world, in their heart copyright notice is not required, but the copyright notice is not required, but the or a digital copy for a mobile device— dommunity. giving them to a©1996, posters, transparencies, or similar media, a work in which they are quoted. not amount commercial sale that uses the BSI Tamil initials (NLT) must appear at the end of each TAMIL TRANSLATION printed works quoting from theHouse BSI - Tamil also know thatLIGHT God uses imperfect and US NEW LIVING TRAN 2004, 2007 by are Tyndale they’re alllanguage. designed to resonate withor ainitials posters, transparencies, or similar media, a work in which they quoted. BSI VERSION © 2015 digital copy for a mobile device— or a digital copy for a mobile device— SHAREWORD GLOBAL quotation. Publication of any commentary or other Bible initials (NLT) transparencies, must appear at theorend of each (NLT) they must appear at theorend of each they’re all The designed toquoted. resonate with Bible d’s Word for but the initials BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) must BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) text may J° posters, similar media, a work in which are quoted. posters, transparencies, similar media, a work in which they are quotation. 4 | complete copyright notice is not required, Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale reader inin their world, ininclude theirlocation heart BIBLE -the O.V. (N.F.) Bible written nor2015 do the -they’re The Gospel St. CREDITS O.V. (N.F.) a text corresponding inadequate things to Hisof and sale BSI yBible of India they’re all HOLY designed to work resonate with all or designed tomust resonate with VERSION reference produced forJohn commercial ABOUT HOLY BIBLE, © 2015 CREDITS AND quotation. quotation. complete copyright notice ishonour not required, ABOUT CREDITS thePublishers, reader inInc., their world, in their heart oing this -for Carol Stream, Illinois Publication of any commentary ornot other Bible Join us in for introducing people around appear at the end the quotation. be quoted (audio cassettes, complete copyright noticeTRANSLATION is not required, complete copyright notice isother required, language. the reader inUS their world, inBSI their heart the reader in world, inaudio their heart that uses the New Living Translation requires but the initials BSI -30P Tamil -of O.V. (N.F.) must NEW The BSI-BSI -Tamil Tamil -O.V. O.V. (N.F.) Bible text may permission for use the BSI - isuse Tamil -may O.V. for 50 percent orHouse Publication of any commentary or0407/2018-19/20M Bible TAMIL TRANSLATION Tamil -Tamil when the -their Tamil -of O.V. (N.F.) quoted rved praise. Hence, the publishing team language. Canada and LIVING FOOTNOTES(*) but the initials BSI O.V. (N.F.) must The (N.F.) Bible text SHAREWORD GLOBAL 60188. AllBSI rights reserved. reference work produced for commercial sale the world to Jesus Christ and putting a Publication of any commentary or other Bible Publication of any commentary or other Bible written permission for use of the NLT text. language. language. CDs, television) up to twoBSI hundred reference work produced for commercial sale must but the initials BSI - Tamil - O.V. (N.F.) must The -appear Tamil - at O.V. (N.F.) Bible text may but the initials BSI - 81-221-3607-9 Tamil -translated O.V. (N.F.) The BSI - Tamil -audio O.V. (N.F.) Bible text may be. Join us in introducing people around the end of the quotation. be quoted for audio use (audio cassettes, (N.F.) text. the work in which in ISBN BSI VERSION © 2015 other media: constantly updates the text that uses the New Living Translation requires of God’s Word inaround their hands.reference Visit reference work produced for commercial sale work produced for commercial sale Join us incopy introducing people appear at the end of the quotation. be quoted for audio use (audio cassettes, that uses the New Living Translation requires The text thethe Holy Bible, New Living TranslaEDITOR Unless otherwise indicated, all(audio Scripture Published by: Publication ofquotation. anyNLT commentary or other fifty (250) verses without express written the world to Jesus Christ and putting aJoin EDITOR us in for introducing people around Join us in to introducing people around appear the endofof quotation. quoted audio use (audio cassettes, appear atcare the end of the be quoted for audio use cassettes, Holy Bible, New Living Translation, NLT, and the New written permission for use of the text. us online at that uses theat New Living Translation that uses the New Living Translation requires CDs, audio television) up to two hundred the world Jesus Christ and putting a be hurches and- O.V. quotations ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 BSI - Tamil to take of that take written permission for the use ofchanges the NLT tion, may be quoted requires in any form (written, CDs, audio television) to two hundred The text of the Holy Bible, are from theup Holy Bible, EDITOR Peter Marshall Peter copy ofGod’s God’s Word their hands. Visit theNew world to Jesus Christ and putting atext. the world totaken Jesus Christ and putting aIndia EDITOR Living Translation logo are written registered Living Translation, to find out how you can be equipped to permission of the publisher, provided Bible reference work produced forforMarshall permission use of the NLT written permission forof use of the NLT text. CDs, audio television) up to two hundred CDs, audio television) up to two hundred The Bible Society of copy of Word inin their hands. Visit carry out our visual, electronic, or text. audio) up to and Publication any commentary or other fifty (250) verses without express written tion, be quoted in New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, “Scripture quotations are from The Holy oted (in written, place in a language. The names of the New Living Translation, NLT, and the New Peter Marshall us online online at Petermay Marshall copy of Publication God’s Word in their hands. Visit copy of God’s Word ingospel their in hands. Visit of any commentary or other fifty (250) verses without express written trademarks ofNLT, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. share the your community. New Living Translation, and the New © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 us at By equipping inclusive ofNLT, five hundred the quoted do written not amount to commercial sale that uses the BSI Tamil visual, electronic, or a Publication of any commentary orverses otherwithout fifty (250) verses without express written Publication of any commentary or other fifty (250) without express by Tyndale House Foundation. CONTRIBUTOR Living Translation logo are registered 206 ‘LOGOS’ Mahatma Gandhi Road New Living and the(500) New New Living Translation, NLT, and the New us online at us online at to2007 find out how you can be equipped to Bible reference work produced for - Translation, permission ofverses publisher, provided Bible, BSI -verses Tamil -the O.V. (N.F.) published review scholars, editors, translators etc m) up and to and 2004, Living Translation logo are registered CONTRIBUTOR The text of the Holy Bible, New Living Translato find out how you can be equipped to Bible reference work produced for permission of the publisher, provided training EDITOR express written permission of the publisher, inclusive of five hundred (5 EDITOR Used by permission of can Tyndale Carl Santos trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Living Translation logowork are produced registered Living Translation logo are registered - O.V. (N.F.) Bible text must include written complete book ofHouse the Bible do the CONTRIBUTOR to find outcommercial how you can be equipped tothe toshare find out how you be equipped to permission Bible reference ofreference the publisher, provided Bible work produced permission ofquoted the publisher, provided share the gospel your of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. tion, be quoted in any formfor (written, CONTRIBUTOR Bangalore –community. 560 001 that uses BSI -for Tamil the verses do not amount tonor atrademarks the gospel ininyour community. Carlmay Santos by: The Bible Society of India. Used by are available at :sale THE ARCHIVES, The dbelieve (1,000)they verses Publishers, This magazine is not to be sold but to verses be given provided thatis the quoted do not Published by: Peter Marshall Peter Marshall express written permissio Tyndale House Foundation. Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. commercial sale that uses theof BSI -Bible Tamil the verses quoted do not amount to aby trademarks Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carl Santos share the gospel in your community. share the gospel in your community. permission for use the BSI - Tamilof-visual, O.V. verses quoted fordo percent or LIGHT electronic, or audio) upof the to work and commercial sale that uses the BSI Tamil the verses quoted do206 not amount to a commercial sale that uses the BSI Tamil the verses quoted do notaccount amount to50 athe be the hands account for more than 25 percent Carl Santos provided that the verse rights reserved. complete book of the Bible nor O.V. (N.F.) Bible text must include written DESIGN All rights reserved. All rights reserved. ” Society of India, M.G. Road, Bangalore ermission of the All permission. SriBible Lanka. O.V. (N.F.)(N.F.) Bibletext. text must away includefreely written within complete book The ofthe the Bible nor do work the in-which The Society ofwritten India inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without mmunities. in which they are quoted, and provided that a CONTRIBUTOR account more total text ofpercent the Gospel of50 St. John - -O.V. Bible text must include complete book the Bible nor do the - O.V. (N.F.)of Bible text must include written complete book of the Bible nor do the Janette Drost, Kelvin Warkentin DESIGN DESIGNfor more than 25 CONTRIBUTOR permission for use of the BSI - Tamil O.V.(N.F.) verses quoted account for or 560001. erses quoted do When express written permission of the publisher, quotations from account the NLT text are used verses quoted for 50 percent or permission for use of the BSI Tamil O.V. complete book of the Bible is not quoted. Carl Santos in which they quoted, 206 ‘LOGOS’ Mahatma Janette Drost,are Kelvin Warke DESIGN they are quoted. designed to Tamil - the 30P 0407/2018-19/20M Janette Kelvin verses quoted account or - O.V. permission forSantos useDrost, of the BSI - Warkentin Tamil -Gandhi notRoadcomplete verses quoted account for 50 percent or permission for usefor of 50 thepercent BSI - Tamil | J° Carl provided that the verses quoted non-salable media, such as church (N.F.) text. more the total text the work which quotations from BSI - Tamil te book of the in4When book of the Bibl PHOTOGRAPHY (N.F.) text. more ofofthe total text ofof the work ininwhich ally. Whether Janette Drost, Kelvin W When the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Bangalore – 560 001 account for more than 25 percent of the work bulletins, orders of service, newsletters, ISBN 81-221-3607-9 more of thetext. total text of the work in which (N.F.) text.DESIGN (N.F.) more ofare the total text of the work inmedia, which Dona Nathan PHOTOGRAPHY O.V. (N.F.) are used in non-saleable oted account for they quoted. re by:magazine, is quoted, one the following creditthat lines they are quoted. When the Holy Bible, New in which they areof quoted, and provided a Holy Bible, transparencies, or similar media, a complete PHOTOGRAPHY Janette DESIGN Dennis Drost, Drost Kelvin Warkentin ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 they are quoted. they are quoted. Dona Nathan Audio Bible must appear copyright or title is quoted, one of the fol complete bookon of the Bible is notpage quoted. such asnotice church orders service, total text of the copyright is bulletins, not required, but ofthe We work closely with local and Mandy Samaraweera Permission requests: The churches BSIScripture - Tamil -quotations O.V.visual, electronic, or up Holy to and marked (NLT) are audio) taken quotations are taken from the Bible, Janette Drost

of five hundred (500) verses without from Holy inclusive Bible, New Living Translation, CONTRIBUTOR New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, “Scripture quotations are from The Holy (N.F.) Bible text may be quoted (inthe written, CREDITS HOLY BIBLE, CREDITS AND CREDITS CONTRIBUTOR mission in strategic ways. By equipping express written permission of the publisher, copyright © 1996, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale Carl Santos 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. visual or electronic form) up to and Bible, BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) published NEW LIVING TRANSLATION FOOTNOTES(*) Carl Santos Christians with evangelism training provided thatby the versesofof quoted do House not House and Foundation. permission UsedUsed by permission Tyndale

complementary ministries to carry out our

New Living Translation, PHOTOGRAPHY ebile Society Dona JanetteNathan Drost Dennis Drost Janette Drost, device—of India page of the work:Kelvin Warkentin must appear on the copy initials (NLT)2004, must appear theorend of each PHOTOGRAPHY posters, transparencies, similar media, a oted. © 1996, 2007, at 2013 Dona JanetteNathan Drost Dennis When the Drost Holy Bible, New Living Translation, LIGHT sonate with OS’ Mahatma Gandhi page of the work: quotation.Road Dona Nathan Mandy Samaraweera Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken is quoted, one of the following credit lines Dennis Drost complete copyright notice is not required, Janette Drost n their heart PHOTOGRAPHY The Gospel of St. John Dennis Drost e) Bible – 560text 001may Publication Mandy Samaraweera from appear the Holyon Bible, New Livingpage Translation, magazine is not to be sold butLIGHT isLIGHT to be given Scripture quotations mark must the copyright or title any commentary or-other Bible must by House Foundation. Janette Drost butTyndale theofinitials BSIThis - Tamil O.V. (N.F.) Dona Nathan Janette Drost Tamil 30P 0407/2018-19/20M LIGHT copyright © work: 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale from the Holy Bible, New page ofLIGHT the reference work produced for commercial sale freely within Sri Lanka. rights reserved. away The Gospel of St. John The Gospel of St. John Dennis Drost ople appear at the end of the quotation. audioaround cassettes, thatAll House Foundation. Used by permission of copyright © 1996, 2004, 20 uses the New Living Translation requires Gospelmarked of St. John The GospelISBN of St.81-221-3607-9 John MandyThe Samaraweera Scripture quotations (NLT) areStream, taken nd two putting a Tyndale House Inc., Carol Tamil - 30P 0407/2018-19/20M by: Janette DrostPublishers, Tamil - 30P 0407/2018-19/20M House Foundation. Used written permission for use of thePublished NLT text. Holy Bible, to hundred 978-81-221-3607-4 Tamil 30P 0407/2018-19/20M Tamil - 30PISBN 0407/2018-19/20M from the Holy -All Bible, New Living Translation, hands. Visit Illinois 60188. rights reserved. Tyndale House Publishers New Living Translation, ISBN 81-221-3607-9 ISBN 81-221-3607-9 ThetheBible Society of IndiaAll theISBN express written New Publication of any NLT, commentary or other copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale ackno Notice of copyright must appear as follows Scripture text is taken from Living Translation, and New ISBN 81-221-3607-9 IllinoisNote: 60188. We All rights res Our© 1996, passion at81-221-3607-9 ShareWord Published by: Holy Bible, Holy Bible, 2004, 2007, 2013 Global is Scripture quotations are taken from thefrom Holy ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 House Foundation. Used by permission of ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 Living logowork are206 registered Published by: Published by:produced All the Scripture text is taken Notice of copyright equipped to isher, provided BibleTranslation reference for Holy Bible, Holy Bible, ‘LOGOS’ Mahatma Gandhi Road translation is pe BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) on the title or copyright page of sharing the gospel of -Jesus Christ with Our passion at page ShareWord Global is ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 ISBN 978-81-221-3607-4 New Living Translation, New Living Translation, Bible, New Living Translation, copyright The Bible Society Scripture quotations are ta Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. of India munity. New Living Translation, New Living Translation, people all over the world and giving them on the title page BSI Tamil O.V. (N.F.) sharing the gospel ofbyJesus Christ with ot amount to a commercial sale uses the BSI -of Tamil The Bible Society of India Thethat Bible Society CkRl Tj§¬dûL ®tTû]dÏ CpûX, G printed works quoting from theHouse BSI - TamilBible, also Bangalore – India 560 001 ©1996, 2004, 2007 Tyndale ©© 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 magazine is Illinois not to be sold but is to be given 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 This Newknow Livingthat Tran 60188. All rights reserved. by Tyndale House Foundation. a chance read God’s Word for 2004, 206 ‘LOGOS’ Mahatma Gandhi people thebyworld and appear giving them © from 1996, 2007,all2013 © 1996,Road 2004, 2007, 2013or hear Note: We2007 ackno Notice ofover copyright must aslocation follows©1996, All thetoScripture text is taken printed works quoti Foundation. Used permission of Tyndale ble nor do the - O.V. (N.F.) Bible must include written 2004, inadequate thinby Copyright ©reserved. The Bible Society ofGlobal India -for 2015 - O.V.within (N.F.) or in aLanka. corresponding 206 ‘LOGOS’ Gandhi 206text ‘LOGOS’ Mahatma Gandhi Road Our passion at Mahatma ShareWord isRoad All rights CXeûL«p CXYNUôL ®¨úVô¡dLlTÓ¡\Õ. freely Sri themselves. We’ve been doing this away a chance to read or hear God’s Word for Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois Used Bangalore – 560 001 This magazine is is not to to be sold but ispage be on the title orbe copyright page ofFoundation. translation is BSI -–Tamil -Jesus O.V. (N.F.) This magazine not be sold but isTamil to sharing the gospel of Christ with - O.V. (N.F.) or by in per ape c Copyright © The Bible Society of(N.F.) India -isfor 2015 r 50 percent or permission for use of the BSI - Tamil byby Tyndale House Foundation. Tyndale House Foundation. when the BSI -to -given O.V. quoted praise. Hence, th All Rights Reserved over 100 years, starting in Canada and themselves. We’ve been doing thisto Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Bangalore 560 001 Bangalore – 560 001- O.V. by This magazine isgiven not be sold but is to be This magazine is not to be sold is to be given 60188. Allbut rights reserved. Tyndale House Foundation. Tyndale House Foundation. House Publishers, Inc.,giv C people all over the world givingby them AllAll rights reserved. also know that printed works quoting from theHouse BSI spreading out across the and globe. rights reserved. away freely within Sri Lanka. when the BSI -upda TamG All Rights 4 | J° over 100 years, starting in Canada and- Tamil60188. ©1996, 2004, 2007 byReserved Tyndale e work in which (N.F.) text. away freely within Sri Lanka. in other media: constantly All rights reserved. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. away freely within Sri Lanka. freely Sriotherwise Lanka. a chance to read or hear away God’s Word for within Unless allof Scripture Foundation. Used byindicated, permission Tyndale spreading out across the globe.

Copyright ©We’ve The with Bible Society of -India -and 2015 - O.V. (N.F.) or in a corresponding location We work closely local churches Permission requests: Thedoing BSI Tamil - O.V. quotations themselves. been this for are taken from the Holy Bible,

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ininadequate other media: to take carething of

Unless otherwise indica House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois complementary ministries to Canada carry out our We work closely local churches and praise. th All Rights Reserved when BSI -with Tamil - O.V. isThe quoted Permission requests: The BSI (N.F.) - Tamil - O.V. 100 years, starting in 4 | J° over New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, “Scripture quotations are from Holyquotations placeare inHence, a langu (N.F.) Bible text may be quoted (inand written, taken fro 60188. All the rights reserved.

LIGHT The Gospel of St. John

mission inout strategic ways. By equipping complementary ministries to carry out our spreading across the globe. 2004, 2007 by- Tyndale Foundation. New Living Translation, in other media: constantly updat (N.F.) Bible text may be quoted (in published written, “Scripture quotatio review scholars, visual or with electronic form) up and to and Unless Bible, Tamil -House O.V. Christians evangelism training mission inBSI strategic ways. By equipping otherwise indicated, all(N.F.) Scripture Used by permission of Tyndale House Tyndale We workofclosely local and to2007 take of: -T Permission requests: The BSI - Tamil - O.V. quotations visual or electronic form) up to andby2004, Bible, BSIby-care Tamil copies God’s Word, wechurches believe they Christians with evangelism training and inclusive of onewith thousand (1,000) verses by: The Bible Society of India. Used are taken from the Holy Bible, Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Used are by available permissionat of complementary ministries to carry out our will feel more empowered to be the(in hands Living Translation, copyright © ”1996, copies of God’s we believe they “Scripture quotations are from The HolyPublishers, in langu (N.F.) Bible text may be quoted written, New by:place TheInc., Bible Soci inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses All rights reserved. Stre Society ofaCarol India, 2 without written permission. AllWord, rights reserved. mission inexpress strategic ways. permission By equippingof the and feet of Christ in their communities.

2004, 2007 byempowered Tyndale House will feel more to beFoundation. the hands

All rights reserved.

IN THIS ISSUE CkRlT§l©p J° | 5



24 GOD WITH US úRYu SmúUô¥Úd¡\ôo





84 NEWLIFEBl APP ×ÕYôrÜ J° | 5

6 | J°

6 | LIGHT 6 | J°

CÚ°­ÚkÕ YÚm ¡±vÕYjûR ¿eLs BWônf£ ùNnÙmúTôÕ, JÚR²lThP U²R¬Pm ûYj§ÚdÏm E\ ûY BWônYRôÏm. CúVÑ, NhPeLû[l ©uTtßY§]ôp CWh£lûTl ùTtßd ùLôsÞmT¥VôL UdLû[ JÚúTôÕm AYo AûZdL®pûX. Uô\ôL Gu²Pm YôÚeLs Guß AYoLû[ AûZd¡\ôo. Sôm GlT¥VôL úRY²Pj§p Ko E\ûY ûYjÕdùLôs[ Ø¥Ùm GuTûRd ϱjÕ, úYRôLUm Ko LûRûV SUdÏd áÚ¡\Õ. LôWQm Gu]ùYuß ùR¬ÙUô, AYo SmªPm A§LUôL Au× áÚ¡\ôo. CûR ¿eLs LtTû] ùNnVdáÓúUô? Ko úRYu CqÜX¡tÏ YkÕ Ko ØÝûUVô] YôrûY YôrkÕ, Sôm YôZ Ø¥VôRT¥«]ôp AYúWôÓ áP ¨j§VUôn YôÝmT¥f ùNn¡\ôo. úRYu RUÕ ÏUôW]ô¡V CúVÑ ¡±vÕ®u êXUôn SUdÏ EiûUVôLúY CûRf ùNnRôo. ¿eLs, EeLs LWeL°p ©¥jÕs[ CkRl Tj§¬dûL, CkRd LûRûV, úYRôLUj §u AúSL TϧL°u êXm EeLÞdÏ ùY°lTÓjÕ¡\Õ. CkRd LûR Ut\dLûR Lû[l úTôXúY BWm©d¡\Õ B]ôp CÕ JÚ ®j§VôNUô] Ø¥ûY CdLûRdÏ ùLôiÓ YÚ¡\Õ. EiûUVôLúY, CkRd LûRdÏ JÚ Ø¥úY CpûX. ØRXôYÕ ¿eLs Yô£lTÕ Gu] ùYu\ôp, J°Vô¡V CúVÑ ¡±vÕ, ªLÜm CÚ[ô] CkR EX¡tÏ YkRôo. U²RoLs J°UVUôdLlTPúYiÓm. B]ôp JÚ NuUôodLUô] YôrdûLûV YôrY§u êXUôL AûRf NmTô§dL Ø¥VôÕ. Sôm AkR J°UVUôdÏRûX NmTô§dL Ø¥VôR LôWQj §]ôp, AkR J°Vô]Õ SmªPm YÚmT¥VôLj ¾oUô²jRÕ. ¿eLs úUÛUôLlT¥lÀoLs, CkR J°úV J°«u úRôt\Uô«Úd¡\Õ. CqÜXLm

AúSLYtû\ Y¯lTÓ¡u\ úYû[«úX, JÚ úRYu Uôj§WúU EiÓ. SmûU ÁhÏmT¥Vô] CkR úRYàûPV §hPj§p, AYo U²RÏUôW]ôL v§Ã«²Pm ©\kRYWôL YÚYÕm APe¡Ùs[Õ. CkR A[®P Ø¥VôR EiûU«]ôp, úRYu Rôm ùYÏçWj§­­ pûX GuTûR ùY°lTÓjÕ¡\ôo. Gu\úTô§Ûm AYo SmúUôÓ Ï¥«Úd¡\ úRY]ô]ôo. JqùYôÚ YÚPØm ¡±vUv §]jRuß, ¡±vRYoLs úRYu CqÜX¡tÏ YkRûRd ùLôiPôÓ¡u\]o. ¿eLs T¥dLlúTôÏm CdLûR, CkR U¡ûUÙs[ úRYu, GlT¥ SmûU ÁhÏmT¥VôL YkRôo GuTûRd Lôi©d¡\Õ. Sôm TôYj§tÏ A¥ûUL[ô«ÚkúRôm, B]ôp, úRYu SmûU A¥ûUjR]j§ ­ÚkÕ ÁhÏmT¥VôL SUdLôL JÚ ®ûXd¡WVjûR ùNÛj§]ôo. AYo CkR ®ûXd¡WVjûR ùNÛj§]Ru LôWQm Gu]ùY²p, SmûU úS£d¡\ôo. (EeLû[Ùm áPjRôu) Sôm AYúWôÓ Jo E\ûY ûYjÕdùLôs[ ®Úmס\ôo. úRYu ùYÏ çWj§ ­ pûX. AYo CeúL SmªPm CÚd¡\ôo, ¿eLs GlT¥VôL ETj§WYlTh¼oLs GuTÕ Tt± AYÚdÏ Su\ôLj ùR¬Ùm, úUÛm AYûW JÚ RLlTû]l úTôX Sôm A±kÕ ùLôsÞmT¥VôL AYo ®Úmס\ôo. B]ôp LûR CjÕPu Ø¥kÕ ®P®pûX. CkRj RLlTû] A±kÕ ùLôiPYoLs, Ut\ UdLÞm AYûW A±kÕ ùLôsÞmT¥, AY¬Pm A±ØLlTÓjR ®Úmסu\]o. CkRd LûR EeLú[ôÓm Guú]ôÓm áPj ùRôPokÕ ùNpÛ¡\Rô«Úd¡\Õ. Sôm Ut\YoL°Pm úRYu CkR EXLj§tÏ J°VôL YkRôo Guß Sôm úTôn ùNôpÛm çÕYoL[ôL CÚd¡ú\ôm.

©uYÚm TdLeLs, TûZV Utßm קV HtTôh¥u ×jRLeL[ô¡V úYRôLUj§­ ÚkÕ úRokÕ GÓdLlThP úYRôLUl TϧL[ôÏm. ØÝûUVô] úYRôLUjûR, EeLs Android, iOS Utßm Blackberry L°p CYtû\ ¿eLs CXYNUôL PÜuúXôÓ ùNnÕ ùLôs[Xôm. ×ÕYôrÜ Bl EeLÞûPV NôR]eL°p Cuû\dúL C§úX CXYNUôL PÜuúXôÓ ùNnÕ ùLôsÞeLs.

J° | 7

8 | J°

8 | J°

J° | 9

CÚ°p SPd¡\ _]eLs

ùT¬V ùY°fNjûRd LiPôoLs. UWQ CÚ°u úRNj§p Ï¥«Úd¡\YoL°uúUp ùY°fNm ©WLô£jRÕ. HNôVô 9:2

J° | 9

10 | J°

10 | J°

EXLj§úX YkÕ GkR Uà`û]Ùm ©Lô£l©d¡\ J°úV,

AkR ùUnVô] J°. úVôYôu 1:9

CÚ°­ ÚkÕ ùY°fNjûRl ©WLô£dLf ùNôu] úRYu CúVÑ ¡±vÕ®u ØLj§Ûs[ RUÕ U¡ûU«u A±Yô¡V

J°ûVjúRôu\lTiÔm ùTôÚhPôL,

GeLs CÚRVeL°úX ©WLô£jRôo. 2 ùLô¬k§Vo 4:6 J° | 11

UßT¥Ùm CúVÑ _]eLû[ úSôd¡:

Sôu EXLj§tÏ J°Vô«Úd¡ú\u.

Guû]l ©uTtß¡\Yu CÚ°p SPYôUp ËYJ°ûV AûPk§ÚlTôu. úVôYôu 8:12 12 | J°

J° | 13

J° | 13

14 | J°

14 | J°

C²f ã¬Vu E]dÏl TL­ úX ùY°fNUô«WôUÛm, Nk§Wu Ru ùY°fNjRôp E]dÏl ©WLô£VôUÛm,

LojRúW E]dÏ ¨j§V ùY°fNØm,

Eu úRYú] E]dÏ U¡ûUÙUô«ÚlTôo. Eu ã¬Vu C² AvRªlTÕªpûX, Eu Nk§Wu Uû\YÕªpûX. LojRúW E]dÏ ¨j§V ùY°fNUô«ÚlTôo. Eu ÕdL SôhLs Ø¥kÕúTôm.

HNôVô 60:19---20

úRYu J°Vô«Úd¡\ôo AY¬p GqY[úYàm CÚ°pûX. 1 úVôYôu 1:5 J° | 15

Sôú] LojRo, úYù\ôÚYo CpûX, Guû]jR®W úRYu CpûX...

Guû]jR®W JÚYÚm CpûXùVuß

ã¬Vu E§d¡\ §ûN«Ûm, AÕ AvRªd¡\ §ûN«Ûm A±VlTÓlTÓYôoLs.

16 | J°



NUôRô]jûRl TûPjÕ ¾eûLÙm EiPôdÏ¡\Yo Sôú], I SEND GOOD TIMES AND BAD TIMES. LojRWô¡V Sôu CûYLû[ùVpXôm I, THE LORD, AM THE ONE WHO DOES THESEùNn¡\Yo. THINGS. I SA I A H 4 5 : 5 -7 HNôVô 45:5--7

J° | 17

CúVÑ AYàdÏl ©W§Ùj§WUôL, LtTû]L°ùXpXôm ©WRô] LtTû] GÕùYu\ôp, CvWúYúX úLs,

SmØûPV úRY]ô¡V LojRo JÚYúW LojRo.

18 | J°

Eu úRY]ô¡V LojR¬Pj§p Eu ØÝ


BjÕUôúYôÓm Eu ØÝ

U]úRôÓm Eu ØÝ

TXjúRôÓm Au×áÚYôVôL...

UôtÏ 12:29--30

J° | 19

JúW LojRÚm, JúW ®ÑYôNØm, JúW Oô]vSô]Øm GpXôÚdÏm JúW úRYàm ©RôÜm EiÓ. AYo GpXôoúUÛm, GpXôúWôÓm, EeLs GpXôÚdÏsÞm CÚd¡\Yo.

GúT£Vo 4:5þ6

Yô]j§úXÙm 骫úXÙm úRYoLs Gu]lTÓ¡\YoLs EiÓ,

ClT¥ AúSL úRYoLÞm AúSL LojRôdLÞm EiPô«ÚkRôÛm,

©RôYô¡V JúW úRYu SUdÏiÓ, AYWôúX NLXØm EiPô«Úd¡\Õ. AYo êXUôn SôØm EiPô«Úd¡ú\ôm.

1 ùLô¬k§Vo 8:5--6

20 | J°

J° | 21

J° | 21

22 | J°

LojRWô¡V Sôu ApXúYô? ¿§TWÚm CWhNLÚUô¡V Guû]VpXôUp

úYú\ úRYu CpûX Guû]j R®W úYù\ôÚYÚm CpûX.

骫u GpûXùVeÏØs[YoLú[, Guû] úSôd¡lTôÚeLs. AlùTôÝÕ CWh£dLlTÓÅoLs. Sôú] úRYu úYù\ôÚYÚm CpûX. HNôVô 45:21þ22

22 | J°

J° | 23

úRYu JÚYúW, úRYàdÏm Uà`ÚdÏm

Uj§VvRÚm JÚYúW. GpXôûWÙm ÁhÏmùTôÚ[ôLj

RmûU Jl×dùLôÓjR Uà`]ô¡V ¡±vÕ CúVÑ AYúW!... 1 ¾úUôjúRÙ 2:5,6

J° | 23

U T W H E N T H E R I G Hv§Ã«²Pj§t T TIME CAME, LôXm B¨û\úY±]úTôÕ, ©\kRYÚm...


LXôj§Vo 4:5


¾odLR¬£«u êXUôn LojRWôúX EûWdLlThPÕ ¨û\úYßmT¥ CùRpXôm SPkRÕ.

CúRô,AllJÚ JÚ ÏUôWû]lùTßYôs. of this Lu²ûL occurred to fulfill LolTY§Vô¡ the Lord’s message through his prophet: “ L O O K ! AYÚdÏ T H E V I R GCmUôàúYp I N W I L L C O N CGuß E I V E úT¬ÓYôoLs. A CHILD! S H E W I L L G I V E B I R TCmUôàúYp H T O A S O N ,GuTRtÏ THEY WILL CALL HIM IMMANUEL, WHICH MEANS

úRYu SmúUô¥Úd¡\ôo *

‘GOD WITH US.’” Guß AojRUôm. MATTHEW 1:22-23

UjúRÙ 1:22-23

24 | J°


úRYu RmØûPV JúW úT\ô] ÏUôWû]


®ÑYô£d¡\Yu GYú]ô, AYu ùLhÓlúTôLôUp * ¨j§V ËYû] AûPÙmT¥dÏ, AYûWjRkRÚ°,


EXLjûR Bd¡û]dÏs[ôLj ¾odÏmT¥




úVôYôu 3:16þ17 JOHN 3:16-17 J° | 25

AkR YôojûR UômNUô¡... SUdÏsú[ YôNmTi¦]ôo.

26 | J°

¡ÚûT«]ôÛm Nj§Vj§]ôÛm ¨û\kRYWôn SUdÏsú[ YôNmTi¦]ôo. AYÚûPV U¡ûUûVdLiúPôm. AÕ

©RôÜdÏ JúW úT\ô]YÚûPV U¡ûUdÏ Ht\ U¡ûUVôLúY CÚkRÕ.

úVôYôu 1:14

J° | 27

28 | J°

AYo AR¬N]Uô] úRYàûPV RtÑìTØm, NoY£Úx¥dÏm Øk§] úTßUô]Yo. Hù]u\ôp, AYÚdÏs NLXØm £Úx¥dLlThPÕ, TWúXôLj§Ûs[ûYLÞm éúXôLj§Ûs[ûYLÞUô¡V LôQlTÓ¡\ûYLÞm LôQlTPôRûYLÞUô] NLX YvÕdLÞm, £eLôN]eL[ô]ôÛm LojRjÕYeL[ô]ôÛm, ÕûWjR]eL[ô]ôÛm, A§LôWeL[ô]ôÛm NLXØm AYûWdùLôiÓm, AYÚdùLußm £Úx¥dLlThPÕ.

28 | J°

J° | 29

J° | 29

AùRlT¥ùV²p, UômNj§]ôúX TXÅ]Uô«ÚkR

¨VôVl©WUôQm ùNnVdáPôRûR úRYú] ùNnÙmT¥dÏ,

RmØûPV ÏUôWû]l TôY UômNj§u NôVXôLÜm, TôYjûRlúTôdÏm T­ VôLÜm Aàl©, UômNj§úX

TôYjûR Bd¡û]dÏs[ôLj¾ojRôo. úWôUo 8:3 RmûUjRôúU ùYßûUVôd¡, A¥ûU«u ìTùUÓjÕ, Uà`o NôVXô]ôo.

AYo Uà`ìTUônd LôQlThÓ, UWQT¬VkRm, ARôYÕ,

£ÛûY«u UWQT¬VkRØm ¸rlT¥kRYWô¡, RmûUjRôúU Rôrj§]ôo. ©­­ l©Vo 2:7-þ8 30 | J°

J° | 31

J° | 31

A§úX ¡úWdLù]ußm ëRù]uߪpûX, ®ÚjRúNR]Øs[Yù]ußm, ®ÚjRúNR]ªpXôRY ù]uߪpûX. ×\_ô§Vôù]ußm, ×\úRNjRôù]uߪpûX, A¥ûUùVußm ÑVô¾]ù]uߪpûX.

¡±vÕúY GpXô¬Ûm GpXôØUô«Úd¡\ôo. ùLôúXôùNVo 3:11

32 | J°

¿eLs ¡WVjÕdÏdùLôs[lTh¼oLs. Uà`ÚdÏ A¥ûUL[ôLô§ÚeLs.

1 ùLô¬k§Vo 7:23

J° | 33

34 | J°

ùYs[ôhÓdLPô, C[eLôû[ CûYLÞûPV CWjRj§]ôúX ApX, RmØûPV ùNôkR CWjRj§]ôÛm

JúW RWm ULô T¬ÑjR vRXj§úX ©WúY£jÕ,

¨j§V ÁhûT EiÓ Ti¦]ôo. G©úWVo 9:12

34 | J°

J° | 35

AYo ©WRô] BNô¬VoLû[l úTôX Øu× ùNôkRl TôYeLÞdLôLÜm, ©u× _]e LÞûPV TôYeLÞdLôLÜm, SôúPôßm T­ «PúYiÓY§pûX, Hù]²p RmûUjRôúU T­ «hP§]ôúX

CûR JúW RWm ùNnÕØ¥jRôo. G©úWVo 7:27

J° | 35

36 | J°

AYo £ÛûY«p £k§] CWjRj§]ôúX NUôRô]jûR EiPôd¡, éúXôLj§Ûs[ûYLs TWúXôLj§Ûs[ûYLs VôûYÙm AYo êXUôn RUdÏ Jl×WYôd¡dùLôs[Üm AYÚdÏl ©¬VUô«tß.

AYÚûPV ¡ÚûT«u IÑY¬Vj§uT¥úV, CYÚûPV CWjRj§]ôúX

TôYUu²lTô¡V Áh× CYÚdÏs SUdÏ EiPô«Úd¡\Õ. GúT£Vo 1:7

AYo £ÛûY«p £k§] CWjRj§]ôúX ùLôúXôùNVo 1:20

J° | 37

38 | J°

ETôLUm 4:7 SmØûPV úRY]ô¡V LojRûW Sôm ùRôÝÕ ùLôsÞ¡\úTôùRpXôm,

AYo SUdÏ NÁTUô«Úd¡\Õ úTôX, úRYû] CqY[Ü NÁTUônl ùTt±Úd¡\ úYú\ _ô§ GÕ ?

Sôm Tô®L[ô«ÚdûL«p ¡±vÕ SUdLôL U¬jR§]ôúX, úRYu SmúUp ûYjR RUÕ AuûT ®[eLlTiÔ¡\ôo. úWôUo 5:8

38 | J°

J° | 39

J° | 39

40 | J°

40 | J°

J° | 41


SÚeÏiP B®Ùs[YoLû[ CWh£d¡\ôo. ¿§UôàdÏ YÚm ÕuTeLs AúSLUô«ÚdÏm

LojRo AûYLù[pXôYt±Ûm ¨uß AYû] ®Ó®lTôo. Ne¸Rm 34:18þ19

J° | 41

42 | J°

Bm, ASô§ £úSLjRôp Euû] £úS¡júRu, BRXôp LôÚ¦VjRôp

Euû] CÝjÕd ùLôsÞ¡ú\u. GúWªVô 31:3

42 | J°

J° | 43

J° | 43

44 | J°

44 | J°

AYo Øk§ SmªPj§p Au× áokRT¥Vôp SôØm AY¬Pj§p Au× áÚ¡ú\ôm. 1 úVôYôu 4:19

J° | 45

46 46 | ආමලා් කය | J°

úVôYôu CúVÑÜdÏ CûR EeLs A±ØLUôL ûYjÕdùLôsÞeLs. úVôYôu Ru SôhL°p Rôu CúVÑúYôÓ AàT®jR CûYLû[ GÝÕmúTôÕ, AYWÕ CXh£Vm Gu]ùYu\ôp, UdLs CúVÑûY úRY ÏUôWu Guß ®ÑYô£dÏmT¥ ER® ùNnYRôÏm. úVôYôu CúVÑ®u YôojûRLû[ Ut\ GkR Ñ®úN`eLÞdÏm A§LUôL Gݧ«Úd¡\ôo. (CúVÑ®u YôrdûLûVlTt± SUdÏ A±®dÏmT¥ GÝRlThP ×jRLeLs) BLúY, ©uYÚm CkRl ×jRLjûR ¿eLs Yô£dÏmúTôÕ, úRY]ô«ÚkR JÚ U²Rû]Ùm AÕUôj§WUpX, Cuû\dÏUôL SmúUôÓ úTÑ¡\ YÚm, ¿eLs úTÑm EeLs ÏWûXd úLhL ®Úmס\YÚUô«Úd¡\YûW Nk§lÀoLs. úVôYôu, R]Õ CkRl ×jRLjûR Yô£dÏm JqùYôÚYÚm, CúVÑûY ØLØLUôn Nk§dL úYiÓùUuß ®Úmס\ôo. ¿eLs CúVÑûYlTt± ×jRLeL°úXô ApXÕ TôPpL°úXô úLh¥ÚdLXôm. B]ôp, YWlúTô¡u\ TdLeL°úX, ¿eLs AYûW Nk§dL

CkR ×jRLm GûRd ϱd¡\Rô«Úd¡\Õ Ø¥Ùm. CúVÑ, CWiÓ Lô¬VeLû[d ϱjÕ A§LUôLl úT£«ÚlTûR ¿eLs LôQXôm þ UdLÞm, AYWÕ F¯VØm. CûY CWiÓm Juú\. CúVÑ®u F¯VUô]Õ, AYo SmûU úS£lT§]ôp, Rôm YkÕ UdLû[ CWh£dL úYiÓùUuTúRVôÏm. CkR úVôYôu ×jRLjûR ¿eLs LY]UôL Yô£jÕ, CúVÑ UdL°Pm GlT¥ úTÑ¡\ôo GuTûRl Tt± úVô£ÙeLs. AYûWl Tt±d ϱlTôLl úTÑYûRÙm £k§ÙeLs. ªL Ød¡VUôL, CkRl ×jRLjûR ªLÜm NôRôWQUôL Yô£dLôUp, úVô£jÕl TôÚeLs. ¨ßj§, §Vô²jÕ, ¿eLs GûRdϱjÕ Yô£d¡ÈoLs GuTûRl Tt± úRY²Pj§úX ®Nô¬ÙeLs. JÚúYû[ ¿eLs LôQdá¥VÕ þ CúVÑ NhPeLû[ Uôj§Wm ©uTtßYúRôÓ ¨uß®PôUp, AYo YkÕ TôodLÜm ùNnRôo. úVôYôu Gݧ] Ñ®úN`m, CúVÑûYÙm AYûW A±kÕ ùLôsÞmT¥VôL ùLôÓdÏm AûZlûTÙm A±ØLl TÓjÕ¡\Õ.

úVôYôu קV HtTôh¥Ûs[ EtNôLjÕPu GÝRlThPj ùRôÏl×L°u JÚ ×jRLUô«Úd¡\Õ. CÕ B§dLôX ¡±vRY §ÚfNûTdÏ GÝRlThPÕm, Tj§WUôL LôXeLôXUôL TôÕLôdLlThP ÕUô«Úd¡\Õ. ØÝûUVô] úYRôLUjûR, EeLs Android, iOS Utßm Blackberry L°p CYtû\ ¿eLs CXYNUôL PÜuúXôÓ ùNnÕ ùLôs[Xôm. ×ÕYôrÜ Bl EeLÞûPV NôR]eL°p Cuû\dúL C§úX CXYNUôL PÜuúXôÓ ùNnÕ ùLôsÞeLs.

J° | 47

J° 48 48 | LIGHT


A¢u JÎ C¸Î÷» ¤µPõ]UQÓx;

C¸ÍõÚx Aøu¨ £ØÔU öPõÒÍÂÀø».


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