Disciple Bible Study

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I am such a strong supporter of the Disciple Bible study program because I have experienced first-hand the power of our LORD working in my life during the years I have participated as a class participant and as a class facilitator. My life has been so richly blessed through my sisters and brothers in Christ who have walked the Disciple journey with me. I just want to stop people in the halls at church and ask if they've signed-up to take a class and tell them they need this in their lives! The other morning I was singing to myself the line from the hymn Surely the Presence of the LORD is in this place; I can feel His mighty power and His grace, and I recalled the final class of my Disciple IV group where you have the optional opportunity to participate in a foot washing ceremony—I knew the room was filled with the Holy Spirit—a precious memory that sustains, encourages, and fills my heart with the wonderful desire to go deeper in my relationship with God. Shalom, Donna Washburn

Disciple Bible Study changed my life. It gave me the tools to read and study God's Holy Word. It taught me how to study the Bible in community and the value of sharing God's words with others. It provided the key, the invitation and the map to God's Word. The study taught me how to read and hear the stories of God's love for me and for all of humanity.

Sandy Stamey

The first thought that I had was how nervous I was signing up for Disciple I because I was so unknowledgeable about the Bible. I soon learned that Disciple Bible Study is the perfect way to become comfortable with the scripture. Disciple I of course guides you through the entire Bible and the group discussions are great because you realize that other folks have questions, too. No one has all the answers and it's OK! Taking the courses with my spouse was the first time we have done a Bible study together. What a difference that time every Tuesday has made in both of our spiritual walks individually and as a couple. Five Disciple classes later we both are not afraid to discuss our beliefs (common and adverse) with each other. What a wonderful gift that alone has been to us! I truly believe Disciple Bible Study is something every person should try!

Jerry Givens 2

Bob and I completed Disciple I at another church, but what I loved about it was that we were able to do it together. And, because we did it as a couple, I feel like our marriage was strengthened in a way we did not expect mainly because we were having more spiritual conversations. We are looking forward to registering for Disciple this fall!

Vanessa Dry Disciple was great. I enjoyed studying and discussing the Bible with Vanessa. I had done very little studying of the Bible prior to Disciple. It really is structured to help learn the Bible and to facilitate learning how to study the Bible. Disciple I covers so much of the entire Bible which helps understand God's Word and His plan for us. I finished the class with my eyes wide open and eager to learn more.

Bob Dry

The class provided me insight not only about the scriptures but also enhanced my understanding of discipleship. It challenged me greatly on a personal level and helped me to understand God's will, not my will, for my life as well as his unending grace. I believe it could do the same for anyone.

Norm Dolch

I have not only taken each and every Disciple program offered I-IV, Christian Believer and Jesus in the Gospels but I have taught Disciple IV twice. Bob has taken I-IV and Jesus in the Gospels as well. All but Disciple III we took together. Sharing Bible study is extremely special for us as a couple. Overall, one word comes to mind...transforming. For me Disciple Bible Study has always been a spiritual “fueling station.” It is where I have always gone to get my spiritual “battery” charged so that I may walk my Christian walk with authority and serve and minister to others in the most powerful and effective way possible.

Barbara Golding 3

There is nothing in the world that I enjoy like commenting on Disciple Bible Study. Here is my problem—I can't think of a way to do it briefly, so I will tell you my story, and maybe you can find something in it that can be helpful. Some of this I may have told you before, but I was not raised in a Christian home and hardly went to church at all during my first 40+ years. Helped along by a crisis in my life, I was led to Christ at the tender age of 48. As I got more and more involved in church, I became more and more conscious of my lack of knowledge (or complete ignorance) of the Bible. I enrolled in several Bible studies, over the next few years, all of which were helpful, but I still had difficulty (as many people do) of tying it all together. Then in 1989 our church began offering Disciple and I was in the first group. In fact, I (who...me?) became the backup facilitator. That experience completely changed my entire view of the scriptures, their meaning and what it means to be a true disciple. After this first group completed their study, our associate pastor who led the study decided to devote his efforts to other ministries, leaving no one to carry on with the Disciple program. I felt called not to let that happen, so for the next 18 years I had the privilege of directing the Disciple program at our church. What an experience! I have seen lives changed; I have seen non-believers become believers; I have heard ministers vow to be better ministers as a result of Disciple; I had three good friends answer the call to the ministry during their Disciple study; I have seen graduates go on to establish Disciple programs at other churches (and in other denominations); I have seen people who had been Sunday School teachers for 25 years admit that they were now better teachers as a result of Disciple; and the list goes on and on. Is it too big of a commitment? No! Ask any graduate—they may seem a little leery of the 34-week commitment in the beginning, but once you get through one study you can hardly wait for more. I have participated in Disciple I eleven times; Disciple II once; Disciple III once; Disciple IV twice, plus Jesus in the Gospels and Christian Believer. And guess what—I'm looking forward to participating in one of the short-term Disciple studies this fall.

Wyatt Skaines

One thing I loved about our group was that it was men and women. All of the other Bible Studies I have taken at the church were women only. Men definitely bring a different perspective. :-) I really can't put into words how special this class was. I met a lot of new people in the class, and you really bond after spending almost a year together.

Susan Stringer 4

At first, I was a little intimidated to sign up for Disciple. I thought I didn’t know enough about the Bible to participate in a discussion group. Then someone told me that’s the best reason to sign up...so I could learn the stories of the Bible. I signed up and it changed my life. The more I read and the more I wanted to read. The weekly discussion was transforming. Because of Disciple, I gained knowledge of the Bible, a deeper love for God, incredible friendships and an amazing journey with Christ by my side. Thank you Disciple for “filling” me up!

Tara Cooper

Before I participated in the Disciple Bible Study series, I did not realize the relevance of the Old Testament. I thought the Old Testament was a moderately interesting history of the Jewish people, but little more. Like many Christians, I thought the New Testament contained all the important “stuff.” Having now had the opportunity to participate in several Disciple series studies, I have a much better appreciation for how God has been working with us (humanity) a very long time—gradually helping us learn and understand His message for us all.

Bob Langewisch

Cala and I have now done Disciple I and III. It is terrifically inspiring and a daily reminder of God’s plan for our lives. Every Sunday evening we discussed the scripture and listened to the witness of one another. David Robinson led our class and besides being a wonderful leader, he had the innate ability of eliciting discussion and comment out of our class sometimes just by letting silence beg the question. David’s, as well as the other members of our class witness, laid out God’s work in their lives which in turn shown a light on how God was working in our own lives. It was a great experience and it was inspiring.

Tom Pence


Disciple I class is a life changer. Every person of Christian faith should attend this class to learn more about where Christian values came from, history and background of our religion, how to live what we preach and develop a closer relationship with God. The class will help attendees navigate through the most popular book ever written and printed; it will exemplify why it is the most popular book— one that many of us don’t read to understand enough. Attendees that make the commitment will get a needed theological perspective and introduction to the history of the Bible, its authors, its audience, and most importantly, the messages intended. In all my college years and the thousands of dollars spent on education through a Master’s degree, I’ve never learned more about myself in all those years combined as much as this class; and it only cost me about $35 ($25 for the workbook, and $10 for a study Bible). I highly recommend anyone that hasn’t taken this class to make it a priority. If they feel they are already too knowledgeable, I recommend it even more. “All that I have seen teaches me to trust the creator and learn what I haven’t seen… and share what I have seen.”

Will Mitchell

Disciple Bible Study really helped me take my spiritual journey to the next level. The class gives you a chance to really discuss your readings in a comfortable setting and see different points of view from other individuals. Sometimes we get caught up in life and forget what’s important. It is very important to read and study the scripture. This class brought that back into my life.

Nancy Cooper

I can testify to the fact that as a true “novice” of the Bible, Disciple Bible Study opened my heart and my mind to the teachings within. It meant a lot to me to take the Disciple I class. I found that for me (at that point a relatively new member of the church) it was also very beneficial to touch base weekly with other church members and to hear their thoughts on each lesson, especially due to the different ages participating. I believe I gained a great knowledge of how to read and interpret the Bible through these classes.

Loretta Anderson 6

As a student and facilitator, I found Disciple Bible Study to be one of most enriching and spiritually uplifting experiences I’ve ever had and continue to have. At the very beginning of each study, I ask, “why have you decided to take the DBS journey?” Students usually tell me one of two things: 1) I need a disciplined and structured approached to studying the Bible and 2) I know stories in the Bible but my heart is telling me there’s more. Indeed, DBS delivers both. What happens during class is nothing short of miraculous. Students become Brothers and Sisters in Christ, lives become enriched by personal witness, but ultimately they learn that the Bible is really the greatest living love story. The living love story between God and his people, all made possible by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and it continues through Jesus’ commission to us—to share the Good News. Disciple Bible Study fills the cup with the spiritual abundance we need to live in today’s world and be able to fulfill Jesus’ commission and live as true Disciples.

David Robinson

I think of the Disciple Bible study experience both from a social aspect and a spiritual aspect. Socially, there is a bond you form with your fellow classmates that remains forever. I have friends in church today—and some that have moved away—who are still friends because of the times and experiences we shared when delving into God's Word. Spiritually, the Disciple Bible studies helped me develop a degree of comfort with the Bible. Having been all through the Bible via the Disciple studies, although certainly not an expert, I don’t think there is anything there I'm not familiar with. The fun part is now studying it all over again in greater detail.

Trey Monson

Disciple 1 changed my life. . .truly. I now have a deeper understanding of the Bible in its entirety and developed a relationship with the others in my group that I will cherish forever.

Amy Bookout


I appreciated my five Disciple opportunities and the relationships that have been built from participating in them. When you share the Word in such an intimate setting over a period of nine or 10 months you come to know your classmates as friends and people you care deeply about—at least you CAN! That opportunity to develop Christian friendships with people you come to count on, and that count on you, is the best part for me. As far as the actual Bible study itself, it's eye-opening. Every time you delve into the Word with that much intensity you come out understanding God—and your relationship with Him—better.

Mollie McCune

I have been involved in Disciple Bible Study for a long time. I believe I first enrolled in Disciple I in the mid 90's. I had probably been involved in at least four or five Disciple studies when John Harman asked me to consider teaching a Disciple class. The thought scared me to death and I advised John that I was not “adequate in my Biblical knowledge” for such a task. I believe I was successful in putting him off for over a year when I finally caved in and said I would give it a try. That was six years and six classes ago and I plan to teach class number seven beginning in the fall! To say it has been a joyful experience would be an understatement. In the process of becoming better Disciples of Christ we have also become a very close knit little family. I feel that through a more disciplined and consistent approach to studying the Bible I have grown in my faith and through that faith and trust in Jesus Christ I have learned what it truly means to be a Disciple. I have also had the privilege of observing the incredible impact that consistent exposure to Scripture can have on each of us as spiritual beings. I value these past six years of involvement with Disciple Bible Studies immensely and must admit that even during our summer break I miss our Tuesday nights together.

Elliott Bradley

Disciple Bible Study opens up the historical relevance of the Bible and pieces together the snippets of information we receive during sermons and Sunday school, with the result being the Bible becomes easier and more enjoyable to read.

Lee Rodgers


Donny and I had a wonderful experience taking the class. I am thankful for it. It was our first year of marriage and I believe we grew closer and built a better foundation because of it.

Karen Perales

Disciple Bible Study was an excellent tool to start my understanding of the Bible, God and Jesus. It has a great flow that walks you through the Old Testament and New Testament. You do not spend too much time on any one subject, so if something is hard to understand you move to the next subject quickly. I would recommend Disciple to anyone who is looking for a better understanding of the Bible. It is very nice to sit in church and listen to the scripture for the sermon and know you have read it already. It is also nice to understand the scripture better and know what was going on at the time it was written. It was a daunting task at the beginning, but well worth the effort. The time commitment turns out to be easy to manage. In fact, Sara and I regularly would encourage each other to finish the passage. Disciple Bible Study is one of the best things I have done with the church, for me personally.

Trey Hamilton

Disciple Bible Study: where do I begin? For me, after many years, Disciple has enabled me to connect the dots re: biblical scripture. Prior to Disciple, I had categorized different areas of the Bible into “compartments” whereas Scripture is truly connected in so many ways and God's plan for his people is made perfectly clear. To put it in the vernacular, “you cannot make an omelet without breaking the eggs” meaning that it is difficult to see the whole picture without taking all of the pieces (some of which are difficult to comprehend/understand) and putting them together to make an understandable whole. Disciple has enabled me to see, after many years, a Scriptural common denominator—all of the pieces, once again, fall into place.

Clint Scofield 9

I had a very inspirational experience in Disciple I. It has strengthened my walk with the Lord and will be with me throughout the rest of my life.

Stan Morrow

Have you ever had to replace a Bible because it was falling apart? I took Disciple I when the study was first released, and after twenty years and many courses later, I tearfully and gratefully put it to rest and started over with another copy of the same Bible. At the culmination of that first Disciple course, I was “knighted” a teacher by my fellow Disciples. That is, I was identified as having the gift of teaching. So I set out to use this gift so many years ago. I am who I am by learning of God's plan for me in Disciple.

Karen Helms

The group study was a very good way to learn more about the Word as it lends to a process where you have others' view on how it speaks to them and causes you to possibly think in a different way than you have in the past. Since it’s a long commitment, we forged many close relationships with several people that we would not have had the chance to meet without this experience and it helped us to find additional ways to expand His kingdom.

Trish Walsh

Over the past ten plus years I have had the privilege of being part of at least seven Disciple Bible Study classes. Disciple classes have given me the opportunity to study the Scriptures, deepen my faith, learn the joy of daily prayer and meditation time, and strengthen my commitment to the Lord. My journey has brought me to a place where I now feel the Spirit’s presence in my daily life. I don’t believe that I would have gotten to this point without the discipline of reading the Scriptures and other readings that were required by the classes. Plus, I have met the most amazing and delightful people in my classes and have so enjoyed the sharing of ideas, views, joys and concerns of each class.

Izzie Waller 10

What to say about Disciple Bible Study? Two words: life changing. A truly incredible experience. I really hesitated at the commitment, but couldn't be happier that I went for it. The Bible and His word has truly come to life for me, and I am learning and better living it. My faith grew as did my curiosity and desire to learn, not to mention how fulfilled I felt week by week. Our group was very small, but we had wonderful leaders who gave so much and brought so much every week. I feel indebted to them and also feel we created lasting bonds through this experience. To make my schedule work for Disciple, on class day, I was up before 4:30 am to work out, then off to a full day at the office only to rush home, eat, then to Disciple. Although wiped out heading home after 9:00 pm that same day, those two hours at Disciple were always—hands down—the highlight of my day.

Kathy Parent

Nothing can bring you into feeling you're a part of the church like a Disciple Bible Study. You are participating with other members who have committed the same dedication and time to learning and study as you. The beautiful offshoot of this is a closer walk with Christ, a feeling of belonging because new friendships have been formed and more confidence as you participate in Sunday school and Bible studies outside of the Disciple studies. You will become more disciplined and hungry for study. Bar none, it is the best use of time I have ever spent. Warning: Disciple Bible study can become contagious and habit forming. It might be your first study but it won't be your last. Take the plunge and immerse yourself in God's word.

Patty Braselton

One of the best things about my four Disciple classes was the different perspectives brought to the table by people with different church or life experiences. Disciple I particularly helps you see the Bible as a whole document with multiple authors who had different experiences with the same God, just as we do today.

Tracy Luscombe 11

Most people think you have to be a Bible scholar to be an active part of this class. That was the thing I was most worried about. Disciple is just the opposite, your group comes together with all different levels of knowledge. That in itself is the beauty of this study. Your group walks through different parts of the Bible learning from each other through reading and reflection. I have completed three levels and each has been a different journey. Each one is a blessing and I am still learning and growing. I encourage each person to take Disciple. The blessing will be yours.

Velvet Hammond

Disciple Bible Study was my first real attempt to study the Bible in a systematic way. Disciple is a structured study and you have the added benefit of feeling a responsibility to your classmates to come prepared and have completed your week’s assignment. I realized in Disciple what a treasure the Bible really is. It is God speaking to me and to my life through a series of accounts of people 2000 years ago. Despite that time difference, those people are no different than me in their nature and in their needs. I also learned that God actually loves me, even me, but I need to respond to that love for our relationship to grow and flourish.

Jerry Helms

I have completed two Disciple studies. I can say that just the daily Bible reading/studying will turn a person's life upside down. When you read and study the Bible on a daily basis, you starting seeing things through different eyes and you start hearing through different ears. Participating in Disciple also is a great way to get to know other people in your church that you normally would never get to meet.

Lynn Manley

Disciple I was exactly what I was wanting and needing in a Bible Study class. It put the Bible in a religious, historical and cultural context that isn't always talked about. I'd recommend this class to everybody.

Brian Scudder 12

Disciple I was as much a personal goal as an educational one. I feel comfortable picking up the Bible and finding some verse in it. This shows me God is in control and sometimes that's all you need to know as you go through the seasons of our life. We don't always understand the “why” but we do know God's word.

Nancy Powlen

I considered it a privilege to begin a journey through the Bible with others whose goal it was to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ. The first year was a real challenge as it covered material from the Old Testament including homework, which I had not prepared the time in my daily routine. I soon realized that if I wanted to get the most out of the study, I had to re-arrange my schedule at home. This did not take long as I enjoyed setting aside a certain time each day when it was quiet. This may sound corny, but I began reading the lessons and the Bible out loud. That particular time was set aside for my Lord and me. I looked forward to each new lesson and being able to discuss the contents with my fellow classmates. I never considered myself a “Bible snob,” but before taking Disciple, I thought I knew my way through the Bible. I learned I had forgotten more than I ever knew! After completing the first year, I had a thirst to learn more and in great detail. I would strongly urge anyone of any age, to sign up for Disciple Bible Study. Not only will you learn about the scriptures, but you will make lasting friendships through your love of Christ and His church. I thank God and First Methodist-McKinney for the opportunity of learning more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Bonnie Foerster

My experience with Disciple Bible Study, is that through studying the scriptures I come closer to God. The older I get, I realize that I hunger for more knowledge. Through this knowledge, I become stronger in my faith and let God be in control of my life. I am His servant. Also, the bond of the caring friendship of the fellow classmates you receive is a very important part of the Bible Study.

Carol Crowder 13

Disciple Bible Study provides a discipline that most of us need to work our way through the scriptures in a meaningful way. Each time you read the scriptures something new seems to be revealed. Those revelations are compounded when you introduce the interaction with classmates and instructors from varying generations and backgrounds. The study helps to build your relationship with God and to break down those barriers that separate you from Him.

Trevis Lunsford

Disciple I is awesome! I learned so much. Many of the years since age 19, I have been involved in different Bible studies. This one is so well-rounded. I like the way each week's lesson begins with scripture reference, and the recommended prayer from scripture to begin each day’s lesson is very helpful. The lessons offers much insight. A brief section offers how we can relate it our own lives. If one has time—great suggestions for reading and research “if you want to know more.” I like the way others are led to feel comfortable to share what they learned, or considered, while doing each week's study. Now and then, I have enjoyed going back one of the lessons to review it.

Cindy Palmer

Jean and I took Disciple I about a year ago and it was really an uplifting experience for both of us. We feel that it gave us a much better understanding of the Bible and how the books relate to each other. It seemed to be a continuous study rather than isolated looks at each story separately.

Elmer and Jean Russell

The Disciple I study was so enlightening in many ways. We had a great leader. I will take Disciple II next year.

Henry Myrick


I really enjoyed the Disciple classes and have made life-long friends with many of the other members. I have learned that daily prayers and Bible verses have brought me closer to God and this is a result of the Disciple Classes. It's a truly worthwhile experience.

Mary Ann Baumgartner

I have wonderful memories of my Disciple I and IV class experiences—excellent instructors, fun classmates, stimulating conversations, etc. Retention is tough for me, but the mere awareness of Old vs. New and the Gospels vs. the Torah is huge for an infant of the Bible like me. I look forward to this fall and Disciple III.

Steve Hubbard

My husband Pete and I have completed four Disciple Bible Studies. Each one was a unique experience with a new group of people and a different facilitator. The studies require commitment and a willingness to commit time each day (or doubling up on some days!) in order to complete the assignments. Studying the Bible in a long term situation over several hours each week brings a new understanding to the Bible and an opportunity to get to know new people that bring new ideas and different frames of reference to the study. I loved each of the studies, but have a particular fondness for the third study. I came to a new understanding about the prophets and a new love for the books written by Paul. I would recommend to anyone considering a Disciple study to take the leap and sign up. Christians need to have as much understanding of the Bible as we can and this is a wonderful way to achieve that.

Jeannine Boss

No matter how well one feels that they are biblically knowledgeable I would strongly encourage them to participate in a Disciple Bible Study. They will be truly humbled.

Carol Ownby 15

Lar and I participated in Disciple I with Tina and Mike Ripperger as the leaders and it was a very worth while experience. I really appreciated connecting with a diverse age group and getting new insights on Bible stories that I've been familiar with for many years. At other times, it wasn't gaining a new perspective but having my understanding confirmed. The more we know and understand God's Word, the better equipped we are to live as witnessing Christians in the world. This study also adds up to spiritual and intellectual growth and it's all accomplished in a relaxed, fun atmosphere while making new friends. Can't beat that! It's a commitment for sure but it's totally worth the time and effort!

Lois Cavender

The first thing that comes to mind is that I was ready to take on this journey...a change happened in my life. God is always with us wherever we go, do, or just be. I've known this since I was nine years old. But as a grown-up my life changed drastically, as does everyone with school, careers and a growing family. I would call on the Lord when I needed Him and he always answered me, but I didn't really lean on Him. My Friend, Parent, who has the most wonderful patience, doesn't lose interest, and is not annoyed by my habits waits for me. God waited for me to choose to draw close to him and it happened because of Disciple I. The daily reading, weekly discussions, interaction with people looking to change made all the difference. And this is how for me...that person who's taking my money at the grocery store whose name tag is easily visible, I have an intense moment where I care about her and I pray that she knows Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and that something will come into her life to show her. I sit at a movie theater and look at the back of all those heads and I think, “God loves every single soul here.� I pray for those strangers that they know or come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. And that driver, the one who cut me off and almost killed someone, who I intensely don't like, gets a prayer from me about knowing Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. It is almost a constant awareness about people around me and praying for them...that was my gift from Disciple I Bible Study.

Tracye Malek 16

I have really enjoyed the Disciple classes. They leave me wanting more. I have learned so much not only from the Bible but from the facilitators, and the class members. I feel my relationship with God has grown deeper because of these classes and my relationship with my church family has expanded. I am more at peace and know that I can face anything that life may bring because God is always with me and my church is there too. It sounds simplistic but it is very powerful. My favorite was Disciple III. I cannot wait to take Disciple IV.

Elizabeth Smidt

Disciple I really helped me gain a better understanding of where various books of the Bible fit into human history, which has helped me better understand the significance of the Word. Also, the discipline of daily Bible reading is something I have been able to continue, with God's help, to this day.

James Shelby

I enjoyed taking Disciple Classes I & IV and have signed up for II. The overall study is an excellent one. A lot of reading, but I was able to accomplish it with prayer. Having Steve take it at the same time helped tremendously. Then, being held accountable for studying was excellent. The first group was a large one, the second a very small one...pluses for both. It helped to get to know others in our big church as well as being able to pray for one another.

Ann Hubbard

My Disciple classes were the most mind-opening, thought-provoking classes that I have ever had the opportunity in which to participate. Can you imagine having Elliot Bradley, David Wheeler, Jerry and Gordon Givens, Ann Koenig, Robin Woodall, Shawn and Leticia Sanders, Carlene Bobbit, Diane Penney, and Mary Ann Baumgartner together for the majority of five years, studying the Bible? The thoughts, discussions, the inner soul searching, THE KNOWLEDGE!!! Disciple with these beautiful, faithful people not only led me on my journey, but turned it into one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Peace and Grace,

Sue Gastrock


First of all, I personally gained tremendous insight into my Christian beliefs. Tommy talks about being on the pathway of transition and I feel Disciple I, both as a student and later as a facilitator, advanced me several small steps along this path in a most positive way. The biggest overview of Disciple I is the Alpha to Omega nature of the class outline. Most of my Bible study previously occurred in childhood and through Sunday school study. The nature of this study appears like a series of short stories whether it is Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lion's den etc. Disciple I ties all of these short stories together very nicely and certainly increases one’s understanding of the tie of Judaism to Christianity. I won't go as far to say that this is the best Bible study available since I haven't been exposed to all, but it certainly filled a much needed gap in my personal Bible study. Another positive aspect of Disciple I study is the personal contact with church members. One really gets to know others on an individual basis by spending this much time together. I consider all of my Disciple I contacts as acquired friends whether as a student or as a facilitator. I used to say that if you want to get to know someone’s true nature play golf with them. While this is still true, I can add if you want to get to know someone study the Bible with them. It is revealing in a positive way to study the Bible with like-thinking individuals. The commitment of time is fairly significant. Thirty four weeks at two hours per week is a large commitment. Additionally, there is another commitment of time two to three times this in individual study. A person signing up for Disciple Bible study has made a positive step on the pathway of transition. Once the commitment is made and the journey is started, it quickly becomes part of one’s routine and I felt something lacking if I didn't attend. It is somewhat like feeling something is missing if one doesn't attend church to recharge ones batteries. Overall, Disciple I was a very positive experience for Paula and me to the point of whetting our appetite and signing up for additional Disciple Bible study.

Wendell Seaman

Disciple Bible Study helps me focus on my walk with God. Studying the manual and the scriptures each week keeps me focused on God's will and his plan for my life, opens up a healthy attitude towards others, and helps me keep my eyes open to see places where I can show others God's love for them as well.

Carol Berglund 18

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