Growing Together June/July 2011

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JUNE - JULY 2011



Reaching Higher “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 3:18)

Growing Deeper

God uses Bible studies, groups, and classes to grow disciples who bear fruit in the world.

More Than a Veggie Tale


hen summer arrives, so do many of the good things that were planted in the spring. When it comes to the garden, the investment of planting and tending produces a yield that can be enjoyed as it is harvested. The fruits and vegetables that we enjoy during the summer began as seeds at some point, didn’t they? Good, ripe, healthy fruit from the earth ultimately reveals itself to our senses: its deep, ripe colors to look at, its crisp sounds that snap in our ears, a freshness with its own aromas unique to the season, and oh, the taste! The natural process of growth and fruitfulness begins small and leads to seasons of reaping. The same is true for us as we grow spiritually. Of course, we do not cause that growth, but we are called to plant seeds, to tend, and to water expectantly and in cooperation with God who produces fruit in us 2

(1 Corinthians 3:4-8). After all, the Bible refers to the fruit of the Spirit in and through us (Galatians 5:2223). Apart from Christ, we do not bear fruit (John 15:5). When we allow our lives to be places of planting with good seed, watered regularly, and available for God’s work of growth, the spiritual yield that God created us to have comes about. An important way that we participate in this process is by giving attention to the Bible. Reading, learning, and living God’s ways are essential parts of a spiritually healthy, growing, and fruitful life. Psalm 1:2-3 reminds us that a person who thirsts for and lingers over God’s instruction ―is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither.‖

and nourish! Take time to explore what nourishes your own discipleship. Connect with God regularly in worship this summer and with the life-giving water of Scripture. Find a group or class where you can put down healthy roots, drink deeply of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and open your life all the more to the growth and fruit-bearing that God promises to work. Let the following pages help to inform the process for you, and call on us to assist you when needed. Rev. John Harman Adult Discipleship Pastor

Thankfully, this can be true in any season, not just summer. But what a time to think about the fruit of our lives, and the seeds that we plant



An Invitation to the Bible Have you been wanting to venture into structured Bible study but have hesitated to take the next step? This summer, we have a special study for you called Invitation to the New Testament. You will have an opportunity to step into the New Testament for eight weeks with a study to explore the Bible, connect with others, and learn to develop Bible reading and study skills that you can continue to use. The Gospel of Matthew forms the framework of the study as you encounter the coming of Jesus, his life, his mission, and his call to community and discipleship. You will read widely from the New Testament and have the opportunity to reflect on your reading throughout the week and with the other members of your group in the weekly class. This study follows the format of Disciple Bible Study, in which the combination of daily readings and the weekly

group time are a great strength. Take your choice of a daytime or an evening option: Brown Bag Bible Study: Bring your lunch and munch with the bunch on Wednesdays from 11:30 am to 1:00. Rev. Leslie Stephens will lead the group from June 22 to Aug 10 in Room B100 (Conference Room). Summer Evening Study: If the evening works better for you, come on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. The chairperson of the Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT) Roger Smidt will lead this group in Room B100 (Conference Room). Visit, click on Short-Term Studies, and you’ll find a place to register for this study and

Genesis: In the Beginning


n the beginning: A world bursts into existence at the Beginning June 19, join us for a summer Sunday School sound of God’s voice. Humans ruin the new paradise class at 11:10 am to examine the first 11 chapters of the with the fruit from a single tree. Family feud leads to Book of Genesis. We will set out to make sense of this murder, and a downward spiral ensues. fascinating and bewildering series of stories and to Genesis: Cataclysmic floods wipe the slate clean. In spite explore what these chapters mean to Christians now In the Beginning of it all, humans set out to build their way to God and what they have meant to Christians in the past. only to be mired in mass confusion. The class leaders for this new study will be Adult Discipleship Pastor John Harman and commissioned


A New Sunday Morning Class for You!


his year’s Confirmation class is completed! Now what? The group of Confirmation (6th graders) parents that has been meeting through the year as the Credo Class is staying together as the Crusaders and is inviting you to join in. If you are a parent with a junior high school student or older youth and would like to connect, study, and grow with other parents, this new class will welcome you warmly. The current Bible study is on the Book of James, which is sometimes called the New Testament’s book of wisdom. We can all use wisdom, and the Bible offers us much! The study itself is called Faith at Work, because part of gaining wisdom is developing our ability to put our faith into appropriate action in every area of our lives. See the page on the church website for more details: Then come to Room A215 (located above the main sanctuary) at 9:00 am on Sunday and make a new—and wise—connection!

A Class for Confirmation Parents Parents of children in the coming year’s Confirmation Class will have a new opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. It’s an adult Sunday school class called Credo, and it tracks week-to-week right along with the topics that the Confirmation students are discussing. This allows parents to connect with other parents, to learn and grow as disciples themselves, and to be able to connect with their child about what they are learning. By discussing and learning about the same subjects as their children each week, Credo helps parents to understand, to reinforce, and to have points of conversation about what it means to be in relationship with God and

June 12 at 11:10 am in the Parlor Would you like to know more about First United Methodist Church? Join us for a Visitor Information Class! We will provide some church history, some current information about our ministries, and we’ll take you on a tour. All are welcome! No need to register. Questions? Contact Liz Greenwell at or (972) 562-8556 ext. 24.

A Short Class on United Methodism This four-week Sunday morning class answers your question, What does it mean to be a United Methodist Christian? Dr. Don Renshaw of the pastoral staff will lead this time of exploring the heritage, beliefs, and structure of the United Methodist Church. The group will meet four consecutive Sundays beginning July 10 at 9 am in Room A200.


to be part of a church family. Many parents participate in rotating leadership in various parts of the Confirmation program, so the Credo experience is designed to accommodate come-and-go needs. We hope that all of the parents of our Confirmation Class can participate regularly because of the obvious benefits to families the class offers, but Credo is a good fit also for those who can only attend occasionally. When Confirmation begins in late August, Credo will begin to meet weekly at


Sunday Mornings

Living Faith Did you know that there is a new Sunday Morning Bible class that’s Living Faith? This class has recently begun meeting at 10:05 am on Sundays in Room C215 and is doing a study of the Book of Ephesians, Alive in Christ.

Something new is happening in the heart of McKinney:

contemporary meaning for our everyday lives.

The Living Faith Class on Sunday mornings from 10:05 to 10:55 in Room C215.

The format is interactive, and the class is educational, practical, and will be topically diverse in its studies. James Woods leads this new group on Sunday mornings.

This new fellowship is a great place to connect and grow together at FUMC. The class engages Scripture from multiple perspectives, including its historical, literary, and theological contexts, all the while drawing

Visit for more class and schedule information, or contact

Did you know that 20 adult Sunday morning classes meet at First United Methodist Church every week? And that’s in addition to special short-term and seasonal classes offered throughout the year! Connect and grow with us on Sunday mornings!

Join the Journey


f you are new to First United Methodist Church, you’ll find the Join the Journey experience to be an opportunity to make a meaningful connection. It is especially designed to answer your questions about the Christian faith, the Methodist Church, and life in the church family. As you explore some basic Join the Journey topics in Christianity, Methodism, Bible study, and service and discipleship, you will get to connect with other newcomers and begin a journey of learning and spiritual growth together in this family of faith. The weekly sessions are designed to inform and equip you to understand and respond to the biblical call to a life of discipleship. Sessions will also use as a supplement for discussion United Methodist Bishop William Willimon’s This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice

(Abingdon Press, 2010). We hope that every person in the church family has a regular place of connection where you can learn and grow in community. We believe that Join the Journey will help you find a pathway to that connection that is right for you. The next 12-week session begins July 10 at 10:05 am in Room C210. Pick up a brochure in the main church lobby or visit the Short-Term Studies area at to learn more. This is an ongoing class that you can join at any time in its 12-week cycle. So come along, connect with us, and join the journey! Contact Rev. Liz Greenwell for more information:






he story of ancient Israel’s arrival and settlement in the Promised Land illustrates how the covenant people of God continued to struggle to stay faithful the Lord even when he remained faithful to them. God’s history of covenant faithfulness and merciful patience always stood before the people and summoned them to loyalty and trust, but they often chose to ignore and turn away from that invitation. As we read the Old Testament books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth this summer, we have the opportunity to reflect on God’s pursuing grace, on the ways in which we sometimes resist that grace, and on the painful chaos that can result when we take our eyes off of the heart of God’s instruction to us: to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5), and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Leviticus 19:18). Let the pictures of God’s faithfulness draw you closer to Christ as you read. You can get a copy of this reading schedule printed on a bookmark at the Information Desk in the main church lobby. Let’s read and grow together!

June 2011 1 Joshua 1:1-9

14 Joshua 10:1-15

27 Joshua 21


Judges 5

20 Judges 16:1-22

2 Joshua 1:10-18

15 Joshua 10:16-28

28 Joshua 22


Judges 6

21 Judges 16:23-31

3 Joshua 2

16 Joshua 10:29-43

29 Joshua 23


Judges 7

22 Judges 17

4 Joshua 3

17 Joshua 11

30 Joshua 24

10 Judges 8:1-21

23 Judges 18

5 Joshua 4:1-14

18 Joshua 12

11 Judges 8:22-35

24 Judges 19

6 Joshua 4:15–5:1

19 Joshua 13

12 Judges 9

25 Judges 20:1-31

7 Joshua 5:2-15

20 Joshua 14

13 Judges 10

26 Judges 20:32-48

8 Joshua 6:1-11

21 Joshua 15

1 Judges 1:1-21

14 Judges 11

27 Judges 21

9 Joshua 6:12-27

22 Joshua 16

2 Judges 1:22-36

15 Judges 12:1-7

28 Ruth 1

10 Joshua 7

23 Joshua 17

3 Judges 2:1-5

16 Judges 12:8-15

29 Ruth 2

11 Joshua 8:1-29

24 Joshua 18

4 Judges 2:6–3:6

17 Judges 13

30 Ruth 3

12 Joshua 8:30-35

25 Joshua 19:1-48

5 Judges 3:7-31

18 Judges 14

31 Ruth 4

13 Joshua 9

26 Joshua 19:49–20:9

6 Judges 4

19 Judges 15

July 2011

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

GrowingTogether! GrowingTogether is the bimonthly newsletter of the Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT). Its purpose is to highlight upcoming opportunities to connect and grow in the First United Methodist Church family, and to encourage you on your journey of faith. We believe that a journey of faith is a journey of growth and that connecting with God through Bible study and with one another in Christian community are essential to our growth. If the ADLT can provide information or guidance for you along the discipleship pathway, please let us know: 6

This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at

June FUMC Calendar Sunday




Every Sunday Morning:



8:00 am

Friday 2

Traditional Worship

Saturday 3








7:00 am

9:00 am

Men’s Bible Study

Adult Sunday School

9:30 am

Traditional Worship

Beth Moore

10:05 am Adult Sunday School Join the Journey Wellspring Worship

6:30 pm

Traditional Worship

Evening Worship

11:10 Adult Sunday School

7:00 pm

Wellspring Worship

Small Groups

Traditional Worship

Join the Journey



7 9:30 am

10:05 am, Room C210



Men’s Bible Study

9:30 am

Young Women’s Study Footprints

7:00 am

Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore

6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Small Groups

Small Groups

Join the Journey





16 7:00 am

9:30 am Young Women’s Study

10:05 am, Room C210

Men’s Bible Study

9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore

Visitor Information Class & Tour 11:10 am Parlor (Rm B115) 7:00 pm

7:00 pm Small Groups

Small Groups

Join the Journey




23 7:00 am

9:30 am Young Women’s Study Footprints

Beth Moore 11:30 am Brown Bag Bible Study: Invitation to the NT 6:30 pm

Genesis: In the Beginning Summer Pastor’s Bible Study Begins 11:10 in Room C200

Men’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

9:30 am

10:05 am, Room C210

Join the Journey


Evening Worship 7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Small Groups Invitation to the NT

Small Groups



28 9:30 am Young Women’s Study

29 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore

10:05 am, Room C210

30 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

11:30 am

6:30 Grief Support Group 7:00 pm Small Groups

Brown Bag Bible Study: Invitation to the NT 6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Small Groups Invitation to the NT


This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at

July FUMC Calendar Sunday


Every Sunday Morning:



8:00 am


Wednesday 5



Friday 7

Traditional Worship

Saturday 1










7:00 am

9:00 am

9:30 am

9:30 am

Adult Sunday School

Young Women’s Study

Traditional Worship

Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore

10:05 am

Women’s Bible Study

11:30 am Brown Bag Bible Study: Invitation to the NT 6:30 pm

Adult Sunday School Join the Journey

Independence Day

Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship

Men’s Bible Study 10:00 am

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

Evening Worship 7:00 pm


Small Groups Invitation to the NT

Adult Sunday School Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship






9:30 am

9:30 am Young Women’s Study

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study 10:00 am

9:00 am, Room A200

11:30 am

Join the Journey

Brown Bag Bible Study: Invitation to the NT 6:30 pm

Women’s Bible Study

Evening Worship

10:05 am, Room C210

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Small Groups Invitation to the NT

Small Groups





7:00 am

9:30 am

9:30 am Young Women’s Study Footprints

Women’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

11:30 am

9:00 am, Room A200

Brown Bag Bible Study: Invitation to the NT 6:30 pm

Join the Journey

Evening Worship

10:05 am, Room C210

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Small Groups Invitation to the NT

Small Groups



26 9:30 am Young Women’s Study

27 Women’s Bible Study 11:30 am

Join the Journey

Brown Bag Bible Study: Invitation to the NT 6:30 pm

6:30 Grief Support Group

10:05 am, Room C210

7:00 pm Small Groups


9:00 am, Room A200

Join the Journey 10:05 am, Room C210


9:30 am

9:00 am, Room A200



Evening Worship 7:00 pm Small Groups Invitation to the NT

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

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