Create Your Online Account
Lorain County residents must apply for Regular Services through the State of Ohio by visiting energyhelp.ohio.gov. It’s easy! All you need is a valid email address.

As a PIPP customer, you may already have an account with the State. If you’re not sure, try entering your email address in the Log In window. If you don’t have an account, making one takes just a few minutes using the form pictured here. Once you have an account you can use it year after year as long as needed.
Use this website and account to:
( Apply for an Annual HEAP benefit.
( Reverify your income annually for PIPP Plus.
( Make a new application for PIPP Plus.
( All in the same place!
You can also use your account to track the status of your application. Applications from Lorain County are directed to LCCAA through the statewide system.
Processing is on a first come, first served basis. All applications must come through the system, therefore, drop off applications cannot be accepted.
Plan Ahead!
Online applications can take up to 8 weeks to process when demand is at its highest. Don’t wait!
You can also apply by mail by printing the application you find online or by getting a paper copy at a local library. Mailed applications take even longer, however, as much as 12 weeks. There is no way to track a mailed application.
If this is still your best option, but you don’t have postage, drop your completed application in our secure box at 936 Broadway Ave., Lorain and we will mail it to the State for you.
Apply for Help Annually
Annual HEAP Benefit
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps you pay to heat your home during the winter. Even if you have received this benefit before, you still have to apply every year. Some things to remember:
( HEAP benefits are paid directly to your utility company.
( HEAP benefits are applied to your energy bill after January 1.
( You must apply through the State of Ohio either online or by mail.
( You must allow at least 8 weeks and as many as 12 weeks for processing.
( You can apply as early as July 1 before the winter season or as late as May 31 after the winter season.
( You do not need an appointment at LCCAA.
Don’t forget to sign your application! Your application cannot be processed without a signature.
Tracking Your Application
Through the State of Ohio system - if you have applied online - you can check the status of your application as often as you’d like. Remember that annual HEAP benefits are not applied to your bill until January regardless of how early you receive approval.
What Status Updates Mean
Submitted: You have completed your application and it is awaiting processing by the State.
In Progress: A State employee is currently at work on your application.
Processed: The application has been completed or rejected.
Appeals Process
If your application is denied, you will be told why. If you think you should have been approved, you can appeal the decision.
You must submit your request for a new review of your application in writing to energyappeals@lccaa.net within 30 days of your denial. You will be informed of the result within 10 days and other appeals may be possible.

Know Your Date, Apply to the State!
PIPP Plus Reverification
As a PIPP customer, you are required to reverify your income once a year. Your reverification date will appear on your utility bill. To allow for processing time, you must complete an Ohio Energy Services application online or by mail at least two months before your reverification date. Missing your reverification date could result in you being dropped from the program. You are responsible for knowing when you need to reverify in order to remain on the PIPP Plus Program.

Annivers A ry DAte
This is the date you were originally enrolled in the PIPP Program. This date is like your birthday, it falls on the same date every year and doesn’t change.
Why it is importA nt
This date is important because you must be up to date on your PIPP payments by your anniversary date or you can be removed from the program.
Your Anniversary Date is printed on your monthly utility statement.
reverific Ation DAte
This is the date you last verified your household income. You must do so annually. This date can change so it’s important to keep track of it.
it is importA nt
This date is important because you must demonstrate you are still eligible for the program by reverifiying income or you can be removed from PIPP.
Your Reverification Date is printed on your monthly utility statement.
Read the messages and other fine print on your bills to find your PIPP Anniversary and Reverification dates. Knowing these dates is your responsibility.

Staying on PIPP Plus
Pay your bill on time and in full.
In order to enjoy all the benefits of the PIPP Program, you must stay current on your bills. Pay the PIPP amount on time and in full each month. Paying on time and in full will eliminate your old balance or arrearage. If you pay on time and in full for 24 months in a row, your entire arrearage is forgiven.
If you miss a payment, make it up.
Missing payments will impact your ability to have your arrearages forgiven and could result in you being dropped from the program. However, if you make up any missed payments by your Anniversary Date, you will still be able to stay on PIPP Plus.
Applying for or Updating PIPP
Whether you are applying for the first time or reverifying your income for the third time, all activity related to PIPP Plus happens at energyhelp.ohio.gov. The application you complete online is for all the State-run energy programs. Some things to remember:
( Your payment amount is based on your income, not your usage.
( You must apply through the State of Ohio either online or by mail.
( You must allow at least 8 weeks and as many as 12 weeks for processing.
( You can make a new application for PIPP at any time during the year.
( You must be current on your payments by your Anniversary Date or you may be dropped from the program.
( You must reverify your income by your Reverification Date or you may be dropped from the program.

( Your dates are on your bills. It is your responsibility to keep track of them and plan ahead.
( You can track your application in the State system as detailed on page 3.
( You have the same rights to appeal as detailed on page 3 for the HEAP program.
( You do not need an appointment at LCCAA.
If your income increases above PIPP eligibility or if you move, talk to your utility company about options such as Graduate PIPP and Post PIPP.
Emergency Assistance
Emergency assistance requires an appointment with an LCCAA staff member. To prioritize households with heating and cooling emergencies, LCCAA no longer accepts non-emergency appointments during crisis periods.
Winter crisis
novembeR 1 to maRch 31*
Help is provided to income eligible homes who meet one of the following criteria:
( Primary heating source is disconnected.
( A disconnection notice has been received.
( Bulk fuel (propane, wood, etc.) is at less than a 10-day supply.
summer crisis
July 1 to SeptembeR 30*
Help is provided to income eligible homes and is usually reserved for those over 60 or with a medical necessity. Benefits may include:
( Help with an electric bill.
( A window air conditioning unit.
( A box fan.
* Crisis periods and criteria are set by the Ohio Department of Development. Dates are subject to change. Criteria sometimes vary. Visit www.lccaa.net for the most up to date eligibility information.
All crisis services require an appointment with an LCCAA staff member. Scheduling is no longer done by phone. Once secured through lccaa.secure.force.com/appointments, scheduled appointments will be conducted by phone. For those without online access, a limited number of walk-in appointments are available, some at partner agencies. Walkin appointments will be screened and non-emergency assistance will not be granted as a walk-in service. Service is not offered between 12 and 1 p.m. Please visit www.lccaa.net or call 440-245-1870 for the most up to date hours and locations.
If you receive a disconnection notice during a crisis period, make an appointment right away. If you make an appoinment for at least 48 hours before your scheduled disconnection AND you enter your utility account number, the utility will put a hold on the disconnect while you are waiting for your appointment. If you miss or reschedule your appointment, the hold is removed and you may lose service.
After your appointment, you can FAX documents to us at 440-457-0337.
At a Glance
LCCAA recommends you use this page to keep track of important dates and information related to your energy services. Keep this personal information in a safe place.
my electric compA ny
my GA s compA ny
You may not have one.
my pipp pluS anniveRSaRy Date
My payments must be current by my anniversary date.
my pipp pluS ReveRification Date
This is the date I have to reverify my income by this year. I need to send information eight weeks before it.
my eneRgyhelp.ohio.gov account anD paSSwoRD
the email i uSeD:
my paSSwoRD: