Parent Spotlight: Policy Council Officers LCCAA Head Start’s 2021-2022 Parent Policy Council has elected officers for the school year. Stephanee Kochco is serving as the Council’s vice president. Melanie Wiseman is Assistant Secretary. Stephanee is the first Policy Council representative from Firelands Head Start where her daughter started in September. She has experience cofounding and running a local nonprofit. Melanie represents LaGrange Head Start where her son is a student. She volunteered because she remembers her mother working hard to support her activities growing up.
activity,” Stephanee said. “We love that she is making friends in a safe and wlecoming environment while preparing to start kindergarten.” Parents are elected by their centers to serve on Policy Council. Policy Council members review budgets, “I want to bring new ideas to the human resources needs and table to make both my children and curriculum. others’ experience the best it can be,” she said. They also have an opportunity to Both mothers said they appreciate share any successes or concerns the Head Start program for its safe from the center they represent. and inclusive environment as well Policy Council members also have as the caring and patient teachers. an opportunity to attend trainings “Our only child has spent half her and conferences locally, statewide life in a pandemic with little social and nationally.
Dress Your Child for Daily Outdoor Play LCCAA Head Start classes play outside every day, even in the winter time. Fresh air and outdoor play are vital parts of child development. Please check the weather forecast and make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the temperature and the wind chill. This includes a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves. As always, we recommend closed-toe shoes children can run in. Head Start staff monitor the temperature and children are outside only briefly on the coldest of days. If your chlld needs cold weather clothing, please contact your family service worker for assistance.
Recognizing the Role of Fathers at Home, School
A child raised in a father absent home will be affected in many ways. LCCAA Head Start has recognized this trend and put in place initiatives. We work each year to develop a plan to support fathers. This includes: X Father-focused activities X Dad talks X Fathering in 15
Fathering in 15™ is a free, online, mobile-accessible LCCAA Head Start recognizes both the unique program for fathers and father figures, that offers challenges fathers face and their critical contribution to opportunities to engage in conversations and activities to enhance key life skills and establish healthy behaviors the health of their families. Approximately 18.3 million children in America live in that can improve relationships in their lives. Fathering in 15™ offers 15 topics related to being a father. homes without their biological fathers.