Dealz - Press Clippings 2014

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Costa del Sol News Fundraising Halloween Event and Fashion Show at Dealz Torremolinos October 18 from11.00 to 14.00 PRESS RELEASE iscount retailer Dealz in Plaza de la Nogalera Torremolinos will be holding a fun Halloween event and fashion show on 18th October from 11.00-14.00. As well as showcasing their freaky fancy dress costumes at 13.00 with a spooky fashion show, there will be a face painter, music and special Halloween treats to sample. As part of Dealz' commitment to support Cudeca throughout 2014, there will be three Halloween Party Hampers worth 30€ being raffled to raise money for the cancer charity. Dealz (part of the Poundland Family) is offering "Fangtastic Halloween Value" this year and has everything needed to host the perfect Halloween party,


from plates, glasses and table decorations, all for an amazing value 1.50€, plus a great range of kids' and adults' fancy dress costumes. These hampers will contain a large selection from this Halloween range and shoppers visiting the store will have the opportunity to buy a raffle ticket for 1€ and be entered into the draw. All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to Cudeca. For more information visit

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October 9-16, 2014 9 771137 042003


Monday, 6th October, 2014


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In June of this year, The Leader reported how retail chain Poundland planned to expand their European operation into Spain, with a proposed development of 10 stores under their Dealz brand. Now, that promise is becoming more of a reality, with the second such store set to open its doors in Alicante later this month. Located on Calle de Castellar in Alicante, the store will open on Thursday the 16to of October, having already created 37 new jobs and representing what they describe as “a significant investment in the area”. In anticipation of the opening, Store Manager Carles Cartes Fernandez said: “We are extremely excited to be introducing Dealz’s unique single price offer onto the Costa Blanca at a time when households are trying to survive on a tight budget. The price point for the majority of products in Dealz stores is 1.50€, offering customers amazing value. In addition there will always be a number of special promotions at key prices. Dealz is a unique shopping experience in Spain with a clean, bright shopping environment with friendly customer service. Customers will be amazed at what we have to offer!. At

Dealz we are committed to bringing this amazing value everyday and will be offering an extensive range of top brands to our customers.” Heading up the company in Spain, Alvaro Villamizar added, “Dealz is proud to be able to create employment in

PILAR SAVED HALF A MILLION IN ELECTRICITY CHARGES With the aim of saving as much municipal money as possible, the town hall of Pilar de la Horadada has successfully saved half a million euro off their annual electricity bill. Councillor for Infrastructure and the Environment, Iván Romero, said that despite the rises in electricity rates, the municipality has achieved these savings through investment by the council in the review and optimization of electricity tariffs, in the renewal of street lighting and shutting down points of light in areas where there are no buildings. “In 2011, the council paid more than a mil-

lion and a half euro in lighting of the town, now this electric bill is about nine hundred thousand euro”, according to the councillor. In 2011, the process of changing old fashioned lights for energy efficient LED illumination began, work which still continues to this day, “an improvement in energy efficiency that has an investment of only 430,000 euro by the municipality”, he continued. Moreover, Romero stressed that this intervention has made Pilar de la Horadada a pioneering municipality in the province of Alicante in the installation of LED lighting, because they have now been installed in almost all areas of both Pilar de la Horadada and Torre de la Horadada. The councillor also announced that the installation of LED lighting will be extended to the area of the old town of Torre de la Horadada, through the grant requested from the provincial government of Alicante through their Energy Savings Plan. The government team, led by José Fidel Ros, stressed that the full proposal is part of “an initiative aimed at saving and environmental sustainability”" a move that was supported by all councillors of the municipal corporation in the plenary.

Alicante and offer job seekers from all backgrounds a brand new, exciting career.” Poundland first entered Europe in September 2011 opening two stores in the Republic of Ireland. Trading under the Dealz brand, the estate has grown rapidly to a 31 store operation which was profitable in its first full year of operation, has already delivered a positive return on investment and has significant growth opportunities ahead. Jim McCarthy, CEO of Poundland, said: “The success of Dealz in the Republic of Ireland was a clear demonstration that we have the capability to generate positive financial returns in new geographies quickly. We have been very careful and thorough in our evaluation of further European expansion opportunities and we are confident that our offer and our model suits the Spanish market well. “We have a very detailed, low risk and low cost entry plan and the management strength and capacity, in the UK and in Spain, to execute it well. I’m confident that Poundland’s amazing value will quickly resonate with Spanish customers.”

HONDÓN VALLEY BRANCH OF TRBL CELEBRATE 8TH BIRTHDAY! The Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion celebrated their 8th Birthday with a huge cake designed as a poppy. Three of the original founding members were on hand to cut the cake, current Chairman Chris Wyatt, past Chairman Dave Stewart and Treasurer and cake baker Wendy Dengate. The evening also included a Photographic Competition, a picture quiz, a talk on welfare when we heard that not only does the Legion spend £1.4m a week on welfare services, but our Branch had raised over 45,000€ since its inception. A fantastic amount for a small inland Branch. Our birthday evening finished off with a slide show of photos taken over the past eight years of all the various Branch events and it was “a walk down memory lane” - amazing how different some of us look! It didn’t take too long to eat the cake either! Now the Branch is looking forward

to its ninth year and gathering new members along with new memories. If you want to support our British Forces and have a bit of fun at the same time why not come along and join us. We meet 3rd Tuesday every month 7pm at Monte Alto Restaurant, Hondón de Las Nieves. For more information please email or visit at our website:


G’DAY MATE According to an Australian travel agency, Phil Hoffman Travel, Spain is set to get a bigger boost of tourists in 2015, along with Greece, and an increase in holiday makers heading to Brazil ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games. Ahead of its travel expo at the Adelaide Convention Centre, the company released its top 10 journeys for 2015, based on market research and inquiries over the past six months.

SNAPPY MATE The Terra Natura animal park in Benidorm has received a new resident this week, a Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), which it hopes to match up with the current crocodile in the park in a breeding program. However, the 2 metre long and 50 kilo weight addition is still too young at the moment, so it is hoped that the relationship will blossom over the next few years when it reaches sexual maturity.

NOT HOT The government has extended the ban on agricultural and other intentional fires until the 15th of October, in order to continue to try to reduce the risk of these fires getting out of control. The ban, which also came into force early this year, would normally be lifted at the end of September.

NO NATIVE TONGUE According to a study by the University of Valencia, only 10% of the regional population will be able to speak the native language of Valencia by the year 2050. Clara Miralles Vila, who compiled the data, says that the language will soon disappear altogether, unless there is a policy change.

TRAVELLING DOGS After a new law came into force this week which allows dogs to travel on Barcelona´s underground metro train system, so long as they are accompanied by a human companion, the animal rights and welfare group El Refugio has asked that the same allowance be extended to the network in Madrid.

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COSTA NEWS, October 17-23, 2014

Go green, my son Dave Jones More than three million jobs created and a large reduction in electricity bills over the next 15 years. This is what the government could achieve with a healthy investment in renewable energies, according to Greenpeace. Well, they would say that, wouldn't they? Even though the answer is yes, the information provided this week by the ecologists comes from a report they commissioned from a private company and not from their own investigations. In fact, in the words of Greenpeace, the conclusions come from 'two exhaustive studies' carried out by Analistas Económicas y Sociales. The jobs would come from the construction of new greenenergy generating centres. Then by 2030 there would be more than 200,000 permanent

jobs for those running and maintaining the renewable energy resources. Their aim would be for 95% of energy produced in Spain to come from renewable sources, which would lead to a 75% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions based on 2012 levels by doing away with energy systems based on fossil fuels. Under the new scenario, Spain would become a mayor player in solar power, the area most neglected by successive governments in this country. Taking advantage of sun seems like a very obvious thing to do on the Iberian peninsula where the sun always shines, but it is something which hasn't appealed to those in power for reasons best known only to them. A total of 105,000 jobs could be created in this field alone, according to the study. Next would be wind power, the renewable which has had most backing in Spain so far, with more energy being produced from this source last year than any other, including nuclear. A total of 38,000 new jobs would come in this sector. There would also be heavy

investment in wave power and biofuels. Greenpeace claims that electricity bills can be reduced by 25% through producing

However, Greenpeace points out that the current government has done the opposite in its two-year tenure. They claim that the PP regime has made a

cheaper, clean energy. And the cost to the government? A total of €19 billion euros a year, according to the analysis.

U-turn, changing Spain from being a leader in renewable energies, to blaming green power for increases in home owners' energy bills.

Support Compassion to stop brutal killing festival Nikki Luxford Recently I wrote an article highlighting 'Compassion for World Farming' and their fight against the cruelty to farm animals before slaughter such as the conditions they are kept in The groups is also trying to educate people and change mindsets and stop unnecessary and barbaric 'celebrations' which see thousands of animals sacrificed in inhumane conditions. Having signed their online petition supporting a number of their causes, the most horrific one that I was unaware of was a festival in Nepal. The Gadhimai festival sees as many as 250,000 farm animals, if not more, inhumanely slaughtered at the so-called celebration. This month-long Hindu festival takes place every five years at the Gadhimai temple and thousands of animals including water buffaloes, pigs, goats and chickens are scarified to 'please' Gadhimai, the goddess of power. In November, these animals will be led to an area outside the temple where the killings take place. Compassion for World Farming

hosted a peaceful protest in London on Saturday to tell the Nepalese Government that they must stop funding this festival and take action to stop it completely. The protest, led by Joanna Lumley, took place outside the Nepalese embassy. At the event there were speakers from Compassion for World Farming as well members from the Hindu community who are widely against the festival such as Anil Bhanot, managing director of Hindu Council UK. Speaking at the rally, Joanna said, "I love Nepal - both the land and its people. The Gadhimai animal sacrifice festival entails horrendous animal suffering and is a complete anomaly in this wonderful country. "I urge the Nepalese Government to end it as a matter of urgency. I hope that our voices of protest will curtail this year's festival so that Hindus in Nepal and elsewhere can once again be proud of their true tradition of compassion and concern for animals." If you want to show your support then please sign the online petition by following this link: action? The reality of what happens at this festival is disgusting and disturbing.

The reason for this, according to Greenpeace, is that the multinational energy companies feel their interests are being threatened. They fear for the large investments they have made in fossil fuels such as oil and gas, and so have been applying pressure on the government. This has borne fruit, according to Greenpeace. Greenpeace points out that the European Union will be deciding on its energy and climate change objectives for 2030 at a summit being held on October 23 and 24. By producing this report now they hope to put pressure on our leaders to counterbalance the arguments of the energy giants. I, for one, wish them all the best. The changeover to renewable energies will have to come at some stage, as fossil fuels run out. Countries which put themselves in the vanguard of the green energy revolution stand to gain by later exporting this technology to the states that lag behind. Green eyes will be on the EU next week, to see exactly how far they ask member states to go.

Get the best Dealz in Alicante THE NEW STORE, PART OF THE POUNDLAND GROUP, IS THE FIRST TO OPEN ON THE COSTA BLANCA Discount retailer Dealz will open their second Spanish store on Thursday 16th October in Calle de Castellar 3, Alicante. The opening of this store will create 37 new jobs and represents a significant investment in the area. Dealz is part of Europe's biggest single price discount retailer Poundland and will be bringing amazing value everyday to price-sensitive consumers by offering top brands for less. The Store Manager Carles Cartes Fernandez said: "We are extremely excited to be introducing Dealz's unique single price offer onto the Costa Blanca at a time when households are trying to survive on a tight budget. The price point for the majority of products in Dealz stores is 1.50€, offering customers amazing value. In addition there will always be a number of special promotions at key prices. "Dealz is a unique shopping experience in Spain with a clean, bright shopping environment with friendly customer service. Customers will be amazed at what we have to offer!. "AtDealz we are committed to bringing this amazing value everyday and will be offering an extensive range of top brands to our customers." Dealz Country Manager for Spain, Alvaro Villamizar added, "Dealz is proud to be able to create employment in Alicante and offer job seekers from all backgrounds a brand new, exciting career." For more information visit



Viernes 17.10.14 LA VERDAD


La SGR multiplicĂł por cuarenta su dĂŠficit en apenas dos aĂąos Algunos consejeros ahora expedientados y con riesgo de fuerte sanciĂłn lamentan que la sociedad avalista les retuviera en el IRPF como pago en especie el agua mineral :: BERNAT SIRVENT ALICANTE La Sociedad de GarantĂ­a RecĂ­proca (SGR) de la Comunitat Valenciana, la mayor en volumen de negocio de EspaĂąa durante los aĂąos del ‘boom’ inmobiliario, multiplicĂł nada mĂĄs y nada menos que por cuarenta su dĂŠficit, de acuerco con el informe que ha hecho llegar la jefa de la DivisiĂłn de Expedientes Sancionadores y ColaboraciĂłn con Ă“rganos Judiciales (Decoj) del Banco de EspaĂąa, MarĂ­a Ortega, a la propia direcciĂłn y a los 48 consejeros expedientados, de antes y despuĂŠs de su reestructuraciĂłn fi-

nanciera y funcional, en la primavera de 2012. El dĂŠficit se aproximĂł a los 80 millones de euros (79,7 millones) el 31 de julio de 2013, justo cuando culmina el retorno al cumplimiento de los recursos propios de capital de la sociedad tras la operaciĂłn de aval de la Generalitat Valenciana y un ‘pool’ de 35 bancos, lo que supuso en poco tiempo una inyecciĂłn directa de 60 millones de euros y 200 millones de colchĂłn, lo que permitiĂł a la SGR volver a la situaciĂłn de normalidad en el cumplimiento de solvencia el 31 de agosto siguiente. SĂłlo asĂ­ se llegĂł a un superĂĄvit de 22,3 millones de euros, dado que los recursos propios a 31 de agosto eran de 75,6 millones y los requerimiento se capital, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente para entidades financieras, de 54,8 millones. El informe del Banco de EspaĂąa que sirve para notificar a los 48 consejeros que se les ha abierto un ex-

pediente sancionador se remonta al 30 de junio de 2011. Entonces, el dĂŠficit de la entidad era de solo 1,9 millones, ya que sus recursos propios eran de 82,7 millones y el requerimiento de capital sumaba 84,7 millones. Los recursos propios computables de la SGR fueron lastrĂĄndose entre junio de 2011 y finales de julio de 2013 hasta lĂ­mites insoportables, lo que llevĂł a los nuevos rectores a notificar el preconcurso de acreedores, ya que el aval de la Generalitat (que tenĂ­a que autorizarse por el Ministerio de Hacienda) tardĂł en llegar algo mĂĄs de un aĂąo. El dinero disponible o solvente pasĂł en junio de 2011 de 82,7 millones a la mitad, 44,7 millones, solo cinco meses despuĂŠs. Pero el proceso de descapitalizaciĂłn siguiĂł sin freno hasta 23,1 millones en junio de 2012. Lo peor para la sociedad, segĂşn el Banco de EspaĂąa, se dio entre el 30 de noviembre de 2011 y el 31 de jlio de 2013, pues los recursos

LAS CLAVES XP rotecciĂłn de Datos. Los 48 consejeros entran en el fichero ‘Expedientes sancionadores’ XP ropuesta de resoluciĂłn. DispondrĂĄn de 20 dĂ­as para alegar, antes del dictamen final de sanciĂłn.

JosĂŠ Roca VallĂŠs. :: R. A. propios computables bajaron del 80% del mĂ­nimo establecido en el artĂ­culo 6 del Real Decreto del aĂąo 96 relativo a las normas de autorizaciĂłn administrativa y requisitos de solvencia de las sociedades de garantĂ­a recĂ­proca. El coeficiente de solvencia de la SGR no solo se situĂł por debajo del 8% del mĂ­nimo legal. Inclusoo llegĂł al 5,31% si se tenĂ­an en cuenta ajustes y hsta el 3,83% si se consideraban otros ajustes potenciales. Los consejeros, entre ellos una decena de alicantinos, integra-


El ‘lobby’ AVE aplaude que Montoro se reĂşna en Valencia, pero ÂŤllega tardeÂť

&) # (- E 4EE /!4EE & < A )B &+. +>. C C> 94 E 4?E /;4EE 4 8 ).+# &- 9 C C> 94 E:4?E /;4EE +C % < A9 +C 9 #A&) 9 C C> 94 4 ) +> .9 1 2 )#.4@3% & ) +. C C> 94 (- &) # (- E 4EE /@4EE & < . > 8 8 . & #. 9 8&>.8 * 9. ).+9. C C> 94 /?4?E /:4EE B4 ) A 8 > .+ $ 91&+ C C> 94 ) A8 8 > % & 88 + A)& + 9 + 8 8&9 C C> 94 E,4EE /"4EE $& 4 D. .+> 9 ).* 9 C C> 94 E,4?E /"4"! * 4 B 8( . .% ) 6 8 + ) &D C C> 94 E 4EE /?4?E ## * < A9 .9 *1 8 8 & ) + C C> 94 ( &) # (- /E4?E /?4EE $& < &. .) ) *1 C C> 94 E 4?E //4?E , < 8 C C> 94 ) &8% < )9 ) .+9 &+9 C C> 94 E 4EE /?4EE & < &+>.8 9>.+ 9> )). &1A> . . 5A&+ ) +> A&D C C> 94 E 4/! /:4EE $$ < 9>A8& 9 > )A+C C C> 94 E 4EE /;4EE ! 84 .+ +D 2 .* > 8&.+3 C C> 94 .B > A* % < 9). C C> 94 E,4?E / 4?E * < &D 8&9 C.+ C C> 94 E 4/! /:4EE ) .8 &8 % ( 8 84 )1 8 + C &91 8. 6 + 8 #. C C> 94 E 4EE /!4EE ## * < ) &#A 8 84 8 & .# ) 94 .* .8 # + $& 4 &9>8 ) C C> 94 (( &) # (- E 4/! E,4EE , B4 ) &8 A1 8>. $ 1& ) &8 .+ C C> 94 E 4EE /"4EE & < )) ) . ) ) # > +# ). .) 8 C C> 94 E,4EE /@4EE # # < ) $ .88 +9 C C> 94 /!4?E /,4EE < + A&9 + +>.+&. A + 88 + . 8. 9.8 .* 9 91& C C> 94 E 4EE //4EE 4 &> 7 ) +.94 .+D )B D )B 4 A8&. 8.>.+9 4 > 4 9>.8 C C> 94 //4EE /"4?E < 4 04 .) 8 #A)). 4 8 & 88 + D 4 8+ *.8.9 .B ) C C> 94 //4"! /"4"! * < + C )& 8> > 8&9 * 8&>9 C C> 94 /!4?E /:4?E # 4 .)).+9 ).*. C C> 94 E 4/! /:4EE ) .8 &8 % < .+>#. B 88 8+& C C> 94 E 4?E /!4EE ## * 8 &+ ) 8 2 3 94 #A 1 8( . 5A&+ 8 & + $ D C C> 94 E 4?E /"4?E + $ 4 )*&9 8 C C> 94 (' &) # (- /E4?E /?4EE & < .) . 1 +>. C C> 94 E 4?E /E4?E $ " ## 4 )#. C C> 94 E 4EE /E4EE < A + & 9 ) 1 D >8& &. A&D .* D C C> 94 E,4EE //4EE < *.+ & +> 88 +. 91 8& &.+ .8> 5A 9 +>9 C C> 94 /@4?E /"4?E < ) 8 *1. *.8 8&. 9>.8 *1 8 C C> 94 E,4?E /?4?E * 84 . .% ) ++ 9 C C> 94 E 4?E /?4?E + $ 4 8*&> .+ )).9 .8 8 .) 8 C C> 94 /!4?E /:4?E # 4 .99 )9 C C> 94 /?4EE /!4EE # ) # < ) * + + ) 9 C C> 94 E 4?E /E4?E ! # 4 .> )) 9 91 8. .88 ) C C> 94 E 4EE /:4EE ) .8 &8 % < &. 8 .+>#. +&*A9) * *& +&* &> C C> 94 ( &) # (- E 4EE /@4EE & < . > .1.) . + 8. &+>.8 9>.+ 9> )). C C> 94 /?4EE /!4?E ) A 8 > % < ).8 91 - B& &. ' $.88.9 C C> 94 E 4EE //4EE < + C C> 94 88A9% < #.8 $ )B 8&.+ 9 C C> 94 //4EE /?4EE < .9 .* D .*1 + +>.+&. 8 & CA ) C C> 94 E 4?E //4?E $&# & 4 +& +D. .)& C C> 94 E,4EE /!4EE * < ) 8>. A8 8. 8. 88A#A > .4 .C )B .8 C C> 94 E,4EE //4EE 4 +C #A&) 9 2 )#.4/%@3 C C> 94 //4EE /!4EE ## * 84 85A 9 &.+ 9 9> &.+ &8# + ).* 4 9 A ) C C> 94 E 4?E //4?E + $ 4 +& +D. C C> 94

dos antes y despuĂŠs de la primavera de 2012, cuando se iniciĂł la remodelaciĂłn de la cĂşpula directiva y el plan de negocio, siguen preparando las alegaciones. Tienen 20 dĂ­as desde que se les notificĂł el expediente, el pasado lunes. TambiĂŠn tendrĂĄn otros veinte dĂ­as de plazo para elagar cuando se remita la propuesta de resoluciĂłn de sanciĂłn, transcurrido el cual serĂĄ la ComisiĂłn Ejecutiva del Banco de EspaĂąa en consjo de gobierno la que adopte la resoluciĂłn final. Algunos vocales consultados se quejan de que ahora se arriesgan a multas de 300.000 euros sin decidir nada sobre el agujero creado y, por contra, les pasaron el certificado de retenciĂłn de los dos Ăşltimos aĂąos por el pago en especie de los botellines de agua mineral de las reuniones. No tenĂ­an dietas.

:: R. A.

La alcaldesa participa en la inauguraciĂłn de la tienda. :: J. P. REINA

Dealz abre en Alicante con productos a 1,50 :: R. A. La alcaldesa de Alicante, Sonia Castedo, arropĂł ayer con su presencia el acto de inauguraciĂłn de un nuevo comercio en Alicante. Se trata del primer establecimiento Dealz en la Costa Blanca. Una empresa minorista de origen irlandĂŠs enmarcada en el grupo Poundland y que se caracteriza por ofrecer todos sus pro-

ductos a un Ăşnico precio de 1,5 euros. La tienda ofrece mĂĄs de 3.000 productos, 1.000 de ellos de primeras marcas, en 17 categorĂ­as, que incluyen comida y bebida, salud y belleza, hogar, jardinerĂ­a, bricolaje, mascotas, papelerĂ­a, libros, entretenimiento y juguetes. El Ayuntamiento ha apoyado especialmente la iniciativa comercial dado que la empresa ha contratado a 40 desempleados de la ciudad, gracias a la colaboraciĂłn de la Agencia Local de Desarrollo municipal.

El impago comercial vuelve a caer en agosto

Fempa reĂşne a los instaladores de la TDT




:: EFE. El importe de las compras a plazo de familias y empresas que resultaron impagadas a su vencimiento en agosto ascendiĂł a 21,8 millones de euros, lo que supone el 34,2% menos que un aĂąo antes. Este porcentaje es superior al registrado en el conjunto nacional, ya que en EspaĂąa el importe de los impagados ascendiĂł a 239 millones de euros, lo que representa un descenso del 28,1 % respecto a un aĂąo antes y encadena 26 meses a la baja.

:: R. A. Fempa reuniĂł ayer a instaladores de toda la provincia de Alicante para adelantarles las principales novedades relacionadas con las adaptaciones que deben de realizar en los edificios equipados con sistemas monocanales o centralitas programables, asĂ­ como con la gestiĂłn y requisitos de la ayuda puesta en marcha por el Gobierno para subvencionar a las comunidades de propietarios, partida dotada con unos 292 millones de euros.

ALICANTE. El presidente de la AsociaciĂłn Valenciana de Empresarios (AVE), Vicente Boluda, lamentĂł ayer que el anuncio de la reuniĂłn del ministro de Hacienda, CristĂłbal Montoro, con los empresarios valencianos llega ÂŤun poco tardeÂť pero aĂąade que ÂŤsi hay voluntad, hay tiempo para todoÂť. Boluda hizo estas declaraciones a preguntas de los periodistas antes del almuerzo de trabajo que la asociaciĂłn mantuvo ayer con el conseller de EconomĂ­a, Industria, Turismo y Empleo, MĂĄximo Buch. El empresario naviero y presidente de AVE reconociĂł que el encuentro con Montoro, que previsiblemente se celebrarĂĄ el mes de noviembre, una vez haya concluido en el Congreso el debate de las enmiendas a la totalidad a los Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2015, llega ÂŤun poco tardeÂť, pero ha precisado que ÂŤno hay ninguna fecha concreta que sea malaÂť. InformĂł, asimismo, de que en esa reuniĂłn trasladarĂĄn al ministro el ÂŤparecerÂť de los empresarios valencianos sobre los dĂŠficit en la Comunitat, ÂŤfundamentalmente el de la financiaciĂłnÂť. ÂŤSi hay voluntad, hay tiempo para todoÂť, aĂąade, aunque precisa que no se refiere a que este encuentro vaya a servir para ÂŤabrir ahora el melĂłn de la financiaciĂłn, pero sĂ­ hay otras cosas que se pueden hacerÂť.

Viernes 26.09.14 LA VERDAD



Un convoy del TRAM parado junto al apeadero del campus. :: J. P. REINA

Un accidente impide circular durante tres horas al TRAM de la Universidad El servicio de la línea 2 quedó interrumpido entre las seis y las nueve de la mañana tras chocar un vehículo contra el poste de una catenaria :: R. A. ALICANTE. La línea 2 del TRAM se vio obligada a suspender su servicio durante tres horas, entre las seis y las nueve de la mañana, después de que un vehículo chocara contra el poste de una catenaria del trazado que realiza este tranvía, según informaron fuentes de la Policía Local y de Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV). El accidente se produjo cuando el vehículo impactó contra una palmera, en la avenida del Maestro Alonso, y después golpeó el poste de la catenaria en la glorieta situada junto al Hospital General, desde el cual el tran-

vía recibe la energía para circular. Los primeros indicios apuntan a que este coche circulaba a gran velocidad. El convoy, que cubre el recorrido entre plaza de Luceros y San Vicente del Raspeig y que pasa por la Universidad de Alicante, quedó atrapado en la vía y no pudo seguir su trayecto, debido a que quedó enganchado con el cable de la catenaria. En un primer momento, el servicio quedó suspendido entre las paradas de Hospital y San Vicente del Raspeig, aunque a partir de las 6.30 horas ha sido necesario suspender el servicio por completo en la línea 2 en ambos sentidos, según informaron fuentes de FGV. Pasadas las 9.10 horas la línea ya quedó reestablecida. Los viajeros fueron reorganizados en autobuses que el Ayuntamiento puso a su disposición, a petición de Ferrocarrils. Hasta el lugar de los hechos se desplazaron dos patrullas de la Policía Local y un vehículo de atestados.


:: R. A. Dos hombres han sido detenidos en Alicante tras ser sorprendidos robando una docena de quitamiedos en la carretera de la partida de Orgegia, valorados en más de 6.000 euros, según informaron fuentes municipales. Los hechos ocurrieron la noche del martes al miércoles, cuando un vecino alertó a la Policía de

fuertes ruidos provenientes de la calzada de la partida.Dos patrullas de la Policía Local acudieron al lugar donde localizaron una furgoneta e identificaron a sus dos ocupantes, de 33 y 31 años.Los agentes comprobaron que había varios metros de calzada sin quitamiedos y que los pilares estaban forzados, por lo que arrestaron a los dos hombres. Tanto ellos como la furgoneta, que carece de seguro y de la ITV y figura como dado de baja, y las piezas intervenidas han quedado a disposición judicial.

‘Botigues al Carrer’, en la calle San Francisco

El grupo minorista Dealz abre tienda en la ciudad



Dos detenidos por robar quitamiedos en Orgegia SEGURIDAD

:: R. A. La sexta edición de ‘Botigues al Carrer’ volverá a sacar a las calles del centro de la ciudad puestos de una treintena de comercios los días 3 y 4 de octubre. La cita, que este año se celebrará en la calle San Francisco, comenzará con un desfile de modas el viernes 3 a las 19.00 horas en la Plaza Gabriel Miró.

:: R. A. El grupo minorista de descuento Dealz va a abrir una tienda en Alicante en la que tiene previsto contratar a 30 desempleados que se están formando en la Agencia Local de Desarrollo tras el acuerdo firmado por edil de Empleo, Carlos Castillo, y el director de Recursos Humanos de Dealz España, Roberto Germán.

Cartagena, una firme aspirante a Capital Gastronómica 2015 Este distintivo sería una gran oportunidad para promocionar la ciudad y su poder culinario como un valor más de su variada oferta turística El tirón gastronómico de Cartagena está en auge, y buena prueba de ello es el éxito que están teniendo experiencias como el programa ‘Cartagena Sabor’ o la Ruta de la Tapa, cada vez más seguidas y esperadas por el público; iniciativas que han coincidido en el tiempo con la proliferación de la hostelería en la ciudad y la apertura de nuevos locales de restauración que exhiben todo su poder culinario, marcado por niveles de calidad muy aplaudidos. Si a esta coctelera le sumamos la calidad de los productos del mar y del campo de los que siempre ha presumido esta tierra, se entiende con facilidad que Cartagena aspire a convertirse en Capital Gastronómica en 2015. Que así sea está en la mano de todos. Con un solo clic los cartageneros también podrán apoyar la candidatura de la ciudad como Capital Española de la Gastronomía 2015, un galardón que reconoce la promoción del turismo culinario, la defensa de la cocina tradicional y la difusión de productos agroalimentarios de calidad. Las Concejalías de Turismo y Comercio del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena han iniciado esta campaña en la que el ciudadano tendrá que rellenar un sencillo formulario para apoyar la ciudad. A través de la página web del Ayuntamiento (, el ciudadano podrá acceder a este

formulario y así sumarse a la campaña, al igual que lo harán las instituciones de la Región. «Vamos a luchar todos por Cartagena para llegar a lo más alto, pues se trata de un gran impulso y proyección a nivel nacional de nuestra ciudad y de la gastronomía local, y esto sin el ciudadano no sería posible», explica la concejal de Turismo, Carolina Palazón. El apoyo de instituciones y organizaciones, y en definitiva, de toda la ciudad, a esta campaña es uno de los requisitos para optar a este galardón, así como la incorporación de novedades dentro de la agenda del próximo año. Logroño, Burgos y Vitoria son algunas de las localidades españolas que ya presumen de este distintivo, que se suma a la oferta turística de cada ciudad, y a la que puede aspirar Cartagena de llegar a buen puerto la invitación que en su día hizo el Instituto de Turismo de España, Turespaña. Indudablemente, la concesión de este distintivo conllevaría la organización de numerosos eventos gastronómicos, que vendrían a sumarse a las ya habitua-

les rutas de la tapa o ‘Cartagena, Sabor’, y en los que tendrían especial cabida los platos típicos y los elaborados con los excelentes productos de nuestro campo, sus quesos y vinos, o el sabroso pescado de nuestras costas. El jurado estará compuesto por destacados profesionales del turismo (Turespaña, Fitur, Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias FEMP, Confederación Española de Agencias de Viajes, Instituto de Calidad Turística Española), la hostelería (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, FEHR, Saborea España, Euro-Toques Comunidad Europea de Cocineros, Círculo de Restaurantes Centenarios y Jóvenes Restauradores), la comunicación (periodistas turísticos de Fepet), así como representantes del Ministerio de Agricultura y de Turespaña. El resultado se dará a conocer en Fitur el 29 de enero.


TRUST our advertisers

DEALZ: Mayor Sonia Castedo opens the store with Malcolm Hepworth of Poundland and Alvaro Villamizar of Dealz España.

Dealz’s first store on Costa Blanca

DEALZ, part of Poundland, Europe’s biggest single price discount retailer, has opened in Alicante City. The store is part of the group’s plan to trial approximately 10 stores in Spain over the next two

years, following the launch of their Torremolinos (Malaga) store in July. Mayor of Alicante Sonia Castedo attended the official launch and said: “I feel proud that this international brand has

come to Alicante, not only to have a new shop for the people in the city to enjoy, but also because it’s creating jobs, contributing to the variety of shopping on offer and also enriching and improving our economy.”


23 - 29 October 2014 / Costa Blanca North




the olive press - July 10 - July 23 2014


Top Dollar

Banking on Spain LATIN American firms are investing in Spain and its discredited banking sector as a springboard into the rest of Europe. Mexican and Venezuelan companies in particular are investing in all sectors, with Spanish banks seen as especially easy prey following the crisis. Banco Popular, Liberbank and Banco Sabadell have all welcomed Mexican investors. “Numerous companies are using Spain as a bridgehead, the gateway to Europe,” said Juan Carlos Martinez Lazaro, of the IE Business School in Madrid. “It’s a phenomenon that is going to grow as Latin American businesses gain strength, financial capacity and managerial capacity.”

BARGAIN HUNTER: Banco Popular CEO Francisco Gomez Martin

Poundland with interest POPULAR bargain retailer Poundland has opened its first Spanish store in Torremolinos. However, fans of the shop will be shocked to learn everything costs €1.50, which is actually 19 pence more than a pound at current exchange rates. The Dealz shop has created 40 new jobs and represents an investment of more than €500,000 in the area. To celebrate the grand opening, Dealz is hosting a fundraising event for all the family on July 10, starting at 10am, including music and prizes. “We are extremely excited to be introducing Dealz’s unique single-price offer into the Spanish market at a time when households are trying to survive on a tight budget,” said the store manager.

THE start of summer has brought with it more than 6,000 jobs to Malaga province, in the best June since 2011. It was also the fourth consecutive month in a row that the unemployment rate has dropped, but experts are not getting over-excited. Summer jobs and optimistic tourism expectations have meant an average of 220 people found work each day. After Madrid and Barcelona, Malaga is the province with the greatest decrease in unemployment, in large part due to the 31,000 jobs cre-

Summer jobs hope ated in the last four months. The vast majority – more than 90% - of contracts signed are for temporary work during the high tourism season. However, the positive figures have not been celebrated yet by the government. “It is temporary, low quality employment and contracts are sometimes fraudulent,” warned minister Antonio Herrera.


July 11th to 17th 2014 SUR IN ENGLISH


200,000 euros will be invested to improve the competitiveness of SMEs The new plan was presented yesterday and will assist small and medium-sized businesses in Benalmádena. The initiative has a budget of 200,000 euros, 80 per cent of which comes from the European Union and 20 per cent from the local administration. The project will help local business owners increase their competitiveness and profitability. Councillor for Innovation, Rafael Obrero, said that niche markets need to be found to allow SMEs to diversity the services they provide.

Fiber optic internet to be received by 80 per cent of Marbella households by 2015 Telecommunications company Telefónica is to carry out its ‘Fiber To The Home’ scheme this year that will bring fiber optic internet to the majority of Marbella. Currently, only 1,500 properties are able to receive the service that significantly increases internet speed. Director of the south territory of Telefónica, María Jesús Almanzor, presented the plan this week. “If with previous technology a document took three hours to download, now this will be reduced to three minutes,” she said. It is hoped that the new connection will help local businesses.


Poundland opens its first Spanish branch in Torremolinos Poundland, under its European name Dealz, has landed in Spain with an investment of 500,000 euros and the creation of 40 jobs :: ALEJANDRO DÍAZ TORREMOLINOS. British retail chain Poundland, through its brand Dealz, opened its first shop in Spain yesterday morning in Plaza de la Nogalera in Torremolinos. With an investment of more than 500,000 euros, the new store has created 40 jobs and marks the arrival of one of Europe’s largest discount chains in Spain. The Torremolinos branch sells a range of items including food, cleaning products, sports goods, stationery, health and beauty products as well as clothing. The majority of products cost one euro or 1.50 euros. Dealz is located in the premises previously occupied by Zara. The store is the first of ten shops that Poundland plans to open in the coming years. Present at the inauguration was the mayor of Torremolinos, Pedro Fernández Montes; new store man-

Advertising awning. :: A.C.

Cruzcampo takes the place of Beefeater The new shop is located in Plaza de la Nogalera. :: SUR

:: J. H.

ager, Daniel García Losada; director general of Dealz in Spain, Álvaro Villamizar as well as municipal officials. “We are proud to create jobs in Torremolinos for people of all ages and backgrounds,” said Villamizar. Dealz, that sells approximately 3,000 discount products, some

MALAGA. The awning which covers the La Equitativa building in central Malaga, which is undergoing a number of repairs before being turned into a hotel, has a new drink promotion on it. For the last two months Beefeater gin has been advertising its wares on the large display. Now - and for the next month it is the turn of Cruzcampo beer.

from local suppliers, opened its first European branch in Ireland in 2011. Since its creation the British company has expanded throughout Europe with its business model based on offers and promotions that rarely cost more than two euros.

La Voz de Torremolinos

Julio de 2014

El alcalde, junto a miembros de la Corporación Municipal y los directores nacionales e internacionales de Dealz en el momento de la inauguración.

El nuevo establecimiento ha creado 50 puestos de trabajo

EL ALCALDE INAUGURA EL SUPERMERCADO DEALZ El alcalde de Torremolinos, Pedro Fernández Montes, acompañado por los miembros del equipo de gobierno Ramón del Cid, primer teniente de alcalde, Encarnación Navarro, teniente de alcalde y las concejalas Patricia Ojeda y Alicia Cerdán; por parte de la empresa Dealz, el director general para España, Álvaro Villamizar y David Coxon, director internacional de la empresa propietaria Poundland, inauguraron oficialmente el nuevo supermercado Dealz, el primero de esta cadena en toda Europa continental. El nuevo comercio de Torremolinos se encuentra en la céntrica plaza de La Nogalera. Después del tradicional corte de cinta, el alcalde y acompañantes recorrieron el centro comercial donde pudieron comprobar la filosofía comercial de la empresa, basada en productos de gran calidad a un precio único de 1,50 euros, una tienda limpia y luminosa y un servicio al cliente extraordinariamente amable. Álvaro Villamizar y David Coxon, agra-

decieron al alcalde toda la colaboración prestada por el Ayuntamiento para agilizar los trámites para que esta empresa se instalara por primera vez en la Europa continental y en concreto en Torremolinos con una inversión de 500.000 euros, agradeciendo en este corto espacio el

trabajo realizado por sus 50 empleados contratados en la actualidad. El alcalde agradeció a la empresa que hayan elegido Torremolinos para esta primera experiencia continental. También recordó que los estudios de mercado realizados por la empresa señalaban a To-

rremolinos como el lugar idóneo para empezar esta nueva expansión empresarial. El alcalde destacó que en estos pocos días de apertura han pasado de 40 a 50 empleos directos además de unos 15 indirectos, lo que la sitúa a Dealz como una de las primeras empresas de este sector en número de puestos de trabajo creados en la localidad y comentó a los inversores que el público de Torremolinos es un público fiel y que funciona a través del boca a boca, recordando que ahora en temporada alta todo es más fácil pero que en la temporada baja la población flotante de Torremolinos es la más estable de toda la Costa del Sol, lo que supone una garantía de éxito para un negocio que le hacía falta a Torremolinos. El alcalde a su vez entregó a la ONG de cuidados del cáncer, Cudeca, un donativo en nombre de la empresa Dealz, consistente en una serie de provisiones que la organización tanto necesita para su funcionamiento.

PROGRAMA EMPLEO JOVEN Y LA INICIATIVA EMPRENDE 2014 El Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía, número 86 de fecha 7 de mayo de 2014, ha publicado el Decreto-Ley 6/2014, de 29 de abril por el que se aprueba el Programa de Empleo Joven y la Iniciativa Emprende. El capítulo III de Iniciativa Cooperación Social y Comunitaria para el impulso de Empleo Joven ha asignado al Ayuntamiento de Torremolinos el importe de 1.160.372.49 euros.

La mayor parte de la financiación de este importe corresponde a los Fondos Europeos gestionados por el Gobierno de España con un 67,68 por ciento, la Junta de Andalucía aporta el 20 por ciento, y el Gobierno de España el 11,92 por ciento restante. El Ayuntamiento, por su parte, financiará el equipamiento de camisas, pantalones, botas y demás material de protección individual, así como

la maquinaria, herramientas necesarias y curso de prevención. Por lo que se hace público, para que todos los jóvenes de Torremolinos con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 29 años, ambos inclusive, que estén interesados en participar en este programa puedan inscribirse en esta iniciativa a través de las Oficinas Servicio Andaluz de Empleo de Torremolinos.

Page 38

COSTA NEWS, July 10-17, 2014

Travel insurance advice The British Embassy has again called on expats to advise visitors to take out medical insurance when travelling to Spain this holiday season NEWS Staff Reporter THE ARRIVAL of the summer season and the possibility of visitors requiring medical assistance on holiday has led the British Embassy in Madrid to once again ask for expats' help to get the message across. Travelling abroad uninsured can cost thousands if a trip goes wrong. Yet according to new research issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), more than one in three (38%)

young Brits think it is unnecessary to take out insurance when they travel overseas, often leaving their families to pick up the pieces. The findings from research conducted by ABTA come as the British Embassy urges expats living in Spain to encourage their young visitors to be fully prepared for their visits to Spain and ensure they are properly covered. Costs arising from uninsured accidents abroad can be significant, and it is often parents who are presented with an unexpected and large bill with

no hope of reclaiming the money. The cost of bailing out a loved one can run into thousands - but despite this, almost half of 16-24 year olds claim the reason they don't take out insurance is because they are willing to take the risk. One in five young people think that a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) acts as a full insurance policy when abroad. In fact, an EHIC only provides access to state medical care in the European Economic Area. It's important to realise that it excludes any other costs such as getting an individual back to the UK, which can run into thousands. One in seven (16%) of young people wrongly presume that all their treatment costs will be covered by the UK Government if they have an accident or fall ill while abroad. In reality it is the holidaymaker, their family or their hosts who will likely pick up the bill if a young person is not covered.

Dealz opens its first Spanish store on the Costa del Sol Fun, fundraising event for all the family in aid of Cudeca on Thursday 10th July from 10am to 2pm Press release DISCOUNT retailer Dealz opened its first Spanish store on July 2 in Plaza de la Nogalera, Torremolinos. The opening of this store will create up to 40 new jobs and represents an investment of more than 500,000€ in the area. Dealz is part of Europe's biggest single price discount retailer Poundland and will be bringing amazing value everyday to price-sensitive consumers by offering top brands for less. To celebrate their opening Dealz are arranging a fun, fundraising event for all the family on Thursday 10th July from 10am-2pm. There will be entertainment for children and adults, music, as well as free giveaways and special offers. The event will be raising money for cancer charity Cudeca and, as part of their commitment to supporting local charities, Dealz will be donating much needed

supplies to the hospice. The Torremolinos store manager Daniel Garcia Losada said: "We are extremely excited to be introducing Dealz's unique single price offer into the Spanish market at a time when households are trying to survive on a tight budget. "Dealz is a unique shopping experience in Spain with a fixed price point, plus a

clean, bright shopping environment with friendly customer service. Customers will be amazed at what we have to offer! At Dealz we are committed to bringing amazing value everyday with our €1.50 price point and will be offering an extensive range of top brands to our customers." For more information visit

This can range from £500 to treat a sprained ankle at a private clinic in a popular holiday resort like Ibiza, to £12-16,000 for a scheduled flight, stretcher and medical escort from the Canary Islands. Serious injuries can also lead to medical bills of thousands of pounds a day which can rapidly escalate to very substantial sums if you are treated at a private hospital in Spain. Consular Director for Spain, Will Middleton, says: "Over the summer, British residents all over Spain open up their homes to young friends

CAS Events DURING THIS summer of sport and tourism, the Costa Animal Society is postponing its popular fund-raising quiz nights until September. However, CAS would like to let our quiz venues know we value their support and will be contacting them soon to organise events for the rest of the winter season. Sean Brown has added an extra excursion to his programme of coach trips for 2014. On November 8, a party will be off to the Palacio de Congressos y Exposiciones in Estepona to visit the

and family visiting from the UK. Accidents and emergencies do happen and it is often you, the host, who ends up having to cover the cost in the first instance if the victim doesn't have adequate insurance. "If you have friends or family coming to visit, especially youngsters, make sure that they take out adequate insurance before they arrive. It is also important that they check that the policy covers them for everything they want to do while on holiday and that they have declared any medical conditions - or the insurance could be invalidated." Over 50s Show, which has become an annual favourite on the coast. Cooking demonstrations, wine tasting, antiques valuations, golf lessons, legal advice and much more are included in the event which the organizers describe as, "an entertaining, educational and informative experience." After expenses are deducted, the proceeds of these excursions are given as a donation to charity, so please remember to mention CAS when booking tickets. For more information and to book places, please contact Sean Brown on 95 864 0948 or via e-mail at, mentioning CAS.


E W N 17 - 23 July 2014 / Costa del Sol

Freddy Cole delights the jazz festival THE Alhaurin de la Torre auditorium was almost full to the seams with the more than 1,000 people who turned up to enjoy the jazz stylings of Freddy Cole. The American jazz veteran captivated the audience with his renditions of the classics which are not often heard on the festival circuit. The Alhaurin de la Torre jazz festival has been going since 1997 and was so popular this year that the council had to hang the ‘sold out’ sign on the ticket office.

Mayor officially opens the first Dealz store in Spain ON July 10, the mayor of Torremolinos officially opened the first Spanish branch of discount retailer Dealz in Plaza de la Nogalera, Torremolinos.


DEALZ STAFF: Outside the new shop in Torremolinos. Dealz is part of Europe’s biggest single price discount retailer Poundland. The opening of the Torremolinos store introduces Dealz’s unique fixed price offer and €1.50 price point into the Spanish market. During his opening speech the mayor commented; “I want to thank Dealz and the Poundland Group for choosing Torremolinos. “This is excellent news for Torremolinos, as they have created many jobs and their €1.50 price point and quality brands will work well for Torremolinos residents, as they guarantee both quality and value.

“We hope it will be a complete success and offer our support. Torremolinos is the municipality in the Costa del Sol with the most stable population throughout the year so we hope our residents and tourists will welcome and support this International brand.” Dealz Spain’s Country Manager Alvaro Villamizar added, “The opening of this store has created 40 new jobs and represents an investment of more than €550,000 in the area. “Dealz is proud to be able to create employment in Torremolinos for people of all ages and backgrounds, and offer them a brand new, exciting career.”

Nuevas islas ecológicas en El Bajondillo Situadas en tres puntos del Paseo Marítimo, y una cuarta a los pies de la restaurada Casa de los Navajas. PÁG. 26

La oposición trata en vano de sacar rédito político de la polémica de COLEGA

Página 8

‘Inversiones Productivas’ Visita del alcalde y el presidente de la Diputación a las obras de la ciudad dentro del “Plan de Inversiones Productivas”. 23

Publicación mensual del Partido Popular

nº6 ■ Agosto de 2014

Extraordinario éxito del primer “Sábado Mágico”

AMIFTO “rechaza los intentos de politización” de su labor por el PSOE e IU


El colectivo de minusválidos de Torremolinos, agrupados en AMIFTO, expresó su enérgico rechazo a la politización de su labor por parte de los grupos políticos del PSOE e IU en el municipio y, tras reconocer el firme apoyo que vienen recibiendo desde hace 18 años por parte del alcalde, desmintieron que éste los insultara durante el Pleno de la Corporación del mes de junio. PÁGINA 6

Alfombra roja en Torremolinos para la magia. La magia que conquistó el corazón mismo de la ciudad en la celebración del primero de los denominados “Sábados Mágicos” organizados por el Ayuntamiento de Torremolinos. Desde la caída del sol el Centro del municipio empezó a registrar una actividad sin precedentes, que se tornó ya en gran acontecimiento a partir de aproximadamente las 22,00 horas, cuando la afluencia de ciudadanos fue enorme, y cuando el buen ambiente y la animación lo inundaron todo para refrendar el éxito de una iniciativa que, sin duda, promete convertirse un referente de la oferta lúdica muPÁGINAS 12 y 13 nicipal.

XII Muestra de Mujeres Empresarias

■ 14

¿QUÉ ES MÁS DEMOCRÁTICO: QUE EL ALCALDE SEA ELEGIDO DIRECTAMENTE POR LOS VECINOS O POR LOS CONCEJALES? Durante el último Pleno, el PP apuesta por la elección directa del alcalde en el debate sobre la reforma electoral. PÁGINA 5

Cada mes abren 30 nuevos negocios en Torremolinos El parque empresarial aumenta en más de medio millar en los últimos 18 meses Frente a aquellos que se empeñan en hablar de un ‘comercio muerto’ en Torremolinos, los datos confirman una pujante actividad comercial y emprendedora. En el último año y medio han cerrado 176 comercios y han abierto 702. Es decir, el saldo positivo es de 526. PÁGINA 3

“Día de los Abuelos” El alcalde, junto a los tenientes de alcalde y otros miembros de su Equipo de Gobierno, presidió los actos del “Día de los Abuelos”. 16 Y 17

La Voz de Torremolinos actualidad

Agosto de 2014


La nueva empresa Dealz, que ha creado 50 puestos de trabajo, a los 32 días de su apertura agasajó a su cliente número 100.000

Torremolinos aumenta en 526 empresas en los últimos 18 meses Es cierto que “No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver”, pero también lo es que “Una mentira repetida mil veces no se convierte en una verdad”. Desde hace meses la oposición municipal, especialmente la del Partido Socialista, insiste una y otra vez en que “el comercio de Torremolinos está muerto”. Y además añade que la culpa es del Equipo de Gobierno. Pues bien, aquí están los datos, aquí está la verdad: TORREMOLINOS HA AUMENTADO EN LOS ÚLTIMOS 18 MESES EN 526 EMPRESAS. Artículos de regalo, confección, complementos, bares, cafeterías, restaurantes, carnicerías, peluquerías, panaderías, salones de belleza, alimentación, heladerías… Prácticamente en todas las ramas del comercio. Y hay que destacar por su volumen y por la creación de empleo un importante centro médico de alta resolución en Calle Hoyo y la multinacional Dealz en la plaza Jesús Santos Rein. En el año 2013 en Torremolinos cerraron 156 negocios y se concedió licencia a 364, con un saldo positivo de 208 nuevos negocios: En el presente 2014, hasta el día 30 de junio, se han cerrado veinte negocios y han abierto 338, arrojando un saldo positivo

de 313 nuevos negocios. Este hecho responde a la importancia turística de Torremolinos y a la recuperación económica que se está produciendo en España y el resto de Europa y al mismo tiempo desautoriza y desmonta las continuas críticas del Partido Socialista de Torremolinos sobre el comercio de Torremolinos, lo cual significa una pésima propaganda para Torremolinos, a lo que desafortunadamente se ha sumado un determinado y reducido grupo de comerciantes. Por pura lógica la situación del comercio en un municipio, en este caso el de Torremolinos, debe hacerse en su globalidad y no limitarlo a algunas determinadas calles como pretenden al-


gunos políticamente interesados. El que cierren negocios y abran otros es un fenómeno ha-

bitual pues desde siempre no a todos los negocios les ha ido bien, ya que no podemos olvidar que estamos en una economía

de mercado y que los negocios dependen de algo tan simple como que la gente compra donde le interesa y cree conveniente en función de la calidad, la novedad, el precio, el servicio que recibe y, en lo posible, artículos que no suelan encontrar en los grandes centros comerciales, con los que resulta muy difícil competir. Evidentemente, lo que cuenta es el resultado final y estos datos –junto a los de creación de empleo- indican que Torremolinos se está recuperando económicamente. Pero como ya hemos comentado otras veces, a los agoreros, a los que se alegran de que las cosas vayan mal, estos datos no les interesan, porque no les interesa la verdad, porque no les interesa Torremolinos.


Monday, 16th June, 2014

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS COMPLAIN OVER PROPOSED ENFORCEMENT OF ENGLISH Unions representing both pilots and air traffic controllers are collectively expressing concerns over safety after it was announced that a law was to be introduced which effectively banned communications between aircraft and control centres in Spanish, In line with international standards, The Spanish aviation agency, AESA, has already issued a formal request to airlines to implement English as the standard language for communication in civil aviation activities. As a result, the unions are claiming that enforcing the rule can “reduce situational awareness of crews and Spanish pilots”, and, more seriously, could “reduce levels of safety”. The unions also claim that Spanish is recognised by the civil aviation authority, as has been the case since its creation in 1944.

The letter of protest from controllers and pilots has been sent to the Director General of Civil Aviation, Ángel Luis Arias, and the director of AESA, Isabel Maestre. Recent developments in the operation of Spanish air space has resulted in a number of control towers being operated by mostly native English controllers, including Alicante, when the operation was franchised to a private company as part of plans for creating a single European sky.


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POUNDLAND COMING TO SPAIN GUARDIA OFFICER Poundland, Europe’s largest single-price value general merchandise retailer by both sales and by number of stores, today announces plans to extend its operations into Spain in the next financial year. The initial plan is to open up to 10 shops under the Dealz brand over a two year period and to use the experience and insight from the first phase of stores as a platform for further rollout. Poundland first entered Europe in September 2011 opening two stores in the Republic of Ireland. Trading under the Dealz brand, the estate has grown rapidly to a 31 store operation which was profitable in its first full year of operation, has already delivered a positive return on investment and has significant growth opportunities ahead. Jim McCarthy, CEO of Poundland, said: “The success of Dealz in the Republic of Ireland


was a clear demonstration that we have the capability to generate positive financial returns in new geographies quickly. We have been very careful and thorough in our evaluation of further European expansion opportunities and we are confident that our offer and our model suits the Spanish market well. “We have a very detailed, low risk and low cost entry plan and the management strength and capacity, in the UK and in Spain, to execute it well. I’m confident that Poundland’s amazing value will quickly resonate with Spanish customers.”

A drugs raid carried out by Alicante’s Guardia Civil has led to the arrest of a police officer who was found to be a member of a group of traffickers based in the region. The raid, conducted by officers from the Judicial Police in San Juan, resulted in the detention of half a dozen suspects, including the Guardia agent, who was stationed at the Alicante-Elche airport. Identified as GOM, and 41 years of age, the officer was arrested last Friday morning at his home, in San Vicente del Raspeig, while other members of the gang were arrested in El Campello. Investigations remain ongoing and sub judice and as such there is little information available, particularly in respect of the details regarding the arrested officer and the extent of his involvement with the gang.

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