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Remembering those we’ve loved and lost

January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Like millions of olde r Am e rica n s , I s truggle w i t h mo b ili t y. Fo r ye a r s , I wa tc h e d my q u alit y of life slip away, a s I wa s forced to s tay hom e while frie nd s an d fa mily took pa r t in a c tivities I ’d once e njoyed . I thought I ’d mad e som e p rogres s wh e n I got a mobilit y scoote r, b ut th e n I realized how h a rd it wa s to tra n sp or t . Ta king it a pa r t an d p ut ting it ba ck tog eth e r wa s like doing a jigs aw p uzzle. O nce I ha d it dis a s se m bled , I ha d to tr y to p ut all of th e pieces in th e trun k of a ca r, go to wh e reve r I wa s going , an d rep eat t h e p r o ce s s i n r eve r s e . Tr ave l s co o te r s we re e a sie r to tra n s p o r t , b u t th ey we re uncomfor ta ble an d sca r y to drive, I always felt like I wa s rea dy to tip ove r. Th en I foun d th e S o Lite® S coote r. N ow th e re’s nothing th at ca n hold m e ba ck .

Yea r s of work by in novative e ngin ee r s h ave resulted in a scoote r th at ’s d esign ed with se nior s in min d . Th ey created Elec tronic S t a b ili t y C o n t r o l ( E S C )

t h a t m a ke s i t vir tu ally im p os sible to tip ove r. If you tr y to turn too q uickly, th e scooter a utomatic ally slows down to prevent it from tipping over. Th e bat ter y provides power f ul en ergy at a frac tion of th e weight of mos t bat teries . With it s rugged yet light weight alumin um f ram e,

Latest “No-Tip” Technology • Lightweight yet durable

Folds and locks in seconds • Easier to


Obituary & Remembrance Tribute Feature

During a family’s time of sorrow, we want to reflect on the lives of those who have recently passed. The Record Newspapers and kendalcountynow.com offer a special biannual feature to commemorate and honor those we have lost.


ARobert D. Aagesen, 82 Oswego, IL

March 9, 1941January 27, 2024

Betty Lou Allen, 90 Shridan, IL

June 7, 1933February 13, 2024 Burkhart-Eighner

Ella Louise (Baker) Applequist, 95 Montgomery, IL

July 3, 1928January 21, 2024

BJohn Daniel Bakel, 85 Sandwich, IL

June 5, 1938March 22, 2024

Arthur M. Bruesewitz, 88 Plano, IL

March 3, 1936March 23, 2024

This edition provides a listing of those who have passed away in January, February, March, April, May and June 2024.

Look for the next Tributes Edition on January 16, 2025.

Mary Margaret (DeKing) Brummel, 78 Yorkville, IL

June 22, 1945April 1, 2024

CDonna Jean Christian, 85 Aurora, IL

May 29, 1938February 10, 2024

Duane E. Coppes Jr., 68 Yorkville, IL

August 9, 1955April 11, 2024

Marian Sue Cummings Morris, IL

Joyce Ann (Peterson) Dell, 92 Sandwich, IL

November 9, 1931May 5, 2024

DScott E. Dabney, 33 Newaygo, MI

November 26, 1990May 2, 2024

Frederick James Darnell, 81 Cortland, IL

July 29, 1942June 16, 2024

James “JD” (Jim) McLennon Davis, 82 Plano, IL

January 30, 1942March 31, 2024

Roger D. Denman, 88 Delmar, IA

December 16, 1935May 26, 2024

M. Concetta “Connie” Digate, 97 Plano, IL

October 5, 1926May 3, 2024

Vincent Louis DiTommaso, 67 Yorkville, IL

May 31, 1956January 17, 2024

Debra Jo Doolin, 53 Sandwich, IL

October 31, 1970May 15, 2024

Thomas W. Drynan Jr., 57 Aurora, IL

August 31, 1966March 5, 2024

Ginger (Nelson) Duffy, 75 Serena, IL

October 13, 1948April 25, 2024

Ottawa Funeral Home

EHarvey J. Eichelberger, 98 Oswego, IL

June 1, 1925March 19, 2024

FIrwin Kenneth Fox, 89 Yorkville, IL

August 22, 1934February 29, 2024

GJohnny M. Gray, 72 Somonauk, IL

September 27, 1951May 17, 2024

Gary M. Gruhlke, 72 Yorkville, IL

January 22, 1952March 19, 2024

HDorothy M. Haick, 82 Yorkville, IL

October 22, 1941April 17, 2024

Lois F. (nee Wathen) Hamilton, 86 Naperville, IL

December 28, 1937May 12, 2024

Edward Liam “Eddie” Gardner, 22 Oswego, IL

Scott Hamling, 68 Montgomery, IL

February 7, 1956February 23, 2024

Nelson Funeral Home

Isabelle Virginia “Ginny” Hann, 100 Somonauk, IL

February 24, 1924

- May 4, 2024

Eighner Funeral Homes

William J. “Bill” Gerl, Sr., 73 Yorkville, IL

February 15, 1951February 22, 2024

Cheryl Goodale, 35 Yorkville, IL

July 19, 1988April 8, 2024

Virginia Anne Goss, 98 Yorkville, IL

August 28, 1925December 25, 2023

Dean P. Hartley, 87 Oswego, IL

February 23, 1936December 25, 2023

Duane Dallas Hem, 70 Montgomery, IL March 10, 2024

Nancy Keenan, 85 Aurora, IL

July 12, 1938January 30, 2024

Nelson Funeral Home

George Henry Plano, IL

Robert “Bob” Keenan Jr., 86 Sandwich, IL

May 12, 1937January 24, 2024

Lonnie Hertenstein, 81 Batavia, IL

August 11, 1942January 20, 2024

Moss Family Funeral Home

Peter J. Hettinger, 82 Sandwich, IL

September 23, 1941May 25, 2024

Don Holler, 88 McHenry, IL

December 18, 1935 -January 4, 2024

James K. “Jim” Hounshell, 83 Sheridan, IL March 27, 1941April 19, 2024

Mary Catherine Hughes, 79 Naperville, IL

December 7, 1944February 23, 2024

JJudith Marie Heaser, 80

Hot Springs Village, AR

January 21, 1944February 16, 2024

Esther Susan Heibel, 84 Yorkville, IL

September 15, 1939April 10, 2024

David A. Johnston, 88 Sandwich, IL

August 19, 1935May 21, 202

KKenneth M. Kahle, 92 Yorkville, IL

January 13, 1932May 5, 2024

Keith W. Kenyon, 70 Somonauk, IL

April 1, 1954April 21, 2024

Turner-Eighner Funeral Home

Audrey Ann Killebrew, 90 Plano, IL

February 17, 1933February 13, 2024

Eleanor J. Kleinprinz, 87 Sandwich, IL

September 18, 1936January 24, 2024

John Edward Klene Rockford, IL

Jack Koteles, 78 Yorkville, IL

August 23, 1945January 15, 2024

Turner-Eighner Funeral Home

LFloyd Lindholm Yorkville, IL

February 14, 2024

Carol Jean Lockman, 82 Sandwich, IL

July 3, 1941March 6, 2024

MLinda C. Madden, 83 Plano, IL

June 28, 1940March 4, 2024

Santos H. Martinez Sr., 88 Morris, IL

November 3, 1935January 21, 2024

Ruth Maxim, 95 Oswego, IL

February 6, 1928January 7, 2024

Neil McCauley, 80 Sun City West, AZ

September 26, 1943March 4, 2024

Eloise A. Messmore, 83 Oswego, IL

December 17, 1940January 13, 2024

Robert Michael ‘Mike’ Morganegg Yorkville, IL

March 27, 2024

Robert E. Mulford, 97 Yorkville, IL

May 20, 1926May 6, 2024


Anne Marie Nedza, 100 Oglesby, IL

October 15, 1923March 22, 2024 Prey-Mueller Funeral Home, Oglesby

Daniel J. Nowak, 83 Yorkville, IL

July 5, 1940May 5, 2024

PJeanette Page, 84 Oswego, IL

November 11, 1939January 12, 2024

Glenna K. Patterson, 83 Oswego, IL

June 27, 1940April 1, 2024

William Stanley Patterson, 89 Oswego, IL

January 25, 1935May 23, 2024

Barbara J. (Schumacher) Pena Sandwich, Formerly Plano, IL February 26, 2024

Patricia “Pat” Penning, 93 Mountain Home, AR March 16, 1931April 2, 2024

Judson Hewes

Peter, 90 Oswego, IL

November 22, 1933May 9, 2024

Martha Rae Price, PhD, 79 Yorkville, IL

August 27, 1944January 30, 2024


Glenn J. Rawers, 78 Sandwich, IL

October 28, 1945January 11, 2024

Krista Rodino, 59 Yorkville, IL

April 28, 1964February 13, 2024

Cheryl Ann Robbins, 41 Noble, OK May 26, 1982March 3, 2024

SDonald Saam, 81 Yorkville, IL

December 20, 1942April 12, 2024

Charles William “Bill” Sanders, 83 Aurora, IL

January 9, 1941February 22, 2024

Robert M. “Bob” Schumacher, 93 Lady Lake, FL February 1, 1931May 2, 2024 Turner-Eighner

Antoinette K. Seibert, 64 Somonauk, IL April 24, 1959February 1, 2024

John Irvin Shumaker, 99 Naperville, IL

November 22, 1924May 28, 2024

Joan Siembieda, 84 Oswego, IL

October 9, 1939May 28, 2024

Patti Lynn Sikorski Oswego, IL

December 30, 2023

Wilma Simms, 87 Sugar Grove, IL

July 31, 1936May 1, 2024

Linda Snee, 76 Sandwich, IL

June 29, 1947January 7, 2024

Jacqueline Rae (Hayes) Stading, 85 Palm Harbor, FL

January 15, 1939March 29, 2024

Moss Feaster Funeral Home

Louis G. Stahl, 87 Oswego, IL

November 19, 1936December 24, 2023

Deanna L. Stevens, 77 Oswego, IL

March 10, 1947May 27, 2024

James E. “Jim” Stoner, 71 Yorkville, IL

September 18, 1952March 24, 2024

Michele Marie White Stradal Mesa, AZ

April 17, 2024

Steven Mark Surber, 64 Oswego, IL

July 21, 1959May 16, 2024

Marion H. Sutherland, 92 Sandwich, IL

July 17, 1931February 7, 2024

TJames W. Thompson, 79 Oswego, IL

December 15, 1944May 29, 2024

WArlene Joyce (Foster) Wade, 91

Sandwich, IL

August 7, 1932February 24, 2024

Deacon Douglas

Evan Wells, 58 Plano, IL

April 9, 1965February 8, 2024

Lois J. Wells, 82 DeKalb, IL

May 28, 1941December 23, 2023

Hanley-TurnerEighner Funeral Home

Al V. Wheeler, 86 Oswego, IL

January 21, 1938January 21, 2024

Sarah Ellen Wiley, 67 Yorkville, IL

March 9, 1957May 1, 2024


Sherry S. Wooton, 76 Yorkville, IL

November 21, 1947January 30, 2024

Turner-Eighner Funeral Home

Lois J. Wells, 82

DeKalb, IL

May 28, 1941December 23, 2023

Hanley-TurnerEighner Funeral Home

Al V. Wheeler, 86 Oswego, IL

January 21, 1938January 21, 2024

Sarah Ellen Wiley, 67 Yorkville, IL

March 9, 1957May 1, 2024


Sherry S. Wooton, 76 Yorkville, IL

November 21, 1947January 30, 2024

Turner-Eighner Funeral Home

funeralhome Directory


2011 S. 4th St., DeKalb, IL 60115 815-756-1022 andersonfuneralhomeltd.com



104 Terry St., Sandwich, IL 60548 815-786-6715 beveragefamilyfh.com



4255 Westbrook Dr, Aurora, IL 60504 630-820-2828 cremation-society.com

17859 Bretz Dr., #255, Homewood, IL 60430 708-206-2000 cremation-society.com



220 N. Lake St., Aurora, IL 60506 630-631-5500



1120 S. Broadway, Montgomery, IL 60538 630-897-1196 dieterlememorialhome.com

DUNN FAMILY FUNERAL HOME WITH CREMATORY 1801 Douglas Rd., Oswego, IL 60543 630-554-3888 dunnfamilyfuneralhome.com


102 S. Johnson St., Newark, IL 60541 815-695-5131 healychapel.com



Turner-Eighner Funeral Home Plano 630-552-3022

Burkhart-Eighner Funeral Home

Sandwich 815-786-2165

Turner-Eighner Funeral Home Somonauk 815-498-2363

Hanley-Turner-Eighner Funeral Home Earlville 815-246-6491

eighnerfuneralhomes.com F


44 S Mill St, Naperville, IL 60540 630-355-0213 friedrichjones.com



370 Division Dr., Sugar Grove, IL 60554 630-466-1330 healychapel.com



800 First Ave., Ottawa, IL 61350

815-434-4433 MuellerFH.com


609 8th St La Salle, IL 61301 815-223-0096 MuellerFH.com


NELSON FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY: Larson-Nelson Funeral Home Yorkville 630-553-7611

Larson-Nelson Funeral Homes (2 locations) Plano 630-552-7211

Nelson Funeral Home And Crematory Sandwich 815-786-6461

Nash-Nelson Memorial Chapel Hinckley 815-286-3247

Nash-Nelson Chapel Waterman 815-264-3362 nelsonfuneralhomes.com


OSBORNE-NELSON FUNERAL HOME 135 E. Lincoln St., Seneca, IL 61360 815-357-6172 ottawafuneralhome.com



1514 May St, Joliet, IL 60435 815-735-2125 plesefuneralservices.com



301 W. Washington St., Morris, IL 60450 815-942-0084 ucdaviscallahan.com

Why you need dental insurance in retirement.

Many Americans are fortunate to have dental coverage for their entire working life, through employer-provided benefits. When those benefits end with retirement, paying dental bills out-of-pocket can come as a shock, leading people to put off or even go without care.

Simply put — without dental insurance, there may be an important gap in your healthcare coverage.

When you’re comparing plans ...

 Look for coverage that helps pay for major services. Some plans may limit the number of procedures — or pay for preventive care only.

 Look for coverage with no deductibles. Some plans may require you to pay hundreds out of pocket before benefits are paid.

 Shop for coverage with no annual maximum on cash benefits. Some plans have annual maximums of $1,000.

Medicare doesn’t pay for dental care.1

That’s right. As good as Medicare is, it was never meant to cover everything. That means if you want protection, you need to purchase individual insurance.

Early detection can prevent small problems from becoming expensive ones. The best way to prevent large dental bills is preventive care. The American Dental Association recommends checkups twice a year.

Previous dental work can wear out.

Even if you’ve had quality dental work in the past, you shouldn’t take your dental health for granted. In fact, your odds of having a dental problem only go up as you age.2

Treatment is expensive — especially the services people over 50 often need.

Consider these national average costs of treatment ... $222 for a checkup ... $190 for a filling ... $1,213 for a crown.3 Unexpected bills like this can be a real burden, especially if you’re on a fixed income.

1 “Medicare & You,” Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2024. 2 “Aging changes in teeth and gums”, medlineplus.gov, 4/17/2022. 3 American Dental Association, Health Policy Institute, 2020 Survey of Dental Fees, Copyright 2020, American Dental Association.

“Absolutely love”

“I absolutely love my dental insurance. My dental office files the claims, leaving me with very little balance to pay.”

Dorothy P., TN

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