SVM_Golden Echo_September 2022

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G olden E cho A publication of Sauk Valley Media in cooperation with Lee County Council on Aging and Whiteside County Senior Center – United Way agencies VOLUME 15 • SEPTEMBER 2022 • EDITION 9 From the Directors ....................................... 2 Thank You’s .................................................. 4 Membership Dues Paid 4 Outreach ....................................................... 5 Photos ............................................. 6 & 7 & 12 Weekly/Monthly Activities 10 & 11 Upcoming Trips ............................................ 9 Meal Menus................................................... 8 Special Events 10 & 11 INSIDE The Lee County Council on Aging, the Senior Center and LCCOA Senior Transportation will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5, to observe Labor Day. The offices will re-open and the buses will be running again on Tuesday, Sept. 6. THURS. SEPT 29 CUBS VS. PHILLIES WRIGLEY FIELD 1:20 PM LAST DAY TO SIGN UP 09/16 • Join us for a trip to Wrigley Field to see the CUBS vs the Philadelphia Phillies! • Tickets will be issued on the bus the day of the game • Seats are Terrace Reserved Outfield 1st Base/Section 230 Rows 25 28 • No REFUNDS will be given if you are unable to attend the day of the game • No guarantee that large parties will be seated together • NO ALCOHOL allowed on motor coach • Bus will depart from Sterling Walmart at 8:30AM • We will stop at Dekalb Oasis on the way TO Wrigley Field • Stopping at Dekalb Oasis on the way BACK will be optional depending on how late the game runs • You may bring snacks and beverages on bus No milk products please/No Alcohol Member $65.00 Non Member $90.00 WHITESIDEtolls,IncludesCUBSTRIPbus,parkingandGameTicketSEATSARETERRACERESERVEDOUTFIELDSECTION230SIGNUPATTHECOUNTYSENIORCENTER 1207 West 9th St. Sterling, IL

Golden Echo disclaims any liability for any advertisements published herein and in no way endorses or guarantees these ads.

On September 22, we will be start ing a new support group aimed at COVID grief. If you’re like me, these past few years have been hard to bounce back from. How do we adjust to our new normal? What have we lost over the past few years? This group will meet at 10 a.m. once a month on the third Thursday of the month in the Dining Room.

Our Xmas shop was a great success last year, and we have been asked to have one this season. We sold hun dreds of items from 25 cents to $3 and made many, many seniors very happy. One senior told us that she has not been able to buy gifts for her family in years; with tears in her eyes she thanked us for giving her, and her family, a wonderful holiday. We would like to thank the Lee County Commu nity for their generous donations of new and slightly used items, which stocked our shop last year. You are the ones who provided so many families with a special holiday. Please think about helping again this up-coming season.

Healthy Body — Healthy Brain Joe is back with another class on healthy body and brain. His most recent class was a great success, and by popular demand he is back on Sept. 21. at 11 a.m. to provide additional information on Alzheimer’s, teach another class on line dancing — and please stay for a free lunch provided by ReservationsLCCOA. are required: Call 815288-9236 to reserve your place. Open Enrollment

Movie Time A new program is starting in Sep tember. Every third Tuesday at 1 p.m. we will have free lunch and a movie. Please call us for reservations at 815288-9236.September is truly a fun-filled month. Have a wonderful Indian Sum mer, and enjoy the weather. Until next time ... Lee County Council on Aging: A place where you belong, a place to call home.

Golden Echo does not discriminate in admission to programs or treatment or employment in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act; the U.S. Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Age Discrimination Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; and the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Aging. For information, call 800-252-8966 (Voice & TDD), or contact the director of Lee County Council on Aging, 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021 or telephone 815-288-9236; or Whiteside County Senior Center, 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081 or 815-622-9230.

Outreach: Here for you Please remember our Outreach workers can help you with an online application for a free computer give away on October 7 and 8 (Sign up now to reserve your spot). Neil from the Sauk Valley Computer Club can help you learn how to work your new com puter. Neil’s hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:30 till 11:30 a.m. Outreach’s hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday). Call 815-622-9230 to make an appointment to see either an Outreach worker or Neil, or both.  Thank you all for helping put the FUN back at the Senior Center!  See you soon ...  — Susie

LCCOA is still Trippin’ Nashville was an amazing trip; the phone calls and cards were wonderful. Our seniors had fun-filled days, and made so many memories and new friends. If you enjoyed Nashville, come join us for Wildwood, Branson, New Orleans and our Caribbean Cruise. Our trips are starting to book up, so do not miss out on the next adventure in your life.

If you haven’t been to the Center for a while, you will notice two new faces when you come! Tracy Hubbard has joined our team as the new office book keeper. Most of you from Galt will remember her as she has spent the last 16 years serving the community at the Galt Post Office. Tracy is a graduate of Northern Illinois University and majored in Accounting. We are so pleased to have her with us at the Cen ter. We also have Angela Gibbs of Mor rison joining our team as our new Marketing Coordinator. Angela spent most of her life in Corporate Market ing but most of you will know her from her community work in Morrison. Please help us make both of these won derful women feel welcome at the Cen ter. Angela will be having a roundta ble discussion group at 11:30 a.m. on September 14 to discuss future trips; come share your ideas and prefer ences. I know both Tracy and Angela can’t wait to meet you all!  Our community is the best! Thank you to all of you who sup ported our most recent Ice Cream Social and Corn Boil. Thank you to all who donated their time baking pies, husking corn, supplying music and lending a helping hand. We could not have done it without all of you. Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to fill our freezers with meat. We also received a generous gift from Halo Industries of cloth grocery sacks for food pantry participants to be able to reuse when they come back. We received a generous donation of funds to buy a refrigerator for a new food pantry. The pantry averages between 75-85 individuals being served every week. The generous donation of fresh fruit and vegetables from Sauk Valley Food Bank has kept us going. We received our first shipment of com modities from USDA since COVID this month. The commodities have strict guidelines for income and number of visits, while our fresh items are open to anyone who is needing a little extra help with food from 3-4 p.m. on Thurs days. If your garden is over producing this year, please feel free to drop off your extras at the Center — they will be put to good use. Last month we received a Gold Certificate from the Extension Office. This award signifies that the pantry offers nutritious foods to participants and promotes dignity to pantry guests by allowing choices.   Root beer floats & music Root beer floats will be served Sep tember 9 from 1 to 3 p.m., sponsored by Sauk Valley Bank with music pro vided by Edwin Leipus from Morrison & Char Behrens. We will be taking a freewill donation to benefit our food pantry expenses. This is a show that you won’t want to miss. Talent like this should not be hidden. If you have a group, you are a solo artist or if you know of a group that would like to share their talents, please contact me to get your gifts shared with the Seniors of Whiteside County. We love music, sing-alongs and dancing! Music is just good for the soul.

From DirectorWCSCtheBySusieWelchFromtheLCCOAExecutiveDirectorBySusanLawler

The Travel Club meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m.

Press releases of interest to seniors will be accepted at 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021; or 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. Deadline for submission is the 15th of each month.

Smart Phone Help New technology is always stressful: LCCOA would like to ease your stress by hosting a basic Smart phone class once a month, on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Please call us to reserve a spot: 815-288-9236

Travel Club If you enjoy traveling, then come on down and join our senior travel club. It is a great opportunity to share your trips, learn about other senior’s trav els, and discuss where you would like to visit in the upcoming months. Sit back and sip a free glass of wine, enjoy making new friends, and start your next adventure.

September has arrived, summer is almost over, school is back in succes sion, and our snow birds are flying off to Florida. LCCOA is hoping for an Indian Summer, followed by a very long fall season. Winter is so hard on our seniors — if you have extra coats in good condition, please drop them off at the Center. We will be having a side walk sale in October and we would like to provide coats for 25 cents to one dol lar, to help our seniors during the win ter weather. Our Little Shop Around the Corner

2 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk ECHOGOLDEN

The senior centers do not require duration of residency or citizenship as a condition of participation in any services or programs funded by the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging. Residency or citizenship may be a requirement for other programs that the senior centers may provide assistance with in application or accessing of same. Services are made available, in part, with funds provided under Title III-B of the Older American Act, and the Illinois General Revenue Funds, through the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging. We are a United Way-funded agency.

Parlor Club  We are beginning a new Parlor Club starting Tuesday, September 13. The cost is $10 for members, $20 for non-members We will be carpooling or caravanning from the Center to five local gaming parlors in Whiteside County, exclusively opened for our group — 1-hour play time per location. There will be a complimentary conti nental breakfast at location number 1. At locations No. 2 through 4, there will be complementary coffee, tea and pop. Location No. 5 will offer a compli mentary lunch menu, details to be announced at sign-up. Each location will provide a $5 slot play. Random locations will have drawings for prizes. This is a value you do not want to pass up!

Golden Echo published monthly by Sauk Valley Media, 113-115 S. Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL 61021, in cooperation with the Lee County Council on Aging and Whiteside County Senior Center.

New support group

Do not forget to sign up for open enrollment, time slots are filling up fast; we will do our very best to service all our seniors, but it is very important that you make an appointment. We cannot guarantee we will be able to process your Part-D for 2023. There are no walk-ins for this service. Please call 815-288-9236 today.

A busy month at The Post House

WCSC Director Susie Welch delivered a computer to Sue Burgett of Rock Falls. Sue came to WCSC to receive assistance completing her online application for the Whiteside Area Career Center, PCs for People program.

Pricing Windows Desktop Package: $0 — See free computer eligibil ity information below. Windows Laptop Package: $0 — Laptops available while sup plies last. Eligibility If you receive SNAP, Medic aid, SSI, federal public housing assistance, Veterans Pension Benefit Program, or have a household income that is less than 135% of federal poverty guidelines (for example: $35,000 per year for a family of four), you can sign up for a free Win dows computer through the Whiteside Area Career Center. More information about eli gibility for Chrome Desktops and other computers can be found at org/eligibility.www.pcsforpeople.

Need a ride? Give LCCOA a call

An online application is necessary and pre-registration is strongly encour aged, as limited quantities are available without completed registration. Register at alsoComecompletingevent/registration.,whereweoffercomputertraining.

Pickup for the computers will be from 3-7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7, and 8 a.m.-noon Saturday, Oct. 8, at the Whiteside Area Career Center, 1608 Fifth Ave., Sterling. Question? E-mail

ECHOGOLDEN3 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk WCSC phone numbers Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling Email at Go to or follow us on Facebook. Outreach and free phones for hard of hearing/ low vision 815-622-9230 Toll-free 888-622-9230 ADRC: 815-622-9230CallTransportation – 815-625-7433 • Information – 815-622-9230 Main number 815-288-9236 Transportation 815-288-9236 PostBallroomHouse 815-288-9236 E-mail us at Visit us at or www.posthouseballroom.netorfindusonFacebook Outreach services & free phones for hearing impaired Outreach hours 9 a.m.-3 p.m. LCCOA phone numbers Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 100 West Second Street – Dixon, IL, 61021 POST TRANSPORTATIONHOUSE WCSC Help available for those who need a computer Need a computer? Eligible customers can shop with PCs for People to receive a free or low-cost computer, with support from The Whiteside Area Career Center.

LCCOA Senior bus transportation is available to take you places you need go — the bank, church, dentist office, doctor office, employment, grocery store, health department, hospital/medical clinic, kidney dialysis center, public library, restaurants, or summer pro grams.LCCOA Senior Bus can also take you from your home to the Dixon Wal-Mart at 10 a.m., noon and 1:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cost is only $1 for rides inside of the city of Dixon for each way. Call 815-288-9236 for more information or to reserve your seat on the Seniors’ Bus!

The Post House Ballroom has a full schedule for the month of September, with a wedding every weekend, business meetings from local corporations, and hosting seminars. The Ballroom is more than a wedding venue — our weekdays are filled with great training classes, Rules of the Road classes, real estate auctions, and local businesses utilizing our facility for 3- to 4-hour meetings. Our pleasant décor is conducive to a calming classroom environment, which fits any genre. Lee County Council on Aging appreciates all our surrounding businesses support.


The CGH Health Foundation, in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, will host a three-part series on legal, financial, and care planning following a dementia diag nosis.The workshops will be held at 5:30 p.m. at Bethel Reformed Church, 230 E. 23rd St., Sterling: Sept. 1 — “First Steps and Your LegalOct.Plan”6—“Money Matters” Nov. 3 — “Options for Care” Each workshop will feature an educational presentation followed by a panel of experts who will talk about steps to take and answer questions fromRegisterattendees.for the workshops

that all



County Senior Center Board Members and Officers

Executive Director, staff and drivers. LCCOA welcomes members Marjorie Guenzler Juana Strom Janet Butler

County Council on Aging Board Executive Committee & Officers Bonnie O’Connell, Chair LaDonna Groshans, Vice Chair Roberta Lemoine, Secretary Darla Foulker, Attorney Ben Gallentine, CPA (Johnson CPA, LLC) Cindy Gabany Michael T. Glenn Jeff Haub Ed Pillar Andrea Pratt Sami Rodriguez


on Aging. As a member you can feel



Linda RichardMcCormickMcCormickLuAnnMeyerRitaPeltierRestHaven Riverbend Food Rusty Schrader Sauk Valley Food Bank SCUG DorothyNealSelmi’sShipleySzewczykKathyTysdalDavidWahl


all your friends and families. Thank you on


Terry to those individuals who have paid their memberships for 2022 Martha Boyer, Edward Davis, Paulette Delhotal, Earl Ferrer, Santos Fisher, Hinrichs,Gronlund,JanetArneKathy Mays, Dinah Mays, Jeffrey Ortiz, Teresa Sanford Sr., VanDenBerghe,ThomasBeverly you to WCSC volunteers and supporters

SharonSmithWilson Wayne Wilson Deborah Liebzeit Lenore Hartman Sandra Buikema Jessie Cervantes Thank you to LCCOA volunteers and supporters Thank you to all our volunteers who donated their time, energy and services and those who gave monetary and non-monetary donations. A special thank you to all the wonderful supporters of LCCOA’s clothing drive who have donated anonymously. Lioness Lions Club Lee County United Way Amanda Wike Dorothy Szewczyk Mary KathyKrisiLindaOpenKerleyMicSetchellChrishamFerguson Lee County Health Depart ment Nancy Gates Josie Whaley Dixon Food Pantry Larry Piper Eileen Piper Jesse FranklinTomKateCervantesNehringCartwrightGroveLiving & Rehab Meadows of Franklin Grove Oregon Living & Rehab Ben LibertyCrestLeydigJohnsonGalantineCPACenterFoodsCo.,Inc.KristinCarlsonKerriVilla-NantzVillageofRochelleScottOesterlinSafeLifeHomeHealthSusanJohnson Real Time Joe PetersenSamiBrandanForneroLumzyLumzyYogaRodriguezHealthCareDarlaFoulkerGoodFellowsClaraHarrisTeenTurfNIAAA


Christian Lee County Rusty Schrader Lee-OgleGregTransportationGatesLifescape The family of Jessie Ware To all our Mackinac Island Seniors who continue to support LCCOA If you would like to join the Whiteside County Senior Center for 2022, the cost is $25 per person per calendar year or $35 for two people residing in same household. You can mail your check to WCSC, 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. We are increasing activities for 2022 and we always appreciate your con tinued support of our Aging and Disabled Resource Center and we appreciate YOU! WCSC welcomes members Thank you

we provide

A special thanks




Joe County Council confident funds helps LCCOA continue the services to the Center to be a member of LCCOA the word to behalf of LCCOA’s of Directors,

all our seniors and continue to bring new and interesting activities to

GlennShirleyButlerWolford&JoyceLangholf Ellen Smith

Beacon of Hope Hospice Board Members Ada Friesen Halo Industries Heritage


and spread

Linda Barber

4 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk ECHOGOLDEN

for you to enjoy. Please continue


Bright – President Michelle Miller – Vice President Sasha Logan — Treasurer Cindy Wadsworth – Secretary Beth Hubbard Gene Jacoby John Booker Al Campbell Emily Taylor Karla Burn DUES, DONATIONS & THANK YOUS Be an LCCOA hero today for a brighter tomorrow! Watch the Echo for 2022 membership campaign. As a member you will receive discounts on all our activities and trips. All membership fees contribute to the support of Lee

Thank to all our volunteers who donate their time, energy, and services  and those who gave monetary donations, including anony mously. to all who partner with our center to provide programs and activities for our seniors.

Tracy is a graduate of Northern Illi nois University in accounting. We are so pleased to have her with us at the Center.Wealso have Angela Gibbs of Mor rison joining our team as our new Mar keting Coordinator. Angela spent most of her life in Corporate Marketing but most of you will know her from her community work in Morrison. Please help us make both of these wonderful women feel welcome at the Center. Angela will be having a roundtable dis cussion group at 11:30 a.m. on Septem ber 14 to discuss future trips; come share your ideas and preferences.

I know both Tracy and Angela can’t wait to meet you all!

If you haven’t been to the Whiteside County Senior Center for a while, you will notice two new faces when you come!Tracy Hubbard has joined our team as the new office bookkeeper. Most of you from Galt will remember her as she has spent the last 16 years serving the community at the Galt Post Office.

Every year, Medicare has a special Open Enrollment period for Medicare Part-D (prescription drug plan) and the Medicare Advantage Plans (MAPD). This period runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 and is a crucial time of year for all Medicare beneficiaries who wish to review their options for the upcoming year. This Open Enroll ment allows you to join a Part-D or Medicare Advantage plan, and allows you to explore options. We always suggest reviewing your plan options each year; there are many aspects that can contribute to higher costs from year-to-year, and this is a way to hopefully spare you those added costs by having a comparison done and choosing a lesser plan, if one is avail able. Why should you Review and Compare each year?

WHITESIDE COUNTY ADRC Med D Open enrollment begins October 15 and runs through Decem ber 7. We have Certified SHIP Coun selors available to assist you with your Med D Plan comparisons. You are probably asking: How can I get an appointment? Beginning Sep tember 1, we will accept phone calls for Med D appointments. Once we gather some basic information, we will get your requested packet mailed to you, and once we receive it back, we will contact you for a scheduled one-on-one appointment time at the center with a Certified SHIP Coun selor to review your Med D plan. This begins a very busy time for us, so we appreciate your patience! Appointments will be made in the order the packets are received. We look forward to assisting as many individuals as possible this year!

Come meet the facesnewatWCSC

We are gearing up for Med D season!

Open Enrollment

ECHOGOLDEN5 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk LCCOA OUTREACH THE FACES OF WCSC

Annual Notice of Change

ADRC satellite locations Our Aging and Disabled Resource Center (ADRC) offers satellite loca tions throughout the county on Wednesdays, at the following loca tions:Second Wednesday — Erie Library, 803 Eighth Ave., 9-11 a.m.; O’Dell Library, 307 S. Madison St., Morrison, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Third Wednesday — First Reformed Church, 510 15th Ave., Ful ton, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Fourth Wednesday —Prophet stown Library, 209 W. Third St., 1-5 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: Service at this site has been temporarily paused due to elevator issues. We offer walk-in days on Mondays from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. No appointment is needed and we will assist patrons on a first-come, first-serve basis. We can assist with BAA (license sticker dis counts), Respite funds, Med D ques tions, Social Security Extra Help, Medicaid and Medicare Savings Pro gram, Food Stamp or Link, Patient Assistance Programs, ITAC, Do-Not Call registry and information and referrals.Wecurrently have five notaries in the building who can assist you with notary services during business hours, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. September Medicare tip Want to go to paperless and get Medicare publications electronically? Even when they aren’t available in print, some publications are available in a variety of eBook formats, which means you can download them to your favorite eReader and take them with you wherever you go. Visit and choose eBooks.

Other years, you may find yourself in the situation where several of your medications are no longer covered, or may cost you twice the price that they did from previous year. Or perhaps the pharmacy that you love is no lon ger an in-network pharmacy with your plan. These are situation where a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) counselor can benefit you and help you to avoid unwanted “sur prises” at the pharmacy in the begin ning or during the upcoming year. Your local SHIP Counselor at LCCOA Outreach Department is happy to help!Medicare Advantage plans may also have various changes from yearto-year, those of which may not be just related to prescription costs but also medical costs. During the Oct. 15-Dec, 7 time frame, you can join a Medicare Advantage plan, opt to enroll into a Part-D plan instead and return to Original Medicare, or change from one Medicare Advan tage plan to another. All of these changes would take effect January 1, 2023.It is worth noting that you may see Medicare Advantage plans advertised on T.V. or through the mail. While they can be a good fit for some Medi care beneficiaries, as SHIP Counsel ors we do advise to please do your research before enrolling into a Medi care Advantage plan. Medicare Advantage plans are NOT Medicare Supplements and are not for every Medicare beneficiary. To get the greatest benefit from the plan, it is worth it to make sure that your pro viders are in-network and that you understand all of the possible costs associated with the Medicare Advan tage plan that you are considering. If you are considering a Medicare Advantage plan, speak with one of us at LCCOA this Open Enrollment to be sure you understand your benefits and weigh all of your options.

Medicare Part-D plan companies change their formularies (or accepted medication lists), their tier grouping, add or remove preferred or in-net work pharmacies, and raise or lower premiums and deductibles and other costs each year. Some years, these changes are slight, and the plan that you are in may continue to be the best and least expensive option for you.

Open enrollment is coming

In the month of September you will receive what is known as the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) letter from your current plan. This is important information regarding the upcoming changes your company plans to make with your plan. Do not disregard these letters — they are important! These letters allow you to be informed of the upcoming changes and review your options with LCCOA’s Outreach staff. It is not too early to call for your appointment. Please call 815-288-9236 and ask to schedule your Part D appointment.

6 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk ECHOGOLDEN WCSC Discover stress-free living at Morningside of Sterling. Ask about our virtual and in-person tours! 815.622.2800 2705 Avenue E, Sterling, IL 61081 | INDEPENDENT LIVING | ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE seniorDiscoverliving at ofMorningsideSterling , where every day is thanexceptionalmorethelast. Residents Enjoy • Five Star Dining Experience • Lifestyle360 activities program • Caring, professional staff • Award-winning Memory Care AWARD WINNER Servingadults65years of ageandolderof allincomes. 2205OakGroveAve.Sterling,IL ManagedbyGardantManagementSolutions HERITAGEWOODS ofSterling 815-625-7045 Reflectingtheviewpointsof morethan200,000 residentsandfamilymembersinthousandsof seniorliving,assistedliving,andmemorycare communities nationwide. BESTOFTHEBEST BEST AWARD SM-ST1995178 Well, shucks, our seniors sure are helpful The WCSC corn broil event was a great success, thanks to our members and volunteers shucking corn and donating pies and cakes. WCSC food pantry is as good as gold The Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Tool (NEFPAT) is implemented by University of Illinois Extension. This award signifies that the pantry offers nutritious foods to participants and promotes dignity to pantry guests by allowing choices within food options. The gold certificate means that they received the highest rating possible, which falls into the range of 32-42 points.

ECHOGOLDEN7 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk LCCOA KSB Center for Health ServicesAmboy 305 E. Joe Drive KSB TowersCommerce 215 E. First Street ImmediatePhysicians Care 1672 S. Galena Ave. KSB Center for Health ServicesPolo 1107 S. Division Ave. KSB Center for Health ServicesOregon 1307 W. Washington St. Remembering 9/11 September 11, 2001 — Where were you when the twin towers were attacked? Send us your stories; LCCOA seniors would like to hear from you. Jones Funeral Homes DIXON 204 S. Ottawa Ave • 288-2241 AMBOY 303 E Main St. • 857-2611 Ask Us About Our Guaranteed Prearrangement Contracts It’s lunch time at LCCOA! LCCOA provides free lunch to our seniors. Please call Marisa at 815-288-9326 to sign up for our monthly free lunches. The schedule of upcoming lunches is: Sept. 2, Oct. 28, Nov. 23, and Dec  21.

MONDAY: Rosemary herb chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, whole grain dinner roll, mixed citrus fruit cup. Tuesday: Baked ziti, with meat sauce, Italian blend vegetables, whole grain garlic bread, hot applesauce.

TUESDAY: Creamy chicken pasta carrots, steamed peas, whole grain wheat bread, chilled pineapple. WEDNESDAY: Cheeseburger on whole grain wheat bun, tator tots, baked beans, ambrosia fruit salad. THURSDAY: A) Lemon pepper chicken, wild rice, broccoli, whole grain dinner roll, applesauce. B) Ham/vegetable. FRIDAY: Citrus-baked ham, sweet potatoes, Scandinavian-blend vegetables, whole grain dinner roll, diced peaches. Sept. 19-23

WEDNESDAY: A) Meatloaf, mashed pota toes with gravy, glazed carrots, whole grain dinner roll, fruited Jell-o. B) Liver and onions. THURSDAY: Chicken ala king with whole grain buttermilk biscuit, broccoli mandarin oranges. FRIDAY: Tilapia and garlic butter, wild rice, peas, whole grain dinner roll, fruit cocktail. Sept. 26-30 MONDAY: BBQ chicken breast, whole grain dinner roll, sweet potato tots, cauliflower, pineapple tidbits.

THURSDAY: Baked cod in lemon butter, scalloped po tatoes, spinach, bread. FRIDAY: Cook’s choice at sites that are open on Friday Sept. 5-10

Fares: (within county) Ages 5 and under (must be accompanied by an adult): 50 cents one way People age 6 to 59 years: $2 one way Seniors or individuals with a disability: Donation suggested (unless qualified under Medicaid or other program) Out-of-county trips can be arranged, subject to availability: 25 cents per mile Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday 855-625-7433 or 815-625-7433

WEDNESDAY : Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, cream corn, bread. THURSDAY : Spaghetti, peas, warm peaches, bread. FRIDAY : Cook’s choice at sites that are open on Friday Sept. 26-30

Please note: Meals will be served at Whiteside County Senior Center Monday through Thursday. Fridays are home delivery only. For more information about home-delivered meals, call 626-4442. Sept. 1-2

September Golden Meals

Whiteside County Public Transportation

Sept. 12-16 MONDAY: BBQ riblet, whole grain wheat bun, cheesy potatoes, country-mixed vegetables, diced pears.

Lee-Ogle Transportation System

Lee County Council on Aging Senior Transportation — 815-288-9236

MONDAY: Chili dog, oven fries, peas, bun. TUESDAY: Baked chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, carrots, bread. WEDNESDAY: Beef and noodles, green beans, fruit, bread. THURSDAY: Baked cod in lemon butter, scalloped potatoes, spinach, bread. FRIDAY: Cook’s choice at sites that are open on Friday,

September Lifescape meals

TUES DAY: A) Sloppy joe on a whole grain wheat bun, cheesy potatoes, broccoli, diced pears. B) ham and vegetable. WEDNESDAY: Baked chicken quarter, mashed potatoes with gravy, coin carrots, whole grain dinner roll, peach cobbler. THURSDAY: Mushroom Swiss burger on whole grain bun, buttered red potatoes, baked beans, diced peaches. FRIDAY: Fish patty with tartar sauce, whole grain wheat bun, mac and cheese. California-blend veggies, strawberry applesauce, tartar sauce — 8-Oz. Low-fat milk served with all lunches

THURSDAY: Italian sausage, with peppers on whole grain bun, seasoned potato wedges, Italian blend veggies, apricots. FRIDAY: A) Crispy fish sandwich on whole grain wheat bun with tartar sauce, potato pan cakes, peas, diced peaches. B) Turkey/minestrone

8 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk ECHOGOLDEN

Sept. 5-9 MONDAY: CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY. TUESDAY: Sweet and sour chicken, fluffy rice, stir fry veggies, whole grain dinner roll, apricots. WEDNESDAY: Meatball sub on whole grain roll, peas and carrots, season potato wedges, diced peaches. THURSDAY: A) Turkey burger on whole grain wheat bun, sweet potato fries, broccoli, apple crisp B) Tuna salad/Chicken and rice. FRIDAY: Hot ham and cheese on a whole grain wheat bun, tator tots, baked beans, chilled applesauce

MONDAY: CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY. TUESDAY: Chicken noodle casserole, veggies in casserole, fruit, bread. WEDNESDAY: Scalloped potatoes & ham, peas, fruit. THURSDAY: Sloppy Joes, mac & cheese, green beans, bun. FRIDAY: Cook’s choice at sites that are open on Friday Sept. 12-16 MONDAY: Italian brat, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, bun. TUESDAY: Chicken Alfredo pasta, spinach, mixed fruit, bread. WEDNESDAY: Ham loaf, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, bread. THURSDAY: Jumbo hot dog, potato wedges, baked beans, bun. FRIDAY: Cook’s choice at sites that are open on Friday Sept. 19-23 MONDAY : Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, bread. TUESDAY : Chef salad, veggies in salad, mandarin oranges, blueberry muffin.

Lifescape serves seniors in Winnebago, Boone, Lee and Ogle counties. Go to for more information. Sept. 1-2

Hours: 6 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Fares: (within zip code) Ages 5 and under (must be accompanied by an adult): $1 one way People age 6 to 59 years: $2 one way Seniors or individuals with a disability: $1 one way (unless qualified under Medicaid or other program) Out-of-town trips can be arranged, subject to availability: 35 cents per mile Call LOTS 888-239-9228 or 815-288-2117

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Cost: $89 for members, $109 for non-members, per person * Transportation, tax and gratuity included. Welcome aboard the Celebration Belle! Cruise atop the #1 attraction in our area — The Mississippi River! The Celebration Belle is a unique experience. Enjoy a 1.5hour cruise. Captain’s narration and a full hot lunch buf fet, including: marinated baked chicken breast or chef’s choice hot pasta with fresh vegetables, potato and vege table, assorted cold salads rolls with butter, dessert, cof fee and iced tea. Ideas for trips? We are in the process of creating trips for this fall, winter and 2023. Please let us know how to make your travel bug happy by contacting Angela Gibbs via email a., call 815-622-9230 ext. 302, or attend our round table discussion on September 16 from 12:15-1:30 p.m

Upcoming Trips — WCSC

New Orleans trip, with April & Marisa

Parlor Club

Cost: Ranging from $1,985 to $2,548 for members and $2,010 to $2,573 for non-members. A deposit of $350 is required to reserve your seat. Cost includes round-trip airfare from Chicago. Travel on the Royal Caribbean ship, The Oasis of the Seas. The trip includes all meals on the ship, in CoCo Cay and on Haiti, unless you choose to eat at one of the specialty restaurants. Active day-stops in Port Canav eral, Florida and at Nassau, Bahamas will prepare you for a perfect day at CoCoCay, Bahamas, and later at Labadee, Haiti. Of course, there’s shopping everywhere — and there is the Casino Royale on the ship!! Please note: A passport is required for this trip, as is a negative Covid 19 test prior to departure. Please contact Marisa for details at: 815-288-9236.

December 5-9, 2022 — 5 days & 4 nights

Cost: $715 for members, $740 for non-members — per person, based on double occupancy Motor coach transportation, lodging, admission fees, and 10 meals are included. We will be traveling to New Orleans the week before Mardi Gras! Come enjoy the sights and sounds of the Big Easy. We will tour the his toric French Quarter, make a visit to the National WWII Museum, venture over to the Destrehan Plantation, and enjoy a relaxing cruise on a riverboat. A highlight is a trip to Mardi Gras World, where many of the floats used in the parade(s) will be and we get to see where Mardi Gras magic is made!Please call 815-288-9236 and ask for April or Marisa for questions or to reserve your space.

Five local gaming parlors, Sterling-Rock Falls, exclu sively opened for our group. One-hour play time per loca tion. Complimentary continental breakfast at location number 1.Location 2-4: Complementary coffee, tea and pop. Location 5: Complimentary lunch menu to be announced at sign-up. Each location will provide a $5 slot play. Random locations will have drawings for prizes.

Cost: $649 for members; $674 non-members, per person based on double occupancy Trip includes motor coach transportation, lodging, admissions, and 6 meals. This trip also includes two amazing concerts during the greatest week of the year, as well as a ‘50s Dance Party, The Doo-Wop Experi ence, a trip to the Resorts Casino in Atlantic City and a visit to Historic Smithville, New Jersey.

February 12-18, 2023 — 7 days and 6 nights

Please contact April at Lee County Council on Aging at 815-288-9236 or email her at to have a packet mailed or e-mailed to you. If you are ready to go, you can call Collette Travel directly at 800-852-5655 ext. 17005 and make sure to mention booking number 1083188!

• Exclusive and ease of access — When you travel with us, you get to see parts of the destination you nor mally wouldn’t see on your own. We typically go “behind the scenes,” or are treated to special dinners and live shows. The tour bus also drops and picks up at the front doors, ease of driving, walking, and parking.

Cost: $10 for members, $20 for non-members *Carpooling to each location

Seats are filling up fast! A $75 deposit reserves your seat. The price of the trip includes your transportation, hotel, most meals, and any admission fees. Only addi tional funds needed will be for your extras. The benefits of group travel are ...

Enjoy a wild ‘50s weekend in Wildwood, New Jersey, with Marisa

• Communication and like-minded travelers — When you travel with own like-minded peers and enjoy memorable adventures together, you can quickly bond. You really create lifelong new friends and travel together again.

Cost: $599 for members; $624 for non-members, per person based on double occupancy Trip includes motor coach transportation, lodging, admissions, 8 meals, admissions to six fabulous shows, including the “All Hands on Deck” Christmas show, “The Duttons Christmas Show,” “The Presleys Country Jubilee Christmas Show,” and the famous “Miracle of Christmas Show.” You can also do some Christmas shopping every day! Please contact Marisa for details at 815-288-9236.

• Local Insight —  When you travel with us, you are never on your own, we provide the knowledge of each location and help along the way with any need that Travel with LCCOA? Call 815-288-9236 and ask for Marisa.

Explore Ireland with April October 5-12, 2022 Journey to see the Emerald Isle! Take in the sights of Dublin, kiss the Blarney Stone, and feel the sweep ing winds upon the Cliffs of Moher. These are just a few of the things you will have the opportunity to experience on this trip!

• A stress-free trip — Everything is taken care of. We take care of the itineraries that include the best destinations, and group leaders will get you from one place to the next without you having to worry about making your own decision.

ECHOGOLDEN9 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk Upcoming Trips —LCCOA LCCOA’s upcoming trips for 2022-23

October 13-17, 2022 — 5 days & 4 nights

Holiday trip — Branson Holiday Show Extravaganza with Marisa

The Eastern Caribbean Cruise with Marisa August 4-13, 2023 — 10 days & 9 nights.

Tuesday, September 13

Wrigley Field – Cubs vs. Phillies Thursday September 29, 1:20 p.m. game time Cost: $65 for members, $90 for non-members

Bus will drop off and pick up at Wrigley Field. Seats are terrace reserved outfield, section 230. Tickets will be issued on the bus the day of the game. If you are travel ing with friends, we need to know that when you sign up so you can sit together. No refunds will be given if you are unable to attend on game day. Bus departs from Ster ling Walmart at 8:30 a.m. We will stop at the DeKalb Oasis on the way into the game, and MIGHT stop on the way back, depending on how late the game runs. Cost includes bus, tolls, parking, game ticket and driver tip. You may bring snacks and beverages on the bus — no alcohol. Sign up at WCSC. Celebration Belle – Moline

Weekly activities at LCCOA

This Alzheimer’s Program was so popular in June that we are offering it again!! Healthy Living for your Brain and Body is a presentation on diet and nutrition, exercise and social engagement. It’s presented by Joe Landmichl from the Illinois Alzheimer’s Association Chapter in Rockford. The program will be followed by 30 minutes of line dance lessons and a free lunch!! Afterwards, the Wednesday Chair Yoga class will be held at 1 p.m. Please call LCCOA at 815-288-9236 to reserve your seat and confirm your lunch.

We’re still trying to form a new beginners group. Line dancing is a great form of exercise for seniors to improve strength and muscle function, increase balance and flexi bility, and improve cardiovascular and heart health. Line dancing isn’t just for country music anymore! If you can tap your toes in time to music, line dancing might be just the thing for you! Anyone interested in conducting a beginners group, please contact LCCOA at 815-288-9236.

Chair Yoga for Seniors Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Chair Yoga, a new program for seniors here at LCCOA, is a safe and more comfortable method to get the same benefits as regular yoga. Our yoga leader is trained and certified, and already conducts classes at other locations. Staying seated and off the floor means that even frail seniors or those who aren’t so flexible can safely do the exercises. Yoga can help all older adults to loosen and stretch muscles, reduce stress and improve circulation.

Mondays 1 p.m. — Rummikub Tuesdays 10-11:30 a.m. — A Matter of Balance: This 8-week class will help you become more confident in your walking, show you how to reduce hazards in your home, and teach exercises that increase strength and increase balance. A free lunch in included! This class runs only from Aug. 16-Oct 4. 1 p.m. — Third Tuesday of the month: Free lunch and a movie 1 p.m. — Fourth Tuesday of the month: Travel Club. Explore new and past adventures, and enjoy free glass of wine!

Thursday 1 p.m. — Crafters

LCCOA’s Bingo has long been a favorite activity. Originally called “beano” when the game first arrived in America in 1929, Bingo has become a weekly fundrais ing activity in churches all over America. In addition to being a lot of fun, Bingo increases mental flexibility and alertness, exercises hand-eye coordination, and accel erates healing with laughter and socialization. All are welcome — come and enjoy!

Fridays 12:30 p.m. — Euchre players 1 p.m. — Mexican Train Dominoes Bingo is here twice this month!! Friday, September 2 and 16 at 9:30 a.m. Open Mic Night – Friday, September 23: Doors open at 6:30 p.m., first singer up at 7 p.m.

Line Dancing at LCCOA

Smart Phone

Movie Tuesday September 20 at 1 p.m. LCCOA offers lunch and a movie the third Tuesday of every month. Please call 815-288-9236 to reserve a lunch. Travel Club Tuesday September 27, at 1 p.m. The fourth Tuesday of every month we will meet to share our travels, plan new trips, and enjoy a glass of wine. Please join us for an afternoon of fun and adventure.

Farmer’s Hand, Poor Man’s Hand, Bottom Hand, Grand ma’s Hand ... these are some of the many nicknames given to a particular “hand” one might be given during the game. One thing you can be sure of: everybody at the table has an opinion as to what just happened! Come for the cards; come back again for the people you met.

Bingo will be at LCCOA at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, September 2, and Friday, September 16. The games are free! The prizes are Free! THE FUN IS FREE!

Friday, September 26. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. First singer up is at 7 p.m. Music goes until 9 p.m. All are welcome!

Rummikub at LCCOA

First Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m. Learn the basics of Smart phone use: setting it up, texting and e-mailing. Please bring in your phone, and LCCOA will assist you. Please call 815-288-9236 to reserve your seat.

Healthy Living for your Brain and Body 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 21

Mondays at 1 p.m. Rummikub players are gathering at LCCOA for this European game that’s becoming an increasingly popular game here. Rummikub was invented by a Romanian in Israel, in the 1940s. It soon became Israel’s best-selling export game. By 1977, it became a bestselling game in the United States. Rummikub, played by 2 to 4 players using numbered tiles, is similar to European card games, like Machiavelli and Vatikan. Here at LCCOA, we have several games going at the same time! Feel free to join in on the fun!

10 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk ECHOGOLDEN Special Events at LCCOA PLEASE NOTE: PROOF OF VACCINATION IS REQUIRED TO ENTER.

Euchre Fridays at 12:30 p.m. Euchre, called the “poor man’s poker,” is one of the most popular card games in the Midwest. Some stories claim that Euchre came to America with the Pennsylva nia Germans. Others say it came with French soldiers.


Mexican Train Dominoes Fridays at 1 p.m. The game Americans call Mexican Train is originally a variation on a Chinese game called Pai Gow, which emerged in China before 960 A.D. Chinese laborers brought the game with them when they came to Cuba to work in the sugar cane fields. Then they and Cuban laborers brought the game with them when they came to America to help build the railroads. It became immensely popular with the Mexican laborers, also. And that’s how the game got its name. Join the game, and develop your skills at concentration!

Wednesdays Noon — Networking committee 1 p.m. — Chair Yoga for Seniors (first Wednesday of every month) 3 p.m. — The Basics of Smart Phone (first Wednesday of every month)

Bingo is here — twice in September!

Table crafters at LCCOA Thursdays at 1 p.m. Beadwork, knitting, needlepoint, crocheting and nee dlework are all types of table crafts enjoyed by people at the crafters table at LCCOA. Gathering on Thursdays, seniors’ conversations and laughter fill the room while the crafters busily produce beautiful and colorful, practi cal and/or whimsical pieces. Feel free to just join in any time and enjoy the benefits of crafting: reducing stress, improving hand-eye coordination and building friend ships and community. Any ideas on presentations of crafting projects — we’d love to hear from you? Please call 815-288-9236.

Open Mic Night

Wednesday, September 14, from 11:30-12:15 p.m. A roundtable discussion will be held in the Dining Room to discuss possible destinations for senior trips. Join Angela for ham loaf and stay for the discussion.

Monday through Thursday from 8:30-11:30 a.m.

Mondays 9 a.m.-2 p.m. — Walk-in day 12:30 p.m. — Pinochle 1-3 p.m. — Learn to Quilt Noon-4 p.m. Sept. 19 — Blood drive

11GOLDENECHO 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk

Thursday, September 8, from 9-10 a.m. Veterans Coffee will meet the second Thursday of every month, sponsored by Beacon of Hope Hospice. Bring a memory or item from your service time and share YOUR story. Chaplain Michael will lead the group.

Thursday, September 8, from 3-4 p.m Hosted by Morningside of Sterling, WCSC and CGH Health Foundation. You will receive confidential sup port and conversation, discussing dementia and Alz heimer’s Disease. On-site respite care will be provided for your loved one during the meeting.

SCUG  Saturday, September 10, at 1 p.m. Sauk Computer User Group will meet at 1 p.m. for a question-and-answer time. There will be a short busi ness meeting, followed with a presentation on a rele vant computer/technology topic. Everyone with an interest in computers/technology is invited. Refresh ments will be available.

Euchre Memorial Tournament

Roundtable travel meeting

IMPACT LIFE. New to Medicare class

Thursday, September 22, at 11:30 a.m. This class is designed for anyone who is new to Medicare. It helps answer questions you might have about original Medicare-Part A and B, and also basic information about Medicare Advantage plans and sup plemental policies. No pre-registration is required. This class will be taught by Wendy Eckel, certified SHIP Counselor.

Wednesdays 12:15 p.m. Come and discover the benefits of adult coloring. Studies have shown that it relaxes your brain and improves brain function, induces meditative state, improves motor skills, improves sleep, improves focus, reduces anxiety and relieves stress. Come and relax with us in our new craft room!

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax-filling help to those who need it most. We are looking for compassionate and friendly people to join our volunteer team this upcom ing tax season. We’ll provide the training and support to help you learn new skills, and you’ll get a great feeling from helping someone else. Help is needed, from greeting the taxpayer to preparing the tax return. You do not need to be an AARP member. If you are interested or would like more information, please call Karen Berg at 815-625-5314.

Wednesday, September 7 & 14 Fancy Feet is accepting new clients. Please call Deb at 815-213-0324 or Sharon at 815-718-5294 to set up an appointment.

If there are other groups or activities that would like to resume here at the Center, please call 815-622-9230 and we will be happy to coordinate that activity based on availability.

Tuesdays Sept. 6 — Walk-in day 9 a.m. Sept. 13 — Parlor Club 9 a.m. Sept. 6, 20 & 27 — Womens golf 10 a.m. Sept. 13, 20 & 27 — Bible Study 12:30 p.m. — Euchre 1-4 p.m. — Pool tables Knitting Club — Noon-4 p.m. Wednesdays 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 7 & 14 — Foot clinic 9 a.m.-noon — Pool tables 9 a.m.-noon — Canasta 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Sept. 14 — Roundtable 12:15 p.m. Sept. 28 — Bingo 12:15 p.m. — Adult coloring 12:30-4 p.m. — Pinochle 10 a.m. Sept. 14 — Price is Right Thursdays 9 a.m. Sept. 8 — Veterans Coffee 10 a.m. — Yoga 11:30 a.m. Sept. 22 — New to Medicare class 12:30 p.m. — Hand & Foot card game 1-3 p.m.  — Food pantry 1-4 p.m. — Pool tables 3 p.m. Sept. 8 — Alzheimer support group Fridays 9 a.m. Sept. 30 — Breakfast Club 10 a.m.-noon — Line dancing Noon-4 p.m. — Pinochle 12:30 p.m. — Mexican dominoes 1-3 p.m. Sept. 9 beer floats and music

Sunday, September 18, at 1 p.m. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Tournament will be in honor of the lives of Euchre partners we lost during Covid. Blood Drive Monday, September 19, from noon- 4p.m. Appointments and masks required. To schedule an appointment, please call 622-9230. Open to ages 17+, must weigh at least 110 pounds. Please eat before donating and bring photo ID. Your blood donation helps save lives and stays local in our community.

Weekly activities at WCSC

— Root

SCUG is back in the building! Neal from Sauk Com puter Users Group will be available to assist you with any computer/device questions you might have If you would like a specific appointment one on one time, please call the center and speak with Neal. Yogo Thursdays Thursdays at 10 a.m. Sherry is back on Thursdays! Thanks, Kathy, for helping us out! Looking for something to do this winter?

Foot clinic

Bible study Ephesians 4:29: “Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.” Our 7-session bible study, with a video on grace by Max Kucado, will be Tuesday, Sep tember 13, 20 and 27 at 10 a.m. It will continue Tues day, October 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 10 a.m. Price Is Right Wednesday, September 14, at 10 a.m Sponsored by Heritage Woods. Come and play the guessing game and win that prize!

Special Events at WCSC


NEW EVENT: Adult coloring

Alzheimers Support Group

Veteran’s coffee

Bingo Wednesday, September 28 Join us for some Bingo fun. Please bring a $1 dona tion for the Food Pantry (no food items accepted) to play. Sponsored by WCSC. This event will take place in the Big Room upstairs. Breakfast Club Friday, September 30, 2022, at 9 a.m. Come join Yvonne as she leads the way to sample various local restaurants for a good old-fashioned breakfast of your choice. Each individual will be respon sible for their own meal and tip. Call 815-622-9230 to get your name on the list and learn where to meet each month. Let’s have breakfast together!

A grand old trip to Music City, USA!

Our seniors have returned from their Nashville trip in August, and they had a wonderful time! They saw a great show at The Grand Ole Opry, visited Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, stopped by the Country Music Hall of Fame, and toured a restored Victorian plantation museum. They also visited the famous downtown streets of Nashville and so much more! Our thank you’s go out to everyone who made this trip possible!

12 202231,AugWednesday,•SaukValley.comMedia/ValleySauk ECHOGOLDEN

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