Black & Gold Fall 2016

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Shawnigan is now at the precipice of its second century — an achievement we have celebrated as a school community throughout the past year. Looking onward, we are enthusiastic about the limitless opportunities the School is able to provide for our students, faculty and alumni. In this issue, we explore the revitalized instrumental music program spearheaded by acclaimed country-folk singer Jack Connolly. We honour retiring physics teacher Stephen Lane by sharing some of his most memorable photographs taken throughout his tenure as the School’s photographer. Our emerging artist this issue is Grade 12 student Amica Pasquale, who shares her sketchbooks and creative process. We go inside the locker rooms of the newly-dedicated Charlie Purdey Arena for a story about the inaugural girls ice hockey team. All 19 members of the team are new to Shawnigan, and their commitment and drive stem from Head Coach Carly Haggard’s passion for building fundamentals and developing character. Since its grand opening in May, the Jim & Kathryn Shaw Library has become the heart of the School’s Learning Commons. It is a constant hive of activity as students and faculty members find their favourite spots to read and study among an extensive collection of books, periodicals and art. Perhaps even more meaningful is the Shaws’ continuing dedication to ensure deserving students are able to study at Shawnigan. Through their Shaw Scholarship initiative, the Shaws have given a gift that will endure for generations. Finally, we conclude the Centennial year with a reflection from our own staff-alumni. We ask what the School meant to them as students, what has changed and what remains the same. We are very proud to present this edition of Black & Gold, and we hope, as you flip through the pages of this magazine, that you share our pride in Shawnigan’s growth and scope. Our goal is to provide a snapshot of the amazing things happening here, and I hope these stories connect you to the vibrant life of Shawnigan Lake School. Regards, Abigail Saxton





Abigail Saxton

Jon Zacks

Taehoon Kim

Abigail Saxton



Anthony Gicheru Arden Gill Taehoon Kim Abigail Saxton Jon Zacks

Maureen Connolly Anthea Morse Marlese Plater David Robertson









A Shawnigan photo essay Talking books with Cari Bell

Inside Shawnigan’s new library



A note from David Robertson

Jim & Kathryn Shaw and their commitment to Shawnigan

A picture portfolio by Stephen Lane


Building the School’s first girls’ hockey team Shawnigan’s new voice in the wilderness


The work and imagination of Amica Pasquale


Staff share their perspectives

Updates from our graduates



It’s beginning to feel a lot like January In Roman mythology, Janus is reputedly the god of beginnings and endings, of gates and doorways, or of transitions in general. Popular legend has it that the month of January is named after him and, of course, that fits perfectly — especially since he was most frequently depicted as having two faces, one for looking backwards and the other fixed on the way ahead. Maybe it’s the sudden crispness in the air at the time of writing and maybe it’s the appropriateness of the symbolism as we close off our first century and ready ourselves for the next one, but it does feel a lot like January at Shawnigan. The author L.P. Hartley famously captured the dichotomy between past and present when he wrote “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” It is not difficult to see what he means, as we see and feel the pace of change in every aspect of our lives. However, just as we have begun more and more to identify the similarities between our different races and peoples, rather than focus on the differences, so it is that all organizations can mine their pasts for rich nuggets of common identity that are as timeless as gold itself. This year has indeed been one of reconnecting with many of the notions, visions, words and deeds that paved the way for the School of today. It has been a time to celebrate the framework of values and rationales that underpins both past and present and, as such, it has also been an opportunity to know ourselves more thoroughly — surely the first step in figuring out who or what you want to be? As we enter the second century of the School, we do so with the optimism born of hard work and consistent commitment. Those virtues will ensure that most of the main items on the agenda for success are taken care of, but they will also provide the solid ground from which to wrestle with the inevitability of the unexpected that any future holds. No one in education is immune from speculation about the educational revolution that is underway, and we are all engaged continuously in assessing, analyzing and predicting the impact of the ever-changing social mores that accompany an increasingly technology-driven society. To thrive, not just survive, we’ll need to bring the best of our collective experience and abilities. Our January will usher in “new century resolutions,” as opposed to “new year resolutions.” Principal among them will be the determination not to lose any of the momentum that has been built up, nor to become distracted from the ultimate goal, which is the transformational student experience. We will continue to strive for success for our students, as success is at the very heart of confidence. Young people need to experience success in as many shapes and forms, large and small, as they possibly can, and a school’s task is to create all the venues and opportunities. The confidence to try and fail and the confidence to try and succeed are equally significant in the all-important development of character that all schools should be seeking for their young charges. A school that ignores character development is a school with no soul. Our resolution for the first January of our second century will once again be to make the whole experience a matter of heart and mind, body and soul or, in other words, a truly complete education.














Cari Bell never thought she would be an English teacher. That all changed after reading three novels by notable Canadian author Margaret Atwood. “Survival was the first Atwood novel I read,” says Bell. In Grade 12, she was tasked with proving or disproving claims made in the book. That research led her to other great Canadian literature, and sparked a lifelong passion for reading. “It brought out an academic side that I never knew I had,” Bell says. It was a fierce debate about The Handmaid’s Tale in her university common room that convinced her to switch out of outdoor education. Recognizing her passion for literature, she enrolled at the University of Victoria to study English. “Surfacing was my coming-of-age story,” says Bell. Although 27 at the time, the novel spoke to her more than any other book she had ever read. It also influenced her decision to become a high school English teacher. This past October, Bell had the opportunity to travel to the Ottawa International Writers Festival for the launch of Margaret Atwood’s new book, Hag-Seed.


The novel is a modern twist on Shakespeare’s The Tempest that shines a new light on revenge and forgiveness. Bell also saw the festival as a way to say thank you to Atwood. “She transformed my life,” she says. At the book signing, she had a brief opportunity to talk to Atwood and mentioned her regret for not bringing her copies of Survival, The Handmaid’s Tale and Surfacing. Much to Bell’s surprise, Atwood stopped what she was doing and thanked her for reading her books. “I didn’t get to sit down and have coffee with her, but I was maybe one in 500 people who was actually thanked by the author herself.” Bell is eager to teach Hag-Seed alongside The Tempest to her Grade 11 English class next year. “Sometimes a barrier for kids reading Shakespeare is the language,” she says. “But by writing it in a modern context, it recasts it in a modern way for students to understand.” After 24 years of teaching, Cari Bell still loves to teach literature, hoping that it may lift her students to new perspectives and passions, just as it did for her. ■

A note from Shawnigan’s External Relations & Advancement Office Dennis and Patricia Beselt have included Shawnigan in their will and, as such, are members of the Shawnigan Legacy Society.

Our family was living in Hong Kong when we first decided to send our oldest daughter and son to Shawnigan. It was hard not to fall in love with Shawnigan as soon as we drove through the gates back in 2004. After we toured the quality facilities, the decision was easy — the School was set in a perfect location and offered a wellrounded program led by a dedicated and friendly staff. Two years later, after seeing how much our two children enjoyed the School, we decided to move our family from Hong Kong to Shawnigan. This allowed us to become more involved with our children’s lives at the School. We are extremely proud of Shawnigan and all it has to offer. What you see is what you get: the impressively qualified teaching faculty, the exemplary leadership, the talented and recognized coaching staff, the passionate support and office staff. These are the reasons why we support Shawnigan.

While we have contributed to the Annual Fund and the Centennial Campaign, our commitment to Shawnigan will be fulfilled through a gift in our will. Leaving this legacy was a very personal decision and one that we shared with our children. While we are still working out the details of what our gift will look like, our thought is to set up a named scholarship to fund students who have left their mark on the School as a direct result of their involvement, leadership and commitment to Shawnigan. It is our hope that our children will continue to be involved and help distribute the scholarship. We believe money spent on education is a great investment, and it is truly our pleasure to include Shawnigan in our legacy. — Dennis & Patricia Beselt

To find out more about the Shawnigan Legacy Society, please read our 2016 Donor Report. 17


A gold ribbon flutters toward the ground as eager students zoom through a new entryway. It’s a sunny day in May 2016, and the Shawnigan community is excited to share the first glimpses of the School’s new library. Once inside, everyone stands awestruck. At just more than 1,000 square metres, the two-storey layout is spacious without being cavernous. The exposed wood beams provide a modern, West Coast feel while fitting seamlessly into Shawnigan’s established aesthetic. There are abundant windows bathing the workspaces in natural light, as well as elegant light fixtures that, after sunset, send a warm glow floating across Lake Omar. The new space includes a luxurious boardroom and an array of private reading rooms and quiet corners, with furnishings that are both classy and comfortable. In addition to modern desks, chairs and couches, the library offers study carousels reminiscent of first-class pods on a transcontinental airline. A truly magnificent building, the Jim & Kathryn Shaw Library bears the names of two of the School’s most prominent supporters. This is perhaps not what you would have expected, had you visited Shawnigan Lake School in the 1970s. “When I went to Shawnigan, I was allergic to the library,” laughs Jim Shaw, a graduate from the class of 1977. Arriving at Shawnigan for his Grade 11 year, Shaw admits that his Shawnigan experience didn’t begin with “welcome home week.” “I definitely didn’t enjoy it when I first got there,” he concedes. For Shaw, the first few months led him to think he’d made the wrong decision. “You were there all alone. You didn’t know anything. Everything was strange.” However, as with most Shawnigan students, he quickly learned about the rules and routines, and within a few months found himself integrating into the new lifestyle. “You adapt. You start to make friends,” he says. “You start to get so busy, you don’t even have time to think.” Shaw can point to individuals who played key roles in his transformation, from Chris Winslow to Rolf Grass, Jens Gotthard, Stephen Lane and others. He says they all helped to keep him busy, while Lance Bean helped to keep him calm. Shaw learned about setting goals and about living with other people — two lessons that served him well during his rise to the top of the Shaw Communications empire. “He’s always had Shawnigan in him,” says his wife, Kathryn. “He’s always had a deep respect and passion for Shawnigan.” Kathryn still remembers the first time Jim brought her to the School. At that point, the Shaw Scholarship program was still in its infancy, and her eldest son wasn’t yet old enough for Shawnigan. “Hearing the compassion of their stories and their academic success and their sports…you’re literally sitting there crying.” 18


She also remembers reading Shaw Scholarship application letters, and developing her own connection to what Jim had always referred to as a magical place. In 1997, Jim joined the School’s Board of Governors. However, the Board was heavily involved in the operational side of the School, and the commitment eventually became more than Jim was prepared for. Headmaster David Robertson jokes that Jim would exclaim, “I haven’t got time to waste on discussing the colour of the carpet in the chapel.” After two terms, Jim stepped away from the Board. He and his family remained involved with the School, of course, notably funding the Shaw Centre for Science in 1999. Soon came Kathryn’s turn to sit on the Board, and the Centennial Campaign’s plan for a new Learning Commons. One of the most ambitious projects in Canadian independent school history, the plan called for a $17 million two-phase rebuild of Shawnigan’s iconic main building. As the wheels turned, Jim and Kathryn were soon at the centre of the action, pledging $11 million to the library project as well as $9 million in endowment for the Shaw Scholarships. “If it wasn’t for Mr. Robertson and the relationship that we’ve all built, none of this would have happened,” Kathryn Shaw insists. Robertson, who has clearly been an important friend to the Shaw family, has been Shawnigan’s Headmaster since early in Jim’s patronage of the School. The Shaws’ involvement in the library involved much more than writing cheques, however. The couple contributed during the design process, and also helped with picking out furniture, lighting, shelves, workstations and, yes, even the colour of the carpeting. As part of their donation, Jim and Kathryn also gave pieces of art from their own home. “Everything that is in the library is meaningful to them,” says librarian Rayna Hyde-Lay. “Obviously, the space was important enough that they wanted to share some of their life with the School. It’s very touching.” Also on display are paintings and photographs of Jim from his time at the School. The art reflects a period in time, but also pays tribute to Shawnigan’s enduring essence — its people. 20

After three years in their temporary space, the librarians say they are thrilled with their new home. “The bright lights, the open spaces and the visuals of the books throughout the library really draw people into it, making it a very inviting place to be,” Gaynor Stroebel says. “It’s a beautiful space.” Of course, while the rapid advance of the information age has vastly changed the complexion of libraries, the librarians still have pertinent wisdom at their fingertips. Gaynor Stroebel speaks in terms of accessibility, not only in a physical sense, but also in an academic one. “The library is more accessible to all learning styles,” she says. “The students here are more exposed to books, are learning how to use databases and are searching for credible, scholarly sources.” The librarians all agree that students have been reading more since the new space opened, and are hungrily searching for more materials. Rayna Hyde-Lay goes further. “It’s not just a space with books,” she says. “It is an environment. It is a tone. It is a presence in itself.” Not only has the library created a more refined learning environment, but it also provides another spot, outside of the Houses and classrooms, where students can study and relax — a place of solace amid the constant noise and busyness of Shawnigan life. “Socially, it has made a big difference,” Hyde-Lay says. “We don’t want the place to be empty and silent. We love it when it is alive with students.” Since the day it opened, when Jim Shaw insisted that students be at the centre of the celebration, the excitement has yet to subside. Day and night, students stream in and huddle amid the pages and shelves, eager to grasp the wisdom surrounding them. Their voices ring out, not breaking the rules of a library, but rather remaking them. The greatest compliment a book can receive is to be read. The greatest compliment a building can receive is to be used. This new space promises to never be silent. ■



A wooden plaque hangs in the entryway to the Jim & Kathryn Shaw Library. In smart black lettering, it lists 28 students who have benefited from Shaw Scholarships. The board has room for plenty more names, and it’s in exactly the right spot. Long before Shawnigan’s Centennial Campaign, before the jackhammers arrived and the three phases of construction began, the Shaw Scholarship program was giving welcome opportunities to deserving young people. “Originally, it started out with an idea,” Jim Shaw says. “It was more to make Shawnigan not feel elitist.” Unabashed about the impact Shawnigan had on his life, Shaw says he wanted to ensure that worthy students, those whose families may not have even considered a boarding school education, could flourish just like he did. For Nina Height ’15, the Shaw Scholarship program was life-changing. “Without the generosity of the Shaw family, I would not have been able to attend Shawnigan Lake School. And without being able to attend the School,” Height says, “I know that my life would be on a completely different course.”

A former Head of School who’s currently at Dalhousie University working towards a career in nursing, Height credits the scholarship for enabling her to meet new people, learn new things and make everlasting memories. “I am forever grateful for the opportunities and experiences that the Shaw Scholarship opened up for me.” With 14 students currently enrolled as Shaw Scholars, Jim and Kathryn know the program will continue to evolve with the changing demands of the School. Jim does stress, though, that while it’s not a binding legal agreement, Shaw Scholars are asked to give back to the School in some way when they are able. As one of Canada’s leading businessmen, Jim Shaw also knows that the Shaw Scholarship legacy is about more than just the individual students who benefit, or even the School his family ardently supports. Jim and Kathryn’s broader vision is perhaps best summed up in another plaque — one that outlined the Shaw family’s motivation behind building the Shaw Centre for Science in 1999: Its purpose is to enhance excellence in education amongst Shawnigan Lake School students in the expectation that they will thereby better serve Canada and the world. ■

Jim and Kathryn Shaw at their home in Calgary, Alberta, with their dog, Pepper. 22




A career spanning four decades has left Stephen Lane very grateful to Shawnigan Lake School. First arriving in 1973, his work as a physics teacher was soon complemented by a new and vital role at the School. “After a few years of teaching physics, I developed a keen interest in photography,” Lane says. He started taking photos of students. In 1976, Lane began mentoring students who were interested in photography. “In 1993, Mr. John Davis, the Deputy Headmaster at the time, asked if I could do a slide show for the Grade 12 students.” Lane says he was thrilled by the request and immediately went to work. He took photos of the students in classrooms, at fine art, at sporting events, in Marion Hall and in their Houses.

With at least three photos per student, Lane’s 15-minute slide shows became a fixture of grad weekend. Lane has taken photos of almost every activity at the School: from celebrating after winning a rugby match, to speaking in the Model United Nations, to conducting biology research in the lab. His camera chronicled the formative years for countless young people, and built an unbreakable connection with students and their families. “For all these years and all the photos that I have taken, I particularly love the photos [where] students were excited and proud to be photographed.” ■

To acknowledge Stephen Lane’s great passion and enthusiasm for photography, we are proud to showcase some of his favourite photos. — Black & Gold Editorial Staff





In Canada’s Northwest Territories, the ponds and lakes freeze over early in the fall. The bitter chill of a long winter hasn’t yet taken hold, and the youngsters of Yellowknife still gaze out their windows and reach for their skates and sticks.


Yellowknife is where 4-year-old Maddie Nicholson played in her first pickup ice hockey game. This is where she sparked her love of being on the ice. The sprinkling of girls on a traditional boys’ team is still commonplace — nearly every girl on Shawnigan’s inaugural Female Varsity team got her start skating and hitting alongside boys. But it wasn’t until she switched to an all-girls team at age 11 that Maddie realized that hockey was more than just a game. Following a move to Whitehorse with her family in 2007, Maddie played on an under-16 identification team and was selected to play on a travelling team in British Columbia. It was there that she met her future Shawnigan teammate and Kaye’s House roommate, Sarah Rourke. The friendship proved pivotal. The transition to boarding school was difficult, but more manageable knowing they were going through it together.


“The first week was rough,” Maddie says. “The hardest thing was just being surrounded by kids who are really smart. [I] come from a small town and it just hits you — this is the first time I’ve ever boarded.” Sarah, whose start in hockey mirrored Maddie’s, says playing on an all-girls team within the structured life of a boarding school helped re-energize her love for the sport. The Smithers native says there was mounting pressure at home to live up to. “You get a lot of attention where I live. There’s 5,000 people and I’m the only girl who plays hockey — I didn’t like all that attention,” Sarah says. “I went through this phase where I just hated hockey,” she says. “It just put so much stress on me and I wanted to quit.” But it was Shawnigan that changed her attitude toward hockey, she says. Both girls echo the sentiment: Shawnigan is where they are meant to be.

Inside Planet Ice in Delta, Shawnigan’s Female Varsity players shove their heavy hockey bags into locker room cubbies. Two weeks after the start of the year, they’re playing their first game. They’re pitted against the early favourites — Delta Hockey Academy — and the team is nervous. Head Coach Carly Haggard assesses the facilities and finds a blank spot on the locker room wall to tape up her “Three Keys to Success.” 1. Battle & Compete 2. Communication 3. Play 60 Minutes For Haggard, the philosophy of identifying specific goals will help her team and the coaching staff focus on the competition at hand. A holdover from her time as a player, Haggard says the Three Keys enable her team to visualize plays

on the ice and, if followed, win the game. “I want to kick their asses,” she tells assistant coach Kristie Sykes. “We’re a good team.” The team settles into the locker room, taping sticks and listening to music. It’s quiet. In a few moments, they will strap on their helmets and step onto the fresh sheet of ice. “I don’t want to [go] out in the first round of playoffs,” team captain Ashley McCabe says. “I want to go far with this team.” The sentiment is repeated by nearly every player. Building camaraderie before the season even began was something Haggard thought about a lot when she made the move to Shawnigan from Australia last summer. “The biggest thing was just getting to know the girls,” she says. “I didn’t know a lot of them before I came, and having 19 new girls who had never played with each other [was going to be a challenge].”

With only five teams in the CSSHL Female Varsity division, travelling to the mainland for games is commonplace. Game days often include ferry rides and long roadtrips. 31

Left: Delaney Aikens and Colby Wilson race back to the docks on a paddleboard during a team-building challenge on Shawnigan Lake. Right: Head coach Carly Haggard runs a practice in the Charlie Purdey Arena. One of the draws for hockey players at Shawnigan is dedicated time on the ice. 32

Recruiting a world-class coach who played collegiate hockey at Dartmouth and professional hockey in Switzerland was just one achievement in Mark Hall’s final year before retirement. Tasked with building a brand-new team and a new program, Hall started in the fall of 2015, travelling up and down British Columbia searching for the best players in the province. He needed to not only find girls who would play well together, but also those who were ready and willing to make the transition into a boarding school. “He was super friendly,” Ashley says. “He just made it seem like it would be a great experience — and it has been.”

Ashley, who grew up in Lillooet, said she was hesitant but ultimately willing to make the jump to Shawnigan. The guarantee of ice time, playing in an elite all-girls league and an advanced academic program were driving factors in the move. “It’s been different, not like having your own house, but I like it — I get to room with my cousin. It’s definitely made things a lot more fun.” After Hall’s retirement in the spring, it was up to Haggard to make the team mesh well with each other and the School. “They’re at a new school, so they’re trying to find that balance — I think it was a little overwhelming for them, but [it Continued on page 36



Above: Sarah Rourke and her roommate, Maddie Nicholson, work on homework in their Kaye’s dorm room. Left: Gillian Moore takes a selfie with Ruby and Tinker, Head Coach Carly Haggard’s dogs, during the team’s summer hockey camp. Right: Gracie McAllister, Emma Hansen and Kiara Stecko play floor hockey before their season opener in Delta.


was my job] to get everyone to jell on and off the ice and make them feel like Shawnigan was their new home.” A hockey camp at the end of August, right before an influx of students in September, was crucial, she says. Camped out in the Hyde-Lay Pavilion, the team did at least two on-ice sessions per day coupled with social teambuilding activities and exploring the campus. At that point, “It just felt right,” Haggard says. “They were here for academics and hockey, and at no point did I question coming here or question who chose Shawnigan for the team.” The scoreboard in the arena ticks down from a five-minute warm-up period. Ashley and the Delta captain skate to centre ice for a ceremonial puck drop. The buzzer sounds and the first period is underway. The Delta girls are bigger, but Shawnigan has speed on its side. In no time, Delaney Aikens sends a puck flying into the Delta net for Shawnigan’s first goal. Delta regroups at centre ice and mounts a formidable attack. They respond with a goal of their own, and the first period ends tied 1–1. Back in the locker room, Haggard gives them a few minutes before she enters. “We have to be aggressive.” “Their defense is slow — we can get them there.” The girls chime in with advice and encouragement. “This game is ours.” 36

Above: Goaltender Colby Wilson tapes her stick in the locker room before the team’s first game of the season against Delta Hockey Academy. Top right: Sarah Rourke manoeuvres the puck toward the goal during the team’s showcase weekend in October. Bottom right: Sarah Rourke and Georgia McLellan take a break in the locker room during an intermission.



Outside, Haggard meets with a defender to explain a specific play on a whiteboard. Inside, the girls chug a water and Powerade mix, as beads of sweat trickle down their faces. “OK — first period is over,” Haggard says. She makes no concessions. Instead, she highlights specific areas where she knows her team has an advantage. She’s confident her team has the chops to play against Delta. At the start of the second period, the girls are focused, concentrating on getting more shots on goal. Delta scores in the first 60 seconds. Haggard is frustrated, worried that her intermission talk did nothing. The team settles and leans back on their fundamentals. They create momentum, and an assist from Ashley sets up a Mishayla Christensen equalizer. Delta responds: 14 shots on the Shawnigan goal, and at the start of the third period, the score is tied 3–3. Delta is aggressive. They earn two penalties for roughing and bodychecking, but Shawnigan cannot connect during the ensuing power plays. As the final period winds down, the defenders do their best to hold off a mounting Delta offence. With less than one second remaining, a Delta blast bounces off the post and into the Shawnigan goal. Just like that, the girls’ debut ends in heartbreak. The team packs up their gear and hauls equipment back to the bus. They settle in for a long trip back to the Island. Haggard is still fuming over the loss, but it’s a long season and she’s ultimately optimistic. She also knows that, beyond a long season, the girls have much to look forward to. “I want them to realize opportunities are out there for female hockey players,” Haggard says. “They can go to university, they can play professionally in Europe — I really want to help them on the path that is right for them.” She knows the girls are dedicated to training and developing as a team. There is even talk of expanding the program to add a second girls’ team in the more advanced Prep division. “It’s amazing to see the talent and just the amount of females who are involved in hockey in so many capacities. Twenty years ago, I never would have thought this would happen,” Haggard says. “It’s amazing to see the evolution of the game. I can’t wait to see where it’s going to go.” ■

Emma Hansen, Maddie Nicholson, Taylor Northcott and Amber Clayton dance in their locker room before a game. 39



Jack Connolly had no plans to return to Shawnigan. Since graduating from the School in 2002, he had moved on. He had become a musician. He had toured the country. He had released award-winning records. 41

He visited Shawnigan from time to time to see his parents, Jay and Maureen, who still work at the School where he grew up. But home was in Toronto, where for seven years, Connolly had immersed himself in the city’s vibrant music community. “I wasn’t looking to leave Toronto,” Connolly says. “I wasn’t even thinking that was a possibility.” Then, in early 2016, Connolly received a call from Mark and Beth Hall. As part of their retirement farewell in June, the Halls were inviting alumni to perform in Chapel. Connolly accepted. He also found out that the School was searching for a new music teacher, and that his name was being mentioned. “I came with an open mind,” Connolly says. He smiles. “That was my fatal flaw.” The morning of the chapel service, Connolly emerged from the vestry on cue — a surprise, even to his parents. He performed two songs: Wild Horses by the Rolling Stones and an original duo with Mark Hall on the piano. Connolly then ended his performance with a rendition of a song that he promised the whole School would know. His oak-coloured Fender Telecaster sang a familiar melody. Staff and students looked at each other, smiles radiating around the Chapel, as they recognized the School Hymn. The room stood and sang with him, and as soon as he heard A Voice in the Wilderness roaring back at him, Connolly knew he was home. “It was a happy surprise,” Connolly says. “It reminded me of what it was like to be here. All the good things: the community spirit, the energy level, the creative atmosphere.” Seven months later, Connolly is settling into his new role as the instrumental music teacher at Shawnigan. A fine arts instrumental group rehearses together in the music building after school. Electric cords snake on the floor, through music stands and chairs, connecting instruments to amplifiers scattered around the room. Connolly sits at the piano, listening. He leads a program that has changed drastically since his days as a student, when he grew up playing in concert bands, jazz big bands and jazz combos. Now, the instrumental music program is small. Classes are fewer than 10 students each — not enough to put together a big ensemble. So, Connolly has adapted his program to what the School needs now. His ensembles aren’t made up of brass and woodwinds, playing the classics by Igor Stravinsky, Percy Grainger, Dizzy Gillespie or Duke Ellington. Instead, small groups form rock bands. Today, the students are grinding through a cover of Adam’s Song by Blink-182. “I want to capitalize on what interests the kids,” Connolly says. There are six students in this fine art band, including Grade 10 student Carl Swanson. He is new to Shawnigan, but has already committed heavily to the music program.


He has played drums for years, but is focusing this year on learning how to play guitar and sing. The band starts by listening to the original song together; then they play their instruments along with the track. The notes aren’t all there, and the students have trouble remembering the transitions. Connolly listens, making suggestions. Not once during the practice does he pick up anything resembling a baton. Instead, he often picks up an instrument, usually the guitar, to play along with his students. “My other music teachers were conductors,” Carl says. “But Mr. Connolly always plays along with us, which makes the students more focused on him. He’s probably one of the best teachers I’ve had, period.” It’s a teaching style that students find novel and, more importantly, helpful. Students unfamiliar with their parts can still play along, listening to Connolly as he maintains the melody. It’s a teaching style he learned from his own Shawnigan music teacher, Dave Gueulette. The goal for Connolly is to get the students to the point where they don’t need him to play with them. Each rock band has an assigned leader — bass player Connor Thiessen provides the direction in this band — and the students in his classes are encouraged to work as a team to create their own set lists and run their own rehearsals. When they perform, Connolly is part of the audience. “We teach them how to conduct themselves,” Connolly says. “The coach in a game doesn’t run around on the field with the kids during the game. You’re on the sideline. You empower them and you let them be in command of what they are doing.” During a break in playing, the guitar players talk, teaching each other chord and scale progressions. It’s a new language some of them are unfamiliar with — Connolly estimates half of his students don’t know how to read music. He has made this skill mandatory in his courses and at least one class a week is dedicated to music theory. “If we can find a way to teach the same fundamentals we teach in concert band to a band that plays pop music, I don’t think there’s any reason to play something that kids aren’t excited by,” Connolly says. The band wraps up practice with Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Connor assigns “homework” to his bandmates: listen to Adam’s Song on repeat so they become more familiar with the song’s structure. He will check who did the homework at the start of next practice. The students pack up their instruments, but the music won’t stop tonight. Connolly opens the studio each weeknight, entrusting the students with unsupervised time to create music on their own terms. “They don’t need a band teacher to help them,” Connolly says. “We need to give them the tools so they can use their skills over the course of their life, to whatever extent gives them joy.” ■





“When I was really young I was always into dancing and singing and acting,” says Amica Pasquale. “Fine arts — performing and visual — have always been a big part of my life.” The 17-year-old has a typically busy life at Shawnigan, constantly rushing from classrooms to the theatre to the art studio to the dance studio. She excels at dance, particularly tap, and will showcase her talent in the School’s upcoming musical, In the Heights. Her primary passion, however, is illustration. Amica loves to draw, and has dozens of sketchbooks bustling with doodles, drafts and designs. Some of that impulse comes from her mother, who not only supports her artistic ambitions, but also inspired Amica to follow her own path. She also takes inspiration from fellow artists on social media sites like Tumblr and from the characters she encounters in the pages of fantasy fiction. “I love the stories that art can tell,” she says. Amica admits an affinity for characters that are, at times, darker and angrier. They can be shy or outgoing, she says, but she thinks the angry ones are the most interesting ones to watch. “I like people who stand up for themselves, but at the same time have a mystery to them, [making] you want to know more.” In particular, Amica loves to draw the human form, especially females. “I love the line, the flow and the curves. If it’s contorted in a certain way, you can see different things.”

Amica has a vivid imagination and, like other artists, uses her creativity to express herself. She enjoys video and role-playing games as well as fantasy novels for the rich stories and conflicts they present. “I will probably never in my life get to see a dragon and have to defeat it. I’d love to live that in some other way.” It’s part of what attracts her to drama, as well. “I’ll never be these people,” she smiles, “but at least I can see what they might look like.” Art teacher Vikki Agate, who taught Amica when she first came to Shawnigan, says even in Grade 9, Amica’s pieces answered questions about her characters. “They have a personality and a backstory and a reason for being there,” Agate says. “It’s almost on the borderline of storytelling.” Don Rolston, her current art teacher and Shawnigan’s Director of Curricular Fine Art, says

her imagination and drive give her a great start as she embarks on a career in art. On top of having taught herself the skills, Rolston says Amica has the creative vision to realize her projects. “You’ve got to be creative. You’ve got to be a risktaker,” he says. “She’s willing to take the risks. She’s creative. She’s willing to do something unusual.” Rolston also admires her fierce independence. “She’s not afraid of critique — she listens to somebody critiquing her work, but she knows where she wants to go.” Other students, Rolston says, seem to want him to point them in the right direction or even do their work for them. Amica, on the other hand, owns her work completely. “She believes in it. It’s important to her. It’s not just an assignment — it’s her idea.”


Beyond illustration, Amica’s artistic aspirations touch on graphic design and animation. She also has a fascination with body art, and gets teased by her friends that she’ll return for Founder’s Day covered in ink. “I already have plans for so many,” she grins. “I’ve been counting down the days ever since I was about 12!” She loves the idea of having someone else’s art on her body or working with a tattoo artist to create something special and personal. She’s more cautious about turning body art into a profession, however, admitting that she’s not confident enough in her own work to imprint it on someone else’s body forever. In the short term, Amica is hoping to attend the Emily Carr University of Art + Design. She’s been dreaming about going to Emily Carr since Grade 10, and only became more convinced when she attended a summer institute program last year. She is currently working on her application and portfolio, and believes Vancouver is a great place for media and artists.


Amica knows one of her biggest challenges will be learning to market her work. “Buckling down and taking things from my sketchbook and making them into final pieces would help in turning it more into a profession.” She also wants to watch other artists explore new styles and mediums, knowing that she’s still discovering herself as an artist. “Finding a style has always been the key element for why I keep sketching…because I don’t feel like it’s good enough to put into a big piece yet.” Don Rolston also says she’ll need to build up more and more images, and develop her skills with various computer programs, though he knows that part will inevitably come at art school. More importantly, it will be the total immersion into her art that will inspire her creative impulses. Rolston describes one of Amica’s current projects: illustrations of the stages of grief that are growing up a 12-foot stack of cardboard in one corner of the Hobbies Building. “She’s taken over an entire wall,” Rolston laughs. “And that’s really quite cool. That’s my recollection of art school.” Agate adds that the cauldron of ideas she’ll share with other artists will only boost her momentum. “Once she gets in a space with other artists who are so passionate and excited, it’s just going to skyrocket.” ■

Amica admits she can be a bit of a perfectionist in certain areas. Both Rolston and Agate rave about Amica's internal drive to develop her skills and style. “She has always worked incredibly hard inside and outside of the studio,” Agate says. “She always knew where she wanted to go, and she was proactive in taking whatever steps she needed to to get there.” As a dancer, she says she’ll work on steps until she can do them with her eyes closed. As an illustrator, her affinity for pencil drawings comes, in part, because of the impermanence of the medium. Sketches are able to be worked and reworked infinitely. “You’re done with a piece when you’re frustrated with it,” she believes. “If you didn't struggle with it, then obviously there’s not enough emotion in it.” 49

COMPILED BY MAUREEN CONNOLLY PHOTOGRAPHY BY ARDEN GILL & TAEHOON KIM The Shawnigan Centennial has given the entire community a change to honour our past, celebrate our present and imagine our future. As we lower the curtain on our School’s 100th birthday, we asked nine current staff members who attended the School three questions: 1. How has the School changed since you were a student? 2. How has the School changed during your tenure? 3. What is your hope for the School’s future?

Class of 1980

Despite its difficulties, the School changed my life and the lives of many others for the better. When I was in university, a philosophy professor said to me, “It’s obvious you have been educated in a subtle and generous manner.” In my time teaching at Shawnigan, the School has become more sophisticated in every respect. In some ways, this refers to the polish on the buildings and the breadth of the programs. More important, however, is that the School has become even more responsive in meeting the needs of each student. There’s a fine line, of course, between responsiveness and indulgence, which is where the sensitivity and wisdom of the staff come in. Fortunately, the ranks of the staff are filled with discerning individuals who enjoy the challenges of working with young people. There has been so much emphasis over the last quarter century on the future of Shawnigan, and it’s my hope that the future will remain connected to the past in a couple of ways: The School has been willing to be different. For instance, Chapel at the School has evolved into a remarkable strand of the broader curriculum — something special in a world that has lost its confidence with respect to values education. My hope is that we remain in touch with the things that separate us. My great dream, I suppose, would be to see Shawnigan become a need-blind institution. In many ways, that would bind us powerfully to Lonsdale’s vision.



Class of 1981 Philosophically, the School is much more liberal and more welcoming. It’s more progressive in a variety of ways, starting with the fact that there are 240 girls here, which lends a softening touch to the macho man approach of yesteryear. I think we have a more academically able group of students at the School now than we ever have, despite, ironically, having the Learning Centre that caters to those with challenges and difficulties. We have great kids; the quality of people we are dealing with are excellent. We need to continue having the courage to do things differently, to think about things differently, to ask different questions than those that have been asked in the past, to not be frightened to ask questions.

Class of 1991 When I arrived as an intern, the School felt like a club of teachers who had been here for a long time. The club has changed so much because we have added new teachers and older teachers have retired or passed away. Now, the staff is so much more specialized. We are now hiring people who, 20 years ago, may not have looked at Shawnigan as an employer. But our programs have evolved so much. We even have an astrophysicist! The School has always been about people — people have made the difference. People’s contributions and caring and effort; going above and beyond constantly, on the part of the staff as well as the students — that will be the driver of change. 54

Class of 1989 The School is a more gentle, compassionate place. I don’t know if that’s because of co-education or the evolution of education. Some schools break down confidence, but we help improve confidence in every area. I started at Shawnigan as a fill in for Stephen Lane when he went to the Philippines for two years. I was teaching five blocks full-time, plus I did fine art and sport — it was crazy! I think the single biggest change has been Marion Hall coming on site. In the old Ritz, faculty and students sat separately. As soon as Marion Hall came into being, there were stronger bonds being formed between faculty and students. I just felt that the whole place became a lot friendlier. One day, I hope our admissions process becomes just a matter of admitting the best students for Shawnigan without the financial requirement that goes along with it. I am really grateful for the variety of students we have and grateful for the current level of financial aid we are able to supply, but the School could be even more diverse if the economic piece weren’t so important. I know there are some students in my classes who are given financial aid — some even get a full ride — and those who have the means to afford the full fees. I can’t tell the difference and I think that’s fantastic. I think diversity is so important; not just cultural diversity, but economic diversity. 55

Class of 1967

The changes in the past decade have been huge. I sometimes jokingly say to alumni who say they recognize so little of what they remember: “When we teachers return after the holidays, we need a guided tour!” From time to time I’ve had the opportunity to go on professional development trips. Stewart Candelaria was always incredibly supportive of Pro-D requests made by staff. I’ve been to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and the Mount Palomar Observatory. That Pro-D gives immeasurable enthusiasm for your subject and isn’t necessarily something that you can teach on a Thursday in October, for instance, but the enthusiasm and knowledge that comes out at other, unexpected teachable moments — those are incredibly valuable. Looking toward the future, I’d like to see stability and I would love to see the academic program strengthened — given more stature. Clearly, we have amazing successes in the fine art program: look at the growth in robotics, musical theatre, drama. These programs have been given free reign to grow and they have been so successful. We take huge pride in their accomplishments, and they have brought in some amazing kids. It goes without saying that the same is true of the athletic program. 56

Class of 1997

Boarding has always been at the heart of Shawnigan. I have fond memories of my five years in Copeman’s House. Under Mark and Beth Hall’s leadership and guidance, I learned how to persevere and strive for my goals. Shawnigan gave me the skills and most of all the character education that helped to shape who I am today. Over the years, the boarding houses have been renovated and have become a home for more students than ever. I have been fortunate to realize my dream job; teaching, coaching and running a boarding house (Lake’s). I know that Shawnigan is a much busier place today compared to the ’90s — a wider range of programs is offered and the demands on the students are much greater. With this comes increased student leadership and more management of student needs in the House. However, the boarding experience remains unique — an environment that fosters connections and relationships that will last a lifetime. It’s true what they say — Shawnigan is not a job, it is a way of life. My family and I are fortunate to be a part of such an amazing community.


Class of 1995 Physically, the campus has taken on a very prestigious look compared to the humble School dwellings of the past. Luckily, the core and the traditions of the School remain mostly the same. I have been lucky to watch hundreds of students smile, laugh, cry, cheer, hug, fight, study, battle and survive their years at Shawnigan. When I watch our students experiencing Shawnigan, I relive my own experiences of being a student here. As the School counselor, I feel I can truly empathize with the adventures and the challenges that these students are living. This year, I also get to learn what it is like to be a Shawnigan parent: exciting and terrifying all at the same time! My hope for the future is that many more alumni will have the opportunity to send their children to Shawnigan — it is a feeling of pride like no other to see your own children in that same #1 uniform, singing the same Chapel hymns, yelling the same Inter-house cheers, and learning the same life lessons in the same School that both my husband and I attended.


Class of 1975 I hope Shawnigan will move to being a more sustainably functioning community. We have made modest strides, at best, in this regard. We have a wonderful waste management program and I would single out another long-standing member of our staff, Ray Hollings, for helping to ensure that this has happened. Our wastefulness in energy, water and food consumption, however, is significant. I wish, in my environmental role at Shawnigan, I had made a more significant impact in these regards. I always take great pride in sharing with former classmates and former students the amazing things that are happening at Shawnigan today. The physical changes speak for themselves to a large extent, but I can chime in about the tremendous support that we get as staff. Our budgets, facilities and Pro-D support are all outstanding. More than anything, the students and my colleagues make it for me. Why else would I have chosen to teach in the same school for 33 years?


Class of 2006

The change that most strikes me is the shift in the culture of the School that has been strongly influenced by the staff and students. Shawnigan has become a place that is more accepting of the diverse beliefs, practices and lifestyles of the people who live, work and study here. My hope for the future of Shawnigan is that the School maintains its small, tight-knit community feel. In today’s world, it is so easy for people to lose touch with what is important, to become clouded by money, ambition and greed instead of valuing relationships, respect, trust and honesty — the values the School has worked so hard to instill in its students. What I cherish about my Shawnigan experience is the relationships that I created with my peers and the staff. The environment that fosters these relationships is what makes Shawnigan different from other schools and is what I hope the School never loses.



1950s Librarians Judy Lane and Gaynor Stroebel were able to meet Bill Liaskas ’53 (Lake’s) and his wife, Carole, when they came the Island to visit Shawnigan this summer. Bill has been one of Shawnigan’s loyal library books benefactors.

Recent visitors to campus were Simon Wade ’59 (Ripley’s), Alana Wade ’92 (Kaye’s) and her son, Jonas. Simon retired in Victoria after a distinguished career in the diplomatic service as an Ambassador and High Commissioner for Canada to Poland, to Barbados and many points in between. Alana, a former Head Prefect at Kaye’s, lives in Ottawa and works for the Department of Public Safety. Both Simon and Alana loved the developments at the School, and Alana is looking forward to her 25th class reunion in October 2017.

1960s Charles Pentland ’60 (Ripley’s) and his wife, Julia, enjoyed touring the new buildings on campus in August during a vacation out west. Charles shared some of his memories as Head of School in 1960, including that the Prefects of his era had their own offices! Charles is a retired Queen’s University professor from Kingston, Ontario. Brett Sine ’66 and Bill Fobes ’66 (Lake’s) toured the campus in September. Bill travelled from Texas to visit Brett, a local alumnus. They had a great time reminiscing and seeing all the new facilities.

Peter Roaf ’67 (Ripley’s) wrote to the School with a photo of some special people (picture below). “The Centennial Gala was a true Shawnigan extended family occasion. We had a great time. In the case of this photo, it was a neighbourhood get-together. In the photograph are 12 Shawnigan alumni and one Strathcona alumna, with spouses and partners, all from a two-block area in Vancouver.”

Back Row: Penny Wilson, Corine Clark, Tim Morris ’67 (Lake’s), Peter Roaf ’67 (Ripley’s), Elise Roaf, Jay McBean ’70 (Groves’), Paula McBean, Ian McBean ’68 (Groves’), Ian Mellor ’67 (Ripley’s), Leslie Mackenzie, James Roaf ’05 (Ripley’s), Carmina Tang, Benj Clark ’67 (Ripley’s). Front Row: Rosebud Wilson, Mike Davidson ’65 (Copeman’s), Jo (Wilson) O’Callaghan ’65 (Strathcona), Tony Wilson ’69 (Lake’s), Col Wilson ’63 (Lake’s), Bruce Clark ’63 (Ripley’s), Bonnie Johnson, Alan Roaf ’63 (Ripley’s). 62

1980s Lt. Col. Demetry Spiropoulos ’83 (Groves’), was photographed by his wife, Georgia, with his sons, James and John, in front of the 1983 School photo in the new Learning Commons. They were on campus in August, and it was Spiro’s first visit since June 1983! Spiro has been on two tours of duty in Iraq and in other combat areas, and now teaches military strategic planning in Norfolk, Virginia.

John Tao Chung Yeh ’88 (Lonsdale’s) returned to Shawnigan this July to tour the campus with his family and explore the potential of preparing his two boys to attend Shawnigan in the near future. Along with his wife and Grade 12 daughter, the boys were impressed with their experience.

Mashi Akiyama ’85 (Copeman’s) has just returned to Vancouver after spending six months in Montreal working in visual effects with MPC (Moving Picture Company). For the past three years he has been working as either a lead previsualization artist or lead layout artist on movies like The Finest Hours, Suicide Squad, War for the Planet of the Apes, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and Denis Villeneuve’s next feature, slated for release in October 2017. Mashi is now a leader in the highly creative field of film animation and computer gaming. His brother, Tomo ’90 (Copeman’s), is also in the field and a few months ago he and his family moved to Berlin to become senior animator at BigPoint GMBH. Their strong creative skills come from their father, Kazuyoshi Akiyama, Conductor Emeritus for both the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra as well as from their mother, who is an accomplished classical pianist. Andrew Deane ’85 (Lake’s) is still working at Nishimachi International School in Japan and says he’s loving life in Tokyo. “A few years ago, I took over admissions guidance of our graduates (we run kindergarten to Grade 9). The majority of our graduates go on to international high school in Japan, but an increasing number end up in east coast U.S. boarding schools. This year, one of our students entered Shawnigan full-time. Currently, I am establishing connections with Shawnigan and other west coast Canadian boarding schools, so it was a great pleasure to meet with Julia Pollock to discuss ways of furthering the relationship between our two schools. My wife, Yukiko, works literally down the road at Azabu High School. We have a 7-yearold daughter in second grade at a Japanese private school.”


1990s One of the first 35 girls to attend Shawnigan, Carmen (Zens) Dyer ’90 (Kaye’s) visited campus while en route to a family reunion in Port Alberni. Carmen’s daughter stayed overnight on campus over the Founder’s Day weekend, exploring admission for September 2017. It would be great to have another Zens here!

Will Ander ’97 (Lake’s) and his wife, Rebecca, welcomed another boy to their family, Quinn Arthur Ander, born Aug. 24, weighing 10 pounds 5 ounces. Quinn joins his big brother Henry, 5. The family lives on Bowen Island.

Sarah Scott ’98 (School House) welcomed son Benjamin David Burke on Sept. 13, 2015. Sarah and her son, Ben, share a birthday. She lives with her family in Deep Cove in North Vancouver.

Josh Jackson ’98 (Lake’s) and his wife, Adrienne, recently moved to Nanaimo, where Josh’s parents live, after being overseas since 2004. Living in France for 11 years, they spent most of their time in the Bordeaux region. They have now bought a house by Linley Valley, and Josh is completing a plumbing apprenticeship. Their children, Sebastian, 9, and Gabriel, 6, are enrolled in French immersion school. Their youngest, Xavier, 2, is at home with mom.

2000s James English ’02 (Lonsdale’s) visited Shawnigan in August, and is seen here chatting with his girlfriend, Laura Murray, and Headmaster David Robertson. James and Laura were visiting from the U.K. where James works in sports marketing sponsorship for Nissan with the UEFA Champions League. Laura works in broadcasting rights. They loved the visit and were impressed by the campus. James grew up playing hockey in Calgary and was amazed by our new ice arena.


2000s Jameson Parker ’06 (Lake’s) is celebrating his 1-year anniversary as the Director of Development at Vancouver-based film production company Brightlight Pictures. “Brightlight was founded by Shawn Williamson in 2001 and since then has produced films like The Interview, 50/50 and The Company You Keep directed by Robert Redford. This year, we premiered Colossal with Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis at the Toronto International Film Festival and produced the TV series Wayward Pines for Fox, Haters Back Off for Netflix, and, currently, Timeless for Sony/NBC. As the Director of Development, I am in charge of our slate of original productions and I package, finance and produce on both the feature film and television side.”


Hugh Cape ’08 (Ripley’s) has been keeping busy since graduating from the Dalhousie acting program. “I’ve had a decent amount of work on stage and screen. While still living in Halifax, I have worked on CBC’s Mr. D for two seasons and had a small role in the miniseries adaptation of Lawrence Hill’s The Book of Negroes. I was also lucky enough to go on tour to the International Fadj Theatre Festival in Tehran, which was an unbelievable cultural experience. The first job I got when I moved to Toronto took me back to Halifax, funnily enough, and I was hired to choreograph and perform a piece at the Canadian Country Music Awards alongside Alberta duo High Valley. Most recently, I landed a ‘Spiked Snapple’ commercial, which was a lot of fun to shoot. I’ve also been trying my hand at writing my own material and slowly building up the confidence to perform some stand-up.”

Hugh Cape in the Grand Bazaar in Shiraz with a nomadic tribesman from southeastern Iran. Struan Robertson ’06 (Copeman’s) graduated in 2016 with his J.D. from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Struan and his wife, Laura, have moved back to Vancouver where Struan is articling for DLA Piper (Canada) LLP. He has found a passion for commercial and civil litigation — arguing with his parents, siblings and teachers has finally paid off! Laura Robertson, who briefly did her practicum at Shawnigan, is now working in corporate training and people development at the Lululemon headquarters. Struan and Laura continue to maintain strong ties to the Shawnigan community, both by choice and through family ties.

Harriet (Guard) Klumper ’09 (Renfrew North) was recently married this October near Whistler. “We met in Ottawa but both grew up in British Columbia and so we were thrilled that our wedding took place in a setting that reflected the West Coast, sea-to-sky feeling. It was a perfect weekend with near-constant rain, a good amount of dancing, and lots of laughter. I am thrilled to gain a huge Dutch family, and to officially become a Klumper. The alumni in attendance were Courtney Handja ’09 (Renfrew North), Katelyn Ward ’09 (Renfrew North), Gemma Guard ’12 (Renfrew South), Rebecca Guard ’06 (Groves’) and Michelle Child ’09 (Kaye’s).”


2010s Brandon Parker ’10 (Lake’s) recently finished an honours degree in Architecture and Environmental Design at the University of British Columbia. “I was fortunate enough to be involved in creating several campus initiatives, including the inception of a campus brewery, and an education program through student government. Since the completion of my degree I found a job with an architecture firm. We are a small team of three dedicated designers, working hard to build a new company. Each day is a new challenge, every obstacle an important lesson, I’m just happy to be where I am.” At a banquet in Toronto in late October, Lizzie Yates ’12 (Groves’) was honoured as a University Sports All-Canadian for her star performances in field hockey the past four years for the University of Victoria Vikes. Her Vikes team earned the silver medal at the University National Championships for the second year in a row.

Hailey Hewstan ’12 (Kaye’s) is preparing to cycle across Canada in May 2017. “I will do a comparative study of the creative design of bike pathways in urban versus rural areas across Canada, so what better way than to bike it!” The Shawnigan community is welcome to support Hewstan’s trip and research at her GoFundMe website: Funds raised will support food, shelter and supplies. Donors will be recognized on Hewstan’s travel blog and in a research paper she hopes to publish.

To be included in the next edition of Black & Gold, please submit your update to Maureen Connolly, Alumni Outreach Coordinator, at If including a photo, please ensure your file is at least 4 MB. For a full list of alumni events, visit


Maddie Burlin ’11 (Strathcona) has been busy travelling across across the globe since graduating from Shawnigan. Her passion for adventure and her skills in Spanish led her on a six-month volunteer trip to Cuenca, Ecuador, where she later toured the Galapagos Islands. She also spent time in New Zealand and scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef. She started her post-secondary studies at Acadia University in Nova Scotia and recently graduated from Royal Roads University. Burlin is currently living in Edmonton, Alberta, and working as a Communications Coordinator for ATS Traffic. “I am always grateful for the skills and lessons that I took from my time at Shawnigan: independence, self-reliance, appreciation of community, and the desire to maintain a consistently positive culture and social environment.”

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NOTES This magazine is a regular publication of Shawnigan Lake School. No material from this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permission of Shawnigan Lake School. Š 2016 Shawnigan Lake School. All rights reserved. Designed and printed in Canada. shawniganlakeschool




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