Alumni News May 2018

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May 2018

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The 2017­18 edition of Black & Gold honours the years of service given to Shawnigan by Headmaster David Robertson, with stories and images that are designed to memorialize David and Lynn's remarkable contributions. Shawnigan's breath­taking campus is represented in a story that explores the creative vision of Head Gardener Ed de Melo and the way in which the grounds have evolved under his care. Dennis Ren fills the alumni slot, with an exciting story recounting the establishment of the School's successful robotics program and his current ground­ breaking work at the University of California, San Diego, while current students, including photographer Alexis Welch and squash players Michael Mehl and Lucia Bicknell, also enjoy the limelight. Wrapping up an edition bursting with beautiful images and compelling stories are some wonderful photos of the Headmaster's Gala and our most recent alumni updates, recounting new adventures, careers, weddings and babies. As ever, our goal is to create a first­class magazine that keeps you connected to the life of the School and the latest news from your Shawnigan family.

26th Annual Shawnigan Golf Classic Thank you to all the alumni, parents and friends who attended the 26th Annual Shawnigan Golf Classic at the University Golf Course in Vancouver. We had an amazing turnout this year and a fun day on the links. Read full story and view photos here. Congratulations to the winning Foursome ­ James Moore '98, John Upton '96, Chris McIntyre '98, Ryan Sutcliffe '00

We now have 597 people registered and 14 jobs posted! For those of you still missing out on this great new way to find your next job, hire your next employee, reconnect with lost classmates, or see upcoming alumni events and recent photos join today at

Alumni Updates David Fraser '89 (Ripley's) Galen Loiselle’s Law 12 students were delighted to welcome alumnus David Fraser ’89 to their classes on Tuesday. David is one of Canada’s leading internet, technology and privacy lawyers. He regularly advises clients ranging from start­ups to Fortune 100 companies on all aspects of technology and privacy laws and is often sought out by the media for informed commentary on these issues. Growing up in a Canadian Foreign Service family, David spent his youth living in a wide variety of countries including Ghana, India, Sri Lanka, the U.S., and Canada. It was when his family was stationed in Egypt that David's parents sought out a Canadian boarding school to give him a stable education back on home soil. With familial ties to the West Coast, Shawnigan Lake School was an obvious choice. “David has done some amazing things,” says Mr. Loiselle. “We were very fortunate to be able to benefit from his visit to campus and hear more about the direction his life and career have taken since he graduated.” David spoke to two Law 12 classes about his Shawnigan experience and his fond memories and impressions of several Shawnigan teachers, past and present, including Jay Connolly (English), the late Dai Williams (English), Stephen Cox (Mathematics, retired), Stephen Lane (Physics, retired) and the late Graham Anderson (History). David shared that Mr. Anderson had helped ignite in him a passion for history, which led to his completion of a MA in History at St. Mary’s University in Halifax prior to his legal studies at Dalhousie University. He also touched on several of his cases revolving around privacy and the Internet, and noted that it was an early interest in computer science, combined with his legal training, that contributed to his decision to pursue this legal specialty. Thank you, David! Chloe Gillot '13 (Strathcona) Chloe earned her BA from UVic in English and French with a minor in Commerce, and is now working at the Audain Art Museum in Whistler, BC. She offered tours of the museum to Shawnigan staff and guests during the annual Grad weekend in May. Chris Miles '13 (Ripley's), who was in Whistler to attend his brother's grad, enjoyed the tour.

Allison Hepworth '97 (Kaye's) Allison and her husband, Roger, welcomed son Cooper Geoffrey Nairn on April 18, 2018. She and Roger were married in June 2015, and live in Kitsilano in Vancouver. For the last 4 years Allison has been working as a senior fundraiser at BC Children’s Hospital Foundation raising much needed funds for child health care in BC.

"Legacy Matters"

Why does Legacy Matter?

It's a simple question: why does legacy matter? Rather than try to give my reasoning, let me quote the words of Dr. John Burr who attended Shawnigan from 1944 to 1949. The following is an excerpt of his account that appears in Jay Connolly's latest publication, Century, A

History of Shawnigan Lake School:

"I enjoyed the School. I enjoyed every aspect of it. I came to appreciate that all the discipline of the School had me self­disciplined. And that, I think, is one of the most important factors in the development of a life. My experience there was just so rewarding. I realized how much of a home it had been to me. I never thought about these issues until much later in my life, and then it started to come back to me. I remembered it all ­ everything. The things I'd done incorrectly, the happiness we had as boys. On a visit to the campus many, many years later, I walked up the hill and thought of all these things. I went into the Gym and thought about old Captain Palin, and Derek Hyde­Lay. Everywhere I went, I found a memory. It was the most fortunate experience I could have had in my life." One needs to be reminded about how austere the conditions were at the school in the late 1940's. Despite the harsh conditions, the limited menu, cold winters, lack of heat, chores, the tough love meted out by the Masters, and the bullying, John has always remained positive about his experiences and the love and admiration he had for Shawnigan’s founder, C.W. Lonsdale. When I asked John recently what motived him and his wife Katherine to leave a Legacy Gift to the Scholarship and Bursary Endowment, this was his reply: "It was in memory of my aunt Edie that I donated the inheritance I received from her to help other needy deserving students, as it was she, a teacher, who graciously paid for my entire six years of schooling at Shawnigan. She, Like Lonsdale, was a strict disciplinarian and both encouraged self­discipline." Naturally, I welcome the chance to chat with other alumni, parents, faculty and staff who have similar stories. In this Alumni News space, we would love to share your memories and your photos. If you have already made a Legacy Gift, please consider letting us share your story. If, like John and Katherine Burr, you are inclined to Leave a Legacy as your method to assist future students enjoy a Shawnigan Lake School education, please contact me.

Hilary S. Abbott Phone: (250) 743­6236 Cell: (250) 715­8565 Email:

Have you moved? Did you get married? Started a new career or business? Any other updates? Share Your News With Us! Email your updates and a photos to Sarah Nattrass,, with the subject: Alumni News

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