Thank you for a transformational year. Shelterhouse would not be possible without our community.
The people of Midland and Gladwin Counties make Shelterhouse possible - from the in-kind donor who brings by boxes of food and clothing for our clients, to the teacher who connects her students with our Outreach program so they can learn about healthy relationships,
Photo courtesy of Katy Kildee,, Midland Daily News
to the person who shares our crisis hotline number with a friend
Midland Office & Shelter
in need.
2500 Waldo Ave Midland, MI 48642
2020 was a transformative year to say the least - and we would
Gladwin Office
not have been able to do it
234 West Cedar St.
without you.
Gladwin, Michigan 48624
Thank you, Midland and Gladwin
Counties, for supporting Shelterhouse's mission and
Facebook @SheltHouse
empowering survivors.
Instagram @ShelterhouseMidland LinkedIn @Shelterhouse
*Names removed or changed throughout
report to protect anonymity.
877-216-6383 HELP IS AVAILABLE 24/7/365. You will always be able to reach a real, live person who can help you
Shelterhouse is partially funded through the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board
with whatever you are going through.
(MDSVPTB), by the Department of Community Health (Crime Victims Services Commission - the Victims of Crime Act Grant), and the United Ways of Midland and Gladwin counties