Sherman Cymru Spring 2013 Brochure

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January – June Ionawr – Mehefin 2013

029 2064 6900 /


What's inside Y Tu Mewn

24 Say It With Flowers

Sherman Cymru

26 Robin Ince 27 Diary of a Madman

Living Pictures Productions

28 Aston’s Stones

Teater Pero

29 Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla

Arad Goch

30 Three Acts of Play Candoco Dance Company / Unity Festival / Hijinx Theatre

01 Hello and welcome to Sherman Cymru / Croeso cynnes gan Sherman Cymru

Shows / Sioeau

32 Trwy’r Ddinas Hon

02 Cynnau Tân

Sherman Cymru

03 Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Living Pictures Productions / Cegin Productions

04 Dressing Up Too

Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre

06 Claytime Indefinitearticles

07 Grimm Tales

Theatr Iolo

08 National Dance Company Wales 09 The Rodin Project

Sadler’s Wells / Russell Maliphant

Sherman Cymru

34 Schools Dance Association 35 To Live, To Love, To Be Sherman Cymru, Company 5

36 Flight

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

37 Support Us / Cefnogwch Ni 38 Creative Learning / Dysgu Creadigol 42 Playwriting / Sgriptio 44 Cafe Bar / Bar Caffi 45 Visitor Information / Gwybodaeth i Ymwelwyr 48 DIARY / DYDDIADUR icon guide CANLLAW ARWYDDION

10 Shappi Khorsandi 11 Dyled Eileen

A word from Gair oddi wrth

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

12 The Government Inspector Aberystwyth Arts Centre / Communicado Theatre Company

13 Wasted

Further information Mwy o wybodaeth

Sound Affairs

16 Steptoe and Son

Age guidance Canllaw Oedran

Paines Plough

14 Richard Alston Dance Company 15 Michelangelo Drawing Blood


Kneehigh Theatre / West Yorkshire Playhouse

Website link Cyswllt wefan

18 Educating Rita

Clwyd Theatr Cymru

20 Cardiff’s Theatre Festival for Children and Families / Gw ˆyl Theatr Caerdydd i Blant a Theuluoedd 22 Past Half Remembered

New International Encounter (NIE)

23 Salt, Root and Roe

Clwyd Theatr Cymru

Cover & Elfen B Photo / Llun 029y Clawr: 2064 Kirsten 6900 /McTernan

Free WiFi WiFi am ddim

Location marker Arwydd lleoliad

Hello and welcome to the Sherman Cymru January – June brochure!

Helo a chroeso i lyfryn Ionawr – Mehefin Sherman Cymru!

As we’ve now fully settled in to our new home and the huge success of our Christmas shows becomes a memory it’s time to look ahead to our packed Spring programme! Offering exciting new productions and the welcome return of old favourites is something on which we pride ourselves.

Erbyn hyn, rydyn ni wedi ymgartrefu’n llwyr yn ein cartref newydd ac mae llwyddiant ysgubol ein sioeau Nadolig bellach yn atgof. Felly mae’n amser i ni edrych ymlaen at ein rhaglen lawn dop ar gyfer y gwanwyn! Rydyn ni’n ymfalchïo yn y ffaith ein bod ni’n cynnig cynyrchiadau newydd, cyffrous ac yn croesawu hen ffefrynnau yn ôl.

The Spring season starts strongly with Cynnau Tân our latest RAW/AMRWD production, offering a platform for new voices in Welsh theatre and this continues with our futurepredicting showcase Trwy’r Ddinas Hon. Of particular note this season is the strength of our work for children and young people, along with fantastic performances from Claytime, Grimm Tales and Aston’s Stones we also have our very first Theatre Festival for Children and Families jam-packed full of eye-opening shows for kids!

Mae tymor y gwanwyn yn dechrau’n gryf gyda Cynnau Tân, ein cynhyrchiad diweddaraf gan RAW/AMRWD, sy’n cynnig llwyfan i leisiau newydd nad ydych wedi eu clywed o’r blaen yn theatr Cymru, ac mae hyn yn parhau gyda’n sioe sy’n darogan y dyfodol, Trwy’r Ddinas Hon. Elfen arbennig o amlwg y tymor hwn yw cryfder ein gwaith i blant a phobl ifanc, ac ochr yn ochr â pherfformiadau gwych gan Claytime, Grimm Tales ac Aston’s Stones mae gennym ein Gŵyl Theatr gyntaf i’r Teulu, sef Gŵyl Theatr Caerdydd i blant a theuluoedd, sy’n llawn dop o sioeau a fydd yn agoriad llygad i blant!

Iconic women seems to be a pervading theme this season with the spotlight once again shining on Dorothy Squires in our production of Say It With Flowers and Eileen Beasley’s defiant stance being the subject of Dyled Eileen (Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru). If dance is more your cup of tea we have you covered with the return of National Dance Company Wales, Candoco Dance Company and Richard Alston Dance Company as well as the fantastic Russell Maliphant and Sadler’s Wells’ profound production The Rodin Project. So dive right in and we look forward to greeting you very soon. Photo / Llun: Nick Allsop

Ymddengys bod menywod eiconig yn thema dreiddiol y tymor hwn hefyd, gyda’r llwyfan unwaith eto yn rhoi lle i Dorothy Squires yn ein cynhyrchiad o Say It With Flowers a safiad herfeiddiol Eileen Beasley yn cael sylw yn Dyled Eileen (Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru). Os mai dawns sy’n mynd â’ch bryd, yna mae yna rywbeth at eich dant chi hefyd gyda Chwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru, Candoco Dance Company a Richard Alston Dance Company yn ogystal â chynhyrchiad rhagorol Russell Maliphant a Sadler’s Wells, The Rodin Project. Felly, beth am alw heibio i gael blas ar ein harlwy. Edrychwch ymlaen at eich croesawu’n fuan iawn. 029 2064 6900 /


Cynnau Tân Sherman Cymru

Date / Dyddiad: 22–26 January / Ionawr Preview / Rhagddangosiad: 22 January / Ionawr Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: Welsh / Cymraeg @ShermanCymru #cynnautan


Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Blodyn coch. Gorsaf brysur. Dau’n cyfarfod. Cariadon? Neu rhywbeth llawer mwy annisgwyl... Rhian Staples’ first, and awardwinning, play (Drama Medal, Eisteddfod 2011) is a dark comedy that explores the uneasy journey from teenage hope to middle age reality.

Mae drama wobrwyol (Medal Ddrama, Eisteddfod 2011) gyntaf Rhian Staples yn gomedi dywyll sy’n cymeryd golwg anesmwyth ar y daith o obaith arddegau i realaeth canol oed.

Sherman Cymru is committed to seeking to discover, nurture and invest in new writing talent and RAW/AMRWD is one of our many events which provide opportunities for emerging writers to present their work to an audience. RAW/AMRWD is no frills theatre where the writing itself takes centre stage.

Mae Sherman Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu, meithrin a buddsoddi mewn ysgrifennu newydd ac mae RAW/AMRWD yn un o amryw ddigwyddiadau sydd yn cynnig cyfleoedd i awduron newydd gyflwyno gwaith o flaen gynulleidfa. Theatr ddiffwdan yw RAW/AMRWD lle mae’r ysgrifennu yn hawlio prif sylw’r noson.

By / Gan: Rhian Staples Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Mared Swain


Preview / Rhagddangosiad: £7 Tickets / Tocynnau: £10 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

029 2064 6900 /

Sexual Perversity in Chicago Living Pictures Productions in association with Cegin Productions Date / Dyddiad: 6–9 February / Chwefror

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 7 February / Chwefror @livingpic #sexinchicago Contains strong language / Yn cynnwys iaith gref

Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

“ You’re trying to understand women and I’m confusing you with information... what are you feeling? Tell me what you’re feeling. Jerk.” Danny meets Deborah, they like each other, they move in together... Danny and Deborah separate... Set in 70s Chicago, David Mamet’s highly acclaimed black comedy looks at relationships between friends and their failing attempts when searching for a mate.

Mae Danny’n cwrdd â Deborah, maen nhw’n hoffi’i gilydd, mae’n nhw’n symud i mewn gyda’i gilydd... mae Danny a Deborah’n gwahanu... Yn Chicago yn y 70au, mae comedi du David Mamet yn edrych ar berthnasoedd rhwng ffrindiau, a’u hymdrechion aflwyddiannus wrth iddynt chwilio am gymar.


By / Gan: David Mamet Co-Directors / Cyd-Cyfarwyddwyr: Robert Bowman & Julia Thomas Photo / Llun: Ostill

Cast: Danny – Ioannis Sholto Bernie – Robert Bowman Deborah – Lizzie Rogan Joan – Claire Cage

029 2064 6900 /


Phillip Mackenzie Head of Creative Learning / Pennaeth Dysgu Creadigol Dressing Up Too will be one of the highlights of the Youth Theatre this year. A stunning and vibrant show that will showcase the hard work of all our young people and their tutors. Combining text, movement, music and film into a captivating performance that celebrates how we live, work and play Mi fydd Dressing Up Too yn un o uchafbwyntiau’r Theatr Ieuenctid eleni. Sioe drawiadol ac egnïol a fydd yn dangos gwaith caled ein holl bobl ifanc a’u tiwtoriaid. Mae’n cyfuno’r gair ysgrifenedig, symudiad, cerddoriaeth a ffilm mewn un perfformiad sy’n siŵr o hoelio’ch sylw ac sy’n dathlu sut yr ydyn ni’n byw, yn gweithio ac yn chwarae.


029 2064 6900 /

Dressing Up Too Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre

Date / Dyddiad: 21–23 February / Chwefror

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg @ShermanCymru #dressinguptoo

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £8 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

“ To make life worth living we need the inspiration of an ideal.” This Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre production, involving all 120 of our young performers, explores their relationship with themselves and others and how our ever growing consumer society influences perceptions of reality. Staged on a 15 metre catwalk, Dressing Up Too will examine the aspirations, goals and expectations young people hold for themselves and others and why this might be. Observe our quirky fashion show utilising sound, film, spoken word and movement and step into our performer’s worlds to understand how internal desires express themselves through external image.

Yn y cynhyrchiad hwn gan Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Cymru, sy’n cynnwys pob un o’n 120 o berfformwyr ifanc, mae yna gyfle iddyn nhw i archwilio’u perthynas gyda’u hunain ac eraill a’r ffordd y mae ein cymdeithas o ddefnyddwyr, sy’n tyfu drwy’r amser, yn dylanwadu ar ein canfyddiad o realiti. Llwyfan Dressing Up Too yw rhodfa 15 metr sioe ffasiwn, ac mae’n archwilio dyheadau, uchelgais a disgwyliadau pobl ifanc, ohonyn nhw eu hunain ac eraill, a’r rhesymau posib dros hynny. Dewch i weld ein sioe ffasiynau amgen, sy’n defnyddio sain, ffilm, y gair a symudiad, a chamwch i mewn i fydoedd ein perfformwyr i ddeall sut mae dyheadau mewnol yn mynegi eu hunain trwy ddelweddau allanol.

Conceived by / Syniad gwreiddiol gan: Phillip Mackenzie

029 2064 6900 /


/ n or fu ym m rt er e f t nn al a H yl h w H

Claytime Indefinitearticles

Date / Dyddiad: 12–15 February / Chwefror

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 60m

This is a delightful show that engages the audience directly in its story telling and the use of clay. Adrian Stokes, Associate Director, Mercury Theatre.


Time / Amser: 11.00am & 2.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £7

Claytime, a play with clay, where the audience are invited to participate.

Daw Claytime, drama â chlai, gyda gwahoddiad i’r gynulleidfa gymryd rhan. Ry’n ni’n eich gwahodd i rywle ble mae defnydd naturiol y ddaear yn cwrdd â dychymyg plant: byd o ffurfiau ffantastig, anifeiliaid anhygoel ac angenfilod afreal sy’n newid ffurf.

We invite you to a place where the earth’s natural material meets with children’s imaginations: a world of fabulous forms, amazing animals and morphing monsters. Each Claytime is totally unique – creating its own world, its own characters and its own stories drawn directly from its young audience. Truly interactive theatre at its most engaging. This show is made with and for 3 to 6 year olds. Come prepared to get your hands dirty.

Performed and Devised by / Perfformiwyd a Dyfeisiwyd gan: Steve Tiplady & Sally Brown


029 2064 6900 /

Mae pob sesiwn Claytime yn hollol unigryw – mae’n creu ei fyd ei hun, ei gymeriadau ei hun a’i straeon ei hun gan dynnu’n uniongyrchol ar ei gynulleidfa ifanc. Theatr hollol ryngweithiol ar ei gorau. Gwneir y sioe hon gyda phlant 3 i 6 oed, ac ar eu cyfer. Byddwch yn barod i drochi’ch dwylo.

Instruments made and performed by / Offerynnau wedi eu gwneud a’u perfformio gan: Giles Leaman

Grimm Tales Theatr Iolo

Date / Dyddiad: 28 February / Chwefror & 2 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 50m @theatriolo

This is a magical show with a healthy sprinkle of fear and gory squelch, and plenty to spark the imaginations of young and old. The Stage

Time / Amser: 28 Feb / Chw – 10.30am & 1.30pm 2 Mar / Maw – 11.00am & 2.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £7

Playful, mischievous and deliciously scary fairy tales for all the family.

Straeon tylwyth teg difyr, direidus a digon dychrynllyd ar gyfer y teulu cyfan.

In the dead of night the moon is hiding behind a cloud, and deep in the dark, dark forest two children are lost, scared and hungry… A young girl, exhausted with work and deprived of a bed, lies down in the dirty ashes. Her stepsisters, with hearts as ugly as thorns, snigger at her. Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy and the award-winning Theatr Iolo bring you the magical stories of the Brothers Grimm, including Ashputtel (the original Cinderella story) and Hansel & Gretel.

6+ Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Adapted by / Addaswyd gan: Carol Ann Duffy Dramatised by / Dramateiddio gan: Tim Supple Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Kevin Lewis

Liw nos, mae’r lleuad yn cuddio tu ôl i gwmwl, ac yng nghrafangau’r goedwig dywyll, mae dau blentyn ar goll, yn ofnus ac eisiau bwyd… Mae merch ifanc, sydd wedi blino’n lân ar ôl gweithio’n galed, a heb wely, yn gorwedd yn y lludw budr. Clywir llais miniog ei llyschwiorydd yn chwerthin arni, eu calonnau hyll mor oer ag iâ. Mae Carol Ann Duffy a Theatr Iolo yn cyflwyno hanesion hudolus y Brodyr Grimm, gan gynnwys Ashputtel (stori wreiddiol Cinderella) a Hansel & Gretel. Cast: Wiebke Acton, Cassandra Jane Bond, Ceri Elen, Elliot Quinn

029 2064 6900 /


Theatre / Theatr: 1

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 28 February / Chwefror @ndcwales Interactive Matinee / Matinee Rhyngweithiol: 1.00pm 27 Feb / Chwe (age / oed 8–12) £5 See website for more information / Gweler wefan am ragor o wybodaeth Photo / Llun: Roy Campbell-Moore (Dream)


/ a* th yd wi g % ed ch 20 ok bw bo he n rc ny he n a pa

Date / Dyddiad: 28 February / Chwefror & 1 March / Mawrth

m f w pa Co of d t & ce rd ec n fw oj Da if Pr n n o di lst Ro rd A he ha * T Ric

National Dance Company Wales Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Celebrating its 30th year, National Dance Company Wales returns to the venue where it started to perform a spellbinding programme of exhilarating dance.

Ag yntau yn ei 30ain flwyddyn, mae Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru yn dychwelyd i’r lleoliad ble dechreuodd, i berfformio tair sioe hudolus o ddawns fywiog.

National Dance Company Wales Associates raise the curtain with the spectacular Orient. Dream, from renowned choreographer Christopher Bruce, is a breathtaking celebration of the excellence and achievement of Britain in its Olympic year.

Mae Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru yn agor gyda chynhyrchiad gwefreiddiol o Orient. Yna, mae Dream yn ddathliad anhygoel o ragoriaeth a chyrhaeddiad Prydain yn ystod ei blwyddyn Olympaidd.

House Choreographer Eleesha Drennan presents Virtual Descent with a recording of a newlycommissioned work from BBC National Orchestra of Wales’ resident composer Mark Bowden. Resident designer Joe Fletcher and choreographer and dancer Lee Johnston present Purlieus, fusing movement with animation and light to create an immersive experience.

029 2064 6900 /

Y coreograffydd Eleesha Drennan sy’n cyflwyno Virtual Descent gwaith diweddaraf ar sail darn a gomisiynwyd o’r newydd gan gyfansoddwr preswyl Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Cymru’r BBC, Mark Bowden. Y dylunydd preswyl Joe Fletcher a’r coreograffydd Lee Johnston sy’n cyflwyno Purlieus, sy’n brofiad i’ch trwytho’ch hun ynddo.

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 1h 30m with an interval / gydag egwyl

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun @RMaliphant Co-produced by / Cydgynhyrchiad gan: Théâtre National de Chaillot, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg and The Joyce Theater New York. Supported by / Cefnogi gan: Arts Council England. Photo / Llun: Laurent Phillipe

/ a* th yd wi g d h 0% ke bwc

Date / Dyddiad: 7 March / Mawrth

2 oo e & b h es n rc al y W an he n a ny mp f w pa pa o of d m eC rd Co nc fw ce Da if an on l D lst na A io d at ar N ich R

Sadler’s Wells / Russell Maliphant


The Rodin Project Time / Amser: 7.45pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Russell Maliphant’s The Rodin Project is inspired by the works of the great French sculptor Auguste Rodin.

Yr ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer cynhyrchiad newydd Russell Maliphant, The Rodin Project, yw gwaith y cerflunydd Ffrengig, Auguste Rodin.

Maliphant has collaborated with a group of extraordinary performers, using movement influenced by hip-hop and contemporary dance, brought to life through Maliphant’s unique visual language.

Mae Maliphant wedi cydweithio gyda grŵp o berfformwyr eithriadol, gan ddefnyddio symudiadau a sbardunwyd gan ddawnsio cyfoes a hip-hop gydag iaith weledol unigryw Maliphant yn rhoi cnawd ar yr esgyrn.

The Rodin Project is performed to a vibrant score by Russian composer Alexander Zekke.

Choreographer / Coreograffydd: Russell Maliphant Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo: Michael Hulls

Caiff The Rodin Project ei berfformio i sgôr a gomisiynwyd o’r newydd gan y cyfansoddwr o Rwsia, Alexander Zekke.

Costume Designer / Cynllunydd Gwisgoedd: Stevie Stewart Performers / Perfformwyr: Tommy Franzén, Thomasin Gülgeç, Dickson Mbi, Ella Mesma, Carys Staton, Jennifer White

029 2064 6900 /


Shappi Khorsandi: Dirty Looks and Hopscotch Date / Dyddiad: 20 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg @ShappiKhorsandi

Khorsandi’s path from exciting new voice to much-loved primetime figure has been well deserved.

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd

Shappi Khorsandi, comedian, best-selling author and star of two series of BBC Radio 4’s Shappi Talk, cements her status as one of the UK’s brightest talents with her latest show.

Yn ei sioe ddiweddaraf, mae Shappi Khorsandi, comedïwraig, awdures lwyddiannus a seren dwy gyfres o Shappi Talk ar BBC Radio 4, yn cadarnhau ei statws fel un o ddoniau amlycaf y Deyrnas Unedig.

Dirty Looks and Hopscotch tells the story of how, as a girl, Shappi dreamed impossibly romantic dreams. She still does. But a love affair with a Rockstar – what on earth was she doing, thinking… in heaven’s name wearing?

Mae Dirty Looks and Hopscotch yn adrodd hanes Shappi, fel merch ifanc, yn breuddwydio breuddwydion hynod o ramantaidd. Mae’n dal i wneud. Ond yna caiff garwriaeth gyda seren roc – beth yn y byd oedd ar ei phen hi a beth yn y byd oedd hi’n ei wneud… beth yn y byd oedd hi’n ei wisgo?

The Times



029 2064 6900 /

Dyled Eileen Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Date / Dyddiad: 20–22 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: Welsh / Cymraeg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 60m Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 20 March / Mawrth Pre-show talk for Welsh Learners / Trafodaeth cyn-sioe ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg: 21 March / Mawrth 7.00pm @TheatrGenCymru

Photo / Llun: Delyth Beasley

Time / Amser: 8.00pm 1.30pm Matinee: 21 March / Mawrth

Tickets / Tocynnau: £14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Dyled Eileen portrays Eileen and Trefor Beasley’s protest against their local authority in the 1950s to receive their tax bill in Welsh. During their eight year struggle they refused to pay their debt to the then Rural District Council of Llanelli. As a result, bit by bit, they watched the bailiffs carry away nearly all of their possessions.

Llosgi’r Ysgol Fomio ym Mhen Llŷn gododd ymwybyddiaeth Eileen Beasley o’i Chymreictod gyntaf. Doedd dim llawer o drafod gwleidyddiaeth gartref ar y fferm, ond fe welodd bryd hynny’r anghyfiawnder roedd Cymru a’r Gymraeg yn ei ddioddef dan law’r Awdurdodau.

Angharad Tomos’ heartfelt script brings to life this passionate, yet humble and very personal story, that served as a revolutionary example in Saunders Lewis’ famous radio lecture of 1962, The Fate of the Language. It takes us on a journey to remember the sacrifice that this young couple made in their fight for fairness for the Welsh language. Writer / Awdur: Angharad Tomos Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Elen Bowman

Mae Dyled Eileen yn olrhain hanes safiad Eileen a Trefor Beasley yn erbyn biliau trethi Saesneg a’r frwydr hir a berwyd iddynt golli eu heiddo bron iawn i gyd i’r beilïaid wrth iddynt glirio’r parlwr ddarn wrth ddarn. Mae portread Angharad Tomos yn dod â chyfnod cythryblus y 50au yn fyw – cyn darlith radio enwog Saunders Lewis – ac yn ein tywys i gofio aberth y cwpwl yma a’u brwydr dros y Gymraeg. Cast: Rhian Morgan

029 2064 6900 /


The Government Inspector Aberystwyth Arts Centre and Communicado Theatre Company Date / Dyddiad: 22–23 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 22 March / Mawrth @aberystwytharts

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Dubious political dealings, a rioting populace, mishandled money, panic – sound familiar?

Trafodion gwleidyddol amheus, poblogaeth derfysglyd, arian yn cael ei gam-drafod, panig – swnio’n gyfarwydd?

The Government Inspector is one of the world’s most famous plays. Written in 1835 and set in Tsarist Russia, it is a classic satire on human vanity. By turns hilarious and vicious in its exposé of corruption among those in power, this masterpiece seems made for the times we live in. This fast-paced, raucously entertaining black comedy features an electrifying cast and live Balkanfused music including electric balalaikas and mouth organs!

By / Gan: Nikolai Gogol Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Gerry Mulgrew


029 2064 6900 /

The Government Inspector yw un o ddramâu enwocaf y byd. Fe’i hysgrifennwyd ym 1835, ac mae wedi ei gosod yn y Rwsia’r Tsar. Dyma ddrama ddycha glasurol ar falchder dynolryw. Yn ddoniol a milain am yn ail, wrth ddatguddio llygredd y rhai mewn grym, dyma gampwaith ar gyfer ein oes ni. Comedi tywyll, cyflym, aflafar gyda chast gwefreiddiol a cherddoriaeth fyw yn llawn dylanwadau Balkan gyda balalaicas trydan ac organau ceg!

Adaptor / Addaswr: Adrian Mitchell

Wasted Paines Plough, Birmingham Repertory Theatre and The Roundhouse in association with NSDF and Latitude Festival

Date / Dyddiad: 23 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 23 March / Mawrth

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun @painesplough #katetempestwasted

Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Following its sell-out success, Wasted returns to the Sherman. A play about life, love and losing your mind. Three old friends. One remarkable day. For Ted, Danny and Charlotte, life will never be the same.

Daw Wasted yn ôl i’r Sherman yn dilyn ei berfformiad hynod o lwyddiannus y llynedd. Drama am gariad, bywyd a cholli’ch pwyll. Tri hen ffrind. Un diwrnod hynod. I Ted, Danny a Charlotte, ni fydd bywyd fyth yr un peth.

A day-glo trip through the parks, raves and cafes of South London, where life is what you make it, Wasted paints a picture of lives less ordinary in an unforgiving world. Kate Tempest is an exciting young writer, poet and performer, currently serving up a storm in the UK hiphop scene with her band Sound Of Rum. An exhilarating soundtrack accompanies this dynamic staging of her debut play.

Taith liwgar yw Wasted trwy barciau, rêfs a chaffis De Llundain, ble gall bywyd fod beth bynnag yr ydych chi am iddo fod. Ceir darlun o fywydau llai cyffredin mewn byd anfaddeuol. Mae Kate Tempest yn awdures, bardd a pherfformiwr ifanc gyffrous, sy’n gwneud enw mawr iddi’i hun yn sîn hip-hop y DU ar hyn o bryd gyda’i band, Sound Of Rum. Mae’r llwyfannu deinamig ar gyfer ei drama gyntaf i gyfeiliant caneuon cyffrous.

14+ Photo / Llun: Richard Davenport

Writer / Awdur: Kate Tempest Director / Cyfarwyddwr: James Grieve

029 2064 6900 /


Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun @RichardAlstonDC

The dancers have energy in spades... Roughcut almost levitates.

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

For their first visit back to the Sherman, Richard Alston Dance Company are delighted to be opening with the ravishing Shimmer.

I ddathlu’r tro cyntaf iddynt ddychwelyd i’r Sherman, mae Richard Alston Dance Company yn cychwyn eu cyflwyniad gyda’r sioe gyfareddol Shimmer.

Martin Lawrance has created Madcap, a startlingly original piece with music by New York band, Bang on a Can All-Stars. Richard Alston’s iconic Roughcut is danced to the peals of Steve Reich’s shimmering New York and Electric Counterpoints for clarinet and guitar. If you could take only one piece of dance to a desert island, this would be it.

The Guardian

Photo / Llun: Chris Nash


/ a* th yd wi g % ed ch 20 ok bw & bo che es al en ar W wh pan ny pa ff

Theatre / Theatr: 1

o d m rd Co t fw ce ec if an roj lD P na in io od at R N he T

Date / Dyddiad: 26 March / Mawrth


Richard Alston Dance Company

029 2064 6900 /

Martin Lawrance sydd wedi creu Madcap, darn gwreiddiol trawiadol gyda cherddoriaeth gan grŵp o Efrog Newydd, Bang on a Can All-Stars. Cyflwynir darn eiconig Richard Alston, Roughcut, i gyfeiliant cerddoriaeth soniarus Steve Reich, New York and Electric Counterpoints, ar gyfer y clarinet a’r gitâr. Petai modd i chi fynd ag un darn o ddawns i ynys bellennig, dyma fe!

Michelangelo Drawing Blood Sound Affairs Date / Dyddiad: 27 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Pre-show talk / Trafodaeth cyn-sioe: 6.30pm @sound_affairs #michelangelodb

Like nothing I’ve seen in a theatre before. Audience response to / Ymateb cynulleidfa i: Boulevard of Broken Dreams Contains male nudity / Yn cynnwys noethni


Photo / Llun: Bruce Denny

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 – £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Michelangelo: painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and poet – the original, and perhaps ultimate, Renaissance man.

Michelangelo: peintiwr, cerflunydd, pensaer, peiriannydd a bardd – Dyn gwreiddiol y Dadeni ac efallai pwysicaf.

Michelangelo Drawing Blood delves into the forces that drove his genius – an obsession with human anatomy, a passionate response to the male body and an equally intense Christian faith. 21st century theatre meets 16th century culture as three male performers bring to life the fluid twists and turns of Michelangelo’s drawings accompanied by music composed by Charlie Barber and performed live on Renaissance instruments.

Mae Michelangelo Drawing Blood yn twrio’n ddwfn i’r grymoedd a fu’n gyrru’r athrylith hwn – obsesiwn ag anatomi’r corff, ymateb angerddol i’r corff gwrywaidd a ffydd Gristnogol yr un mor ddwys. Daw theatr yr 21ain ganrif wynebyn-wyneb â diwylliant yr 16eg ganrif wrth i dri pherfformiwr gwrywaidd roi anadl einioes i droeon trwstan darluniau Michelangelo i gyfeiliant cerddoriaeth a gyfansoddwyd gan Charlie Barber ac a berfformir yn fyw ar offerynnau’r Dadeni.

Michelangelo Drawing Blood offers a theatrical experience with a difference.

Mae Michelangelo Drawing Blood yn cynnig profiad theatrig amgen.

Music / Cerddoriaeth: Charlie Barber Movement and Dance / Symudiad a Dawns: Andy Howitt Film and Photography / Ffilm a Ffotograffiaeth: Barnaby Dicker

029 2064 6900 /


Kate Perridge Artistic Coordinator / Cyd-lynydd Artistig I know people who will travel miles to see a Kneehigh show, so I’m really pleased to be welcoming the company to Cardiff and to the Sherman for the first time. This acclaimed adaptation of the classic TV series Steptoe and Son has been a hit with audiences on tour, so don’t miss out! Rwy’n gwybod bobl a fyddai’n teithio milltiroedd i weld sioe Kneehigh, felly rwy’n falch iawn o gael croesawu’r cwmni i Gaerdydd ac i’r Sherman am y tro cyntaf. Mae’r addasiad enwog o gyfres teledu clasurol Steptoe and Son wedi bod yn boblogaidd iawn gyda chynulleidfaoedd ar daith, felly peidiwch â cholli allan!


029 2064 6900 /


STEPTOE AND SON Kneehigh Theatre and West Yorkshire Playhouse

Date / Dyddiad: 9–13 April / Ebrill

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 2h with an interval / gydag egwyl Post-show talks / Trafodaethau wedi-sioe: 10 April / Ebrill

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun @WeAreKneehigh

Kneehigh stands head and shoulders above most other touring companies in Britain. The Daily Telegraph

Time / Amser: 7.30pm 2.30pm Matinee: 11 April / Ebrill

Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 – £25 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Two Men. Two World Wars. Two lives knitted together as tight as a thrice darned sock.

Dau Ddyn. Dau Ryfel Byd. Dau fywyd wedi eu cydblethu mor dynn â hosan a ddarniwyd deirgwaith.

Bound together by birth, business and bloody bad luck, Albert and Harold Steptoe wake up every morning to the same old, same old, sickening sight of each other. Do they even notice the world turning as they cling on? There are ladies, if they would only look around them, and space travel… and Cliff Richard!

Wedi eu clymu trwy enedigaeth, busnes ac anffawd, mae Albert a Harold Steptoe yn dihuno bob dydd i’r un hen olygfa gyfoglyd – ei gilydd. Ydyn nhw’n sylwi ar y byd yn troi wrth iddyn nhw ymbalfalu i ddal gafael? Mae yna ferched, petai’r ddau ond yn cymryd yr amser i edrych o’u cwmpas, a theithio trwy’r gofod… a Cliff Richard!

Adapted from the legendary scripts of Galton and Simpson, Steptoe and Son charts the surprising dance of father and son. Darkly comic and deeply moving, this is a 20th century icon, reimagined for a new generation.

Mae’n olrhain y syndod o ddawns rhwng tad a mab. Dyma gomedi tywyll o angerdd dwys, sy’n eicon o’r 20fed ganrif o’r newydd ar gyfer cenhedlaeth newydd.

From its home in Cornwall, Kneehigh Theatre has built a reputation for creating vigorous and popular theatre for audiences worldwide. We’re delighted to welcome them to the Sherman for the first time.

O’i chartref yng Nghernyw, mae Kneehigh Theatre wedi meithrin enw da am greu theatr fywiog a phoblogaidd ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig a thu hwnt, ac rydyn ni wrth ein boddau i’w croesawu i’r Sherman am y tro cyntaf.


By / Gan: Ray Galton and Alan Simpson Directed and Adapted by / Cyfarwyddo a’u Haddasu gan: Emma Rice

Photo / Llun: Steve Tanner

Cast: Albert – Mike Shepherd Harold – Dean Nolan Woman – Kirsty Woodward

029 2064 6900 /



029 2064 6900 /

Educating Rita Clwyd Theatr Cymru

Date / Dyddiad: 16–20 April / Ebrill

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 18 April / Ebrill Captioned Performance / Perfformiad gyda Capsiynau: 20 April / Ebrill @ClwydTweets

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

“ That’s why they come to the hairdressers – because they want to be changed. But if you wanna change y’ have to do it from the inside, don’t y’?” Rita is unhappy with her job and the low expectations of those around her. She wants to know ‘everything’, so embarks on an Open University course in English Literature which will change her life forever.

Mae Rita yn anhapus gyda’i gwaith a disgwyliadau isel y rheiny o’i chwmpas. Mae am wybod ‘popeth’ ac felly mae’n cychwyn ar gwrs gyda’r Brifysgol Agored mewn Llenyddiaeth Saesneg a wnaith newid ei bywyd am byth.

Thought-provoking, funny and moving, Educating Rita is a comic masterpiece and a modern stage classic.

Mae Educating Rita yn gampwaith doniol a theimladwy sy’n procio’r meddwl ac yn glasur modern.

Originally commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1980, Educating Rita ran for over two years in the West End. It subsequently became a BAFTA award-winning film starring Michael Caine and Julie Walters. Educating Rita is directed by Emma Lucia following her successful production of A Doll’s House which was performed by Clwyd Theatr Cymru at the Sherman last year.

By / Gan: Willy Russell Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Emma Lucia Designer / Dylunydd: Max Jones

Fe’i comisiynwyd yn wreiddiol gan Royal Shakespeare Company ym 1980, ac fe fu’n rhedeg am dros ddwy flynedd yn y West End. Yna, daeth yn ffilm a enillodd wobrau BAFTA gyda Michael Caine a Julie Walters yn chwarae’r prif rannau. Cyfarwyddir gan Emma Lucia, yn dilyn ei chynhyrchiad llwyddiannus o A Doll’s House gan Henrik Ibsen yn Sherman Cymru y llynedd.

Cast: Frank – Richard Elfyn Rita – Katie Elin-Salt

029 2064 6900 /



029 2064 6900 /

Cardiff’s Theatre Festival for Children and Families / Gw ˆyl Theatr Caerdydd i Blant a Theuluoedd Date / Dyddiad: 24 April / Ebrill – 5 May / Mai

Theatre / Theatr: 1 & 2 @ShermanCymru

Time / Amser: See website for details / Gweler y wefan am fanylion

Tickets / Tocynna: See website for details / Gweler y wefan am fanylion

We believe that experiencing theatre from a young age can spark a passion that can last a lifetime and because of this the Sherman prides itself on an excellent reputation for offering high-quality children’s theatre.

Rydyn ni’n credu bod cael blas ar y theatr yn ifanc yn gallu tanio fflam i bara oes, ac oherwydd hyn mae Theatr y Sherman yn ymfalchïo yn ei henw rhagorol am gynnig theatr o ansawdd uchel i blant.

With this in mind we are proud to present our very first Theatre Festival for Children and Families – a fantastic opportunity for all the family to experience some of the rich and varied voices in children’s theatre, from Wales and further afield. We will have over a week of performances that will have something for everyone, from very little ones (ages 2–3) up to young adults with lots of things to see and do. So, what are you waiting for? Jump in and try something new! Already confirmed are: Theatr Iolo and Theatre Hullabaloo: Luna Pirates of the Carabina: Flown Unicorn Theatre: Something Very Far Away

Photo / Llun: Theatr Iolo’s Luna

Yn sgil hyn, rydym yn falch iawn o gyflwyno’n Gŵyl Theatr gyntaf oll i’r Teulu – cyfle gwych i’r teulu cyfan brofi rhai o leisiau cyfoethog ac amrywiol o theatr i blant, o Gymru a thu hwnt. Fe fydd wythnos o berfformiadau gyda rhywbeth at ddant pawb, o’r rhai ifanc iawn (2 a 3 oed) hyd at oedolion ifanc, gyda llond lle o bethau i’w gweld a’u gwneud. Felly, pam yr oedi? Dewch i roi tro ar rywbeth newydd! Dyma’r perfformiadau sydd eisoes wedi eu cadarnhau: Theatr Iolo a Theatre Hullabaloo: Luna Pirates of the Carabina: Flown Unicorn Theatre: Something Very Far Away

More details will be announced in early Spring, so keep an eye on our website / Bydd mwy o fanylion yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn gynnar yn y Gwanwyn, ond cadwch lygad ar ein gwefan:

029 2064 6900 /


Past Half Remembered New International Encounter (NIE)

Date / Dyddiad: 27–28 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 70m Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 27 March / Mawrth

Funny, beautifully crafted and genuinely moving. The Herald


Photo / Llun: Jiří N Jelínek / Nick Thompson


Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Using a five-piece band on stage, a European ensemble and an array of theatrical styles, New International Encounter brings you the story of Maria Michaliovna, at one moment an old lady sitting in her flat, in the next, a young girl dancing in the park.

Gyda band pum-offeryn ar y llwyfan, ensemble Ewropeaidd ac amrywiaeth eang o arddulliau theatraidd, mae New International Encounter yn cyflwyno stori Maria Michaliovna, un funud yn hen fenyw fach yn eistedd yn ei fflat, a’r funud nesaf yn ferch ifanc yn dawnsio yn y parc.

The Herald Angel and Total Theatre Award-winning production Past Half Remembered is a madcap journey through the epic sweep of twentieth century Russian history. The Reds and the Whites do battle, the Germans invade, tea is served from a samovar and there is a very big wedding while actors change roles and get confused about which side they are on! Don’t miss your chance to take this comic, tragic and absurd journey through the Soviet Century. Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Alex Byrne

029 2064 6900 /

Mae’r ddrama hon yn siwrnai gwallgof trwy ehangder epig hanes Rwsia yn yr ugeinfed ganrif. Mae’r Almaenwyr wedi goresgyn y tir, te’n cael ei weini o samofar a phriodas fawr iawn, tra bod actorion yn newid rolau ac yn anghofio ar ba ochr y maen nhw! Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle i fwynhau’r siwrnai ddoniol, drasig ac abswrd hwn trwy’r Ganrif Sofietaidd.

Cast: Kieran Edwards, Anna Healey, Aude Henrye, Rew Lowe, Iva Moberg, Robert Orr

Salt, Root and Roe Clwyd Theatr Cymru

Date / Dyddiad: 7–11 May / Mai

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 9 May / Mai

It captures both the horrors of old age and the ties of family love with unmistakable compassion. The Telegraph

Photo / Llun: Tim Price (Warren Orchard)

Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Fresh from his success with For Once (Pentabus Theatre at Sherman Cymru) and The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning (National Theatre Wales), playwright Tim Price’s funny, lyrical play about love, loss and the power of belief is set against the backdrop of the North Pembrokeshire coast.

Ar gefn ei lwyddiant gyda For Once (Pentabus Theatre yn Sherman Cymru) a The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning (National Theatre Wales), mae drama delynegol y dramodydd Tim Price am gariad, colled a phŵer grym crêd wedi ei gosod ar arfordir Sir Benfro.

Olivier nominated for Best New Play, Salt, Root and Roe comes to Tim’s native Wales in a new Clwyd Theatr Cymru production. Iola and Anest are identical twin sisters living in isolation. Iola has pronounced herself ready to die, and Anest, her loving sibling, plans to go with her but Anest’s daughter Menna is determined to put a stop to their schemes.

Enwebwyd Salt, Root and Roe am wobr Olivier am y Ddrama Newydd Orau ac mae’n dod i wlad frodorol Tim, diolch i Clwyd Theatr Cymru. Mae Iola ac Anest yn efeilliaid unfath sy’n byw bywyd ynysig. Mae Iola wedi cyhoeddi ei bod yn barod i farw, ac mae ei chwaer gariadus, Anest, yn bwriadu mynd gyda hi, ond mae merch Anest, Menna, yn benderfynol o roi diwedd ar eu cynlluniau.

By / Gan: Tim Price Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Kate Wasserberg

029 2064 6900 /



029 2064 6900 /

Say it With Flowers Sherman Cymru

Date / Dyddiad: 15–25 May / Mai Previews / Rhagddangosiadau: 15 & 16 May / Mai Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talks / Trafodaethau wedi-sioe: 16 May / Mai (with writers / gydag awduron) 22 May / Mai (with Director / gyda Cyfarwyddwr) Captioned and Audio Described Performance / Perfformiad gyda Capsiynau a Disgrifiad Sain: 25 May / Mai @ShermanCymru #SCDorothySquires


Image / Delwedd: Kirsten McTernan

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Previews / Rhagddangosiadau: £12 – £20 Tickets / Tocynnau: £15 – £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

This rags to riches story tells of a young girl escaping the drudgery of the Llanelli tin works and her struggle to reach the highest pinnacle of showbiz, ending with her sad demise, penniless back in the valleys of Wales.

Hanes merch ifanc sy’n dianc rhag diflastod y gwaith tun yn Llanelli, a’i brwydr i gyrraedd pinacl uchaf y diwydiant adloniant, cyn gorffen yn ôl yng nghymoedd y De, ble fu farw mewn tlodi.

Dorothy Squires was one of Britain’s most successful performers. Her life was often the focus of media attention; her electrifying on-stage presence, her sell-out comeback concerts at the London Palladium and her tempestuous marriage to Roger Moore, were overshadowed by her predilection for litigation and battles with Rupert Murdoch, resulting in her being made a vexatious litigant. Written by Meic Povey and Johnny Tudor, Say It With Flowers features some of Dot’s best loved songs. Everyone loves a fighter and Dorothy certainly did it her way – but where did it all go wrong?

Dorothy Squires oedd un o berfformwyr mwyaf llwyddiannus Prydain, a’i bywyd yn aml yn denu sylw’r cyfryngau. ‘Roedd ei phresenoldeb trydanol ar lwyfan, ei chyngherddau llwyddiannus yn y Palladium yn Llundain, a’i phriodas tymhestlog gyda Roger Moore, oll yn pylu yng nghysgod ei hobsesiwn o ymgyfreitha a’i brwydrau â Rupert Murdoch, a hithau yn y pendraw yn dod yn ‘ymgyfreithiwr flinderus’. Meic Povey a Johnny Tudor yw awduron Say It With Flowers, ac mae’n cynnwys rhai o hoff ganeuon Dot. Mae pawb wrth eu bodd yn gweld rhywun yn brwydro, ac yn sicr dyma wnaeth Dorothy yn ei ffordd ddihafal ei hun.

By / Gan: Johnny Tudor, Meic Povey Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Pia Furtado

029 2064 6900 /


Robin Ince: The Importance of Being Interested Date / Dyddiad: 16 May / Mai

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg @robinince


Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £13.50 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd

Award-winning comedian and science enthusiast Robin Ince follows up his Happiness Through Science show with a look at his favourite scientists – Charles Darwin and Richard Feynman. Find out why we have eyebrows, why bald dogs have bad teeth, how heavy metal music makes pigs deaf and why spaghetti snaps into four pieces. It is a loving look into the minds of two giants of human imagination who changed our world view.

Dyma’r comedïwr gwobrwyol Robin Ince, sy’n gwirioni ar wyddoniaeth, yn cyflwyno dilyniant i’w sioe Happiness Through Science, gyda golwg ar rai o’i hoff wyddonwyr – Charles Darwin a Richard Feynman. Dewch i ddarganfod pam fod gennym aeliau, pam fod gan gŵn moel ddannedd gwael, sut mae cerddoriaeth ‘heavy metal’ yn gwneud moch yn fyddar, a pham fod sbageti wastad yn torri’n bedwar darn. Dyma gipolwg hoffus ar feddyliau dau o gewri’r dychymyg fu’n gyfrifol am newid y ffordd ‘rydym yn edrych ar y byd.

He’ll also stop off on the way to look at some of the more bizarre views of early science – is the ostrich really the offspring of the union of a gnat and a giraffe? (No). A night of spaghetti, barnacles and safe cracking.

Bydd hefyd yn cymryd saib, o bryd i’w gilydd, i gael golwg ar rai o’r syniadau rhyfedd oedd yn bodoli yn nyddiau cynnar gwyddoniaeth – ai’r estrys yw epil y gwybedyn a’r jiraff? (Na). Noson o sbageti, cregyn llong a llond bol o chwerthin.


029 2064 6900 /

Diary of a Madman Living Pictures Productions

Date / Dyddiad: 23-25 May / Mai

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 23 May / Mai @livingpic

Acting of raw power and intensity. Western Mail


Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Following last year’s successful visit, Diary of a Madman returns to the Sherman.

Yn dilyn ymweliad llwyddiannus y llynedd, daw Diary of a Madman yn ôl i’r Sherman.

1830s Russia. Poprishchin – a low ranking civil servant for the Government – is in his 40s and struggling to make his mark on life. One day he makes an amazing discovery. Could he really be the next King of Spain?

Rwsia yn y 1830au. Mae Poprishchin yn ei 40au – gwas sifil â swydd digon cyffredin yn y Llywodraeth, yn ymdrechu i adael ei ôl ar fywyd, ond un diwrnod mae’n darganfod rhywbeth anhygoel. Ai ef yw brenin nesaf Sbaen?

Driven insane by government bureaucracy and hierarchy, Gogol’s dark comedy exposes one man’s reality spiralling deeper into a surreal fantasy world.

Mae comedi tywyll Gogol yn archwilio realiti un dyn sy’n disgyn yn is ac yn is i fyd o ffantasi swreal.

Considered by many to be Gogol’s best work, Diary of a Madman is a timeless piece that explores the human condition when it comes face to face with its own mortality. By / Gan: Nikolai Gogol Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Sinéad Rushe

I lawer, Diary of a Madman yw gwaith gorau Gogol ac mae’n ddarn oesol sy’n archwilio’r cyflwr dynol pan ddaw wyneb-yn-wyneb â’i farwoldeb ei hun.

Cast: Robert Bowman

029 2064 6900 /


/ n or fu ym m rt er e f t nn al a H yl h w H

Aston’s Stones Teater Pero

Date / Dyddiad: 29 May / Mai – 1 June / Mehefin

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 30m

…exquisite and heartwarming. Svenska Dagbladet


Photo / Llun: José Figueroa


Time / Amser: 11.00am & 2.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £7

Aston’s Stones is about a little dog who wants to take care of all the stones he can find. Some are big and some are small, one is sad and another one feels cold. All of them need to be taken care of. Every stone gets to follow Aston home and is greeted with a warm and cosy bed. His parents, although very patient and understanding, gradually get more and more worried about the increasing number of stones in their living room.

Mae Aston’s Stones yn adrodd hanes ci bach sydd am ofalu am yr holl gerrig y gall ddod o hyd iddynt. Mae rhai’n fawr ac eraill yn fach, mae un yn drist ac un yn teimlo’r oer. Mae angen gofalu am bob un ohonynt. Caiff bob carreg ddilyn Aston adref a chael gwely clyd a chynnes. Yn raddol, er eu hamynedd a’u dealltwriaeth, mae ei rieni’n poeni fwyfwy am y nifer cynyddol o gerrig yn eu hystafell fyw.

This gentle story is about how important it is to see and appreciate the value in even the smallest things.

Stori dyner am bwysigrwydd trugaredd a’r gallu i weld gwerth hyd yn oed y pethau lleiaf.

Writer / Awdur: Lotta Geffenblad Adaptor / Addaswr: Bára L Magnúsdóttir Cast: Ulf Eriksson, Bára L Magnúsdóttir and Magnus Lundblad

029 2064 6900 /

Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla Arad Goch

Date / Dyddiad: 6–7 June / Mehefin

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: Welsh / Cymraeg Running Time / Hyd y Perfformiad: 60m @AradGoch


Image / Delwedd: Angharad Tomos

Time / Amser: 1.30pm Thursday / Dydd Iau 10.30am Friday / Dydd Gwener

Tickets / Tocynnau: £7

Come and meet Rala Rwdins, Rwdlan, Dewin Doeth, Dewin Dwl, Llipryn Llwyd, Strempan, and of course, Mursen the cat, as they embark on their holiday. As usual with this gang – nothing ever goes to plan! There will be singing, laughing and tricks in the company of our friends from Gwlad y Rwla.

Dewch i gwrdd â Rala Rwdins, Rwdlan, Dewin Doeth, Dewin Dwl, Llipryn Llwyd, Strempan a heb anghofio Mursen y gath, ac ymunwch yn yr helynt wrth iddynt fynd ar eu gwyliau. Fel arfer yng nghwmni’r criw mae yna gastiau a thriciau gyda digon o ganu a chwerthin (a chrio yng nghwmni Llipryn!).

Arad Goch creates exciting and relevant theatre for children and young people. Creating theatrical experiences that inspire, motivate and are memorable.

Mae Arad Goch yn creu theatr gyffrous a pherthnasol ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc. Rydym yn anelu at greu profiad theatrig sy’n ysbrydoli, ysgogi ac yn gofiadwy.

By / Gan: Angharad Tomos

029 2064 6900 /



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THREE ACTS OF PLAY Unity Festival presents Candoco Dance Company

Date / Dyddiad: 12 June / Mehefin

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 12 June / Mehefin

Scan for e-trailer / Sganiwch i weld e-hysbyslun @candocodance @HijinxTheatre Unity Festival 2013 Hijinx Theatre present their 6th international inclusive arts festival featuring an exciting programme of both free and ticketed performances at Sherman Cymru, Wales Millennium Centre and on the streets of Cardiff. Theatr Hijinx sy’n cyflwyno’u 6ed gŵyl gelfyddydau gynhwysol, rhyngwladol gyda rhaglen gyffrous o berfformiadau rhad ac am ddim a pherfformiadau gyda thocynnau, yn Sherman Cymru, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru ac ar strydoedd Caerdydd.

Photo / Llun: Hugo Glendinning

Time / Amser: 7.30pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Twisting perception of what dance is, who can dance and who enjoys it – Candoco presents an evening of three diverse dance works.

Gan wyrdroi ein syniad arferol am ddawns, pwy sy’n gallu a phwy sy’n mwynhau dawnsio – mae Candoco yn cyflwyno tri darn amrywiol.

Set and Reset/Reset is a restaging of one of Trisha Brown’s signature works, which confirmed her as a pioneer of contemporary dance. Set to the original upbeat, contagious Laurie Anderson score, this is a fluid, joyful work of pure dance.

Mae Set and Reset/Reset yn aillwyfaniad o un o ddarnau unigryw Trisha Brown, un o arloeswyr y byd dawns cyfoes. I sgôr wreiddiol, fywiog a heintus Laurie Anderson, mae’r ddawns bur hon yn llifo.

Following his Evening Standard Theatre Award for The Most Incredible Thing with the Pet Shop Boys, choreographer Javier de Frutos returns to Candoco with Studies for C. Inspired by the poetry of Tennessee Williams and set to traditional Mexican Ranchera music, this duet is a celebration of difference and rebellion.

Yn sgil ennill Gwobr Theatr yr Evening Standard am The Most Incredible Thing gyda’r Pet Shop Boys, mae’r coreograffydd Javier de Frutos yn dychwelyd at Candoco gyda Studies for C. Ysbrydolwyd y ddeuawd hon, sy’n dathlu gwahaniaeth a gwrthryfel, gan farddoniaeth Tennessee Williams, ac fe’i gosodir i gerddoriaeth draddodiadol Ranchera Mecsico.

Rounding off the evening is Imperfect Storm devised by renowned theatre and dance artist Wendy Houstoun. This piece, loosely based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest, effortlessly combines movement with text and meaning with humour.

I ddiweddu’r noson ceir Imperfect Storm, a ddyfeisiwyd gan yr artist theatr a dawns enwog, Wendy Houstoun. Dyma ddarn sydd wedi’i seilio, i raddau, ar The Tempest gan Shakespeare, ac mae’n cyfuno symudiadau a thestun ac ystyr a hiwmor yn gwbl ddiymdrech.

For further details of Unity Festival events at Sherman Cymru please visit / Am fanylion pellach digwyddiadau Gŵyl Undod yn Sherman Cymru rhowch glic ar: For further details on Unity Festival please visit / Am fanylion pellach Gŵyl Undod rhowch glic ar:

029 2064 6900 /



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Date / Dyddiad: 25–29 June / Mehefin Preview / Rhagddangosiad: 25 June / Mehefin Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: Welsh / Cymraeg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 27 June / Mehefin @ShermanCymru

Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Preview / Rhagddangosiad: £12 Tickets / Tocynnau: £14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Three plays about power, belonging and independence, inspired by the dark corners and open spaces of the Capital.

Tair drama am bwer, perthyn ac annibynniaeth barn, wedi eu hysbrydoli gan gorneli tywyll a mannau mawr agored y Brifddinas.

Llwch O’r Pileri

Llwch O’r Pileri

The Swastika is flying above and the jackboot is pounding the pavements. Welcome to Wales in 1958, shining star of the Reich and World Cup Winners. But the Führer is on his way to Cardiff to celebrate and a teacher has just hours to save the souls of her pupils. But how do you succeed in a world where friends are enemies and everyone’s a traitor?

Mae’r Swastica yn hedfan a’r jacbwt yn pwnio’r palmentydd. Croeso i Gymru 1958, Seren y Reich ac ennillwyr Cwpan y Byd. Ond mae’r Führer ar ei ffordd i Gaerydd i ddathlu ac oriau’n unig sydd gan athrawes i arbed enaid ei disgyblion. Ond sut mae llwyddo mewn byd lle mae cyfaill yn elyn a phawb yn fradwr?

Myfanwy Yn Y Moorlands

Myfanwy Yn Y Moorlands

When a woman finds herself on Cardiff’s shapeshifting streets, she meets a young stranger intent on taking her on a fantastic journey. But can she tell the difference between reality and illusion?

Pan mae menyw yn canfod ei hun ar strydoedd simsanog Caerdydd, mae’n cwrdd â dieithryn ifanc sy’n mynd â hi ar wibdaith ffantasïol. Ond beth sy’n wir a beth sy’n rhith?

Traed Bach Concrit

Traed Bach Concrit

Lowri and Fflur are enjoying the best seats to witness Cardiff’s destruction. But will protecting the past prove more important than starting again?

Mae Fflur a Lowri’n mwynhau’r seddi gorau yn arcêd Dewi Sant i wylio dinistr y brifddinas. Ond a fydd gwarchod y gorffennol yn dynfa gryfach na dechrau eto, yn y pendraw?

By Dyfed Edwards

By Sharon Morgan

By Marged Parry

Gan Dyfed Edwards

Gan Sharon Morgan

Gan Marged Parry

Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Mared Swain

029 2064 6900 /


Schools dance Association Date / Dyddiad: 12–14 March / Mawrth

Theatre / Theatr: 1

Time / Amser: 6.30pm & 7.45pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £5 one show / un sioe £8 two shows on the same evening / dau sioe ar yr un noson

For over 25 years the Schools’ Dance Association has brought together schools from all over Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan for an annual Dance Festival at the Sherman Theatre. The creativity, imagination, ideas and energy which stem from a common theme each year, with a wide variety of dance genres, provide a wonderful opportunity for the pupils to perform in a live theatre, with all the excitement and enhancement that brings. It also gives teachers and dance-club leaders the opportunity to showcase the excellent practice in dance which exists in our schools.

Ers dros 25 mlynedd, mae Schools’ Dance Association wedi dod ag ysgolion o bob cwr o Gaerdydd a Bro Morgannwg at ei gilydd ar gyfer Gŵyl Ddawns flynyddol yn Theatr y Sherman. Mae’r ŵyl yn agored i bob ysgol ac mae disgyblion pedair i ddeunaw oed yn gallu cymryd rhan! Mae’r creadigrwydd, y dychymyg, y syniadau a’r egni sy’n deillio o thema gyffredin bob blwyddyn, gydag amrywiaeth eang o genres dawns, yn gyfle gwych i’r disgyblion berfformio mewn theatr fyw, gyda holl gyffro a chyfoeth y profiad hwnnw. Mae hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i athrawon ac arweinwyr clybiau dawns i arddangos yr arfer rhagorol ym maes dawns sy’n bodoli o fewn ein hysgolion.

This year’s theme is Inspiration and it will certainly live up to its name.

Y thema eleni yw Ysbrydoliaeth ac mae’n sicr o beidio â siomi. Photo / Llun: Sharon Rhodes


029 2064 6900 /

To Live, To Love, To Be Sherman Cymru, Company 5 Date / Dyddiad: 17–20 April / Ebrill

Theatre / Theatr: 2 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe: 17 April / Ebrill @ShermanCymru

Time / Amser: 8.00pm

Tickets / Tocynnau: £8 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Shakespeare was a great wordsmith, with a voice both lyrical and penetrating. But he was also an incomparable observer, a man whose eyes and ears never missed a trick. So what were the voices he heard, the sights he saw? And how did they become the words and images we love so much?

Heb os, saer geiriau gwych oedd Shakespeare ac roedd ganddo lais telynegol a threiddgar. Ond roedd hefyd yn ddyn nad oedd yn colli unrhyw beth â’i lygaid a’i glustiau’n effro. Felly beth oedd y lleisiau a glywodd, y golygfeydd a welodd? A sut ddaeth y rhain i fod yn eiriau a delweddau sydd mor annwyl i ni?

This unique performance by a company drawn from across the community explores what thoughts, memories and imaginings may have shaped the man and his words. How different might those perceptions be when viewed through the lens of youth, success or death? The company have created a work which blends beautiful imagery with down-to-earth storytelling and poetic humour.

Mae’r perfformiad hwn gan gwmni o berfformwyr o bob cwr o’r gymuned yn archwilio’r meddyliau, yr atgofion a’r tybiadau a allai fod wedi dylanwadu ar y dyn a’i eiriau. Pa mor wahanol allai’r canfyddiadau hynny fod o’u gweld trwy lygaid ieuenctid, llwyddiant neu farwolaeth? Mae’r cwmni wedi creu gwaith sy’n cytgordio delweddau hardd gyda storïa cyffredin a hiwmor barddonol.

Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Phillip Mackenzie Writer / Awdur: D.J. Britton

029 2064 6900 /


FLIGHT Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama

Date / Dyddiad: 20–23 June / Mehefin

Theatre / Theatr: 1 Production performed in / Iaith y perfformiad: English / Saesneg

Time / Amser: Please see website for details / Gweler y wefan am fanylion

Tickets / Tocynnau: £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau: £2 off / £2 i ffwrdd Under 25s / Dan 25: Half Price / Hanner Pris

Inspired by a true story, this modern opera is set in the microcosm of a busy airport on one particular day. The interactions and relationships of a disparate group of passengers are set alongside the isolation of one displaced member of society who has taken refuge there.

Mae’r opera fodern hon a ysbrydolwyd gan stori wir wedi ei gosod ym microcosm maes awyr prysur yn ystod un diwrnod penodol. Ceir rhyngweithiad a pherthnasoedd grŵp amrywiol o deithwyr, ochr yn ochr ag unigedd un aelod o’r gymdeithas sydd wedi colli ei ffordd mewn bywyd ac wedi cael lloches yno.

Dove’s pulsating and thrillingly colourful score is brought to life by singers and musicians from the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama.

Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan


By / Gan: Jonathan Dove Director / Cyfarwyddwr: Martin Constantine

029 2064 6900 /

Daw curiadau cryf sgôr wefreiddiol o liwgar Dove yn fyw trwy gantorion a cherddorion o Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru.

Support Us Cefnogwch Ni

Emma Goad 029 2064 6975 For full details please visit our website / Am ragor o wybodaeth edrychwch ar ein gwefan:

Sherman Cymru needs you Mae Sherman Cymru eich angen chi In the current climate every penny counts, as we all know. Every penny counts to Sherman Cymru too. Your support helps us produce and programme exceptional productions, offer life-enhancing creative experiences for young people and discover the next generation of talented Welsh writers. Yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni, mae pob ceiniog yn cyfri’, fel mae pawb yn gwybod. Mae pob ceiniog yn cyfri’ i Sherman Cymru hefyd. Mae eich cefnogaeth chi yn ein helpu i gynhyrchu cynyrchiadau rhagorol, a’u rhaglennu, cynnig profiadau creadigol sy’n cyfoethogi bywyd pobl ifanc a darganfod y genhedlaeth nesaf o awduron talentog o Gymru.

Thank you to our supporters Diolch i’n cefnogwyr Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Foyle Foundation The Equitable Charitable Trust The Moondance Foundation Simon Gibson Charitable Trust Admiral Group Garrick Charitable Trust Western Power Distribution The Oakdale Trust Sherman Cymru’s Travel Partner / Cyswllt Teithio Sherman Cymru – Ferris Coaches Plus the many individuals who are supporting our work through Calon / A’r nifer fawr o unigolion sydd yn cefnogi ein gwaith drwy Calon

Joining Calon will bring you into the heart of Sherman Cymru as you will be contributing to the company’s vital lifeline for an annual donation of just £30 (£50 for a couple). Bydd ymuno â Calon yn dod â chi at graidd Sherman Cymru ei hun, gan y byddwch yn cyfrannu at yr hyn sy’n gwbl hanfodol i alluogi’r cwmni i barhau i greu gwaith artistig rhagorol i bawb. Am gyfraniad blynyddol o £30 (£50 i gwpwl).

Sit with us! eisteddwch gyda ni!

Sherman Cymru’s popular Sit With Us Appeal continues. For just £240 you could join over 90 people including many celebrities who have already adopted seats in Theatre 1. There are a variety of ways to make payments easier including Direct Debits of just £10 per month. Mae apêl boblogaidd Eisteddwch Gyda Ni Sherman Cymru’n parhau. Am £240, gallwch ymuno â mwy na 90 o bobl sydd eisoes wedi mabwysiadu seddi yn Theatr 1, gan gynnwys rhai o enwogion Cymru. Mae yna nifer o wahanol ffyrdd o dalu, gan gynnwys rhoi £10 y mis trwy Ddebyd Uniongyrchol. 029 2064 6900 /


Our Creative Learning team runs a range of projects for people of all ages and levels of experience. Whether you’re looking for a performance or training opportunity, get in touch and get involved! New members always welcome. Mae ein tîm Dysgu Creadigol yn cynnal amrediad o brosiectau i bobl o bob oed a phrofiad. Os ydych yn chwilio am berfformiad neu am gyfle i hyfforddi, cysylltwch â ni. Croeso i aelodau newydd.

Sherman Sherbets sierbets sherman


Saturday drama workshops for children aged 4–9 at Sherman Cymru and Chapter. The sessions involve playing drama games, singing songs and sharing stories and are excellent for building confidence. New members always welcome. Gweithdai drama bob dydd Sadwrn i blant rhwng 4–9 mlwydd oed yn Sherman Cymru a Chapter. Mae’r sesiynau’n cynnwys chwarae gemau drama, canu caneuon a rhannu straeon. Gwych ar gyfer adeiladu hyder.

Sherman Cymru Youth Theatre Theatr Ieuenctid sherman cymru


Get involved and become part of the action! If you’re aged between 10 and 25 and you live or go to school in Cardiff then we’d love to hear from you! Come along and be part of our thriving youth theatre. With creative workshops run by industry professionals, regular performance opportunities and theatre visits, you’ll develop a range of stage skills and have a fantastic time, so what are you waiting for?

Croeso i aelodau newydd.

Dewch i gymryd rhan! Os ydych rhwng 10 a 25 mlwydd oed ac yn byw yng Nghaerdydd neu’n mynd i ysgol yng Nghaerdydd, yna buasem wrth ein bodd i glywed gennych! Gyda gweithdai creadigol dan arweiniad pobl sy’n gweithio yn y diwydiant, cyfleoedd i berfformio yn rheolaidd, ac ymweliadau â’r theatr byddwch yn datblygu llond lle o sgiliau ar gyfer y llwyfan ac yn cael amser gwych ar yr un pryd, felly pam yr oedi?

Photo / Llun: Nick Allsop

Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Beca Lewis Jones 029 2064 6911


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Beca Lewis Jones 029 2064 6911



Sherman Cymru are starting the INK Youth Theatre for young people aged 14+ with mild to moderate learning disabilities from Spring 2013. For more information please contact Alice Nicholas. Mae Sherman Cymru yn dechrau Theatr Ieuenctid INK i bobl ifanc 14+ sydd ag anableddau dysgu bach i ganolig, o’r Gwanwyn 2013. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, mae croeso i chi gysylltu ag Alice Nicholas.

Company 5


Every Monday / Bob Nos Llun 6.00pm – 9.00pm

A free adult drama group where anyone aged 20+ can learn skills in acting, voice and movement. A great opportunity to improve your communication skills and be a part of a creative team. No experience necessary, just an enthusiasm for theatre. At present, Company 5 is working towards a performance based on the themes of Shakespeare, leading to a full production in April 2013 (see page 35). Grŵp drama am ddim i oedolion 20+ i ddysgu sgiliau mewn actio, y llais a symud. Cyfle gwych i wella’ch sgiliau cyfathrebu, ac i fod yn rhan o dîm creadigol. Nid oes rhaid cael profiad, ond rhaid cael brwdfrydedd at theatr. Ar hyn o bryd mae Company 5 yn gweithio ar berfformiad yn seiliedig ar themâu Shakespeare. Gobeithir cyflwyno cynhyrchiad llawn ym mis Ebrill 2013 (gweler tudalen 35).

Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Alice Nicholas 029 2064 6980

Phillip Mackenzie 029 2064 6982

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Outreach Ymestyn

Work Experience Profiad Gwaith

Sherman Cymru is committed to engaging with the local community and placing them at the heart of the theatre. Everyone should have the chance to be creative and express their ideas about the world in which we live. We are offering free scriptwriting projects to six primary and secondary schools over the next year. If you are interested in being one of these six please contact Alice Nicholas.

Sherman Cymru runs a successful and varied work experience programme throughout the year. We are currently launching our 2013 programme. There are lots of exciting opportunities for young people aged 14+ to get involved with in all areas of the theatre including working with production, creative learning, marketing and literary teams. Please visit our Get Involved section on the website for more details.

Mae Sherman Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ymgysylltu â’r gymuned leol ac yna’i lleoli yng nghalon y theatr. Dylai pawb gael cyfle i fod yn greadigol, ac i fynegi syniadau am y byd a’i bethau. Rydym yn cynnig prosiectau sgriptio rhad ac am ddim i chwe ysgol gynradd ac uwchradd dros y flwyddyn nesaf. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn bod yn un o’r chwech, mae croeso i chi gysylltu ag Alice Nicholas.


Mae Sherman Cymru’n cynnal rhaglen lwyddiannus ac amrywiol o brofiad gwaith trwy gydol y flwyddyn. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn lansio’n rhaglen ar gyfer 2013. Mae yna lawer o gyfleoedd cyffrous i bobl ifanc 14+ i gymryd rhan ym mhob maes theatr, gan gynnwys cynhyrchu, dysgu creadigol, marchnata a llenyddiaeth. Rhowch glic ar adran Cymryd Rhan y wefan am fanylion pellach.

Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan

Beca Lewis Jones 029 2064 6911 Photo / Llun: Simon Ayre

Alice Nicholas 029 2064 6980


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For full details please visit our website / Am ragor o wybodaeth edrychwch ar ein gwefan:

Artists’ Development Datblygu Artistiaid


Would access to resources, rehearsal spaces and advice from our team of skilled professionals move your artistic practice into a new realm? This initiative has already helped a number of arts practitioners to develop their craft in new and exciting ways and we’re currently seeking applications for development projects from artists involved in all areas of performance. Get in touch to see how we might be able to help you.

Lucid continues its innovative Live Feed programme of artist engagement and development. Led by director Simon Harris, Lucid offers a range of opportunities for independent theatre-makers to develop their capacity through dialogue, mentoring and reflection. This season sees Lucid extending its programme of Open Space events, offering a platform for artists to discuss ideas and burning questions, initiating Creative Walks – mentoring emerging artists – and working towards The Social – a meeting ground for artists to swap experiences and share ideas.

New ideas welcome! Byddai cael mynediad at adnoddau, gofod i ymarfer a chyngor gan ein tîm o bobl broffesiynol medrus yn gymorth i chi fynd â’ch arfer artistig i dir newydd? Mae’r fenter hon wedi helpu nifer fawr o ymarferwyr celfyddydol i ddatblygu eu crefft mewn ffyrdd newydd a chyffrous, ac ar hyn o bryd ‘rydym yn edrych am geisiadau ar gyfer prosiectau datblygu gan artistiaid sy’n gweithio ym mhob agwedd ar berfformio. Cysylltwch â ni i weld sut allwn ni eich helpu. Croeso i syniadau newydd!

Mae Lucid yn parhau gyda’i rhaglen arloesol o ymgysylltu ag artistiaid a’u datblygu. Dan arweiniad y cyfarwyddwr Simon Harris, mae Lucid yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd i bobl annibynnol sydd am greu theatr, er mwyn iddynt feithrin eu gallu drwy drafod, mentora ac synfyfyrio. Yn ystod y tymor hwn, mae Lucid yn ymestyn ei raglen o ddigwyddiadau Gofod Agored, gan gynnig llwyfan i artistiaid drafod syniadau a chwestiynau allweddol, cychwyn ar Deithiau Creadigol – mentora artistiaid sy’n dod i’r amlwg – a gweithio tuag at The Social – tir cyfarfod i artistiaid gyfnewid profiadau a rhannu syniadau. Gweler y wefan am fanylion yr holl gyfleoedd See website for details of all opportunities /

Photo / Llun: From Moving Narratives by Heloise Godfrey

029 2064 6900 /


Advanced Writers Course Rhaglen Awduron Uwch Behind the scenes at Sherman Cymru there’s a team of people helping writers to find their voice, develop their work and produce the very best new plays from Wales. Projects like ScriptSlam and our Young Writers Project give people an opportunity to write for the stage for the first time whereas our writers’ courses help playwrights develop key skills and complete a short play. Throughout the year, our Literary and Artistic teams are focussed on discovering and nurturing writers of all levels of experience. We also provide short courses, talks and events. See Sherman Cymru’s website for future events coming up soon. Tu ôl i’r llenni yn Sherman Cymru, mae yna dîm o bobl sy’n helpu awduron i ddod o hyd i’w llais, datblygu eu gwaith a chynhyrchu’r dramâu newydd gorau oll o Gymru. Trwy brosiectau fel ScriptSlam a’n Prosiect Awduron Ifanc, mae pobl yn cael cyfle i ysgrifennu ar gyfer y llwyfan am y tro cyntaf, ac mae ein cyrsiau i awduron hefyd yn helpu sgriptwyr i ddatblygu sgiliau allweddol ac i ysgrifennu drama fer. Trwy gydol y flwyddyn, mae ein timau Llenyddol ac Artistig yn canolbwyntio ar ddarganfod awduron newydd o bob lefel o brofiad, a’u meithrin. Rydym hefyd yn darparu cyrsiau byr, cyflwyniadau a digwyddiadau. Gweler gwefan Sherman Cymru am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar droed.

For a six month period, ten promising writers are handpicked by us to be part of an attachment to Sherman Cymru involving group theatre visits, intensive monthly sessions and special events, all for free. They are currently writing plays which we are looking forward to reading in the next few months! Our ten playwrights during 2012/13 are: Am gyfnod o chwe mis, mae deg awdur addawol yn cael eu dewis gennym i fod yn atodiad i Sherman Cymru sy’n cynnwys ymweliadau theatr fel grŵp, sesiynau dwys misol a digwyddiadau arbennig, gyda’r cyfan yn rhad ac am ddim. Ar hyn o bryd, maen nhw’n ysgrifennu dramâu yr ydym yn edrych ymlaen at eu darllen yn yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf! Ein deg dramodydd ar gyfer 2012/13 yw:

Neil Bebber Ralph Bolland Georgia Coles-Riley Matthew Glyn David Harris

Paul Jenkins Siân Owen Siân Price Lotty Talbutt Tom Wentworth

Ralph Bolland Writer / Awdur It’s been a terrific experience for me and a wonderful opportunity: to meet other writers, share work, brainstorm ideas. Always enjoyable, sometimes just talking to your peers is enough for the solitary writer usually stuck in his/her garret. I loved it and I’ll miss my Saturday sessions, but I’ve made good friends and set off a stack of ideas. Mae wedi bod yn brofiad anhygoel i mi ac yn gyfle gwych: i gwrdd ag awduron eraill, rhannu gwaith a thaflu syniadau. Pleser bob tro. Weithiau mae sgwrs fach gyda chyfoedion yn ddigon i’r awdur unig sy’n sownd yn ei groglofft. Mae Roeddwn i wrth fy modd ac mi fydda i’n gweld eisiau’r sesiynau Sadwrn, ond rydw i wedi gwneud ffrindiau da ac wedi sbarduno llond lle o syniadau.

Photo / Llun: Nick Allsop


029 2064 6900 /

Spread the Word Gair ar Led

What’s going on... Beth Sy’n Digwydd

Since September 2011, we have been working with 80 writers from all over Wales on eight courses in both English and Welsh as part of our Spread the Word initiative, bringing playwriting opportunities to your doorstep. With the help of our fantastic partner theatre companies and buildings in each location, writers have already completed courses at Caernarfon, Aberystwyth, Milford Haven and Neath and Mold. Our final Spread the Word course will be at Blackwood in the Spring of 2013. See our website for more details. Ers mis Medi 2011, rydym wedi bod yn gweithio gydag 80 o awduron o bob rhan o Gymru ar wyth cwrs, yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg, fel rhan o’n menter Gair ar Led, gan ddod â chyfleon sgriptio at eich drws. Gyda chymorth cwmnïau theatr gwych sy’n bartneriaid i ni, ac adeiladau ym mhob lleoliad, mae awduron eisoes wedi cwblhau cyrsiau yng Nghaernarfon, Aberystwyth, Aberdaugleddau, Castell-nedd a’r Wyddgrug. Cynhelir ein cwrs Gair ar Led diwethaf yn y Coed Duon yng Ngwanwyn 2013. Gweler ein gwefan am fanylion pellach.

Sherman Swingers Last July we filled the building with writers, directors and actors for an amazing Sherman Swingers weekend, and we’ll be doing it all over again this year too, so watch this space! Fis Gorffennaf diwethaf, llenwyd yr adeilad ag awduron, cyfarwyddwyr ac actorion ar gyfer penwythnos anhygoel Sherman Swingers, ac fe fyddwn yn gwneud yr un peth eto eleni, felly byddwch yn barod! Playtexts We have created a number of Playtexts to coincide with our productions, these are on sale through our Ticketing and Reception desk, on our website or from the Welsh Book Council. Rydym wedi argraffu nifer o Ddramau i fynd law yn llaw gyda’n cynyrchiadau, ac maen nhw ar werth trwy’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar ein gwefan neu gan Gyngor Llyfrau Cymru.

Ruth Lloyd Spread the Word / Gair ar Led The process is great, the atmosphere is positive, we are a bunch of people from a variety of ages, backgrounds and aspirations but the intention is to put pen to paper and write. Mae’r broses yn wych, yr awyrgylch yn bositif, rydym yn griw o bobl o gefndiroedd gwahanol iawn, yn gymysg o oedran a gwahanol dyheadau ond yr un yw’r bwriad sef bwrw pen at bapur a sgrifennu.

Sian Summers 029 2064 6984

029 2064 6900 /


Café bar Caffi Bar

Free WiFi WiFi am ddim

See website for full details / Gellir cael gwybodaeth gyflawn ar ein gwefan

When you’re next in to catch a show, or just in the area, pop in to our café bar. Whether for a pre (or post!) performance drink or a coffee and cake at lunchtime we’ve got just the thing for you.

Pan fyddwch chi’n galw heibio i fwynhau sioe, neu’n digwydd bod yn yr ardal, dewch draw i’n bar caffi. Gallwch fwynhau diod cyn (neu ar ôl!) perfformiad neu goffi a chacen amser cinio – fe fydd rhywbeth yma at eich dant chi bob tro.

Offering free WiFi and a sociable, welcoming atmosphere our foyer and café bar presents the ideal location to host your meeting, a catch-up with friends or to just sit and people-watch!

Gyda “WiFi” rhad ac am ddim ac awyrgylch cymdeithasgar a chroesawgar, ein bar caffi a chyntedd yw’r lle delfrydol i gynnal eich cyfarfod, rhoi’r byd yn ei le gyda’ch ffrindiau neu eistedd a gwylio pobl! Ar nosweithiau pan na fydd gennym berfformiadau, mae yna siawns dda iawn y bydd digwyddiad yn ein cyntedd. Dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf cawsom gyngherddau i hyrwyddo bandiau a cherddorion lleol, Salon Lenyddol Caerdydd – cyfle gwych i drafod y gorau mewn ysgrifennu cyfoes yng Nghymru – a hyd oed cynyrchiadau llai. Y cyfan yn rhad ac am ddim.

On nights when we don’t have performances there is a very good chance we will have an event on in our foyer. Over the past few months we’ve had concerts promoting local bands and musicians, hosted Cardiff’s Literary Salon – a great chance to discuss the best in contemporary Welsh writing – and even put on small scale productions, all free. Our foyer is available for meetings and events.

Mae ein cyntedd ar gael ar gyfer cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau.

Photo / Llun: Simon Gough

If you would like to use the space please contact / Os hoffech chi ddefnyddio’r gofod hwn mae croeso i chi gysylltu â: Marina Newth 029 2064 956


029 2064 6900 /

Sherman’s Going Green YMDRECHION GWYRDD Y SHERMAN At Sherman Cymru we are always striving to reduce our impact on the environment.

Yma yn Sherman Cymru, rydyn ni’n ymdrechu trwy’r amser i ostwng ein heffaith ar yr amgylchedd.

We recycle as much of our waste as we can, including food waste, plastics, paper; we even recycle our sets! Mathew our carpenter pulls our old sets apart and selects the bits we can re-use.

Rydyn ni’n ailgylchu cymaint o’n gwastraff â phosib, gan gynnwys gwastraff bwyd, plastig a phapur; a hyd yn oed yn ailgylchu ein setiau! Mae Mathew, ein saer coed, yn tynnu ein hen setiau yn ddarnau ac yn dewis y darnau y gallwn eu hailddefnyddio.

If you are attending a performance, please consider travelling by public transport – If you are travelling by bicycle we have plenty of cycle parking facilities on Senghennydd Road with our new Pink Cycle hoops which stop your bicycle toppling over. We are near Cathays railway station, and only 10 minutes from Queen Street railway station. The number 35 bus runs from outside the building, and if you ask our reception staff they have a widget installed on their computers which gives information about what time the next bus will arrive. We are working very hard to reduce our impact on the environment, but we can do even better with your help! If you have any suggestions please let us know.

Os ydych chi’n dod i berfformiad, a wnewch chi ystyried teithio ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus? Rydyn ni’n agos i orsaf drenau Cathays, a phrin 10 munud o orsaf drenau Heol y Frenhines. Os ydych chi’n dod ar eich beic, mae yma ddigonedd o gyfleusterau parcio beic ar Ffordd Senghennydd gyda’n Cylchoedd Beic Pinc sy’n cadw’ch beic ar i fyny. Mae bws rhif 35 yn codi teithwyr o du allan i’r adeilad, ac os ofynnwch chi i staff y dderbynfa mae ganddynt declyn ar eu cyfrifiaduron sy’n dweud pryd mae’r bws nesaf yn cyrraedd. Rydyn ni’n gweithio’n galed iawn i ostwng ein heffaith ar yr amgylchedd, ond fe allwn ni wneud mwy eto gyda’ch cymorth chi! Os oes unrhyw awgrymiadau gennych, cofiwch ddweud.

029 2064 6900 /


Ticket office Monday – Saturday 10.00am – 9.00pm (6pm if no performance) 029 2064 6900 Reservations We can reserve your tickets for up to 3 days until we receive your payment. If you book less than 3 days before the event, we’ll need you to pay straight away. We are not able to offer reservations for all of our events. Concessions Students in full time education, seniors, registered disabled, claimants and Equity members are all entitled to tickets at the concession rate. Under 25s Young people under 25 are entitled to half price tickets for most, but not all, performances. Companion Seats Persons with a disability who require someone to accompany them are entitled to a free ticket for their companion. Group bookings 10% discount when booking 8 or more.


Sherman Cymru has a flexible approach to pricing so that we can always offer tickets at a wide range of prices. The exact price of each seat in the theatre will vary for each performance but there will always be at least 40 tickets available at the lowest price and we offer a wide range of discounts. Tickets are not refundable unless the performance is cancelled or rescheduled or where there is a material change to the programme of the event. Full terms and conditions of booking are available on our website:

Swyddfa Docynnau Dydd Llun – Dydd Sadwrn 10.00am – 9.00pm (6pm os nad oes perfformiad) 029 2064 6900 Cadw Tocynnau Fe allwn ni gadw tocynnau i chi am hyd at 3 diwrnod hyd nes i ni dderbyn eich taliad. Os ydych yn archebu lai na 3 diwrnod cyn y digwyddiad, fe fydd angen i chi dalu ar unwaith. Nid ydym yn gallu cadw tocynnau ar gyfer pob un o’n digwyddiadau. Gostyngiadau Mae myfyrwyr mewn addysg llawn amser, yr henoed, y rheiny sydd wedi eu cofrestru’n anabl,

029 2064 6900 /

y rheiny sy’n hawlio budddaliadau ac aelodau Equity yn cael gostyngiad ar bris tocynnau. Dan 25 Mae pobl ifanc dan 25 yn cael prynu tocynnau am hanner y pris ar gyfer mwyafrif perfformiadau Sherman Cymru, ond nid pob un. Sêt Cydymaith Mae pobl anabl sydd angen rhywun i’w hebrwng yn gallu cael tocyn am ddim ar gyfer eu gofalwr. Archebu ar gyfer grwp Gostyngiad 10% pan fyddwch chi’n archebu 8 tocyn neu fwy. Mae gan Sherman Cymru agwedd hyblyg at brisiau, fel ein bod ni’n gallu cynnig tocynnau ar amrywiaeth eang o brisiau bob tro. Fe fydd union bris pob sedd yn y theatr yn amrywio ar gyfer pob perfformiad, ond fe fydd o leiaf 40 tocyn ar gael ar y pris isaf bob tro, ac rydyn ni’n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o ostyngiadau. Nid ellir cael ad-daliadau ar docynnau oni bai fod y perfformiad yn cael ei ganslo neu ei ail-drefnu neu lle mae newid deunydd i raglen y digwyddiad. Mae’r amodau a thelerau llawn ar gyfer archebu tocynnau ar gael ar ein gwefan:

How to find us sut i ddod o hyd i ni

Address / Cyfeiriad Sherman Cymru Senghennydd Rd / Ffordd Senghennydd Cardiff / Caerdydd CF24 4YE Full travel details are available on our website / Ceir manylion teithio llawn ar ein gwefan

We like to encourage more people, wherever possible to walk, cycle and use public transport when visiting Sherman Cymru. We can help by providing you with as much travel information and support as possible. It’s our small contribution towards helping to improve our environment, public health and quality of life. By Foot, Bike & Public Transport Sherman Cymru is easily accessible on foot or bicycle – a 10 minute walk from the New Theatre, and 15 minutes from the Queen Street shopping area. There are a number of pink cycle-hoops along Senghennydd Road to securely park your bicycle. Cathays Train Station is only a 2 minute walk away and the No. 35 bus stops directly outside the building. By Car From M4 East (Junction 29 A48) or M4 West Junction 32) follow signs to the City Centre on the A470 (North Road). Pass Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and turn left onto Boulevard de Nantes. Turn first left onto Park Place and the first right onto St Andrew’s Place. Senghennydd Road is the first sharp turning on the left immediately after going under the bridge on St. Andrew’s Place.

Parking There are spaces available for blue badge holders located in front of the building. There is a drop-off point with a dropped kerb leading to the main entrance. On-street parking in this area is easy and parking is free after 6pm. Between 8am and 6pm Monday-Saturday Pay and Display parking meters are in operation. Same charges apply 10am – 5pm on Sunday. Senghennydd Road has short and long stay parking. These are clearly signposted. Rydyn ni’n hoffi annog mwy o bobl, ble’n bosib, i gerdded, beicio a defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wrth ymweld â Sherman Cymru. Fe allwn ni eich helpu trwy ddarparu cymaint o gymorth a gwybodaeth ar deithio â phosib, ar eich cyfer. Dyma’n cyfraniad bach ni tuag at helpu gwella ein hamgylchedd, iechyd y cyhoedd ac ansawdd bywyd. Ar Droed, Beic a Cludiant Cyhoeddus Mae Sherman Cymru yn hygyrch iawn ar droed neu ar feic – 10 munud y mae’n ei gymryd ar droed o’r New Theatre, a 15 munud o ardal siopa Heol y Frenhines. Mae yna nifer o gylchoedd beicio pinc ar hyd Ffordd Senghennydd er mwyn i chi barcio’ch beic yn ddiogel. Mae Gorsaf Drenau Cathays 2 munud i ffwrdd ar droed ac

mae bws Rhif 35 yn stopio tu allan i’r adeilad. Mewn Car O’r M4 o gyfeiriad y Dwyrain (Cyffordd 29 A48) neu o’r M4 o gyfeiriad y Gorllewin (Cyffordd 32) dilynwch yr arwyddion at Ganol y Ddinas ar yr A470 (Ffordd y Gogledd). Ewch heibio i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru a throwch i’r chwith i Boulevard de Nantes. Trowch i’r chwith i Park Place a chymerwch y troad cyntaf ar y dde i St Andrew’s Place. Ffordd Senghennydd yw’r troad llym cyntaf ar y chwith yn union wedi i chi fynd o dan y bont yn St. Andrew’s Place. Parcio Mae yna barcio mynediad i ddeiliaid bathodynnau glas o flaen yr adeilad. Mae yna fan gollwng gyda phalmant isel sy’n arwain at y brif fynedfa. Mae’n hawdd parcio ar y stryd yn yr ardal hon ac mae’n rhad ac am ddim ar ôl 6yh. Rhwng 8yb a 6yh o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn, mae mesuryddion parcio Talu ac Arddangos ar waith. Mae’r un taliadau’n berthnasol o 10yb – 5yp ar ddydd Sul. Mae yna barcio cyfnod byr a chyfnod hir ar Ffordd Senghennydd. Mae yna arwyddion clir at y rhain.

029 2064 6900 /


Diary Dyddiadur

Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Talk / Theatre / Trafodaeth Theatr

Page / Tudalen

January / Ionawr Tue / Maw 22 Wed / Mer 23 Thu / Iau 24 Fri / Gwe 25 Sat / Sad 26

8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm

Cynnau Tân (Preview / Rhagolwg) Cynnau Tân Cynnau Tân Cynnau Tân Cynnau Tân

2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2 2

February / Chwefror Wed / Mer 6 8.00pm Thu / Iau 7 8.00pm Fri / Gwe 8 8.00pm Sat / Sad 9 8.00pm Tue / Maw 12 11.00am 2.00pm Wed / Mer 13 11.00am 2.00pm Thu / Iau 14 11.00am 2.00pm Fri / Gwe 15 11.00am 2.00pm Thu / Iau 21 7.30pm Fri / Gwe 22 7.30pm Sat / Sad 23 7.30pm Wed / Mer 27 1.00pm Thu / Iau 28 10.30am 1.30pm 7.30pm

Sexual Perversity in Chicago 2 3 2 3 Sexual Perversity in Chicago Sexual Perversity in Chicago 2 3 Sexual Perversity in Chicago 2 3 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Claytime 2 6 Dressing Up Too 1 4 Dressing Up Too 1 4 Dressing Up Too 1 4 National Dance Company Wales 1 8 (Interactive Matinee) Grimm Tales 2 7 Grimm Tales 2 7 National Dance Company Wales 1 8

March / Mawrth Fri / Gwe 1 Sat / Sad 2 Thu / Iau 7 Tue / Maw 12 Wed / Mer 13 Thu / Iau 14 Wed / Mer 20 Thu / Iau 21 Fri / Gwe 22


7.30pm 11.00am 2.00pm 7.45pm 6.30pm 7.45pm 6.30pm 7.45pm 6.30pm 7.45pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 1.30pm 8.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm

National Dance Company Wales 1 8 Grimm Tales 2 7 Grimm Tales 2 7 The Rodin Project 1 9 Schools Dance Association 1 34 Schools Dance Association 1 34 Schools Dance Association 1 34 Schools Dance Association 1 34 Schools Dance Association 1 34 Schools Dance Association 1 34 Shappi Khorsandi 1 10 2 11 Dyled Eileen Dyled Eileen 2 11 2 11 Dyled Eileen 1 12 The Government Inspector Dyled Eileen 2 11

029 2064 6900 /

Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Talk / Theatre / Trafodaeth Theatr

Page / Tudalen

Sat / Sad 23 Tue / Maw 26 Wed / Mer 27 Thu / Iau 28

7.30pm The Government Inspector 1 12 2 13 8.00pm Wasted 7.30pm Richard Alston Dance Company 1 14 1 15 7.30pm Michelangelo Drawing Blood 2 22 8.00pm Past Half Remembered 8.00pm Past Half Remembered 2 22

April / Ebrill Tue / Maw 9 Wed / Mer 10 Thu / Iau 11 Fri / Gwe 12 Sat / Sad 13 Tue / Maw 16 Wed / Mer 17 Thu / Iau 18 Fri / Gwe 19 Sat / Sad 20 Wed / Mer 24

7.30pm Steptoe and Son 1 16 1 16 7.30pm Steptoe and Son 2.30pm Steptoe and Son 1 16 7.30pm Steptoe and Son 1 16 7.30pm Steptoe and Son 1 16 7.30pm Steptoe and Son 1 16 7.30pm Educating Rita 1 18 7.30pm Educating Rita 1 18 2 35 8.00pm To Live, To Love, To Be 1 18 7.30pm Educating Rita 8.00pm To Live, To Love, To Be 2 35 7.30pm Educating Rita 1 18 8.00pm To Live, To Love, To Be 2 35 7.30pm Educating Rita 1 18 8.00pm To Live, To Love, To Be 2 35 Start / Dechrau Cardiff’s Theatre Festival for 1 & 2 20 Children and Families

May / Mai Sun / Sul 5 Tue / Maw 7 Wed / Mer 8 Thu / Iau 9 Fri / Gwe 10 Sat / Sad 11 Wed / Mer 15 Thu / Iau 16 Fri / Gwe 17 Sat / Sad 18 Mon / Llu 20 Tue / Maw 21 Wed / Mer 22 Thu / Iau 23 Fri / Gwe 24 Sat / Sad 25 Wed / Mer 29 Thu / Iau 30 Fri / Gwe 31

Finish / Gorffen Cardiff’s Theatre Festival for Children and Families 8.00pm Salt, Root and Roe 8.00pm Salt, Root and Roe 8.00pm Salt, Root and Roe 8.00pm Salt, Root and Roe 8.00pm Salt, Root and Roe 7.30pm Say It With Flowers (Preview / Rhagolwg) 7.30pm Say It With Flowers (Preview / Rhagolwg) 8.00pm Robin Ince 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 8.00pm Diary of a Madman 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 8.00pm Diary of a Madman 7.30pm Say It With Flowers 8.00pm Diary of a Madman 11.00am Aston’s Stones 2.00pm Aston’s Stones 11.00am Aston’s Stones 2.00pm Aston’s Stones 11.00am Aston’s Stones 2.00pm Aston’s Stones

029 2064 6900 /

1 & 2


2 23 2 23 2 23 2 23 2 23 1 24 1 24 2 26 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 2 27 1 24 2 27 1 24 2 27 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28 2 28

029 2064 6900 /


Date / Dyddiad

Time / Amser

Performance / Perfformiad

Talk / Theatre / Page / Trafadaeth Theatr Tudalen

June / Mehefin Sat / Sad 1 Thu / Iau 6 Fri / Gwe 7 Wed / Mer 12 Thu / Iau 20 Fri / Gwe 21 Sat / Sad 22 Sun / Sul 23 Tue / Maw 25 Wed / Mer 26 Thu / Iau 27 Fri / Gwe 28 Sat / Sad 29

11.00am 2.00pm 1.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm tbc tbc tbc tbc 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm

Aston’s Stones 2 Aston’s Stones 2 Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla 1 Cerdyn Post o Wlad y Rwla 1 1 Three Acts of Play Flight 1 Flight 1 Flight 1 Flight 1 Trwy’r Ddinas Hon 2 Trwy’r Ddinas Hon 2 2 Trwy’r Ddinas Hon Trwy’r Ddinas Hon 2 Trwy’r Ddinas Hon 2

28 28 29 29 30 36 36 36 36 32 32 32 32 32 @ShermanCymru

029 2064 6900 /

029 2064 6900 /


access information gwybodaeth am fynediad

Keep up to date by signing up to our emails / Cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein ebyst am y newyddion diweddaraf @ShermanCymru

Sherman Cymru welcomes everyone and we have range of services to make your visit more enjoyable.

Mae Sherman Cymru yn croesawu pawb, ac mae gennym wasanaethau amrywiol i sicrhau y bydd eich ymweliad mor bleserus â phosib.

Please visit or talk to one of our Ticketing and Reception Assistants on 029 2064 6900 for more information.

Ewch i neu siaradwch gydag un o Gynorthwywyr y Dderbynfa a’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 029 2064 6900, am fwy o wybodaeth.

This brochure is available in large print, Braille and audio formats. You can request your preferred format by contacting the Ticket Office on: 029 2064 6900

Mae’r llyfryn tymor hwn ar gael mewn print bras, Braille neu ar lafar. Gallwch ofyn am y fformat sydd orau gennych chi drwy gysylltu â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar: 029 2064 6900

Theatre / theatr 1 stage / llwyfan

A. 1-14 b. 1-22 c. 1-26 d. 1-28 e. 1-29 f. 1-31 g. 1-32 h. 1-33 i. 1-33 j. 1-34 k. 1-34 l. 1-35 m. 1-34 n. 1-30 O. 1-20 P. 1-13 Access Gallery / galeri hygyrch

Sherman Cymru acknowledges the public investment of the Arts Council of Wales and Cardiff Council / Mae Sherman Cymru yn cydnabod buddsoddiad cyhoeddus gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Chyngor Caerdydd. A Registered Charity / Elusen Gofrestredig Design / Dylunio:

029 2064 6900 Senghennydd Road / Ffordd Senghennydd Cardiff / Caerdydd CF24 4YE


029 2064 6900 /

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