Shine magazine vol 2, iss 3

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Ambe– On Billboards How to Keep a Man Fast Healing Tips for Depression. Why she won’t date you...


Secrets to Success for Startups

International Opportunities.

Chidinma’s Fairytale...


In This Edition

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4—- Fast healing tips for Depression 6—— Simple Skin Test for all Skin Type 10 —— Self Responsibility to happiness 14———Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day 18——How to keep a man 22——— Why she likes you but won’t date you. 24——Celebrity news

I am all I need. Be it joy, or hurt, hope or pain, Tomorrow will be great. Today is bright and warm, Yet the sun, too harsh for fun. The rain I long to feel Though chilly it may be

30——— Secrets to

Whatsoever I feel The opportunities of the moment I will seize. Either to dry my bricks or to grow my seeds. For come what might, Today will pass and tomorrow will come.

success for startups

SHINE Magazine

27———International Job Opportunities in Africa and Abroad

Editorial It’s February and almost every road leads to the heart. It is that time of the year for people to make up; fall in love; or get a ring. While the brave take a step further, the timid shy away. Someone once asked me how to keep a relationship and my answer was simple. “ It takes attraction and chemistry to fall in love but it takes respect to stay in love. Some were attractive and enjoyed the chemistry but the respect was forgotten at the beach and as washed away by the waves. I have seen relationships end in shambles and sorry faces with the famous “had I known.” But I would say…”If wishes were horses, beggars will ride.” If people stopped comparing X and Y, and A to B, they would end up in very happy relationships. Some people get into a relationship with the wrong attitude and as such deprive themselves of the beauty of it. Others get into it with very high expectations and suddenly go numb when things don’t work out. Still to some, bad experiences have not only shut them down, but have triggered depression. Life is a puzzle. One minute you’re here; the next minute you are gone; so make the most of each day you have, understanding that what you bring in is what you take out. Tell the people you love how you feel about them and prove it by your actions. Appreciate the little efforts made by those you love and give a break on the complaints. Complement them even when they look their worst because your complements could be all they need to be their best. Don’t end a day without saying “goodnight,”/ “I love you. ”Imagine this was your very last chance to make your relationship work. What would you do differently? Publisher

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Understanding Depression

Depression is a common reason for a doctor’s visit nowadays with over 350 million people suffering from it. It is a mental illness characterized by severe mood disorder that interferes with daily life and normal functioning. It affects a person’s way of thinking, reaction to certain situations and people. It should not be mistaken for a weakness or regular sadness which passes way shortly after. Depression leads to mental break down and can result to a range of behavioral and physical disorders. These may include changes in sleep, appetite, concentration, daily behavior, or self-esteem with suicidal thoughts among others. Signs and Symptoms Though sadness is a common attribute for depression, not all depressed persons experience it. Some people with depression may not get to feel sadness but experience other symptoms. However, anyone who feels any of these symptoms continuously for a couple of weeks or more should seek medical attention.          

Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities Decreased energy, fatigue, being “slowed down” Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping Appetite and/or weight changes Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts Restlessness, irritability

By Karl (USA)

Curtsey of

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How to Heal faster Seek medical attention. When depression is diagnosed, some antidepressants drugs can be prescribed to balance the chemicals in the brain that boost moods and emotions. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that "antidepressant medications may increase suicidal thoughts in children, teenagers, and young adults within the first few months of treatment. Get therapy. A psychotherapy can be very effective for fast recovery. During which the therapist will help the person with discussions that can identify the causes and trigger of the problem. Identifying the trigger and causes can help for quick recovery. Increase your social support. Get family and loved ones involved in your treatment plan. They can help you to better differentiate between the symptoms and your true self. They can also motivate you through feedback and help you make a plan to cope with any future crises. Do exercises. Aerobic exercises may help against mild depression since it raises endorphin levels and stimulates the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. All of which are mood stimulants. Avoid risky behaviours. Stay away from substance abuse such as alcohol and drugs because they could make the situation worse. Rather adopt healthy lifestyle such as healthy eating and regular sleep.

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Liza, Nigeria

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Me Myself and I Do you Know your Skin Type? Take the test! Not all products are suitable for all skin types. Knowing your skin type will help you make the best choice of body products, from make up to body lotion. Take a minute on this test to find out! How does your skin feel 5 minutes after you wash it with soap?  a. Tight and stretched  b. Smooth  c. Dry and itchy  d. Fine e. Dry in some parts and smooth in others How does your skin feel 5 minutes after you wash it with a cream cleanser?  a. Normal  b. Smooth  c. Itchy  d. Oily e. Oily in some parts and smooth in others How does your skin usually look at lunch time?  a. Flaky with dry patches  b. Fresh and cool  c. Flaky and red  d. Shiny  e. Shiny along my T-zone

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How often does your skin break out?  a. Never  b. Rarely, usually before my cycle kicks in  c. Occasionally  d. Regularly e. A lot, but in the T-zone What happens to your skin when you use toner?  a. It stings  b. Nothing  c. Stings and itches  d. Feels great e. Feels good on some parts an stings on others How does your skin feel after you use a heavy moisturizer?  a. It feels great  b. It feels o.k.  c. Feels good sometimes and uncomfortable other times  d. Very oily e. Oily in the T-zone and o.k. on my cheeks Your Skin Type Mainly A'’ s - Your skin is Dry Mainly B’ 's - Your skin is Normal Mainly C’ 's - Your skin is Sensitive Mainly D’ 's - Your skin is Oily Mainly E’ 's - Your skin is Combination By Nancy. USA.

Cutesy of

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Man in D Mirror Take responsibility for you happiness When a child is born, he/she is nurtured until he/she gains independence. But if you zoom in, you would notice a pattern in the nurturing. In the first year, the child enjoys total dependence- fed, bathed, carried and put to sleep etc. In the second year, the parents reduce the level of dependence for example, child learns to feed self, and go to sleep without too much pampering etc. As the child grows older, the attention continues to reduce until the child gains full independence. This is natures way of building a sense of responsibility, confidence and independence in mankind. Somewhere along the road, some people lose this sense of independence and turn to lean so much on others, burdening them with the responsibility of catering for their moods, and feelings. Blaming others for their low self esteem and inabilities.

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Though some bad experiences in life can throw people off balance, it is not enough to stay off the road because staying off the road might result to loss of interest, lack of ambition, and low self esteem. However, you can always turn things around with the right approach to life. Now take a minute before the mirror and try smiling at your image. Keep the smile on for about 30 seconds. Then also try to frown at your image for another 30seconds. You would notice that it takes only your efforts and decision to either smile or to frown. This is how we ought to approach life taking responsibility for our daily moods and behaviors. Life is about complementing persons and situations. If everyone acted just like you there would be no word as “fun”. So enjoy the differences in others because they only make life more interesting. Don’t try to change those around you for you will only increase your frustrations. Remember that people only change when they decide to. You can’t really change anyone; rather you learn to accommodate them and when this happens, you start appreciating and find your peace and happiness. K.N N (Singapore)

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Climbing the Ladder Cherif taking dreadlocks to another level Chenwi Cherif is the founder and CEO of Cherif Kreations, a unisex beauty company adding flavor to dreadlocks in a community where so many stereotypes still exist on dreadlocks. He is one of the few men in the North West Region of Cameroon that are making headlines in the beauty industry specializing in hair treatment therapy, styling and cuttery, for all hair types. Cherif Kreations is the one place where all men and women, bald and full-haired can feel the spark and enjoy confidence.

Contact SHINE magazine if you know anyone doing something unique.

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Dr. Zee Writes Back Tips for a Memorable Valentine’s Day Hey peeps, It’s time to show some love. As you plan on what gift to get your loved ones, let me give you some great ideas to make your Valentine feel special. Gifts: Almost every shop has an item that could serve as a gift but avoid the regular or “usual” things. Ladies don’t go buying socks , pants and belts. These are common and basic things most men have and a gift of them might not excite him. On the other hand, Guys avoid the likes of shoes and hand bags. These too are common items women expect from you every other day. How about perfume, jewelries, wrist watch, camera, smart phone, tablet, or a sexy lingerie? It’s a special day so make it special! Love messages: Some relationships are existing because of fear of public opinion. When was the last time you sent your special one a romantic message? When was the last time you said ”I love you”. Use this month to make your relationship feel youthful again. Text those naughty things you have stored up in your head. If your mind has completely lost its sense of romance, just tell him/her about how good your first intimacy was. Remind him/her of how you felt. Try a walk down the sweet side of memory lane and you would see how much light it would bring to your relationship. Ask Dr. Zee on

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Date night: You owe your Valentine a night without distraction. Unless you have kids and grandma is far away! Go to some place and give yourselves a treat. Whisper words of love to one another. Remind each other of how much you cherish your relationship. If you can’t go out, cook something special and invite the other to a delicious meal.

Intimacy: Unless both parties are not physically fit, intimacy would always rekindle lost emotions. This is where people are advised to be committed. You want to get intimate without fears of the unforeseen.. You want to explore the things in your mind with that one person you can trust. So peeps don’t get laid if you are sure of each of other. Make it fun and memorable...Don’t go cooking without seasoning!!!

Happy Valentine...

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Kitchen Talk Chef’s Special: Eggusi and fried plantain

Ingredients 2 cups of ground eggussi (melon seed) 1/2kg of beef, Maggie and salt to taste. 1 red/green pepper, 1/2 onion. choice ¡

1 Leeks

Chopped green vegetables of

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Method 1. Grind eggussi and mix in look warm water to form paste. Add salt and Maggie to taste and then add 2 eggs and mix. Make sure paste is not watery. 2. Steam chopped vegetables (green/red pepper, carrots and green beans etc) with a pinch of salt. 3. Boil meat until half cooked, then use a cooks’s spoon to put eggussi paste over the meat. Put paste in bits until all the mixture is in the pot. Reduce the heat and allow to boil for 30 minutes. Remember to add bits of water to ensure the food doesn’t get burnt. 4. Now stir the content to ensure that eggussi is in crumbs. Then put in your steamed vegetables and allow for 2 minutes. 5. Serve hot with fried plantains. Bon appÊtit

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Women’s Corner How to Keep a man: Unveiling the three dimensions. Keeping a man is an art and practice is key to perfection. Some women think its about sex, and food but they are wrong. Sex is what keeps an “affair” but to keep a serious relationship you need more than sex. Start by understanding the following characters that make a man. (captain, boy and player). 1. The Captain: This character is a leader who is always seeking respect and admiration from the woman. It wants to feel appreciated, important and needed. So show him gratitude for his efforts. Applaud his efforts and motivate him. Don’t make him feel stupid and useless. Words such as, “thank you”; “I know I can count on you”; You are the man etc. work the magic, and keeps him doing more, even when he doesn’t really want to. Irene, Cameroon

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2. The Boy: This character is playful but at the same time it wants to feel independent. It wants to take chances without being judged. It wants to be trusted and desired. This character wants to be teased, hugged, kissed, given gifts, taken out, but at the same time it wants to have some “guy” moments to hang out with others or just be alone. Thus, you’ve got to be polite, offer gifts no matter how small. Let him hang out with others without thinking he was with an “ex”. Or another woman. Trust him and give him the benefit of doubt. Be a friend, and a confidant. 3. The Player: This is the most mistaken character in a man. The player relates more to physical intimacy. Sex is what it craves and desires. It wants the opportunity to explore his woman. The “Player” character wants to feel romantic, and youthful. When the captain and the boy are taken care of, the player can stay indoors. But should the “captain” and the “boy” be neglected, the player jumps right out to the girl next door for solace because sex is all this character can relate to. So don’t shy away from being romantic. The player may not be very vocal but it wants to talk dirty, read romantic messages, see his woman dress sexy in the confines of his bedroom. Identifying each character when they show up and learning to please it, is the strategy to keeping a man..

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Ms. P’s Diary My confession... Dear Dairy… Just when I thought I had it all figured out, something happened and I found myself breaking in bits; my heart shrinking in fear. I found myself drinking from the staled waters of yesterday’s errors. Some parts of me wanted to speak out and just say sorry but they say not all open confessions bring peace and to an extent, that’s true. Whatever... I believe in the healing of an open confession. I didn’t really do the crazy per say but I kinda robbed Peter to pay Paul. But though I feel guilty, I have no regrets because it was the right thing to have done at that time. I am happy I was able to put a smile on the faces of some people and at the time that was all that mattered. Anyway, I will speak out and be free so that I am not held accountable tomorrow. I am ready for the out come of my confession. Even if I hurt from it I will not let the situation cause me anymore guilt than it has already done. Rather, with the lessons I have gathered, I shall keep moving. I know tomorrow will be good. As I walk the path to it, I shall dance my way through the storm, trusting God with every step I take. Cheers!!!

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D’s Month The Legend of Valentine’s Day As the roses go round, it is good to know the history behind this day. One legend holds that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in honour of a Priest called Valentine, who was murdered about 14th February 269 A.D, for secretly performing marriage rights for lovers, after the Roman emperor Claudius II banned marriages for young men, in order to increase the number of single men in the army. Another legend says Valentine was a prisoner who fell in love with his jailor’s daughter that visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression which is still popular today. But on the other side of the celebration, is a legend that talks about the pagan feast- the Lupercalia festival which was a Roman festival in honour of the Roman goddess of fertility. Curtsy of

By Verita Nigeria

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Guy’s Chat Why she likes you but won’t date you Have you fallen for a woman who seems to like you and is attracted to you but won’t go any further? Women may seem really complicated but if you understand the signals , you will know when to push further and when to stop. Below are various opinions from different women on why a woman may like man but want nothing serious to do with him. Some men are annoyingly persuasive and turn to chase. To some men” when a woman is friendly they start chasing her and being clingy. Women are attracted to men that seem challenging than to those who are at their beck and call. The chase is annoying and you become her errand guy giving her more reasons never to date you. So be nice and sweet but give her room to earn some of the attention

Lauretha Some men think more gifts will do the trick. If a man sees that a woman isn’t falling for his sweet talks, he should give her a break because loading her with gifts is only making matters worse. Rather stop and move on. Sometime all the woman needs to notice you is a silence on your part. If you try too hard you will push her away even further.


She smells the fowl play from a distance. Women are blessed with the sixth sense which men do not have. Their intuition is so strong that they can see right through you like a scanner. If she smells any fowl play she will drop you like a bag of old shoes


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You are too sarcastic Some men are very attractive and women like them only for the pleasure that comes with the great body. So if you are too sarcastic, she will of course like the sex but hate the attitude. A sarcastic man is a jerk that thinks he is better than everyone; brags a lot, thinks he knows too much, puts others down, rarely complements others. This is a turn off for women.


You have too much baggage: She might have seen some tracks of your past relationships you forgot to clean up. It could be the baby mama you are hiding; or the abusive trends you have or the ongoing relationship you have with your ex. Women consider all these as baggage and might not want anything serious with you other than the pleasure.


By Nelson Cameroon

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New Look

Chidinma Ekile, a.k.a Ms Kedike has been in fairy tale land since her rise to fame. She is one of those household names in Africa that sell even in nonEnglish speaking African countries. With her bank account swelling and counted among Nigeria’s richest female singers, her net worth is estimated at $2.86 million. Curtsey of

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Ambe Tembong a.k.a Ambe is Cameroon’s Chris Brown by his style of music. Making waves in Cameroon and topping billboards. With a blend of Makosa, hip hop, R&B, etc there is no limit to this star. Imagine a collabo between him and the lady on the left. Are imaginations just running wild or is it a possibility? Curtsey

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Opportunities Jobs and Grants Catholic Relief Services Job Title: Deputy Program Coordinator Department/Country: Programs/Cameroon Position Type: Full Time, short-term (12 months Economic Commission for Africa Posting Title: Economic Affairs Officer, P3 Location: Yaounde, Cameroon. Deadline 13, February 2017. United Nations Development Program Position: Communications Officer. Deadline 10 February 2017 Location: Abuja, Nigeria Save the Child Position: Regional Change & Deployment Manager/Technical Trainer Location: Worldwide. Deadline– 10, February 2017 Equal Access Position: Chief of Party Location, Yaounde Cameroon. DCAF ( Center for security development and rule of law.) Position: Project Coordinator, Sub-Saharan Africa Division. Location: Geneva, Switzerland Deadline: February 28, 2017.

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World Wild Fund for Nature.

Monthly Forecast

Position: Consultant for Brand Survey in WWF Location: DRC and Cameroon Deadline: February 13th, 2017

IWMF Howard G. Buffet Fund for Women Journalist. Eligibility: Women around the world. Deadline: March 7, 2017.Yale Young African Scholars 2017 Eligibility: African secondary school students. Deadline:

March 6, 2017

UN Volunteers, 2017 Position: Grant Proposal Writer. Location: Zambia Eco Bank Fintech Challenge, 2017 Eligibility: African Tech innovators and entrepreneurs. Deadline:

April 14, 2017

Mastercard Foundation Scholarship, 2017. Eligibility: Africans.

Location- USA and Africa

Location, Africa and USA.

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The Consultant Secrets to Success for Startups. Most startups kick off on a good foot, hoping for the biggest sale and profits within the shortest time possible. Like all other businesses, they aim high but often lack the strategy to arrive at their goals. This has led to the fall of many start ups while others learn from their errors and get back in the game. Below are some common errors to watch out for, and how to address them. Avoid direct response adverts and rather embark on awareness. Campaigns. It is common practice to invest in direct response adverts, giving your target audience a call for action which is very good. However, when the business is at it’s kick off stage, such investment won’t pay off as much as anticipated because it takes consumer and brand loyalty to follow the call for action to any product or service. Therefore it is better to embark on awareness campaigns using huge guerilla marketing tactics that will save the company some money. Avoid sales promotions and rather invest in cause marketing: Sales promotion is a great way of generating sales both online and in-stores. This is because everyone wants to save a dollar upon any purchase. However this doesn’t work well for startups because in as much as consumers enjoy low pricing, they want to save money on the products they know and trust. Thus, it is more advisable for the company to invest in cause marketing because this will build consumer loyalty for the brand and will eventually reflect in good sales and profits. Through cause marketing the company can win the empathy of consumers as they opt to support a community project. For example, a shoe company in its start off, supporting the provision of exercise books for street children upon sales of every 10 pairs of shoes sold would be a huge attraction to consumers.

Poor consumer engagement on Social media: Most startups fail to get into social media marketing and even when they do, they fail to maintain an engaging content and this often scares of consumers. Selling products on social media pages is not ideal because it is a turn off for consumers. Rather use the social media platform to target prospective consumers and drive the traffic to your website where they can actually get to see and buy the product. Also use social media to update consumers on the company’s activities and make them feel like you care.

Laugh it out!


Editorial Board

Publisher– Pauline Njah Editor– Aileen Kedze Graphic Designer– P A Njah Contributors Karl A. Muluh Elizabeth K Nche Nancy Atams KN Ngwa

7 Principles to a Happy Life. Start and end everyday with prayer. It’s a reminder and reassurance of God’s love. Smile warmly at others. It keeps the mood in check and you get tons of smiles back. Keep a calendar of activities and make efforts on your goals. This leads to success. Speak positive words to self. It keeps you on the positive side and makes it easier to overcome low moments. Try not to judge others and also forgive. Unforgiveness imprisons the mind and soul. Try to make today better than yesterday. You will be glad at your sense maturity. Strive for a balance in life. Make time for fun, work, and God.

Verita Agoh Nelson Awah

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Irene Ogeh


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