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Reform area 2: Business support service
To help guide small businesses to navigate the complexities of the approval process associated with starting, scaling and re-locating in the Shire by establishing a two-tier business and event support function.
2.1 Create a two-tiered business support function that guides and navigates the small business customer through the application and approvals process, and creates internal efficiencies.
2.2 Develop a workflow, processes, and collateral for the business support function. •• •
Lead: External Services
Support: Marketing and Communications, Customer Service, Records, Information Technology
Lead: External Services
Support: Marketing and Communications, Customer Services, Records, Information Technology
2.3 Develop a post-approval package for customers starting, growing or relocating their small business to the Shire of Esperance.
2.4 Facilitate a partnership agreement with the Esperance Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Shire of Esperance to create and manage a register of local businesses, associated goods and services.
2.5 Create an Event Support Function that guides and navigates the event applicant through the application and approvals process, and creates internal efficiencies. ••• High Low
1 Timeframe indicates how long the reform will take once the Shire of Esperance commences implementation of the specific actions.
Lead: Marketing and Communications
Support: Business Customer Service Team
Lead: Chief Executive Officer
Lead: External Services
Support: Marketing and Communications, Customer Services, Records, Information Technology, Community Development
2 Return on investment describes the benefit from the point of view of the small business customer (high, medium or low) where effort is from the point of view of the Shire of Esperance.