Daniel Zu | Design Portfolio

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ni hao

Mynamei sDani elZu.Iam cur r ent l yst udyi ngat

Loughbor ougUni ver si t yf ormy2ndyearI ndust r i alDesi gndegr ee.I am passi onat eaboutf uni t ur es,cr eat i vedesi gns,ar t s,st r eetf ashi on andsneakercul t ur e. Lucki l y,desi gni snott heonl yt hi ngt hatIdoever yday.Ipl aybassi n t heKi nokoband.Al soIam abasket bal lpl ayerf ort heAUt eam of Loughbor oughUni ver si t y.Mor eover ,Iam acycl i stf orAer ot eam Shenzhen. I nt hi spor t f ol i o,Iam r epr esent i ngsomeofmypr oj ect swhi chIhave doner ecent l yandi nt hepast .Ihopeyouenj oyyourt i meexpl or i ng mywor k! Thankyou

Loughborough Uni versi t y I ndust ri alDesi gn

Technol ogy

Cent ralSt .Mart i n' sArtCol l ege 3D Desi gn,Productdesi gn short l i st ed

Queen Et hul burga’ s Col l ege Bt ec/ Al evell D* D*/AB

Edan i nst rementco Cosi c Archi t ect ure Cypher Cycl i ng HK Lt d. Underst andabl e ArtSt udi o

RockBand Bassi st Uni versi t yt rackCycl i ng member Uni versi t y Bask et bal lpl ayer Conf erence meet i ng t ransl at or

Compac tKi t c hen

Theaulti mateEnergy savi ng &WorkoutApp



Power edby

e eshav c i edev abl Wear oradhemaj omeoneoft bec nour esi ogi hnol ec edt anc v hed aunc el eAppl nc .Si et k mar e hmor c ewat rnewAppl hei t hec st hi hatt et ev i ebel peopl or t omoni pt anhel ogyc nol h. t heal onal s rper hei t , or t tmoni s i swr hi ngt i eus l Whi t i uef r het ht eac anr heappc t . er heus om t r af sdat nes e desamor i ov tpr e,i or ef Ther anbe hc c awhi edat abl i el r erby heus dt oawar edt us . s get ar st nes t i rf hei ngt hi eac r

Theappi sdes i gnedf orpeopl e whowoul dl i k et os av emoney ont hei rener gybi l l sandal s o woul dl ov et ok eepaheal t hyl i f e s t y l e. Themai nt ar getgr oupar euni v er s i t ys t udent swhodonot hav emuc hmoneyt os pendon ener gybi l l saswel l ast heyar e i nef f i c i enti ns av i ngt hi sener gy i nt hei rhous es . Mor eov er ,t hi sappc anhel p peopl et os av emoneyon ener gybi l l satt hes amet i me mot i v at i ngt hem t owor k outi n or dert o gai naheal t herl i f e s t y l ei ns t eadofs t ay i ngi ndoor s .

Howi t wor k s : Smar t phoneuser scani nt er actwi t ht hi sappj ust l i keanyot herr unni ngnavi gat i onappandgym r ecor dapp.Usi ngapower f ulcal cul at i onsyst em, al lyourwor koutact i vi t i esi nt oJoul es( J) Thesyst em wi l lt hendi vi dedt hewor koutamount wi t ht heener gyusageoft hedayf r om user ’ s houseandcal cul at ear at i o,whi chi st hePower Rat i o

Ther at i ocanbeusedj ustt okeepasaof f l i negym r ecor dbut al socanbeupl oadedt osoci almedi aorsendst r ai ghtt oa

GYMEner gyoutp ut P owerR ati o( P R )= Ener gyUs ageofus er ’ s Home

f r i endwhoyouwoul dl i ket ochal l enget hem t obeatyourr at i o.

Eonwi l lal sosendoutdai l ychal l engest ot heuser st or each cer t ai nf i t nessgoal si nor dert ogai nvoucher sf ort hei rener gy bi l l s.

I nterfaces

Runni ng



ranki ng


Bl ade Ai r Hai r Dryer

El ect r i calRedesi gnPr oj ect

Cons i der i ngonmyus ergr oup,Ihav e addeds omemal eheal t hc ar epr oduc t f eat ur esi nt ot hedes i gn.

Ourt ar getmar ketar e

Thi sst yl i shhai rdr yercanbepl acedl i kea

Thef or m di r ect i onoft hehai rdr yer

youngmal ewhol i veby

scul pt ur ei nt het oi l etorabedr oom desk.

i sst r ongl yl i nkedt or uggedand

t hemsel ves.Whohavea

Themai nf unct i onoft hi sdr yeri st odr yhai r .

st r eaml i nedesi gn.Basedonour

goodt ast ei nst yl eand

Al t er nat i vel y,t hehai rdr yercanbeusedt o

r esear ch,ourt ar getmar ketar ei n-

ar eal sosuccessf uli n

dr yot herpar t soft hebody.

t er est edi npr oduct sl i keLamboghi -

t hei rcar eer .

Ther ear et wobut t onsont hehandl e,

nicar sorot hert hi ngst hatr epr e-

bot t om onei st oswi t chont hehai r dr yerand


t het oponei st oswi t chbet weenwi nd speed. ( Sl ow/ Medi um/ Hi gh)

Boot s“ Dao”hai rdr y erpr oj ec twasai med t obr i ngt heex c i s t i ngmec hani s mi ns i de t heBoot sbudgethai rdr y ert oahi gher t ar getmar k et . Mygr ouphav edec i dedt ot ar gety oung pr of f es i onal saged2030y ear smai nl y mal eus er s . Thename“ Dao” ,whi c hmeans“ Bl ade”i n Chi nes e.I tr epr es ent st hec onc eptoft he des i gnandt hef or m.

R eborn

Lam pshade

Di s c o v e r i n gt h en e wp r o c e s st oma n u f a c t al i g h t r e l a t e dp r o d u c t .

Ever yl i f ewi l lmeeti t ’ sdest i nat i onatsomepoi nt .Butdest i nat i on coul dbedescr i bedf r om di f f er entpr espect i ves.Somebel i evet hat deat hi st heendofl i f e,butsomebel i evet hatdeat hcoul dbet he begi ni ngofawhol enewj our ney.Thepr i nci pl eoft hi spr oj ecti st o f i ndt hepossi bi l i t yofcr eat i nganmanuf act ur i ngpr ocesst hatuses t hephi l osophyofl i f econt i nuat i on.

ConceptSket ches

1.Shar pwaxski nof ft hecandl e. 2.Pr epar esand,i r onbucketandski nedcandl e. 3.Fi l lbucketwi t hal i t t l ebi tofsandandpl acet he candl ei nt hecent eroft hebucket .Coverupt he candl ewi t houtcover i ngupt hewi ck.

4.Li ghtupt hecandl e. 5. Candl ewi l lst ar tt omel tandt hewaxwi l lcl otwi t ht hesand. 6.Pouroutt hesandf r om t hebucketaf t ert hecandl ehasmel t ed.

7.Pi ckupt heshapef r om t hebucket .Meanwhi l e,t hepi ecewi l lr emai n sof t . 8.Usemet alt ool st omodelt heshapeoft hel ampshade. 9.Af t ert heshapewasf or med,putaheatr esi st i ngcoatpai nti nsi det he hol l owandpl acei ti nt ot hef r eezerf orhar deni ng.

Theseati sdesi gnedwi t hanangl e, whi chpr ovi desabet t erer gonomi c

Pe r s ona l l y , I l ov et hes ha peoft hebi k ef r a me s a ndt hegr a phi c sont he m. I be l i e v et ha tt he a e s t he t i coft hef r a mege ome t r i cs houl dnot onl ybea ppr oc he da sat r a ns por tbuta l s ous e d i not he rda i l ypr oduc t s .

seat i ngposi t i on.

T hec ha i rl e gsa r ema debyt hes t a i nl e s ss t e e l whi c hbr i ngss t r e ngt h. Coa t e dwi t hc hr ome s i l v e rs pr a y . T hes e a ti sma debys t e a mpr e s s e d f or mi ngMDFboa r d. Forpeopl et oi nser ta newspapert oshar e

Themostofbi kel over swi l ldescr i bet hemsel vesasal ways l i vi ngont hebi ke.Thi spr oj ectwasi nspi r edt obr i ngt hef r ame shapesi nt odai l yf ur ni t ur e.Thef i r stpi eceIhavemadei st he chai rt hatcanpl acedi nst udi os,cof f eeshopsandot herpl aces t or estandpeopl et oenj oyi t .

T hef r a mebodyi swe l de dby12i ndi v i dua l t ube sa ndae x c i s t e dbi k ef or kf ort hef r ont l e gs .

S i ncethebi k ehasbeendes i gnedandmanufactur edi nthefactor yi nS henz hen( Chi na)the ET s er i eshasalr eadys oldover2 0 0p i ecesi n Chi naandK or ea. R ecentlyI br ought and tes teds omefr amesi ntheUKto s eether eacti onofBr i ti s hmar k et.

Thedesi gnoft hebi kewasi nspi r edbyt hewel l knownbi kel eagueTourdeFr ance. Bi kebr andi ngdesi gnandf r amedesi gn. It ookt heel ement sf r om t i met r i albi keandbr ought i tt omyf r amedesi gn.Thi st ubecani nt er actwi t h bot hheadandbot t om t ubet ocr eat eaf l atsur f ace whi chal l owswi ndt opasssmoot hl yt hr ought he f r amebody .I tal sohel pst oavoi dai rt ur bul ance.

I nor derto des i gnabi k efr amewhi chfi tsboth Tr ackandR oadr acecondi ti on,I havedevelop edaNOP S I ET s er i esAer o dynami cfr ame. The des i gni sp r ovi dedwi thahi ghs tr ength,fas t s p eedr es p ondi ngwhi challowsus erto p low betterthr oughthes tr ok e.

Thewat erdr opshapeoft hemi ddl eandbot t om t ubecanbenef i tuser swi t hbet t erout putt r ansmi ssi onandkeept hebi kest abl edur i ngt hest r ong wi nd. Ther eart ubesar edesi gnedt or educet heai r dr agwhi chl eadt oasmoot hi err i de. Thet r ackf r amef eat ur esahi ghbur st ,st r engt hand ef f i ci encyofaer odynami cshape.Thi shel pst o maxi mi set heper f omanceandcomf or tdur i ngt he r i de.




dani elz u0 6 0 1 2 2 @gmai l. com No:+4 47 4 1 3 92 3 6 0 1

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