Product Design Folio 16ss DAN-ZU

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port folio. dan zu

Personal Statement Shicheng Zu (Daniel), Product design degree student. Graduated from Central st. Martin Art college Foundation in the year 2013 and moved forward to Loughborough University for the Industrial Design BA course. Currently graduated from the second year and in my placement year. I have effectively used my time during this year to gain the knowledge about illustration and Computer interaction design. Furniture and small products are my most favorite areas in design. I believe that a good design must relate to our day to day life, which also delieveries suprising solutions to the users while fixing their real problems. I cannot express how much I love photography and traveling. I would spend at least 1 or 2 weeks in every and each holiday to a different part of the world to explore and to understand the locals. In England, I have ran two rock bands with friends; meanwhile, I am playing the Bass guitar in the band called Kinoko. In the begining of the year 2016, I started a company called Bravgo Co. Ltd with three friends as the Coperate and the Excutive director.

祖士晟,目前进修产品设计。 毕业于中央圣马丁预科(2013),随后进入拉夫堡大学进修本科 学业。目前大二毕业,利用实习年的时间自学平面与电脑交互设 计。爱好家具与小型产品,坚信一件好的设计必须与生活息息相 关并能够惊喜般的合理解决人们生活上的痛点。 对于摄影与旅游的兴趣无以言表,每每假期时会利用一到两周的 时间探访不同地区并了解当地风俗。同时在英国与朋友组建过2支 摇滚乐队,目前就任于kinoko乐队担当贝斯吉他手。 2016年初与三名好友共同创立了Bravgo(巴沃)网络科技有限 责任公司并担任法人与执行董事职务。

software ability



APP Prototype


3D CAD/Printing


General task

working experience


EDAN Medical instrement Co. Manufacturing system management and effeciancy development department

Cosic Architecture Architecture internship: Follow and leaning the intire process of complete a

Cypher cycling Company

Hollister California Clothing

Design department intern with Cypher cycling HK, Learning basics of packaging and frame graphic design

Store management intern with part time modeling


Furniture piece Still stool

Concept design Soul Lampshade

Electronic device Efcto Guitar pedal

Toy and global co-op project Who will become the King

Kitchen ware

Touchable bow N-type Chopboard

User experience/Interface design Eon Workout App

Frame & Graphic design

Nopsi 725 alluminium muscle frame

still stool When the Western meets the Eastern, the movement becomes still, outdoor objects

lives indoor. What will it bring to our living space

Indoor frame The form of the chair is transformed from the classic Italian road bike frame design. It allows the perfect geometric shape from outdoor to fitting in with nowadays indoor space.

通过改变经典意大利公路单车的几何形状,把 存在于室外的几何形状带入屋内。

Front цнг

Back 背

For those who love cycling, the

beauty of bicycle is undescribable. Anything that combined with the aesthetic related to bicycle culture will deliever the felicity feeling to them. By combining the classic geometric steel frame with japanese tatami chair, this furniture brings this sense just as mystical as the Japnese Keirin sports.

对于热爱单车运动的人来说,自行 车的美是无以言表的。尚若能将自 行车的造型契合进身边的任何物品 里都是十分幸福的一件事情。将经 典的钢架自行车(意大利车架)融 合传统日式椅背,带来的是一种类 似日式竞轮(keirin)般的奇妙结合

Soul Lampshades

What does birth mean to us, where does dead bring us to. Does beginning and e

ending really mean creating and vanishing?

Humans have souls. The soul will seperate from the body

when we die; however, we did not actually vanish. Human souls are immortal; the souls will continue rebirth after the body has come to an end.


我们并没有真正死亡。人的灵魂是不朽的,灵魂能在肉体生命结束 后继续转世。

The work is to represent the idea of “reborn/karma

loop”. The idea was turned into a more physical (product) concept : the end of a product’s life cycle is the birth of a new product. This concept drives the project into it’s the final outcome.

这个作品尝试用产品来表现“重生/转世”这一概念。 通过转

化为:一件产品的结束成为另一个产品的开始。这一理念而导 出最后的成品。

de-wax coat from candle

prepare sand


light up the candle

take out the formed wax sand block

candle melti

skelpture the b

and container

ing process

block into form

placed candle into the container then pour sand into it

pour out the sands after candle worn out

Process after processed with few different coats placed into freezer to dry

By melting, candel wax will engage the sand around itself to form the organic shape of the lampshade. Just as precise as men lives, we are using our life to attract things and people around us hence to build the “story of life” which only belongs to ourselves. 蜡烛通过燃烧融化自身来凝聚周围的沙子,最后形成灯罩的雏形 。整个过程就好比我们用这一世的生命力凝聚身边的人事物,最 后打造出属于自己的人生故事。






The center holor is formed naturally while candle is burning down to its bottom

沙灯在点亮时不会发出刺眼的灯光,因为沙罩本身并不透 光。光线由顶部的光口射出,行成散射的光柱。灯罩内侧 进行过防热涂料处理,在使用非节能灯的情况下(高热量 )也不会融化凝聚沙子的蜡物质。沙灯罩外侧进行过树脂 固化处理,触碰或正常搬运情况下不会出现沙子掉落的情 况。

1:2 mm

The sand light does not shine straight into the eyes when it is on; this matches with “keep low profile” from buddism’s philoshophy. Light pillar will shine from the top of the shade, the inner wall of shade processed with heat resistent paint; therefore, even using an none energy saving bulb could not affect the wax structure. The internal surface been coated under a thin layer of resin with de-reflection process, in order to support sand holding tight on the lamp shade’s surface.

EFCTO Digital wireless guitar pedal

As a guitarist, there is no other pains could be compared with carrying tones of the effect pedals. The product is to deliver compact solution for the issue with professional digital sound output technology.


对于一个吉他手来说,没有比随身携带一堆效果器去参加演出更痛 苦的了。一套完整的效果器可以重达30公斤.

*通过EFCTO的设计带来一套完整并且专业级的舞台表演音响使用 体验

For guitar players, there are way too many issues with stage performance. For examples, the complicated connection cables and effect pedals are every where; uncleared displays on the effect board and all these equipments are blocking out the space on the stage (in fact the stages are generally small enough) and so on. The aim of EFCTO is to reduce the number of electronic euipments required on the stage by combining all of their functions with digitized technology. In addition, it cuts off the high price of every single effect pedal unit. All the stage performance a band guitarist needed is this portable and power digital effect pedal which satisfies all their requirements.

在舞台演出中,对于吉他手来说各种问题层出不穷。比如繁杂的线 路,分不清摆放位置的效果器,无法看清的显示屏以及阻挡表演者 在演出台上自由走动的各种器械等。 Efcto的目的就是要将繁杂的舞台器具进行电子整合并减少在舞台 上阻挡位置的物品。省去笨重且单价高昂的效果器,只需要一支轻 便随身携带的效果器就能满足乐队吉他手在舞台上的所有需求。

UI/UE Design for EFCTO Effect’s Name All the name of digital effects will display inside this dynamic ring 效果名称: 动态圆圈内展示着当前数字 效果的名称

Battery level The battery level has been displayed on the both sides of the pedal, it helps users to get a clear visual when they stand on either side of the pedal 电量状态: 对于电量的掌握对于使用者至 关重要,在效果器的两侧都布 置了电量显示。让使用者在任 何角度都能查看到当前的电量

Infinity Function for loop records on stage (has to be finger triggered) 无线循环录制: 循环效果的启动案件(需由指 尖触发)

Digital sound graphic Diplay all sound details in a bar chat form 音频图标: 通过条形图的形式展示 音频效果,用以查看更 细节的音效输出

Privious/ upcoming effect This side previews gives the user a clear idea on the type of privious and next effects in initial letter 前后效果预览: 在当前效果侧边安置了下一个效果 和前一效果大写缩写,方便使用者 对下一效果的预判

Volume/Gain/Bass Demoing the current effect’s setting 音量/放大量/低音显示: 当前效果参数显示

Volume/Gain/Bass settings preset all major effect’s 音量/放大量/低音设置: 更改与设定当前正在使用的 效果参数

Settings VGB setting refresh Reset VGB to 50(default), users can also set their own default number VGB设置恢复: 用以VGB输出参数的重置 ,默认数值为50,用户也 可以进行个人的默认数值 设置

Settings of Efcto. Included language/ brightness level/ downloads/ data managing etc 设置: Efcto的基础设置。包括:语 言/ 亮度/ 下载内容/ 数据管 理等

Pedal Surface The display and pedal are sharing the same surface, which gives a great size of visual during performance 踏板版面: 脚踏板面使用高强度钢化玻璃,带来强韧的同时 具有超大的显示面,给予演奏者实时反馈

Output Digital signal output through the plug on the back. 输出口: 背端安置标准6mm音频输出口, 用以接入吉他功放

Display The display is built with capacitive touch screen, it stops the sound effects been triggered accidently with foot base 显示屏幕: EFCTO采用电容技术的触屏显示屏,演奏者只能以触摸的形 式更改参数。此技术用以防止演奏时因为踩踏而误操作效果 器。

Suspension The suspension gives responde to performaer’s foot base while switch between sound effects. 弹簧: 弹簧设计是用于演出者在表演过程中快速切换不同的 吉他音效而设计的。

Battery A rechargable battery located at the bottom of the effect pedal, by using a battery, that helps with reducing the number of wires on the stage 电池: 在效果器的底部承载着一颗5000ma的充电电池,通过无电源 线的设计而减少在舞台上不必要的线路数量。

Who will become the King The board role-playing games(BRPG) for teenagers

Our Brief Design a game to promote the folklore of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. This is to be aimed and teenagers to revive the story with a younger generation. 设计一款有趣的桌游用于传播“亚瑟王”与石中剑的传说。产品主要通过大孩子带着小孩子玩作为传播 途径,目标客户群体定位为青少年与更年轻的孩子们。

Target audience


Traditions/ morals

The product must be aimed at consumers in the age range of 11-15 years old. It can be targeted at either male or female

The product must be engaging and sustain engagement with the user. To promote the story of king Arthur removing the sword from the stone. The product must focus on the sword in the stone aspect. It should also have no link to violence due to the young target market. The product should also be no more than £20 to buy.

Many morals can be taken from ‘King Arthur the sword in the stone’. For example it demonstrates heroism and to never dismiss what someone is capable of due to their size or what they look like

产品的目标用户(消费)群为 11-15岁的学龄青年人。目标人 群不区分性别,产品要能满足 男性同女性共同爱好。

产品必须在用途与用料上符合用 户。同时准确传递出石中剑里把 亚瑟把剑从石头中拔出的故事。 由于目标用户群是青年市场,此 产品的重心还原故事但同时不能 还用暴力和任何承认成分。 同时,产品的发售价不能高于20 英镑,在材料成本制作上必须必 须考虑到价格因素。

在亚瑟王石中剑的故事中有 许多剧情是可以借鉴融入到 玩具的设计当中。 比方说:人的勇气与能力是 不能通过他的身高或者他的 外貌由此来判断的。

Turn head: By spining, it will trigger the lock system to spin. 扭头:玩家通过旋转锁扭头来转动锁扭轴承

Assembly: The simple assemble p designed for kids and te cost the least time to b platform

组装: 十分简易的组装设计,让 最快捷的方式搭建起他们

process which eenagers will build the game

让儿童以最安全 们的游戏平台

Lock system: There are three teeth located on the sword body. Players will have to spin the lock to match with the teeth in order to let the sword skip though. 锁口系统: 剑身上设计了3颗锁齿,玩家需要通过契合锁齿 与锁口达到让锁齿平滑通过以拔出剑身。

Double lock: By double up the locks gives the game a longer round time. The best result so far is the 5x5 lock trackdesign; average game time has recorded between 30-45mins per round 双锁设计: 通过两个锁口减少了拔出剑身的可能性,以增加 每轮游戏的可玩时间。目前测试为5x5为最佳锁口 数,每局时长为30-45分钟

3D printing: The prototype of this game was enterilly created with 3D printing technology. ABS plastic gives the best result with the least making time to this prototype. The prototype functions just as well as the final product except the color, which was limited according to the setup of the 3D printer. 3D打印: 产品的原型完全使用3D打印技术制作。 完成品可以无碍的进行使用。 通过3D打印技术极大的简化了制作的时 间与成本,完成的原型处颜色以外均达 到成品的质量高度

physical prototype


A hand touch friendly bowl des

signed for microwave use

Everyone has faced this problem. When microwaving food inside a bowl, users have to wait for a few minutes for the bowl to cool down to take it out while the food inside the bowl gets cold already. The solution to that is to design a heat resistent sillicon coat covered up the entire bottom of the bowl body, The users could enjoy the food while it is still hot. 相信每个人在微波食物的时候都出现过碗身太烫无 法端出微波炉的情况。 通过在陶瓷碗底加上隔热硅胶的处理可以让使用者 热完食物快速端出并享用热腾腾的饭菜。

ceramic body 陶瓷碗身

heat resisten silicon coat 绝热硅胶碗底

With nano spray coati the silicon coat could b easily and quickly


There is an airhole located at the bottom of the coat. It is designed for users to easily access to clean and to switch bettwen differnet colours silicons 碗底透孔设计方便了使用者快速装取进行清理与更换不同 颜色的隔热硅胶套

ing technology, be released


N-type Chopboard Compact knife and

chopboard storage solution designed for Joseph joseph Co.

This is a rectangle which hides inside the kitchen


It’s not only just a rectangle ! There is something hidden 这不只是一个长方体,还有其它的东西在里面

A concept kitchen ware design for Joseph Joseph: N-type combined kitchen ware was inspired by those teenagers who live in urban environment by themselves. The design is to deliver a super compact and to minimise storage space required for kitchen ware. Nowadays teenagers tend to use the same knife and chop board to process all different types of food materials; they have also faced a very limited cooking space. By combining knife and the chop board, it will not only efficiently reduce the storage space but also save the effort on buying them seperatly.

为joseph joseph公司设计的概念产品:N-type一体厨具是以都市独立 生活的年轻族群为目标用户而激发设计出的一款简易一体式mini收纳 厨具。 一刀多用与一个展板解决一切食材已经成为城市独居年轻人的烹饪习 惯,有限的烹饪空间也成为他们面临的一大问题。通过合体刀具与展 板,有效的减少厨具收纳空间的问题,也为使用者省去了分开购买展 板与整套刀具的麻烦。

When pulled out from the chopboard, the kinfe handle is in the flat form. Users only need to fold up following the silicon line; the flat sillicon will transform into a 7.5mm thick handle for users to hold. Inside the folding parts, there are two magnets(S&N) located in the each side of it. These magnets will attract each other to hold the handle bar in the closed up form. The name, N-type, is inspired from the shape of folding process of the handle

magnets 磁石安置处

刀柄在从展板中抽出时呈扁平状,只需要沿着硅胶线折叠就能叠出厚度为7.5mm的 刀柄。在刀柄的内部装有南北两极颗磁铁,分别安装在折叠脚的左右侧,当折叠到 中间时便会相互吸引保持刀柄部闭合状态 取名为N-type的主要原因是当刀柄部在折叠过程中会呈现出N字形状,由来如此

The ultimate Work Out & Electric Bill rescue App

user The app is designed for people who would like to save money on their energy bills and also would love to keep a healthy life style. The main target group aims at youngster and University students who do not have much money to spend on energy bills as well as they are inefficient in saving this energy on their houses. The aim of this app is to help people to save money on their energy bills at the same time motivate them to workout to gain a healtheir life style.

benefits This application has teamed up with Eon energy company. The more workout time the user spend within the month, the more energy they will save; more importantly, Eon will reward a certain amount of discount for the next month’s energy bill.

technology Wearable devices have become one of the a major advanced technologies in our market. Since Apple launched their Apple Watch, more people believe that this technology can help to monitor their personal health. While using the wrist monitor, users can get access to their data collected by the app. Therefore, it provides a more reliable database, which can be used to award the user by reaching their fitness targets.

how it works smartphone users can interact with this app that function just like any other running navigator or gym record app. In order to motivate user to work out more and save energy in their bills. I developed this calculation system for competition and records.

energy output (from workout) energy usage from user’s home

= power ratio

The power ratio does not only to use as a offline gym record but also to use as the provement for Eon to keep a record in order to reward money to their user’s future energy bills.

initial initial design design

Location Map page

During running

Login page

Work out Summary

Main p

Gym guide menue


Side menue UE and UI sketch up demo The UE design has combined the advancement of both IOS and Android platform. On the left top conner, all main functions have been listed in there. Once the mainfunction been selected, the user will be redirected to the function page with semi function icons listed at the bottom. This design helps the user get access to any page they want with no more than 3 taps. 框架与用户界面草稿图 综合了目前ios与android系统的优势,集 成了左上角主要功能菜单页面。当进入每 一个主要功能后,在当页的下端会出现五 个图标对应每一个主要功能的附加功能。 用户在不需要点击超过3次以上,便能到 达他们想要到达的任何页面。

Working page during Gym

Gym Summary

Competition Board

Home Gas / Electric Usage Summary




ui design The user interface design of Eon Workout application has been designed with minimalist surface in order to match with Eon’s public branding. For a gym/sport type app, users are tend to use it under a highly brain active condition after their work out. If the interface has not been simple enough, it will become the barrier for interaction between the user and the application. Therefore during the design process, all the icons and each page have been minimised but are capable of delievering the right information to their user. From the numerous data research on the most popular application on the market, over 90% applications apply the white color as the background. It can reduce the chance of chromatism after work out to the lowest rate.

Eon Workout手机应用软件的界面被设计为极简 并且符合eon产品的品牌形象。针对一款运动类 应用,用户在使用时,大部分处于一种运动后的 高度兴奋状态。如果界面设计过于繁琐,会导致 用户无法清晰的与App进行互动。当设计的时候 ,为界面进行了将icon最简约化的处理。由此来 让用户与应用之间的互动障碍缩减到了最小。 大数据显示,用户使用度最高的app当中,90% 的应用使用白色作为其底色。同时白色底色也方 便当用户处于脑部兴奋状态下出现对颜色认知的 误差。

Tour de Rue Track cycling / Fixed gear Frame Design for Cypher cycling Co.

The Nopsi Tour de Rue series is designed specificly for street users, made with high quality tear drop aluminium tubes. The frame brings both the shock resistance and strength to it’s users. Cypher Cycling专为街头使用而开发的水滴形铝制场地竞速车架Nopsi Tour de Rue系列. 运用725铝材的特性为骑行带来缓冲的同时保持铝价 的坚韧度。

BACKGROUND Since the Tour de Rue series launched in May, 2015, we have received averege 150 frames order monthly. We also export to other areas in Asia,such as South Korea and Thailad; other southern Asia countries are also our

自2015年5月上市以 来,Tour de Rue车 架拥有平均每月150 台的销售量。同时出 口亚洲其他地区,又 以韩国与东南亚地区 为最大出口地。

The development of the project Nopsi is teamed up with Cypher cycling Company. I am in charge of branding and graphic design of the frame; development and manufacture of the product are carried by

Nopsi项目由我与 Cypher cycling共同 研发,品牌设计以及 产品涂装由我负责, 开发与生产由两方共 同承担。

concept For those who love cycling culture, France, as the host of one of the leading Cycling competition: Tour de France has always been affecting those who dig cycling culture, no matter what type bikes they often ride. As the best competition of road cycling, Tour de France does not only receive attensions from road bikers but also from track and fixed gear riders. Therefore, we decided the design theme as “Rue”, which is “Street” in French. By mixing the flag element into the graphic design, the concept is to remind others on the road how much propotion France is taking the game of cycling. In order to deliever a high quality of the product, we minimised the brand name by choosing the logo and frame in the same color but using gloss finishing over the matt color. It keeps the brands in a low key but carrys a sense of taste in design. 对于热爱单车的人来说,法国,是一个拥有单车最神圣赛事tour de france的国度。tour de france作为一项公路赛车赛事同时影 响着很多固齿玩家,所以我将主题定位“Rue”,意为法语“街道”的 意思。通过将国旗元素融入涂装设计中,让骑行者在任何街道上 都拥有骑行在法国街头的感觉。 为了营造出高端品牌价值并且突出设计主题,将logo与车架配色 做了黑色哑光与高光的处理。减少品牌喧哗程度的同时,突出了 设计感。

Life is full of suprsings and sparkles, the way we review them becomes what we do and who we are. How to turn those sparkle things I see to what I call suprise, is what design and creation means to me.

“it was nice to meet you”

wechat QR code



shisheng Zu

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