FEBRUARY 2014 R50.
The World Leader in Auto Feed Shredding
Contents My Office Magazine is the official magazine of the Southern African Association for Stationery, Home and Office Products. It is read by over 25 000 buyers and sellers of stationery and office products each month. PUBLISHER Rob Mathews - robm@icon.co.za Kathy Gibson - kathy@futurewave.co.za EDITOR Mercédes Westbrook - mercedes@shop-sa.co.za CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGER Wendy Dancer - wendy@shop-sa.co.za FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Bill André - bill@shop-sa.co.za NATIONAL OFFICE Web Master: Neil Caetano Design and Layout: Neil Caetano New Membership: Rachel Skink Reception: Ruth Montsho Johannesburg Office PO Box 3226, Parklands, 2121 6 Edward Street, Kensington B, Randburg, 2194 Tel: + 27 11 781 0370 Fax: + 27 11 781 2828 Email: info@shop-sa.co.za Website: www.shop-sa.co.za Cape Town Office PO Box 48431, Kommetjie, 7976 Tel: +27 21 780 1209 Cel: +27 78 970 7633 Email: info@shop-sa.co.za CONTRIBUTIONS Letters and editorial contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to the editor at editor@ shop-sa.co.za. Publication cannot be guaranteed and is subject to space and the editor’s discretion. THE LEGAL BIT Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy the publisher and editor cannot accept responsibility for supplied material. The opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of shop-sa. Copyright is strictly reserved and no part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Stationery sponsored by
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Vol 98 | February 2014 www.shop-sa.co.za | www.facebook.com/shopsa.za
34 | INDUSTRY NEWS Industry-related news and trade business announcements 36 | ECO PAGES A green sustainability update, sponsored by Mondi
4 | WHEN DAYS ARE DARK, FRIENDS ARE FEW Aki Kalliatakis encourages business to stay upbeat and customer-focused in an era of gloom and negativity
8 | CUT, SHRED, DESTROY The introduction of the POPI Act makes the shredder the first line of defence against information and identity theft
28 | WHAT IS SALES DEVELOPMENT? Mark Hunter reviews some key questions that need to be asked before spending resources on training and sales development 6 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IT IS LIKE TO DEAL WITH YOUR BUSINESS? Gavin Moffat explores whether your customer experience is dictated by your business systems 16 | ACCESS TO SECURITY A review of key security measures all commercial building owners should consider implementing 18 | STRUGGLING TO KEEP UP WITH CHANGING CUSTOMER DEMANDS? Ian Steyn of Innervation suggests retail takes the platform approach to the changing customer demands at points of sale 20 | PRESENTATION AND PLANNING How business can focus on media mobility for training, organisation and project preparation
PAPERWORLD FRANKFURT 2014 REPORT BACK Mercédes Westbrook reviews the trends seen at this global exhibition platform
IN THE LEARNER’S SEAT A look at what makes for good auditorium furniture
24 | STICK ‘EM UP! Tape and glue are in the top five must-have accessories in any home or office 26 | PAPER HEARTS AND DREAM BOARDS A focus on the role of paper and board as a craft accessory 27 | ESSENTIAL DIY FOR OFFICE A look at some handy items which make up a universal toolbox for any home or office 31 | TOP SALES CANDIDATE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Jeff Gardner reveals what interviewers are most likely to ask when looking to hire an office products sales rep 47 | SHOULD OFFICE PRODUCTS RESELLERS BE SCARED OF AMAZON? UK business advisor in the office products and technology sector, Gordon Christiansen, explores the Amazon fear factor
IN EVERY ISSUE 02 32 33 38 40 48
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In this issue
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Innovation by
ith the newly introduced Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) regulating the way in which personal information may be processed, and by establishing conditions that prescribe the minimum requirements to be considered lawful, suppliers are being offered an opportunity to assist business in becoming more compliant (see page 8). Undoubtedly, a lot of documentation will need to be destroyed in more stringent ways, and shredding that information at source will be the first line of defence.
It would seem that there will also be a knock-on effect in the IT field. According to Deloitte: “There needs to be a wider approach to privacy enhancing technologies which could include: encrypted biometric access systems that allow the use of a fingerprint to authenticate an individual’s identity, but do not retain the actual fingerprint; secure online access for individuals to their own personal data to check its accuracy and make amendments; software that allows browsers to automatically detect the privacy policy of Web sites and compare it to the preferences expressed by the user, highlighting any clashes; and ‘sticky’ or ‘omnipresent’ electronic privacy policies that are attached to the information itself preventing it being used in any way that is not compatible with that policy.”
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From a personal perspective, this bodes well for consumers. No longer can access to our personal information be taken for granted. Instead, systems will have to be rethought, re-planned and redesigned. According to Deloitte, businesses and system designers will now have to ask questions such as: • Do we need to collect any personal data at all? • If so, what is the minimum needed? • Who will have access to which data? • How can accesses be controlled to allow only those which are for the purposes stated when the data was collected, and then only by those employees and processes that have an essential need? • Can individuals make total or partial use of the system anonymously? • How can I help individuals to exercise their rights securely? While the digital world gets busy addressing these challenges going forward, office automation will continue to play a symbiotic role in maintaining the structures within the home and office environment. As an individual, I certainly don’t want to leave anything to chance and am therefore very proud of my new compact shredder, which has pride of place on my desk. It’s a most gratifying feeling feeding it my old bank statements, tax returns, till slips and junk mail.
The World Auto Feed Leader in Shredding
We have been told countless times that networking works better for business than a hard sell, but it is only when you get out there and experience the results yourself do you realise its full potential. Attending Paperworld Frankfurt recently, I was struck by the sheer number of people and the power the meeting place had to pull them together for a common goal. The next time you are invited to an event, forget the price of petrol, e-toll fees or spending a quiet night at home, and make the effort to participate. Even if there is only a handful of people present, it takes just one person to say yes to an idea to keep you moving forward. What has been keeping me moving forward lately is my relationship with sticky tape. My lovely big roll of clear tape has this month alone helped me reattach the rubber of a faulty windscreen wiper in a wet emergency, and repair the spine of a school book. See our article on tapes and adhesives on page 24. Finally, if you feel you have something important to say, we want to hear it. I encourage you to share your information in our guest column feature. Contact me on mercedes@shop-sa.co.za
s e d é erc
Vol 98 - February
marketing savvy ACKNOWLEDGMENT AKI KALLIATAKIS is the managing partner of The Leadership LaunchPad, a company dedicated to helping clients become more customer driven. He can be contacted at 011 640 3958, or via the website at www.DelightYourCustomers.co.za. Follow him on Twitter at @AkiKalliatakis or Leadership LaunchPad
When days are dark, friends are few Right now, it would seem the citizens of the world are in a pretty rebellious space. Turn on your TV on any night, and you will see nations protesting the decisions of their governments and leaders
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
marketing savvy
n Brazil, probably the most footballobsessed country in the world, people are rioting against the 2014 World Cup. In Kiev, people put up with bitterly cold conditions to protest the Ukrainian President’s decision to go with Russia rather than the EU.
The list of woes seems endless: incompetent, inept, and criminally and morally corrupt governments; crooked, unethical and manipulative leaders not only in government departments but also in large business corporations, sports administrations, and even religious organisations; business confidence at its lowest; and our poor performance in world competitiveness. Normal, well-behaved citizens have become monsters on the road, selfish and uncharitable towards others, and suffering from an “every man for himself” mentality. We have seen a series of protests against poor service delivery in all of our provinces. Water, electricity, toll roads, social grants, housing, safety and security – you name it, someone is protesting about it. Customers have also become increasingly vociferous in attacking bad practices and perceived rip offs at the businesses that they frequent. Against this background, even the most positive and optimistic people that I know personally, including myself, occasionally fall into a state of despair. We have hit a low in perspective from which it will be very difficult to emerge. The feeling of powerlessness over people and events is generally unbearable to us, and when we feel helpless, we feel miserable. I believe that the world’s biggest political revolution - bigger than the French Revolution - is on its way because we have become outraged by lies and hypocrisy. The tone of this piece may be depressing, but as someone who is always looking for that elusive silver lining, I believe that there is some hope after all. Yes, you and I will probably be unable to do anything about the myriad problems that face our world today. But, what we can choose is how we want to be with the people around us. As someone once told me, “It doesn’t matter which way the wind blows. The only thing that really counts is how you set your sail.” More specifically, we can offer that little glimmer of hope for our customers. www.shop-sa.co.za
Everywhere customers go, especially at your competitors’ businesses, they are bombarded with unhappiness and misery. You have an opportunity to be different and distinct in their eyes. While all around us there is bad news, you can be the one person (or company) that brings a bit of joy and happiness to customers. You may be accused of being a little bit crazy, and you may even be accused of being naïve. But you certainly won’t be forgotten. The big question is: how can you possibly put on this show if you don’t feel happy? Actress Farrah Fawcett-Majors once said in an interview: “If you don’t feel it, then you should fake it, and then the feeling will come.” I don’t know if she was talking about happiness, but it doesn’t matter. It just makes sense. You will have to make choices, but people will feed off your positive energy. There are some other things to remember, however. A simple smile is one of the most powerful positive body signals in your arsenal. A smile is a powerful gesture. Everybody looks better when they smile. Offer an unforced, confident smile as often as opportunity and circumstances dictate. It is quite hard to stay cool and unfriendly when faced with a smile. Use your smile to make other people feel good. As one of my favourite authors, Anonymous, once wrote: “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” The happiest people in the world spend the least time alone. They pursue personal growth and intimacy; they judge themselves by their own yardsticks. A 2002 study conducted by Diener and Seligman found that the 10% of people with the
highest levels of happiness and the fewest signs of depression had strong ties to friends, family and other people. Almost every person feels happier when they’re with other people. Many people think that the best thing is to go home and be alone with nothing to do, but that’s a worst-case scenario. If you’re alone the quality of your life experience really plummets. And it’s even worse when what you are doing is pleasurable and you are on your own. Gratitude also helps. It has a lot to do with life satisfaction. Talking and writing about what we are grateful for amplifies our happiness. Taking the time to conscientiously count our blessings once a week significantly increases our overall satisfaction with life over a period of just a few weeks. Gratitude exercises can do more than lift the mood; you can effectively “turbocharge” your joy by going one step further: make a “gratitude visit”. For example, write a letter thanking anyone to whom you owe a debt of gratitude - and then visiting that person to read them the letter of appreciation. “The remarkable thing is that people who do this just once are measurably happier and less depressed a month later,” says Seligman. Do something nice for others. Spread that humour and joy around you and you’ll see the results. It’s more catching than any virus I know. m
my office magazine
business landscape ACKNOWLEDGMENT GAVIN MOFFAT can be contacted on gavin@puruma. com or follow him on www.twitter.com/gavinmoffat
Have you ever wondered what it is like to deal with your business? Is your customer experience dictated by your systems?
recent visit to an emergency room reaffirmed my feelings that enterprise resource planning (ERP) and back-end systems very often drive the customer experience - and more often than not, to its own detriment.
While one section of the hospital - the X-ray department - has my details on record, the casualty department is on a separate system and does not. Right, so another form to be filled in. My banking experiences, possibly providing you with a feeling of déjà vu, are similar. The bank that I was with for nearly 30 years was not able to cross-reference my cheque account, home loan, insurance, credit card and investment details. Each department is on a separate system. Why should I, or you, be in the least bit interested that systems are disparate? As customers, we do not care about the internal structure of your organisation. All we really want to feel is the “love”. How do you show me the love?
my office magazine
By making my life as easy as you possibly can. Don’t ask me for account numbers. Don’t ask me to fill out forms if you already have my details. Make sure that your backend works for me, not against me. All a customer wants is straightforward common sense from you. How do you deal with customers? Have you ever tried the “secret shopper” technique? Have you had someone check out the experience of dealing with, and buying from, you? Something like a “secret boss” experience? Try to imagine how a customer would want to be dealt with. Look at competitors and see what you can do better. “Hide” the pain points in your customer experience. Peppers and Rogers said as far back as 2005 that “the customer experience is the single most important aspect in achieving success for companies across all industries”. If you are not taking this seriously, one of your competitors most certainly is. You’re going to be left behind. They’re going to eat your lunch. And that’s probably not what you want. m Vol 98 - February
how to sell ACKNOWLEDGMENT POPI Act parameters and what it means for business supplied by Dr Peter Tobin, Prof David Taylor and John Cato.
Cut, shred, destroy With the recent introduction of the POPI Act, the shredder is being recognised as the first line of defence to protect against information loss and fraudulent activity
he right to privacy is regarded as serious business in South Africa. This includes the right to protection against the unlawful collection, retention, dissemination and use of any individual’s personal information.
The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act was created to do just that – protect your personal information. It will do this by regulating the way in which personal information may be processed by establishing conditions that prescribe the minimum requirements to be considered lawful. Basically, what this means is that companies have to receive consent from individuals before they can obtain and retain their personal information for communication or any
my office magazine
other purpose. “Personal information” includes contact details, demographic information, personal history as well as communication records. By meeting the requirements of POPI, businesses will not only be complying with legislation, but also adding value to their trade and earning the respect and loyalty of the consumers they market to. The route to understanding the implications and preparing an organisation for compliance with POPI means businesses will be in the market for a shredder. While the basic design of a paper shredder is the same whether it is a desktop version or an industrial shredder, there are a range of considerations that businesses must take into account in order to get the right tool for the job. When picking out a new shredder it must first be decided how much paper it can handle, what type of shred is needed, if it can handle materials other than paper, if it is a name brand and therefore carries a warranty, and most importantly, does it meet adequate security conditions
required by the new legislation. Volume Most office environments end up shredding approximately twice the amount of paper they think they will after purchasing a shredder. A more accurate estimate of how many sheets will need to be shredded per day and how many sheets the shredder should be able to handle at a time is an important first question. A small personal paper shredder which may only be able to shred one to five pieces of paper at once, over 20 uses per day, will work for a small home office. A heavy volume industrial shredder can shred between 5 000 and 36 000 sheets of paper a day, depending on its configuration. The majority of SMEs see a need for somewhere in the middle; one which can shred 50 to 100 sheets of paper each day. Type Most basic paper shredders use a strip cut system, which turns each sheet of paper into thin ribbons. High security
Vol 98 - February
how to sell shredders use a cross-cut mechanism, which twists the paper while cutting it, reducing it to small scraps. These are essential for handling especially sensitive material. In some cases, a shredder can handle more than paper; for example, diskettes, compact discs, cardboard or credit cards can also be shredded. Size Most shredders only handle paper up to legal size. Ask your supplier for alternatives if you handle confidential material of tabloid size or larger. Quality The quality of the paper shredder and the warranty is important. Is the motor strong? How well it will hold up in the long term? What is the proper care and how can it be used most effectively? Security Most shredders are referred to as straight cut, and consist of a series of blades that will slice through a document either vertically or horizontally. This can protect information from casual perusal, though it often is not enough for the privacy concerns of a business. Documents that are cut into uniform strips may be reassembled given enough time and effort. Cross-cut shredders typically include perpendicularly opposed blades that can make a series of both horizontal and vertical cuts. This can result in thin, short shreds of paper that are difficult to obtain any useful information from. Confetti shredders work in a similar way and can reduce documents to tiny scraps of paper. An even more secure method of shredding is referred to as micro cut, which results in pieces so small it would be nearly impossible to obtain information from them. Choosing the best type of cut pattern will depend on how important information security is to a business. Security for business just became very important. POPI was signed into law in November 2013, and is expected to become effective in the next few months.
Organisations will then have 12 months to become fully compliant or face the prospect of stiff penalties (including fines of up to R10-million) or reputational damage and loss of customers. Personal information includes data of customers, suppliers and employees, whether they are in e-mails, invoices, databases or printouts. This means businesses will need to show they have processes and procedures in place to handle effectively and securely all aspects covered in the POPI Act. Privacy and Data Protection Acts have already existed in other countries for several years. Examples of these are the European Union (EU) Data Protection Act which came into effect in 1995, and the UK Data Protection Act (1998). The POPI Act is modelled on the EU legislation to a large extent, and POPI has been written to ensure that South Africa is in line with international best practice.
We asked some of our shredder suppliers about how best to prevent information from falling into the hands of the wrong people. Beswick Office Products According to Beswick, all it takes is one mistake. A single second of complacency can result in years of self-justification, and endless explanations that it wasn’t you. Losing your identity to fraudsters can set off a chain reaction of damaging events for you, your family and your business. It could be as simple as a careless post on a social networking site, or an old bank statement thrown in the bin. Each small detail could help a fraudster build up a big enough picture of you, enabling them to take out a mortgage or a loan in your name, and ruin your credit rating. The best way to dispose of confidential paper or sensitive information is by shredding onsite with a cross-cut shredder to ensure they are disposed of securely. By investing in a Fellowes Shredder you will be avoiding financial penalties for non-compliance.
The essential parameters of POPI Businesses will have to put a number of essential parameters in place in order to comply with POPI. These include: • Personal information such as employee and customer information will have to be protected and processed in a different way, in accordance with the conditions of the law; • Employee and customer information may not be disclosed to another party without the person’s consent; • Employee and customer information will have to be destroyed in a controlled manner when the purpose for which the information is held is no longer valid; • Standards will have to be defined for shredding equipment similar to standards in other countries so that the new law can be applied to these in an appropriate manner; and • Steps should be taken to ensure that personal information stored on hard drives and removable media such as memory sticks and CDs is protected in a controlled manner. Consideration should be given to providing advice to consumers in this area.
Identity theft: Tax season is peak season for identity thieves, when old tax records and other expired documents are being discarded. Know what shredder you need to securely destroy these documents.
Someone’s waiting for you to screw up Identity theft is one of the fastest growing types of fraud in South Africa, costing our economy close to R1billion per year. (Forensics 4 Africa) 11, 203 ID fraud cases were reported to the SA Fraud Prevention Service (SAFPS). According to the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act gazetted on the 26 November 2013, businesses will be required to responsibly dispose of client information or face possible fines of up to R10million.
Rexel’s Award winning
Autofeed shredders The ideal way to dispose of sensitive information
Winner of eoPA 2013 ‘TeCHnoLoGY ProDUCT of THe YeA Sh red 75 S Sheet0S
Up to 98% less time shredding*
The innovative line of ‘Hands Free’ Cross Cut & Micro Cut Shredders
Most Secure Best
✔ P-5 Micro Cut P-4 Cross Cut P-3 Cross Cut P-2 Strip Cut P-1 Strip Cut
100X l 100M
300X l 300M
500X l 500M
Security Level
Bin Capacity (Sheets)
Users Use
750X l 750M
✔ Model
Small Office
Small Office
Large Office
Staples & Paper Clips
Intelligent Jam Clearance Lockable Chamber Oversized Paper Chamber
MANUAL FEED SHREDDING Manual Feed Sheet Capacity
Jam Free Technology
Bin Capacity (Litres)
Shreds Credit Cards
Pull-out Bin
✔ (frame)
✔ (frame)
Ultra Quiet (<60db)
Intelligent™ Power Save
Bin Full Indicator
Shreds CDs
Castors for Mobility
Intelligent™ SelfOil™
Continuous Operation
Illuminated Status Symbols
30 14 00
30 14 10
30 00 34 30 14 40
30 14 15
30 14 20 30 14 42
30 14 30 30 14 44
30 14 35 30 14 46
Recyclable Waste Sacks
30 00 91
30 00 91
30 01 32
30 01 20
30 01 35
30 01 35
Plastic Waste Sacks
30 01 39
30 01 39
30 01 39
30 01 39
30 00 99
30 00 99
30 00 99
30 00 99
30 00 99
Product Code:
Rexel Oil
(12/sheets) 1
30 01 05
(bottle 250ml)
30 01 05
(bottle 250ml)
Oversized Paper Chamber accepts legal size paper without folding
how to sell Fellowes has introduced the new AutoMax auto-feed shredders, offering a complete walk-away shredding experience. The new AutoMax is designed to eliminate any prep-work for materials to be shredded. Paper clips and staples can be positioned anywhere on the documents, paper can be crumpled and folded, paper can be glossy or doublesided, and CDs and credit cards can also be shredded. The robust SureFeed engineering only requires the user to load the bin with shredding materials, push the button and walk away. The AutoMax shredder models include the 300C and 500C, and offer numerous innovative features, including: • Jam Guard System ensures jamfree operation; • SmartLock engages with each shred cycle to protect confidential information; • SilentShred offers ultraquiet performance for shared workspaces; • An energy saving Sleep Mode feature shuts down the shredder after 2 minutes of inactivity; and • A versatile, flat top provides easy office integration and additional storage space. For more information contact kate@ beswick.co.za Parrot Products In answer to the demand from their client base for a larger range of shredding machines, Parrot Products introduced their 2014 range in January.
Lawfully processing information There are a number of conditions that need to be met for the lawful processing of personal information according to the POPI Act: • Accountability - assigning ownership in your business; • Processing limitation - processing information for lawful reasons and in a manner that does not infringe privacy; • Purpose specification - only
my office magazine
The range, (refer to the Parrot Products Shredder brochure inserted into this edition of My Office), satisfies the general demand for home and office shredding machines. Confidential information, whether personal or business-related, should never be disposed of nonchalantly. Shredding ensures that any information is rendered useless to anyone who tries to capitalise on identity theft. Choosing a shredder should not become a daunting task. Bear the following in mind: • Budget - entry-level Parrot Products Shredders range from R350.00 to R750.00; small office machines from R1 400.00 to R4 700.00; and medium to large office machines from R6 500.00 to R18 000.00. • Use – is the shredder only for paper, or will it be used for credit cards and CDs too? • Sensitivity of information shredders are classified into security levels according to how they shred. A low security unit will shred in a strip cut, approximately 7mm wide, and is suitable for home use. A high security unit will shred in a micro cut (crosscut), approximately 1mm by 8mm. These shredders are generally used to dispose of highly confidential documentation.
obtaining and holding personal information for a specific purpose; • Further processing limitation - further processing of personal information must be compatible with the purpose for which it was collected; • Information quality - ensuring that information is complete and accurate; • Openness - informing individuals that their information has been obtained and the purpose thereof;
Volume and frequency – how many sheets need to be shredded, and how often will the machine be used? Low volume use is generally allocated to the home office shredder. Larger, faster shredders are suited to offices and are available for both medium and high volume use. They shred between 10 and 26 sheets at a time. Parrot Products shredders are stocked and distributed on a national basis, and demonstration units are kept at all branches. Rexel Office Products “We expect that the POPI legislation will have the effect of increasing market demand for shredding. Companies and individuals not already destroying unwanted confidential information will begin to do so. Those in the habit and discipline of shredding will have cause to consider more secure levels of destruction. In the UK, for example, their Data Protection Act changed market
• Security safeguards - the integrity of personal information must be secured using reasonable technical and organisational measures; and • Data subject participation - an individual has the right to request whether an organisation holds their personal information. An individual may request the information is deleted or corrected if it is incorrectly stored.
Vol 98 - February
Introducing Fellowes AutoMax™
Leave your shredding to the experts.
Now there’s a smarter way to shred. Let Fellowes AutoMax™ take care of your shredding whilst you take care of your business.
Continues where others stop: Paper sheets Staples Standard paper clips Credit cards CD/DVD Junk mail Crumpled sheets Folded sheets Double-sided colour prints Glossy paper
Fellowes, the manufacturer of the World’s Toughest Shredders is proud to introduce the AutoMaxTM 300C and 500C, the first truly walk-away line of shredders. Featuring proprietary SureFeed Technology, the AutoMaxTM series means you don’t have to waste time sorting, straightening or filtering your papers and junk mail. You simply load it, push the button and walk away. Fellowes – the smarter way to shred.
how to sell
POPI dos and don’ts Do: • Understand what the POPI Act means for your business; • Make sure you have assigned ownership for compliance with POPI; • Start by conducting an assessment of how far you are already compliant; • Develop a plan to address the identified areas of noncompliance; • Engage with all the relevant stakeholders impacted by POPI; • Remember the “stick and carrot” aspects of POPI; and • Think about the implications of POPI for the products and services you provide. Don’t: • Ignore POPI - it won’t go away; • Put off your compliance efforts just because you have a 12 month grace period; • Underestimate the amount of work that is required to change your business policies, processes and procedures, documentation and systems; • Panic. POPI compliance is more like climbing Table Mountain than Mount Everest; and • Rush into your compliance efforts. Take a structured, projectbased approach to make your compliance efforts effective.
my office magazine
demand from predominantly straight cut shredding to predominantly cross-cut shredding in the space of two to three years,” says Bill Bayley, MD of Rexel. A shredder offers a measure of security. It is therefore logical to start the discussion around the purchase of a shredder with the question: “how much security do you need?” In simple terms, a straight cut shredder cuts an A4 piece of paper into 36 strips. A cross-cut shredder cuts an A4 page into 300 to 400 pieces. A micro cut shredder cuts one A4 page into 2 000, and a super micro cut shredder cuts a page into 6 000 pieces. “There is no such thing as a POPI compliant shredder,” says Bayley. “The POPI legislation calls for businesses and organisations to set up and implement a policy with regards to the processing, storage and destruction of personal information. The Act does not specify appropriate levels of security for the secure shredding of paperwork. Information by its very nature has differing levels of confidentiality. It is up to each organisation to define adequate security as part of their POPI compliance policy and practices. Credit Applications typically include company information as well as a certain amount of personal information which according to the Act requires a higher level of security. Staff salaries, wages, retirement information or CVs will need a higher level of shredding security than would general office communications. The Act does not set these ‘appropriate’ levels of shredding security. It is up to vendors and dealers in the supply chain to assist in recommending appropriate shredding security levels. “Some organisations make use of outsourced bulk shredding services which seem to offer a secure solution, but how secure is it? Bulk shredders are mounted on the back of trucks. Paperwork therefore needs to be securely controlled from the office to the basement pick up point. Bulk shredders tear paperwork into 10mm to 12mm strips. Does tearing an A4 page into 20 strips satisfy the requirement for secure destruction?” “Our belief is that personal information should be destroyed with, at the very least, a cross-cut shredder. Our Auto+range of shredders provide an ideal and secure solution when used in support of a POPI compliance policy. Auto+ 60 page and 80 page shredders situated at the desk side of low volume users
provide immediate and secure destruction of paperwork. For higher volume desk side users we offer the Auto+ 100 page or 200 page models. For users in larger shared offices we offer the Auto+ 300 page, 500 page or 750 page which feature a lockable chamber ensuring that the paperwork remains secure until the shredding cycle is completed. Auto+ shredders save time as the user does not need to stand and feed. Auto+ shredders are quiet and therefore do not disturb the working environment. Simply load the machine, start the shred cycle and get on with whatever needs doing next. How long will it take to shred 750 sheets? You don’t care because you’re not there.” AZ Trading A recent article published in the Saturday Star, entitled ID thieves raid trash bins, questions just how secure confidential and personal details are. “The article states ‘banks, retailers, cell-phone stores and travel agents throw clients’ sensitive personal information in trash bins at shopping malls giving fraudsters all they need to steal identities’,” says Paul Naidoo. “The article confirmed that personal information gathered is enough for fraudsters to open bank accounts, buy goods, illegally apply for credit or access medical aids in your name, and that businesses can play a critical role in the prevention of fraud.” How? By ensuring they have stringent processes and controls in place to protect consumer’s personal information. The removal of customer records containing confidential information should be shredded first to prevent ID theft. AZ Trading supplies a range of shredders catering for the modern market where users need to save energy and cost. With a vast range of shredding machines for home and personal use ranging up to industrial and recycling operations. According to POPI, personal information of a confidential matter should be shredded at a minimum standard crosscut level where pieces of the document cannot be pasted together. AZ Trading supplies shredders with a security level from one to seven, and cut sizes ranging from 12mm to 0,8mm by 2mm. The range of shredders available in the market place includes technological features such as energy saving, touch panel operations and auto oiling features. Shredders in the range are capable of destroying paper, CDs, credit cards, floppy discs, cardboard, textiles, leather, Vol 98 - February
how to sell USB drives, hard drives, laptops, computers, glass, plastic and organic waste. When choosing a shredder it is important to decide on specific needs, such as maximum throughput (page capacity), cut size (din level), bin size and the number of users that would be using the machine. There are numerous models in the market place; however, these four key factors will narrow the choice of shredders to a basic few. Bear in mind that a shredder is a mechanical item, and often generates internal paper dust. It is therefore advisable to have your shredder serviced at regular intervals. This service will prolong the life of your machine and keep your confidential documents safe. m
Useful links: http://www.justice.gov.za/ legislation/bills/B9-2009_ ProtectionofPersonalInformation.pdf http://www.iact-africa.com/popi.html jackaroo_SA-Ad_A5_OK.pdf 1 24/01/14
Preparing for POPI A number of steps should be taken to prepare for POPI. These include: • Organisational – start a POPI preparation programme and appoint an information officer to drive your POPI compliance initiatives. An awareness and training programme should be prepared and delivered so that everyone in the business understands the implications of POPI. • Legal – review contracts with service providers where personal information is stored on your company’s behalf. For example, if you have outsourcing arrangements in place, ensure that these are amended to include personal information protection. This applies 9:44 AM
to business partners as well, where customers are shared with them. • Business – identify processes where personal information is involved. Examples include customer and supplier information, as is the handling of employee information. These processes should be amended to ensure that they comply with the principles in the POPI Act. • Technology – electronically stored personal information should be identified and steps taken to ensure that such information is protected in line with the Security safeguards principle contained in the Act. The best protection for individuals is to ensure that their personal information is only collected where it is necessary, relevant and not excessive in nature.
business technology ACKNOWLEDGMENT www.smallbusinesscomputing.com; www.facilitiesnet.com; www.wikepedia.org
Access to security Physical security protects buildings, property, people and assets, and is necessary to prevent unauthorised entry and criminal activity. A seamless solution is best provided when customised to the characteristics of individual businesses
erimeter control comes first in the establishment of access management. The outer perimeter is critical in two instances. First, it needs to convey the “impression” of secure protection, and second, it needs to alert the relevant people to any attempts made to gain illegal entry.
In South Africa, many businesses use electric fencing as their first layer of defence, which delivers a 9 900 volt shock to anyone attempting to enter the premises. While it won’t seriously hurt or kill a person or animal, if installed correctly and according to legislation, it can act as a warning mechanism to both the would-be thief and the security monitoring device put in place.
my office magazine
A combination of physical perimeter deterrents, IT monitoring and the human factor will provide a stepped system of multilayered defences that will ensure property and people remain safe during the work day. Most importantly, it will need to contain an integration of core aspects that will save a company time, reduce administrative overheads and provide quick response in emergencies. Corporate security perimeters usually include fencing and gates, a manned post or card control booms, turnstiles, security barriers, guard monitoring, alarms and CCTV cameras, access control and supervision of the entry and exit of regular employees, the issuing of permits to authorised visitors, management of a visitor’s log book, and control checks for stock leaving and entering premises. Vol 98 - February
business technology Access cards Access cards include proximity cards, magnetic stripe cards, biometric systems and smart cards. For many facility managers, a one-card approach may prove to offer the most benefits. Biometric systems, such as those that make use of fingerprint identification, are convenient for saving time and mean employees won’t forget passwords or compromise security through the loss of an access card. However, the person’s personal information itself must be secured, as per the POPI Act, and should the system be hacked into, or the information stolen, it could be potentially devastating for the company. Proximity cards, such as those in a hospital system, secure all points of entry for employees or deliveries via proximity card readers and video. Employees present an ID badge to enter. A second layer secures critical areas such as the surgery suite, public elevators, stairwells and staff and patient transfer elevators. The third and final layer will secure medicine storage and access to stock. Access cards can also be linked to work force time and attendance registration, with integration into payroll systems, and are sophisticated enough to control contractors coming on-site, stock and equipment allocation, and vehicle tracking. Guard systems An accredited guard system usually incorporates a book log. Typical information found in an entry includes the visitor’s name, reason for the visit, date, and checkin and check-out times. A pen and paper visitor management system’s main advantage is low up-front costs. Training to use the system is low, and the equipment required to implement it is cheap and readily available. More advanced paper and pen systems may use sets of NCR paper (non-carbon copy paper) and a tear-off pass. This paper allows for some extra features within the system. The first is a discretion sheet which sits behind the passes as they are laid on the system. This protects the identity of previous visitors to that site. Behind this discretion sheet can also sit a visitor register. This log doubles as an evacuation register (sometimes known as a fire list). In the case of an emergency, the register can be simply picked up and taken to a muster point www.shop-sa.co.za
providing emergency service personnel with a list of visitors on site. CCTV According to industry expertise, there are three primary ways to use CCTV systems: as a deterrent; for forensic purposes; and as an interdictive device. These days, advanced IP cameras with capabilities such as better coverage, dual streaming and 3D DNR are available and can provide up to five times higher resolution compared to standard resolution cameras. This significantly reduces installation costs. For realtime recording purposes, cameras can record 30 frames per second irrespective of the resolution. Alarm systems Alarm systems can only provide benefit if backed up by 24-hour armed response. The entry-level system, most suitable for a home office, includes an eight-zone panel, transformer, battery, transmitter, siren, two infra-red passives, two magnetic door contacts, two panic facilities, two display sign boards and a free warranty. Larger establishments will need to include additional devices such as PIRs, door contacts, remote panics, remote arm/disarm and wireless devices. Some industries may want to consider the environmental alarm systems available on the market. m
You can’t outsource cyber-security Take note of these tips from www. smallbusinesscomputing.com and take the first step towards securing against internal security breaches. Train your employees There is always someone in the company who falls for every hoax or lottery win they receive. Compounding the problem, phishing scams can be very sophisticated and hard to recognise. Clicking on unidentified URLs or downloading unauthorised software puts your network at risk of Trojan or malware attacks. It is critical that small businesses regularly conduct basic computer security training with employees. Educate your employees on the latest security issues, and teach them to correctly identify potential threats that can compromise your business. Think about P@ssWORD 3ecur!ty Passwords are still an important element in securing access to a business’ records and network. The challenge is that end-user passwords are often weak, shared by multiple employees, and saved on everything from sticky notes to personal devices which can be lost or easily stolen. A lax password policy can be a huge weakness in a business’ security strategy, leaving it open to leaks and hackers. Instituting stricter policies regarding password creation and sharing can significantly improve security - and it costs very little to set up. Limit access and sources of entry Every desktop, notebook and mobile device is a possible entry point into your organisation’s network, which can leave you open and vulnerable to security threats. Limiting the degree of access that employees have helps to make your organisation safer and more secure. Consider limiting file or server access to the employees who legitimately need to access the information.
my office magazine
retail savvy ACKNOWLEDGMENT Written by Ian Steyn of Innervation. Innervation Value Added Services assists retailers to achieve enhanced customer service, increased revenue and sustainable competitive advantage. The company’s core product offerings include the Destiny electronic payments switch and the Destiny Stored Value suite of products, including gift card, loyalty, vouchers and coupons. E-mail: Ian@innervation.co.za
Struggling to keep up with changing customer demands? Ian Steyn of Innervation suggests retail takes the platform approach to changing customer point of sale demands
any retailers are still grappling with what has been dubbed “the era of the customer experience”. Companies have to find ways to serve their customers more efficiently, whilst offering an increasing number of diverse value-added services (VAS). These include items such as prepaid airtime, lottery, loyalty and coupons. Customers want – and more importantly, expect – to buy such items at the same point of sale (POS) as their goods and groceries.
As a retailer, you want to ultimately gain - and maintain - a competitive advantage by acquiring new services that can be deployed in a way that requires the least amount of effort Needless to say, enhancing a POS system to support a host of integrated value-added services can prove to be a challenge. Integration requires POS processes, user interfaces, receipt layouts, user training, reconciliation, and clearing and management information to be considered. The larger the retailer and the more channels supported, the larger the challenge. If approached in the right way, however, it can ensure strategic agility, supporting the rapid and cost-effective deployment of enhancements and new services. Integrating with a single platform that allows a retailer to add new services as and when they become available, without needing to make any new changes to the POS, is perhaps the
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only way to do so efficiently – reducing both cost and timescales by more than 80% when compared to more traditional approaches. The best option for most retailers today is to integrate with a platform that will ensure the required agility by supporting new generation interfaces (such as SOAP). This will: • Decouple the channel from VAS providers; • Support the aggregation of multiple VAS providers in a category; • Support interfaces to enterprise applications such as finance and CRM; • Support effective business process management; and • Limit or even remove the need to enhance channel applications to deploy new services. The lack of such a platform approach is often the reason for an incomplete value-added services deployment in terms of the basket of services – both the completeness thereof and the cost efficiency. The latter must always be measured over the full life cycle of a service or strategy execution. The value of a platform approach is that it adds what could be described as a “translation layer” between the POS and any number of value-added services. On one side of this layer, a retailer running any of the popular POS systems can plug in without much difficulty. On the other side, VAS providers can do the same. Every channel can connect with any VAS
on the platform, and vice versa. It gives retailers the power to switch between channel applications and VAS providers easily if they have to. This can greatly reduce the life cycle costs associated with value-added services. Removing the need to retrain cashiers every time is just one of the savings. Adopting a platform approach enables retailers to implement many different customer contact channels, while maintaining a consistent customer experience across all of them. For example, if a company has a kiosk system, a Web site and a mobile app in addition to the physical tills, their customers need to feel that they’re connecting with the same organisation in a consistent way every time. The ability to do that seamlessly and consistently through a platform that has already been implemented is very valuable. In short, being able to add new services easily also means being able to change easily - and that’s a very important capability in an environment that is very dynamic from a functional, regulatory and compliance perspective. With the basics in place, retailers can start getting creative with services that will increase their competitive edge. We’re already seeing retailers combining valueadded services, with loyalty rewards being issued as prepaid airtime and a single customer view being maintained across all channels and services provided. Once the costs of innovation are lowered, the retailer has gained a competitive advantage and met customer requirements. m Vol 98 - February
back to office
Presentation and planning With 2014 moving into second gear, businesses are focusing on training, organising, project preparation and media mobility. Ensure these leading products are top of your list if you are planning a bumper year Sharing information with ease and speed are two of most the important business developments in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s competitive environment. Whether linking to new information seamlessly when attending a conference or holding a presentation and sharing and collaborating with participants across the globe, rest assured there is technology there to help you.
The Epson EB-1776W is an ultra-mobile projector for presentations on-the-go. Slim, compact and lightweight, this wireless projector offers wideangle, WXGA resolution and vertical and horizontal keystone corrections. The 3Â 000 lumen lamp ensures good picture quality, even in bright daylight.
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The Canon P-215 is a high speed, mobile document scanner ideal for the home, the office or people on the move. With true plug-andscan convenience, the device offers duplex scanning speeds of up to 30ipm via USB. It can be used on both PCs and Macs, and scans to Google Docs and Evernote. The Canon P-215 supports ID and embossed card scanning.
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
back to office The HP Officejet 100 mobile printer allows you to stay productive while on the move. This sleek printer allows direct printing from a range of mobile devices, including notebooks and smartphones.
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The HP Slate 7 HD tablet has a 7-inch HD screen and runs Android 4.2.2 (Jellybean). It goes everywhere with you, allowing moment-to-moment mobility.
Sharp calculators keep planning in line with budget and bottom line. Ideal for professionals, consumers and students alike, Sharp calculators offer a wide range of features at a variety of price points.
The Ion Tailgater portable speaker system offers loud, clear sound in any environment. Active amplification and a two-driver configuration are enclosed in a rugged design. The system includes an iPod dock, professional microphone and instrument inputs, and a rechargeable battery.
The Sahara Clever Touch is a 46-inch LCD two-point touchscreen that brings interactivity to your fingertips. Designed for 24/7 use, the Clever Touch has a steel bezel, built-in speakers and full HD 1080p resolution. Saharaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Interactive Software is included with every screen.
my office magazine
product highlight
Stick ‘em up! Tape is cheap, easily available and convenient to use, and sits in the top five of must-have accessories in any home or office. Glue comes in a sticky second
rom wrapping presents to covering schoolbooks, putting up hazard signs in the office or hanging the Labour Act on factory walls, adhesive tape has hundreds of potential uses and comes in a wide variety. It can even be used for jobs it wasn’t intended for, including removing fluff from school pants or creating works of art.
The more well-known and typically high volume tapes are:
Sticky tape Invented by Richard G. Drew, sticky tape is invisible when applied on paper and can be used for dozens of applications such as wrapping gifts, sealing envelopes, creating crafts and scrapbooking.
my office magazine
It is either clear or opaque, and you can even write on it. Tip: Use a dispenser to keep the end raised and ready to tear along its perforated edge. Double-sided tape Used when you need both front and back sticking power, it is available in the regular “arts and crafts” grade, as well as in heavier-duty formulations. Easy to use, you only need cut a length of tape, press the exposed adhesive onto the item you’re working with, peel off the liner, and press the second side against the surface you want it to stick to. Tip: Be sure you plan precisely where you are going to stick the tape before you commit, as it can be difficult to remove and reapply. Vol 98 - February
product highlight Masking tape An economical, multi-purpose tape with a glossy finish, masking tape is ideal for sealing boxes, packages and envelopes. Strong, yet easy to cut – especially when using a hand-held tape dispenser - it pulls off the roll easily and resists splitting and tearing. Choose from either brown or transparent. Tip: It’s so useful - always keep a spare roll handy. Duct tape This tape has a plastic coating, usually silver in colour, and is very strong. Its toughness is due to a composite make-up of woven cotton cloth that’s been backed with polyethylene, and then coated with a high-tack adhesive. Duct tape conforms to almost anything and, when applied, forms a waterproof seal, which makes it perfect for everything from HVAC installations to impromptu repairs around the house. Electrical tape Typically made of slightly stretchy PVC vinyl, electrical tape is backed with a pressure sensitive rubber-type adhesive. It has good insulation properties, and is perfect for protecting wire splices and providing extra insulation on electrical cords. While it is most commonly supplied in black, it’s also available in a variety of other colours such as red, green, yellow and white, and can be used for colour-coding.
Wood glue As the name implies, wood glue is used primarily for joining wood or board products together. Depending on the nature of the project, it is important to ascertain whether it will be suited to interior or exterior applications. Tip: DIY enthusiasts will benefit from an electric glue gun, which heats plastic glue rods and applies melted glue through a nozzle for an immediate bond. With a clean, quick and neat application, it is ideal for home or office use. Two-part adhesives Two-part adhesives include epoxies, polyurethanes and acrylics. Two substances are mixed together, producing a chemical reaction that delivers a strong bond. Usually used in DIY applications, they are available in different types specific for the materials in use. Tip: Shoe glue provides a slightly stronger, more waterproof bond than regular contact adhesives due to the wear and tear shoes undergo. Keep a tube handy in a drawer, especially if you have young children around. m
Printed tape A variety of options are available in printed style tapes that convey information such as “hazard” and “fragile” on parcels and objects. Just as widely used as tapes are adhesives. Glue comes in a variety of types and uses where one type of glue is not sufficient for every task. For example, children begin to use glue at a young age for craft projects during school. It would not be ideal for them to use the same type of glue that is used to bond plastic or metal. The main types of adhesive are PVA (polyvinyl acetate), synthetic resin, epoxy resin, contact adhesive and acrylic cement. Paper glue Usually available in a twist stick, liquid bottle or roller wheel tape transfer application, it is strong enough to hold paper products with a quick drying time and a simple, mess-free action. Usually waterbased or a PVA, it is the most common adhesive on the market, with a choice between general household and school purposes. Tip: There are many types of decoupage glue used to glue decoupage papers into place. However, if you happen to run out in the middle of a project, you can use almost any white glue at hand. Dilute it to three parts glue and one part water to create the same effect. Contact adhesives These are solvent-based adhesives, used to bond a range of materials such as leather, textiles and glass. The final bond is strong and flexible. The glue is spread over both faces of the material to be joined and requires a drying time of approximately five minutes. This is so the solvent can evaporate and the texture can become tacky before the two faces can be bonded together. Tip: Spray contact adhesive is convenient to use. Spray on both surfaces to be joined, wait five minutes and place together. It’s that simple.
Why is Superg lu One of the stro e so strong? ngest g can bo lues nd includin anything with available, Su perglue in seco g your nds of fingers. Superg applyin lue nee g it – ds hy water, to form str droxyl ions, w Superg o h n ich are g bond lue eas found in s. This y, a of wate r. As Su s almost all s makes applyin u p r faces c g it forms erglue comes ontain lo in tra sur face ng, strong ch ains, w contact with w ces s togeth hich bin ater er traces o d th f water almost immed in the fo iately. E e two it is im por ven air rm of h um ha after us tant to screw the cap idity, which is s e. back on w immed hy iately Tip: If y ou do m a dip the m in ho nage to stick your fin t water Alterna gers tog an tively, a ether, pply ac d wait a few remove momen etone ( rs). This fo ts. und in formed breaks nail po down th by the lish Superg e stron lue. g bond s
my office magazine
Paper hearts and dream boards It’s the month of love and romantic dreams, and one that naturally calls the creative spirit to the fore. When it comes to paper, if you can dream it, you can make it … Paper comes in a variety of different forms, and just as many interesting ways to use and manipulate it. From plain white copy paper to coloured construction paper, shredded crepe to transparent and tinted foils: there is no end to what can be done with paper. Hobbyists and crafters are able to produce works of art from simple techniques such as silhouette cuts, origami and paper-mache. Then there is a range of boards and frames, which includes canvas paper sheets, canvas board or smoothsurfaced painting boards. Other decorations for shelves and walls include diaries, scrapbooks, felt pin boards, dashboards and standing white boards – all tools well used in an artist’s studio. m What is paper tole? Paper tole, also known as three dimensional (3D) decoupage, is a beautiful and - sadly - dying art. This paper craft is very simple and will be especially enjoyed by those who love paper cutting crafts. Paper tole involves having two or more copies of the same image (such as a photograph) then cutting out parts of that image working from the largest piece at the bottom and smallest pieces at the top to build up a layered or 3D picture. You can purchase ready-made paper tole prints, where each layer has already been thought out for you, working from the largest to the smallest print. Or you can use three or more prints of your own image which allows you to choose exactly where you’re going to cut. Silicone glue or small foam squares are used to create the dimensions between each layer of cut paper.
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
Essential DIY for the office A universal toolbox will help you get things done, both in the office and on the road A surprisingly small number of tools can cope with a wide range of repair and maintenance jobs around the home or office. • Here are twelve essential tools to keep within easy reach: • Staple gun - lock and load the staple gun to become a secret agent at your desk. On a more serious note, it is a hand-held machine used to drive heavy metal staples into wood, plastic or masonry. • Screwdriver set - aim for flat- and Phillips-head screwdrivers in various sizes - they often can be bought in kits. Look for magnetic tips and comfortable grips to make screwing and unscrewing easier. • Claw hammer - no toolbox would be complete without a decent hammer. One end is used to drive nails in and the other end is to pull (usually bent) nails out of wood or walls. Rubber, plastic or vinyl handles offer shock absorption and a better grip. • Pliers - locking, adjustable pliers, also known as plier wrenches and vice grips, are very versatile. Because they lock in place, they can be used as a clamp, or in lieu of a wrench or wire cutter. • Adjustable wrench - an adjustable crescent wrench is the same as having multiple wrenches in one. • Tape measure - you might have heard the saying “measure twice, cut once”. Well, you will need a tape measure for that - and to do other things like ensure furniture will fit in an office, or to measure the windows for blinds. • Spirit level - no more crookedly-hung pictures. A level ensures you don’t hang or install anything (including the flat-screen TV or office shelves) crookedly. • Utility knife - used for things such as opening boxes and sharpening pencils, the utility knife is a toolbox workhorse. • Work light or flashlight - you’ll need a flashlight for your emergency kit anyway, but you could get a dedicated LED light, head lamp or work lamp for jobs that require sawing, screwing or nailing. • Electric drill - although you can go without a drill for a while, or resort to borrowing one when needed, sooner or later most handy people will need one – and they will find it indispensable. Cordless drills are convenient for working anywhere. • Marking tape - marking tapes are made of many different materials, including PVC and vinyl, and vary in thickness for a wide range of durability. Whether used www.shop-sa.co.za
for insulating electrical cords or marking an edge when painting, marking tape is essential. String - an indispensable item for a multitude of uses, both at work and at home. m
my office magazine
sales development ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mark Hunter, The Sales Hunter, is author of HighProfit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price. He is a consultative selling expert committed to helping individuals and companies identify better prospects and close more profitable sales. Visit www. TheSalesHunter.com.
What is sales development?
Before you spend precious resources on training and sales development, you need to ask yourself some key questions
or many companies, sales development is the process of achieving more sales and, on the surface, this is correct. However, sales development is really much more than that.
If a company only wants to increase sales, they can do things such as offering steep discounts and shorter delivery time, or increased customer support. The problem with each of these is that they all involve the loss of profit.
my office magazine
In reality, sales development should be a lifestyle for a company. A company that actively practices sales development is going to be engaged in activities at every level that are all designed to increase sales. It encompasses everything from research and development to marketing and sales. From a sales perspective, sales development is a formalisation of how the team reaches their customers with their products or services. It is all about ensuring that the method used to reach new prospects is cost-efficient and effective in terms of producing the right type of long-term customers. During the sales call itself, sales development includes how
Vol 98 - February
sales development
well the marketing materials being used by the sales team support the questions they’re asking and the benefits the customer is identifying. Finally, it is all about how the company interacts with the customer during the buying process and every day thereafter. It’s imperative to remember that sales development extends into all departments of a business. Not only is it the cornerstone of what sales does, but it is also the foundation of any company. In order for any corporation to implement sales development effectively, they have to be very clear about their mission statement and their “go-to-market” sales strategy. In addition, they have to have the perseverance and strength to do the things necessary to close the sale. If a company believes their sales development strategy is solid because of work they did five years ago, they are setting themselves up for failure. There is not a market out there that has not gone through significant change in recent years, and that is a key reason why a sales development plan must be continually reviewed and upgraded. Although the document may be continuously evolving, the measuring and benchmarking process should still be regularly implemented.
Over the years, too many companies have invested significant sums of money and resources into sales training programmes, only to have them fall far short of the desired outcome. Yes, management gets to check off another thing on their to-do list, but they only waste resources. Use the questions above as a guide to help you understand what it is you want out of a sales training process, and remember that training will not change a company’s culture or a person’s motivation. Both of these are seen too many times as the reason to have a sales training programme. If these are your primary reasons for having a sales training programme, then you should really look at having management coaching instead. No sales training process will ever have a long-term impact on culture or motivation. The sales training process you develop is key. Before any plans are made, take the time to answer these questions. Doing so will enable you to dramatically increase your sales training return on investment - and it all starts with the right sales training process. m
Before starting any sales training programme, here are some questions you should answer: • What are the objectives and expected outcomes from the training? • How will the results be measured? • Are the expected outcomes best achieved with training or should they be addressed through some other means? • Who is the training for, and what is going to be the level of support and involvement by management? • What are the reinforcement techniques that will be used? • What are the steps being taken to ensure any training delivered has long-term impact and is not seen as a once-off hit? • How will the training programme be introduced to the attendees? • Will the attendees be held accountable and do they see a reason for the training?
my office magazine
In the learner’s seat Auditorium furniture should be userfriendly, rate high in comfort and be easy to maintain
T 30
he design of a room and its furniture defines the ambiance and the intended use of the space. Auditoriums require a specific kind of furniture as they need to fill a certain structure and setting for large groups of people in the most practical way. Generally speaking, purpose-built auditoriums have large spaces where chairs are incorporated (fixed) into the design. Other large spaces, such as conference rooms, use free-standing conference furniture in order to keep a degree of flexibility for other uses.
to take down, but they are also easy to tip over and people tend to fidget and swing on the chairs, which can cause damage. Auditorium chairs require a good deal of maintenance due to the number of people that sit in them, and the amount of dirt and residue left on them from food particles or oily hands and heads. The seats and cushions of auditorium seats will need to be wiped down regularly and the seats folded up so that the cleaning crew can clean the floor beneath the chairs. Most auditorium seating is made of darker fabrics featuring a pattern which makes stains and marks less obvious to the eye. The upholstery should also be made of good quality fabric for durability and stain-resistance. m
Auditorium chairs can be single seats with solitary frames made of wood or metal. The wooden framed chairs have greater warmth to them, but the metal framed chairs are able to withstand more use. Some auditorium chairs are folding seats that are framed with metal, and have seats made of heavy duty plastic. These chairs are easy to set up and take down when an event requires additional seating. The chairs fold so they take up less room in storage areas. The heavy plastic seats are easy to clean, and they are difficult to damage. Single framed chairs are comfortable to sit in, but they take up more room than rows of chairs do. Row seating is also much safer than single framed chairs. The single framed chairs can move when a person goes to sit down in them, whereas row seating is anchored in place by bolts in the floor, so the seat does not move when a person attempts to sit in it. Folding chairs may be easy to store, easy to set up and easy
Simplicity and originality define the new Jumpseat, a chair especially developed for auditoriums, perfectly blending style and function. According to the creative team at Ziba, the project is a result of the company’s efforts to maximise space. The 200-seat auditorium, built for company meetings and community events, couldn’t have been achieved without a clever chair design. The cantilevered nature of the chairs ensures good spinal support and proper ergonomic function.
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
human resources
Top sales candidate
interview questions Jeff Gardner reveals what interviewers are most likely to ask when looking to hire an office products sales rep
he questions below were submitted from over 250 dealer owners and executives in a 2013 OPI research study entitled Best Hiring Practices of Office Product Resellers.
• • • • •
In the research study we asked the owners and executives: what has been one of the most effective interview questions you have used to determine if a sales candidate will be a good match for your company? The most prevalent input was to ask the sales candidate to sell something, such as a pen or other available item, to the interviewer to so that they are able to demonstrate their selling skills.
Here are the others: • What do you know about our company? • What is the one question I have not asked that you were ready to give me a good answer to?
• • •
What are your long-term career objectives? May I approach one of your key wins for a reference? Give me an example of a sales challenge and how you handled it. Walk me through your typical sales week. What is involved day by day? How did you specifically achieve the goals and successes listed on your résumé? Why have you chosen sales as your career? Tell me five things that make you a good salesperson, and how you have applied those things in the past? What are three weaknesses and three strengths of yours? How do you respond to objections when making a sales presentation? Describe how you prepare for a sales presentation? How do you currently convert a lead into a prospect? Why are you here?
The last question is asked right at the beginning of the interview: their answer
tells you a lot about the person, their research and their desire to work for your company - or if they are just looking for a job. I tell them “I don’t think you can cope with rejection from prospecting” and wait for their reaction. I ask them: • To answer a question about their Facebook or LinkedIn account that I have reviewed before the interview. • To give me one of their recent sales experiences and explain how they gained new business from someone not buying from them. • To provide me with an in-depth selling process used when selling for their previous employer. • To explain what they find attractive about the job. One final question from a reseller caused me to chuckle and then consider my own response: “Selling pencils is a tough business. Why in the world would you want to do that for a living?” m my office magazine
crime alert ACKNOWLEDGMENT CornĂŠ Mouton, ACA is Forensic Services Partner with Mazars. Email: cmouton@mazars.ie
Fraud at work How proactive are you?
he risk of fraud in organisations has dramatically increased in recent times due to the pressures caused by the financial crisis.
Many organisations, however, appear reticent to devote resources, both physical and financial, to proactive fraud prevention and investigation. The main reasons for this is lack of awareness of how fraud can manifest itself in organisations and a limited understanding of the nature and impact of fraud. Damage caused by fraud The impact of fraud can be devastating and the results can have deep consequences for the marketplace, organisation, employees, clients and suppliers. As recent corporate incidents have shown, financial losses arising from fraudulent activity may lead to redundancies, factory closures, the loss of business opportunities or even business failure. The misappropriated funds might otherwise have been used to re-invest in the business, to build new facilities, create employment or develop better products and services.
Types of fraud Statistics show that employee fraud is the most common type of fraud, followed by financial statement fraud - but the impact of fraud is much greater for the latter. Organisations that are under pressure to present positive financial results to shareholders, parent companies, banks, creditors and other key stakeholders in an increasingly competitive marketplace may resort to dishonest practices â&#x20AC;&#x201C; most often in the form of financial statement misrepresentations to report, for example, higher sales or better financial results. However, fraud of a similar nature can also be committed for a more focused gain â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for example, certain components of employee compensation are frequently tied to the achievement of specific goals, and the employee may look for ways to show better-than-actual results. Often, the top management in an organisation will be implicated when a major financial fraud has occurred. Besides senior managers, financial fraud can also be committed by accounting and finance employees, IT staff, sales and purchasing staff, payroll employees, and others. It is almost impossible to find a professional activity or position where
Keeping shop-sa members abreast of criminal and fraudulent activity in the stationery and office products industry To sponsor the Crime Alert page contact 011 781 0370 REPORT CRIME AT info@shop-sa.co.za Renew your Crime Alert sponsorship today! Call Wendy Dancer on 011 781 0370 to book your logo placement on the Crime Alert page as an industry leader in transparency, information sharing and anti-crime business ethics. 32
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
crime alert fraudulent behaviour can be completely ruled out. For an individual or group of individuals to commit fraud, a balance of suitable circumstances needs to be in place. This includes not only the motivation and opportunity to commit fraud, but also adequate rationalisation of the deed. Fraud may also be committed outside of the organisation, such as by third party suppliers, customers, agents and other contractors, in the form of illegal invoices, double-billing for the same delivery, and misrepresented quality or value of purchased materials. Special attention should be given to two types of organisational fraud in particular: • Internal control override by management; and • Collusion between employees of the targeted organisation and third parties. Fraud prevention Organisations need to accept that no organisation is immune to fraud. Too often, complacency is the fraudster’s best ally. It is estimated that most instances of reported fraud in organisations go undetected for between 12 and 25 months. Organisations have a duty to strengthen their fraud prevention and detection control systems and to intensify internal reviews to highlight areas of control weakness. For the same reason, auditors and other assurance providers should pay increased attention to the fraud-risk issue when conducting audits and assurance reviews.
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Investigating fraud Where suspicion of fraud exists, it may be necessary to carry
out a forensic audit, involving the use of auditing techniques developed for the sole purpose of detecting/confirming fraud. The primary objective of a forensic audit is to prove or disprove a suspicion that fraudulent behaviour has occurred. Where a forensic auditor finds that the suspicion was justified, the task is to quantify the loss suffered, establish the motive of the fraud and the manner in which it was committed, identify the individuals involved, determine their responsibility and, in particular, obtain evidence proving the scope and extent of the fraud. Forensic accountants use techniques and proven procedures to detect both major financial fraud and seemingly insignificant fraudulent conduct whose investigation may then prevent further damage and increased financial losses in the organisation. In addition to fraud investigations, forensic accountants can help organisations in their antifraud efforts by introducing preventive measures, setting effective internal controls and subsequently assisting in their implementation. Fraud is unavoidable, and for those in business it is an occupational hazard. Organisations that are victims of fraud not only bear the cost of the fraud itself but also the costs of investigating the fraud, of clearing up the problem and of ensuring there is no reoccurrence. Fraud is on the rise and it is therefore necessary to fight against fraudulent activities and financial misconduct. Fighting fraud through education, prevention, detection and, ultimately, the prosecution and punishment of fraudsters should be seriously considered by every organisation’s management team and it should be incorporated into the organisation’s strategy. m
email: sales@redfern.co.za
THE LABEL SPECIALIST Stick with the best!
company news
Obituaries Lee Lombaard from H & M Stationery (The Stationery Den) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on 16 February 2014. Kimalyn Trading wish to offer our deepest sympathy to Tobius and family for their immense loss. Lee was always a bubbly person. May her soul rest in peace. The industry is further saddened to hear of the recent passing of Jusuf Jaffer of Bookrite Stationers Centurion; Basheer of Pen on Paper in Vereeniging; and Hashim of Dial a Stationer in Johannesburg. Condolences go out to all their families and coworkers.
Be aware of new legislation The Occupational Health and Safety Act mandates that all companies must, by law, display the following notices in order to avoid fines: • Summary of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act; • Summary of the Employment Equity Act; • Summary of the Occupational Health and Safety Act; and • Summary of the Skills Development Act.
Tower product availability Tower products are now available on kalahari.com. Visit www.kalahari.com to see more.
Prime tenants on the West Rand The 76 000m² Cradlestone Mall has opened its doors on the West Rand, following a two-year construction period. The R1,3-billion development, jointly owned by Sasol Pension Fund, developer Retail Africa and Pivotal Property Fund, is the largest shopping centre to be built in the greater Johannesburg area since the 85 000m² Greenstone Mall opened in April 2007. Fund investment manager Andries Schaap says Cradlestone’s close to 200 stores are 94% let. Anchor tenants include Woolworths, Pick n Pay, Checkers, Game with FoodCo, Dion Wired and the Edcon Group. He says the centre, which is located just off the N14 Krugersdorp highway on Hendrik Potgieter Road, is well positioned to attract middle-to higherincome shoppers from Krugersdorp, Roodepoort and Randpark Ridge, as well as from the North West province and even Botswana. Retailers have undoubtedly become more cautious in rolling out new stores, but they are still keen to take up space in new centres that have the potential to dominate their catchment areas, offer the right location, and have critical mass. Besides, the growth of household and consumer spend in the north West Rand has been so rapid in recent years that few retailers would want to miss out on the opportunity to grab a share of this market,” Kruger concludes.
my office magazine
New members for Inovocom Inovocom welcomes new members G&K Alternative Supplies, based in Brackendowns, Alberton; and Neon-Ofi Projects based in Germiston, Gauteng. Inovocom has also advised that Uptrend Stationery Supplies’ membership has been terminated.
We have a winner! Congratulations to Jeffrey K Moela of Moroke who is the lucky winner of the Tower Hamper valued at R5 000. Vol 98 - February
industry report
Paperworld Frankfurt 2014
rends are a sort of optical manifestation of current aspirations and needs. As such, they make themes and product requirements visible, create clarity and offer guidance to manufacturers and retailers,” states style agency bora.herke.palmisano.
“The Paperworld trends are the result of intensive observations and analyses. The inspiration for new finishes, materials, colours and designs comes from the avantgarde of fashion, architecture and furniture design. They are then transferred to the stationery and office supplies sector and re-interpreted.” This year a total of 83 174 visitors from 154 countries made their way to the Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre to see for themselves the latest products and trends offered by its 1 670 exhibitors - a good number when considering 2013 was a year of uncertainty for the paper, office supplies and stationery sector in Europe. In particular, commercial office supplies remained under pressure, which was reflected by the absence of many German exhibitors. Commenting on the absence, Ulf Ohlmer, president of the German Office Supplies and Stationery Association (HBS) said, “The challenge facing shops in the paper, office supplies and stationery sector is to target customers more specifically, to focus their presentations on the core assortment, to offer and spotlight supplementary products more frequently and to ‘gather’ customers online via socialwww.shop-sa.co.za
Messe Frankfurt ranks itself as a worldclass platform for business and a source of inspiration and trends. Mercédes Westbrook attended the show to discover new growth moving into 2015
media communication.” This year the show provided additional programmes of events which focused on future markets and provided the sector with the ideas it needs to survive in volatile times. “This is the place to discuss the cultural change towards digital products,” said Hubert Haizmann, CEO of Krug + Priester. Examples of this trend can be seen in digital writing utensils, such as stylus pens and children’s fountain pens, which enable children to learn to write on both tablets and paper with the same instrument. There is a growing trend in all segments towards combining classic products with the digital world, from the security app of a stationery manufacturer to a QR code video clip greetings card. Even “augmented reality” has found its way into the sector. For example, one company exhibited exercise books, files and blocks with animal motifs, which can be brought to life using a smartphone or tablet PC. The Writing Initiative project aims to promote handwriting and writing skills and see it as their “social obligation to show people that writing by hand can be a pleasure”. The Webchance Academy examined multi-channel solutions and opportunities for combining bricks-and-mortar and online business. This development towards “multi-channel retail outlets” is expected to be in ever greater demand in the future and represents an opportunity for shops to become more attractive in the consumer’s eye. The trend towards visual merchandising was again picked up by a Messe Frankfurt commissioned study, which revealed shop windows continue to gain in significance for the retail trade as a source of information and inspiration for customers.
Expenditure on window dressing represents about 2% of the marketing costs of the German retail trade. The retailers polled see the subject of window dressing as big impact for little outlay, whereby an emotional sales approach represents a good opportunity for the bricks and mortar business. No show can be relevant today without a “green” angle. The Green Office Day forum focused on the environment and subjects such as resource-friendly processing and recycling, and how offices can be furnished in a sustainable and ecologically-friendly way. South African industry presence As a regular exhibitor at the show, Guido Denys, director of Accent Manufacturing, was particularly jubilant this year having signed a large exclusivity agreement with a new client for their high quality adhesive putty product. Denys cites their business success as being due to producing just one product line within their core competence. “We would rather focus on manufacturing one product well and being able to extend our footprint globally,” says Denys. Basil Lentner, MD of Heritage Craft Products, sported a full appointment book from his position in the CreativeWorld hall. “The show is very much a branding exercise for us and we continue to find suppliers in the market we didn’t know about,” he says. Says Heidi Masters, marketing manager of Permoseal: “When I come away from trade shows like Paperworld, I always feel a sense of pride at being South African. “It hits home that we can conceptualise, produce and package products that are more than capable of holding their own on the world stage.” m my office magazine
eco pages
Greener consumption ahead Pipes to be heavy metal free by 2015, says SABS
he South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) has announced that all PVC pipes manufactured in SA must be free of heavy metals by 2015, and promises a leap forward in protecting both our environment and workers from heavy metal contamination.
GM at the SABS Certification, Gauteng, Sibongile Dhlamini, says that the SABS
Standard Division has made amendments to ensure that all heavy metal stabilisers are removed in the manufacturing of PVC Pipes. “Local manufacturers of PVC pipes who are SABS certified have been granted a window period of 24 months, as of 30 October 2013, to get their house in order and to comply with the new, relevant standard requirements.” Pipes bearing the SABS mark of quality would have to be resubmitted for testing, after which new permits will be issued. The policy applies to drinking water systems as well as sewer, drainage and mine pipes. Although lead does not leach
from the plastic pipes and does not pose any danger to people once installed, it does create a safer environment for the manufacturers, where lead poisoning could pose a risk for their workers. “In the interest of the consumer and good business practice, the SABS strongly promotes the highest possible product quality standards as well as environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and materials. “We therefore urge companies to ensure they comply and begin the process of removing heavy metals from their manufacturing process, if they have not yet done so,” says Dhlamini.
eco pages
Green Fund to finance waste beneficiation centre in Hammarsdale A state-of-the-art waste beneficiation centre is being planned for Hammarsdale in the outer west region of Durban, says Chris Whyte, MD of USE-IT. The centre is expected to generate 150 long-term jobs in the waste beneficiation sector once it is fully established. Financing for the centre has been secured by USE-IT, a Durban-based Section 21 company, from the South African Green Fund. USE-IT conceptualised the centre in order to ensure the sustainability of recycling efforts by providing the facilities required to process recyclable material, explains Whyte. The intention of the centre is to provide an enabling environment where a variety of private sector companies and small enterprises in the waste beneficiation sector can operate. The centre has been designed to accommodate recycling and processing of e-waste, glass and plastic. It will provide facilities for primary processing of recyclable material, which involves sorting and
washing; as well as secondary processing, such as pelletising of PET plastic. In the long term, Whyte expects that retail-ready products will be made from the recyclable material on site. The centre will also house a block yard to showcase USE-IT’s compressed earth block technology. The block-yard will allow USE-IT to provide training and education on block making to people in the surrounding community. A flagship project, the centre will provide a platform to demonstrate approaches to waste beneficiation in Africa at both a national and international level, says Whyte. Funding for the centre is being provided by the Green Fund a national environmental finance initiative administered by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) on behalf of the Department of Environmental Affairs. Please visit the Green Fund Web site www.sagreenfund.org.za for additional information and updates on future opportunities. Source: urbanearth.co.za
New Woolworths packaging labels promote recycling Woolworths recently introduced onpack recycling labels (OPRLs), which help customers to easily identify the recyclability of the packaging of products purchased from their South African stores, with the overall goal of enhancing the South African recycling sector. The Woolworths OPRL initiative was introduced in November 2013 and forms part of their Good Business Journey sustainability programme. Woolworths hopes to have the new labels on at least 20% of its products by March 2014. Woolworths recognised the need to develop the OPRLs after receiving customer feedback that the existing recycling labels on packaging were confusing. This is because traditionally recycling labels have been designed for waste collectors and separators, not for customers. Woolworths believes the new OPRLs will improve South Africa’s recycling and resource recovery rates, as current confusing symbols will be replaced by standardised simple icons. These icons will display the following information: • The source of the packaging material (including sustainable materials that were used in the packaging); • The different components of the packaging (such as a tray, sleeve, and so on); • The packaging material type per component (such as plastic, paper, and so on; and • Whether the packaging is widely recycled in South Africa or not.
product showcase
REXEL COLOURHIDE® NOTEBOOKS Rexel’s new Colourhide® Notebooks come in a variety of sizes and exciting colours including lime, purple, pink, black and blue: - Pocket notebooks are spiral bound with 96 pages. Size 112mm x 77mm - A5 spiral notebooks are convenient with 200 perforated pages (100 sheets) and a 2 year calendar. Feint ruled. - A4 spiral notebooks are made up of 120 perforated pages (60 sheets) and include a 2 year calendar and tear out memory joggers. Feint ruled.
Tel: 011 226 3300 Fax: 011 837 9489 Web: www.rexelsa.co.za
REXEL COLOURHIDE® A4 LECTURE BOOKS Rexel’s Colourhide® A4 Lecture books have 140 pages (70 sheets) and include a 2 year calendar with tear out memory joggers and drawing paper. Sheets are perforated and feint ruled. 2 storage pockets and pen holder included. Available in black, pink and blue.
Tel: 011 226 3300 Fax: 011 837 9489 Web: www.rexelsa.co.za
REXEL A4 COLOURHIDE® SKETCH BOOKS Rexel’s Colourhide® range also includes A4 Sketch books which comprise of 60 perforated pages made from acid free cartridge paper. Available in black and pink. Spiral bound to keep your works of art secure and longer lasting!.
Tel: 011 226 3300 Fax: 011 837 9489 Web: www.rexelsa.co.za
NEW SMARTPHONE DICTATION APP The new Olympus Dictation App for iPhone and Android makes it possible to create a highquality voice recording anywhere in the world - and then immediately send the recording directly into a back-office workflow system. With the Olympus Dictation app, users can create crystalclear voice recordings anywhere with their smartphone. Encrypted dictation files can then be emailed or sent directly into the organization’s Olympus Dictation Management System workflow for automatic routing to a transcriptionist, voice-recognition software or a secure archive. That means increased efficiency, decreased costs and getting more done in less time.
Tel: 0860 00 1922 Email: sales@maynards.co.za www.maynards.co.za
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
product showcase
ALL-NEW PHILIPS PROFESSIONAL DICTATION RECORDERS The new Philips DPM6000 and DPM7000 series voice recorder is set to meet even the highest standards demanded by professional users. Philips Pocket Memo 6000 and 7000 series come with two built-in stereo microphones, enabling crystal clear recordings, perfectly suitable for speech recognition. The devices all come with best-in-class battery runtime of up to 27 hours, which is 50% more than comparable competing products can offer.
Tel: 011 887 1056 Email: info@speech.co.za Web: www.speech.co.za
CANON MX924 4 IN 1 PRINTER • Powerful and productive Office All-In-One • 35-page 2-sided Auto Document Feeder for scanning, copying and faxing • Superior prints using 5 individual ink system with optional XL capacity ink tanks • Print up to 1000 monochrome pages with optional XXL monochrome ink • Convenient, high-capacity 250-sheet paper tray • Large, user-friendly 7.5cm (3.0”) colour TFT display with Dual Function Panel • Fast printing with A4 ISO ESAT 15 ipm mono/10 ipm colour • Print from, and scan to, smartphones/tablets. Apple AirPrint supported • Google Cloud Print support and internet printing using PIXMA Cloud Link • Advanced media handling with Direct Disc Print and 2-sided printing
Tel: 011 248 0300 www.koloksa.co.za
MY OFFICE PRODUCT SHOWCASE Showcase your products here call Wendy Dancer on 011 781 0370 for pricing and availability.
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w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a
my office magazine
SOURCE PRODUCTS HERE A ADDING MACHINE, POINT OF SALE AND MACHINE ROLLS BSC Stationery - Treeline PaperGeni Rotunda ADHESIVES, GLUES AND SPRAYS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Correction Fluid, Glue sticks & Super Glue BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Bostik, Ponal, Pritt, Pentel, Staedtler Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Freedom Stationery - Marlin ADHESIVE NOTES 3M SA PTY Ltd - Post-it ® BSC Stationery - Stick ‘n Notes
ART, CRAFT, GRAPHIC AND DRAWING MATERIALS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Pentel, Pilot, Henkel, Bostik, Staedtler, CTP Stationery - A4 coloured poster boards Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Uni, Artline Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Oil pastels and watercolour paint
B BAGS AND CASES BSC Stationery - Treeline, Penflex, Gotcha, Staedtler Flip File - Business cases. Freedom Stationery - Space Case and Marlin Global Bag And Sportswear Manufactures Custom schoolbags ,tracksuits Kolok - Kenton Topmark - School Bags, Laptop Bags, Pencil Cases, Sports Bags, Luggage BATTERIES BSC Stationery - Eveready Nikki Distributors - Duracell Batteries Nikki Distributors - Energizer Batteries
BIN RANGE Krost Office Products
BINDING ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - Plastic Comb, Wire, Thermal & Covers Beswick Office Products - Fellowes BSC Stationery - Treeline, Rexel CTP Donau - Donau files and slide binders, A4 poster board Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC W Vos & Co - Renz covers & combs, ringwire BINDING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Neorel Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges W Vos & Company - Renz. BOARDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Velleda School Whiteboards BSC Stationery - Bestboards, Pentel, Pilot, Artline, Penflex CTP Stationery - Flip Chart Pads Hortors Stationery - Legal Notices i.e. Basic Conditions & OSH Act and Leave and Absence Chart Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Artline Flipchart Markers, Artline, Maxi whiteboard markers Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Parrot Products - Full range of boards and accessories. Custom boards printed to your specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO whiteboards, pinboards, easels and accessories BOOK COVERS CTP Stationery - Poly Prop Donau heavy duty covers Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Freedom Stationery Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut
polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers - brown paper rolls, poly rolls, gift-wrap RBE - Papersmart BOOKS AND PADS BSC Stationery - Treeline CTP Stationery - Impala and premier books and pads Freedom Stationery - Manufacturers Hortors Stationery - Legal registers Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books BOXES AND CARTONS Beswick Office Products - Bankers Box to Boxes and Cartons CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Rexel Office Products Specialised Filing Systems - Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Acid free archiving products
C CALCULATORS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Kaiser, Sharp Freedom Stationery Kolok - HP Nikki Distributors - Truly calculators Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - IBICO CALENDARS CTP Stationery - Diaries assorted sizes
CALLIGRAPHY Max Frank - Artline
CANTEEN Kolok - Tea, Coffee, milk etc,
Effortless binding with perfect results CombBind C12
CombBind C20
CombBind C340
CombBind C150 Pro
buyers’ guide Sunbeam(appliances), Cleansui (water filters and refills) CARBON PAPER AND FILMS RBE - NCR Business Books CD’S, DVD’S AND DISKETTES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton
See page 46 for contact details
CRAYONS AND CHALKS BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Henkel, Faber Castell, Staedtler Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Chalks and Crayons Power Stationery-Powerstar
CLIP BOARDS CTP Stationery - DONAU brand Parrot Products - Masonite and whiteboard
CLIPS, FASTENERS AND PINS Freedom Stationery - Marlin Grip Binders Essentials, Stephens, Penguin Tidy Files - Filing solution
DESK SETS AND ACCESSORIES BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Desk Set Solo Delux BSC Stationery - Treeline Freedom Stationery - Marlin Krost Office Products Ledger Systems - Falcon Products Rexel Office Products - Rexel Eco Range
COLOURING BOOKS Empire Toy & Stationery - Empire books Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton Krost Office Products Pyrotec - Tower Inkjet-laser labels, business cards and photo paper COMPUTER CLEANING Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Pyrotec - Tower computer cleaning range Kolok - ComputerCare COMPUTER CONSUMABLES CTP Stationery - Full range of DONAU files KMP - for computer consumables Kolok Unlimited - Penguin (Ribbons, Toners, Inkjets,) ,Till and fax rolls Redfern Print Services - Redfern inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels
COMPUTER HARDWARE Kolok Unlimited - Blazer UPS systems, Geha (Interactive white boards)
CORPORATE STATIONERY & GIFTING Star Stationers and Printers
WireBind W20
MultiBind 230 Comb & Wire
DIARIES, PLANNERS AND ORGANISERS CTP Stationery - CTP Brand Hortors Stationery - Legal diaries Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners, refills and T-card kits South African Diaries - For all your diary needs DICTATION - TRANSCRIPTION Olympus Audio S.A - Digital Voice Recorders, Transcription Kits and Accessories. Powerhouse Dictation for Philips - Dictation, transcription, meeting recording, mini-tapes, foot pedals, accessories DRAUGHTING AND DRAWING OFFICE SUPPLIES CTP Stationery - A4 Poster Boards
E EMBOSSERS AND ENGRAVING Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Ideal & Trodat Embossers (pocket, desk and electronic), Trotec
CTP Stationery - Commercial envelopes Global envelopes Grafton/Star KZN ENVELOPES Merpak Envelopes - Simplistic, full range of printed and plain envelopes Narayan Wholesaler - Wholesaler of Quality Envelopes, Peel and Seal PaperGeni RBE - Papersmart ERASERS & ERASING / CORRECTION FLUIDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Tippex tape, bottle and Pen BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Artline, Faber Castell, Pentel, Pilot, Staedtler, Pritt Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Tape/Erasers Pentel S.A (PTY) LTD - Hi-Polymer and Ain eraser, correction tape and pens Power Stationery-Powerstar
FAX ROLL MANUFACTURERS Rotunda FILES AND FILING African Filing Systems - Top retrieval filing and arching products BSC Stationery - Treeline, Mobifile CTP Stationery - Full range of quality DONAU brand Flip File - Executive display files, expanding files, Document folders, dividers Freedom Stationery - Edo / Unifile Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Lever arch, Ringbinder files, Manilla flat folders Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (Binding machines) Palm Stationery Manufacturers - leaver arch, ring binder files, manilla flat folders. Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Display book Vivid, document file, clip file and presentation file Rexel Office Products - Prima and Rexel ranges Specialised Filing Systems - Top Retrieval, Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Filing solutions
ENVELOPES AND MAILING BSC Stationery - Leo Envelopes, Jiffy
www.rexelsa.co.za ClickBind 15
ThermaBind T400
SOURCE PRODUCTS HERE FOLDERS BSC Stationery - Treeline, CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers - View files, polypropylene & board folders Tidy Files - Specialised FORMS - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Hortors Stationery - complete range of custom, company, miscellaneous, magisterial, etc. FURNITURE - OFFICE & SCHOLASTIC Krost Office Products - accessories New Era Office cc - Specialising in all office furniture desks, chairs, credenzas, boardroom tables, etc Reboni Furniture Group - Manufacturing and distribution of educational and office furniture Specialised Filing Systems - Cabinets, Shelving and Hi-Density
G GUILLOTINES AND TRIMMERS AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra Beswick Office Products - Fellowes, Vivid Rexel Office Products - SmartCut and ClassicCut W Vos & Co - Ideal
I INDEX TABBING AND DIVIDERS 3M SA - Post-it flags, Flag pen and highlighter BSC Stationery - Treeline, Flip File CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand board and P.P Flip File - Index Tabs, Flip tabs Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers Grip Binders Rexel Office Products - Rexel, Mylar and Prima board
INKS KMP - for computer consumables. Max Frank - Shachihata, Artline Rexel Office Products - Numbering machine ink Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, Noris fastdry, security, numbering, franking. Laundry.
J JANITORIAL Kolok - Goldenmarc (Cleaning products), Brooms, Mops and equipment.
L LABELS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Tower, Midmadex Freedom Stationery - Marlin Nor Paper Pyrotec - Tower stationery, inkjet-laser labels Redfern Print Services - Redfern Inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions LABELLING MACHINES Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother P-Touch Labelling System LAMINATING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Speedlam, Lamiace Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok - GEHA and Galaxy Parrot Products - Parrot A4 and A3 Laminators Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges W Vos & Co - PEAK & Renz.
Parrot Products Rexel Office Products - GBC LEGAL STATIONERY Hortors Stationery - All legal registers, forms, diaries etc LETTER TRAYS Krost Office Products
M MAILING TUBES CTP Stationery MARKERS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Permanent Markers, Highlighters, whiteboard BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline, Collosso, Penflex, Artline, Maxi, Pentel, Pilot, Bic Freedom Stationery - Marlin Interstat Agencies - Edding Max Frank - Artline , Maxi, Uni Parrot Products - White board, permanent and OHP markers. Wide range of highlighters Penflex - White board, flipchart, permanent markers, highlighters Pentel (Pty) Ltd. - Maxiflo, white board marker and paint marker Power Stationery - Powerstar MATHEMATICAL GEOMETRY SETS & ACCESSORIES Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery-Powerstar
MINUTE AND GUARD BOOKS Hortors Stationery - Company registers, minute books and other legal registers Ledger Systems - Falcon products
LAMINATING POUCHES AND MATERIALS AZ Trading - A0 to ID card size Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok - GEHA, Penguin laminating pouches and rolls
Simply faster to the finish... TM
Introducing the new line of Fusion Laminators
Fusion 1000L
Fusion 1100L
Fusion 3000L
buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
N NUMBERING MACHINES Rexel Office Products Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Reiner Dater/ Numberer (manual/electronic), Trodat
Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Cubes and board Paper World Handmade Paper, Embossed Paper, Specialty Papers, Scented Paper Board, Paper Products Power Stationery-Powerstar RBE - Papersmart Rexel Office Products - Prima Paper & Board TRIBE - TRIBE Inkjet Paper and Film PAPER FOLDING MACHINES W. Vos & Co - Ideal
OFFICE ERGONOMICS Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Back/ Wrist/Foot support; Notebook riser stand Rexel Office Products - Kensington copyholders, risers, footrests, Rexel range of electric staplers and punches which reduces chances of RSI (repititive strain injury) OFFICE FURNITURE IXAXA Office Furniture - Office furniture (Desks and Chairs) from reception to CEO’S office OVERHEAD PROJECTION AND ACCESSORIES 3M SA (Pty) Ltd. - Overhead film, transparency, multimedia Kolok - Penguin Transparencies Max Frank - Artline Parrot Products - Data Projectors, OHPs, screens and rear projection film Penflex - Penflex Overhead projector pens Rexel Office Products - NOBO
PENCILS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Evolution Graphite, BIC Matic Clutch ,Velocity Clutch, Atlantis Clutch, BU4 Clutch BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Pilot, Pentel, Uni, Staedtler, Henkel Freedom Stationery - Marlin / Edo Max Frank - Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Hotshot, Mechanical Pencil, Techniclick Pencil. Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel HB & Derwent Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Tradition, Wopex, Technical, Clutch Pencils and lead PENCIL LEADS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Criterium 0.5mm leads Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Uni Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Ain lead, standard lead - various grades
P PAPER AND BOARD Antalis South Africa - Office paper and packaging solutions BSC Stationery - Apex Paper - Typek,Rotatrim CTP Stationery - DONAU A4 poster boards Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Freedom Stationery Grafton/Star Kolok Unlimited - Geha (paper media), EPSON, HP, CANON, Nor Paper
PENCIL SHARPENERS Freedom Stationery Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar PENS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Clic, Crystal, Orange and Prismo BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Pilot, Pentel, Uni, Staedtler, Henkel, Lexi, Penflex Freedom Stationery - Marlin and Edo Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Penflex - Penflex ballpoints and rollerballs
Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Superb Ballpoint, Energel Pen Power Stationery - Powerstar Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Ball point, Fineliner, Gel and Pigment liner pens PEN CARBON BOOKS BSC Stationery - Treeline, RBE Freedom Stationery - Marlin Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books PERSONAL STATIONERY CTP Stationery - Home office and personal filing system, diaries Grafton/Star PLANNING BOARDS AND ACCESSORIES Parrot Products - Range of year planners, term planners, maps and in/out boards. custom printed boards designed to specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners POINT OF SALE PRINTER ROLLS PaperGeni Rotunda
PRINTING Olivetti Imports - Distributors of Multifunctional Printers / Copiers Star Stationers and Printers Kolok - Epson, Lexmark (Hardware), Hp Printers, Oki (Hardware) PRINTER CONSUMABLES Impression Management - Prinart, Logic, Q-Ink, Sanchi, Oliser and ATIKMP - For computer consumables. Kolok - EPSON (inkjet, large format etc), LEXMARK, HP, Brother (Toners and Inks), Oki (Toners, inks and Ribbons), Tally Genicom (Ribbons), Seikosha (Ribbons), Panasonic (Toners and Ribbons), Kyocera (Toners), Printronix (Ribbons), IBM (Ribbons), Ricoh (Toners), Fujitsu (Ribbons) Nor Paper PaperGeni Royce Imaging Industries - Remanufacturers and suppliers of inkjet and laser cartridges
www.rexelsa.co.za Fusion 3100L
Fusion 5000L
Fusion 5100L
SOURCE PRODUCTS HERE Technical Systems Engineering - Suppliers of quality compatible cartridges and bulk inks for Epson, Canon, Lexmark, HP and Samsung PUNCHES AND PERFORATORS Beswick Office Products - Kangaro BSC Stationery - Treeline, STD, Rexel Freedom Stationery - Marlin Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of punches Power Stationery-Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel
R RUBBER STAMPS Max Frank - Schachihata X Stampers Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co. - Trodat
RUBBER STAMP MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - AZ Liquid polymer, TROTEC laser engraver, flash system RULERS Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery-Powerstar Penflex - PENFLEX rulers
SCISSORS AND CUTTERS Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery-Powerstar Rexel Office Products SCRAPBOOKING Rexel Office Products - Trimmers and guillotines Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Making memories, Clearsnap, Marvy, Ranger, Bazzill, Carl SHREDDERS AND ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra, Roto, Repairs to all makes Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok - GEHA entry level and high-end shredders Nikki Distributors - Nikki shredders Parrot Products - Parrot range of value shredders Rexel Office Products - Rexel range W Vos & Co - Ideal. SLATES Freedom Stationery - Marlin Parrot Products - Whiteboard and chalk board
SCHOLASTIC SUPPLIES BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline CTP Stationery Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly Flip File - Flip File display books A5, A4, A2, A3 Freedom Stationery - Marlin and Edo Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers
Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Parrot Products - chalk boards/slates Power Stationery - Powerstar Pyrotec - Tower Adhesive Book Cover 45cm x 2m
SPECIALISED STATIONERY AND BOOKBINDING Ledger Systems - Law reports and periodicals SPIKE FILES Grip Binders STAMPS, STAMP PADS AND INKS Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, preinked stamps, stamp and fingerprint pads STAPLING MACHINES AND STAPLES Beswick Office Products - Kangaro BSC Stationery - Treeline, STD, Rexel Freedom Stationery - Marlin
Autoplus 60 X
Krost Office Products Interstat Agencies - Genmes Parrot Products - Parrot range of staplers Rexel Office Products - Rexel range STATIONERY SUNDRIES - SCHOLASTIC BSC Stationery - Treeline, Pritt, Henkel, Staedtler, Pentel, Pilot, BIC, Artline, Penflex CTP Stationery - DONAU Scissors and cutting knives Freedom Stationery - Marlin, Edo and Unifile Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery-Powerstar STENCILS Freedom Stationery STORAGE SYSTEMS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Suspension Files Kolok - VERBATIM (hard drives, USB sticks etc), HP Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions
T TAPES 3M SA (Pty) Ltd. - Brand Scotch® MagicTM BSC Stationery - Sellotape, Brother Freedom Stationery Palm Stationery Manufacturers TELECOMMUNICATIONS NIKKI Distributors - Siemens office phones TELEX ROLLS AND TELETEX PAPER Rotunda THERMAL ROLLS Rotunda TONERS AND CARTRIDGES KMP - Computer consumables Kolok - PENGUIN (Inkjets and Laser toners), EPSON, LEXMARK, HP. PaperGeni
Autoplus 80 X
Autoplus 100 X
buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
TOP RETRIEVAL FILING Optiplan a div of Waltons - Paper based top retrieval filing systems
Specialised Filing Systems - Total Solution and more Tidy Files - Complete onsite and offsite filing solutions
VISITORS BOOKS/REGISTERS Ledger Systems - Falcon Products - visitors books, hotel guest register, restaurant reservation registers
TOYS, HOBBIES AND GAMES Freedom Stationery Pyrotec - Toby Tower Stickers and Activities TRANSFER LETTERING AND SIGNS Parrot Products - Vinyl lettering TRANSPARENCIES Kolok - Penguin transparencies for inkjet and laser OEM, Penguin and HP Transparencies Rexel Office Products - NOBO range
DID YOU KNOW? • Buyers’ Guideis an affordable way of highlighting your brands while also introducing up and coming new stockists to the trade. • The Buyers’ Guide is a valuable sourcing tool to market your business and the brands that you carry. • Contact Wendy to book space on wendy@shop-sa.co.za or Tel: 011 781 0370
www.rexelsa.co.za Autoplus 175 X
Autoplus 250 X
Autoplus 500 X
Autoplus 750 X
PvtBag X926, Rivonia, 2128
011 624 8000
Box 86173, City Deep, 2049
021 521 2400
Box 36964, Chempet, 7442
011 806 2388
Customer Serv: 0800 118 311
0866 101 185
021 521 2402/3
African Filing Systems
Kemtek Imaging Systems - Cape
Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd
011 896 5279
021 521 9600
Box 181, Cape Town, 8000
011 474 1427/8
Box 202, Crown Mines, 2025
086 540 6892
021 551 5032
011 474 5563
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Kemtek Imaging Systems - KZN
Powerhouse Dictation
011 688 6000
Box 6893, Johannesburg, 2000
031 700 9363
Box 15685, Westmead, 3608
011 887 1056
011 688 6162
031 700 9369
086 555 3833
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town (
021 959 9600
021 959 9640
Box 19231, Tygerberg, 7505
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Durban (
031 714 4000
031 700 9253
Box 284, Umhlanga, 4320
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria (
012 379 0060
012 379 0052
Box 4013, Pretoria, 0001
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Bloemfontein (
051 447 8681
051 447 6765
Box 1795, Bloemfontein, 9300
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth (
041 486 2020
041 486 2219
Box 9088, Estadeal, 6012
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Pietermaritzburg (
033 386 2078
033 386 2078
Box 1425, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Botswana (
00267 391 2139
00267 397 5459
Box 1705, Gaborone
AZ Trading
Kemtek Imaging Systems - PE
Power Stationery
041 582 5222
Box 15685, Westmead, 3608
032 533 4003
Box 1305, Verulam, 4340
041 582 5224
032 533 3254
Kemtek Imaging Systems - PTA
012 804 1410
PO Box 816, Silverton, 0127
021 787 9600
PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948
012 804 4286
021 787 9791
RBE Stationery Manufacturers (Pty) Limited
021 709 0190
Box 183, Steenberg, 7947
011 793 7321
021 709 0199
011 793 7348
Kolok Unlimited - Head Office
Reboni Furniture Group
011 248 0300
Box 4151, Johannesburg, 2000
086 173 2664
011 248 0381
086 627 7737
Kolok Unlimited - Cape Town
Redfern Print Services - Cape Town
021 597 2700
Box 6385, Roggebaai, 8012
021 552 9680
Box 403, Milnerton, 7435
021 297 2799
021 552 9681
Redfern Print Services - Durban
Kolok Unlimited - Durban (
031 570 4900
Box 4206, Riverhorse Valley East, 4017
031 205 9598
031 569 6880
031 205 7092
Redfern Print Services - Johannesburg
Kolok Unlimited Polokwane (
015 298 8795
Box 862, Ladanna, 0704
011 837 4119
Box 1445, Crown Mines, 2025
015 298 8315
011 837 8917
Kolok Unlimited - Port Elizabeth
Rexel Office Products
086 111 4407
041 406 9900
Box 3163, North End, 6056
011 226 3300
011 792 9732
041 406 9920
011 837 2781
Beswick Office Products
Kolok Unlimited - Namibia
011 433 2686
Box 82319, Southdale, 2135
00264 (61)370500
Box 40797, Ausspannplatz, Namibia
021 552 5135
Box 189, Maitland, 7404
011 680 2166
00264 (61)370525
021 551 3070
BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Kolok Unlimited - Nelspruit
Royce Imaging Industries
011 474 0181
PO BOX 43144, Industria, 2042
013 758 2233
Box 4338, White River, 1240
011 792 9530
011 474 6068
16 Maraisburg Road, Industria, 2042
013 758 2235
011 792 9480
BSC Stationery Sales
Kolok Unlimited - Bloemfontein
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Head Office
011 420 3250
Box 278, Brakpan, 1540
051 433 1876
PvtBag X01, Brandhof, Bloemfontein
011 262 1400
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
011 420 3322
051 433 2451
011 262 1414
CTP Stationery
Kolok Unlimited - Botswana
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Cape Town
011 226 5600
Box 43501, Industria, 2042
00267 393 2669
PvtBag B0226, Bontleng, Gaborone
021 448 7008
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
011 474 9242
00267 317 0762
021 448 7014
Empire Toy & Stationery
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Durban
Krost Office Products
011 614 2243
Box 261524, Excom, 2023
011 626 2067
Box 75401, Gardenview, 2047
083 377 4109
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
011 614 3075
011 626 2912
031 266 1082
Flip File
South African Diaries
021 638 3105
Box 2190, Clareinch, 7740
031 465 3992
P O Box 41259, Rossburgh, 4072
021 442 2340
Box 4862, Cape Town, 8000
021 633 6942
031 465 1669
021 442 2341
Freedom Stationery - Johannesburg
Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd
Ledger Systems
011 314 0953/4
Box 6459, Halfway House, 1685
011 433 1808
Box 82586, Southdale, 2135
011 579 1600
011 314 0957
011 433 8863
011 608 3497
Freedom Stationery - Cape Town
Specialised Filing Systems
Max Frank
021 557 9152/3
36-38 Silverstone Rd Killarney Gardens
011 921 1811
Box 200, Isando, 1600
011 477 0640
021 557 9155
011 921 1569
011 477 3528
Freedom Stationery KZN (Head Office) (
032 459 2820
Box 478, Mandini, 4490
032 459 3255
Freedom Stationery - East London
Maynards - Olympus Audio S.A / Olivetti Distributors (
0860 00 1922
Star Stationers and Printers
031 569 1061
031 569 1094
Technical Systems Engineering
Merpak Envelopes
043 731 2422
Box 14111 West Bank 5218
011 719 7700
011 708 2304
Box 1532, Northriding, 2162
043 731 2421
011 885 3174
011 708 1799
Global Bag And Sportswear Manufactures
Tidy Files
Narayan Wholesaler
031 305 6507
P.O Box 18586, Dalbridge, 4014
083 444 0959
031 301 6553
011 869 7243
011 943 4210
Topmark (
011 837 8045
031 465 5544
011 334 2013
Box 10383, Lenasia, 1821
011 837 7442
031 465 5634
011 334 7358
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Cape Town
Global Envelopes
New Era Office cc
021 787 9600
031 705 8713
Suite 69, PvtBag X4, Kloof, 3640
0860 006731
021 787 9791
031 705 8714
0800 204868
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Johannesburg
Gordon’s Productions
Nikki - Cape Town
PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948
011 611 1820
59 Lepus Rd, Crown Mines, 2025
011 262 0777
Box 550, Bergvlei, 2012
0860 006731
011 611 1834
011 262 0780
0800 204868
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) Durban
Grafton/Star Paper Products
Grip Binders (
011 421 1300
Nikki - Durban
031 701 0192
Box 594, Pinetown, 3600
0860 006731
031 701 1285
0800 204868
Nikki - Johannesburg orders@tigerpaper.co.za
Hortors Stationery (
011 620 4800
Box 1020, Johannesburg, 2000
Nikki - Pretoria
011 314 4746 (Jhb)
Box 6280, Halfway House, 1685
086 612 4663
0860 006731
021 386 4261 (Cpt)
0800 204868
Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers (
036 634 1535
Box 389, Ladysmith, 3370
Nor Paper
036 634 1890
011 011 3900
011 011 4099
Impression Management
DBN 031 777 1222
Optiplan a division of Waltons
JHB 011 708 7743
011 620 4000
Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Herriotdale
CPT 021 592 0847
086 681 8256
Interstat Agencies - Durban 031 569 6550
Box 201707, Durban North, 4016
031 507 7051
031 569 6559
031 507 7053
021 551 9555
Box 36696, Chempet, 7442
011 011 3900
021 557 5456
011 011 4099
041 453 2558
Box 27693, Greenacres, 6057
012 250 1477/8
041 453 8504
012 250 0322
011 392 3628
Box 43501, Industria, 2042
011 474 9242
W. Vos & Company (
011 493 7139
011 493 8807
Paper World
IXAXA Office Furniture
011 226 5600
Interstat Agencies - Port Elizabeth
Palm Stationery
Interstat Agencies - Cape Town
Kemtek Imaging Systems
Parrot Products 14 Isando Road Isando
011 607 7600
011 615 2502
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
international opinion ACKNOWLEDGMENT Article reproduced courtesy of www.opi.net, written by Gordon Christiansen. Based in the UK, Christiansen is the former CEO of RED BOX and London Graphics. He now advises businesses in the office products and technology sectors on sales and marketing strategy.
Should office product resellers be scared of Amazon? UK business advisor in the office products and technology sector, Gordon Christiansen, examines the Amazon fear factor
he office products sector has always been an early adopter of technology, and online retailing is no exception. Look at the success of the likes of Staples, Quill, Viking, Shoplet and Euroffice. Every “stationer” has a decent solution for account customers to order products online.
So why do we seem so scared of Amazon? Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world, known to millions of consumers across the globe. As a brand, its perception amongst the public is mainly positive. They’ve had negative publicity about minimising their tax position, but many businesses – of all sizes – try to minimise their tax burden. www.shop-sa.co.za
Their Web site is a bit clunky and not very attractive, but it’s fast and generally represents good value for money. And Amazon’s customer service is widely lauded. Now Amazon is allowing its customers to purchase office supplies. Buyers used to compare office supplies specialists: Office Depot with Lyreco; or Staples with Shoplet; or Viking with Euroffice. Now Amazon is in the mix, and even if consumers are not buying from Amazon they are checking their prices. As a generalist retailer, Amazon has no altruistic interest in the sector and quite frankly doesn’t care how the industry makes its profit. It doesn’t care about a pricing model that requires a customer to buy off-contract items at full retail price. It will be competitive on, well, just about everything. Amazon has used its marketplace to study the market, and it likes the sector and is here to stay. No amount of pontificating will change that. Manufacturers are very keen to work
with Amazon. They may get squeezed on margin, but Amazon delivers more control over their brands than selling through the wholesale or contract channels, where sales teams are directed to sell own-label products. So, Amazon likes the market, it will get plenty of support from the manufacturers, and its model is attractive to consumers. Still scared? Maybe you should be. However, Amazon is probably only accelerating a trend that started some years ago. It’s time for office product resellers to embrace the changes, learn from these new entrants and adapt their business models accordingly. The value propositions you delivered historically may not be relevant in the future. The key moving forward will centre on the diversification of product range, shifting towards a services model, having a clear and transparent pricing model and ensuring your service is exemplary. I realise this is always easier said than done, and it’s not quite adapt or die – but it’s getting close. m my office magazine
Laugh out loud Send us your funniest caption for the photograph below and you stand a chance to win a Rexel Laminator GBC Fusion 1100 A4 valued at R2 000. Send your Punchline and contact details to competitions@ shop-sa.co.za with Punchline in the subject line.
The Rexel Laminator is 33% faster than competitor machines, taking just 45 seconds to laminate a standard A4 pouch or 80 pouches per hour, with an additional cold setting for heat sensitive documents. Other features include: • Automatic switch off after 30 minutes of inactivity. • Exit tray keeps pouches straight as they come through the heated rollers for a perfect, warp-free finish • Incorporates SureFlow™ Technology reduces jamming significantly for stress-free laminating and maximum productivity • Laminates up to A4 size including ID cards, notices and certificates • Modern, compact design easy to move around and suits most office and home environments • Single touch button interface: simple to use, no previous experience required • Three heat settings accepts 2 x 75 micron (150 in total) • pouches, 2 x 100 micron (200 in total) and 2 x 125 micron (250 in total).
WIN ME WINNING CAPTION JANUARY ISSUE “We’ll be the buzz of the party.” - Elize Engelbrecht, Silveray Statmark Company
my office magazine
Vol 98 - February
SHOPPING FOR STATIONERY? NEED OFFICE PRODUCTS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR? LOOK NO FURTHER… My Office magazine – the only accredited publication for the office and home products industry is mailed monthly to office professionals across South Africa. Register on www.shop-sa.co.za to receive your free magazine subscription. • L earn about cutting edge office technologies • How to work smarter and faster and with best business practice • Get updates on events, promotions and latest offers • Be inspired by the hottest trends in interiors, furniture, and workplace ergonomics • Do business with accredited industry suppliers. Connect to the largest and most comprehensive database of likeminded professionals in the workplace environment.
Join this expanding community of office professionals, managers, procurement buyers and business owners now when you register on www.shop-sa.co.za
My Office magazine is the official publication of the Stationery, Home & Office Products Association of Southern Africa.
T a b s
Innovation by design
Cortex-A9 1.2GHz Dual-core Android 4.1 Camera: Back 2M Support WIFI 802.11b/g/n, Built-in Bluetooth 2G/3G phone call function, FM radio, Built-in GPS Support PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG etc. Support TF card; can support up to 32GB Support for external USB keyboard, U-disk 3.5mm standard headphone jack DC 5V/2A Supports Dual-Sim cards
PD80 PD10