Vol 100 issue 09 2016

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SEPTEMBER 2016 R50. inc



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Contents My Office magazine is the official magazine of the Southern African Association for Stationery, home and Office Products (shop-sa). It was first


industry is a fast-changing environment. We aim to


benefit readers, keeping them abreast of current and future market trends. The magazine is read by over 25 000 buyers and sellers of stationery and office products each

www.myofficemagazine.co.za | www.facebook.com/shopsa.za

In every issue

published in 1916. The stationery and office supply write and select articles that will both inform and

Vol 100 | September 2016

04 LABOUR LAW Dr Ivan Israelstam




06 HOW SOON IS NOW Gavin Moffat

Rob Matthews - robm@icon.co.za

24 ARTS AND CRAFTS A look at how you can create cool clip crafts



Leigh Richter - leigh@shop-sa.co.za




ECO NEWS A green news update




43 CRIME ALERT Whaling: a new form of cybercrime

Design and Layout: Vanessa Bentley New Membership: Wendy Dancer Johannesburg Office


PO Box 3226, Parklands, 2121


SHOP-SA REPORT-BACK Report-back on shop-sa’s executive breakfast


IT FOCUS Where does your Web site live?

6 Edward Street, Kensington B, Randburg, 2194 Tel: + 27 11 781 0088 / 89 Fax: + 27 11 781 2828 Email: info@shop-sa.co.za Website: www.myofficemagazine.co.za CONTRIBUTIONS Letters and editorial contributions are welcomed

and is subject to space and the editor’s discretion.


Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy the publisher and editor cannot accept responsibility for supplied material. The opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of shop-sa. Copyright is strictly reserved and no part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Stationery sponsored by

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Office paper sponsored by

Published by

DO-IT-YOURSELF PUBLIC RELATIONS Top tips for guaranteed press coverage

16 DESKS AND CHAIRS Improve your bottom line with our guide to selling office furniture 22



12 CLIPS AND THINGS Tidy up around the office with these handy organisational tools

and should be addressed to the editor at editor@ shop-sa.co.za. Publication cannot be guaranteed


THE FUTURE OF WORK What skills will you need in the workplace of the future?

26 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT An introduction to this booming industry 28 MATERNITY LEAVE A guide to correctly approaching maternity leave 28 CHECKS AND BALANCES The South African retail sector lacks understanding of internal audits

28 Marketplace 25 WEB BUTTONS 36 BUYERS’ GUIDE


Don’t forget to enter our competition on page 44

editor’s letter

The joys of spring


pring has sprung in sunny South Africa, and all over the country plants, people and businesses are approaching life with new vigour.

Many people will be busy with the annual practice of spring cleaning – a tradition that harks back generations, where things are tidied and ordered on the first warm days after winter. In keeping with a tidy-up and a fresh start, we at My Office magazine have decided to rejuvenate our look with a few small redesigns. Have a look and let us know what you think by sending your comments to editor@shop-sa.co.za. As part of our new look, we have introduced a new section in our magazine: that of facilities management. This booming industry essentially covers everything to do with running a building, from maintenance to pest control. For a brief overview and explanation of the field, see our article on page 26. What better way to spring clean your office than by getting all those flyaway things in order? Our stationery feature this month centres around different types of clips and other items that keep


my office magazine

things together, including rubber bands, nalclips and thumbtacks. Read all about it on page 12. Time for an office revamp? Our How to Sell feature on page 16 covers those essential office furniture items, desks and chairs. Spring is inclined to make people think ahead, and so we are having a look at the future of work. According to an article from the World Economic Forum, 35% of the skills that are crucial in today’s workforce will have changed by the year 2020. And a recent IDC survey, commissioned by Microsoft, identified that although technical skills are valuable, employers of the future will place greater importance on soft skills. Find out which skills will be most sought-after in the workplace of the future on page 22. And finally, catch up on all the latest news and events with our Industry News (page 32) and our report-back on the recently held shop-sa Executive Breakfast (page 8). Wishing you all a very verdant and prosperous spring.

Lei g h

Until next month

Vol 100 - September 2016

business savvy

Spring clean your customer service


pring seems to be a blooming waste of time for most businesses’ customers, because companies are so focused on getting things ready for Christmas.

But spring is also a time of renewed optimism and hope, and a time of rebirth and new growth. While you are putting away your winter clothes and wiping away dust, make sure to take time to do some spring cleaning in your business. As the new season approaches, customerfacing businesses confront their annual opportunity to spring into action, debug their operations and spruce up their service levels. But all too often the “spring fling” turns out to be a waste of time because the clean-out does not go far enough. Sadly, most businesses will take a feather duster to a few shelves, put some spring flowers on the counter and then go back to the “same old, same old”. This means those exceptional stores and businesses that build on spring fever by launching a proper renewal strategy have an unprecedented opportunity to woo consumers and win market share. Look at what you offer your customers in terms of your products; delivery; service levels; and the emotions that you want to evoke. You may have to redesign it all, but your customers will love it. Identify what affects your customers – and your business. Now is the time to do something about all the frustrating things that businesses do to upset, exasperate and infuriate customers. Look out for all the actions and processes that cause unnecessary delays, that lead to mistakes or that confuse customers. No matter how well-oiled your corporate machine www.myofficemagazine.co.za

is, there’s always room for improvement. It’s time to mend what’s broken and stitch up those small holes that you have neglected. Here are four top tips to make your customers lives a little easier, and to revitalise the experiences that they have: • Physical effort – look at how hard is it to deal with your business. Find ways to improve your signs, clear the cluttered aisles or remove the impediments to doing business in an efficient, friendly and engaging fashion. A new coat of paint or a simple clean-up can work wonders – and while you’re at it, refresh Web sites, procedures, staff uniforms, the look and feel of company advertising, and the in-store music and recorded messages. • Mental effort – do you need a degree to understand how things work? Is it easy or difficult to fill in documents, or understand conditions of sale, or to complying with processes and procedures and rules? Today customers can easily switch to businesses that provide consistency. They won’t forgive you if you complicate their lives. • Emotional effort – some businesses and industries have a knack for upsetting customers. Poor manners, indifference from staff, an inability to access the right people, and too many policies and rules lead to frustration. Do your customers feel embarrassed, stupid or irritated, receive no feedback, or are treated like thieves by security staff? Frustration is the emotional response to opposition, helplessness and obstructions, and often your company will lose, not the customers. Make sure your team is fun, enthusiastic, courteous and

friendly. Inspire customers to return again and again. • Time effort – we are all “time poor” in today’s hectic world, so it’s no excuse keeping customers waiting, delaying them, and forcing them into long queues in any channel. Install simplified procedures, or keep customers busy so that they don’t feel hassled. Don’t allow them to have to explain things again and again, or be given the run around, and shorten the distances they need to travel. Generate a sense of urgency so that everything is done with more speed and responsiveness. When you make the decision to spring clean your customers’ experiences, look in every nook and cranny for opportunities to perk up your company, but always look towards the ultimate goal: making your customers happier than they were when they woke up that day. Get managers, supervisors and staff to respond to customers with more joy in their hearts – not just for spring but for always. Now would also be a good time to refresh and revitalise your own staff’s skills and attitudes. Retrain them in all the product knowledge that may have gone rusty over the years, and rebuild whatever skills they need. Also look at their basic customer service skills, especially responding to complaints. To change attitudes, don’t forget to give praise and recognition; engage with staff by asking for their ideas, and let them take ownership of whatever they do best. Take advantage of the optimism and joy that this time of the year always brings. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AKI KALLIATAKIS

my office magazine


labour law

Labour brokers beware


he Labour Relations Act (LRA), Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) and Employment Equity Act (EEA) place very many obligations on employers that they would rather not have.

For example: • There are strict procedures for firing and retrenching employees; • Many employers are required by law to register with industry-specific bargaining councils which then dictate the terms and conditions of employment in the sector; • There is no legally quick and easy way of dealing with strikes; • Trade unions can force employers to allow them access to the workplace; • Deduction from employees’ remuneration of money owed to the employer is very difficult to achieve due to the legislation protecting employees and their pay; • All employees are entitled to paid annual leave, sick leave and family responsibility leave; • It is compulsory to pay minimum wages, limit hours of work and pay a premium for overtime work; • Affirmative action is compulsory for a great many employers; and • The cost of fighting CCMA and bargaining council disputes can be very heavy.


my office magazine

It is therefore not surprising that employers prefer to hire workers through employment agencies and labour brokers referred to as “temporary employment services” (TES) in the LRA. The business uses the TES staff to do the work that company employees would normally do. The TES frees the client from many labour law responsibilities, in return for a fee. While employment agencies and labour brokers can make profits from this business, they often pay a very high price for taking on the labour law risks involved. This is because: • Becoming an employer in South Africa is fraught with legal dangers whether you are a TES or not; • Agencies and brokers are often at the mercy of their business clients who may mistreat the TES staff and thus incur legal liabilities for the TES; and • Many employment agencies and brokers neither understand our labour laws pertaining to TESes nor understand how to protect themselves from the legal liabilities imposed on them due to their client’s actions. Where labour brokers and their clients treat their employees strictly according to the law, they have a fair chance of winning at the CCMA and bargaining councils. A case in point is that of NUMSA and Others versus Greenfields Labour Hire

and another (2004 4 BLLR 398). In this case the labour broker retrenched its employees who later referred a dispute of unfair retrenchment to the Labour Court. The court found this retrenchment to be fair because the retrenchment procedure was adequately carried out by the labour broker. Clearly, this broker had access to proper labour law expertise. The new provisions of the LRA enable the workers to sue the broker’s client and to claim permanent employment in some cases. This prevents clients from using labour brokers as buffers against labour legislation. Labour brokers and their clients can avoid these legal traps by using labour law experts to: • Draw up TES contracts with clients and workers; • Develop policies and procedures in line with labour law provisions and the employer’s operational requirements; • Train managers to implement these policies and procedures properly; • Help implement affirmative action constructively and legally; and • Ensure that their employees are hired, disciplined and/or dismissed via fair, legally-sound and effective strategies and procedures. n


Vol 100 - September 2016


No shred of evidence What steps can organisations take to destroy personal information?


any organisations have begun to consider how best to comply with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act in terms of erasure or destruction of personal information (PI).

This includes the ability to erase, delete or destroy PI once there is no justifiable reason (based on legislative compliance or business need) to retain the PI any longer. Included in this is the need to comply with requests from Data Subjects to have their PI destroyed or deleted (Chapter 2, section 5 of the POPI Act). The POPI Act says that deletion or destruction must be done “in a manner that prevents its reconstruction in an intelligible form” (Condition 3, section 14 of the POPI Act). So now we know what the POPI Act requires, what steps can organisations take? A useful first step is to identify the different data media which need to be destroyed. For this exercise the DIN66399 standard (www.din-63399. com) can prove helpful to identify seven categories of media: information in original size, for example paper, films or printing plates; in miniaturised form, for example microfilms; on optical data carriers, for example CDs/DVDs; on magnetic data carriers, for example ID-cards or diskettes; on hard drives with magnetic data carriers; and on electronic data carriers, for example flash drives or chip cards. In addition DIN-66399 provides for seven security levels of destruction which vary according to the particle size which results from the destruction www.myofficemagazine.co.za

process: Security Levels P1 to P2 rely on traditional ribbon or strip cut and can result in strips widths from under 12mm (P1) to under 6mm (P2). Security levels P3 to P7 reduce the permitted particle size to from under 320mm2 to under 5mm2, which offers the highest level of security. When proper consideration is given to applying these standards, simply attempting to tear up or manually shred the various media types becomes unworkable. Even worse, incinerating the media may be dangerous and environmentally unacceptable. DIN-66399 is also helpful when considering the sensitivity of the different types of data to be destroyed. Classification Level 1 deals with normal sensitivity of internal data which would have limited negative effects should there be unauthorised disclosure or loss. Importantly, DIN-63399 excludes Personal Data (called PI in the POPI Act) in Classification Level 1 being protected by Security Level 1 or 2 methods – in other words, a traditional ribbon or strip cut shredding process is inadequate for POPI Act needs. Classification Level 2 deals with higher sensitivity information, where “unauthorised disclosure would have serious effects” and “may lead to violations of laws or contractual obligations”. At Classification Level 2 protection of personal data will meet “stringent requirements”. Finally, Classification Level 3 addresses confidential and secret information where unauthorised disclosure would have “serious existence-threatening effects” and protection of personal data will be absolutely guaranteed. Only Security Levels 4 to 7 should be used for the highest Classification Level 3 information destruction. One additional consideration is whether the destruction or deletion complies with any other constraints which exist, such

as a Records Management Policy (RMP) which the organisation may have in place. Part of an RMP, or a standalone policy or procedure, could contain practical advice on destruction aimed at staff who need to decide what to destroy, when. The choice then exists as to whether to shred on site or to use a service provider. Here’s what some of the leading industry players in South Africa had to say: “Although standards such as EN15713 for remote shredding services exist in Europe, there has been little in the way of adoption in South Africa. This means that most paper shredding will continue to take place on-premise, using the type of advanced shredding devices we are well known for,” says Bill Bayley, MD of Rexel Office Products. “When it comes to electronic deletion, our customers understand why they need to consider effective electronic destruction of their data by not just using the Recycle Bin while leaving the device capable of re-use (sanitisation) or complete electronic (degaussing) or physical destruction (shredding) of their digital storage devices, and that’s something very few organisations are equipped to do on their own,” says Wale Area, chief executive and founder of Xperien. In summary, the POPI Act requirements place obligations on organisations to plan and implement effective PI destruction, and most organisations will likely adopt a hybrid approach, combining the costeffectiveness of on-premise shredding with the use of specialised digital shredding services for their advanced needs. So the question remains: what will you do? n


my office magazine


business savvy

How soon is now?


sometimes wonder if the ability to provide an instant response has dumbed us down as a race. We’re able to respond instantaneously to practically anything happening to us, our communities or the world around us. That’s not really a good thing.

Our current “instant-response” world is actually a sad place where, despite a multitude of social media platforms, we are actually less able to be honest than ever before. Why do I say that? Have you watched how flaming takes place on all these social media platforms? People are largely intolerant of the opinion of others, particularly when it differs from theirs or requires them to think past their own set of life judgements. Many times each day, people try to express themselves on public platforms, which is vastly different from a decade ago. Some of these “sharings” are the first step in the formulation of their opinion, an attempt to engage with others or just a way of being part of the conversation. I have encountered the slap down so often that I believe it is now the norm for online conversation. Instead of engaging


my office magazine

in discussion we experience diatribe, which is just a person’s way of saying that what you have to share is not worth listening to, because their opinion is a lot more important. Slap downs happen all the time, both online and in real life, but the cyber versions tend to be a lot ruder and more vitriolic because it is easier to say those things to an avatar than a human. As the world becomes more connected and we “know” more people from more places than ever before, we need to engage more, practice active listening and hear what people have to say before we jump in to shout them down. Isn’t that sort of the point of having access to all these people? It may be the point when looked at theoretically, but all of the algorithms that are at work within Facebook are centred around delivering content that you like, connecting you with people that are similar or the same as you, serving you adverts that you will respond to, and giving you access to groups that fit your profile. If you think about it like this, it is very unlikely that we will in fact expand our universe of knowledge because what we are going to get fed is more of the same. We tend to unlike or unfriend that which

does not fit within our narrow definition of what works for us. So, we’re not really expanding our field of view we’re actually narrowing it all the time, and that’s exactly what social media and other online players want. In that way, they know who they are selling to and they can monentise their audience much more effectively. If we continue to skirt around the practice of active listening and engaging with people, groups and content that makes us uncomfortable, it won’t be too long before social media and other digital platforms become toxic, and the negative manner in which people treat each other online becomes so much the norm that we drag it into our day-to-day human contact. What then? A space where we cannot make mistakes, voice our opinions or talk as sensible humans? Which would you prefer? A space where I give a damn about you and what you have to say, or one where all I care about is shouting you down and making sure you have definitely understood my point? n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT GAVIN MOFFAT @GAVINMOFFAT

Vol 100 - September 2016


A division of CTP Stationery

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shop-sa breakfast

Breakfast, Brexit and

the economy of the future


my office magazine

Vol 100 - September 2016


shop-sa breakfast

n Friday 19 August, shop-sa held an Executive Breakfast at the Bryanston Country Club. Hans Servas, chairman of shop-sa, indicated that the association will try to arrange similar functions on a more regular basis. He also mentioned the forthcoming AGM on 13 October, during which he will update and present the 2016 OPI report, The View from the Top.

key themes that exist in the modern economy:

The breakfast event was well attended by members of the industry. The guest speaker for the morning was David Shapiro, deputy chairman at Sasfin Securities, who discussed the impact of Brexit on global and local markets, as well as the five themes of the modern economy. Global economies are lacklustre, with low inflation and little investment confidence. South Africa itself has a very low GDP, with no growth. According to official figures, unemployment currently stands at 26,6% and the growth rate at 0,4%. To kick-start the economy, a growth rate of 7% or more would be needed – a tough ask for both the government and the private sector.

Digital data As more and more people join the digital age, the amount of data created grows exponentially. It is expected that 2,5-billion people in Asia will hook up to the Internet over the next few years. The ubiquitous nature of technology and the rise of intelligent machines has given rise to phenomena such as the Internet of Things and data farms.

Brexit: it’s not as bad as we think The decision by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (EU) earlier this year was dubbed “Brexit”. Questions have arisen regarding the potential knock-on effect that Britain’s departure will have for the rest of the world. However, according to Shapiro, the answer is “not that much”. “The digital economy exists outside of the confines of the traditional economy,” says Shapiro. “Companies with products like Pokémon Go do not feel the effects of traditional economic lows or slowdowns.” The solution to any economic instability is to invest in people. “Buy shares in companies that are owner-run. People who run their own companies are committed to seeing them succeed.” Five key themes in the modern economy According to Shapiro, there are five www.myofficemagazine.co.za

E-commerce Online shopping is booming. Amazon, Facebook, eBay – these companies keep reporting incredible year-end figures. The growth of e-commerce comes down to the ubiquity of the Internet and the sheer convenience of not having to go to a store. Countries like China are experiencing a rising middle class with disposable incomes, which is driving the boom of e-commerce and payment services alike.

Automation and robotics The increase in technology will lead to people being replaced by robots in factories and on farms. Better robotics inevitably gives rise to more devices like 3D printers. As such, manufacture may well move from foreign powerhouses like Asia and India back home, as more people create prototypes in their own workshops and garages. Oncology and longevity The population is aging, and science advances all the time. Better cures for diseases and a greater understanding of the aging process will lead to an increase in medicines and a subsequent increase in longevity. Where all these people will live and what they will do with their increased lifespans remains to be seen. Obesity The battle of the obesity epidemic rages on. A sedentary lifestyle coupled with a highly-processed diet has resulted in 25% of American children being overweight. This means that health care costs will rise, and pharmaceutical firms are bound to see ever-increasing profits as people demand solutions to this problem. n my office magazine


IT focus

Where does my Web site live?


ver wondered exactly where your Web site lives? After all, the computer code has to be stored on a piece of hardware somewhere in the real world, right?

Here we break down the key terms and explain where the site built by your Web development team really lives.

move house and still keep your name, you can change server and still keep your domain name. The domain name address book is shared around by the maintainers of “DNS servers” (which are like phone books). Every broadband provider (such as MWeb or Afrihost) maintains their own DNS, and so do people like Google. Domain name details are continually broadcast to all the other DNS machines so that they all know what IP address each domain name points to.

Some are used to communicate between the server and the user’s Web browser (HTML, JavaScript) while others shape the way your Web site looks (CSS) or work behind the scenes (PHP, C#, Java). Many Web sites are built using premade blocks of code. Companies like WordPress and Drupal have libraries of standard parts that Web development teams can put together – like installing pre-made doors and windows for a new house.

What if I have a .com and a .co.uk? Several domain names can point to the same IP address, just as multiple businesses can share the same offices. This means you can easily have a .com and a .co.uk (or .london and .joburg) all pointing at the same Web site.

Servers: where the code is stored Your Web site is in two parts: a set of code files (computer programmes), stored in a folder on a computer (called a “Web server”); and a database (a collection of information, such as product details), which usually runs on a separate server. Each server has an IP address, which is a string of numbers. Like a telephone number, an IP address lets other computers find your server among all the computers on the network. Domain names and URLs You don’t type in an IP address to reach a Web site though: you use a domain name like Amazon.com, which is written out as a URL (http://www.amazon.com). Domain names are like an address book for Web sites: the Web browser looks up the domain name to find the right IP address to connect to. Just as you can


my office magazine

Physical servers, virtual servers and ‘the cloud’ Somewhere, there’s a real computer holding the code of your Web site. Your site might be on a single real computer in a rack somewhere (your Web server), or it might be on a “virtual” server or in “the cloud”. Virtual servers let hosting companies have multiple servers hosted on a single real computer, which is great for small businesses that don’t need the expense of renting a whole machine. If your site is “in the cloud”, then multiple real computers will host loads of virtual servers. These virtual servers can have their performance increased and decreased as necessary, so if you usually only get three hits in a month, you only pay for the power you need, but if your Web site suddenly goes viral and you get 3-million hits, then your server can handle the load. Building blocks for programmers There are many different programming languages used in Web development.

Turning code into Web pages Whether your Web site is hosted on a physical or virtual server, the same process is used to display pages to people visiting your site: their browser requests a page from the Web server, and that Web server will fulfil the request. The request, if it could be written in plain English, would be something like “show these three pictures and that text” or “fetch this information from the database”. The browser takes the information given, including instructions to put the right colours and fonts in the right places and adds any images, and responds to interactions, such as button clicks. That’s your Web page, delivered. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ANDERS BOHEA FOR WWW.BOXCHILLI.COM

Vol 100 - September 2016

Working for you

The World Leader in Auto Feed Shredding

Rexel’s range of award winning Auto Feed shredders. Up to 98% less time spent shredding A range of 11 machines to cater for all shredding needs 4 micro cut, high security Auto Feed Shredders Able to shred from 60 to 750 sheets in one load Simply load the paper and close the lid POPI recommended

High Performance | High Security | High Quality

Max saving when using an Auto+ 500X compared to a traditional feed shredder in a similar price level. Independent test from Intertek Testing & Certification Ltd June 2012.



clips and things

A good clip Paper clips Most paper clips are variations of the gem clip first introduced in the 1890s. Recognisable by its basic characteristics of two equal loops made by the wire into an oblong shape with straight sides, the design integrity of the clip is utilised by torsion and elasticity in the wire and the friction between the wire and paper. When a bundle of paper is inserted between the two tongues or loops of the wire, the sheets are gripped and held together. Overload the clip with too much paper and the elastic limit of the wire forces it out of shape. This is why it is important to choose the correct size and material of paperclip for the job at hand. Clips can be made from silver wire, vinyl or plastic, and be coloured-coded, jumbo-sized, miniature or branded. The gem clip is unlikely to be forgotten in the age of technology as its image was chosen as the standard software icon for the everyday e-mail attachment. Paper clip holders Paper clips have a bad habit of getting into every nook and cranny of the office. Paper clip holders are small boxes that are either magnetised or non-magnetic. Magnetised paper clip holders are more useful as paper clips are made of metal and stick together. Many offer non-slip rubberised or felt bottoms so they stay in one spot.


my office magazine

Did you know? According to the Early Office Museum, the first patent for a bent wire paper clip was awarded to Samuel B. Fay (in the United States) in 1867. This clip was originally intended primarily for attaching tickets to fabric, although the patent recognised that it could be used to attach papers together. Nalclips The metal nalclip is similar to the paper clip without allowing for any “slip�. Also known as the paper clamp or magic clipper, it is available in small, medium and large sizes. It uses the basic principle of a c-shaped steel clip that produces a pinch-point to hold the paper, without creating any holes in the document. It requires a clip niceler to fix it in position. The nalclip slides over a pair of wedges on each side and opens, allowing the paper to enter. It then pinches as the nalclip exits the clip niceler.

Fasteners Ideal for keeping loose sheets of paper together and conveniently storing and filing documents, paper fasteners include paper binders, file fasteners, rings and tube clips. These types of paper fasteners are a cost-effective alternative to ring binders and have many uses both in the office and at home. Fasteners, while manufactured from similar materials as the paper clip, such as metal and moulded plastic, have a wider range of design and use. From sturdy bulldog clips to the more delicate binder or fold-back clip, these devices use a mechanical join to keep two objects together.

Clipboards These handy items help to keep documents grouped together and provide a flat, hard surface on which to write while on the move. Clipboards are made from a variety of material, including PVC, chipboard and wood. The clipboard contains a clip mechanism along the top which opens to receive paper and closes to hold it in place. Clipboards are ideal in warehousetype environments or for people on the go, such as couriers.

Vol 100 - September 2016

clips and things A bulldog clip consists of a rectangular sheet of springy steel curved into a cylinder, with two flat steel strips inserted to form combined handles and jaws. It is used to temporarily but firmly bind sheets of paper together. Pressing the two handles together causes the jaws to open against the force of the spring. A stack of papers is then inserted and the handles released. The spring forces the jaws together, gripping the papers firmly. These clips are named after the original designer and patent-holder, Bulldog, as well as for their vice-like grip – similar to a bulldog. A binder clip, also called a banker’s clip, a handbag clip or fold-over clip, is a simple device for binding sheets of paper together. It has a strip of spring steel bent into the shape of an isosceles triangle which form loops at the apex. Tension along the base of the triangle forces the two sides closed, and the loops prevent the sharp steel edges from cutting into the paper. The loops also serve to hold two pieces of stiff wire, which are used as handles and allow the clip to be opened. The two slots cut in each loop are shaped so that the wire handles can be folded down once the clip has been attached, and the spring force of the wire holds them down on the surface of the paper. It leaves the paper intact and can be removed quickly and easily, unlike a staple. This holds the clip relatively flat, for easier stacking of paper. One handle can also be folded down while the other remains up to allow the stack of papers to be hung up. The handles can also be removed altogether by squeezing them sideways and pulling them out, allowing for more permanent binding.

As compared to a paper clip, the binder clip is able to bind sheets of paper more securely, and is also resistant to rust. The term “fold-back clip” is used in the United Kingdom. This is a newer invention than the bulldog clip, and is less study without the rigid handles. The handles can be folded down once the clip has been attached, and can also be removed for permanent binding. Binder clips range in size, coating, colour and material. The sheet steel portion is occasionally made of stainless steel; the more typical spring steel can also be finished in nickel, silver or gold. The handles are normally nickel-plated. The most primitive type of fastener is the metal paper spike which is used in newsrooms and retail environments. Invoices or proof of documentation can be quickly and easily consolidated in this way. Drawing pins Drawing pins, also known as thumb tacks or push pins, are short, naillike pins used to fasten items to a wall or board for display. They are used manually and don’t require any tools. Thumb tacks are made of brass, tin or iron, and used to be referred to as brass tacks. Drawing pins were thumb tacks used to hold drawings on drawing boards, while a map tack marked locations on a map. These have been immortalised in online map applications like Wayze and


Google Maps. A thumb tack has two basic components: the head, which can be made of plastic, metal or wood; and the body, usually made of steel or brass. The head provides a wider surface to distribute the force needed to push the tack into a board. Many different head designs exist, including flat, domed, spherical, cylindrical and novelty shapes (such as stars). These heads come in a wide range of colours, ranging from brass to neon and colour-coded, and so can be used to sort or mark different information. Some thumb tack designs have the body cut out of the head and bent downward to produce a tack. Domed or gripped heads are sometimes preferred over flat heads because if you drop a flat-headed tack it will always point upwards, and people are likely to stand on it.

Did you know? Edwin Moore invented the “push-pin” in 1900 and founded the Moore PushPin Company. Moore described the push-pin as a pin with a handle. In 1904, in Lychen, German clockmaker Johann Kirsten invented flat-headed thumb tacks for use with drawings. Source: Wikipedia

my office magazine


clips and things

Did you know? The rubber band was patented in England on 17 March 1845 by Stephen Perry. Mesoamericans (such as Aztecs and Mayans) were using natural rubber products by 1600 BC; they mixed latex with other materials to get desired properties. In 1839, Charles Goodyear developed vulcanisation which is used to make rubber today. Source: Wikipedia

Ranger bands are used in the military and are essentially sections of tire inner tubing cut into various sizes. They have the advantage of being versatile, durable, and resistant to weather and abrasion. They are commonly used for lashings, and can also be used for makeshift handle grips, providing a strong highfriction surface with excellent shock absorption.

Rubber bands A rubber band, also known as an elastic band or gum band, is usually ring-shaped and commonly used to hold multiple objects together. Rubber bands are ideal for holding together sheets of rolled up paper or card and other office sundries. Most rubber bands are manufactured out of natural rubber. Natural rubber is made from latex, which is extracted from a rubber tree by tapping into the bark layers. Once the latex has been extracted, it is exposed to air to harden and become elastic, or “rubbery”. According to Wikipedia, rubber bands are Did you know? In the UK during 2004, following complaints from the public about postal carriers creating litter by discarding the rubber bands which they used to keep their mail together, the Royal Mail introduced red bands for their workers to use: it was hoped that, as the bands were easier to spot than the traditional brown ones and since only the Royal Mail used them, employees would see (and feel compelled to pick up) any red bands which they had inadvertently dropped. Currently, some 342-million red bands are used every year. Source: Wikipedia


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manufactured by extruding the rubber into a long tube to provide its general shape, putting the tubes on mandrels, curing the rubber with heat, and then slicing it across the width of the tube into little bands. This causes the tube to split into multiple sections, creating a rubber band. Rubber bands are usually made from natural rather than synthetic rubber, because of its superior elasticity. Rubber bands come in a variety of sizes. A rubber band has three basic dimensions: length, width and thickness. A rubber band’s length is half its circumference. Its thickness is the distance from the inner circle to the outer circle, and its width is the distance from one edge to the other. There is no set standardisation with regards to dimensions. Generally, they are numbered from smallest to largest, width first. Key rings A keyring or “split ring” is a ring that holds keys and other small items, such as a pocket knife or an LED torch. These can be connected to keychains. A key is added to a keyring by forcing an end of the loop open and sliding the key along the spiral.

Keyrings were invented in the 19th century and are most common made of a single piece of metal in a double loop. Either end of the loop can be pried open to allow a key to be inserted and slid along the spiral until it becomes wholly engaged onto the ring. Aside from metal, keyrings are also made of leather, wood and rubber. Novelty carabiners are commonly used as keyrings for ease of access and exchange. Often the keyring is adorned with a key fob for self-identification. Other forms of rings may use a single loop of metal or plastic with a mechanism to open and securely close the loop. Key rings and key ring tags allow name tagging, keep keys ordered and help with indexing when there is a variety of doors to be managed, such as in the facilities management environment. n Vol 100 - September 2016

public relations

Get the word out Top tips for guaranteed press coverage


ny business owner would love to have their company mentioned in the media. That is why many hire public relations agencies or have their own in-house PR professional.

But if you need to do it yourself, here are six tips that are (almost) guaranteed to give you press coverage. Pick your target Target a specific publication or journalist with a corresponding area of interest. By appealing to a writer’s existing passion point, you’re far likelier to get a foot in the door. If you’re not sure where to start, head to Google – a simple topic search will quickly reveal the names of journalists who regularly cover it. Dive a little deeper by trawling through their Twitter accounts, identifying views and areas of interest, and crafting your story to appeal to these. Offer exclusives By offering your story as an exclusive, you have a far greater chance of success. Rather than e-mailing your pitch, give the editor a call and ask for their input upfront, so that you can expertly craft www.myofficemagazine.co.za

your story in line with their suggestions. That way, you’ll ensure that when your story arrives in their inbox, they’re expecting it. Work the calendar It might feel contrived to use occasions like Valentine’s Day and Christmas to score coverage for your brand, but the reality is that journalists are hard pressed for seasonally-specific content over these periods. For instance, if your company deals with real estate, you might want to consider an article focusing on tips for couples looking to buy their first home together. Another way is to request a copy of your targeted publication’s editorial calendar, which will identify the topics to be covered over the course of the year. By writing a story specifically for a planned feature, you will have a greater chance of success. Team work Whilst being credited as the sole purveyor of expert insight in an article is undoubtedly first prize for any business, the reality is that journalists prefer an unbiased story with multiple sources. By pitching a story angle and offering up multiple spokespeople who add further insight, you are making a

journalist’s life easier by doing part of their job for them. Yes, you might have to share the headlines with one of your rivals, but by positioning yourself as a collaborative force, you’ll better position your business to be seen by the right types of readers, and start establishing your brand as a goto source of industry information. Curate local content Journalists in Africa are starved of local statistics, having to rely heavily on facts and figures from abroad to substantiate their stories. As such, local research findings are highly sought after by media outlets, so if you can supply your own you’ll be able to get positive media coverage. It will also help to establish you as a credible, well-respected industry leader. Use the news in your favour By keeping close tabs on current events and providing stories in line with a topic currently occupying the news agenda, you’ll be in a great position to score some high impact wins. For example, a security company might provide a number of safety tips for those attending the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics. Something like that is the perfect angle to hook your story on. n my office magazine


how to sell

Desks and chairs Help your customers choose the right furniture for their needs


my office magazine

Vol 100 - September 2016

how to sell

Chairs When advising customers about which chair to purchase, it is important for them to remember that they will be using the chair every day, for prolonged periods of time. A good office chair will contribute to better work habits and to overall productivity. For this reason, it is not a good idea to be too frugal when it comes to the office chair.

The four main factors your customers need to consider when buying an office chair are mobility, comfort, adjustability and durability.

Parts of the chair The backrest supports the back. For it to provide the maximum support to the lumbar region (the curve at the base of the spine), the backrest should be height-adjustable and gently curved to match the natural curve of the spine. For a chair to be considered ergonomic, a backrest should be between 30,5cm and 50cm wide. The tilt mechanism allows the backrest to maintain lumbar support. The seat should be wide enough for a person to sit comfortably centred in the chair, with a 2,5cm space on either side, and deep enough to allow 5cm to 10cm of space between the back of the knees and the edge of the chair. Most office chairs have a seat lift which makes the seat pan adjustable for correct positioning. Armrests should support the arms to reduce stress from building in the


shoulders, neck and the middle of the back. Customers should aim to buy a chair with adjustable armrests so they don’t interfere when the chair is pulled close to the desk or computer. They must not get in the way of hands and wrists. The base of the chair should be well made in a five-star configuration to prevent tipping when someone leans back in the chair. Metal and wood bases will last longer than ones constructed out of plastic. Advise customers to select an extra-wide base for extra stability. Most office chairs have casters. Hard casters are ideal for carpeting, while rubber-coated casters are ideal on a hardwood floor. Clients should ensure that the wheels will be alright on the type of flooring in the office. Types of chairs High-back (or executive) office chairs extend to the upper back, and can even support the neck and head. This relieves tension in the lower back, preventing long-term strain. These chairs include features such as button-tufted back cushions, adjustable comfort controls, headrests, removable or padded arms and dual-wheel casters. Mid-back office chairs offer support to the mid-to-upper back region and are a logical choice for cross-performance tasks. Some brands of mid-back and high-back office chairs feature the pillow back style of built-in lumbar support specifically designed to relieve lower back stress. Low-back (or task) office chairs are designed to support the lower-to-mid back region and are ideal for a range of

my office magazine


how to sell applications. They are versatile, available in numerous styles, and can feature tilt tension control and pneumatic seat height adjustment. There are also special chairs available for customers who are taller or larger than average. They are able to bear more weight and have a greater range of adjustability. Did you know? The kneeling office chair originated in Norway in the 1970s to address back problems arising from the body resting in a right-angled position when seated. This kind of office chair has no back, and when sitting the hips shift forward, aligning the neck, spine and shoulders.

Material Office chairs come in an array of materials, in a range of different colours and patterns. Clients who want fabric chairs should be advised to buy breathable material of a higher grade. This will be long-lasting and durable, and easier to clean. It is also advisable to get a stain-resistant coating applied to the fabric. Fabric office chairs are a convenient way to match existing décor and furnishings. Nothing says “executive” like a leather office chair. These chairs look sleek and are comfortable. Leather office chairs can have simple stitched detail, button-tufted Things customers should keep in mind when choosing an office chair • Check for ergonomic features, such as controls for adjusting the backrest and chair height; • Check the manufacturer’s product description for the chair’s maximum weight capacity; • Keep the type of padding in mind – the chair should be comfortable to sit in all day; • When purchasing an executive office chair, consider buying the matching side or guest chair at the same time; • Keep in mind adjustment controls – pneumatic office chairs are easier to use; and • Chairs for reception areas should swivel and rotate easily to allow the person using the chair easy access to the different parts of their workspace, without strain or overreaching.


my office magazine

styling, tailored leather padding, and ribbed backs and seats. Remind clients that leather office chairs do require regular care and maintenance. Vinyl office chairs can look like leather, but are more economical and easier to care for. They are available in a wide variety of styles and colours, but they are prone to cracking and are not breathable so they can cause the users to sweat. Some manufacturers provide vinyl seating with an anti-bacterial, anti-microbial coating. This makes vinyl chairs ideal for high-traffic areas where people won’t sit for long. Mesh chairs are ideal for warmer climates or people who sweat a lot. They are breathable and allow for air flow. Some types of chairs have just a mesh back, while others have both a mesh back and seat. They make sitting for long periods of time more comfortable by allowing your customer’s back to breathe, thus promoting better circulation.

Desks Many workers spend upwards of eight hours a day at their desks – and the wrong one can make them very miserable. The right desk improves productivity, creating a comfortable and ergonomic working environment. When your customers are looking to replace desks for themselves or their employees, ask them to consider these important points which will help them choose the best desk for their needs. Use The first thing to ask your customer is what they will use their desk for. If the answer is mostly computer work, advise them to select a desk or workstation specifically designed for computers. The desk should offer a space or compartment for the tower of a desktop PC, as well as built-in wiring holes or channels for electrical connections to keep cords off the floor and out of the way. Vol 100 - September 2016

how to sell If the client’s job is paperwork-focused, they should choose a desk or workstation that has a large surface to accommodate spreadsheets, books or piles of paper. Workers who have to do a lot of paperwork usually require a wide range of stationery on hand, such as staplers, pens and highlighters. Ensure that a desk for this activity has ample drawer space for storage of these items. Those customers whose jobs consist of roughly equal quantities of computer time and paperwork should consider an “L”shaped set-up to allow for both work and meeting space. “U”-shaped desks provide even more space, but these can be very expensive. Work style Ask your customer to consider the work style of the person that will be using the desk. People who are messy and who spread their work out all around them will need a larger desk. Those who use a laptop and not much else will not need a big desk. Ask your customers to consider ergonomics and space. A compact computer desk or mobile computer cart might be ideal for someone who doesn’t need a lot of space. The desk your customer chooses should provide clearance for their legs. The standard desk is approximately 76cm from the floor. This is ideal for the average user. When your client sits behind the desk, there should be just over a metre of space for their feet. Likewise, just under a metre should be available in between the desk and another piece of office furniture, and in front of the desk if the customer receives visitors there. For computer-users, keyboards need to be placed at a comfortable height. Keyboards placed on traditional desks may be at too high, and may result in significant discomfort or muscle strain for the user. Computer desks should either be equipped with a keyboard platform,


or legs that can be adjusted. Be sure that any keyboard platform is large enough to hold a mouse as well. Your customers should also consider reach when purchasing a desk. Any desktop equipment should be easily accessible, and there should be sufficient space so as not to overload the desktop. If the desk has a sharp edge, consider placing a wrist pad along the edge to help prevent unnecessary pressure and pinching on the inner surface of the wrists. Material Desks can be made out of a number of different materials, and your customer will need to choose based on the way they will use their desk. Laminate is one of the most popular choices because it is both durable and good-looking. A plastic finish that is applied to a wood core, laminate is affordable, long-lasting and can withstand more knocks, bumps and scratches than pure wood or veneer. It also comes in a wide array of colours and wood grains. Recommend a desk with a thick, high pressure laminate for long-lasting quality. Metal or steel is the most durable choice. Although not the most professional in appearance, these kinds of desks are reasonably priced and good for long-term, heavy use or for high- traffic areas. Your customer should be able to tell the quality by the weight of the desk. Wood or veneer is the elegant choice, usually chosen by executives. Veneer is a thin surface layer of wood glued to a more inferior base. Wood and veneer desks generally look more attractive than other types of desk, but they are typically more expensive and considerably more delicate. They are easily scuffed or damaged and are not suited to heavy use. Build When your customers are looking for quality, tell them to ensure that they look

at the construction of the drawers. Metal suspension rollers show a sturdy suspension. Drawers should open and close easily while bearing weight. Drawers should slide out to their full length, so that they are easy to access and pack. High-quality wood drawers are assembled with an interlocking pieces of wood which is stronger than drawers put together with just staples or glue. With a steel or metal desk, a good tip is to look at the drawers when they’re closed. If there is a gap where the drawer meets the desk, the desk is not set right. Advise your customers to examine the corners and edges of a desk – there should be no fraying. Desks should also come with a warranty, which is a good indication of the quality, durability and life expectancy of the piece. Warranties can range anywhere from a year to a lifetime, depending on the price-point and quality of the desk. Desks at home Advise your clients to consider a computer desk for home work spaces. They keep things neatly organised and can hide a lot of clutter. “L”-shaped desks are often a good solution if the work desk needs to share space in another room like a bedroom or family room. n

Give your back a break Standing desks are not new – Thomas Jefferson invented a six-legged “tall desk” that had an adjustable slanted top. As we’ve all been told, sitting for hours at a time can wreak havoc on a person’s back, especially for individuals with existing back problems. Consider giving your back a break by using a stand-up desk, where you quite literally “stand up” while working. Many users claim this work method also makes them feel more alert and productive on the job. Desk stools are also available to be used in conjunction with these desks. Today’s desk is no longer the simple table with drawers of years gone by. Take advantage of the myriad of desk choices out there; many are now available at relatively reasonable prices at office supply superstores. Give some thought to the considerations listed above when selecting your next work desk. It will serve as a valuable tool in establishing a comfortable, ergonomic and productive workspace. Source: www.businessknowhow.com

my office magazine


people management

Are YOU future-proof?


my office magazine

Vol 100 - September 2016


people management ccording to an article from the World Economic Forum, 35% of the skills that are crucial in today’s workforce will have changed by the year 2020.

The emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution – characterised by an exponential increase in various digital and cyber technologies – will be in full swing. The rise of smart machines and systems, our computational world, new media ecology, superstructure organisations and the reality of globalisation are all key factors driving this era. Your current job may cease to exist; new jobs will grow in its place, and currently non-existent jobs will become the norm. The question we should all be asking is how do we ensure our skill-sets are aligned with the pace of the future workforce? A recent IDC survey, commissioned by Microsoft, shed some light on this question – identifying that although technical skills are valuable, employers of the future will place greater importance on soft skills. Below are five of the soft skills you’ll need to impress your employer in 2025, and how you can master them for maximum impact: Social intelligence The ability to adapt your behaviour to accommodate various styles of communication, different strengths and weaknesses, and a multitude of personalities is known as social intelligence. Employers value this skill today and they will value it even more in the future. If you’re in a position of leadership or looking to move into one in the future, this will be a key competency to develop. Cross-cultural competency Linked to social intelligence is the capacity to function in a multicultural setting – a soft skill which will be key for working in an increasingly globalised world. This means you’ll need to be able to adapt the way you communicate, collaborate and interact with people

across cultures, as well as work with varying cultural beliefs, time schedules and nuances.

Tip How will you identify, understand and accommodate different cultures in your future work environment? • Speak a universal language of visual communication – this is translatable across language and cultural barriers, so use images or video as a way to train employees or educate others in your workspace. • Ask your current co-workers questions – take the time to learn basic words, phrases and gestures from other cultures in an effort to identify with people you may work with in the future. • Make the effort to educate – cultivate an environment of learning, where you transfer the cultural knowledge you have acquired to those you work with. You might even teach your boss a thing or two.

Summit in London found that 34% of executives said more than half their company’s full-time employees would be working remotely in 2020. And that number is only going to increase. The only way to solve this problem is by using technology to communicate and collaborate. Virtual collaboration is here to stay, which means you need to be able to continue to engage and encourage productivity with a virtual team in the same way that you would if everyone was in the same building. The ability to self-direct The use of outsourcing, freelancers and telecommuting will increase in future workplaces, making it impossible to supervise every employee. What does this mean for you? You’ll need to know how to self-direct. This involves increased responsibility, being self-disciplined and accountable, making important decisions on your own, keeping your cool under pressure, and having a high level of self-awareness. In a study by Green Peak Partners and Cornell University on what determines executive success, it was noted that high self-awareness was the “strongest predictor of overall success”.

New media literacy As you might be aware, video and audio content are becoming more prominent when it comes to the exchange of information. Within the next five years it will be present in a wider range of industries. Whether your role currently has a direct relation to these forms of media or not, your ability to consume and understand visual content is going to be a highly desirable skill to your future employer.

Conclusion From robots to virtual reality, the future workspace may be nothing like we could ever imagine today. As Google founder Larry Page says: “Lots of companies don’t succeed over time. What do they fundamentally do wrong? They usually miss the future. I try to focus on that: what is the future really going to be? And how do we create it? And how do we power our organisation to really focus on that and really drive it at a Virtual collaboration high rate?” Globalisation has resulted in As long as you’re willing to workplaces co-existing future-proof the way you in different countries Master approach your work, interact and time zones, this soft skill with people and embrace meaning it’s almost technologies, you’ll have impossible to have by using tools like everyone in the Google Docs, Skype, no problem keeping up with the changes to same room. In FaceTime, Time come – and make an fact, a survey of Doctor, Basecamp, impression on your boss business leaders at Slack and Trello. while you do. n the Global Leadership ACKNOWLEDGEMENT



my office magazine


arts and crafts

Cool clip art Heart-shaped paper clips

loop through the paperclip – that smallest hole in the middle – then thread the tails through the loop and tighten. Thread the bead onto the ribbon. Use

the folded end loop. Style the yarn “hair”. You can make pony tails with bows, unravel the yarn for curls, trim it short or leave it long. Experiment with different styles. Glue on the googly eyes. Paperclip binder For a cool and different look, make two

A simple craft project that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day or a little memento. Bend regular or large paper clips into little heart shapes. You can use any colour paper clip you like, although pink and red look best. You can use them to leave love notes around, mark pages in magazines, or hold treat bags of candy shut. Or send a subtle message to the person you have a crush on. Paperclip angels Create these sweet Christmas decorations out of butterfly paperclips. You will need: Butterfly paperclips – there are various sizes available Beads for the heads – use silver, gold or pearl beads. Look for a larger hole if you can – it makes the job easier Thin ribbon (or thread of some kind if you prefer) – approximately 30cm Sticky tape Fold the ribbon in half. Loop the folded


my office magazine

sticky tape to make the ends easier to thread – just wrap a small piece of tape around the two ends together as tightly as you can to create a hard straight section. Once they are through the bead and the bead is slipped into place, separate the two ends of the ribbon and tie them in a simple knot to keep the bead in place. If the hole of the bead is larger, you may need two knots. Zany bookmarks Use brightly coloured oversized paperclips to make these crazy bookmarks. You will need: Jumbo-sized coloured paper clips Different colours of yarn Self-adhesive googly eyes Tacky glue Scissors Cut 12 pieces of yarn or floss approximately 15cm long. Fold yarn pieces in half and half hitch to the end of the paper clip by placing the folded end down through the paper clip and drawing the cord ends down through

holes in the pages to bind. Loop a rubber band or piece of ribbon through the holes from the back of the pages, and attach each end of the band or ribbon to each end of a paper clip. When you’re done, the pages are bound – and it looks pretty nice, too. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WWW.30MINUTECRAFTS.COM

Vol 100 - September 2016

arts and crafts

Did you know? Bulldog or binder clips make very useful cable organisers. Attach them to the side of a desk or shelf, and insert the wires through the wire loop. Now you won’t need to look for the end of your charging cable in a tangle of wires!

Web Buttons www.parrotproducts.biz





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facilities management

Welcome to the world of facilities management The world of FM is hotting up, but what is it all about?


imply put, facilities management is “the integrated management of the work environment and supporting services of an organisation to provide an environment that enables the business to achieve its primary objective”.

What is facilities management? The definition of facilities management is always evolving and many people and organisations have different views. The South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA) defines FM as an enabler of sustainable enterprise performance through the whole life management of productive workplaces and effective business support services. The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) defines it as “the integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment, and the management of their impact upon people and the workplace”. The definition provided by the


my office magazine

International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is: “The practice of co-ordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of the organisation; integrates the principles of business administration, architecture, and the behavioural and engineering sciences.” Some educators define FM as “a strategically integrated approach to maintaining, improving and adapting the buildings and supporting services of an organisation in order to create an environment that strongly supports the primary objectives of that organisation.” Job spec Facilities management is varied and multi-disciplinary, and a facilities manager’s work may cover aspects from all the following fields: • People management • Working with suppliers and specialists • Property portfolio management • Building fabric maintenance • Managing building services • Managing support services • Project management • Customer service

• • • • • • •

Environmental issues Space management Procurement Risk management Financial management Quality management Information management

What does a facilities manager do? A facilities manager provides a single point of entry for the co-ordination of all services relating to the efficient and effective running of a facility. This includes setting up and running a helpdesk for all services and tracking work as well as customer activities. They are responsible for procuring “value-for-money” services that perform to the clients’ requirements. The facilities manager is responsible for developing the Facilities Management Strategy and Plan, which includes looking at the building in the long term and making sure solutions add value and are not just “short term” fixes. Managing sustainability issues, reporting on utilities and reducing the impact of the use of facilities on the environment is a key aspect of the job. Vol 100 - September 2016

facilities management

Environmental principles must be applied and reported on. Management of large contracts (such as technical maintenance) is required to ensure contractors adhere to agreed standards. Facilities managers are required to implement and report on adherence as well as financial benchmarks for services. They are also responsible for some aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Facility managers are jugglers who must be able to: • Report to senior management in an effective manner on a regular basis; • Deal with lots of customers and be able to understand and show empathy in these dealings; • Manage contracts for services and goods on a daily basis and provide service level and financial reports; and • Provide leadership and management skills to a facilities management team comprised of diverse skills. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SAFMA


my office magazine


people management


my office magazine

Vol 100 - September 2016

people management

Maternity leave: what you need to know


Pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave in South Africa n South Africa, pregnant workers are well protected by the law. There is specific legislation that regulates maternity leave and also protects women from discrimination related to pregnancy. These are found in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Constitution of South Africa.

Here’s a quick summary of the basics everyone should know: Maternity entitlement In South Africa, you have a right to four consecutive months of maternity leave. Sadly, in this country your employer is not legally obliged to pay you. Women can, however, claim from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) – visit your nearest labour centre with your ID book or passport, banking details and a doctor’s certificate. If you’re physically unable to do so, you can send somebody on your behalf. Notifying an employer Legally, you are obliged to give four weeks written notice, if possible, of your intention to take maternity leave. But be sensible: the earlier the better. Tell your employer well in advance about your pregnancy and expected delivery date. Contact your HR department and find out exactly how maternity leave works in your company. This will give both you and your manager the chance to get a proper plan in place while you’re away. Redistributing your workload It’s your manager’s responsibility to redistribute your tasks among your colleagues or appoint a temporary replacement. However, being a proactive employee is always a good thing – you could present your manager with a proposal on how your work could be re-assigned during your absence. Having a maternity leave plan ready will also www.myofficemagazine.co.za

reassure your boss that you plan to return to work after your baby has been born. Leaving work You can leave work anytime from at least four weeks before your baby is born. Depending on your medical condition, you could leave earlier if necessary. You could also choose to work for as long as you want, up to the baby’s birth. Decide on a date well in advance, for the sake of both yourself and your employer. Working from home New moms may wish to complete tasks for work at home. This is not mandatory during the maternity leave period, and so you will need to make arrangements with your employer regarding working from home. Returning to work New mothers can return to their jobs six weeks after the birth of their baby. This could be earlier, if a doctor or midwife has given medical approval that the employee is fit to work again. Women who have miscarriages or have given birth to stillborn babies in their third trimester are entitled to six weeks’ leave afterwards, regardless of whether they have already gone on maternity leave. Type of work An employee can insist on less strenuous work if she can prove that her present job negatively affects her or her child’s health, such as if she works a night shift, and if it is practical for her employer. This is complex, so refer to the Code of Good Practice on the Protection of Employees During Pregnancy and After the Birth of a Child. Job security You are entitled to return to the job you left before going on maternity leave. It would be considered discriminatory to dismiss a woman for any reason related to her pregnancy.

“Having a child will have a huge impact on your life at the best of times, including your career. Proper planning and knowing your rights in terms of maternity leave are vital,” says Pieter Human, director of Labourwise, an online advisory service for small and medium business. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


Paternity leave In South Africa, fathers are not entitled to paternity leave. They are entitled to three days’ family responsibility leave per year, and only if they have been working for four or more months, and for more than four days per week. In other countries, like the United States, fathers are entitled to time off work due to the birth of a child. This can be paid or unpaid.

How companies can prepare for maternity leave • Don’t delay planning. Start as soon as possible after you find out your staff member is pregnant. • Start looking for a temporary replacement immediately. The recruiting process can take long and you don’t want to repeat it. • Include co-workers in decisionmaking and meetings if you plan to farm out responsibilities to them. • Create a checklist of key tasks that need to be completed before the pregnant employee departs. • Draw up a timetable so that the transition process is as smooth and as quick as possible. • Communicate everything to your employees in a clear and transparent way.

my office magazine



Diarise this

A list of industry-specific events and exhibitions to mark on your calendar 08 – 10 September

24 September

SMALL BUSINESS EXPO TICKETPRO DOME, JOHANNESBURG This three-day event showcases existing small businesses looking for investment; companies selling business services; funding and financial institutions; and black-owned businesses.

JOHANNESBURG HOME SCHOOL EXPO DRC WITFIELD, BOKSBURG This event showcases products like math, reading, science, spelling, writing, classical home education, unit studies, beginning homeschooling, homeschooling through high school, special needs, homeschool transcripts, homeschool legal questions and gifted homeschooling in the education and training industry.

15 – 18 September CAPE HOMEMAKERS EXPO CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE (CTICC), CAPE TOWN This event will showcase products from modern bathroom fittings to the latest in kitchen design and appliances, beautiful new furnishings and all the newest trends in the architecture and design industry.


my office magazine

04 – 05 October

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SHOW AFRICA SANDTON CONVENTION CENTRE, JOHANNESBURG This event showcases the latest learning technologies, innovation and best practice. This two-event combination provides a unique and exciting environment for all those involved in workplace learning in the education and training industry.

07 – 09 October

HOBBY-X CAPE TOWN CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE (CTICC), CAPE TOWN Hobby-X Cape Town will showcase products like beads and gems, books, magazines, gardening, pewter, glass art, power tools, woodworking, puzzles, mosaics, scrapbooking, bear making, metal clays, easels, paints, canvasses, model cars, planes and trains, cooking, card-making and so much more in the gifts and handicrafts, and toys and games industries.

09 – 13 October WOMEN ADVANCEMENT FORUM THE CAPITAL EMPIRE HOTEL, SANDTON This event aims to create a platform to be heard on gender issues. The event gives you the opportunity to share your life experiences with others and focuses on the shared success of other women.

Vol 100 - September 2016

retail insights

Checks and


The South African retail sector lacks understanding of internal audits


n internal audit is defined as an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations.

Regular internal audits are essential for retailers, especially those operating across multiple stores. Yet many organisations operating within this sector lack a clear understanding of the purpose of the internal audit function, according to a recent survey conducted by Mazars during June 2016 across 120 respondents. Daniel Jacobs, associate director for Internal Audit at Mazars, notes that the misconceptions among many businesses in this industry could be rendering their internal audit system useless. “This survey revealed a number of key trends within the retail sector, including a general misperception that internal controls are solely the responsibility of the company’s audit department.” Jacobs explains that when done www.myofficemagazine.co.za

correctly, the internal audit process should be a holistic evaluation of the organisation’s efficiency and accuracy. “Therefore it should include all departments within an organisation. These audits help the organisation to achieve its objectives, provide management with the necessary steps to drive revenue and reduce costs, and foster a culture of accountability and integrity.” Internal audits also operate independently from external audits and provide a written assessment of the effectiveness of the system of internal controls and risk management, he says. “The survey indicated that employees generally have a negative attitude towards auditors, viewing them as ‘police’. However, internal audit is really about improving the functioning of the organisation and not about ‘policing’ employees. When implemented correctly, internal audit can add a lot of value to company processes and can even assist companies to prepare for, and fare better with, external audits.” Jacobs warns that there are a number of global retail risks that organisations in the sector face if operations are not audited on a regular basis. “These include the inability to monitor

low-growth consumer markets, regulation and compliance issues, rising input prices, and supply chain disruptions. Business also runs the risk of exposure to potential legal fines or penalties if they cannot identify problems or possible liability issues early on.” In light of this, Jacobs explains that negative attitudes towards internal audit, and failure on the part of the different operational functions within the company to work together with the audit department can have a significant negative impact on the organisation as a whole. “In such cases, companies risk not having a clear understanding of the specific strategic and operational risks faced by the company. It also means that the systems and process changes recommended by the audit department, aren’t taken into account by the various departments, who then do not make subsequent changes to their own internal control processes. “Involving the whole company in the internal auditing process not only helps the organisation achieve its goals and objectives, but also provides valuable training and feedback opportunities for store management and personnel,” concludes Jacobs. n my office magazine


industry news

BIC’s CLIC turns 60


he BIC CLIC ballpoint pen, one of South Africa’s most iconic brands, commemorates its 60th anniversary this year. The iconic “click to write” pen has a significant presence as a staple part of every South African’s stationery collection – from students to office workers and everyone in between.

To celebrate this milestone, BIC has designed a new gold and silver limited edition CLIC pen. BIC has a heritage of producing products of the highest quality through simple innovation that makes a difference in everyday lives. As the BIC CLIC is a locally manufactured product, it holds even greater symbolic value in South Africa. Few are unfamiliar with the comforting click of BIC and the place it holds in our hearts as immortalised by Miriam Makeba with her song famous Click Song, officially called


my office magazine

Qongqothwane. As part of the 60th celebration, for every specially marked pen pack that is purchased, BIC is donating pens to underprivileged children. Nearly 5-million pens have been given away to date. A pen symbolises intellect and potential that can be realised with the help of a solid education, and BIC positions itself strongly in the promotion of education. South Africa’s favourite pen is known for its convenience and reliability with round balls almost as strong as a diamond created in a state-of-the-art manufacturing process. Premium robust plastic, homemade inks and ultrasonic welding to create a one-piece pen made to withstand over 12 000 actuations, have made the BIC CLIC the most convenient and reliable pen since 1956. To find out more about the campaign and to follow the fun, you can join the BIC Facebook Page BIC SA and follow the Twitter handle @bic_sa. Celebrate the fantastic heritage and consistent quality of the BIC CLIC by getting your limited edition silver and gold pen pack today. n

DID YOU KNOW? Marcel Bich, founder of the BIC Company, was born in Turin, Italy on 29 July, 1914. In 1944 he bought an empty factory in Clichy, near Paris, with his business partner Edouard Buffard, and there started to manufacture parts for writing instruments. He then discovered the huge potential of the ballpoint pen and, in December 1950, launched his own model, BIC Cristal – the first highquality, affordable ballpoint pen. It quickly became a success and the BIC range extended with other models, such as the BIC CLIC in 1956. Thanks to its easy-to-use design and smooth writing, it became another iconic BIC product. Between 1956 and 1960 the BIC CLIC was introduced to France, South Africa, New Zealand and Scandinavia. It is still one of the most popular pen brands in these countries today.

Vol 100 - September 2016

industry news Bidvest Waltons unveils new gadgets and stationery for BTS season

Waltons launched their 2016/2017 Back2School brochure at Izotsha Creek. The suppliers showcased the latest trends in everything dealing with stationery, office furniture

and education. Give-away prizes and lucky draws were done after a slideshow of the new catalogue’s features. Source: News24

Obituary notice We regret to inform readers of the passing of Tys Vosloo, the director of Centurion Office National. Vosloo had been in residence at Office National since 2001. shop-sa/My Office’s condolences go out to Cheryl Vosloo and the Centurion Office National Team. We are thinking of you all during this difficult time.

Happy birthday! Pentel celebrated their 33rd birthday on 23 August.

Congratulations! Allan Thompson, CEO of Kolok and shop-sa board member, won the Bidvest CE Award on 27 August at the annual awards event held at the Inanda Polo Club, Sandton.

Edcon won’t sell off CNA, says Brookes The future of Edgars, South Africa’s biggest fashion retailer, looks brighter than it has for years after its owner, Edcon, announced it would completely restructure its debt next month. As to whether Edcon would survive, Brookes, who took over the reins about a year ago, says: “Definitely, now. If you’d asked me that question six months ago I’d have says it’s marginal. Now it’s definite. “With the imminent debt restructure the business will be the business that it was before 2006, which is a business that has a logical level of debt and plenty of money to invest in stores and service. “We just had the first half of R3-billion put into free cash flow. So that R3-billion has given us the opportunity to pay all our bills and pay our suppliers on time – that’s the start of it.” The next step is to get the level of debt down to the same level as that of its competitors. “Once that’s done, we’re not fighting with one hand behind our back and we can be the old Edgars of pre-2006 and can invest in the stores. “We are in the midst of a fairly sizable debt restructuring which will see us come out with a significant amount of free cash flow and no burning platform on our www.myofficemagazine.co.za

debt,” Brookes says. “At the moment, for the past four years, the business has been running to pay their debts. It’s been making R2,5-billion to R2,7-billion profit and paying between R2,5-billion and R3-billion in debt and fees. “Every year they’ve been selling something, outsourcing something or refinancing to pay the interest bill,” he says. Brookes says that almost every major retailer in the country had been knocking on Edcon’s door, but had not offered an acceptable price for the noncore assets. There were no immediate plans to sell off any of these assets, such as CNA. “If you’d asked me this question six months ago, I’d have says: ‘We’re happy to sell all the speciality divisions quickly because we need the cash.’ “Now, we’re no longer desperate and dateless, so therefore have the potential to sell some of those divisions over the next couple of years as we either fix them or as a good offer comes up. However, some such as Red Square and Boardmans are core to our business.” Edcon made several strategic blunders and lost a major slice of market share as it failed to invest in stores. But Brookes has been changing

the way the group operates, as is evident from a walkabout in one of its flagship stores in Sandton City. No longer is the most prominent space occupied solely by international brands. Edcon’s foray into these brands was largely a failure, and most of the 37 international brands in its portfolio will be dropped. About a dozen will be retained, including the better performers like Top Shop and TM Lewin. There’s a substantial focus to grow high-margin private label brands such as Kelso and Stone Harbour. Brookes expects about 10% of the chain’s 1 500 stores to be closed in the next three years, mainly when leases come up for renewal. If things go according to plan, the group will relist or do a trade sale in about four years. Source: Sunday Times Business my office magazine


eco news


environmental impact of air conditioning


n summer 2016, much of the US suffered through temperatures of 38°C, and most people were happy to stay indoors and crank the air conditioning. Globally, 2016 is poised to be another record-breaking year for average temperatures. This means more air conditioning. Much more.

In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Paul Gertler and Lucas Davis


my office magazine

examined the enormous global potential for air conditioning. As incomes increase around the world, and global temperatures go up, people are buying air conditioners at alarming rates. In China, for example, sales of air conditioners have nearly doubled over the last five years. Now more than 60-million air conditioners are sold in China each year, more than eight times as many as are sold annually in the United States. This is mostly great news. People are getting richer, and air conditioning brings

great relief on hot and humid days. However, air conditioning also uses vast amounts of electricity. A typical room air conditioner, for example, uses 10- to 20 times as much electricity as a ceiling fan. Meeting this increased demand for electricity will require billions of dollars of infrastructure investments and result in billions of tonnes of increased carbon dioxide emissions. A new study by Lawrence Berkeley Lab also points out that more ACs means more refrigerants – potent greenhouse gases. Vol 100 - September 2016

eco news Evidence from Mexico To get an idea of the global impact of higher air conditioner use, Gertler and Davis looked at Mexico, a country with a highly varied climate ranging from hot and humid tropics to arid deserts and highaltitude plateaus. Average year-round temperatures range from 15°C in the high-altitude plateaus to 27°C in the Yucatan Peninsula. Patterns of air conditioning vary widely across Mexico. There is little air conditioning in cool areas of the country; even at high-income levels, penetration never exceeds 10%. In hot areas, however, the pattern is very different. Penetration begins low but then increases steadily with income to reach near 80%. As Mexicans experience a growth in disposable income, many more will buy air conditioners. And as average temperatures increase, the reach of air conditioning will be extended, even to the relatively cool areas where saturation is currently low. their model predicts that nearly 100% of households will have air conditioning in all the warm areas within just a few decades.

Global air conditioning potential Gertler and Davis expect this pattern to hold not only in Mexico but around the world. When you look around, there are a lot of hot places where people are


getting richer. Countries were ranked in terms of air conditioning potential, with potential defined as the product of population and cooling degree days (CDDs), a unit used to determine the demand for energy to cool buildings. Number one on the list is India. India is massive, with four times the population of the United States. It is also extremely hot. Annual CDDs are 3 120, compared to only 882 in the United States. That is, India’s total air conditioning potential is more than 12 times that of the United States. Mexico ranks at number 12 but has fewer than half the CDDs experienced by India, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. These countries currently have lower GDP per capita, but the research predicts rapid air conditioning adoption in these countries over the next couple of decades.

Carbon cliff What does all this mean for carbon dioxide emissions? It depends on the pace of technological change, both for cooling equipment and for electricity generation. Today’s air conditioners use only about half as much electricity now as in 1990, and continued advances in energy efficiency could reduce the energy consumption impacts substantially. Likewise, continued development of solar, wind and other low-carbon sources of electricity generation could mitigate the

increases in carbon dioxide emissions. As an economist, Davis’ view is that the best way to get there is a carbon tax. Higher-priced electricity would slow the adoption and use of air conditioning, while spurring innovation in energy efficiency. A carbon tax would also give a boost to renewable generating technologies, increasing their deployment. Low- and middle-income countries are anticipating large increases in energy demand over the next several decades, and carbon legislation along the lines of carbon tax is the most efficient approach to meeting that demand with low-carbon technologies. Pricing carbon would also lead to broader behavioural changes. Our homes and businesses tend to be very energy-intensive. In part, this reflects the fact that carbon emissions are free. Energy would be more expensive with a price on carbon, so more attention would go into building design. Natural shade, orientation, building materials, insulation and other considerations can have a big impact on energy consumption. The population needs efficient markets if they are going to stay cool without heating up the planet. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


my office magazine



ADHESIVES, GLUES AND SPRAYS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd. - Correction Fluid, Glue sticks & Super Glue Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

ART, CRAFT, GRAPHIC AND DRAWING MATERIALS CTP Stationery - A4 coloured poster boards Max Frank - Uni, Artline Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Oil pastels and watercolour paint


B BAGS AND CASES D.O.S - iStay Flip File - Business cases. Kolok - Kenton, Port Topmark - School Bags, Laptop Bags, Pencil Cases, Sports Bags, Luggage BATTERIES Kolok - Duracell Nikki Distributors - Duracell Batteries Nikki Distributors - Energizer Batteries BIN RANGE Krost Office Products BINDING ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - Plastic Comb, Wire, Thermal & Covers CTP Donau - Donau files and slide binders, A4 poster board Kolok - Geha binding combs and covers Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Press Products - wire, combs, coil, covers Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC

BINDING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Neorel D.O.S - Prima, DSB, Leitz Kolok - Geha binding machines Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Press Products - Bindquip Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges

BOARDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Velleda School Whiteboards CTP Stationery - Flip Chart Pads Hortors Stationery - Legal Notices i.e. Basic Conditions & OSH Act and Leave and Absence Chart Kolok - Geha interactive boards Max Frank - Artline Flipchart Markers, Artline, Maxi whiteboard markers Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Parrot Products - Full range of boards and accessories. Custom boards printed to your specification Rexel Office Products - NOBO whiteboards, pinboards, easels and accessories. Quartet magnetic white/cork boards BOOK COVERS CTP Stationery - Poly Prop Donau heavy duty covers Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers - brown paper rolls, poly rolls, gift-wrap RBE - Papersmart BOOKS AND PADS BSC Stationery - Treeline CTP Stationery - Impala and premier books and pads Hortors Stationery - Legal registers Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar

RBE - NCR Business Books Rexel Office Products - Colourhide notebooks BOXES AND CARTONS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Rexel Office Products Specialised Filing Systems - Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Acid free archiving products

C CALCULATORS Kolok - HP Nikki Distributors - Truly calculators Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - IBICO CALENDARS CTP Stationery - Diaries assorted sizes CALLIGRAPHY Max Frank - Artline CANTEEN Kolok - Tea, Coffee, milk etc, Sunbeam (appliances) CARBON PAPER AND FILMS RBE - NCR Business Books CARTRIDGES Dis Cartridges - Stockists of generic/original cartridges CD’S, DVD’S AND DISKETTES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton CLIP BOARDS CTP Stationery - DONAU brand Parrot Products - Masonite and whiteboard CLIPS, FASTENERS AND PINS Grip Binders - Essentials, Stephens, Penguin Tidy Files - Filing solution

Binding doesn’t get any simpler! CombBind 100

CombBind 110

CombBind C200

CombBind C210

buyers’ guide

COLOURING BOOKS Empire Toy & Stationery - Empire books Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave

See page 46 for contact details

South African Diaries - For all your diary needs DICTATION - TRANSCRIPTION

COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton, Port Krost Office Products Pyrotec - Tower Inkjet-laser labels, business cards and photo paper COMPUTER CLEANING Kolok - ComputerCare, Multipro Pyrotec - Tower computer cleaning range COMPUTER CONSUMABLES CTP Stationery - Full range of DONAU files KMP - for computer consumables Kolok - Penguin (Ribbons, Toners, Inkjets), Till and fax rolls Redfern Print Services - Redfern inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels COMPUTER HARDWARE Kolok - Blazer UPS systems, Geha (Interactive white boards)

Olympus Audio S.A - Digital Voice Recorders, Transcription Kits and Accessories. Powerhouse Dictation for Philips - Dictation, transcription, meeting recording, mini-tapes, foot pedals, accessories DRAUGHTING AND DRAWING OFFICE SUPPLIES CTP Stationery - A4 Poster Boards

E EMBOSSERS AND ENGRAVING Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Ideal & Trodat Embossers (pocket, desk and electronic), Trotec

CORPORATE STATIONERY & GIFTING Star Stationers and Printers

F FAX ROLL MANUFACTURERS Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. FILES AND FILING African Filing Systems - Top retrieval filing and arching products BSC Stationery - Treeline, Mobifile CTP Stationery - Full range of quality DONAU brand Flip File - Executive display files, expanding files, Document folders, dividers Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Lever arch, Ringbinder files, Manilla flat folders Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (Binding machines) Palm Stationery Manufacturers - leaver arch, ring binder files, manilla flat folders. Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Display book Vivid, document file, clip file and presentation file Rexel Office Products - Prima and Rexel ranges Specialised Filing Systems - Top Retrieval, Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Filing solutions


ENVELOPES AND MAILING BSC Stationery - Leo Envelopes

CRAYONS AND CHALKS Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Chalks and Crayons Power Stationery - Powerstar

CTP Stationery - Commercial envelopes Global Envelopes - CelloWrapped, peel+seal, Self-Seal, FullGum and Printed Grafton/Star KZN Envelopes - Manufactures of Printed and

FOLDERS CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand Palm Stationery Manufacturers - View files, polypropylene & board folders Tidy Files - Specialised

Plain Envelopes


Merpak Envelopes - Complete range of quality envelopes RBE - Papersmart

DESK SETS AND ACCESSORIES BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Desk Set Solo Delux Krost Office Products Rexel Office Products - Rexel Eco Range DIARIES, PLANNERS AND ORGANISERS CTP Stationery - CTP Brand Hortors Stationery - Legal diaries Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners, refills and T-card kits, Quartet Monthly/ Weekly planner

ERASERS & ERASING / CORRECTION FLUIDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Tippex tape, bottle and Pen Max Frank - Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Tape/Erasers Pentel S.A (PTY) LTD - Hi-Polymer and Ain eraser, correction tape and pens Power Stationery - Powerstar

FORMS - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Hortors Stationery - complete range of custom, company, miscellaneous, magisterial, etc.

FURNITURE - OFFICE & SCHOLASTIC Krost Office Products - accessories New Era Office cc - Specialising in all office furniture desks, chairs, credenzas, boardroom tables, etc Reboni Furniture Group - Manufacturing and distribution of educational and office furniture Specialised Filing Systems - Cabinets, Shelving and Hi-Density

Working for you

CombBind C250 Pro

WireBind W20

MultiBind 230 Comb & Wire

ThermaBind T400




GUILLOTINES AND TRIMMERS AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors

LABELS Pyrotec - Tower stationery, inkjet-laser labels Redfern Print Services - Redfern Inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions

Press Products - BindQuip Rexel Office Products - SmartCut and ClassicCut

LABELLING MACHINES Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother P-Touch Labelling System

I 38

INDEX TABBING AND DIVIDERS CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand board and P.P Flip File - Index Tabs, Flip tabs Grip Binders Palm Stationery Manufacturers Rexel Office Products - Rexel, Mylar and Prima board

INKS KMP - for computer consumables. Max Frank - Shachihata, Artline Rexel Office Products - Numbering machine ink Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, Noris fastdry, security, numbering, franking. Laundry.

LAMINATING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Speedlam, Lamiace D.O.S - Tofo, DSB, Leitz Kolok - GEHA and Galaxy Parrot Products - Parrot A4 and A3 Laminators Press Products - GMP Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges LAMINATING POUCHES AND MATERIALS AZ Trading - A0 to ID card size Kolok - GEHA, Penguin laminating pouches and rolls Parrot Products Press Products - GMP Rexel Office Products - GBC LEGAL STATIONERY Hortors Stationery - All legal registers, forms, diaries etc LETTER TRAYS Krost Office Products

J JANITORIAL Kolok - Goldenmarc (Cleaning products), Brooms, Mops and equipment.

M MAILING TUBES CTP Stationery MARKERS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Permanent Markers, Highlighters, whiteboard

Interstat Agencies - Edding Max Frank - Artline , Maxi, Uni Parrot Products - White board, permanent and OHP markers. Wide range of highlighters Penflex - White board, flipchart, permanent markers, highlighters Pentel (Pty) Ltd. - Maxiflo, white board marker and paint marker Power Stationery - Powerstar MATHEMATICAL GEOMETRY SETS & ACCESSORIES Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar MINUTE AND GUARD BOOKS Hortors Stationery - Company registers, minute books and other legal registers

N NUMBERING MACHINES Rexel Office Products Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Reiner Dater/Numberer (manual/electronic), Trodat

O OFFICE ERGONOMICS Rexel Office Products - Kensington copyholders, risers, footrests, Rexel range of electric staplers and punches which reduces chances of RSI (repetitive strain injury) OVERHEAD PROJECTION AND ACCESSORIES Kolok - Penguin Transparencies Max Frank - Artline Parrot Products - Data Projectors, OHPs, screens and rear projection film Penflex - Penflex Overhead projector pens Rexel Office Products - NOBO

Excellence Accelerated Get it right first time, in less time. Fusion 1000L

Fusion 1100L

Fusion 3000L

buyers’ guide

See page 46 for contact details


PENCIL SHARPENERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar

PACKAGING Merpak Envelopes - Postsafe packaging range

PAPER AND BOARD CTP Stationery - DONAU A4 poster boards Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (paper media), EPSON, HP, CANON, Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Cubes and board Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - Papersmart Rexel Office Products - Prima Paper & Board

PAPER FOLDING MACHINES Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors

PENS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Clic, Crystal, Orange and Prismo Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Penflex - Penflex ballpoints and rollerballs Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Superb Ballpoint, Energel Pen Power Stationery - Powerstar Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Ball point, Fineliner, Gel and Pigment liner pens

PEN CARBON BOOKS Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books

PRINTER CONSUMABLES KMP - For computer consumables. Kolok - Epson (inkjet, large format etc), Lexmark, HP, Brother (Toners and Inks), Oki (Toners, inks and Ribbons), Tally Genicom (Ribbons), Seikosha (Ribbons), Panasonic (Toners and Ribbons), Kyocera (Toners), Printronix (Ribbons), IBM (Ribbons), Ricoh (Toners), Fujitsu (Ribbons), Pantum (Toners) Royce Imaging Industries Remanufacturers and suppliers of inkjet and laser cartridges Technical Systems Engineering - Suppliers of quality compatible cartridges and bulk inks for Epson, Canon, Lexmark, HP and Samsung PUNCHES AND PERFORATORS Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of punches Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel

PERSONAL STATIONERY CTP Stationery - Home office and personal filing system, diaries Grafton/Star

PENCILS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Evolution Graphite, BIC Matic Clutch ,Velocity Clutch, Atlantis Clutch, BU4 Clutch Max Frank - Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Hotshot, Mechanical Pencil, Techniclick Pencil. Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel HB & Derwent Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Tradition, Wopex, Technical, Clutch Pencils and lead

PENCIL LEADS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Criterium 0.5mm leads Max Frank - Uni Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Ain lead, standard lead - various grades

PLANNING BOARDS AND ACCESSORIES Parrot Products - Range of year planners, term planners, maps and in/out boards. custom printed boards designed to specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners


R RUBBER STAMPS Max Frank - Schachihata X Stampers Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co. - Trodat RUBBER STAMP MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - AZ Liquid polymer, TROTEC laser engraver, flash system


PRINTING Kolok - Epson, Lexmark (Hardware), HP Printers, Oki (Hardware) Pantum, Samsung Olivetti Imports - Distributors of Multifunctional Printers / Copiers

RULERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar Penflex - PENFLEX rulers

Star Stationers and Printers Unicopy & Stationers CC - for all your printing & stationery requirements

Working for you

Fusion 3100L

Fusion 5000L

Fusion 5100L





SLATES Parrot Products - Whiteboard and chalk board

SCHOLASTIC SUPPLIES BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline CTP Stationery Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly Flip File - Flip File display books A5, A4, A2, A3 Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Parrot Products - chalk boards/slates Power Stationery - Powerstar Pyrotec - Tower Adhesive Book Cover 45cm x 2m

STAMPS, STAMP PADS AND INKS Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother Stampcreator PRO Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, pre-inked stamps, stamp and fingerprint pads STAPLING MACHINES AND STAPLES Interstat Agencies - Genmes Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of staplers Rexel Office Products - Rexel range

SCISSORS AND CUTTERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products SCRAPBOOKING Rexel Office Products - Trimmers and guillotines Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Making memories, Clearsnap, Marvy, Ranger, Bazzill, Carl SHREDDERS AND ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra, Roto, Repairs to all makes D.O.S - Kobra Kolok - GEHA entry level and high-end shredders Nikki Distributors - Nikki shredders Parrot Products - Parrot range of value shredders Rexel Office Products - Rexel range Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors

STATIONERY SUNDRIES - SCHOLASTIC CTP Stationery - DONAU Scissors and cutting knives Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar

STORAGE SYSTEMS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Suspension Files Kolok - Verbatim (hard drives, USB sticks etc), HP, Sandisk Rexel Office Products - Storage boxes Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions

THERMAL ROLLS Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. TONERS AND CARTRIDGES KMP - Computer consumables Kolok - Penguin (Inkjets and Laser toners), Epson, Lexmark, HP, Canon, Pantum (toners), OKI, Samsung TOP RETRIEVAL FILING Optiplan a div of Waltons - Paper based top retrieval filing systems Specialised Filing Systems - Total Solution and more Tidy Files - Complete onsite and offsite filing solutions TOYS, HOBBIES AND GAMES Pyrotec - Toby Tower Stickers and Activities TRANSFER LETTERING AND SIGNS Parrot Products - Vinyl lettering TRANSPARENCIES Kolok - Penguin transparencies for inkjet and laser OEM, Penguin and HP Transparencies Rexel Office Products - NOBO range

T TAPES Palm Stationery Manufacturers TELECOMMUNICATIONS Nikki Distributors - Siemens office phones TELEX ROLLS AND TELETEX PAPER Rotunda (Pty) Ltd.

Spend 98% less time shredding*


AUTOFEED *Max saving when using an Auto+ 500X compared to a traditional feed shredder in a similar price level.

Auto+ 60X

Auto+ 80X

Auto+ 100X | 100M

buyers’ guide

See page 46 for contact details


DID YOU KNOW? • The Buyers’ Guide is an affordable way to highlight your brands while simultaneously introducing up-and-coming stockists to the trade. • The Buyers’ Guide is a valuable sourcing tool to market your business and the brands that you carry. • To book space, contact Wendy on wendy@shop-sa.co.za or (011) 781 0088.

Working for you

Auto+ 200X

Auto+ 300X | 300M

Auto+ 500X | 500M

Auto+ 750X | 750M


CONTACT DETAILS HERE African Filing Systems

Redfern Print Services - Durban

Kolok - Port Elizabeth


011 614 9445



086 540 6892


AZ Trading (

086 111 4407



011 792 9732


BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd (

011 474 0181

PO BOX 43144, Industria, 2042


011 474 6068

16 Maraisburg Road, Industria, 2042

BSC Stationery Sales (

011 086 2900

Box 278, Brakpan, 1540


011 420 3322


CTP Stationery (

011 226 5600

Box 43501, Industria, 2042


011 474 9242


Dis Cartridges (

011 609 3437/9

PO Box 75881, Gardenview 2047


011 609 3448


D.O.S (Denton Office Solutions) (

086 000 7468



086 237 4614


Empire Toy & Stationery (

011 614 2243

Box 261524, Excom, 2023


011 614 3075


Flip File (

021 638 3105

Box 2190, Clareinch, 7740


021 633 6942


Global Envelopes (

031 465 5544



031 465 5634



031 205 9598



041 406 9900

Box 3163, North End, 6056


031 205 7092



041 406 9920


Redfern Print Services - Johannesburg

Kolok - Namibia (

00264 (61)370500

Box 40797, Ausspannplatz, Namibia


00264 (61)370525


Kolok - Nelspruit


031 705 8713


013 758 2233

Box 4338, White River, 1240


013 758 2235


Kolok - Bloemfontein (

051 433 1876

PvtBag X01, Brandhof, Bloemfontein


051 433 2451


Kolok - Botswana (

00267 393 2669

PvtBag B0226, Bontleng, Gaborone


00267 317 0762


Krost Office Products (

011 626 2067

Box 75401, Gardenview, 2047


011 626 2912



031 465 3992

P O Box 41259, Rossburgh, 4072


031 465 1669


Max Frank (

011 921 1811

Box 200, Isando, 1600


011 921 1569


Maynards - Olympus Audio S.A / Olivetti Distributors

031 705 8714

Suite 69, PvtBag X4, Kloof, 3640 jacquie@gordons.co.za

Grafton/Star Paper Products

0860 00 1922

Box 1445, Crown Mines, 2025

011 837 8917


Rexel Office Products (

011 226 3300


011 837 2781

www.rexelsa.co.za sales@rexelsa.co.za


021 799 5770

15 Hillstar Avenue, Wetton, 7780


021 761 5601


Royce Imaging Industries (

011 792 9530



011 792 9480


Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Head Office (

011 262 1400

Box 931, Wendywood, 2144


011 262 1414


Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Cape Town (

021 448 7008


021 448 7014

Box 931, Wendywood, 2144 cpt@trodat.co.za

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Durban (

083 377 4109

Box 931, Wendywood, 2144


031 266 1082


South African Diaries (

021 442 2340

Box 4862, Cape Town, 8000


021 442 2341


Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd (

011 579 1600



011 608 3497


Specialised Filing Systems (

011 477 0640


011 477 3528



Star Stationers and Printers



031 569 1061



031 569 1094



011 262 0777

Box 550, Bergvlei, 2012

Merpak Envelopes


011 262 0780



011 719 7700


Technical Systems Engineering


011 885 3174



011 708 2304

Box 1532, Northriding, 2162


011 708 1799


Hortors Stationery (

011 620 4800

Box 1020, Johannesburg, 2000

Nikki - Cape Town


086 612 4663



0860 006731


Tidy Files


0800 204868



Ink Spot Suppliers (

011 854 3013


011 852 3013

Nikki - Durban info@inkspotsuppliers.co.za

Interstat Agencies - Durban

011 943 4210




0860 006731



011 837 8045


0800 204868



011 837 7442


031 569 6550

Box 201707, Durban North, 4016

Nikki - Johannesburg


031 569 6559



0860 006731



021 787 9600


0800 204868



021 787 9791

Interstat Agencies - Cape Town


Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Cape Town PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948


021 551 9555

Box 36696, Chempet, 7442

Nikki - Pretoria


021 557 5456



0860 006731



011 611 1820

59 Lepus Rd, Crown Mines, 2025


0800 204868



011 611 1834


Interstat Agencies - Port Elizabeth

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Johannesburg


041 453 2558

Box 27693, Greenacres, 6057

Optiplan a division of Waltons


041 453 8504



011 620 4000

Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Herriotdale


031 701 0192

Box 594, Pinetown, 3600


086 681 8256



031 701 1285


Kemtek Imaging Systems

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) Durban


011 624 8000

Box 86173, City Deep, 2049

Palm Stationery


0866 101 185



031 507 7051



031 201 8415


031 507 7053



031 201 8672

Kemtek Imaging Systems - Cape ( 7

021 521 9600 021 551 5032

Unicopy & Stationers CC 122 Che Guevara Road, Glenwood, 4001 sales@unicopy.co.za

Box 181, Cape Town, 8000

Parrot Products



011 607 7600



011 226 5600

Box 43501, Industria, 2042


011 615 2502



011 474 9242


Kemtek Imaging Systems - KZN



031 700 9363

Box 15685, Westmead, 3608



031 700 9369



021 521 2400

Box 36964, Chempet, 7442


021 521 2402/3


Kemtek Imaging Systems - PE (

041 582 5222

Box 15685, Westmead, 3608

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd


041 582 5224



011 474 1427/8

Box 202, Crown Mines, 2025


011 474 5563


Kemtek Imaging Systems - PTA (

012 804 1410

PO Box 816, Silverton, 0127

Powerhouse Dictation


012 804 4286



011 887 1056



086 555 3833



021 709 0190

Box 183, Steenberg, 7947

Power Stationery


021 709 0199



032 533 4003

Box 1305, Verulam, 4340


032 533 3254


Kolok - Head Office

Press Products


011 248 0300

Box 4151, Johannesburg, 2000


011 248 0381


Kolok - Cape Town (

021 597 2700

Box 6385, Roggebaai, 8012


021 297 2799


Kolok - Durban (

031 570 4900

Box 4206, Riverhorse Valley East, 4017


031 569 6880


Kolok Polokwane



011 837 4119


Rotunda (Pty) Ltd.

Gordon’s Productions (



011 493 6332



011 499 1019


Pyrotec (

021 787 9600

PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948


021 787 9791


RBE Stationery Manufacturers (Pty) Limited (

011 793 7321



011 793 7348


Reboni Furniture Group (

086 173 2664



086 627 7737


Redfern Print Services - Cape Town


015 298 8795

Box 862, Ladanna, 0704


015 298 8315


my office magazine


021 552 9680

Box 403, Milnerton, 7435


021 552 9681


Win this! winners

The winners of the Arifa hampers in our August issue are: Hamper 1: Janitha Mahabeer, Stanger Hamper 2: Sonnika Fox, Polokwane


Vol 100 - September 2016

crime alert


a new form of cybercrime


irst, there was phishing. Then, there was spear phishing. And now, there is whaling. Whaling e-mail attacks – a form of phishing attack which is targeted at senior executives and other high-profile people in a business – are on the increase.

In whaling attacks, fraudsters often use legitimate executive names and e-mail addresses to fool company employees into providing them with sensitive information, or even transfering money to them. The whaling attacks typically involve highly targeted e-mails, where the cybercriminal tries to trick the employee with a well-crafted e-mail or Web page, with content related to their role in the company. The attackers often use a legal subpoena, customer complaint or executive issue as the content of the e-mail. The source of the e-mail is also spoofed (faked) to make it look like it is coming from a legitimate source or business authority. The targets of whaling attacks A recent Mimecast survey, in partnership


with MyBroadband, showed that fraudsters typically pretend to be the CEO, financial managers or sales people. The survey results further showed that the source e-mail address (the @domain) is often spoofed to look legitimate. Here are some of the prominent findings of the Mimecast whaling attack survey: Whaling attackers typically pretend to be the CEO, financial manager or from the sales department; In 39% of whaling attacks the e-mail domain (@domain) was faked (spoofed); Most South African companies face regular whaling attacks; and Some companies have reported significant losses caused by whaling attacks. Whaling e-mail attacks on the rise Whaling e-mail attacks have become so prevalent that the FBI is warning companies about the risk of this cybercrime. “The schemers go to great lengths to spoof company e-mail or use social engineering to assume the identity of the CEO, a company attorney or trusted vendor,” the FBI says. According to the FBI, the fraudsters research employees who manage money,

and use language specific to the company they are targeting. The FBI has provided the following tips for businesses to avoid falling victim to whaling attacks: Be wary of e-mail-only wire transfer requests and requests involving urgency; Pick up the phone and verify legitimate business partners; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WWW.MYBROADBAND.CO.ZA

What’s Be cautious of mimicked e-mail the difference? addresses; and Phishing – this is a common social engineering Practice multi-level attack withauthentication. a low successn rate. Attackers send out thousands of generalised fake messages with the hope that someone will click on a malicious URL or e-mail attachment. Spear-phishing – this involves sending out highly-personalised, wellresearched messages to few recipients in a customised attack. This has a much better success rate. Whaling – this is the same as spear-phishing, except the size of the target is much bigger. Attackers send out an e-mail to a specific executive officer or senior manager, with personalised information and nearidentical details such as logos.


Keeping shop-sa members abreast of criminal and fraudulent activity in the stationery and office products industry. To sponsor the Crime Alert page contact (011) 781 0088. REPORT CRIME TO wendy@shop-sa.co.za Renew your Crime Alert sponsorship today! Call Wendy Dancer on (011) 781 0088 to book your logo placement on the Crime Alert page as an industry leader in transparency, information sharing and anti-crime business ethics. www.myofficemagazine.co.za

my office magazine



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