Okefenokee Living - Summer 2020

Page 53

E D U C AT I O N Waycross Practical Nursing Cohort getting ready for clinical labs.

Coastal Pines Technical College



oastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) is widely known for playing a vital role in training and educating the workforce of its thirteen-county service delivery area. But what happens when the bread and butter of the Technical College’s hands on learning is challenged by a global health crisis? Coastal Pines answered that call and has continued to meet the workforce and educational needs of the communities it serves.

distributed to the seven CPTC campuses. Using funds received through the CARES Act, money has been set aside to hire additional custodial staff to ensure that cleaning and disinfecting is completed after every lab. Coastal Pines continues to support the Southeast Georgia region by educating and supplying a skilled workforce to include CPTC graduates who are now on the frontline of the pandemic. O L

Using distance (online) education, hybrid course structures, and limited labs, the College has been able to continue course instruction for over 4,000 students who were enrolled for Spring and Summer Semesters. Two hundred students who completed their program requirements in the Spring are eligible to graduate in the Fall. CPTC plans to host a Drive-Thru Commencement Ceremony on September 13, 2020, to award technical certificates, diplomas, and degrees. The College continues to work hard to meet the needs of its students. There will continue to be a push for traditional course material to be taught online, as well as hybrid course offerings with smaller class sizes allowing for social distancing. For those students with lab and clinical requirements, the College is continuing to ramp up its limited lab offerings through appointments and scheduled small group settings. To ensure learning continues in the Fall, Coastal Pines has implemented additional safety measures. Plexiglass shields have been installed in high traffic areas such as bookstores, libraries, and front desk areas. Additionally, more than 125,000 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) have been purchased and

Associate of Science Nursing students performing labs for IV starts.

Plexiglass shields have been placed in the bookstores for added safety.

Welding student performing limited lab exercises.

Showcasing The Region's Personality


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