Page a1February 2022 Jon, Charlotte & Vivian StephenSon Viroqua, WI 608-637-647454665(H)608-774-3151(C)608-208-2527(C) Sugar Ridge Ranch Congrats to Parker & Haydan Lowrey at the State Fair of Texas! February 2022 Grand & Reserve Champion Ewes - Junior Show Reserve Champion Ewe - Open Show The SHROPSHIRE VOICE The SHROPSHIRE VOICE

Page a2 Shropshire Voice SAND MEADOW FARM High Quality Yearlings and Lambs FARM VISITS & PRIVATE SALES ALWAYS WELCOME Jon, Katherine, Addisen & Oliver Nicholson 906 Main Street South Windsor, CT sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com860-490-723806074 Online Sale April 14 hosted by Integrity Livestock Sales Ohio Showcase Sale May 12-14 in Greenville, OH FALL EWE LAMB SAND MEADOW 2205 Bartender x Sand Meadow 1805 YEARLINGS, FALL & SPRING LAMBS SIRED BY: “Ariat” Fritz 1842 2020 Sr RamChampionNAILE “No Fear” CLSF 2034 2020 National Champion Ram NAILE “Bartender” CLSF 2088 2020 Jr National Champion Ram NAILE

19411 S Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290
Mandy Curtiss (2023)
Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association
Tom Slutz (2022) PO Box 177, 602 S Main St LaMoille, IL 61830-0177
Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher
Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary
Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October
Darrell Dockter (2022)
Mary Anne Keck (2022) 665 Niangua Rd Niangua, MO 65713
Fredericktown, OH 43019
Bill Bryant Jr (2023)
Rick Whiting (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146
Rick Adams (2024)
Debbie Petzel (2022) 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824
PO Box 136
~ The ShropShire Voice ~
5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140
Bonfield, IL 60913
Danny Rogers (2023) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807
Page 1February 2022
1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011
Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association
Mike Elsbury (2023)
Ashley Fuss (2023) 8608 Hunters Drive Frederick, MD 21701
Adam Moore (2024) 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Jon Nicholson (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Jim Gruenhagen (2015)
Vice President
Caleb Fritz (2023) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Volume 42, Issue 1 February 2022
10828 W 1000 S Rd
Junior Activities
Phone/Fax –(413) ShropshireShropsec@hotmail.com624-9652Voice&Website
Half Page $75 Quarter Page................................. $50
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President 913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle, TN tslivestock18@gmail.com37020
Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.” ContaCt us
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
Voice Advertising Manager
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Pay ments are also available via credit card. Visit
shropshirevoice@ (217)(217)thesidellreporter.com288-9365(office)474-9365(cell)
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process reg istrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt. Contact her at: American Shropshire RegistryBeckyAssociationPeterson,Secretary 41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337
Shropshire Voice Advertising Rates
Full Page $125
P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 American Shropshire Registry
RINDA MADDOx (217) 474-9365
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shrop shire website,, contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.RindaMaddoxP.O.Box475Sidell,IL61876
Page 2 Shropshire Voice
American Shropshire Registry Association
Rates effective since February 1, 2010
Front Cover Full Color............... $325
ASRA Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250 Inside Page Full Color $250 Center Two Page Spread ............ $375 Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10 Full Color added to any ad $125 Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site $225 Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30 Add your website link $20
VOiCE DEADliNES February Voice .............. Jan. 15 May Voice March 15 October Voice ................ Sept. 1 “The
Page 3February 2022
Jim Gruenhagen
The Ohio sales will once again be held on May 14 at the Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville, Ohio.
Other items on our agenda is to re-align our board terms to match our by-laws. Our by-laws state that 15 board members from our nine districts will each serve a three year term with each year having five directors elected. Cur rently we are in the process to follow these by-laws by stagger ing some of the upcoming years of terms as we are not in compli ance today. We also will have the Competition Committee do some discovery and diligence on DNA ram certification for the future. At this time I am not sure what the recommendations could or should look like but will be a discussion topic for future meetings.
From president Jim GruenhaGen
Slick Shearing:
Jim Gruenhagen

knees down plus the wool cap defined as from the ears and poll forward.
I hope that everyone has had a nice lamb ing season so far with a lot of great Shrop shires running around. In Iowa we had one of the driest and warmest falls on record, but winter came in with a vengeance on New Year’s Day and hasn’t stopped yet.

Bill, Ryan & Blake Webster FamilySHROPSHIRES 413 Roosevelt Trail, Windham, ME • 207-831-0608 •
All other open board seats were nominated and approved by the memberships.We have several items on our agenda this year as was discussed at our annual meeting. Leg and belly wool seemed to be a hot topic at NAILE even though our Shropshire breed standards state the following.
It is strongly suggested that all shrop shire sheep be exhibited slick shorn. Slick shorn is defined as being shorn completely to the hide within five days of the show date. The wool may be left from the rear hock down and the front
February 2022
I hope you attended our Zoom Annual Meeting on Nov. 28. We had another nice attendance with over 30 members participating. I would like to thank both of our retiring board members off the board. Retiring from the North East Shropshire Association is Re Call, succeeded by Jon Nicholson. And, retiring from the Ohio As sociation is RJ Creamer, succeeded by Rick Whiting. Let’s welcome Jon and Rick to the National Board!
Looking forward in visiting with you at these upcoming sales!
The Indiana Shropshire Association is hosting our National Shropshire Sale on April 23 at Greenfield, Ind. Mike Elsbury, Danny Rogers and the rest of the Indiana group are planning on a dinner on Friday night at the fairgrounds for all to enjoy. I hope to see as many there as possible as the Indiana group is also planning other activities that weekend.
From seCretary beCky peterson

It is good to be alive and well in this early part of January 2022. I hope every one is doing well, staying safe and healthy during this difficult time. As to my monthly weather report, it has been pretty warm. I have never seen such mud on our place at this time of year. It turned cold overnight and the wet stuff has miraculously “dried up.” Then, some record cold, then some snow and ice; something for everyone in New England.
The open show numbers took a bit of a hit as it was on Wednesday but had 119 strong entries. Jared Poynter handled them all and chose the same champions as were in the junior show. NAILE seemed to be suffering from some of the supply chain issues that has been plaguing us all but hopefully now has been able to sup ply the purple banners to those who won them.The Shropshire Futurity wrapped up in Louisville, also. There had been 33 yearling ewes and 149 ewe lambs nominated at the spring sales with 92 of them purchased by juniors and 37 of those turned in point cards over the course of the summer and fall show season. When it was all done on
and transfer numbers have recovered from last year and have continued right up through December 31 when I finished a lengthy project for Cody Hiemke and Fred Groverman. They had imported semen from three New Zealand rams in 2019 and finally we were able to complete their pedigrees to allow five generations to show on their offspring. Thirty-eight individual sheep had to be entered correctly into the Shrop shire system to make that happen. When all was said and done 89 animals were reg istered and 98 were transferred as part of a distribution of California and Wisconsin Shropshires around the country and into Canada. Twenty-seven were first generation offspring of these three rams. It will be very interesting to see where this goes and I sincerely hope that the project will be utilized as a source of some of the breed type pieces the breed seems to need at this time.
Sunday, Nov. 14, the winning yearling was a ewe purchased from Westin Poynter at the Ohio Sale by Alivia Porter of Indiana. The Overall Ewe Lamb and Midwest re gion winner was a fall ewe lamb from Step Ahead purchased in Ohio by Emily Stevens. The East Region was an R&A ewe lamb purchased by Addisen Nichol son at Ohio. Another ewe lamb from that sale won the West Division for Brenna Hubbard. It is interesting to note that the gross sale of Futurity nominated ewes was $154,586 from all 13 spring online and live sales. Congratulations to all of the breeders and exhibitors of the win ners and thank you to all for supporting theOurprogram.registration
The Shropshire events at the North American went off well. The Junior Association was able to meet in person for a change and had a game event led by Junior Association President Taylor Young and Advisor Mary Anne Keck. Jeff Held sorted 197 head in the junior show on Sunday and made Jaedyn Slutz’s late ju nior ram lamb the Grand Champion Ram. Brenna Hubbard of Oklahoma topped the ewe division with her early yearling ewe. All junior exhibitors were given a stadium blanket all decked out with a Shropshire wrapper.
Page 4 Shropshire Voice
Our Starter Flock and Royalty programs will run again this year and informa
Danny Rogers
Jon Nicholson
Mark McCabe
Rick Whiting
Adam Moore- Chair Ashley Fuss
Rick Whiting
Mike AshleyElsburyFuss
Rick Adams
Bill AdamBryantMoore
Rinda Maddox
Robin Pardus
Shropshire Royalty
Hopefully we will all be able to get together this spring again for our Shrop flock talks and seeing some really good sheep. Stay healthy everyone!
Voice, Promotion & Fundraising
Jim Percival - Past President Becky Peterson - Secretary
Debbie Petzel - Chair
Debbie Petzel
a popular success. `For information about the event, contact Mike Elsbury at elsbury The Ohio Showcase will still manage to have a good sale in Green ville, Ohio in May without the National Sale label. Shrops will also be consigned at the Great Lakes Sale in Wooster, Ohio and the Mid West Stud Ram Sale in Sedalia, Missouri
Becky Peterson
Starter Flock
Jon Nicholson
tion about them will soon be available on the Shropshire website. As always, funding is needed for our junior programs and we will appreciate all support! The juniors are the future of this breed so it is the duty of the more experience breeders to lead and educate them about proper management, fitting, recordkeeping and showring ethics.
Caleb Fritz - Chair
Junior Mary Anne Keck - Chair Mandy Curtis
Rick Adams
Hall of Fame
Mary Anne Keck
2022 Committees of the ASRA
Executive & By Laws
Rick Adams - Chair Mandy Curtis
Mike Elsbury - Chair
Ashley Fuss
Jim Gruenhagen - President
Danny Rogers
Mike Elsbury
Tom Slutz - Chair Mandy Curtis
Darrell Dockter - Chair
Caleb Fritz Tom
JuniorSlutzPresident Taylor Young
Rick Whiting
Mary Anne Keck - Vice President
Please note that the 2022 National Shropshire Sale will be held with the Indiana Premier in Greenfield, Indiana on April 22 & 23. The Sale Committee there has been working hard to make the event
Jon Nicholson Competition
Budget & Finance
Page 5February 2022
Page 6 Shropshire Voice 716-465-05651698NesbittRd.AtticaNY14011Mandy, Chris, Robert & Anita Curtiss ANNOUNCING THE BIRTH OF Anita Jane Curtiss in November 2021 AT NATIONALTHE SALE, SIRED ‘18‘18‘18CONVICTBY191CHAMPIONRAMNYSTATEFAIRCHAMPIONRAMBIGE5THATLOUISVILLE WATCH FOR OUR Yearling Ewe Consignments

2022 National Shropshire Sale
Camping will be available on the grounds. Also there are several motels available in Greenfield with close proximity to I-70. Make your reservations now.
For questions regarding this event, please contact the Shropshire office or Mike Els bury at or 317-326-4461.
The Indiana Premier Sale runs in April at the Hancock County Fairgrounds in Greenfield, Indiana, 25 miles East of Indianapolis.This sale has run for several years and will serve as the National Shropshire Sale in 2022. The sale committee has been working hard to make this sale a viable venue and have enlarged the event to 3 days and will also include sales for Katahdins, Lincolns, Montadales and Oxfords. Shropshires should arrive on Thursday April 21, will show on Friday and sell on Saturday. Sheep equipment vendors will be on hand. A silent auction fundraiser will run during the event. Shropshires will be judged on Friday with the Show starting at 11 AM. John Mrozinski of Rolling Prairie, Indiana will sort. Class win ners will receive special awards from the In diana group. The ASRA will provide banners for the Champion and Reserve Champion Rams and Ewes. Futurity Yearling Ewes and Ewe Lambs will be offered.
A Voice ad this size is only $50 in black &white Put your farm name out in front of the people interested in your breed and help support your national magazine at the same time! Call Rinda (days,217-474-9365todaynights&weekends) or email:thesidellreporter.comshropshirevoice@

Page 7February 2022
Shropshires will have a Preview time on
Holiday Inn Express – 317-318-9859
Hampton Inn – 317-467-0700
There will be a catered meal on Friday April 22 at 6 PM after the National Sale Show. Each consignor will receive two tickets. It is likely that the 2022 Shropshire Royalty will be presented at this time as well as the new inductees to the Shropshire Hall of Fame.
Fairfield Inn and Suites – 317-318-6006
Members and consignors should be re ceiving an email blast from the Shropshire office at entry time and a second one when the sale catalog is available.
Comfort Inn – 317-467-9999
April Greenfield,21-23Ind.
Saturday morning. The entries will be displayed in judged show order and prospec tive buyers will have a chance to look at and handle them. The sale will begin at noon on Saturday with Brockton, Illinois’ Tucker Wood selling. Shrops will sell last in the order. Junior buyers can sign up for “Shropshire Bucks” sale credits totaling $1500. Credits will be drawn randomly and the Junior must be present to win.
Juniors purchasing Shropshires in the sale will be eligible to show them in the Noble T. Apple Junior Show one hour after the sale is over. The Indiana Association will sponsor special awards in this show.
Shropshire Royalty – Deb Petzel stated that there were five youngsters chosen to represent the breed at events. They were active lo cally and helped a great deal in the Shropshire shows at the All-American Junior Show and NAILE.Competition
Page 8 Shropshire Voice
Show Statistics – There was 150 head entered in the NAILE open show and 123 shown, judged by Jared Poynter. Champion ram was the City Limits late Jr. ram lamb. Champion ewe was Brenna Hubbard’s Class 1 yearling ewe. Jeff Held judged the junior show, 225 head entered, 197 shown. The same two animals were champion ram and ewe. New Business;
– Mike Elsbury reported that there will be a Breed Type Education event at the National Sale in Indiana similar to previous years in Ohio. He also said that the committee has also been tasked with looking at the possibility of a Shropshire Sire DNA testing program this year.
Annual Meeting of the Members
Treasurers Report – A report as of Octo ber 31, 2021 was previously sent. Becky went through it and noted the total assets to be $63,183.43 and the total net income to be $10,336.62. She noted this was about $5000 over 2020 period and well ahead of the bud get. She stressed that this is an expensive time of year, but the end of year should still be well in the black. A complete 2021 year-end report will be printed in the Voice in February.
Hall of Fame – a new committee in 2021, chaired by Tom Slutz. Hall of Fame nomination forms are available on the website and new deadline is Dec. 31, 2021. Committee will view nominations at the January director’s meeting and induction will be done at the National Sale in April.National
November 28, 2021 via Zoom
Futurity – Caleb Fritz has been asked to chair the Futurity Committee to replace RJ Creamer who has stepped down as a director. He gave a summary of the futurity nomina tions in 2021 showing 182 total ewe nomi nations with 92 purchased by juniors and 37 ewes tracking points. Total payout for ewe lambs will be $2980; for yearling ewes $396. Becky reported $154,000 gross sale of futurity nominated ewes.
Starter Flock – Rick Adams reported that the 2021 winner Arabella Knuth of Wisconsin was doing a good job. He remarked there was over $1500 raised for the project and it would
National Sale 2022 – will be at the Indiana Premier Show and Sale in Greenfield, Indiana on April 21-23. Mike Elsbury is the contact person. There is a good chance that the National Lincoln Sale will be held also.
President Jim Gruenhagen called the Annual Meeting to order at 7 p.m. and introduced the 13 board members present; 20 other mem bers joined the meeting by Zoom or phone.
be good to provide two awards in the coming year, one $1000 and one $500. The deadline for applications will be March 15. More fund ing is needed so that this program stays successful and brings new kids into the breed.
Secretary Becky Peterson had sent the link to the Zoom meeting twice prior, as well as the minutes of the November 2020 Annual Meeting, via Zoom as well as the Financial reports. Rick Adams moved to accept these minutes as previously distributed. Adam Moore seconded. Motion passed.
Voice & Promotion – Darrell Dockter spoke about the Voice as a promotional tool and asked all to participate to keep it finan cially secure. He thanked Rinda Maddox for her 30 years of dedication to its production.
Office statistics showed 2145 registrations in 2021 by October 31, 1150 transfers, 156 junior memberships, 165 returning senior memberships and 26 new adult members. Mark McCabe moved to accept the Treasurers Report. Danny Rogers second. Motion passed. Old Business, Committee Reports
Junior Activities – Mary Anne Keck thanked Taylor Young and Taylor Kemp for their work at the junior meeting at NAILE. It was well at tended with nearly 40 kids enjoying the game activity and pizza. The group will continue to work on activities for the upcoming events.
Page 9February 2022 El bur y shropshires We SaleNationaleveryonewelcometotheShropshireinGreenfield,Ind.onApril21-23. We plan to consign several sheep. Mike & Karen Elsbury & Family 5385E 500N, Greenfield, IN 46140 • (317) 326-4461

Page 10 Shropshire Voice
Election of Directors – There are six board members up for election. Bylaws say there can only be five per year so it has been agreed to adjust some future terms to get the districts evened out so only five will expire per year and only one position per district at a time, Open seats now are one for North Central, two for Southwest, one for Illinois, one for Ohio and one for New England/New York.
National Show (NAILE) judge nominations can be made through Wed., Dec. 1. Forms are in the last Voice and on the website or please call or email. Must be a paid adult member.
Tom Slutz nominated Rick Adams for the Illinois District and Mary Anne Keck seconded. Mike Elsbury nominated Jared Poynter for Illinois. Both candidates were able to say a few words about their desire to serve. Using the polling feature of a Zoom meeting a vote was taken. Rick Adams received 18 votes, Jared Poynter received 16 votes (14 Zoom and two votes emailed to Jim Gruenhagen) making Rick Adams the Illinois director.
Other new business – a phone call from Josh Sargent had come to the secretary dur ing the meeting regarding the enforcement of Belly and Leg Wool rules at NAILE. Discussion followed. The inspectors during the junior show noted that the situation was tense. The rule is printed in the premium book and was announced multiple times on show day and before. Strong effort will be made in the future to educate exhibitors about the rule and make rulings at the showring. Further mem ber input could be made to board members.
Ashley Fuss spoke up about making some T-shirts for the national sale and would like some design suggestions.
Justin Rife then inquired about the DNA testing that has been requested. It was noted that it was still in committee and then would go before the board, and then to the mem bership before any program is instituted. Justin also asked that the Breed Character guide be completed for distribution to the member ship. Nicole Stevens reiterated this request and asked that it also goes to judges. Becky noted that she already provides the Breed Standards to national level shows. She also will provide them to any judge needing them if she is notified. Caleb spoke up reminding mem bers that photos are needed to help complete this visual guideline.
Adam Moore and Ashley Fuss moved to ad journ the Annual Meeting at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary
Adam Moore nominated Mary Anne Keck for a one year term for the Southwest Dis trict; Danny Rogers seconded. Rick Adams and Mark McCabe moved to close nominations for one year Southwest.
According to Bylaws, Ohio Shropshire As sociation nominated Rick Whiting to replace RJ Creamer. New England/New York nominated Jon Nicholson to replace Re Call. Since the Illinois Association did not meet and make a nomination earlier, this will have to come from the floor, along with Southwest and North Central nominations, at this time. Mary Anne Keck nominated Jim Gruenhagen for North Central, seconded by Tom Slutz. Rick Adams moved to close nominations for North Central Director and for the secretary to cast one ballot for Jim Gruenhagen; seconded by Mark McCabe.
Bylaw Changes – to be done in the fall 2022. Some very minor verbiage changes to be made just to keep up with some changes that have been made. Amendments will be made according to the amendment process and will be advertised in May and October Voices.
Mary Anne Keck nominated Adam Moore for a three-year term for Southwest District; Jon Nicholson seconded. Tom Slutz and Rick Adams moved to close nominations and for the secretary to cast one ballot for Adam.
There will be a catered meal on Friday evening on the grounds. If the Board of Directors decides to meet with this event, there will be a space available. The Noble T. Apple Junior Show follows the sale. They are working toward more funding for it.
He stated the judge was chosen but not contacted yet. There will be forthcoming info about a motel block. Shropshires will arrive on Thursday, April 21, show on Friday at 9 a.m., previewed at 10 a.m. Saturday and sell at noon.
It was a lot of fun catching up with and spending time with many of you while girls had their first experience on the green shavings. look forward to seeing many of you at the bigger shows and sales this spring.

Street Shropshires The barn is always open! We are excited about the lambs we have on the ground and would love to have you come and visit. SAVE THE DATE APRIL 19, 2022 WE WILL BE HAVING OUR SECOND ANNUAL ONLINE SALE THROUGH WILLOUGHBY’S WITH MROZINSKI FARMS AND AVERY SHROPSHIRES.

Page 11February 2022 Mitch and Brittany Street and Family Dennis and Nancy Avery (317) 606-5234 (Mitch’s Cell) (574) 209-0988 (Dennis’ Cell)
Page 12 Shropshire Voice DIRLAM SHROPSHIRES SinceShropshires“ProducingQuality1963” Dirlam Early1stRRNNFF21-1PlaceJanuaryEweLamb. A Brick daughter. DirlamRRNNFF21-6 Jr. Champion Ram Lamb at the Ohio Showcase. Sired by Stonecold. THANKS TO THESE BUYERS at the 2021 Indiana Premier Sale and Ohio Showcase • Abby Hughes, IN • Taylor Young, TN • Abby Mullis, IN • Nicholas Monday, IL • Philip Colwell, TN • Jonah Lasater, MO Look for our consignments this year including at the National Show and Sale at the Indiana Premier April 22-23! Farm visits always welcome. Semen Available. All four Dirlam ewe lambs shown at the National Show placed in the top 4!

Jared Poynter Family’s super popular Yearling Ewe at the Ohio Showcase. Sired by Dirlam’s Fuzzy.

Abbey Hughes’ Fall Ewe Lamb placed top 5 in many Midwest/ State shows in 2021. Sired by Dirlam 19-17 (Son of Brick).

Heeg’s of Montana on their beautiful Fall Ewe Lamb sired by Brick (A.I.).
Congratulations to these breeders who had great success in 2021 using Dirlam genetics.
Page 13February 2022
11673 N. Bethesda Rd., Mooresville, Indiana John 317-443-2901 • Matt 317-270-0968
Justin Rife Family with their Stonecold sired Fall Ram Lamb.
Page 14 Shropshire Voice Fritz Farm BEECH BLUFF, TENN. caf3r@mtmail.mtsu.edu615.653.0867 Thanks to all our 2021 buyers! Contact us Cinchonopportunitiesforsemenfromand Ariat. We added to our flock in October 2021!

The secretary’s report of the May board meeting was previously distributed via email. Danny Rogers moved to accept the report with a second from Mary Anne Keck. Motion passed. Report accepted.
Finance Committee – A new budget will need to be done early in 2022. Becky had also earlier requested of the board permission to replace the laser printer she purchased in 2008 whose print quality had declined. Discus sion followed. Bill Bryant moved to allow $400 for a new printer with a second from Darrell. Motion
NAILE, Louisville, KY
Executive & Bylaws – as discussed at the May 2021 meeting there is a need to realign the director’s terms to abide by the Bylaw Article VI.1 stating only five terms were to expire per year. Jim Gruenhagen had gone through the list and the terms and recom mends that one of the 2021 renewing South West District terms be a one-year term, one of the two 2023 renewing Indiana District
Regarding the actual update of the By law minor changes of inserting the previous amendments accepted in 2009 into the text of the document and updating certain word ing, it would be required to make notice of this in two mailings (Voices) prior to the actual change which would mean it could be done at the Annual Member Meeting in 2022.
Page 15February 2022
The meeting was called to order in the South Wing C board room at 11 a.m. Present were President Jim Gruenhagen, Vice-Pres ident Mary Anne Keck, Secretary/Treasurer Becky Peterson, Mike Elsbury, Ashley Fuss, Caleb Fritz, Tom Slutz, Danny Rogers, Darrell Dockter, Debbie Petzel, Bill Bryant and Rick Adams. Not attending were Re Call, Mandy Curtiss, and Adam Moore. Also present was Voice Publisher Rinda Maddox, incoming board member Rick Whiting.
Committee Reports
– As it has been several years since Rinda had been at a meeting, she was introduced to all of the directors. This fall marks her 30th year producing the Voice. After previous discussion and regarding the economics of the Voice, Darrell noted that the Voice is a promotional tool for the ASRA. Rinda agreed and has always tried to hold printing expenses to keep it close to the income. Becky provided a report showing four years Voice expense and income and noted a line item in the Voice category that really should be attributed to the website and that the correction of that item increases the four year average net income by $900. Discussion followed.
terms be a two-year term, one of the two 2023 PA & South District terms be a one-year term and the 2024 North Central Director should be a two-year term. All others will be a three-year term going forward. When this cycle ends, there should be only five terms per year and follow the Bylaws and no district will have two terms ending in the same year.These nominations will still be done the same way as previously stated. Motion made by Mary Anne Keck and seconded by Darrell Dockter. Mo tionDarrellpassed.Docker
Becky had also previously sent the treasur ers report as of October 31, 2021. It showed total assets of $63,183.43. Many expenses were very similar to 2020 at $44,676.69. Income showed the expected increase to $55,013.31 with a net profit of $10,366.62, well ahead of the budget. Becky went over many of the line items. All of the statistics showed the expected increase over 2020 going back to the pre-COVID levels. Becky noted one correction in the Junior Associa tion, noting an $80 donation was not a travel expense. Becky noted that her Security Bond and the Directors and Officers Policy have both been renewed and paid. After no further discussion, Ashley Fuss moved to accept the report with a second from Tom Slutz. Report accepted.
November 12, 2021
also requested that the West District nomination should now come from the membership since there is no actual association serving the West District
The Committee recommends no other
ASRA Board Meeting
Page 16 Shropshire Voice We will be offering more breeding stock as these at our April online sale with Willoughby as well as consigning to the Indiana Premier and Ohio Showcase Sales. Bryant Shrops, OH - Brick fall buck lamb SS Shrops, IA - Kaboom fall buck lamb Mckinistry Shrops, OH - 1/2 interest in Road Tour Cross County Shrops, OH - 1/2 interest in KaBang Outlaw Sheep Co., MO - Bocephus ewe lambSS Shrops, IA - Road Tour ewe lamb SS Shrops, IA - Road Tour ewe lambJustin Rife Family Shrops, IN - Kaboom fall ewe Arebella Knuth, WI - Bocephus ewe lambVictoria Kovacs, OH - Road Tour ewe lamb Tahia Ames, OH - Bocephus ewe lamb Brady Belt, MO - Bocephus ewe lamb Drew Wolford, OH - Road Tour ewe lamb Tahia Ames, OH - Road Tour ewe lamb Our Semen buyers & Wether buyers Rick Whiting 1779 Green Rd., , Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603 • Neal Knapp, Flock Consultant and Professional Fitter We would like to thank everyone that visited the farm, showed interest, bid on, purchased from us and partnered with us last year! CALL TO SCHEDULE A FARM VISIT!

Futurity – Becky reported that there were 33 yearling ewes nominated, 14 purchased by juniors and three submitting point cards. There were 149 ewe lambs nominated at 13 sales, 92 purchased by juniors and 34 submit ting points.Total payout available is $3640 with $264 unused yearling ewe payments going to the Starter Flock Program. The program will wrap up on Sunday Nov. 14 with the NAILE Junior Show. The Committee will check eartags in the ring and record futurity placings.
Becky noted that there was still one nomination fee not collected. It is preferred that live sales have the futurity nominations deducted from the sale settlements. Secretary can continue to collect form online sales. Discussion followed regarding point submission deadlines. Four photo plaques will be awarded.The question was posed about the lack of belt buckles for the winning ewe lamb. It was noted that there are now two winners including the yearling ewe and there was a problem with the buckle award when there was a tie for first place.Trophy or buckle awards must either be paid out the pot, be appropriated or be spon sored.The Futurity Committee will review the rules, awards, double point shows and judges forHallsame.of
Page 17February 2022
changes but encourages more members to participate with the $50 quarter page ads and to send in more about the juniors. Discussion followed regarding the schedule to promote the National Sale in April. It was decided to strongly suggest advertisement in the Febru ary issue for the National Sale.
Flock – Rick Adams reported that Arabella Knuth, 2021 recipient, has been active with her new Shrops. Rick would like to broaden the program to give two awards. A better way to fund the program is needed. ASRA has not received any monies from the National Sale in multiple years. Rick would like to propose assessing any National Sale one percent of its gross. It was thought to keep raising money to achieve $1500 and hopefully award $1000 and $500. Update info will go out in January with a March 15 deadline for applications.NationalSale - Mike Elsbury reported on the plans in place for the Indiana Premier Sale April 21-23 in Greenfield.The Committee has already settled on a commission amount for the sale but Mike hopes that they will do well enough to provide funds for the Starter Flock. The entire fairgrounds have been rented. There will be a building for vendors.There will be a catered dinner on Friday on site so there is an opportunity to introduce Royalty or
Fame – There have been four nominations submitted so far. Another push will be made with a deadline of December 31.The se lection will be made by the board during the January Zoom meeting. Introductions could take place at the Indiana Premier Sale.
Royalty – Deb Petzel reported 2021 “Royal Kids” were helpful this year at the shows and were doing a great job. The deadline for applications will be March 15. Recipients will be chosen in time to be featured in the May Voice and will be introduced at the National Sale in April.Starter
Junior Activities – Mary Anne reported that there would be a junior meeting later in the afternoon and will have an icebreaker activ ity and some door prizes. She said that Taylor Young has been great to work with for orga nizing the kids’ events over the year.
LittLe known fact: The ad rates for the Voice have not increased since 2010! But the expenses of printing sure have! Help keep the costs down by supporting the Voice with your ad. Next deadline March 15. See ad prices on Page 2.
Hall of Fame recipients. The Midwest Oxford Show is included and the National Lincoln Sale is pending. ASRA will provide the banners for the Champion and Reserve Ram and Ewe.The Indiana Association sponsors Shrop Bucks sale credits as well as a junior show after the sale. They have not settled on a judge. A space is available for a board meeting, if needed. A mo tel list and camper hookups will be available.
DNA testing – There has been interest again in beginning a DNA testing program for sires. DNA could be collected three years and held on file for any ram that has sired or will sire lambs. Discussion followed. Start with a voluntary program? Bill Bryant will gather in formation to present at the January meeting.
Page 18 Shropshire Voice
Wool Rules – Still seems to be a problem, especially with exhibitors coming from other breeds or from wethers. There was much discussion. This should be enforce able wherever there is ASRA funding (NAILE, AAJS and shows where there are regional junior funds involved). Improvement is needed in the education about this rule. Becky shared the photo that the CDC used for the Dorset Breed. The Competition Committee could work on this. There was discussion and it was decided that Deb Petzel and Ashley Fuss will be at the gate for the junior show at NAILE to look at bellies and legs and ask that necessary corrections be made.
Showmanship Awards – Very few Shrop shire exhibitors participate in Showmanship
Shropshire Historian – it would probably be best to have a person to write for only one or two issues. A lot of information can come from the Hall of Fame nominations. Becky will ask Bob Johnson and Mike Anderson.
Election of Officers – President Jim Gruenhagen’s term is up this fall and the director from his region will have to be nominated at the Annual Meeting late in November. Mike Elsbury moved to delay the election until the January meeting. Bill Bryant seconded. Motion passed.Other
The Annual Meeting of the Members will be held via Zoom on Sunday, Nov. 28 at 8:00 p.m..The board will meet via Zoom on Sunday, Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. Becky will send the links and necessary info for both.
New Business – There was discus sion about recent phishing and scamming efforts and spam emails claiming to be from the ASRA president and requesting funds etc. President Jim Gruenhagen asked that email addresses and phone numbers be removed from the director’s contact lists in the Voice and on the website. Make sure all board members are in the Breeders Index.
New Business 2022 Committees – Jim Gruenhagen will send out responsibilities and will reappoint committees in advance of January meeting. Becky will send the Conflict of Interest Forms to the directors for signatures.
Breed Standards Flyer – Photos are needed to complete this project. A flyer will be produced and made available to shows and judges and sent out with all paperwork from the of fice. Deb Petzel has had this in the works and it needs to be completed. Mike Elsbury said that a breed type education event could be done at the Indiana Sale and he will work with the Competition Committee to get it done.
Bret Oelke stopped in with an update on the Midwest Sale. Shropshires grossed $20,000 in 2021 with an average of just over $600.The online viewing and bidding is very good. Best Consignor was City Limits who also had Champion Ram. Mennen’s had Champion Ewe. He will send a summary as in other years. He reminded that the show always will start on the second Monday after Memorial Day. He asked for 2022 judge suggestion. If none received, the Southdown judge will be used. Thank you to Bret for keeping us up to Bellydate.&Leg
Tom Slutz moved to accept the committee reports. Ashley Fuss seconded. Motion passed.
Tom Slutz moved to adjourn at 2:27 PM. Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary.
Shropshire Store – there is always a demand for Shropshire clothing but we need a graphic that would work. Mike Elsbury thought they may try to do something in Indiana.
at NAILE. Several actually will show a South down for a chance to win a Banner as top of the breed. Suggested to offer an award for the top Shropshire showman. Mary Anne Keck will gather ideas. Could purchase 10-12 awards without a year printed on them.
Secretary’s review – Becky was dismissed from the discussion.The board voted to rehire for 2022 for a salary of $15,500 and a $500 bonus after the 2021 Tax Return and Financial review is filed.
Page 19February 2022 JIM & DONNA GRUENHAGEN 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd., Davenport, IA 52807 // (563) 355-6730 // SS Shrops We will be consigning to the Tri-State Elite online sale on April 18, the Indiana Premier Sale and Ohio Showcase Sale Reserve Champion Ewe purchased at the 2021 Indiana Premier Sale Reserve Champion Ram 2021 Jr Show and Sr Reserve Champion Ram in the Open Show Also thank you to those who purchased SS Shrops throughout the year! • Taylor Ruff, OH • Adam Moore, MO • Mike Elsbury, IN • Long Branch Ranch, MO (2) • John Cross, ME • Kennedy Algire, OH • Outlaw Sheep Company, MO • David Elsbury & Family, WI • MD Gray, IL

Administrative Accounting 825.00
Yearling Ewe Futurity 660.00
Petty Cash 417.11
Greenfield Co-op Checking 5,076.69
AccountsLiabilitiesPayable 519.32
Federal Tax Employee Share 33.18
Misc 1,292.75
FeesMemberships & Dues 5,670.00
Other income - AAJS Raffle Tix 20.00
Restricted Accounts
Advertising income - Other 30.00
Starter Flock Program 614.00
ASRA Balance Sheet
Citi Bank Credit Card -6.92
Breeders List/Web Link 1,870.00
Filing Fees 18.50 Insurance 2,058.00
Interest Income 161.57
AAJSS Donations 1,040.00
Total Assets 59,318.68
EmployeeTax Share FICA 245.51
Total Payroll Tax 472.52
Total Donations 1,140.00
Website auction 1,625.00
Total Restricted Accounts 960.55
Bank Fees -17.03
12 month CD 5,061.39
Total Advertising income 17,210.00
Total Futurity 3,640.00
Junior Shropshire Association Jr -739.45 Jr 986.00
Page 20 Shropshire Voice
OtherCreditincomeOnaccount -1.35
Internet 992.58
Total Income 61,031.64
Office Supplies 1,522.69
Paypal -18.31
Donations - Scholarship 100.00
EquityOpening Bal Equity 44,570.14
12 month CD 5,146.12
Voice advertising 12,835.00
Total Other income 18.65
Current Assets
State Tax Employee Share 136.24
Retained Earnings 6,809.34 Net Income 6,954.28 Total Equity 58,333.76
125th Anniversary 100.00
Office Phone 251.98
Postage (office only) 1,170.87
January through December 2021
Louisville Matching Funds 1,812.00
Total Junior Shrop Association 246.55
As of December 31, 2021
Transfers 13,008.00
Total Fees 36,088.87
Capital Expenses 276.60
Registration fees 16,142.00
IncomeAdvertising income
Paypal 1,128.45
Medicare Employee Share 57.59
OfficeConferenceExpenseLine/Zoom 159.27
FuturityEweLamb Futurity 2,980.00
GCB Money Market 28,419.45
Checking/Savings12monthCD 10,655.66
ASRA Profit & Loss
Undeposited 7.00
Total Liabilities 984.92
Email Blast income 850.00
Fees - Other -5.57
Postal meter 401.64 Registry program 250.00
Accounts Receivable 3406.81
Total Travel 1,844.24
FICATaxASRA Share 929.97
Bill Bryant, Jr, Fredericktown, OH – 48 Christine & Monica Ebert, St George, KS - 43 Cody Hiemke, Stoughton, WI – 35
Step Ahead Shrops, Gilsun, IL – 21 Jim & Denise Percival, Xenia, OH - 20
NAILE Jr Show 1,806.71
Car Rental 600.00
NAILE expense 2,198.30
Ewe Lamb Futurity 2,980.00
Advertising 1,164.00
Total Payroll Tax 1,147.35
Regional Sup 2,100.00 Scholarship 800.00
Meeting Room Expense 50.00
Total Youth 9,577.27
Jaedyn & Drake Slutz, City Limits, Maple Park, IL – 90
Total Office Expense 6,661.08
Salary 15,499.92
Promo Items 147.08
Total Promotion 18,030.67
VOICE Postage 1,780.79
Motel 703.21
Total All American Junior Show 1,070.00
Page 21February 2022
AAJS Raffle Tickets 20.00
Futurity Awards 160.56
Vivian Stephenson, Viroqua, WI – 27
Total Administrative 26,469.42
Travel gas 364.05
Medicare ASRA Share 217.38
Shropshire VOICE
Total Shropshire VOICE 12,591.29 Website 1,930.00
AAJS Sponsorship 1,050.00
Yearling Ewe Futurity 660.00
Total Expense 54,077.36
Tom Slack, North Manchester, IN – 26 Darrel & Janet Dockter, Snohomish, WA – 25 Riggin, Stockton & Hayze Klotz, Richmond, IN – 25
Ad Commission 10% 1,285.00
Voice Shipping 92.38
YouthAllAmerican Junior Show
Sales 17.81
Misc 439.00
Futurity Payments
Net Income $6,954.28
Jerry Flanders, Noblesville, IN – 54 Fred & Lynge Groverman, Petaluma, CA – 54
Airfare 176.98
Kyla, Kade & Kinsey Mennen, Walton, IN – 23
VOICE Printing 8,778.00
Sales Tax 216.12
Blake Webster, Windham, ME – 23
Tim Elsbury Family, Adell, WI - 22 Greg or Colin Weidauer, Starbuck, MN - 22
Total Futurity Payments 3,640.00
Denise Hardisky, Horseheads, NY – 33 Westin Poynter, Maple Park, IL - 33 BWB Farms Inc, Rick Whiting, Martinsville, OH – 31
David & Jodi High, McDermott, OH - 24 Erik Mrozinski, Rolling Prairie, IN – 24 Rob & Ron Brown, Saegertown, PA - 23 Cade Charmason, Hennessey, OK – 23 SS Shrops, Jim Gruenhagen, Davenport, IA – 23
7. Brenna Hubbard
1. Jaedyn Slutz
8. Wyatt Percival
4. Wyatt Percival
2. Jaedyn Slutz
10. Jaedyn Slutz
3. John Dirlam
2. Tim & Sarah Fleener
2. Kenyon Buckland 3. Jaedyn Slutz
11. Cassandra Chapman
1. Erik Mrozinski Res. Sr. Champion Ewe
National Open Show, NAILE
Pair Ewe Lambs
4. John Dirlam
2. Brady Clark
7. Ashley Fuss
10. Darrell Dockter Late Yearling Ewe
4. Darrell Dockter
2. Brady Clark
1. Jaedyn Slutz
1. John Dirlam
5. Riggin, Hayze & Stockton Klotz 6. Brady Clark
8. Ashley Fuss
6. Ashley Fuss
1. Jaedyn Slutz Res. Jr. Champion Ram
1. Jaedyn Slutz - Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ewe 2. Kassidy Schakel
1. Jaedyn Slutz
7. Brenna Hubbard
Late February Ewe Lamb
Early Yearling Ewe
5. Ashley Fuss
6. Darrell Dockter
1. Jaedyn Slutz
9. Wyatt Percival Pair Ram Lambs
1. Jaedyn Slutz, Junior & Grand Champion Ram
11. Jim Percival
4. Kenyon Buckland
5. Riggin, Hayze & Stockton Klotz
4. Kassidy Schakel
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Brady Clark
4. Brady Clark
2. Tim & Sarah Fleener
November 17
8. Darrell Dockter
2. Kassidy Schakel
8. Riggin, Hayze & Stockton Klotz
12. Camden Cory
3. Brady Clark
3. Jaedyn Slutz
8. Addisen Nicholson
4. Kenyon Buckland
2. Kassidy Schakel
1. Kassidy Schakel Senior & Res Grand Champion Ram
7. Darrell Dockter Senior Ewe Lamb
3. Kenyon Buckland
5. Brady Clark
4. Jaedyn Slutz
6. Wyatt Percival
Judge: Jared Poynter
5. Brenna Hubbard 6. Jaedyn Slutz
Early January Ewe Lamb
3. Brenna Hubbard
9. Michael Fox 10. Kim Chapman
8. Riggin, Hayze & Stockton Klotz
6. Addisen Nicholson
7. Ashley Fuss
6. Brady Clark
3. Ashley Fuss
4. Brady Clark
1. Kassidy Schakel – Res. Junior Champion Ewe 2. Andrew George
3.Victoria Kovacs
9. Addisen Nicholson
5. Kenyon Buckland 6. Brady Clark
4. Taylor Ruff Senior Ram Lamb
2. Kassidy Schakel
4. John Dirlam
9. Darrell Dockter 10. Tate Dockter
6. Kassidy Schakel
10. Darrell Dockter
8. Brady Clark
12. Tenley Cory March Ewe Lamb
1. Ashley Fuss
5. Addisen Nicholson
3. Jaedyn Slutz
7. Kinley Tenney
Yearling Ram
4. Darrell Dockter
1. Kassidy Schakel
Early February Ewe Lamb
Late January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn Slutz
7. Morgan Anderson
9. Brady Brandt
3. Darrell Dockter Early Junior Ram Lamb
5. Brenna Hubbard
10. Brady Clark
2. Jaedyn Slutz
Page 22 Shropshire Voice
2. Kassidy Schakel
2. Taylor Ruff Res. Sr. Champion Ram
6. Kenyon Buckland
3. Kassidy Schakel
1. Brenna Hubbard–Sr. & Grand Champion Ewe
Group of 3 Lambs Emil Hartzel Award
4. Kassidy Schakel 5. Brady Clark 6. Greg Weidauer 7. Addisen Nicholson 8. Morgan Anderson
1. Jaedyn Slutz
4. Kassidy Schakel 5. Brady Clark 6. Brady Clark
7. Brady Clark 8. Dash Heeg 9. Kenyon Buckland
5. Brady Clark
9. Alivia Porter
5. Ashley Fuss
9. Taylor Young Late Junior Ram Lamb
7. Ashley Fuss
9. Cassandra Chapman 10. Camden Cory Pair Yearling Ewes Verne Hoffman Award
7. Kenyon Buckland
3. Brady Clark
10. Michael Fox
3. Kassidy Schakel
8. Charleigh Spoonster
9. Greg Weidauer
8. Darrell Dockter
7. Brady Clark
3. Jaedyn Slutz
1. Addisen Nicholson
2. Brady Clark 3. Colby Clark 4. Brady Clark 5. Colby Clark
February Ram Lamb
6. Addisen Nicholson
8. Blake Webster 9. Britt Hallet 10. Mandy Curtiss 11. Britt Hallet March Ewe Lamb
7. Mandy Curtiss 8. William Weston
3. Connor Priest
2. Brady Clark
2. Colby Clark
6. Mandy Curtiss
5. Blake Webster
9. Blake Webster Pair Ewe Lambs
2. Addisen Nicholson
2. Mandy Curtiss
1. Jaedyn Slutz
3. Brendan Pimm
1. Addisen Nicholson
3. Brady Clark
10. Blake Webster
9. Faustyna Jaracz 10. Britt Hallet. 11. Faustyna Jaracz Pair Yearling Ewes
Junior & Res. Grand Champion
1. Addisen Nicholson
7. Britt Hallet Best Headed Ewe
2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Colby Clark 4. Brendan Pimm
2. Brady Clark Reserve Senior Champion
5. Blake Webster 6. Mandy Curtiss
1. John Cross Senior Champion
4. Brendan Pimm
8. Mandy Curtiss
3.Victoria Kovacs
McKerrowFlock Family Award
6. Blake Webster
5. Brendan Pimm
11. Connor Priest
5. Blake Webster
Res. Junior & Reserve Grand Champion
4. Brendan Pimm
6. Blake Webster
Page 23February 2022
2.Victoria Kovacs
January Ram Lamb
1. Addisen Nicholson Exhibitor’s Flock
2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Colby Clark
4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Colby Clark
13. Connor Priest Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Brady Clark
1. Brady Clark 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Colby Clark
4. Blake Webster Get of Sire
2. Kassidy Schakel
1. Brady Clark
3. Brady Clark 4. Brendan Pimm
Premier Exhibitor
8. Connor Priest
5. Blake Webster January Ewe Lamb
1. Brady Clark
2. Colby Clark
5. Mandy Curtiss Premier Exhibitor
1. Brady Clark
1. Brady Clark
September 18, Judge: Tim Hall
3. Brady Clark
2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Colby Clark
6. Blake Webster
6. William Weston
4. Joanna Jaracz
1. Brady SeniorClark&Grand Champion, Supreme Shropshire
7. Britt Hallet
1. Brady Clark- Res. Junior & Res. Grand Champion
3.Victoria Kovacs 4. Brady Clark 5. Connor Kane 6. Addisen Nicholson 7. Addisen Nicholson 8. Blake Webster 9. Connor Priest 10. Brendan Pimm 11. Blake Webster 12. Britt Hallet 13. William Weston 14. William Weston February Ewe Lamb
7. Britt Hallet Breeder’s Flock
6. Blake Webster
5. Mandy Curtiss
2. Mandy Curtiss
2. Addisen Nicholson Res. Senior Champion
7. Britt Hallet
7. Britt Hallet
1. Brady Clark
8. Brendan Pimm
7. Mandy Curtiss
12. Britt Hallet
2. Mandy Curtiss
4. Mandy Curtiss
4. Colby Clark
1. Brady Clark Premier Breeder
2. Blake Webster
4. Mandy Curtiss
9. Faustyna Jaracz Senior Ewe Lamb
3. Addisen Nicholson 4. Blake Webster
5. Faustyna Jaracz Senior Ram Lamb
2. Kassidy Schakel
4. Addisen Nicholson
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Jaedyn Slutz
1. Blake Webster
5. Brendan Pimm
1. Brady Clark
Yearling Ram
9. Brendan Pimm
Pair of Ram Lambs
March Ram Lamb
3. Blake Webster Best Headed Ram
3. Colby Clark
2. John Cross
1. Brady Clark
1. Callie Taylor
7. Colby Clark
1. Brady Clark-Junior & Grand Champion
5. Denise Hardisky
Judge: Tracy Dendinger
3. Denise Hardisky
Page 24 Shropshire Voice
Pair of Yearling Ewes
4. Denise Hardisky
5. Ashley Fuss
Premier Exhibitor
4. Kaycee Engle
3. Brady Clark
2. Ashley Fuss
2. Jason Mazepink
5. Taryn Stem
1. Brady Clark
9. Alison Roles
Late Spring Ewe
4. Ashley Fuss
2. Ashley Fuss
1. Ashley Fuss
4. Ashley Fuss
7. Ashley Fuss
between the shows and see some of our part of the country. I do know there are a couple of day trips being planned already to Boston and New Hampshire Coast!
10. Kaycee Engle
2. Ashley Fuss
1. Brady Clark Champion Ram
Yearling Ram
4. River Lease
1. Chloe Stonesifer
3. Taylor Ruff
1. Kybo Custom Fitting
2. Brady Clark
Yearling Ewe
8. Taryn Stem
3. Ashlyn Hoffman
Fall Ewe Lamb
3. Ashley Fuss
7. Ashlyn Hoffman
Exhibitor’s Flock
If you can, plan on staying for both great shows. As an association we are planning on some fundraisers this spring to help sponsor some events at both shows. Please keep an eye out for our fundraisers this spring and support if you can.
1. Brady ChampionClarkEwe
3. Kybo Custom Fitting
1. Brady Clark
Also, please be aware that the following weekend, July 7-10, the North East Youth Sheep Show will be held at the same venue. Your sheep can spend the days between the shows at the fairgrounds. We are work ing on feeding crews for your sheep for the Monday and ofayoubetweenTuesdaysocantakecoupledaysvacation
4. Brady Clark
7. Taryn Stem
6. Ashley Fuss
5. Alison Roles
4. Ashley Fuss
much looking forward to welcoming everyone to the Northeast this summer for the All-American Junior Show June 30 - July 3. We are working as an association to have a welcome event planned for all the junior Shropshire exhibitors. We will be making announcements about all the details on our Facebook page closer to the event.
Fall Ram Lamb
2. Brady Clark
Pair Ram Lambs
9. Alison Roles
1. Kade Mennen Res. Champion Ewe
6. Alison Roles
1. Kaycee Engle Early Spring Ram Lamb
1. Brady Clark
2. Brady Clark Res. Champion Ram
3. Taryn Stem
If you would like to join the association there are membership applications on our Facebook page, North East Shropshire Association! Looking forward to welcoming everyone this summer!

2. Ashley Fuss
5. Ashley Fuss
2. Brady Clark
8. River Lease
2. Brady Clark
Greetings and Happy New Year from the North East Shropshire WeAssociation.arevery
10. Makenna Hoffman
1. Brady Clark
1. Denise Hardisky
2. Kybo Custom Fitting
Late Spring Ram Lamb
Pair of Ewe Lambs
3. Denise Hardisky
6. Chloe Stonesifer
1. Brady Clark
KILE October 8
Early Spring Ewe Lamb
5. Brady Clark
4. Colette Hoffman
Page 25February 2022 Congratulations,EmilyStevens,onwinningthe2021OverallNationalEweLambFuturity!Stepwhirlwindhad225Aheadaofashowseason! Step Ahead 225, sired by Step Ahead 2859, was purchased at the Ohio Sale. Thank you, Emily and all of our 2021 buyers! WATCH FOR OUR CONSIGNMENTS AT THE SALES THIS SPRING AND ON THE TRI-STATE ELITE ONLINE SALE APRIL 18! Stacy Grohmann/ Sean & Colton Riggs Step Rd, Gilson, IL 309-371-4260 1st OhioPlaceStateFair

½ Interest
CLSF 2049


Page 26 Shropshire Voice Sheep FarmCity Limits Online Sale Dates: • Tuesday, March 30, 2022 • Tuesday, April 12, 2022 • Tuesday, April 29, 2022 Look for our Sale Entries: • National •Greenfield,Sale,INOhioShowcase,Greenville,OH • Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO CLSF 21106 GRAND CHAMPION RAM National Open & Junior Shows
Shown and owned by Brenna Hubbard, OK. Sired by Kaboom and purchased from the 2020 Target of Excellence Sale.
Sired by Kaboom. sold to Brenna Hubbard/Land Run OK
National Open & Junior Shows
Page 27February 2022 Tom & SlutzConnie Brad, Carol, Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Tom & SlutzConnie P.O. Box 177, LaMoille IL 61330 (815) 638-2177 • (815) 915-5624 (c) Brad, Carol, Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Maple Park, IL 60151 (815) brad.slutz@compeer.com766-0584 CLSF 2127 JUNIOR CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPIONGRANDEWE National Junior Show Sired by Kaboom CLSF 2179 1ST EARLY FEBRUARY & RESERVE CHAMPIONJUNIOREWE National Junior Show Shown and owned by Kenyon Buckland, IN. Sired by Kaboom and purchased privately. CLSF 21103 1ST LATE FEBRUARY EWE LAMB National Open Show Shown and owned by Ashley Fuss, MD. Sired by Kaboom and purchase in the 2021 Target of Excellence Sale

Page 28 Shropshire Voice CLSF 21107 KansasShropshireChampionRamStateFair2021 Sire: CLSF 1750 NNRR FEAR FACTOR TW E. Nightengale 189 First Place Yearling Ewe Kansas State Fair 2021 Sire: CLSF 1929 EEricarica SHROPSHIRES NIGHTENGALE 225 E. Billings,MapleOK E. Nightengale 1019 First Place January Ewe Tulsa State Fair 2021 Sire: CLSF 1929 Rick Hartz 580-370-8710 • Donna Nightengale 580-370-5044 2021 SHROPSHIREPREMIEREXHIBITOR Kansas State Fair & Tulsa State Fair Flock breeding includes Avery, Cabannis, & City Limits

Page 29February 2022
EWE in the Open
Hot PS
CLSF 2049 RRNNFF - Sired by Kaboom (2018 National Champion Ram) CHAMPION and Junior Show

CLSF 21106 RRNNFF - Sired by Kaboom (2018 National Champion Ram) CHAMPION RAM in the Open and Junior Show Owned with City Limits Sheep Farm

Sauce Land Run 655 RRNNFF - Sired by Summit (2019 National Champion Ram) CLSF 2115 RRNNFF - Sired by Grey Goose 1ST FUTURITY EWE LAMB in the West Region RESERVE EWE at the Ohio Showcase Sale Full Sister to Public Enemy SH RO
LAND RUN Brenna Hubbard 354636 E 750 Rd, Cushing, OK 74023 • Aaron’s cell (918) 225-9743

Page 30 Shropshire Voice 2021 Shropshire Futurity Report Final RankFinal Exhibitor Flock tag Breeder Purchase Sale Payout Yearling Ewe $396.00 1 Alivia Porter Poynter 20-15 Westin Poynter Ohio Showcase $165.00 2 Skilar Burch Fritz 2009 Caleb Fritz Renominated $132.00 3 Kirsten Keck SS Shrops 20-2 SS Shrops Renominated $99.00 Regional Ewe Lamb $2,980.00 East 1 Addisen Nicholson R&A 2549 R&A Shrops Ohio Showcase $238.40 2 Taylor Young Dirlam 2109 JN Dirlam & Sons Indiana Premier $178.80 Addisen NicholsonAlivia Porter 569 State Hwy DD Marshfield, MO 65706 417-859-4452 • Bob & Karen Johnson & Family Providing lamb for dinner for folks in Southwest Missouri!

3 Addisen Nicholson R&A 2549 R&A Shrops Ohio Showcase $178.80
1 Emily Stevens Step Ahead 225 Step Ahead Shrops Ohio Showcase $238.40
Brenna HubbardEmily Stevens
1 Emily Stevens Step Ahead 225 Step Ahead Shrops Ohio Showcase $357.60
Overall Ewe Lamb
6 Brenna Hubbard CLSF 2115 Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Ohio Showcase $89.40
4 Taryn Stem CLSF 2141 Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Target of Excellence #1 $59.60
1 Brenna Hubbard CLSF 2115 Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Ohio Showcase $238.40

2 Faith Calvin CLSF 21132 Jaedyn & Drake Slutz MWSRS $178.80
4 Thomas Vandeventer Fritz 2103 Caleb Fritz Ohio Showcase $59.60
Page 31February 2022
2 Emily Stevens Slack 1190 Tom Slack Slack Formula of Champions $178.80
3 Victoria Kovacs CHCL 21-2G Dash Heeg Ohio Showcase $119.20
3 Kylie Adams Elsbury 20091 Mike Elsbury Fam Indiana Premier $119.20
2 Emily Stevens Slack 1190 Tom Slack Slack Formula of Champions $238.40
4 Victoria Kovacs CHCL 21-2G Dash Heeg Ohio Showcase $149.00
5 Kinley Tenney High Life Farm 21105 David High Ohio Showcase $119.20

7 Taylor Young Dirlam 2109 JN Dirlam & Sons Indiana Premier $59.60
4 Kinley Tenney High Life Farm 21105 David High Ohio Showcase $59.60
3 Taylor Young Flanders VIP 0399 Jerry Flanders Ohio Showcase $119.20
Page 32 Shropshire Voice Futurity Eligible Ewes FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Mike Elsbury 317/498-5861 ( Dave Elsbury 317/478-5452 ( Breeding Stock for the Find us on Facebook at Indiana Premier Sheep Sale Sponsored by Indiana Shropshire Association • Yearlings • Ewe Lambs • Market Lambs • Buck Lambs • Sale Animals Entered FREE! • Premiums and awards given for every class Attention Junior Exhibitors: Indiana Shropshire Assoc. Will Offer 4x $250 & 5x $100. Drawing to be Used at the Sale. John Mrozinski, Judge

of the recent shows have had an ex pense of one hundred thousand dollars so support is always appreciated. Gift baskets will be sold on site and each breed is asked to supply at least one. There will be an Online Semen Sale hosted by Integrity in early May. Hopefully there will be some top Shrop shire rams represented.
Camper spots are available on the grounds and there are several motels nearby. The North East Youth Sheep Show will be held on the following weekend in the same facility so that offers and opportunity for two shows for the trip with some time in between to see some New England sights. Fingers crossed, we are hopeful for healthy spring and sum mer so that we may all enjoy this summer tradition that so many young sheep families have come to love.
The Three-on-three Basketball will be held right on the Basketball Hall of Fame’s court and exhibitors and their families will be able to visit and view the displays on Friday evening. A Barnyard Olympics is also slated to provide some fun and entertainment.
For the third time, Massachusetts will host the All-American Junior Show June 30 thru July 3 at the Big E Fairgrounds in West Springfield. Nancy Miniter, and several New England people, are working hard to get the 28th annual event organized.
Twenty-seven breeds are slated to participate so that requires support of many folks. Corporate sponsors so far include Purina
Show Chows, Kalmbach Feeds, American Lamb Board, Tractor Supply, Select Livestock Services, Associated Sheep Registries, Novel Designs, New England Sheep & Wool Grow ers, Farm Credit East, Dutchess County Sheep Breeders, Twist of Fate, The Barn Yard, Benchmark Graphics, Arujo Farms, Kringle Candle, Campo’s Express. Salmon Run Farm, Wilsons Skyview Farm, Langebe Wood Shavings, Scituate Lumber, George Fiske, Thistle down Farm, Mt. Salem Suffoks and Yered Trailers.Some
Darin & Kim Merveldt 8104 N. Alfadale Road, El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473 • Merveldt Shropshires Our Shropshire yearling bucks are looking good. All are RRNNFF. Contact us if you’re in need of someshowqualitystock.
We have some big shoes to fill after the Illinois hosts of 2021 showed how it was done. All efforts are being made to include the usual events and activities but COVID 19 may require certain restrictions. Judges are being contacted and all of the event helpers are signing up to assist wherever needed.The premium book should be available by midApril on the show website and entries close on May 25.
The Midwest Stud Ram Sale hosts a benefit auction of donated items during the Supreme Champion Drive on June 15. Breeds are asked to gather class sponsor ships and those donor names will be dis played at ringside. Any and all support is needed and Shropshire breeders are en couraged to help out.

to New
Page 33February 2022
All-American Junior Show returns England
Page 34 Shropshire Voice May 12-14, 2022 Darke County Fairgrounds, Greenville, Ohio 800 Sweitzer St, Greenville 2021 OHIO SHOWCASE SHROPSHIRE SALE AVERAGED $939.69 ON 97 HEAD! MarchEntriesclose25! The Fritz Champion ram was sold to Mandy Curtiss of New York. The Fleener Champion Ewe was sold to Phil Colwell of Tennessee. SHOW SCHEDULE: FRIDAY, MAY 13 CATTLE PAVILION, 8 A.M. Hampshires, Shropshires, Oxfords, Polled & Horned Dorsets, Suffolks, Southdowns) SALE SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, MAY 14 CATTLE PAVILION, 9 A.M. Breed order same as Show P.O. Box 25, Rushsylvania, OH 43347 Gary: 937-597-7214 – Pat: 937-935-1975 – Jim: 937-658-3119 – Dan: 937-243-5111 – AUCTIONEERS: Gary Saylor Danny Westlake Bill MacCauley JUDGE FOR SHROPSHIRES: Evan Snyder Online Entries are available

2. Kassidy Schakel
2. Jaedyn Slutz
13. Sophie Harrell
7. Taylor Young
2. Jaedyn Slutz
3. Taylor Young
Late Junior Ram Lamb
Late January Ewe Lamb
5. Brenna Hubbard
8. Charlie Majors
6. Taylor Kemp
1. Sophie Rosen 2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Brenna Hubbard 4. Riggin Klotz 5. Emily Stevens 6. Alivia Porter
4. Jaedyn Slutz
1. Brenna Hubbard–Seniro & Grand Champion Ewe
6. Taryn Stem
Late Yearling Ewe
4. Taylor Young
Early February Ewe Lamb
5. Tahia Ames
National Junior Show, NAILE
17. Anna Mae Metzinger 18. Skilar Burch
Early Junior Ram Lamb
10. Wyatt Percival
November 14, Judge: Jeff Held
7. Jacob Fowler 8. Alyssa Stillman 9. Kassidy Schakel 10. Riley Smith 11. Abbey Hughes
1. Jaedyn Slutz - Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ewe 2. Kassidy Schakel 4. Kennedy Algire 5. Jaedyn Slutz 6. Kenyon Buckland 7. Leila Street
9. Addisen Nicholson
5. Kenyon Buckland 6. Wyatt Percival 7. Kassidy Schakel 8. Kennedy Algire 9. Brady Miller 10. Mia Metzinger 11.Vivian Stephenson 12. Kellen R Algire 13. Brooke Young 14. Klynt Verhaeghe 15. Camden Cory Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Kenyon Buckland Res. Junior Champion Ewe 2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Jaedyn Slutz 4. Kennedy Algire 5. Kassidy Schakel 6. Lizzy Miller 7. Brenna Hubbard 8. Stockton Klotz 9.Victoria Kovacs 10. Riggin Klotz
1. Jaedyn Slutz – Res. Senior Champion Ewe 2. Alivia Porter 3.Victoria Kovacs 4. Jaedyn Slutz
8. Olivia Rife
16. Brighton Morris
5. Zach Rife
6.Vivian Stephenson
5. Brenna Hubbard
12. Olivia Clark 13. Kassidy Schakel 14. Taylor Kemp 15.Vivian Stephenson
9. Dalton Payne
6. Abby Isler
11. Addisen Nicholson
3.Vivian Stephenson
10. Taylor Young
1. Jaedyn Slutz
1. Jaedyn Slutz
4. Skilar Burch
11. Wyatt Percival
12. Wyatt Harrell
1. Handley Everman 2. Emily Stevens 3. Kenyon Buckland 4.Victoria Kovacs 5. Abbey Hughes 6. Kenyon Buckland 7. Tahia Ames 8. Landree Street 9. Abby Isler 10. Dash Heeg 11. Taylor Young 12. Olivia Rife 13. Zach Rife 14. Taryn Stem 15. Nick Rife 16. Wyatt Harrell 17. Olivia Clark Early January Ewe Lamb
9.Victoria Kovacs
11. Riggin Klotz
10. Kinley Tenney
3. Garrett Kennedy
12. Wyatt Percival
8. Kayleigh Verhaeghe 9. Luke Raudebaugh 11. Abby Isler 12. Miranda Moneyheffer 13. Addisen Nicholson 14.Vivian Stephenson 15. Brianna Moeller 16. Jacob Fowler 17. Cailey Markley 18. Kinley Tenney 19. Taryn Stem 20. Tahia Ames 21. Mia Metzinger 22. Kirsten Keck 23. Charlie Majors 24. Anna Mae Metzinger 25. Camden Cory 26. Alex Taylor 27. Wyatt Percival 28. Morgan Anderson
Page 35February 2022
8. Kassidy Schakel
Early Yearling Ewe
4. Kenyon Buckland
12.Victoria Kovacs 13. Taylor Kemp 14. Ben Isler 15. Kade Mennen 16. Taylor Young 17. Abbi Bandelier 18. Brady Miller 19. Karli Berkheimer 20. Nick Rife 21. Kennedy Algire 22. Olivia Clark 23. Avery Vasko 24. Reagan Werner 25. Brynna N Rice 26. Olivia Clark
1. Taylor Ruff Reserve Champion Ram
Senior Ram Lamb
2. Luke Raudebaugh
13. Lauren Thompson
14. Weston Harrell
7. Emily Stevens
Champion Ram
3. Kassidy Schakel
7. Kennedy Algire
DE Pallin Family Farm
OR Chisholm Kliewer
OK Welcome Aboard
new Adult Members of the ASRA in 2021!
OK Matt
LA Seth
Lora Hamilton - OH
11. Kennedy Algire Stephenson Landree Street Taylor Kemp Tanner Beckmier Tate Dockter Skilar Burch Tahia Ames Olivia Rife February Ewe Lamb Jaedyn Slutz Kassidy Schakel Luke Raudebaugh Kellen R Algire Charleigh Spoonster Thomas Thompson Elizabeth Schiff Brecken Nelson Abbey Hughes Emily Stevens Miranda Moneyheffer Klynt Verhaeghe Charlie Majors Anna Mae Metzinger Kinley Tenney Wyatt Percival Kade Mennen Morgan Anderson Tenley Cory Ewe Lamb Kaylee Shenold Kovacs Elizabeth Schiff Miranda Moneyheffer Kellen R Algire Charleigh Spoonster
Kurt SteffelStrandGalvin –SittonReed -
WI Jane
ME Dave
Page 36 Shropshire Voice
Shauna Dangelo Lasater/SpoonsterMAFamily– MO Philip
NH Alisa Buckland - IN Aaron Hubbard
Wineinger- KS Shawn
Colton, Cameron & Cailey
Philip Douce - MO
7. Brady Brandt Andrew George Riggin Klotz Brenna Hubbard Kassidy Schakel Jaedyn Slutz Rylie Miller Makenzee Smith Addisen Nicholson Brenna Hubbard Kinley Tenney Taylor Young Stephenson Wyatt Percival Charlie Majors Addisen Nicholson Kovacs Hunter Keck
OK Tyler
DAE Brandon Gouge
Markley - IN Weeks II - NY Werner - VT Holl - WI
MN Samantha
Tim & Heather Stem - PA Street- IN Jacob Rogers - IN Elise & Jeff Koning - IN Nora Unger - IL Alyssa & Rob Zube - WI ColwellCathy Davis -OH Noel& Danielle Mitchell-
TN Dale &
JeffreyHustonto these
Page 37February 2022 Stop by our pens to see what we have to offer: NATIONAL SHROPSHIRE SALE April 21-23 – Greenfield, IN OHIO SHOWCASE SALE May 13-14 – Greenville, OH Congratulations Alivia Porter & Family on winning the 2021 YearlingShropshireEweFuturity.ThisewewaspurchasedfromusattheNationalSaleinOhioLastyear! OUR FALL LAMBS ARE PRIMARILY SIRED BY Slack “Homeschool” & our Fall Ram Lamb “Muscle Man” OUR SPRING LAMBS ARE PRIMARILY SIRED by Slack “Homeschool”, Poynter “Muscle Man”, City Limits “Kaboom” (A.I.) & City Limits “No Fear” (A.I.) Jared, Kara, Westin & Faith 8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151 (815) 276-2200 STOCK FARMPoynter Farm visits arewelcome!always Jeff & Jan 12709 E. 750th Rd. Paris, IL 61944 (217) 251-9984

2022 Starter Flock Program
In 2021, the following donors were added to the ranks of Flock Starters: VIP Shropshires (Jerry Flanders, Windswept Crest Farm (Pet zel Family), JEM Farm (Mike & Carol Fox), John Dottenwhy in memory of Jasper Dirlam, Shropshire Voice (Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull), Ron Evans, Cross Country Shrops (Victoria Kovacs), and the ASRA Shropshire Yearling Ewe Futurity Fund.

1 and will receive credit vouchers from the ASRA to purchase Shropshire ewes of his or her choice at any of the Shropshire sales in 2022. Application information will be available on and from the Shropshire office.
We ask that you type your essay and sub mit it by March 15. Please include your mailing address and telephone number. All applicants should be between the ages of 8 and 20. This year the ASRA will choose two recipients, one for a $1000 stipend and a second for a $500 amount. Both winners will be notified by April
Promoting SheepofImprovementThetheEntireIndustry 1 Year – $35 2 Years –ListingDirectoryBreeder’s$60–$75 P.O. Box 500 • Cuba, IL 61427 (309) 785-5058 • Fax: (309) www.bannersheepmagazine.comads.banner@sybertech.net785-5050

To ensure the success of this program, finan cial contributions are needed for this worth while cause. Please contact Secretary Becky Peterson with your support or inquiries.
Page 38 Shropshire Voice
They joined previous years supporters: Kim & Justin Weckler, Tom Slutz Family, Noah Collins, Rick Whiting, Emily Washburn, JN Dirlam & Sons, Rick Adams, Plainview Farms (Doug, Tammy & Chris Whittaker), Knepp Shropshires, Schoolhouse Shrops, Alan Bruhin, Chip Hallet, Jim Isler, the Klotz family, Danny & Cynde Rogers, Mark & Prudie Miller, Erik Mrozinski, Austin & Trent Bechtold, Claudia Snyder, Jim & Donna Gruenhagen, Dennis Avery, Gary Brockmann Family, Stacy Grohmann, Craig & Andrea King, Kyle Gross, Jerry & Robin Pardus, Paul Young Family, Sugar Ridge Ranch,Tim Elsbury, Sand Meadow Farm (Nich olson Family), Creamer Shrops, Tim & Deb bie Barnes, Bill Bryant, Wolford Shrops, Dave Evans, Dennis & Carol Lingley, Jared Poynter, Triple J Farm, Jan Motter (Lanes End Farm), Isler Shropshires, Kemp Shropshires, Jaedyn & Drake Slutz, Tim & LeeAnn Eizinger, Orchard Valley Farm, Rife Shropshires, Glenn & David High and Mark McCabe who have supported the program in the previous 8 years.
The Flock Starter Program is a project un dertaken by the National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association to award a group of Shropshire ewes to a deserving youngster new to the breed. 2022 will mark the ninth year after 70 Toapplications.apply,you are required to complete an application and submit an essay to the Shropshire office that should include background information about yourself and your interest in sheep. This document should illustrate your goals and intentions with the animals should you win the award. There should also be a budget and one or more letters of recommendation included.
It is important to know that many of the donors in this list have provided funds for multiple years and show obvious support and interest in bringing new people into the breed and we appreciate their enthusiasm!
The positions of Indiana Shropshire Princess, and later Queen, helped me to be in contact with other Shropshire breeders, both junior and adult, and helped to increase the impact and reach of the Shropshire breed. I look forward to continuing the growth of my flock in the coming years with the help and support of my family.”
Next Voice MarchDeadline15 The Publisher has a tight spring schedule so please have your ads turned in by the deadline.
Elsbury has shown Shropshires 10 years
“My own flock started six years ago with one yearling I bought at a sale. I showed her all summer and then exposed her to a ram owned by my uncle. In the winter, she birthed two ram lambs that my brother went on to show. I bought a second yearling at a sale and saved all the female offspring from my two ewes and currently have six active breeding ewes, two yearlings and 10 lambs. My parents don’t currently have a sheep flock. All aspects and responsibilities of my flock fall on my shoulders. From administering dewormer to show prep, I am responsible for the success of my flock.
Five applications were received last June. One recipient was Lauren Thompson of Woodville, Wisconsin whose summary ap peared in the October issue. Read on for the second winner, Abby Elsbury of Greenfield, Indiana.Abby is the daughter of Gary and Molly Elsbury and graduated last June from the Greenfield Central High School with a GPA of 4.0. She is now attending Purdue University pursuing a degree in Elementary and Special Education. Abby was a member of the Na tional Honor Society for three years and was named Outstanding Agriscience Student for three years, as well as Star FFA Chapter Se nior in 2021. Active in FFA all four years, she attained Greenhand, Chapter and Hoosier FFA degrees. Abby was also served a term as president and secretary of the Cool Clovers 4-H Club and was in the Hancock County Queens Court. She served as the Indiana Shropshire Princess in 2018-19 and Queen in 2020-21.
Abby Elsbury

Each year the ASRA offers two $400 col lege scholarships to students directly involved with Shropshire sheep and enrolled in an un dergraduate program. Students must submit an application, two letters of recommendation and complete transcript by June 1.
Abby writes “I have shown Shropshires for all 10 years of my 4-H eligibility. After my first year I was hooked. I have attended over 25
Shropshire Scholarship
Page 39February 2022
shows, ranging from Wisconsin and Indiana State Fairs and several county fairs. I am very fortunate to be able to represent my breed at shows all over the country.
Page 40 Shropshire Voice BiddingMonday,April18opens at 7 am closesest,at8pmest TRI-STATEELITE ShropshireOnlineSale ★ SugarRanchRidge ★ RueberShrops ★ ShropsSS ★ StepShropsAhead All HostedNominated!FuturityWillEwesBebyIntegrity Livestock Sales ★ And consignmentsMontana,fromlookforfromCrazyHClubLambs
Larry Mead
This was shared from the Midwest Stud Ram Sale Staff:
This week we lost Larry Mead, a true leader and a giant in the sheep industry. One of those unique people in our lives that brought people together. His legendary very big personality was one that you could not help but be at tracted to as he got everyone excited about promoting and participating in many shows andLarrysales.was the ultimate promoter and relationship builder, bringing his political gravitas to the sheep industry (his techniques should be studied!). His attention to details and memory of acquaintances, family, hobbies and back grounds was nothing less than miraculous.

Page 41February 2022
Larry Edward Mead, 83, of Columbia, Mo. passed away on Jan., 11, 2022. Arrangements are under the direction of Parker-Millard Fu neral Service & Crematory, Columbia, Mo.

fallYearlingewes,lambs & spring Lookingavailable!lambsforyournextadditiontoyourflock?! 6333 N 600 E, Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 (219) 716-4921 • ~ In

Details of services are pending with the family. A celebration will also be scheduled during the 2022 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Con dolences at Memoriam
The Midwest Stud Ram Sale is a major legacy for Larry. The entire sheep industry owes Larry a debt of gratitude and admiration. He was a role model and a loyal friend. He will be greatly missed but much of his life’s work will live on in the great traditions many of us enjoy today. A life well lived that deserves celebrat ing. Rest in peace my friend.
Along with the sheep, new endeavors into Shorthorn cattle, Havana rabbits, pigs and both meat birds and laying hens have been added to Sand Meadow Farm where they direct market USDA lamb, beef, pork and chicken, along with freshDuringeggs.any
It is not too early to request space in these upcoming issues. Call Rinda: 217-474-9365
After he met Katherine, they moved to Arizona, as he supported her as she worked towards her masters degree in the fine arts. In Arizona, Jon enjoyed designing custom swim ming pools and landscaping for backyards, while also exploring the desert landscape and Native American culture.
Upcoming deadlines to place ads in the Shropshire Voice
March 15
Page 42 Shropshire Voice
Book mailed late April September 1 Book mailed early October
Jon is excited to be representing the Northeast on the board and looks forward to helping promote and grow the Shropshire breed into the future.
market animals at the same time.
Jon Nicholson number
Returning to New England in 2007, he began playing competitive polo and coaching the men’s and women’s polo teams at UCONN. He spent five years coaching the teams and qualified each year for regional tournaments and brought his 2015 women’s team to the National Final Four during his tenure as coach. He gives back to his agriculture community and honors his upbringing by currently serving as a 4-H leader in Hartford County and has done so for 15 years. He and his family are active in the New England Sheep and Wool Growers Association, and they volunteer their time to help run the North East Youth Sheep show each year.
spare time Jon enjoys attending his kid’s sports games, adding another country to his travel list, and keeping up with the Red Sox and Patriots!
Meet new director Jon Nicholson
While sheep at Sand Meadow Farm started as a 4-H project for Addisen in 2015, they have grown into a family pursuit with 25 Shropshire and 11 Southdowns ewes. The goal is to raise extremely high quality structurally correct sheep with a moderate size that can compete nationally in the show ring and be profitable
Jon Nicholson resides in South Windsor, Conn. with his wife, Katherine, and their two children, Addisen, 14 and Oliver, 10. Together they operate Sand Meadow Farm where they raise Shropshires and Southdowns. Jon is VicePresident of Mack Brick Company in Enfield, Conn. where he has worked for the past 14 years and is in charge of sales for the Northeast.Jon grew up in the equine world raising and showing Quarter Horses and Australian Shepherds. He was active in 4-H and FFA showing dairy and beef, horses, and poultry. He traveled the country as a high school student with these organizations attending National FFA Convention, 4-H Congresses, and Citizenship Washington Focus.

Page 43February 2022 Jon, Charlotte & Vivian StephenSon Viroqua, WI 608-637-647454665(H)608-774-3151(C)608-208-2527(C) Sugar Ridge Ranch Breeding Sheep that are NearCompetitive&Far! • Online catalog sale at opens April 8 • Tri-State Elite online Futurity sale April 18 with Integrity Livestock Sales • Private sales off the farm are ALWAYS welcome! Please call to schedule. Don’t let distance deter you - Delivery can be arranged! Save these Dates!

Page 44 Shropshire Voice 2nd Place Late Jan Ewe Lamb in Jr Show & 3rd in Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel 2nd Place Fall Shrop Ewe Lamb 2021 NAILE Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel 3rd Place Early Feb Shrop Ewe Lamb Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel 3rd Place Early Yearling Shrop Ewe Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel 2021 Fall Ewe Lamb Class Winner NAILE Jr Show Shown by Handley Everman 2021 Res Champ Jr Division Shrop Ewe NAILE Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel 2021 Res Grand Champ Shrop Ram NAILE Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel 2nd Place Late Feb Shrop Ewe Lamb Jr & Open Show Shown by Kassidy Schakel Jerry Flanders, DVM 16260 Atlantic Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060 317/508-4738 • These lambs were sired by “STONE COLD” & Semen“BRICK”.forsale on these two sires and other past stud rams in storage.

2 Total .......................2285
1) Ohio....................407 2) Indiana ...............354 Illinois 289 4) Missouri 113 5) Wisconsin ...........108 6) Oklahoma .............95 Pennsylvania 94 8) New York 76 9) Iowa .....................63 10) Oregon .................60 11) Kansas .................53
1) Indiana ...............398 Ohio 384 Illinois 263 Wisconsin ...........136 Oklahoma ...........124 Missouri ..............107 Pennsylvania 97 New York 85 Kansas .................80 California ..............71 Massachusetts 50 12) Iowa 49 Minnesota.............49 Maine ...................45 Oregon .................45 Connecticut 43 New Hampshire 39 Tennessee ............38 Maryland ..............35 Washington ..........32 Michigan 25 Delaware 22 Nebraska ..............20 Texas ....................14 Nevada Idaho Montana .................7 Kentucky ................5 Louisiana ................3 Vermont 2020
Fiscal Year January 1 - December 31 2021
1) Indiana 311 2) Ohio 292 Illinois .................221 Wisconsin ...........150 Missouri 146 Oklahoma ...........131 Pennsylvania ...... 119 8) Iowa 51 9) New York ..............46 10) Connecticut ..........45 11) Kansas 42 12) Minnesota 36 13) Tennessee ............35 14) California 33 15) Oregon 26 Delaware ..............23 Maryland ..............22 New Hampshire 20 19) Nevada .................19 20) Texas ....................12 Montana 11 Washington ............9 Massachusetts .......7 Louisiana 4 Kentucky ................4 26) Michigan .................3 Idaho 3 Nebraska 2 Total .......................1823 2019
8 27)
9 26)
Page 45February 2022
How The States Rated With Number of Registrations
12) Tennessee 47 13) Maryland 47 14) Maine ...................41 15) New Hampshire....36 16) Connecticut 35 17) Minnesota 33 18) Massachusetts .....33 19) Michigan ...............26 20) Montana ...............24 21) Washington 21 22) Delaware 19 23) Nebraska ..............18 24) Idaho ....................18 25) Nevada 17 26) Texas 17 27) California .............14 28) Louisiana ................5 29) Kentucky ................4 Wyoming 3 31) Vermont 2 North Carolina ........2 New Jersey ............1 West Virginia 1 .......................2176
Page 46 Shropshire Voice The Weidauer Family Greg, Liz, Colin, and Sara (320)424-2543 • FIRSTSouthFLOCKEXHIBITORDakotaState Fair & Clay County Fair

ners will be awarded sashes or hats. One title will be awarded in each category each year for a maximum of three. Both girls and boys are encouraged to apply. Applications are available on the youth page of the Shropshire website or can be requested from the office. Applications are due in the office March 15. The selection will be made by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors. Winners will be notified in time to make plans to attend the National Sale in Greenfield, Ind. where the presentations will be made during the catered sale dinner on Friday April 22. For applications or questions please contact the Shropshire office at 413624-9652 or
The winners should be responsible for attending one major Shropshire sale (Ohio Showcase, Midwest Stud Ram Sale, etc.) and two designated shows (All-American, NAILE, the national sale, etc.) Duties will include presenting awards at such events and pro moting Shropshires whenever possible. Win
The Shropshire Royalty Program allows for some recognition and a chance to have our Shropshire youngsters help promote the breed and activities. Applications will be accepted for the following categories: ages 5-10 for Little Bo Peep or Little Boy Blue; ages 11-16 for Shropshire Princess or Prince; and ages 17-21 for Shropshire Queen or Ambassador.
Page 47February 2022
Apply for Royalty program by March 1
Shropshire Royal kids helping in the ring during the NAILE Junior Show. From left, Morgan Anderson, Dash Heeg, Leila Street and Landree Street.

Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) www.averyshropshires.com942-3415
Call, C. Donald 964 Mohawk Trail Shelburne, MA 01370 (413) doonyc@netscape.net625-2436
Dirlam, J.N. & Sons & Matt Dirlam 11673 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) www.dirlamshropshires.comdirlamjd@aol.com831-2130
Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) darrell.dockter@gmail.com327-1428
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires
Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms 5707 Mooney Road Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on
Anderson Farms
Crago Brothers Shropshires Steve & Louise Crago & Sons 1499 Hiatt Road Clarksville, OH 45113 (937) 289-3167
Brown, Rob & Ron Clay-Nob Farms 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 claynob75@gmail.com814-431-8133
Barnes, Shane & Kim SKB Shropshires
Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) swartzm721@yahoo.com465-0565
Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) bbryant4@hotmail.com398-2053
1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) kmbarnes@mail.wvu.edu852-2673
Cell: (815) adamsshropshires.comradams1976@hotmail.com228-2903
115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) saverill48@yahoo.com778-9421
Cell: (740) www.barnesfarms.comtroytongrn@gmail.com815-2402
Page 48 Shropshire Voice
Adams Shropshires
Village Farm
151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) davery@etproducts.com209-0988
10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913
breeder’s index
Averill, David
Douglas, Donna April Aire Farms 11802 Pleasant Valley Road Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 337-0598
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) anderson_farms@hotmail.com988-3503
Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS 7622ShropsJersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) ssshrops@gmail.com355-6730
Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) david_evans_5884@hotmail.com363-3610
Fuss, Ashley Greenbrier Acres 8608 Hunters Dr Frederick, MD 21701 (240) afuss95@gmail.com405-9383
Fleener, Tim & Sarah 273 South Mountain Rd. Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 Facebook/Fleener Livestock
Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders 1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 www.vipclublambs.comvipdvm2355@gmail.com317-508-4738
Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 Cell: (785) www.ebertsheepfarm.comebertsheepfarm@gmail.com458-9174
Lindenview Meadow Farm 5550 Eddy Ridge Rd. Marion, NY 14505 (315) 576-1930
Fiegl, Mark
Edmondson, Andy Lazy E Ranch 4456 Fruitland Rd Loma Rica, CA 95901
Groverman, Fred, DVM F & L Groverman Shropshires 400 Ormsby Lane Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-3132 Cell: (707) fredgroverman@gmail.com782-8152
Page 49February 2022
Graves, Andy, Jodi, Wyatt, Breanna, Trey & Olivia Outlaw Farm 3010 East 1370 Rd. El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 jgraves@tigersk12.org417-296-5909417-876-7136
Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Cell: (309) 371-4260 Farm: (309) s_jo6@hotmail.com876-2364
Fritz, Caleb 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) caf3r@mtmail.mtsu.edu653-0867
Elsbury, David & Colleen 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) ecolleen4@hrtc.net326-3893
Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) www.elsburyfarms.comelsburyfamily@aol.com326-4461
Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI 53001 doubledoctim@gmail.com262-483-4668
Mapleton Mynd Shropshires 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415)
Isler 1340ShropshiresKlingelRd. Prospect, OH 43342 (740) islerjkjk@gmail.com360-7682
Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria Cross Country Shropshires 239 Cunard St.Fulton, OH 43321 (740) sbushatz@gmail.com751-3183
3 Point Farm 314 W Easton Rd West Salem, OH 4427 (330) 3pointfarm@gmail.com464-0430
Isler, Jim
Kipp, James & Terri Grey Feather Farm E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) www.greyfeatherfarm.cominfo@greyfeatherfarm.com255-8300
Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) JRFarm1977@outlook.com754-7057
David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road McDermott, OH 45652 (740) highlifefarm2000@yahoo.com259-1907
Hubbard, Brenna
King, Craig & Andrea Weston King Peiter Shrops 860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (573) 767-0003
Hiemke, Cody
Page 50 Shropshire Voice
Heaton Farms
Hardisky, Denise
Larson Livestock Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) glarson@scattercreek.com790-1671
Land Run Shrops 354636 E 750 Rd Cushing, OK 74023
J&R Farm
Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) heatonfarms@centurylink.net526-3118
Southern Tier Shropshires 254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) dmh268@cornell.edu687-7967
Kalina Family Sue and Bessie Kalina 35586 Oakville RD SW Albany, OR 97321 (503) skalina26@gmail.com939-0303
Johnson, Bob & Karen RoKaJo Farm 569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) rokajo6@centurytel.net859-4452
Mary Anne Keck rokajomaj@gmail.com417-844-589
High Life Farms
Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm 3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 threejfarm@gmail.com302-233-8912
Lutz, Candy
Kemp, Taylor Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) Kempshropshires@gmail.com346-0121
McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires
Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) schoolhousshrops@aol.com374-3371
Reason, Sandra M. High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box 3819 Tonopah, NV 89049 (775) 482-4191
Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms 29754 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, OK 73093 (405) 485-9255 Cell: (405) timrobertsfarms@gmail.com314-3370
Rueber, Carol & Aimee Rueber Shropshires 2530 280th St Marshalltown, IA 50158 Carol: (319) 231-7626 Aimee: (319) 230-9739
Nicholson Family Sand Meadow Farm 906 Main St So. Windsor, CT 06074 (860) sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com490-7238
Lane’s End Farm 12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078
Mies, Ed & Family
Petzel, Debbie Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824 (612) dspetzel@gmail.com578-1528
5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) mamccabe51@hotmail.com360-1103
Melvin Family Shropshires 9347 White Oak Rd. Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143 (740) pjmelvin46@hotmail.com207-0786
Moore, Adam MoBo Junction Farms 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Pence Farms 1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883 Mike: (419) 992-4305 Doug: (419) 986-5848 Jay: (419) 992-4701
Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm 2435 W. McCracken Road Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301 Cell: (317) crogers821@yahoo.com358-3260
Rife, Randy & Julie Rife 2423ShropshiresCliftonRd.
Powell, Doris 40405 Route 187 Rome, PA 18837 (570) dorisap@frontiernet.net247-7316
Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road El Reno, OK 73036 (405) dkmerveldt@aol.com206-6473
Motter, Jan
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10000 Waverly Rd. Waverly, IL 62692 (217) jmies3@hotmail.com435-7091
Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 Cell: (219) emrozins@gmail.com716-4921
Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (937) www.rifeshropshires.comrandy@rifeshropshires.com603-0535
Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) Rick.Whiting@cascorp.com685-2603
Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires 4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036
Ware, Kimberly KW Shropshires 565 N. Sunset Ridge Ln Kuna, ID 83634
Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires 17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) Greg.Weidauer@gmail.com424-2543
Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 638-2177
Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box 319 Silverton, OR 97381 (503) rawa@joyofdoing.com873-4005
Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) lbsmith@woodstocktel.net823-4784
Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608
Weston, William T. Rocks & Rills Farm 20 Weston Rd. Hancock, NH 03448 westonc9735@gmail.com603-899-9735
Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) www.sugarridgeranch.comsugarridgeranch@frontiernet.net774-3151
Tom: (815) 866-5031 Brad: (815) www.citylimitssheepfarm.comtcslutz@gmail.com766-0584
Shrum, Lori and Darron New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552
Kim: (208) 921-3706
Floyd Avery: (208) 921-8740
Mitch: (317) 606-5234
Banner 38 Curtis ....................... 6 Dirlam 12-13 Elsbury...................... 9 Flanders.................. 44 Fritz 14 Grohmann ............. 25 Gruenhagen 19 Hubbard ................. 29 Indiana Premier.... 32 Johnson .................. 30 McCabe/Kovack........ Inside front cover Merveldt ................ 33 Moore Back cover Mrozinski .................. 41 Nightengale 28 Nicholson.... Inside Back Ohio Showcase ...... 34 Poynter 37 Slutz ..................26-27 Stephenson Front cover & 43 Street 11 Tri-State ................. 40 Webster 3 Weidenauer .......... 46 Whiting ................... 16 Advertisers ‘ i ndex
Page 52 Shropshire Voice
Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988
Page 1February 2022 We are focusing on beautiful breed character in our ewe lambs. FALL EWE LAMBS We will be selling 2 at the Ohio Sale! McCabe Shropshires “Shrops With Tops” 5154 Nickelson Rd., Prospect, OH 43342 740-360-1103 • FB: McCabe Shropshires & Llama Kovacs Family 239 Canard St., Fulton, OH 43321 Sandy’s cell 740-751-3183 Cross County Shrops

normal! We
Faith, FARM & Family Focusing on Faith, FARM & Family hope life gets back to hope you can do the same & we look forward to seeing everyone this year!

as we