Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association
Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October
Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher
Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association
Bill Bryant Jr., Ohio (2026) 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019
Caleb Fritz, Penn. & South (2027) 104 Sells Rd.
Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Will Christensen, North Central (2027) 9726 Dale Ave.
Riceville, IA 50466
Mandy Curtiss, NY/New England (2026) 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011
Mike Elsbury, Indiana (2026) 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140
Ashley Fuss, Pennsylvania & South (2026) 12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757
Wyatt Graves, South West (2027) 3010 E 1370 Rd
El Dorado Springs, MO 64744
Jason Heeg, West (2025) Po Box 217 Shepherd, MT 59079-0217
Mary Anne Keck, South West (2025) 665 Niangua Rd. Niangua, MO 65713
Jon Nicholson, NY/New England (2027) 92 Frog Hollow Rd Ellington, CT 06029
Jared Poynter, Illinois (2025) 8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151
Danny Rogers, Indiana (2025) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
Carol Slutz, Illinois (2027) 50 W 735 Old State Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151
Charlotte Stephenson, Wis/Mich (2025) E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665
Rick Whiting, Ohio (2027) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit shropshires.org/registrations.
Rates effective since February 1, 2010
Full Page
Half Page ...................................... $75
Quarter Page................................. $50
Front Cover Full Color............... $325
Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250
Inside Page Full Color $250
Center Two Page Spread ............ $375
Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10
Full Color added to any ad $125
Full Page in Voice and four
Months on Web site $225
Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30
Add your website link $20
February Voice .............. Jan. 15
May Voice March 15
October Voice ................ Sept. 1
Voice Advertising Manager (217) 474-9365
P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@thesidellreporter.com
Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.
Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association
Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337 Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shropshire website, shropshires.org., contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.
Rinda Maddox
P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@ thesidellreporter.com (217) 288-9365 (office) (217) 474-9365 (cell)
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
“The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necessarily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.”
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President 913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle , TN 37020 tslivestock18@gmail.com
Shropshire Voice
Happy February to all of you! I hope you all have been busy with lambing and that your new breeding pieces are meeting your expectations. It’s always good to go to the barn on a cold night and find a brand new set of twin lambs up, dry and with full bellies with no help from the shepherd.We’re always happy to help out but it is great when we don’t have to.
I want to thank all of you at this time for being friendly and helpful over the last 17 years. Can it really be that long? I was planning at the beginning of it all to make 20 years as your secretary but it was not to be. I was out of new ideas and decided last fall that I could no longer take time from my family and farm for this position and made the very difficult decision to move on. Remembering my early days as your secretary and knowing that we had to work together to recreate the office from almost scratch, I offered to stay on until a new secretary was found. At this time, the search has been narrowed down a bit and hopefully one will be ready to take the reins before the busy spring season.
Back to business, be sure to keep an eye on the website and Facebook page for information and updates about the activities for the year. Sometimes it is hard early in the year for everyone to have their plans and details worked out for the next 12 months. Luckily this new age of instant communication will help fill in the gaps and keep everyone apprised of the new projects.
The Starter Flock, Shropshire Royalty, Shropshire Futurity and Junior Association are always growing and are so important to keep the youngsters in the breed glad that they are here. And believe it or not the controversial projects involving breed character and DNA are necessary to keep the identity of the Shropshire breed and keep them from becoming just another black faced sheep. Let’s keep on promoting the breed and its traits and I applaud the efforts of those who continue the battle.
I have enjoyed most of my time working with this breed and its’ people. Some of us have become fast friends and I have met some truly great young folks. Thank you to those who have helped guide me in the early days: Mark McCabe, Bob Johnson and Rinda and Steve Maddox. I enjoyed working with the next presidents in line Darrell Dockter, Brad Slutz, Jim Percival, Jim Gruenhagen and Rick Adams and other previous directors who helped get jobs done: Bill Seals, Ralph Lovely, Bob Dinsmore, Roger Snyder, Randy Rife, Re Call, Gary Brockmann, Carol Rueber, Cody Hiemke, Tim Roberts, Sandy Cross, Norm Jackson, Alan Bruhin, Craig King, Tom Slutz, Debbie and Emily Petzel, Adam Moore, Paul Young, and of course, our current job doers listed in this book. You all have made a difference to me and to the Shropshire breed!
So, to all of you, go forth and conquer. I expect to still see a lot of you around as I stay in the industry with our own flocks. We have another generation on our place showing great interest and that is where I will have my sheep fun.
Thanks again for all the memories and well wishes!
Please consider at least a 1/4 page ($50) ad to help support the costs of publication of the Voice.
Bill Bryant, Jr.
Caleb Fritz
Rick Adams
Becky Peterson
Budget & Finance
Carol Slutz - Chair
Jared Poynter
Ashley Fuss
Wyatt Graves
Voice, Promotion
Charlotte Stephenson –Chair
Rinda Maddox
Mary Ann Keck
Danny Rogers
Caleb Fritz – Chair
Danny Rogers
Jason Heeg
Rick Whiting
Starter Flock
Mike Elsbury – Chair
Will Christensen
Jon Nicholson
Mike Elsbury - Chair
Wyatt Graves
Will Christensen
Rick Whiting
Jon Nicholson
Shropshire Royalty
Charlotte Stephenson–Ch
Ashley Fuss
Robin Pardus
Sandy Kovacs – CoChair
Emily Stevens - CoChair
Taylor Jones
MaryAnn Keck
Mandy Curtiss
Caleb Fritz
Jon Nicholson–Chair
Jason Heeg
Mike Elsbury
Jared Poynter
Hall of Fame
Ashley Fuss – Chair
Mandy Curtiss
Mike Elsbury
Wyatt Graves
Rick Whiting – Chair
Jon Nicholson
Caleb Fritz
Mary Ann Keck
Carol Slutz
Mike Elsbury
Breed Standards
Rick Adams – Chair
Danny Rogers
Jon Nicholson
Ashley Fuss
Rick Whiting
Jared Poynter
President Rick Adams called the meeting to order at 10 AM. Also present were Rick Whiting, Mike Elsbury, Jon Nicholson, Jason Heeg, Charlotte Stephenson, Caleb Fritz, Jim Gruenhagen (Zoom), Danny Rogers (Zoom), Bill Bryant, Ashley Fuss and Maryanne Keck. Absent were Adam Moore, Mandy Curtiss and Jared Poynter. Rick noted that there were two guests coming later to discuss secretary position.
The Secretary’s Report materials from the last general board meeting on May 5, 2024 had been previously email to the group. There were no additions or corrections. Mike Elsbury moved to accept report with a second from Rick Whiting. Report accepted.
The Treasurer’s Report as of 10/31/24 was also emailed earlier. Balance sheet showed Total Assets of $61025.03. The P&L showed a
net income of $6086.47. Becky noted there were expenses coming through the end of the year. She went over some line items as well as the office statistics which showed 1928 registrations 1044 transfers, 168 junior memberships, 142 senior memberships and 19 new members. Ashley Fuss moved to accept the report with a second from Charlotte Stephenson.
Committee reports
Budget & Finance –Committee will have to assemble a budget for the next meeting.
Voice - Becky explained about the lateness of the October Voice. Also discussed the reporting of show results. Suggested that Board members be responsible for gathering an official electronic report from the State Fairs in their districts within 14 days of the show to try to make the reports come in a more timely manner. Discussion regarding moving to two issues of the Voice annually to come in new Business.
DNA Committee – Rick Whiting reported that nine animals were sampled at the AAJS
for Dwarf Gene and all were FF. NAILE Junior Show Champions, five random class placings and the two futurity winners were sampled. Committee will meet before next meeting. Noted that 2025 will be the first year of the penalty phase of the program.
Judging Committee – Jon Nicholson reported that there were seven nominations made according to the method, six accepted and provided bios. They will be presented to the paid members at the Annual Meeting later in the day for ranking of the top three to be submitted for the 2025 NAILE National Show Judge. Discussion followed about the Junior Show judge selection process. Would it be possible for the ASRA to hire own judge for the Junior Show? Assuming ASRA would have to provide payment for the service and travel expenses.
Royalty Committee – Charlotte reported that Michaela Haudenschield and Landree Street were both present at the Junior Show and helped in the ring distributing ribbons. Charlotte suggested having a Spotlight article
on the youngsters in the February Voice. Becky noted that three of the kids and a photo were included in the October issue.
The group paused at 10:30 AM to listen to presentations by registry services who were offering secretary/registrar services. Jeff Ebert and Laurie Majchrzak had formed the “National Sheep Registry” and were willing to provide the transaction services at a fee per each and the secretarial work for a yearly fee. Could provide website service as well as publication.Would want a three-year contract. Discussion followed regarding the ability of our current registry program to provide online pedigrees, etc.
Tor Sorensen and Sue Traglia are the new managers of Associated Registries. Transactions could be done on a similar fee schedule. They do not currently offer executive secretary services. Costs still undetermined for online pedigree work.
After those two presentations, discussion followed. Rick Adams stated that three individuals have expressed interest in the posi-
We are very happy with our Kaboom lambs.
We are excited to watch them develop and get some on the show and sale circuit. Kaboom lambs at Isler Shropshires and Cross County Shropshires. Visitors are Always Welcome at Either Farm.
tion. It was decided to form a committee of 4-6 people appointed by the new president to offer and promote a job description and determine search and hiring process. Becky gave her thoughts on her 2007 application and employment.
Starter Flock – Mike Elsbury noted that the fundraising for our program has not been adequate and reported on the new Southdown program where breeders contribute $50 and association matches it. Flock winner must purchase from that list of breeders and would match the funding. Discussion followed. Charge the committee with the funding and operation method for the program.
Competition Committee - no report presented.
Hall of Fame – Ashley Fuss suggested that 2025 be directed to Illinois so that presentations can be made at the AAJS in Springfield, IL. Applications should be sent to her. Three people were mentioned to honor. The previous inductees need to be added to the website.
Old Business
Belly/Leg wool – Jason Heeg said he had worked at ringside during the Junior Show. Send this to the Competition Committee to work out. Get a Banner made to use at shows. Make it stick or forget it. Jon Nicholson reports concern over artificial coloring of sheep. Send this concern to Competition Committee.
Dwarf Gene Policy - Discussion followed regarding selling Dwarf Carrier sheep (FD’s) if the genotypes are disclosed and guaranteed. This will affect the Futurity Rules that do not allow FD’s. Futurity Committee to look at this. Discussion followed regarding upcoming Annual Meeting.
Becky noted that the D&O Insurance Policy (for Directors and Officers) was active and paid up. She will email Board Member Conflict of Interest Forms to each director to be signed and returned.
New Business
2025 National Sale – Mike Elsbury said plans were in place for the Indiana Premier Sale for April 25 & 26. Austin Brockmann will judge the Shrops. Sheep can arrive on Thursday. Vendors on site, Friday night dinner and
Saturday Junior Show after the sale. Jim Gruenhagen will order the Champion Banners.
2025 Committee Assignments will be done by new president.
Election of Officers –
President Rick Adams is stepping down. Maryanne Keck, nominated Bill Bryant, Ashley Fuss moved to close nominations.
Vice President – Bill Bryant nominated Caleb Fritz. Rick Adams moved nominations be closed.
Directors from Illinois, North Central and Southwest Districts will be chosen at Annual Meeting.
Secretary Hire – See earlier discussion. Bill Bryant to appoint committee. Jon Nicholson moved with a second from Bill Bryant to allow Becky’s salary of $16,500 per year to continue until replacement is made. Payment to be made every two weeks as before.
Voice publication – Jon Nicholson discussed printing two issues per year. Ashley Fuss wanted to continue with three issues so announcements can be made. Discussion followed. There were no second to these motions. Jon Nicholson and Bill Bryant moved to send recommendation to Voice Committee to go to two issues per year. Mike Elsbury amended the motion to go to two issues in 2026. Ashley Fuss seconded. Motion passed. Other new business
Caleb Fritz discussed issues in the Junior show. He moved to require the junior owner/ exhibitor to be on the head of the animal unless said exhibitor has two animals in the class or was showing in another breed ring. Maryanne Keck moved with a second from Ashley Fuss to amend the motion that young exhibitors be a minimum of five years old. Motion passed. Becky to add this rule to the NAILE rules.
Bill Bryant will form the committees for 2025 and determine date of January Board meeting. Committee chairs are encouraged to meet and address issues prior to this meeting. Rick Whiting moved to adjourn meeting at 12:46.
Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson, secretary
Outgoing President Rick Adams called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. after a light meal was served. He introduced the Board Members that were present.
Secretary Becky Peterson was unavailable for the beginning of the meeting but had previously made available the minutes of the last Annual Member Meeting from 11/11/23. Copies were also handy on site. Ashley Fuss moved to accept the report as written with a second from Mike Fox. Report accepted.
Financial Report as of October 31 had also been sent to members and showed total assets of $61,025.03 and a net income of $6086.47. A complete report for the 2024 year will be published in the February Voice. Registrations, transfers and junior and new memberships were up slightly over the same period of 2023. Senior memberships were down only slightly. Charlotte Stephenson moved to accept the treasurer’s report with a second from Bill Bryant. Old Business Committee reports
1. Dwarf Gene Policy – no changes at this time. Rick Whiting reported that the 2023 sampling found 1 Dwarf carrier (FD genotype). Nine animals were sampled at the AAJS with no FD results. Eleven were sampled at NAILE Junior Show on previous day and 9 will be sampled during the Open Show. Noted that 2025 will be the first year for the Penalty Phase of the Dwarf Gene Program.
2. DNA Committee – Rick Whiting reports that the group is still working on the plan
3. Futurity – Caleb Fritz reported that the 2024 Futurity was complete on the previous day at the NAILE Junior Show. The yearling ewe division had 39 nominations. The winner was Kinley Tenney with Fritz 2309. There were 94 ewe lambs nominated with the overall and West ewe lamb winner being Drake Slutz with Street 2405. The Midwest winner and 2nd overall was William Taylor with Fleener 2452. Brook Young won the East division and
3rd overall with VIP 4251. Belt Buckles were awarded to the yearling and ewe lamb winners. Banners went to the regional runner-ups.
4. Junior Activities - Emily Stevens, Addisen Nicholson and Sandy Kovacs have been doing a wonderful job with the Junior Association.After a very successful online fundraiser in May, they were able to provide a Junior exhibitor breakfast on show day at the All-American and at NAILE. They arranged for a Skillathon prior to NAILE and provided awards for the different age divisions. They arranged for a Zoom meeting in November with guest speaker Tracy Dendinger of Champions Choice camps. Many thanks to them for all of their efforts.
5.Voice and Promotion – The October Voice is at the printer and will be mailed shortly. The Board of Directors has decided to continue with printing issues in 2025 but will reduce to 2 issues in 2026.
6. Starter Flock - Mike Elsbury reported that the committee is looking at different options to find the program and will work to update the program accordingly.
7. Hall of Fame – Ashley Fuss reported that the 2024 inductee was Farrell Shultz of Ohio. The program will run again in 2025. Application deadline is Jan 31. The presentations will be made in conjunction with the All-American Junior Show in July in Springfield, Illinois. New Business
2025 National Sale – Mike Elsbury reported that plans are solid for the Indiana Premier Sale for April 25 & 26 in Greenville. Indiana. Austin Brockmann will judge the Shrops.There will be a dinner on Friday evening and the Noble T Apple Junior Show on Saturday following the sale.
2025 National Show Judge Selection –There were bios for 6 nominations made earlier in 2024 provided to the membership via email and at this meeting. They were Richard Jacobsen, Tim Gadsby, Dan Soilde, Neal Knapp, Dustin Cruit and Matt Scramlin. Written and emailed votes from Zoom participants were taken find the top 3. A second vote was taken to resolve the tie for the 3rd choice. A third vote was taken to rank the top 3 in order to submit to NAILE. They are Dan Spilde, Dustin Cruit and Tim Gadsby.
Election of Directors – Bylaws state
that regions with associations can nominate own directors.
The Ohio Shropshire Association has renominated Rick Whiting to serve another term. Mike Elsbury and Rick Adams move to accept. New England/New York, Pennsylvania/ South, North Central, Southwest, and Illinois districts did not supply regional nominations and so those came from the floor of the meeting. Caleb Fritz and Rick Whiting moved to nominate Jon Nicholson for another term to serve NE/NY. Rick Adams and Brad Slutz moved to close nominations and accept Jon. Jon Nicholson and Ashley Fuss moved to nominate Caleb Fritz to serve PA/South again. Rick Whiting and Ashley moved to close nominations and accept Caleb. Jim Gruenhagen on Zoom nominated Will Christensen to serve the North Central region. Ashley Fuss and Rick Whiting moved to close nominations and accept Will.This is a two-year term in to adjust the term in accordance with the bylaws. MaryAnne Keck and Rick Whiting nominated Wyatt Graves for the Southwest district. Caleb Fritz nominated Ryan Hubbard.A written ballot was taken with Wyatt Graves gaining the seat.
Rick Adams nominated Carol Slutz for the Illinois district. Ashley Fuss and Rick Whiting moved to close nominations and accepted Carol. Welcome to the 3 new directors and thank you to those returning and to those stepping down after serving the association for multiple terms.
Other new Business
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Ashley Fuss presented outgoing secretary Becky Peterson with a gift basket acknowledging 17 years of service as secretary. Becky gratefully accepted and noted all of the well wishes received over the weekend. The Board has met with 2 registrar services while at NAILE. A job description will be created along with an application process. It will be posted when available it will be posted on the website and Facebook page. A selection will be made as soon as possible hoping to have new secretary in place prior to the busy registration season.
At 7:16 p.m., Ashley Fuss and Andy Graves moved to adjourn.
Respectfully Submitted, Becky
Peterson, secretary
on Page 16
Home Fresh® 20 Sheep
Starter Grower HE 45DQ
Show lamb breeze 45dq
Show lamb gale force 18dq
Show lamb gale force HE 18dq
ShowBoss™ Lowdown®
ShowBoss™ Biomend™
ShowBoss™ Fit N Finish®
ShowBoss™ Final Drive™
Hannah Koss – Elkhorn, NE
Steven Smith – Elkhorn, NE
Logan & Maggie Elsbury – Greenfield, IN
Addison Bandy – Orange, Texas
Whitney Love – Churubusco, IN
Ryan Hubbard – Agra, OK
Ledyard Agriscience – Ledyard, CT
Big Springs Livestock – Kenton, OH
Carpenter Farms – Macon, MO
Emily Ellison – Newport, TN
J&J Investments – Keymar, MD Welcome
Taylor Kemp – Macon, MO
Larry Mefford – Neoga, IL
Linsee Ruppel-Wiley Family –Huntington, IN
Doug & Brooke Annuschat – Loyal, OK
Heather Warren – Cato, NY
Pamela Shefelbine – Central City, IA
Ron & Betsy Brown – Saegertown, PA
John & Kate Bostek – Fairfield, PA
Champion Ewe consigned by Fritz Farm, TN sold to Porter Clark, NH for $2,000
CATTLE PAVILION, 8 A.M. Southdowns, Oxfords, Suffolks, Dorpers, Hampshires, Shropshires
CATTLE PAVILION, 9 A.M. Breed order same as show P.O. Box 25, Rushsylvania, OH 43347
Reserve Champion Ewe consigned by Land Run Shrops, OK sold to Lane Falch, MO for $2,400
AUCTIONEERS: Gary Saylor Danny Westlake Bill MacCauley
Gary: 937-597-7214 – gary@selectls.net Pat: 937-935-1975 – pat@selectls.net
Jim: 937-658-3119 – jim@selectls.net
Dan: 937-243-5111 – dan@selectls.net www.selectls.net
Reserve Champion Ewe
National Open Show
Owned and shown by Brenna Hubbard
Purchased at the 2023 National Sale
Junior Champion Ewe
National Open Show
Look for this ewe at the Ohio Showcase Sale in May
Thursday, April 10
Featuring futurity nominated ewe lambs, yearling ewes, fall & spring stud ram prospects and semen.
Hosted by Willoughby Livestock Sales
National Ewe Lamb
Futurity Winner
Owned and Shown by Drake Slutz
Purchased at the Indiana Premier Sale
We will be consigning to the National Sale in Indiana and the Ohio Showcase Sale. Ewe lambs, yearling ewes and stud ram prospects are available off the farm.
Nov. 16 Judge: John Mrozinski
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3633
2. Lane Falch Falch 23-1003
3. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2401
4. Zachary Rife 23-17 Nightcrawler
5. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-98 Sweet Thing
6. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 23-SM109
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Drake Slutz City Limits 24016 Enigma- Grand Champion Ram
2. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4205
3. Lane Falch Falch 24-108
4 Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-31 Cogburn
5. Kinley Tenney High life Farm 2420 Bricklayer
6. Troy Weber Webby Farms 2403
7. Paisley Epple Bailey 129
8. Kennedy Algire Bryant 240059
9. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 24-SM120
10. Laney Klinger City Limits 24019
11. Wesson Percival High Life Farm 2430
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1. Kenyon Buckland KJB
2404 – Reserve Grand Champion Ram
2. Drake Slutz City Limits 24093 Hype
3. Kennedy Algire Bryant 240093
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4245
5. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2424
6. Drake Slutz City Limits 24081 Shogun
7. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 813
8. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-60 Jokers Wild
9 Emma Chandler “Just Kidding” Flanders VIP 424410
Trey Graves Jail Break 24103
10. Kennedy Algire Bryant 240107
Early Yearling Ewe
1. Drake Slutz City Limits 23041 – Sr. Champion Ewe
2. Miley Williams Elsbury 23-031
3. Skilar Burch Fritz 2313
4. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23022
5. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-01 Honey
6. Brenna Hubbard City Limits 22134
7. Emily Grant Mrozinski 23-17
8. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2333
9. Kennedy Algire Bryant 23016
10. Kassidy Schakel Flanders
VIP 2777
11. Kinley Tenney Fritz 2309 Sixem
12. Laney Klinger Fleener 2287
Late Yearling Ewe
1. Brenna Hubbard Buckham Farms A3309 –Res. Sr. Champion Ewe
2. Kassidy Schakel A8
3. Drake Slutz City Limits 23115
4. Adriana Wendland NSLS 23127
5. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 23100
6. Riggin E Klotz Rockin K 3273
7. Kennedy Algire Bryant 23087
8. Raegan Stam Sand Meadow 2337
9. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2349
10. Camden Cory JEM 2336
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-101 Cinnamon
2. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24137
3. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3623
4. Kate Bodell Flanders VIP 3632
5. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 23-99
6. Kennedy Algire Bryant 23131
7. Leila Street Fleener 2358
8. Victoria Kovacs CCS Kovacs 24-01 Lainey
Early January Ewe Lamb
1. Kade Mennen Mennen Livestock 09396 – Reserve Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Ewe
2. Cameron McCoy OH10597-2411
3. Jaden Moneyheffer Leininger 0206
4. Kenyon Buckland Bechtold 24012
5. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 768
6. Drake Slutz Street 2405
7. Leila Street Street 2404
8. Avery Vasko ,Vasko Shrops AV 8014
9. Landree Street Street 2406
10. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24010
11. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4206
12. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 24-02
13. Hunter Robbins Second Star 0204
14. Alison Roles Fleener 2408
15. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 24-SM119
16. Paisley Epple City Limits 24002
17. Avery Adams Adams 24018
18. Bo Wolford Flanders VIP 4203
19. Wolford Wolford 24-60
20. Miley Wiliams SS Shrops 24-1
21. Mattilyn Wolford Wolford 24-62
Late January Ewe Lamb
1. Skilar Burch Fritz 2408
2. Chloe Nicolaus Fritz Show Lamz 2469
3. Seth Ariens Smith Show Stock 2189
4. Layla Smith 24070
5. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2401 Lemon
6. Kenyon Buckland Bechtold 24064
7. Annabella Jessup Carson 24027
8. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24040
9. Drake Slutz City Limits 24051
10. River Lease JKE 2408
11. Miranda Moneyheffer R & A 18-38
12. Oliver Nicholson Sand Meadow 2445
13. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4220
14. Hadley Epple Oak Ridge 0101 Jessie
15. Victoria Kovacs A 24-02
16. Kirsten Keck Belt 2404
17. Cooper Robinson Oak Ridge 0102-101 Barbie
18. Trey Graves Belt 2406
19. Michaela Haudenschield Greenbrier Acres 2412 AI
20. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24040
21. Tenley Cory Double Doc 24-24
22. Wyatt Percival Schoolhouse 2413
Early February Ewe Lamb 1. Jacob Thompson 24155
2 Ephraim Fowler Big Springs 2421
3. Brenna Hubbard Buckham Farms A4078
4. Miranda Moneyheffer Leininger 2438
5. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4240
6. Delaney Crouch Shroyer 3161
7. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shire 2406
8. Drake Slutz City Limits 24057
9. Lane Falch Falch 24-202
10. Oliver Nicholson Sand Meadow 2450
11. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-32 Betty
12. Emily Stevens ES 2327
13. Lane Falch City Limits 24059
14. Troy Weber Webby Farms 2406
15. Michaela Haudenschield ES2404
16. Cora Freidenstine Olver 2412
17. Zachary Rife 24-4
18. Kennedy Algire KJB 2410
19. Camden Cory CSC Jana 24-2
20. Camden Cory JEM 2432
21. Ian Grubbs LPSS 2342
22. Alli Wolford Wolford 2402 317
23. Elizabeth Lantz Southern Tier Shropshires STS 24-23 Dolly
Continued Page 24
Drake Slutz with his 1st Overall Street Shropshires Ewe Lamb
Miley Williams with her Runner-Up Elsbury Farms Yearling Ewe
Late February Ewe Lamb
1. Drew George Buckham Farms A4-187
2. Brynn Rinehart Leininger 4047
3. Kinley Tenney Sargent Shires 2418 Pudding
4. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24087
5. William Taylor Fleener 2452
6. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4254
7. Miranda Moneyheffer Leininger4062
8. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2426
9. Drake Slutz City Limits 24080
10. Jenna Gotshall JFSS 24026
11. Claire Bodell Flanders VIP 4241
12. Adriana Wendland NSLS 24060
13. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-40 Laura
14. Kate Bodell Flanders VIP 4235
15. Charlie Majors French Broad 1038
16. Hunter Robbins BWB Farms 2432
17. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24093
18. Michaela Haudenschield ES2402
19. Emily Grant Flanders VIP 4238
20. Landree Street Street 2416
21. Brooke Young Flanders VIP 4251
22. Elizabeth Lantz Southern Tier Shropshires STS 24-28 Cinnamon
March Ewe Lamb
1. Ceana Nicolaus Fritz Show Lamz 2479 – Junior & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Kinley Tenney Sargent shires 2432
3. Drew George Buckham Farms A4-209
4. Noah Fleener Fleener 2469
5. Emma Chandler “Von Dutch” High Hopes VLV08
6. Drake Slutz City Limits 24102
7 Kenyon Buckland KJB 2418
8. Wyatt Lange Binger OK Charmasson 24081
9. Miranda Moneyheffer Leininger 2417
10. Claire Bodell Flanders VIP 4270
11. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 815
12. Vivian M Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-59 Portia
13. Arleigh Bise TLF840
14. Claire Bodell Dirlam 1770
15. Stockton K Klotz
Diamond Arrow G 2406
16. Laney Klinger LK Stock 0059
17. Jaedyn Slutz City Limits 24101
18. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4262
19. Kennedy Algire Bryant 24099
20. Kellen Algire Bryant 24104
21. Skilar Burch Fritz 2417
22. Charlie Majors French Broad 1040
23. Stetson Williams Elsbury 24-082
24. Miley Williams WIlliams 24-07 Miss Maylee
25. Nicholas Rife 24-11
26. Skilar Burch Fritz 2416
27. Trey Graves OSC 0215
28. Laney Klinger LK Stock 0058
Nov. 18 Judge: Jeff Held Yearling Ram
1. Brenna Hubbard “GLITCH” Land Run 742
2. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 2680
3. Brady Clark Clark 2310
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 23106 Classified
5. Skilar Burch Fritz 2310
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders Vip 3633 – Senior & Grand Champion Ram
2. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2401 – Reserve Senior Champion Ram
3. Brady Clark - Clark 23196
4. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-98 Sweet Thing
5. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 23-SM109
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4205 – Junior & Res. Grand Champion Ram
2. Brady Clark Clark 2409 –Res. Junior Champion Ram
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24016 Enigma
4. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-31 Cogburn
5. Brady Clark Clark 2452
6. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier Acres 2406
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4245
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24081 Shogun
3. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 813
4. Brady Clark Clark 2475
5. Kenyon Buckland KJB 2404
6. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-60 Jokers Wild
7. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24093 Hype
8. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier Acres 2426
9. Trey Graves Jail Break 24103
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Brady Clark
4. Vivian Stephenson Early Yearling Ewe
1. Brenna Hubbard City Limits 22134 –Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion Ewe
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 23004
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 23050
4. Brady Clark Clark 2350
5. Brady Clark Raudebaugh 23033
6. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 2777
7. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-01 Honey
8. Skilar Burch Fritz 2313
9. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier Acres 2303
10. Miley Wiliams Elsbury 23-031
Late Yearling Ewe
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City
Limits 23094 – Senior & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Kassidy Schakel A8
3. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 2304
4. Brady Clark Clark 23104
5. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 23115
6. Brady Clark Clark 2369
7. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier Acres 2321
8. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2333
9. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2349
10. Camden Cory JEM 2336
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Brenna Hubbard
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
3. Kassidy Schakel
4. Brady Clark
5. Caiden Daugherty
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 3623
2. Brady Clark Clark 23198
3. Brady Clark Clark 23195
4. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 23-101 Cinnamon
5 Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 23-99
Early January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24010
2. Brady Clark Fritz 2402
3 Brenna Hubbard Land Run 798
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4206
5. Tim And Sarah Fleener Fleener 2426
6. Kenyon Buckland Bechtold 24012
7. Brady Clark Clark 2412
8. Caiden Daugherty O’Neill 24-02
9. River Lease JKE 2408
Late January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24040 – Junior Champion Ewe
2. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24051
3. Kenyon Buckland Bechtold 24064
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4220
5. Oliver Nicholson Sand Meadow 2445
6. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier Acres 2413
7. Kirsten Keck Belt 2404
8. Trey Graves Belt 2406
9. Tenley Cory Double Doc 24-24
Early February Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24057
2. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4240
3. Tim And Sarah Fleener Fleener 2437
4. Brenna Hubbard Buckham Farms A4078
5. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24071
6. Brady Clark Clark 2471
7. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-32 Betty
8. Brady Clark Clark 2464
9. Oliver Nicholson Sand Meadow 2450
10. Camden Cory CSC Jolene 24-1
11. Camden Cory CSC Jana 24-2
12. Elizabeth Lantz Southern Tier Shropshires STS 24-23 Dolly
Late February Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Flanders Vip 4254- Reserve Junior Champion Ewe
2. Tim And Sarah Fleener Fleener 2446
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24087
4. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24080
5. Taylor Kemp Kemp 2402
6. Ashley Fuss City Limits 24079
7. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-40 Laura
8. Caiden Daugherty High Life Farm 2426
9. Brady Clark Clark 2491
10. Charlie Majors French Broad 1038
Continued next Page
11. Elizabeth Lantz Southern Tier Shropshires STS 24-28 Cinnamon
The next Voice issue has a March 15 deadline. PLEASE, be sure to have your ad information turned in by the 15th so the Voice can be printed and mailed in plenty of time to reach everyone before the Ohio Classic sales
March Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24101
2. Brady Clark Clark 24118
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz City Limits 24102
4. Kassidy Schakel Flanders VIP 4262
5. Brenna Hubbard Land Run 815
6. Brady Clark Clark 24115
7. Vivian Stephenson Sugar Ridge 24-59 Portia
8 Noah Fleener Fleener 2469
9. Kenyon Buckland KJB 2418
10. Charlie Majors French Broad 1040
11. Taylor Kemp Kemp 2443
12. Mike Fox JEM 2449
13. Miley Williams Williams 24-07 Miss Maylee
14. Whitlee Cory CSC Nova 24-20
15. Stetson Williams Elsbury 24-082
■ Building demand for American Lamb
■ Increasing domestic production and supply
■ Improving quality and consistency of American Lamb
■ Supporting contributors and industry partners
16. Trey Graves OSC 0215
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Brady Clark
4. Brenna Hubbard
5. Oliver Nicholson
6. Vivian Stephenson
7. Kenyon Buckland
8. Taylor Kemp
9. Charlie Majors
10. Elizabeth Lantz
Group of Three Lambs
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Brenna Hubbard
3. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
4. Brady Clark
5. Kenyon Buckland
6. Vivian Stephenson Flock
1. Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Brenna Hubbard
4. Brady Clark Premier Exhibitor Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
The ASRA would like to recognize young girls or boys in 2025 for promoting Shropshires at sheep and agricultural event. Award categories are Bo Peep or Boy Blue age 5-10; Princess or Prince age 11-16; and Queen or Ambassador age 17-21. Introduction of recipients will take place at the Indiana Premier Sale in Greenfield, Ind. on April 25 & 26. Applications are due on March 15 and can be found on www.shropshires.org.
Shropshire Royalty recipients will be asked to help at events by assisting with award presentations at fairs and shows and other promotional opportunities. They will be contacted later in the year and will be expected to submit a small story about their experience that will be published in the Shropshire Voice.
Our young people from 2024 were Michaela Haudenshield, Gracelynn and Andrew Camp as BoPeep/Boy Blue and Landree Street as Princess.
The Flock Starter Program is a project undertaken by the National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association to award a group of Shropshire ewes to a deserving youngster new to the breed. 2025 will mark the 12th year after 82 applications.
To apply, you are required to complete an application and submit an essay to the Shropshire office that should include background information about yourself and your interest in sheep. This document should illustrate your goals and intentions with the animals should you win the award. There should also be a budget and one or more letters of recommendation included. We ask that you type your essay and submit it by March 15. Please include your mailing address and telephone number. All applicants should be between the ages of 8 and 20.
The ASRA will choose two recipients, one for a $1000 stipend and a second for a $500 amount. Both winners be notified by April 1 and will receive credit vouchers from the ASRA to purchase Shropshire ewes of his or her choice at any of the Shropshire sales in 2025.
Winners will be introduced either during the National Sale event at the Indiana Premier Sale in Greenfield, Ind. on April 25 & 26, or at the Ohio Showcase Sale in Greenville, Ohio on May 9 &10. Application information will be available on www.shropshires.org and from the Shropshire office. Please share this information with any young person with interest in sheep to help start a breeding sheep project.
2014 - Noah Collins, TN
2015 - Justin Weckler, OH
2016 - Ashlynn Reddick, GA
2017 - Kyle Gross, NE
2018 - Layne Lingley, IL
2019 - Lee Ann Martin, TN
2020 - James Bend, IL
2021 - Arabella Knuth, WI
2022 - Zoe Pressel, IN & Lyla Engle, PA
2023 - Michaela Haudenschield, OH
& Miranda Moneyheffer, IN 2024 – Paisley Epple, MO
& Hunter Robbins, TN
To ensure the success of this program, financial contributions are needed for this worthwhile cause. Please contact Secretary Becky Peterson with your support or inquiries. Since its inception, the following have been sponsors for one or more years:
Dave Huston
VIP Shropshires (Jerry Flanders)
Windswept Crest Farm (Petzel Family)
JEM Farm (Mike & Carol Fox)
John Dottenwhy in memory of Jasper Dirlam
Shropshire Voice (Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull)
Ron Evans Cross Country Shrops (Victoria Kovacs)
ASRA Shropshire Ewe Futurity Fund
Kim & Justin Weckler
Tom Slutz Family
Noah Collins
Rick Whiting
Emily Washburn
JN Dirlam & Sons
Rick Adams Plainview Farms (Doug Tammy & Chris Whittaker)
Knepp Shropshires
Schoolhouse Shrops
Alan Bruhin
Chip Hallet
Jim Isler
Klotz family
Danny & Cynde Rogers
Mark & Prudie Miller
Erik Mrozinski
Austin & Trent Bechtold
Claudia Snyder
Jim & Donna Gruenhagen
Dennis Avery
Gary Brockmann Family
Stacy Grohmann
Craig & Andrea King
Kyle Gross
Jerry & Robin Pardus
Continued next Page
Kent A. Flora
Kent A. Flora, 81, of Champaign, Illinois passed away at 8:51 p.m. Jan. 30, 2025, at the Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, Illinois.
life and received the honor of being named “Outstanding Young Farmer of Vermilion County” in 1972.
Kent was born Jan. 7, 1944, in Urbana, Illinois, the son of L. Lee and Ercel Puzey Flora and the great-grandson of Henry Puzey I, a pioneer settler of Jamaica Township, Illinois. He married the love of his life, Sharon Bray Underwood, on Dec. 31, 1974, at the family residence at Fairmount. She survives.
Kent is also survived by his three sons, Brent Flora, Don Underwood and Christopher Underwood, four grandchildren,and one great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, one grandson, and his lifelong best friend, Ralph Livengood of Indiana.
Kent was a product of the Drummond School of Fort Lauderdale, Fla, the Fairmount school system, and a graduate of Jamaica High School where he was a member of the National Honor Society. He was an Animal Science graduate of the University of Illinois, a member of the Chi Phi Fraternity, and the Block and Bridle Club. He was a member of the 1966 University of Illinois Livestock Judging Team. He was a fourth-generation steward of the family farm for the greater part of his
Paul Young Family
Sugar Ridge Ranch
Tim Elsbury
Sand Meadow Farm (Nicholson Family)
Creamer Shrops
Tim & Debbie Barnes
Bill Bryant
Wolford Shrops
Dave Evans
Dennis & Carol Lingley
Jared Poynter
Triple J Farm
Lanes End Farm (Jan Motter)
Kent was a national-recognized breeder of Shropshire sheep and was a exhibitor at state and national shows throughout the Central, Eastern, and Southern United States, winning many state and national championships. He was a founder and president of the Illinois Shropshire Association, a board member of the Illinois Purebred Sheep Breeders Association and served as the youngest national president in the history of The American Shropshire Registry Association.
Kent was very involved in his home-town community of Fairmount and Vermilion County. He served his country as a member of the United States Army Reserve. He also was a member of the Global Surveillance Department of NEG Micon, Inc. (later Vestas Wind Energy) and oversaw the operation of wind turbine generators (windmills) in the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. He loved his family, traveling, University of Illinois football and basketball, and spending time with friends.
Funeral services were February 5, 2025, at the Robison Chapel, Catlin, Illinois with Pastor James Blue officiating. Burial was in Davis Cemetery, Fairmount., Ill. Memorials may be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association. Online condolences at www.robisonchapel.com.
Isler Shropshires
Kemp Shropshires
Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
Tim & LeeAnn Eizinger
Orchard Valley Farm
Rife Shropshires
Glenn & David High
Mark McCabe.
It is important to know that many of the donors in this list have provided funds for multiple years and show obvious support and interest in bringing new people into the breed and we appreciate their enthusiasm!
For the 24th year,The American Shropshire Registry Association will sponsor a Shropshire Ewe Lamb and Yearling Ewe futurity in 2025. The Futurity will not only enhance the junior members ability to purchase extremely high quality breeding stock but will also make it more beneficial for the breeders to consign their very best animals.
The rules of the Futurity are relatively simple and are outlined below. You can buy a top quality ewe at one of the designated sales that has been nominated for the Futurity, exhibit the ewe at the shows you normally attend and then send in your results on the point record form. A junior can add a top quality female to his or her flock, and possibly win back a sizable premium.
The 2025 designated sales will include the following: Indiana Premier Shropshire Sale, Greenfield, Indiana; Shropshire Showcase, Greenville, Ohio; Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, Missouri and Online Sales (if they meet the conditions listed in the sale nomination rules.) To have a new sale designated as a Futurity Sale, notification must be made in writing to the Board of Directors at least three months in advance of the sale.
1. Entries are open to all ewe lambs born September 1, 2024, thru March 31, 2025, and to all yearling ewes born September 1, 2022,
2024 Futurity Yearling Ewe Futurity winner. Kinley Tenney with Fritz 2309, Bred by Caleb Fritz.
thru May 31, 2023.
2. A nomination fee of $20 is required and payable to The American Shropshire Registry Association. Sale management may deduct nomination fee from sale settlements or consignors will be invoiced from the ASRA office within 30 days after the sale. Any animal not selling but receiving bids will be assessed the nomination fee. Animals that do not receive a bid (no-sale) will not pay the fee. Animals will be nominated for that sale only; nomination will not carry over to another sale.
3. Each ewe must be properly identified, according to the registration certificate. Futurity ewes will be recorded by their scrapie tag number and paint branded with an F before entering the sale ring. The flock tag number will also be recorded for identifying purposes
4. Each ewe must conform and abide by the rules and regulations of the individual sale to which it is consigned. All normal entry and commission fees will apply.
5. The American Shropshire Registry Association will not be responsible and shall be held harmless for any disputes and/or disagreements between buyers and sellers.
6. Animals sold privately will not be eligible for nomination.
7. Ewes may be nominated from online sales (if they meet the following conditions)
a) The Sale Management Company agrees to all terms of the ASRA show and sale policy.
b) The Sale Management Co. is bonded.
c) Consignor pays direct to ASRA office a $20 nomination fee for each animal that receives a bid
d) The nomination of the animal is indicated for the entire time the sale listing is on the internet and identified by the scrapie tag number.
e) The consignor sends to the ASRA office a list of all animals nominated with name of the purchaser. within 14 days.
f) Only sales conducted by a management company qualify, if an individual breeder has an online sale.
g) Sales that have 5 or more ewes nomi-
nated can qualify as Futurity designated.
h) All registered Shropshire ewes in an online sale must be nominated if any are nominated.
i) Sale management will notify the ASRA office of intent to hold an online sale at least 48 hours before the sale and a list of nominated lambs must be available before the sale starts.
j) Online sale photos must include a face shot which shows a legible scrapie tag number.
8. No animals representing a D within the dwarf gene can be nominated.
Fiscal Year January 1 - December 31
2023 1) Indiana ...............355 2) Ohio....................285 3) Illinois .................264 4) Wisconsin ...........178 5) Missouri ..............155 6) Oklahoma ...........140 7) Pennsylvania ........83 8) New York ..............68 9) Iowa......................55 10) Maryland ..............45
New Hampshire....36 12) Oregon .................35 13) Maine ...................34 14) Connecticut ..........31
15) Tennessee ............28
16) California ..............23 17) Delaware ..............23
18) Massachusetts .....22 19) Washington ..........20 20) Minnesota.............13 21) New Jersey .......... 11 22) Kansas ...................9
Kentucky ................7 24) Idaho ......................6 25) Minnesota...............6 26) Texas ......................4 27) Montana.................3 28) Louisiana ................1 29) Nebraska ................1 Total .......................1941
7) Pennsylvania ........86 8) New York ..............62
9) Connecticut ..........59 10) Iowa......................46 11) New Hampshire....39 12) Tennessee ............38 13) Oregon .................36 14) Maryland ..............34
15) Kansas .................33
16) Maine ...................31
17) Delaware ..............19
18) Massachusetts .....19
19) Washington ..........16
20) Minnesota.............15
21) Nevada .................15
22) California ..............14
23) Nebraska ..............14
24) Idaho .................... 11
25) Michigan ...............10
26) Vermont ..................6
27) Kentucky ................5
28) Louisiana ................3
29) Montana .................3
30) Texas ......................3
Total .......................1924
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on shropshires.org.
Adams Shropshires 10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913 (815) 228-2903 radams1976@hotmail.com adamsshropshires.com
Anderson Farms
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503 anderson_farms@hotmail.com Facebook.com/AndersonFarms www.anderson-farms.com
Askelsen Croft
Colin Askelsen 1434 C Ave. Ogden, IA 50212 (515) 490-3439 caskelsen2000@gmail.com
Averill, David Village Farm 115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421 saverill48@yahoo.com
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires 151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988 davery@etproducts.com
Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415 www.averyshropshires.com
Barnes, Shane & Kim SKB Shropshires 1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673 kmbarnes@mail.wvu.edu
Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms 5707 Mooney Road Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125 Cell: (740) 815-2402 troytongrn@gmail.com www.barnesfarms.com
Benson, Laurie 4745 Raybell NE St. Paul, OR 97137 (971) 221-4635 Lauriekoch123@gmail.com
Brown, Rob & Ron
Clay-Nob Farms 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 (814) 431-8133
Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053 bbryant4@hotmail.com
Calvert Farm
Christine Sanders 735 N Perry Hwy Mercer, PA 16137 (724) 974-8208 recalvert5@hotmail.com
Curtiss, Mandy
Attica Loc-up 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) 465-0565 swartzm721@yahoo.com
Dirlam, John & Matt 11646 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 443-2901 dirlamjd@aol.com www.dirlamshropshires.com
Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428 darrell.dockter@gmail.com
Doyle, Ross
Doyle Brothers Shropshires 35499 110th Ave. Pleasant Hill, IL 62366 (217) 799-0437 doylebrotherssheep@gmail.com
Ebert Sheep Farm
Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 Cell: (785) 458-9174 ebertsheepfarm@gmail.com www.ebertsheepfarm.com
Edmondson, Andy Lazy E Ranch 4456 Fruitland Rd Loma Rica, CA 95901 (541) 281-2311 sheep00@live.com
Elsbury, David, Colleen & Logan, Kaylee 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 435-0628 celsbury68@gmail.com
Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461 elsburyfamily@aol.com www.elsburyfarms.com
Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI 53001 (262) 483-4668 doubledoctim@gmail.com
Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610 david_evans_5884@hotmail.com
Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders 1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 508-4738 vipdvm2355@gmail.com www.vipclublambs.com
Fleener, Tim & Sarah 273 South Mountain Rd. Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com Facebook/Fleener Livestock
Fritz, Caleb 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) 653-0867 caf3r@mtmail.mtsu.edu
Fuss, Ashley Greenbrier Acres 12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757 (240) 405-9383 afuss95@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Greenbrier-Acres
Geerts, Natalie & Jeremey
Diamond Arrow G Livestock 3982 St Rte 38 Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 561-1673 ngeerts23@gmail.com
Graves, Wyatt, Trey & Olivia Outlaw Sheep Company 3010 E 1370 Rd. El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 (417) 876-7013 wyattgraves8454@gmail.com jgraves@tigersk12.org
Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Cell: (309) 371-4260 Farm: (309) 876-2364 s_jo6@hotmail.com
Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS Shrops 7622 Jersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730 ssshrops@gmail.com
Hardisky, Denise Southern Tier Shropshires 254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) 687-7967 dmh268@cornell.edu
Heaton Farms
Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118 heatonfarms@centurylink.net
Hiemke, Cody
Mapleton Mynd Shropshires 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035 cjhiemke@gmail.com Facebook.com/MapletonMyndShropshires
High Life Farms
David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Rd McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907 highlifefarm2000@yahoo.com
Hubbard, Brenna Land Run Shrops 354636 E 750 Rd Cushing, OK 74023 (918) 225-9743 megafarms1@yahoo.com
J&R Farm
Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057 JRFarm1977@outlook.com
Johnson, Bob RoKaJo Farm 569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452 rokajo6@centurytel.net Mary Anne Keck (417) 844-5895 rokajomaj@gmail.com
Kalina Family Sue & Bessie Kalina 35586 Oakville RD SW Albany, OR 97321 (503) 939-0303 skalina26@gmail.com
Kemp, Taylor Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121 Kempshropshires@gmail.com
King, Craig & Andrea Weston King Peiter Shrops 860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (660)-651-2032 ttwclove@gmail.com
Kipp, James & Terri Grey Feather Farm E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) 255-8300 info@greyfeatherfarm.com www.greyfeatherfarm.com
Knepp, Don Knepp Shropshires 128 Old Barrington Rd North Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 846-6354 trbear@mc.net knepp-lafollette-shropshires.com
Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria Cross Country Shropshires 239 Cunard St. Fulton, OH 43321 (740) 751-3183 sbushatz@gmail.com
LaFramboise, Andy, Rebekah & Elizabeth LaFramboise Livestock 16481 Unicorn Rd. Stark City, MO 64866 (503) 580-7430 laframboiselivestock@gmail.com
Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm 3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 (302) 233-8912 threejfarm@gmail.com
Larson Livestock
Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) 790-1671 glarson@scattercreek.com
Liskai, Chase Bedrock Acres 7290 W US Highway 6 Gibsonburg, OH 43431 (414) 340-7957 dino7290@gmail.com
McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires 5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103 mamccabe51@hotmail.com
Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473 dkmerveldt@aol.com
Miller, Bryan 15525 A Motter Station Rd Rocky Ridge, MD 21778 (301) 514-7955 fabm1ll@yahoo.com
Moore, Adam
MoBo Junction Farms 15019 State Highway 8 Greentop, MO 63546 (660) 676-2825 Facebook.com/MOBOJunctionFarms/
Motter, Jan
Lane’s End Farm 12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078
Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 (219) 716-4921 emrozins@gmail.com
Nicholson Family
Sand Meadow Farm
92 Frog Hollow Rd Ellington, CT 06029 (860) 490-7238 sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com facebook.com/sandmeadow
Pallin, Jill
The Pallin Family Farm 82023 Lost Creek Rd. Dexter, OR 97431 (541) 852-9128 jill.pallin@yahoo.com
Pence Farms 1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883 Mike: (419) 992-4305 Doug: (419) 986-5848 Jay: (419) 992-4701
Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 374-3371 schoolhousshrops@aol.com schoolhouseshropshires.com
Petzel, Debbie
Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824 (612) 578-1528 dspetzel@gmail.com
Powell, Doris 40405 Route 187 Rome, PA 18837 (570) 247-7316 dorisap@frontiernet.net
Reason, Sandra M. High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box 3819 Tonopah, NV 89049 (775) 482-4191
Roberts, Tim
Roberts Farms
29754 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, OK 73093
Cell: (405) 314-3370 timrobertsfarms@gmail.com
Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm
2435 W. McCracken Road
Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301
Cell: (317) 358-3260 crogers821@yahoo.com
Rueber, Carol & Aimee
Rueber Shropshires 2530 280th St
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Carol: (319) 231-7626
Aimee: (319) 230-9739 aimeer_@hotmail.com www.freewebs.com/ruebershrops
Shefelbine, Pamela, Michael & Cutter
PM Shropshires
5085 North Marion Rd. Central City, IA 52214 (319) 270-6466 pmfarmstable@gmail.com
Shrum, Lori & Darron New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 651-8881 Newhorizonsfarm@hotmail.com
Slutz, Tom
City Limits Sheep Farm P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330
Tom: (815) 866-5031
Brad: (815) 766-0584 tcslutz@gmail.com www.citylimitssheepfarm.com
Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784
Stephenson, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151
sugarridgeranch@frontiernet.net www.sugarridgeranch.com
Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila & Landree
Street Shropshires 4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036
Mitch: (317) 606-5234 Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988 Facebook.com/StreetShropshires
Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box 319 Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 873-4005 rawa@joyofdoing.com
Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608
Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires 17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) 424-2543 Greg.Weidauer@gmail.com
Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603
■ Selling approximately 15 quality registered Shropshire females
Super productive ewes with white wool & great Shropshire breed character
Elite ewe families including Bone Chiller and Loch Ness Mothers’ lines