JUNIOR SHOW Sugar Ridge Ranch
Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association
Rick Adams, Illinois (2024)
10828 W 1000 S Rd., Bonfield, IL 6091
Mike Elsbury, Indiana (2026)
5385 E 500 N
Greenfield, IN 46140
Bill Bryant Jr., Ohio (2026)
PO Box 136
Fredericktown, OH 43019
Mandy Curtiss, NY/New Engl. (2026)
1698 Nesbit Rd.
Attica, NY 14011
Caleb Fritz, Penn & South (2024)
104 Sells Rd.
Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Ashley Fuss, Penn & South (2026)
12737 Woodsboro Pike
Keymar, MD 21757
Jim Gruenhagen, N Central (2024)
7622 Jersey Ridge Rd.
Davenport, IA 52807
Jason Heeg, West (2025)
Po Box 217
Shepherd, MT 59079-0217
Mary Anne Keck, South West (2025)
665 Niangua Rd. Niangua, MO 65713
Adam Moore, South West (2024)
27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Jon Nicholson, NY/New Eng. (2024) 906 Main St.
South Windsor, CT 06074
Jared Poynter (2025)
8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151
Danny Rogers (2025)
2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
Charlotte Stephenson (2025)
E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665
Rick Whiting (2024)
1779 Green Rd.
Martinsville, OH 45146
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit shropshires.org/registrations.
Rates effective since February 1, 2010
Full Page....................................$125
Half Page......................................$75
Quarter Page.................................$50
Front Cover Full Color...............$325
Other 3 Covers Full Color..........$250
Inside Page Full Color ...............$250
Center Two Page Spread............$375
Each Photo (If full color, no charge) ....$10
Full Color added to any ad ........$125
Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site....................$225
Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website......$30
Add your website link..............$20
February Voice..............Jan. 15
May Voice...................March 15
October Voice................Sept. 1
Voice Advertising Manager
(217) 474-9365
P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@thesidellreporter.com
ASRA Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST
Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.
Contact her at:
American Shropshire Registry Association
Becky Peterson, Secretary
41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337
Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shropshire website, shropshires.org., contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.
Rinda Maddox
P.O. Box 475
Sidell, IL 61876
shropshirevoice@ thesidellreporter.com
(217) 288-9365 (office)
(217) 474-9365 (cell)
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President
913 Brothers Rd.
“The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.”
Bell Buckle, TN 37020
In the last two weeks we have experienced the worst of winter’s snow and bitter cold and now mud.The warmer weather is a great relief compared to the bitter subzero temperatures. We are in the middle of lambing and it is progressing nicely. I hope you are having good luck with your new arrivals and are as excited as we are for the new show and sale prospects.
nounced at a later date.
The royalty program is available for juniors to be our ambassadors at Shropshire events. They present awards and represent us in pictures at all of our breeds shows and sales. Details can be found on the website. That deadline is also March 15.
The board has been busy working on all the programs we have that provide opportunities for young producers. The starter flock program provides money for two new young people to buy Shropshires for their sheep project. If you know a young sheep enthusiast that would be a good candidate, please encourage them to apply. Details can be found on the website.That deadline is March 15.
The futurity is a great program for the junior exhibitor to test their skill at selection, feeding and showing a Shropshire ewe. The money collected on the nominations are used as prizes for the competitors. The Futurity Committee is working on some new and exciting programs. Look for those to be an-
If you are a senior or college-bound student that has been active in the Shropshire breed you can apply for our scholarship. We award two $400 scholarships.That application deadline is June 1.
The board has been receiving comments and concerns about the accuracy of the pedigrees of Shropshires. We are aware of these concerns and are discussing how to we can improve this problem. The DNA and Competition Committees have been tasked with developing a program to address these concerns. If you have ideas, please share them with me or your director.
I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your lambing season and look forward to seeing you all at the sales and shows.
Greetings from the Shropshire office! I hope everyone is healthy and that the weather has not presented many hurdles for you and you are well into lambing this winter. It is good to get together again and thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting while in Louisville.
The year 2023 was interesting due to the efforts of the Board to try to keep some of the identifying traits in the modern Shropshire. After years of discussion, we finally have a printed reference and judging guide available to all members. It was mailed along with the last issue of the Voice and is available from the office. The Board also developed a Dwarf Gene Policy to try to begin to assess, and hopefully reduce the presence of the dwarf gene within the breed. Sampling was done at three shows and a report of the program and testing results appears later in this issue.
they are the future of this breed and industry. Your sponsorship is always needed as the budget is getting tight. Our processing and advertising fees have not increased in sometime and we are trying to hold them steady but expenses continues to increase a little each year. If you can help out a little for these causes, it would be much appreciated!
The Board also developed a method to select the judge for the National Shropshire Show, currently held in conjunction with the NAILE.The process was first implemented last fall and a slate of three judges has been chosen and will be submitted to the NAILE staff.
2024 will prove to be just as interesting with discussion pertaining to learning more about our pedigrees and genetics. It is important to try to retain some of the earlier Shropshire breed type and characteristics. Maybe not everyone will see this as important, but records must be correct. Thank you to the Board and committee members for their sometimes hard word and decisions. Hang in there, folks!
As usual the junior participation at shows was remarkable with Shropshire entries out numbering many other breeds. The futurity continues to be strong and there are always young people wanting to be recognized as part of the breed and helping out in the show ring. Don’t forget about the Starter Flock program that has had a pretty good record in getting new families going.We need to keep working to support our young breeders as
Our Shropshire Voice is still planned for three issues a year. In my office I have all of them since 2007. If you need to look them up, go to the website and you will be able to see each one so check them out. But nothing beats the hard copy that you can read at your leisure. It is a very high quality publication full of information about your organization. We are struggling to keep the Voice in the black so your advertising participation is very important to keep the presses running.To advertise in a future issue, please reach out to me or Rinda Maddox.
I need to take a few lines here to congratulate my dear friend and fellow New Englander Deb Hopkins on her retirement late last year. She has been the secretary of the Continental Dorset Club since 1999 and has been a teacher and a mentor to me since before that, whether it was sheep trimming and showing, sale and show management and pedigree management. It was Debbie that suggested I apply for this job back in 2007 and subsequently wrote a recommendation and then shepherded me in my early days as your Shropshire secretary. I then pestered her almost daily as I oft asked about the best way to accomplish a task. It is the Dorset registry program we purchased back in 2016 when the previous method crashed and we still discuss ways to use it. She was a wonderful teacher and of course travel pal. So thank you, Debbie, and I hope we still get to work together!
Meanwhile I look forward to seeing y’all in the spring and summer as we are busy with Shropshire events. Feel free to email or call me in the office with any questions you may have!
Mark is cutting back on his numbers and selling his best two yearling ewes.
May 9-11, 2024
Darke County Fairgrounds, Greenville, Ohio 800 Sweitzer St, Greenville 2023 OHIO SHOWCASE SHROPSHIRE SALE AVERAGED $893.37 ON 98 HEAD! Entries close March 22!
Champion Ram consigned by City Limits Sheep Farm, IL; sold to Jeff Ebert, KS for $2,400
CATTLE PAVILION, 8 A.M. Dorpers, Southdowns, Shropshires, Hampshires, Suffolks, Oxfords
Breed order same as show
Champion Ewe consigned by City Limits Sheep Farm, IL; sold to Brenna Hubbard, OK for $2,500
Danny Westlake
Bill MacCauley
Online Entries are available www.selectls.net
P.O. Box 25, Rushsylvania, OH 43347
Gary: 937-597-7214 – gary@selectls.net
Pat: 937-935-1975 – pat@selectls.net
Jim: 937-658-3119 – jim@selectls.net
Dan: 937-243-5111 – dan@selectls.net
In 2023, after two years of discussion, the ASRA Board instituted a project to assess the presence of the dwarf gene within the Shropshire breed. The dwarf gene is a simple autosomal recessive defect that is characterized by the affected offspring being proportionally reduced in frame size and weight to approximately 80-85 percent of normal size.These individuals are often characterized by “increased muscle shape” in the show ring.
It is unclear at this time if the difference in phenotype of the muscle is due to a change in the size of the muscle fibers or due to differences in the distribution of muscle related to the change in frame size. Carrier animals (and in some cases affected individuals) cannot be easily distinguished from dwarf-free animals due to normal differences in phenotype between different bloodlines and individuals. The dwarf gene is present mostly in the blackfaced wether-type sheep.
At any sale where Shropshire futurity ewes may be consigned, Shropshire consignors must be able to guarantee, by testing or parentage, the DNA of their sale entries.All sheep offered at these sales must be guaranteed to have the genotype FF, no dwarf gene carriers (FD) or dwarf animals (DD) will be offered for sale.
These genotypes will be posted on the
sale orders at such sales or in online catalogs. This will continue into 2024 and 2025. In addition, some animals at designated shows will be sampled and DNA tested through a recognized testing facility. All test results will be confidential and only the exhibitor will be informed of the result.
Shows at this time include the All-American junior show as well as the NAILE open and junior shows. Other shows may be designated in the future. All champion and reserve champion rams and ewes, as well as five previously random drawn placings, will be tested; as well as the ewe lamb and yearling ewe futurity winners.
There will be no penalty in 2024 for animals testing with one or more dwarf alleles (D). In 2025, there will be penalties levied. The ASRA Dwarf/DNA Committee will hear all appeals.
The ASRA currently does not prohibit a breeder from registering animals with one or more D alleles but suggests that breeders use the technology available to make wise breeding decisions.
In 2023, 26 samples collected at the AAJS and NAILE were sent to Gene Check. A total of three samples had a result of FD. No results were DD.The exhibitors of these animals were notified by the secretary, but otherwise, results are not shared.
Further information about Ovine Dwarfism can be found at https://u.osu.edu/ sheep/2019/12/31/dwarfism-in-sheep-is-it-anissue-for-you/.
*Sawyer Lease, PA 2nd Place, 14-year-old
*Miranda Moneyheffer, IN 9th Place, 10-year-old
*Riggin Klotz, IN 3rd Place, 8-year-old
*Blake Tonegas, IN 9th Place, 8-year-old
*Miley Williams, IN, 6th Place, 7-year-old
National Junior Show
Top 6 Supreme Drive Barbwire x Summit
Land Run 734 RRNNFF 1st Early February Ewe Lamb
National Junior Show
Mythical x Grey Goose Semen Available
Brenna won the Yearling Ewe Futurity with Frannie
Special Thanks
National Junior Show Mythical x Summit
3D Sheep Company for purchasing ½ interest in Frankenstein
WT for all his show help at Louisville
We will be bringing 8-10 sheep to the Ohio Showcase Sale!
Brenna Hubbard
354636 E 750 Rd, Cushing, OK 74023
Aaron’s cell (918) 225-9743
Ewe Lamb with Fritz 2309
Other NAILE Results:
2nd Place Early Buck Jr and Open Fritz 2310
2nd Jr, 4th Open Early Feb Ewe Lamb Fritz 2313
Shown by Skilar Burch
3rd Open Jan Ewe Lamb Fritz 2312
Shown by Emma Peters
Yearling Ewe with Fritz 2201
3rd at NAILE Jr Show
Nov. 11, 2023 at NAILE and via Zoom Link
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by President Rick Adams. Also present were Ashley Fuss, Caleb Fritz, Bill Bryant, Mike Elsbury, Rick Whiting, Mandy Curtiss, Charlotte Stephenson, Jon Nicholson, Jim Gruenhagen, Danny Rogers, Jared Poynter and Secretary Becky Peterson. Not present were Jason Heeg (currently judging junior show), Adam Moore and Mary Anne Keck.
The secretary’s report of minutes of May
7 meeting was sent with meeting materials. There were no additions or corrections. Bill Bryant moved to accept report with a second from Mike Elsbury. Motion passed; report accepted.
Financial report as of October 31, 2023 was also distributed earlier. Total assets showed $62,410.20. Net income shows $3138.26. Becky noted that this report does not include the income or expense of the October Voice. She touched on some line items and noted that the rest of the year is expensive and projects a negative bottom line at the end of the year. Jim Gruenhagen moved to accept the financial report with a second form Danny Rogers. Motion passed.
Executive & Bylaws – Jim Gruenhagen noted that 2024 will be the last year of the term adjustment and there will be six board seats to elect. 2025 will follow with the five seat election following the bylaws. Becky asked for signing of the Conflict of Interest forms. Becky will email forms to those not present.
Budget & Finance – Hopefully they can meet prior to the January board meeting. Ashley Fuss asked to leave Hall of Fame expense in the budget even though she has been providing the awards.
Voice & Promotion – Committee did not meet to discuss the possibility of two issues per year so will continue to produce three.
DNA/Dwarf – Rick Whiting reported that six animals were sampled at the AAJS and one animal was tested as FD. Further sampling will take place at the NAILE junior and open shows. Rick asked for a helper to help keep track of animals to be sampled. It is important to make sure the “no FD” rule at sales is understood. Becky to send a certified letter to sale committees to make sure that happens.
Judging Committee – Jon Nicholson reported that there were only four nominations according to the method decided on earlier in the year. The committee approved all and the paid adult members present at the Annual Meeting and online will vote to narrow down to three nominees and a second vote taken to
rank them in order.
Royalty – Charlotte Stephenson stated that the 2023 Bo Peep and Queen are both present and are available to help out with the shows.
Junior Activity – Sandy Kovacs had a very successful fundraiser online sale in May and raised over $1600 for the junior association. She has arranged to have T-shirts for each NAILE Junior Exhibitor.
Futurity – Becky reported 56 yearling ewes nominated, 28 junior purchased and 13 tracked, $1120 available. 132 ewe lambs nominated with 60 junior purchased and 16 tracked, $2640 available. Unused premiums will go toward the Starter Flock. Rick Whiting said he would help as a buckle sponsor for 2024. There is a question about the exhibitor age limits, discussion followed, decided to send to committee to try to match show rules. Committee to come to January meeting with proposal.
Starter Flock – Mike Elsbury asked if incomplete applications can be eliminated. More applications are needed. Invite previous applicants to reapply. Share application to state extension services and FFA.
Competition – Leg/belly wool, Mike Elsbury has a poster for ringside during NAILE shows. The rule will be added to the bottom. Rick Adams and one other person will be at the gate to look at entries.
Hall of Fame – Ashley Fuss has provided and sponsored awards but asked that the line item be left in the budget. The frames have cost about $35 for two. Send email blast with application deadline of 1/31/24. Recognition will take place at the Ohio Sale as 2023. It would be nice to have regional events where regional breeders can be honored.
2024 National Sale – Both Indiana Premier (Mike Elsbury) and Ohio Showcase (Bill Bryant) have requested National Sale. Discussion followed. Eleven members present voted as follows: six for Ohio, five for Indiana. The National Sale will be at the Ohio Showcase in Greenville May 11-13. Mike Elsbury then moved to have National Sale at Indiana Premier on alternating years. Bill Bryant second-
ed. Roll call vote taken. Motion passed with six in favor. Indiana will host during the odd years starting in 2025.
Election of Directors – The following directors have terms expiring in 2023 and have been nominated by their region group: Mandy Curtiss (three-year NE/NY), Mike Elsbury (three-year IN) Danny Rogers (one-year IN), and Bill Bryant (three-year OH). PA/SO region has no group so nominations for a one-year term and three-year term must come from the floor at the subsequent Annual Meeting.
Committee Assignments – Mike Elsbury would like not to chair the Competition Committee. Rick Adams asked for input for the other committees for 2024.
Election of Officers – Bill Bryant nominated Rick Adams as president. Rick Whiting moved to close nominations. Motion passed. President will be Rick Adams. Bill Bryant nominated Mike Elsbury as Vice President. Caleb Fritz nominated Adam Moore. Bill moved to close nominations. Voice vote was taken from members present. Majority voted for Mike Elsbury as Vice President.
Bill Bryant said that the Ohio members are suggesting a survey to measure the confidence of the Shropshire extended pedigrees. He is interested in investigating genetic profiles. Discussion followed regarding different goals and methods. Thought to start with futurity ewe lambs and eventually match them up with sires. Mandy Curtiss moved to assign the Competition Committee to collect information. Mike Elsbury seconded. Motion passed.Also thought to bring this up at the Annual Meeting and see if there is interest to pursue it.
Ashley Fuss asked for ASRA endorsement of a 2024 Maryland Regional Show at Maryland State Fair over Labor Day weekend.
Secretary’s review – Becky was asked to leave the meeting. Discussion followed. Board suggested more timely communication and a salary increase of $500 to $16,500 for 2024.
Next meeting – via Zoom, Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024 at 8 p.m. EST. Move to adjourn at 12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson, Secretary
Nov. 11, 2023 at NAILE & via Zoom
Those attending were member-verified and received minutes, reports and colored voting cards at the door. A light meal was available to attendees. President Rick Adams called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Present on Zoom were Jim Gruenhagen, Danny Rogers, Jon Nicholson, Holly Williams, Elise Cory and Steve Elsbury. Rick Adams introduced the board members present.
After reading the 2022 Annual Meeting minutes, Ashley Fuss moved to accept them as printed with a second from Mark McCabe. Report accepted.
Becky presented the financial report as of October 31, 2023. The balance sheet showed $62,410.20 and a net income of $3,138.26 but noted that the next two months are mostly outgo and expects a negative balance. She did go down through the report with a little more detailed explanation. The final 2023 report
will be published in the February Voice.
Office statistics showed 1903 registrations, 931 transfers, 144 junior memberships, 148 returning senior memberships and 18 new senior members. There were no questions from the floor. Bill Bryant moved to accept the report with a second from Mike Fox. Report accepted.
Dwarf Gene Policy – Rick Whiting reported. This year there are sample collections at three shows including the two upcoming shows at NAILE. The Champion and Reserve Rams and Ewes, as well as five random placings, will be done at both shows, as well as the two futurity winners. Samples sent to Gene Check for dwarf gene only. Results to be confidential this year and next. Rick is looking into another collection method that might be easier on the sheep.
Futurity – Caleb Fritz reported that there were 132 ewe lambs and 56 yearling ewes nominated in 2023. The contest wraps up tomorrow at the National Junior Show. Brad
February 2024
Slutz raised the question from the floor regarding the reason to make the AAJS no longer being a double point show. Rick and Caleb said that the NAILE show was the most important show and that not all exhibitors are able to go to the AAJS.
Junior Activities – Sandy Kovacs reported that the Junior Association held an online sale in May and raised over $1600 on donated sheep, semen, items and services. Thank you to those donors. The association purchased Tshirts for the junior exhibitors here at NAILE. Sandy hopes to have a junior Zoom meeting later this year.
Breed Standards – Adam Moore was not present. Rick Adams reported that the committee was charged with reviewing current standards and created a booklet “Shropshire Judging Guidelines” and distributed it with the October Voice. This will also be sent to any people nominated to judge the national show and is available on request. Discussion followed regarding the weight of “size” and “breed character” within the point scale.
National Sale 2024 – A vote had been taken at the board meeting for the 2024 sale to be the Ohio Showcase in May and that 2025 will be held at the Indiana Premier and the locations will be alternated after that.
National Show Judge Selection – Jon Nicholson explained the new process for judge selection established in May 2023. Any junior or senior member could nominate one person. Each nominee was to provide a bio and photo and then presented to the annual membership to vote in two rounds. The four nominees for 2024 are Jeff Held, Richard Jacobsen, Austin Brockmann and Mike Elsbury. Attendees voted by paper ballot and Zoom attendees used the poll method. First round votes as follows: Held 5, Jacobsen 4, Brockmann 6 and Elsbury 14. The top three were ranked in a second round of voting with the following result: Brockmann 6, Elsbury 9 and Held 9 (tied). A third vote was taken of the tied nominees ending with Held 13 and Elsbury 9. Becky will submit the ranked list to NAILE in the following order: #1 Jeff Held, #2
Mike Elsbury and #3 Austin Brockmann. Becky noted that Zoom poll function didn’t work as intended for the second round so voters were asked to submit votes on the “chat” or to text their choice to Becky’s number.
Hall of Fame – Ashley Fuss reported that there were three honorees recognized in 2023 at the Ohio Sale. She would like nominations by Jan 20. 2024. Honorees to be introduced at the National Sale in Ohio in May.The application is on the Shropshire website.
Election of Directors – According to the bylaws, any region with an active association can nominate its own representative. Regions without active associations can accept nominations from the floor at the annual meeting. Terms are as stated in the vote taken in 2022 to reorganize the terms to fit the Bylaw schedule. That said, the Ohio Shropshire Association nominated Bill Bryant. New England/ New York nominated Mandy Curtiss. Indiana region nominated Mike Elsbury to a threeyear term and Danny Rogers to a two-year term. Pennsylvania & South must have nominations from the floor for its two positions, a three-year and a two-year term. Mark McCabe nominated Caleb Fritz for another term. Bill Bryant nominated Ashley Fuss for a second term. Mandy Curtiss moved to close nominations. A written ballot and Zoom chat vote selected Ashley Fuss for the three-year term and Caleb Fritz for the one-year term.
Brad Slutz commented that is time to refresh the website with a new header, etc. He also asked that the ASRA fund an award for the Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe for the National Junior Show here in NAILE. Becky noted that there are embroidered blankets present this year for those awards. Justin Rife commented on instituting term limits for the ASRA Board members. Andy Graves commented on the decreasing quality of Shropshires at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale and requested that more members support this sale. Mike Fox moved to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. with a second from Bill Bryant.
Respectfully Submitted, Becky Peterson, ASAR Secretary
The Publisher has a tight spring schedule so please have your ads turned in by the deadline.
Welcome to the flock to these new adult members of the ASRA in 2023!
Gary & Gail Jorgensen – KS
Cold Climate Farms – WI
Jason Mazepink – PA
Billy & Heidi Doyle – IL
Cale & Tessa Robertson – IN
Oklahoma Panhandle State University – OK
Don Stanish – IN
Chase Liskai – OH
Emily Sala – CT
Addy, Lainey & Lexi Popp – WI
Diana Majors – TN
Kathryn Heintz – TX
Rachel Olver – PA
Elizabeth Soule – ME
Ashley Scobie – NY
Jessica Bailey – CA
Michele North – MA
William & Rosalin Christensen– IA
Wyatt Graves – MO
Grand Champion Ewe
2023 Freedom Fest Supreme Ram Overall, Champion Ram
2023 Ohio State Fair Grand Champion Ram
2023 Indiana Youth Expo Show Champion Ram
Grand Champion Ewe
2023 NAILE Open Show National Champion Ram Champion Jr Ram, Late Spring Ram Class Winner
2023 NAILE Open Show
Late Yearling Ewe Class Winner
2023 Indiana State Fair Open Show
Late Yearling
Ewe Class Winner
The Flock Starter Program is a project undertaken by the National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association to award a group of Shropshire ewes to a deserving youngster new to the breed. 2024 will mark the 11th year after 80 applications. To apply, you are required to complete an application and submit an essay to the Shropshire office that should include background information about yourself and your interest in sheep. This document should illustrate your goals and intentions with the animals should you win the award. There should also be a budget and one or more letters of recommendation included.
We ask that you type your essay and submit it by March 15. Please include your mailing address and telephone number. All applicants should be between the ages of 8 and 20. This year the ASRA will choose two recipients, one for a $1000 stipend and a second for a $500 amount. Both winners be notified by April 1 and will receive credit vouchers from the ASRA to purchase Shropshire ewes of his or her choice at any of the Shropshire sales in 2024. Winners will be introduced during the National Sale event at the Ohio Showcase Sale in Greenville, Ohio in May. Application information will be available on www.shropshires. org and from the Shropshire office. Please share this information with any young person with interest in sheep beginning a breeding sheep project.
Past winners were:
2014 - Noah Collins, TN
2015 - Justin Weckler, OH
2016 - Ashlynn Reddick, GA
2017 - Kyle Gross, NE
2018 - Layne Lingley, IL
2019 - Lee Ann Martin, TN
2020 - James Bend, IL
2021 - Arabella Knuth, WI
2022 - Zoe Pressel, IN & Lyla Engle, PA
2023 - Michaela Haudenschield, OH & Miranda Moneyheffer, IN
To ensure the success of this program, financial contributions are needed for this worthwhile cause. Please contact Secretary Becky Peterson with your support or inquiries. Since its inception, the following have been sponsors for one or more years:
Dave Huston
VIP Shropshires (Jerry Flanders)
Windswept Crest Farm (Petzel Family)
JEM Farm (Mike & Carol Fox)
John Dottenwhy in memory of Jasper Dirlam
Shropshire Voice (Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull)
Ron Evans
Cross Country Shrops (Victoria Kovacs)
ASRA Shropshire Ewe Futurity Fund
Kim & Justin Weckler
Tom Slutz Family
Noah Collins
Rick Whiting
Emily Washburn
JN Dirlam & Sons
Rick Adams
Plainview Farms (Doug, Tammy & Chris Whittaker)
Knepp Shropshires
Schoolhouse Shrops
Alan Bruhin
Chip Hallet
Jim Isler
The Klotz Family
Danny & Cynde Rogers
Mark & Prudie Miller
Erik Mrozinski
Austin & Trent Bechtold
Claudia Snyder
Jim & Donna Gruenhagen
Dennis Avery
Gary Brockmann Family
Stacy Grohmann
Craig & Andrea King
Kyle Gross
Jerry & Robin Pardus
Paul Young Family
Sugar Ridge Ranch
Tim Elsbury
Sand Meadow Farm (Nicholson Family)
Creamer Shrops
Tim & Debbie Barnes
Bill Bryant
Wolford Shrops
Dave Evans
Dennis & Carol Lingley
Jared Poynter
Triple J Farm
Lanes End Farm (Jan Motter)
Isler Shropshires
Kemp Shropshires
Jaedyn & Drake Slutz
Tim & LeeAnn Eizinger
Orchard Valley Farm
Rife Shropshires
Glenn & David High
Mark McCabe
It is important to know that many of the donors in this list have provided funds for multiple years and show obvious support and interest in bringing new people into the breed and we appreciate their enthusiasm!
Reserve National Champion Ram
Sired by Public Enemy
City Limits 23050
Res. Jr. Champion Ewe
National Junior Show
Sired by No Fear
City Limits 23106
City Limits 23046
Res. Jr. Champion Ewe
National Open Show
Sired by No Fear
For the 23rd year, The American Shropshire Registry Association will sponsor a Shropshire ewe lamb and yearling ewe futurity in 2024. The futurity will not only enhance the junior member’s ability to purchase extremely high quality breeding stock, but will also make it more beneficial for the breeders to consign their very best animals.
The rules of the futurity are relatively simple and are outlined below. You can buy a top quality ewe at one of the designated sales that has been nominated for the futurity, exhibit the ewe at the shows you normally attend and then send in your results on the point record form. A junior can add a top quality female to his or her flock, and possibly win back a sizable premium.
The 2024 designated sales will include the following:
Indiana Premier Shropshire Sale, Greenfield, IN Shropshire Showcase, Greenville, Ohio Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, Missouri Online Sales (if they meet the conditions listed in the sale nomination rules.)
To have a new sale designated as a futurity sale, notification must be made in writing to the Board of Directors at least three months in advance of the sale.
1. Entries are open to all ewe lambs born September 1, 2023, thru March 31, 2024, and to all yearling ewes born September 1, 2022, thru May 31, 2023.
2. A nomination fee of $20 is required and payable to The American Shropshire Registry Association. Sale management may deduct nomination fee from sale settlements or consignors will be invoiced from the ASRA office within 30 days after the sale. Any animal not selling but receiving bids will be assessed the nomination fee. Animals that do not receive a bid (no-sale) will not pay the fee. Animals will be nominated for that sale only; nomination will not carry over to another sale.
3. Each ewe must be properly identified, according to the registration certificate. Futurity ewes will be recorded by their scrapie tag numberand paint branded with an F before entering the sale ring. The flock tag number will also be recorded for identifying purposes
4. Each ewe must conform and abide by the rules and regulations of the individual sale to which it is consigned. All normal entry and commission fees will apply.
5. The American Shropshire Registry Association will not be responsible and shall
be held harmless for any disputes and/or disagreements between buyers and sellers.
6. Animals sold privately will not be eligible for nomination.
7. Ewes may be nominated from online sales (if they meet the following conditions)
1. The sale management company agrees to all terms of the ASRA show and sale policy.
2.The sale management company is bonded.
3. Consignor pays direct to ASRA office a $20 nomination fee for each animal that receives a bid
4. The nomination of the animal is indicated for the entire time the sale listing is on the Internet and identified by the scrapie tag number.
5.The consignor sends to the ASRA office a list of all animals nominated with name of the purchaser within 14 days of the sale.
6. Only sales conducted by a management company qualify, if an individual breeder has an online sale.
7. Sales that have five or more ewes nominated can qualify as futurity designated.
8. All registered Shropshire ewes in an online sale must be nominated if any are nominated.
9. Sale management will notify the ASRA office of intent to hold an online sale at least 48 hours before the sale and a list of nominated lambs must be available before the sale starts.
10. Online sale photos must include a face shot which shows a legible scrapie tag number.
11. No animals representing a D within the dwarf gene can be nominated.
Ram Lamb
National Show Ohio Showcase
Thanks to Rick Adams and Mike Fox for purchasing this ram.
Sired by KJB2206 • Dam is CLSF 2179
National Show Ohio Showcase
Thanks to Tahia Ames for purchasing this ewe.
Sired by Kaboom • Grand Dam is Mrozinski Ewe
NAILE Jr. Show
2nd Place Yearling Ewe
All American Jr. Show
Sired by Stone Cold
Indiana State Fair Jr. Show
Thanks to City Limits for selling this ewe to us.
Sired by Kaboom
Each year the ASRA offers two $400 college scholarships to students directly involved with Shropshire sheep and enrolled in an undergraduate program. Students must submit an application, two letters of recommendation and complete transcript by June 1. Two applications were received last June. One recipient was David Thompson of Woodville, Wis., whose summary appeared in the October issue. Read on below for the second winner, Chloe Stonesifer of Lewisberry, Penn.
Chloe is the daughter of Wes and Melissa Stonesifer and is attending Penn State University where she is studying criminology/ pre-law. She graduated from Northern York High School in June of 2021 with a GPA of 3.7. She was an avid FFA and 4-H member serving as secretary for two years and president for three years and was active in community service. She was honored with the Greenhand Award and her Chapter degree. Chloe is on the Dean’s List at Penn State with a spring ’23 GPA of 3.6. At school she acts as an ambassador giving student tours.
Chloe writes:
“Ten years ago I decided to buy my first crossbred sheep and followed that with a Shropshire ewe lamb at the Ohio Classic Sale two years later. This breed has always fascinated me due to the breed character and the great people in the breed. Raising sheep had me grow up a lot faster than the friends around me. Most kids at age 10 had the com-
mon chores like emptying the dishwasher. But no, I had the chore of feeding my lambs and making sure my sheep had fresh water each morning and night. I was okay with taking on this new adventure because of the new opportunities it would bring me.
Who knew one Shropshire sheep could burst into a whole new flock in a few short years. The following year after purchasing my first Shropshire, I went back the Ohio Sale and purchased a January ewe lamb. I showed a yearling and lamb that year across many shows including the All-American Junior Show, North East Youth Show, York Fair, Delaware Expo, Maryland State Fair and Keystone Expo. Also that year, I had participated in Louisville, which was the largest show I’ve been in.These shows have taught me a lot through the years. I now have three Shropshire brood ewes that I AI every year. So far I have had over 15 lambs and now show and sell my own lambs privately and at sales.
I am forever grateful to my involvement with the livestock industry. I would not be the person I am today without it!”
Two $400 awards are offered again this year. The application and information can be found on Shropshires.org. An application with two or more references and a high school or college transcript must be submitted to the Shropshire office by June 1.
Nov. 12 Judge: Jason Heeg
Senior Ram Lamb
1.Kassidy Schakel
2.Brenna Hubbard
3.Vivian Stephenson
4.Lane Falch
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1.Vivian Stephenson –Grand Champion Ram
2.Skilar Burch
3.Brenna Hubbard
4.Kassidy Schakel
5.Kenyon Buckland
6.Abbey Hughes
7.Ross Doyle
8.Rachel Olver
9.Wesson Percival
10.Miranda Moneyheffer
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1.Brenna Hubbard –Res. Champion Ram
2.Kennedy Algire
3.Kassidy Schakel
4.Vivian Stephenson
5.Drake Slutz
6.Jaedyn Slutz
7.Jordyn Leininger
8.Jaedyn Slutz
9.Cora Bartrum
10.Tessa Robertson
11.Olivia Graves
12.Abbey Hughes
13.Kaylee Shenold
Early Yearling Ewe
1.Kenyon Buckland
2.Kassidy Schakel
3.Brenna Hubbard
4.Jaedyn Slutz
5.Vivian Stephenson
6.Kennedy Algire
7.Jaedyn Slutz
8.Drake Slutz
9.Dylan Miller
10.Dylan Miller
11.Kenyon Buckland
12.Lane Falch
13.Brooke Young
14.Abbey Hughes
15.River Lease
16.Abbey Hughes
17.Camden Cory
Late Yearling Ewe
1.Emma Peters – Reserve
Senior Champion Ewe
2.Victoria Kovacs
3.Drake Slutz
4.Chloe Lake
5.Ross Doyle
6.Brenna Hubbard
7.Kassidy Schakel
8.Vivian Stephenson
9.Londyn Andrews
10.Brianna Moeller
11.Kennedy Algire
12.Kennedy Algire
13.Wesson Percival
14.Olivia Graves
15.Dakota Robbins
16.Tenley Cory
Senior Ewe Lamb
1.Kellen Algire - Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Ewe
2.Kassidy Schakel
3.Kenyon Buckland
4.Kassidy Schakel
5.Victoria Kovacs
6.Brenna Hubbard
7.Lane Falch
8.Abby Isler
9.Ross Doyle
10.Ewe Autumn Smiley
11.Tahia Ames
12.Kinley Tenney
13.AnnaMae Metzinger
Early January Ewe Lamb
1.Jaedyn Slutz - Reserve
Junior Champion Ewe
2.Victoria Kovacs
3.Abbey Hughes
4.Victoria Kovacs
5.Landree Street
6.Luke Raudebaugh
7.Taylor Kemp
8.Emma Chandler
9.Alison Roles
10.Ross Doyle
11.Emily Stevens
12.Drake Slutz
13.Ross Doyle
14.Kassidy Schakel
15.Landree Street
16.Autumn Smiley
17.Miranda Moneyheffer
18.Jase Mattox
19.Leila Street
20.Tahia Ames
21.21 Eleanor Feller
22.Dylan Miller
23.Michaela Haudenschield
Late January Ewe Lamb
1.Riggin Klotz
2.Jaedyn Slutz
3.Drake Slutz
4.Kassidy Schakel
5.Miranda Moneyheffer
6.Kenyon Buckland
7.Brooke Young
8.Kennedy Algire
9.Ross Doyle
10.Vivian Stephenson
11.Taylor Kemp
12.Emma Peters
13.Brianna Moeller
14.Michaela Haudenschield
15.Rachel Olver
16.Blake Toneges
17.Kinley Tenney
18.AnnaMae Metzinger
19.Paisley Epple
20.Camden Cory
Early February Ewe Lamb
1.Brenna Hubbard
2.Skilar Burch
3.Kassidy Schakel
4.Jaedyn Slutz
5.Hayze Klotz
6.Kellen Algire
7.Vivian Stephenson
8.Drake Slutz
9.Miranda Moneyheffer
10.Cora Bartrum
11.Lane Falch
12.Dylan Miller
13.Brady Miller
14.Kinley Tenney
15.Wyatt Percival
16.Miranda Moneyheffer
17.Riley Smith
18.Leila Street
19.Lane Falch
20.Liam Peeples
21.Miley Williams
Late February Ewe Lamb
1.Tessa Robertson
2.Luke Raudebaugh
3.Miranda Moneyheffer
4.Drake Slutz
5.Landree Street
6.Kinley Tenney
7.Emily Stevens
8.Kennedy Algire
9.Faith Lehman
10.Kassidy Schakel
11.Kennedy Algire
12.Vivian Stephenson
13.Kameron Kolb
14.Victoria Kovacs
15.Ben Isler
16.Kayden Verhaeghe
17.Emily Stevens
18.Luke Raudebaugh
19.Kenyon Buckland
20. Alivia, Ainsley & Braylon Porter
21.Elijah Scarlett
22.Tenley Cory
23.Camden Cory
24.Elizabeth Lantz
25.Elizabeth Lantz
March Ewe Lamb
1.Brenna HubbardJunior and Grand Champion Ewe
2.Kassidy Schakel
3.Kenyon Buckland
4.Stockton Klotz
5.Cora Bartrum
6.Jaedyn Slutz
7.Seth Ariens
8.Brooklyn Torrone
9.Victoria Kovacs
10.Luke Raudebaugh
11.Miranda Moneyheffer
12.Dylan Miller
13.Vivian Stephenson
14.Kennedy Algire
15.Nash Johnson
16.Michaela Haudenschield
17.Wesson Percival
18.Emma Peters
19.Brenna Hubbard
20.River Lease
21.Kinley Tenney
22.Kinley Tenney
23.Lincoln Oldenburg
24.Lucas Dunn
25.Tenley Cory
Nov. 14 Judge: Matthew Anderson
Yearling Ram
1.Ashley Fuss – Reserve Senior Champion Ram
2.Taylor Kemp
Senior Ram Lamb
1.Kassidy Schakel –Senior Champion Ram
2.Brenna Hubbard
3.Vivian Stephenson
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1.Kassidy Schakel
2.Skilar Burch
3.Brady Clark
4.Brady Clark
5.Jaedyn Slutz
6.Kenyon Buckland
7.Brenna Hubbard
8.Vivian Stephenson
9.Ross Doyle
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1.Kassidy Schakel – Junior & Grand Champion Ram
2.Jaedyn Slutz – Reserve Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Ram
3.Brenna Hubbard
4.Jaedyn Slutz
5.Jaedyn Slutz
6.Brady Clark
7.Brady Clark
8.Jordyn Leininger
9.Tim and Sarah Fleener
10.Ashley Fuss
11.Vivian Stephenson
12.Olivia Graves
13.Robert Sando
14.Kaylee Shenold
Pair Ram Lambs
1.Kassidy Schakel
2.Jaedyn Slutz
3.Brady Clark
4.Vivian Stephenson
Early Yearling Ewe
1.Brady Clark – Senior & Grand Champion Ewe
2.Jaedyn Slutz - Reserve
Senior & Reserve Grand Champion Ewe
3.Jaedyn Slutz
4.Dylan Miller
5.Drake Slutz
6.Dylan Miller
7.Kassidy Schakel
8.Tim and Sarah Fleener
9.Brenna Hubbard
10.Kenyon Buckland
11.Vivian Stephenson
12.Ashley Fuss
13.Kenyon Buckland
14.Camden Cory
Late Yearling Ewe
1.Kassidy Schakel
2.Jaedyn Slutz
3.Brady Clark
4.Brady Clark
5.Londyn Andrews
6.Brenna Hubbard
7.Tim and Sarah Fleener
8.Ross Doyle
9. Olivia Graves
10.Emma Peters
11.Vivian Stephenson
12.Tenley Cory
Pair Yearling Ewes
Verne Hoffman Award
1.Jaedyn Slutz
2.Brady Clark
3.Kassidy Schakel
4.Dylan Miller
5.Kenyon Buckland
6.Vivian Stephenson
Senior Ewe Lamb
1.Brady Clark
2.Brenna Hubbard
3.Tim and Sarah Fleener
4.Brady Clark
5.Kassidy Schakel
6.Kassidy Schakel
7.Kenyon Buckland
8.Ashley Fuss
9.Ross Doyle
Early January Ewe Lamb
1.Brady Clark – Junior Champion Ewe
2.Jaedyn Slutz
3.Dylan Miller
4.Darrell Dockter
5.Luke Raudebaugh
6.Jaedyn Slutz
7.Kassidy Schakel
8.Taylor Kemp
9.Taylor Kemp
10.Ashley Fuss
11.Emma Chandler
12.Ross Doyle
Late January Ewe Lamb
1.Jaedyn Slutz – Reserve
Junior Champion Ewe
2.Brady Clark
3.Emma Peters
4.Jaedyn Slutz
5.Darrell Dockter
6.Kassidy Schakel
7.Kenyon Buckland
8.Vivian Stephenson
9.Ross Doyle
10.Camden Cory
Early February Ewe Lamb
1.Jaedyn Slutz
2.Brady Clark
3.Jaedyn Slutz
4.Skilar Burch
5.Dylan Miller
6.Brenna Hubbard
7.Jaedyn Slutz
8.Brady Clark
9.Kassidy Schakel
10.Vivian Stephenson
Late February Ewe Lamb
1.Jaedyn Slutz
2.Kenyon Buckland
3.Kassidy Schakel
4.Luke Raudebaugh
5. Finegan Porter Livestock
6.Vivian Stephenson
7.Camden Cory
8.Robert Sando
9.Tenley Cory
10.Elizabeth Lantz
11.Elizabeth Lantz
March Ewe Lamb
1.Dylan Miller
2.Tim and Sarah Fleener
3.Brady Clark
4.Brenna Hubbard
5.Jaedyn Slutz
6.Brenna Hubbard
7.Luke Raudebaugh
8.Emma Peters
9.Brady Clark
10.Kassidy Schakel
11.Kenyon Buckland
12.Vivian Stephenson
13.Tenley Cory
Pair Ewe Lambs
1.Jaedyn Slutz
2.Brady Clark
3.Dylan Miller
4.Darrell Dockter
5.Emma Peters
6.Kassidy Schakel
7.Kenyon Buckland
8.Luke Raudebaugh
9.Vivian Stephenson
Group of Three Lambs
Emil Hartzell Award
1.Jaedyn Slutz
2.Brady Clark
3.Kassidy Schakel
4.Dylan Miller
5.Kenyon Buckland
Flock – McKerrow Award
1.Jaedyn Slutz
2.Brady Clark
3.Kenyon Buckland
4.Kassidy Schakel
5.Vivian Stephenson
Premier Exhibitor
Jaedyn Slutz
Nominated by Lee Ann Eizinger
Jasper Dirlam had been raising Shropshire sheep from 1963 until his death in 2020. He was a former director of the American Shropshire Registry representing the state of Indiana for several years. He was a member of the Indiana Shropshire Breeders, the Indiana Sheep Breeders Association and the Morgan County Sheep organization. He oversaw several large sheep shows at the Morgan County Fair, where he was Sheep Superintendent, for over 18 years. Jasper and his flock was named the Premier Breeder at the Indiana State Fair for several years, starting about 1970. Jasper received the Oren A. Wright award and the Master Shepherd award by the Indiana Sheep Breeders Association. He was awarded a lifetime pass by the Indiana State Fair in 2015 for his long time exhibiting Shropshire sheep at
the fair.
Jasper raised high quality Shropshires. He strived to raise sheep that would do well in the showring as well as in the lambing barn. Jasper sold sheep to lots of 4-H’ers and farmers throughout the state of Indiana over the years and advised on how to care for and manage them to make good quality, productive and healthy sheep. Jasper was a true Shepherd of his flock as well as of the people he helped over the years.
He passed away at age 90 on September 17, 2020, at his home in Mooresville, Ind. surrounded by family. Jasper was born on October 20, 1929 to parents Horace and Josephine Dirlam in Bismarck, North Dakota. They lived on a 320 acre farm near Mennoken, North Dakota until a severe drought caused crop devastation. After two years without any harvest, the family packed up and moved to Indiana, settling on a farm in Bowling Green.
Jasper attended Patrickburg High School,
where he was a talented basketball player and class officer, graduating in 1947. Most importantly, this is where Jasper met Ruth Hauser. They were wed on June 3, 1950 and were happily married for 61 years until Ruth’s passing on October 29, 2011.
After high school, Jasper attended Butler University and then Indiana State University, where he transferred to be closer to Ruth who was enrolled at Indiana State Teacher’s College. A Korean War veteran, Jasper served for two years in the U.S. Army as a paratrooper in the 508th Airborne Company. Jasper proudly worked for GM Allison Transmission for 40 years. During his tenure, he held numerous responsible positions in Material Control until he retired in 1989 as a supervisor with the department.
Jasper loved raising Shropshire sheep and did so for over 60 years. In addition to showing at local, state, and national shows, he served as a Director for the American Shropshire Registry, a Director for the Board of Animal Health of the State of Indiana, and a Superintendent of the Morgan County Fair Sheep Barn. He was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Oren A. Wright Award for outstanding service to the Indiana Sheep industry, and more recently, the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015 at the Indiana State Fair awarding him a lifetime pass to the fair.
In 2016, Jasper was selected for the Honor Flight honoring his military service. He was a member of the Morgan County Democratic Committee and the American Legion of Coal City. Jasper also had a great love for border collies and always had one riding alongside him in his truck. Jasper was passionate about IU basketball and had season tickets for decades. Jasper was an incredibly caring and generous man; he donated to many causes and charities; he always bought raffle tickets for local fundraisers; and he gave to his church, St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church. He also loved to travel and spent much of his time exploring with Ruth and their cherished companions, Jasper’s brother, Jim and sister-in-law Norma.
Jasper loved his family. He and Ruth had two beloved sons, John and Mark, and two grand-
children that they adored, Lindsay and Matt. He never missed a track meet, a basketball game, or any other event involving his family.
Jasper never met a stranger and was a gifted conversationalist. At his core, he loved supporting his family, his friends, his neighbors, and those he met through his passion for raising sheep. He truly left an impression on everyone he met and will be remembered for his kind heart, his giving spirit, and his easygoing nature.
From 1995 but still true today…
In the next couple months, young people will be selecting sheep to begin this year’s youth sheep projects. All of us that touch the lives of these young people must keep in mind the intent and purpose of these projects and the impact they have on young people. The development of today’s youth through livestock projects is important to many families. The reactions, remarks, and ethics that we as adults convey to young people, can influence them for the rest of their lives.
Before starting this year’s livestock project, please sit down with your child and develop goals for the coming year. It is import that the goals include sportsmanship, work ethics, honesty and fun. When the livestock project or attending shows ceases to be enjoyable for the young person, it is time to re-evaluate the purpose of the project.
We are all in the “kid business” of helping to properly develop today’s youth. Let’s all do it in a constructive and honest way.
The following short story is written to make all of us think before we act. The story was written as fiction – let’s all work to keep it fictional.
Thank you and good luck with this year’s
projects, and let’s all have fun.
When Tommy was 8 years old his father registered a lamb born December 24, as being born on January 2. His father said to Tommy, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 9 years old, his father bred the family’s flock of purebred ewes with a ram of another breed and registered the lambs as purebreds. His father said to Tommy, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 10 years old, his 4-H leader and county agent tagged and weighed newly purchased lambs a month after the ownership deadline. They both told him, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 11 years old, his parents bought him a registered ewe lamb to show at the county fair and changed the ear tag to their own flock tag. His parents said, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 12 years old, his grandparents bought him a show lamb and left it with the breeder who fed and fit the lamb until the day before the county fair. The breeder and his grandparents said, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 13 years old, his veterinarian issued health papers for sheep he never inspected and that had foot rot and lamb fungus. He said, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 14 years old, his neighbor used an electric animal prod on his lambs to get them to brace. He told Tommy, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 15 years old and after winning the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the county fair, he saw his dad having a beer with the judge and paying the judge $200 for making his son’s lamb champion. The judge and his father said, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 16 years old, his FFA advisor falsified the numbers on Tommy’s winning sheep proficiency award entry. His advisor said, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 17 years old, his uncle
used Lasix on his market lamb at the state fair to make it weigh into a lighter class. The uncle told Tommy, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy turned 18 years old, his older brother pumped the loin of his lamb at a national sheep show. His brother said, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 19 years old, his entire family was aware of the clenbuterol being given to his market lambs. They told him, “It’s O.K. kid, everybody does it.”
When Tommy was 20 years old, a friend offered him some cocaine. His friend said,
“It’s O.K., everybody does it.”
When Tommy was arrested later that night for using cocaine and called his family to ask them to bail him out of jail, they told him, “How could you have done this disgraceful act to your family, you never learned any of this at home, where did you go wrong?” After hearing of his arrest,Tommy’s 4-H leader, FFA advisor, grandparents, uncle, veterinarian, and neighbors were also shocked.
If there is one thing the adult world can’t stand, it’s a kid that breaks the rules….
By: Larry MrozinskiJanuary 14, 1995
The ASRA would like to recognize young girls or boys in 2024 for promoting Shropshires at sheep and agricultural event. Award categories are Bo Peep or Boy Blue, age 5-10; Princess or Prince, age 11-16; and Queen or Ambassador, age 17-21. Introduction of recipients will take place at the Ohio Showcase (National Shropshire Sale) in Greenville, Ohio in May. Applications are due on March 15 and can be found on www.shropshires.org.
Executive &
By Laws
Rick Adams – President
Mike Elsbury – V. Pres.
Jim Gruenhagen –Past President
Becky Peterson – Sec.
Budget & Finance
Jim Gruenhagen– Ch
Ashley Fuss
Becky Peterson
Voice, Promotion
Charlotte Stephenson –Chair
Mary Ann Keck
Rinda Maddox
Danny Rogers
Becky Peterson
Caleb Fritz – Chair
Danny Rogers
Jason Heeg
Rick Whiting
Mark McCabe
Starter Flock
Mike Elsbury – Chair
Mandy Curtiss
Jared Poynter
Rick Whiting
Jon Nicholson
Bill Bryant – Chair
Rick Whiting
Jon Nicholson
Mike Elsbury
Shropshire Royalty
Charlotte Stephenson–Ch
Ashley Fuss
Robin Pardus
Sandy Kovacs – Chair
MaryAnn Keck
Mandy Curtiss
Caleb Fritz
Taylor Jones
Rick Adams
Jon Nicholson–Chair
Jason Heeg
MaryAnn Keck
Jared Poynter
Bill Bryant
Hall of Fame
Ashley Fuss – Chair
Mandy Curtiss
Mike Elsbury
Jim Gruenhagen
Rick Whiting – Chair
Caleb Fritz
Bill Bryant
Jon Nicholson
Jim Gruenhagen
Breed Standards
Rick Adams – Chair
Danny Rogers
Jon Nicholson
Ashley Fuss
Rick Whiting
Jared Poynter
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on shropshires.org.
Adams Shropshires
10828 W 1000 S Rd
Bonfield, IL 60913
Cell: (815) 228-2903
Anderson Farms
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN
Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503
Facebook.com/AndersonFarms www.anderson-farms.com
Askelsen Croft
Colin Askelsen 1434 C Ave.
Ogden, IA 50212 515-490-3439
Averill, David Village Farm
115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires
151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988
Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415
Barnes, Shane & Kim. SKB Shropshires
1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673
Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms
5707 Mooney Road
Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125
Cell: (740) 815-2402
Brown, Rob & Ron Clay-Nob Farms
17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 (814) 431-8133
Bryant, Bill Jr
6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053
Calvert Farm
Christine Sanders
735 N Perry Hwy Mercer, PA 16137 (724) 974-8208
Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up
1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) 465-0565
Dirlam, John & Matt
11646 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 443-2901
Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co
19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428
Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174
Cell: (785) 458-9174 ebertsheepfarm@gmail.com www.ebertsheepfarm.com
Edmondson, Andy Lazy E Ranch
4456 Fruitland Rd Loma Rica, CA 95901 (541)281-2311 sheep00@live.com
Elsbury, David, Colleen & Logan, Kaylee 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 435-0628
Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires
5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461
elsburyfamily@aol.com www.elsburyfarms.com
Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm
W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI 53001 262-483-4668
Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610
Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders
1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 317-508-4738
vipdvm2355@gmail.com www.vipclublambs.com
February 2024
Fleener, Tim & Sarah
273 South Mountain Rd. Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181
Fritz, Caleb
104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) 653-0867
Fuss, Ashley
Greenbrier Acres 12737 Woodsboro Pike
Keymar, MD 21757 (240) 405-9383
Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops
994 Step Rd
Gilson, IL 61436
Cell: (309) 371-4260
Farm: (309) 876-2364
Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS Shrops
7622 Jersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730
Hardisky, Denise
Southern Tier Shropshires
254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) 687-7967
Heaton Farms
Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118
Hiemke, Cody
Mapleton Mynd Shropshires
1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035 cjhiemke@gmail.com
High Life Farms
David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907
Hubbard, Brenna Land Run Shrops
354636 E 750 Rd Cushing, OK 74023 (918) 225-9743
J&R Farm
Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28
Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057
Johnson, Bob & Karen RoKaJo Farm
569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452
Mary Anne Keck
Kalina Family
Sue and Bessie Kalina 35586 Oakville RD SW
Albany, OR 97321 (503) 939-0303
Kemp, Taylor
Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm
31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121
King, Craig & Andrea Weston King
Peiter Shrops
860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (660) 651-2032 ttwclove@gmail.com
Kipp, James & Terri
Grey Feather Farm
E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) 255-8300
info@greyfeatherfarm.com www.greyfeatherfarm.com
Knepp, Don
Knepp Shropshires
128 Old Barrington Rd
North Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 846-6354
Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria
Cross Country Shropshires
239 Cunard St. Fulton, OH 43321 (740) 751-3183
LaFramboise, Andy, Rebekah & Elizabeth
LaFramboise Livestock 16481 Unicorn Rd. Stark City, MO 64866 (503) 580-7430
Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm
3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 302-233-8912
Larson Livestock
Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) 790-1671
Liskai, Chase
Bedrock Acres
7290 W US Highway 6 Gibsonburg, OH 43431 414-340-7957
McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires
5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103
Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473
Miller, Bryan
15525 A Motter Station Rd Rocky Ridge, MD 21778 (301) 514-7955
Moore, Adam
MoBo Junction Farms 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546 660-676-2825
Motter, Jan
Lane’s End Farm
12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078
Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 Cell: (219) 716-4921
Nicholson Family
Sand Meadow Farm 92 Frog Hollow Rd Ellington, CT 06029 (860) 490-7238
sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com facebook.com/sandmeadow
February 2024
Pence Farms
1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883
Mike: (419) 992-4305
Doug: (419) 986-5848
Jay: (419) 992-4701
Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires
961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 374-3371
schoolhousshrops@aol.com schoolhouseshropshires.com
Petzel, Debbie
Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave
Centuria, WI 45824 (612) 578-1528 dspetzel@gmail.com
Powell, Doris 40405 Route 187 Rome, PA 18837 (570) 247-7316
Reason, Sandra M.
High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box 3819
Tonopah, NV 89049 (775) 482-4191
Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms
29754 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, OK 73093
Cell: (405) 314-3370
Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm
2435 W. McCracken Road Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301
Cell: (317) 358-3260
Rueber, Carol & Aimee
Rueber Shropshires
2530 280th St
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Carol: (319) 231-7626
Aimee: (319) 230-9739 aimeer_@hotmail.com
Shrum, Lori and Darron
New Horizons Farm
31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660)651-8881
Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm
P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330
Tom: (815) 866-5031
Brad: (815) 766-0584
tcslutz@gmail.com www.citylimitssheepfarm.com
Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave.
Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784
Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch E8977 Pierce Hill Rd.
Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151
sugarridgeranch@frontiernet.net www.sugarridgeranch.com
Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires
4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036
Mitch: (317) 606-5234
Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988
Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box 319 Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 873-4005
Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608
Weidauer, Greg
Rafter W Shropshires
17624 340th Ave
Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) 424-2543
Whiting, Rick
BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603