May 2023 Shropshire Voice

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May 2023
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Open Show
Charlotte & Vivian StephenSon
Ridge Ranch

Same Name, Different Design.


Page 2 Shropshire Voice
for our consignments in Ohio!
added more balance, depth of body, and dimension this year!

~ The ShropShire Voice ~ T

Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association

Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association


Rick Adams (2024) 10828 W 1000 S Rd., Bonfield, IL 6091


Adam Moore (2024)

27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546

Bill Bryant Jr (2023) PO Box 136 Fredericktown, OH 43019

Mandy Curtiss (2023)

1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011

Mike Elsbury (2023) 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140

Caleb Fritz (2023) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313

Ashley Fuss (2023) 12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757

Jim Gruenhagen (2024) 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807

Jason Heeg (2025) Po Box 217 Shepherd, MT 59079-0217

Mary Anne Keck (2025) 665 Niangua Rd. Niangua, MO 65713

Jon Nicholson (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074

Jared Poynter (2025) 8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151

Danny Rogers (2023) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157

Charlotte Stephenson (2025) E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665

Rick Whiting (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146

Page 1 May 2023
Issue 2 May 2023
Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October
Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher


American Shropshire Registry Association

All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit

Shropshire Voice Advertising Rates

Rates effective since February 1, 2010

Full Page $125

Half Page ...................................... $75 Quarter Page................................. $50

Front Cover Full Color............... $325 Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250 Inside Page Full Color $250 Center Two Page Spread ............ $375

Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10 Full Color added to any ad $125 Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site $225

Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30

Add your website link $20


ASRA Office Hours:

Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST

Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST

Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.

Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association

Becky Peterson, Secretary

41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337

Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652

Shropshire Voice & Website

If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shropshire website,, contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.

Rinda Maddox

P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876


(217) 288-9365 (office)

(217) 474-9365 (cell)


Voice Advertising Manager

(217) 474-9365

P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876

“The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.”

Junior Activities

For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:

Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President

913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle, TN 37020

Page 2 Shropshire
February Voice .............. Jan. 15 May Voice March 15
Voice ................


Hello everyone, welcome to spring, sale and show season. If you haven’t already done so, get out to see the Shropshire offerings at the sales.

The board has been busy working on several new things. We have formed three new committees: the Judging Committee is tasked with changing how we go about recommending and selecting judges for our biggest shows. They have met and will present a recommendation that we will discuss at our board meeting in May. Look for those changes to be published on the webpage and on Facebook.

The DNA Committee has been working on how to handle the use of DNA to help guide our breed. A decision has been made on how to handle the dwarf gene.The results of the survey had a big impact on how we made these decisions. I’d like to thank everyone that took part in the survey and shared their opinions.The re-

National Banquet

Darke County Fairgrounds

Greenville, Ohio

Friday, May 12 6:00pm on the fairgrounds

$15 per ticket

sults of the survey and the boards actions are discussed in an article in this magazine.

The Breed Standards Committee has met and will have new recommendations for our board to discuss in May.

We are also working on a brochure that details breed character from good to bad with an array of pictures. We want to use this and the improved breed standards together as a way to guide us into the future.

Our breed continues to offer a lot of opportunity for the youth of our organization. Please use all these opportunities to help guide our kids to adulthood and a successful show season.

If you ever want to talk

about the things the board is working on or other issues that need to be addressed, give me or your director a call. I always look forward to talking to you. Enjoy your show season.

2023 Hall of Fame

Three new Hall of Fame nominations will be inducted to the 2023 class in May. We are honored to announce the second class of inductees to be presented at the National Sale dinner on April 12 in Greenville, Ohio.

Congratulations to the family of Lowell Douce (deceased), the family of Max Bryant (deceased), and the family of Glenn High (deceased).

Read about these Shropshire breeders on the Hall of Fame page of and in future issues of the Shropshire Voice. Applications will be accepted through December 31 for the 2024 class and are available on the website as well.

Page 3 May 2023
Rick Adams, 10 years old with his Reserve Grand Wether at Kankakee County Fair, 1969.


G’day Shropshire World! I hope all is well with you and your flocks and that you have a barn full of nice Shropshire lambs! Things are good enough here, though I am currently working under generator power due to late winter snow storm Sage dumping 20+ inches on us three days ago on March 14.The damage to our little town’s electrical lines was severe and the snow so heavy that the plow trucks had trouble getting through. It is amazing how much we have come to depend on the flip of a switch to function in our daily lives and that we are frozen in place when it is all out of commission.

Enough said about that, let’s move forward.

The various committees have been working hard already developing policies and materials to help the breed move forward through some of the discrepancies of the past year.The DNA Committee has a policy in place to deal with the dwarf gene. The Breed Standards Committee will have a flyer out by the Ohio Sale in May to help educate our breeders and judges about the Shropshire breed character. The Judging Committee has a judge selection process in development.The Junior Activities Committee is working on an online sale for the program fundraisers, hopefully taking place by the time this book reaches you.

Three new Hall of Fame Inductees have been chosen, all from Ohio. Max Bryant, Lowell Douce and Glen and Joan High will be honored during the Ohio Showcase Sale supper on May 12 in Greenville. We think back to the folks involved in the breeding of the Shropshire and I believe we have only just begun to acknowledge their hard work.

New Royalty kids, as well as the Starter Flock winners, will be introduced at the same time. So all is moving forward and we are looking forward to another great year showing, selling and promoting your Shropshires.

It has been said that behind every great man is a greater woman. We are saddened at the loss of two wonderful ladies in the past few weeks. Connie Slutz, wife of former ASRA board member Tom Slutz, passed away on Feb. 10. More recently on March 12, we lost Karen Johnson who was the wife of former board member and ASRA past president, Bob Johnson. Our hearts go out to their families as they learn to cope with the loss of their loved ones.

Shropshire registration applications are now arriving almost daily again and soon the mail box will be full. As always I encourage breeders not to wait until the last minute to send in their work. Work orders are always done in the order in which they are received. My mind reading skills aren’t what they used to so please tell me when you need your papers in hand so that everyone’s work gets done. Please double check your sires, dams and birthdates so that there will be minimal confusion when your work comes to the top of the stack. I am going to make big efforts to keep turn-around time to three to four days, if possible. And then, of course, there is the mail time so I will do the best I can to help you.

I am sure the spring sales, both live and online, will be well attended. I look forward to seeing good sheep and good people at the National Sale in May and along the way through the summer.

Page 4 Shropshire Voice
Your sponsorship is always needed for the Starter Flock Fund & All-American Jr. Show Shropshire classes.
Thank you for your generosity!

Shropshire National Show & Sale

May 11-13, 2023

Darke County Fairgrounds, Greenville, Ohio 800 Sweitzer St, Greenville

2022 OHIO SHOWCASE SHROPSHIRE SALE AVERAGED $1,093.37 ON 83 HEAD! Entries close March 25!


CATTLE PAVILION, 8 A.M. Southdowns, Shropshires, Suffolks, Hampshires, Oxfords, Dorpers/White Dorpers


CATTLE PAVILION, 9 A.M. Breed order same as Show


Gary Saylor

Danny Westlake

Bill MacCauley


Gary: 937-597-7214 –

Pat: 937-935-1975 –

Jim: 937-658-3119 –

Dan: 937-243-5111 –

Page 5 May 2023
Champion ram consigned by City Limits Sheep Farm, IL sold to Tahia Ames, OH for $2,750 Champion ewe consigned by R&A Shropshires, IL sold to Drake Slutz, IL for $3,000
P.O. Box 25, Rushsylvania,
OH 43347
Online Entries are available
Page 6 Shropshire Voice Jon, Charlotte & Vivian StephenSon Viroqua, WI 54665 608-637-6474 (H) 608-774-3151 (C) 608-208-2527 (C) Sugar Ridge Ranch Thank you to all our 2023 customers! We wish you success with our genetics in the ring & in the barn.  Congratulations to Haydan Lowrey on winning the 2022 Futurity with her Sugar Ridge yearling ewe!  Sugar Ridge Newsworthy rRNNFF Semen now available at RSG, Lebanon, IN. Contact us for pricing.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 29, 2023 via Zoom

President Rick Adams called the meeting to order at 8:01 p.m. Present were Danny Rogers, Adam Moore, Bill Bryant, Jim Gruenhagen, Caleb Fritz, Jason Heeg,Ashley Fuss, Rick Whiting, Jared Poynter, Mary Anne Keck, Charlotte Stephenson, Mike Elsbury and Mandy Curtiss. Jon Nicholson was unable to attend.

Secretary’s Report - The minutes of the November BOD meeting minutes were previously distributed. There were no additions or corrections. Jim Gruenhagen moved to accept with a second from Danny Rogers. Report accepted.

Treasurer’s Report - The end of 2022 financial report also was sent by email. Becky noted that the report had omitted the December interest from the three CD’s.The P&L showed a net loss of $905.33 for 2022 and a total asset of $59,009.01. Jared Poynter moved to accept

with a second from Bill Bryant. Report accepted.

Committee Reports

Finance– Adam Moore reported that the committee had gone over the projections for 2023 to allow for the expenditures of the various programs and committee activities. There are plans for an online fundraiser for some of the junior awards. There had also been previous discussion regarding a percentage from any national sale to help support the scholarship fund but so far it is not in place. Becky noted that the computer has not been purchased yet but the old Stars of Louisville income is available for capital expenses so it should be covered. The proposed expense is $57,240.08, income $56,086.51 for a net loss of $1,153.57. These figures can be adjusted through this meeting as committees make requests. Final report will be brought out at the May meeting.

Voice & Promotion– Danny Rogers–ASRA currently has a full page ad in the Banner in January. The committee would like to do multiple smaller ads instead.

Royalty – Committee is in place. Presentations will be made in Ohio. Not sure what part of the committee can be present.

Junior Activities – Taylor Young and Sandy Kovacs are working on an online auction for some of the junior award sponsorships. Neither was present to discuss.

Futurity – Caleb Fritz reported that the Futurity Committee had updated the rules according to the board recommendation from November. No DD or FD ewes can be nominated. Only one point card per day per judge can be submitted. Entire rule document will be printed in the February Voice.

Starter Flock – Mike Elsbury – The application is on the website and will be emailed to the list. Deadline is March 15.

Competition Committee – most of the subject matter has been diverted for other committees.

Breed Standards – Adam Moore reported that the committee has met and went through the current Judging Standards document. The recommendation that “General Appearance”

Page 7 May 2023
The Weidauer Family Greg, Liz, Colin & Sara (320) 424-2543

will be moved into the Priority of Judging list as #4 ahead of size. Other verbiage suggestions will be ready as a first draft by April before the next meeting so that the Judging Committee can make suggestions for education.

Hall of Fame – Ashley Fuss stated that there are three nominations in 2023 and that her committee will be meeting soon.

Judging Committee – will meet soon to make recommendations on judge education and selection.

DNA Committee – Rick Whiting reported on the earlier dwarf gene survey. 522 had been sent to email contact list and 34 were mailed. 66 surveys and several pages of member comments were returned with all regions reporting. Becky had assembled the results to be 94% of those responding did not want to see the dwarf gene as part of the Shropshire breed and that roughly 66 percent wanted to see some sort of genetic testing done.The sixperson committee reviewed the surveys and comments and made the following suggestions:

1. To continue with the BOD previous ruling of November 2022 that no dwarf gene will

be allowed to sell at 2023 sales.

2. To conduct testing in 2023 and 2024 of champions and reserves at named shows only for the purpose of determining the presence of the gene in the breed. No individual results will be published and no penalties will be placed. Results will be shared with the owner only. Shows involved will be NAILE (open, junior and futurity winners), AAJS and one to four other shows that receive ASRA funding.

3. To conduct testing in 2025 with penalties to be determined. DNA Committee will develop this to present a draft at the next BOD meeting.

Testing costs were discussed. Contact has been made with the two major testing labs. GeneCheck has offered to do the scheduled show testing at no charge to the ASRA other than the tags and shipping and will likely offer testing deals to members.

Rick Adams asked, based on some comments received, whether the BOD has the ability to administer this policy. Jim Gruenhagen stated that the ByLaws allow the BOD to make any policy for the breed.

Page 8 Shropshire Voice
Rick Whiting 1779 Green Rd., Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603 Visit our pens at the Ohio Showcase Sale!

Bill Bryant moved that the BOD proceed with #2 and #3 above with a second from Caleb Fritz. A roll call vote was taken of the members present with a unanimous decision of 13 in favor of the recommendation. Motion passed. The committee will proceed to develop the method for testing and determining penalties. Becky was instructed to send the minutes ASAP and when approved, make an announcement via email blast, webpage and FaceBook page and will include survey results.

Old Business

Judge Nominations – Becky had compiled the nominations for NAILE 2024 Open Show judges as follows: Matthew Anderson 10, Tim Gatsby 2, (Matt Martin, Bill Webster, Craig Beckmeier, Jeff Ebert, Mark Johnson, John Mrozinski, Richard Jacobson, Eric Bruns, Tim Barnes, Aaron Crome, Tom Buckham, Brad Angus, DJ Kyle, Joel Parker and Alex Wolfe all received one nomination). ASRA needs to submit three names. Jared Poynter moved to submit the Matthew Anderson and Tim Gatsby in that order and to add Mark Johnson as the third choice. Mary Anne Keck seconded. No further discussion. Motion passed. Becky will submit them in that order

National Sale – Jim Gruenhagen said he would purchase the banners for the champions and reserves and be reimbursed as before.

Website auction has previously been held at sale as silent auction the last two years. Rick Whiting suggested that this be added to the online auction that the junior association is planning. Sandy Kovacs and Taylor Young and committee will work on this. The Ohio Association is planning a meal on the grounds on Friday evening. Hall of Fame and other presentations will be held during this dinner.

Breed Character – Rick Adams has started a Power Point presentation showing the different expressions of current Shropshire breed character as an educational tool. Rinda has agreed to set up and print and quoted the following for full color: $100 for set up and then $208 for 50 copies, $343 for 100 copies. Production cost would be a little less for black and white. Discussion followed. Rick Whiting suggested including the Breed Standard docu-

ment. Jim Gruenhagen moved and Bill Bryant seconded to combine into one document and proceed with development. Motion passed. More photos are needed.

Belly and Leg Wool – Mike Fox was hired and paid $100 to be ringside for the NAILE Junior Show. He and Rick Adams went around to junior exhibitors the day before to help inform.There were still minor incidents but they were handled.The open show needs to do the same thing. Charlotte Stephenson suggested that a fitting stand and shears be ringside. Should there be an inspector at the national sale. Bill Bryant moved with a second from Adam Moore to have such person and to ask Mike Fox, Sam Wiford and Jim Davis. Motion passed. Becky will contact.

New Business

Indiana Premier Sale – Mike Elsbury wants to name the sale the Midwest Regional Shropshire Sale in keeping with some of the other breeds having regional sales there. There was no discussion. So moved by Jared Poynter and Jim Gruenhagen. Motion passed.

Next meeting date – Shropshires show and sell second at the national and there is a Friday night dinner. Discussion followed. It was decided to meet instead on Sunday, May 7 via Zoom at 8 p.m.

With no other business to come before the board, Bill Bryant moved to adjourn at 9:42 p.m. Second by Jared Poynter. Meeting adjourned.

29th Annual All-American Jr. Show

June 27 - July 2, 2023

Alliant Energy Center, Madison Wis.

Shropshire Family Lunch, Sat 7/1

Shropshire Show, Sunday 7/2

Judge: Skip Anderson

Entries due 5/25/23

Ph: 401-647-4676

Page 9 May 2023
Page 10 Shropshire Voice Grand Champion Ewe 1st January Ewe Lamb from Mennen Club Lambs sold to Lane Falch, MO at $2,250 Grand Champion Ram 1st December Ram Lamb from Mennen Club Lambs sold to Darin Merveldt, OK at $2,700 (515) 442-0950 - ENTRIES DUE MAY 1 SHROPSHIRE SHOW Thursday, June 15, 2023 SHROPSHIRE SALE Saturday, June 17, 2023 June 12-17, 2023 June 12-17, 2023 View the New Schedule Online Don’t miss the Shropshire Action! Missouri State Fairgrounds Follow us: Midwest Stud Ram Sale All Shows & Sales Live Streamed on North AmericA’s GreAtest sheep sAle...

PA Farm Show

Jan. 12, Judge:Travis Hoffman

Early Spring Ram Lamb

1. River Lease

Champion Ram

Late Spring Ram Lamb

1. Natasha Maddox

Reserve Champion Ram

Yearling Ewe

1. Lyla Engle Champion Ewe

2. Kaycee Engle

3. Nathan Tripp

4. Fall Ewe Lamb

5. Kaycee Engle

Early Spring Ewe Lamb

1. Rachel Olver

Reserve Champion Ewe

2. River Lease

3. Colette Hoffman

4. Kaycee Engle

5. Nathan Tripp

6. Grace Eroh

Late Spring Ewe Lamb

1. Don Claycomb

2. Kaycee Engle

3. River Lease

4. Colette Hoffman

5. Lyla Engle

6. Don Claycomb

Pair Ewe Lambs

1. River Lease

2. Kaycee Engle

3. Colette Hoffman

4. Don Claycomb

Premier Breeder

Kaycee Engle

Premier Exhibitor Kaycee Engle

Houston Stock Show

Feb. 28, Judge: Woody Joslin Ram Lamb

1. Christi Keeton Champion Ram

2. Christi Keeton

Four To Six Tooth Ram

1. Christi Keeton Reserve Champion Ram

Ewe Lamb

1. Vivian Stephenson

2. Christi Keeton

3. Christi Keeton

4. Christi Keeton

5. Haydan Lowrey

Two-Tooth Ewe

1. Vivian Stephenson Champion Ewe

2. Tatum Duncan

3. Haydan Lowrey

Four to Six Tooth Ewe

1. Vivian Stephenson Reserve Champion Ewe

2. Vivian Stephenson

3. Christi Keeton

4. Tatum Duncan

5. Tatum Duncan

Pair of Rams

1. Christi Keeton

Pair of Ewes

1. Vivian Stephenson

2. Christi Keeton

Best Pair of Sheep (Both sexes represented)

1. Christi Keeton

Exhibitor’s Flock (1 ram, 4 ewes, any age)

1. Christi Keeton

Page 11 May 2023 Tim McKinstry 11890 Schenck Creek Rd., Howard, OH 43028 (740) 507-8213 • Consigning to the Ohio Showcase a Jan. ram lamb and Jan. ewe lamb out of Fear Not, the Champion Ram exhibited by City Limits at the ‘22 Ohio Showcase. Look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s Ohio Showcase.
Tim McKinstry 11890 Schenck Creek Rd., Howard, OH 43028 (740) 507-8213 • Consigning to the Ohio Showcase a Jan. ram lamb and Jan. ewe lamb out of Fear Not, the Champion Ram exhibited by City Limits at the ‘22 Ohio Showcase. Look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s Ohio Showcase.

2023 Shropshire Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame 2022 Inductees

Noble T Apple (deceased)

Jasper Dirlam (deceased)

Frederick Groverman (deceased)

Dennis Avery Michael Anderson

2023 Inductees

Lowell Douce (deceased)

Max Bryant (deceased)

Glenn High (deceased)

Inductee Lowell R. Douce

Douce Farms


Washington Court House, Ohio

Nominated by Louise Douce

Lowell’s father, R.E Douce, started his flock of registered Shropshire sheep in 1926, one of the oldest flocks in the country. Lowell assisted with this flock from childhood until his service in World War II. After the war, Lowell served as the County Extension Agent in Highland County, Ohio where he supported young shepherds in 4-H. In 1956, he started the foundation flock of Douce Farms from his father’s flock. Lowell continued to support and advance the quality, genetic predictability, and economic value of the Shropshire breed throughout his life. Having earned a Master’s Degree in animal genetics from Iowa

Page 12 Shropshire Voice
Doyle Brothers Shropshires 35499 110th Avenue Pleasant Hill, IL 62366 Billy: 217-779-0438

State University in 1954, he was especially concerned with the genetic purity and evolution of the breed. He was a true master at selecting sires and dams to improve the breed and eliminate weaknesses.

Lowell was also a supporter of young breeders. As an extension agent, he established a program of loaning a ewe to a young person who then kept half of the lambs over several years. He supported many young people in 4-H with this program. All three of his children, Louise, Pat and Dick, bred and exhibited Shropshire sheep through 4-H and exhibited at the County and State Fair. In fact, Douce Farms exhibited at the Ohio State Fair from 1958 until after his death in 2004. The entire family moved into a room above the sheep barn for the duration of the fair.

Lowell also exhibited regularly at the International Livestock show in Chicago and the Louisville Livestock Exhibition from the mid 1960s until illness in the early 2000s. Douce Farms sheep were purchased for many flocks around the country.

Lowell was often asked to judge the sheep show at county fairs and junior shows. He also served as a mentor to young breeders, including Randy Rife among others. Through 2019, awards were presented in his name at the Ohio State Fair: junior fair, best Shropshire head – ewe and ram – and the Breeders Flock in the open class.

Lowell was very active in Shropshire sheep activities at the local, state and national level. After moving to Fayette County in 1962, he was active in the Fayette County Sheep

Association. He served various offices in the Ohio Shropshire Association and served on the national board.

Finally, his name is still known in the breed 15+ years after his death. When his nephew, Phil Douce, who has moved the R E Douce and Sons flock to Columbia Mo., was looking for a ram and referred by the University of Missouri to a Shropshire breeder, his first question was are you related to Lowell Douce?

Freedom Fest Jackpot Show

The 4th Annual Freedom Fest is a Breeding Sheep Jackpot Show held May 27-28th at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia. It has been designated as several regional breed shows including the Mid-West Regional Shropshire Show which will be Saturday at 8:30 a.m. with classes for rams and ewes. The judge will be Brad Schrock.

The organizers are doing a great job getting it together, gathering and recognizing sponsors.The show looks like it will be a great deal of fun! Entries opened April 15 on showman. app. Check out the Facebook page Freedomfestsheepshow to follow the details or contact Bobby Spoonster at (636)359-5487 or

Page 13 May 2023
Lowell R. Douce

Dwarf gene survey and policy 2023

Recently the ASRA Board of Directors reviewed the dwarf gene surveys sent last December. Five hundred twenty-two surveys were emailed to Shropshire contacts and 34 were mailed to members not having email addresses. A total of 66 responses were received. All districts were represented. Results as follows:

Question 1: Do you want the dwarf gene to be part of the Shropshire Breed?

Yes ( ) No ( ) 62 (or 94%) answered no, 4 answered yes.

Question 2: There was a recommendation by the Competition Committee to start testing for the dwarf gene at Shropshire sponsored shows. Please pick one from the following options:

a. ( ) Testing of the D-gene should take place at Shropshire Shows in a random fashion with some sort of penalty for testing positive.

b. ( ) Testing of the D-gene should take place at Shropshire shows in a random and blind fashion to help determine what level of

occurrence we have.

c. ( ) No testing at Shows at this time.

Twenty-five (or 38%) answered in favor of testing at shows with some sort of penalty for having a D; 22 (or 33%) answered in favor of blind testing to determine prevalence of the dwarf gene, 18 (or 27%) answered against any testing at this time.

Question 3: If you selected option “a” or “b” in Question 2 when would you want this to start?

a. ( ) In 2023

b. ( ) In 2024

c. ( ) In 2025

Twenty-three (or 35%) wanted to start testing in this year in 2023, 19 (or 29%) wanted to start next year in 2024, and nine (or 14%) wanted to wait until 2025

Question 4: If you selected option “a” in Question 2 what would you want the penalty to be?

a. ( ) A stripping of the placing and removal from Shropshire events for a year.

Page 14 Shropshire Voice
Webster FamilySHROPSHIRES 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 207-831-0608 We are excited about this year’s lamb crop!

b. ( ) A stripping of the placing.

c. ( ) Nothing.

d. ( ) Other________________

Fifteen (or 23%) wanted placings stripped and exhibitor banned for one year; 12 wanted only the placing stripped; six preferred no penalty and five had other suggestions, such as verbal and written warnings.

In addition, 34 responders took the time to add comments, some very lengthy, well thought out and some right off the cuff and defensive. These comments were assembled as written into an 11-page document and shared with the committee, along with the survey results.

The committee discussed all of this at length and presented a proposal at the board meeting in late January. After much discussion

The board voted unanimously in favor of the following.

1. To continue with the previous Board of Director (BOD) ruling of November 2022, that no ewes or rams with a dwarf gene (D) will be allowed to sell at 2023 sales.

2. To conduct testing in 2023 and 2024 of champions and reserves at named shows only for the purpose of determining the presence of the gene in the breed. No individual results will be published and no penalties will be placed. Results will be shared with the owner only. Shows involved will be NAILE (open, junior and futurity winners), AAJS and one to four other shows that receive ASRA funding.

3. To conduct similar testing in 2025 with penalties for detected D gene to be determined. DNA Committee will develop this to present a draft at the next BOD meeting.

With all of that being said, Shropshire breeders will have time to evaluate their breeding programs and take whatever steps they feel they need to control the gene within their flocks. No sheep with a D in their genotype will be allowed to sell in public and online sales where futurity ewes are offered. Consignors will have to guarantee (by either testing or parentage) that their entries are FF. These genotypes will appear on the sale orders or be listed in the info presented in an online sale. 2023 spring breeding decisions should include the possibility of having a dwarf carrying fall yearling ewe or ram tested with a penalty at the NAILE National Show in 2025.

At this time, the ASRA is not requiring testing of entire flocks or even individuals and continues to accept all registrations.

New Christened names

Any person registering Shropshires may designate a name for a specific sheep, either at the time of registration or some time afterward, or ahead of time for future use, for a $25 fee. Once that name is reserved, it may not be used again for 10 years, either as an informal name or a reserved name.

Names should be submitted in writing, either at the time of registration or by written request submitted with an existing registration certificate in which case a new certificate with the sheep’s Christened name will be issued. The Christened name will appear on the pedigrees of all progeny. It is still recommended that a farm or flock name be used and a number matching a tag or tattoo in the sheep’s ear is required.

No sheep will be officially named without payment of this $25 fee.

A list of names recorded in 2022 follows: 464880

Page 15 May 2023
“Side Hustle”
“Mythical” Carson
“Hot Sauce” Land Run 665 469742 “Deadshot” Osc 174
“On Tap” Slack 2238
“Viva Las Vengeance” Land Run 666 469273 “Princess Carolyn” Willoughby 22274 ASRA Scholarship Application Deadline is June 1 for more information.
Sand Meadow 2011 466186
2004 467529
Page 16 Shropshire Voice Kaboom Yearling Ewe Sheep Farm City Limits Ohio Showcase Sale Public Enemy Fall Ewe Lamb No Fear Yearling Ewe Thank You... Lane Falch for the purchase of City Limit 22100 “Epic” and other top lambs privately from the farm. Also thanks to all our buyers from our online sales!
Page 17 May 2023 Tom Slutz P.O. Box 177, LaMoille IL 61330 (815) 638-2177 • (815) 915-5624 (c) Brad, Carol, Jaedyn & Drake Slutz Maple Park, IL 60151 (815) 766-0584 “Big Deal” Grey Goose Yearling Ram Dark Rum Fall
Lamb Consignments We would like to announce the sale of 1/2 interest in Kaboom to the Raudebaugh Family of Ohio.

How The States Rated With Number of Registrations

Page 18 Shropshire Voice
Fiscal Year January 1 - December 31 2021 1) Indiana ...............398 2) Ohio 384 3) Illinois 263 4) Wisconsin ...........136 5) Oklahoma ...........124 6) Missouri ..............107 7) Pennsylvania 97 8) New York 85 9) Kansas .................80 10) California ..............71 11) Massachusetts 50 12) Iowa 49 13) Minnesota.............49 14) Maine ...................45 15) Oregon .................45 16) Connecticut 43 17) New Hampshire 39 18) Tennessee ............38 19) Maryland ..............35 20) Washington ..........32 21) Michigan 25 22) Delaware 22 23) Nebraska ..............20 24) Texas ....................14 25) Nevada 9 26) Idaho 8 27) Montana .................7 28) Kentucky ................5 29) Louisiana ................3 30) Vermont 2 Total .......................2285 2020 1) Indiana 311 2) Ohio....................292 3) Illinois .................221 4) Wisconsin 150 5) Missouri 146 6) Oklahoma ...........131 7) Pennsylvania 119 8) Iowa 51 9) New York ..............46 10) Connecticut ..........45 11) Kansas 42 12) Minnesota.............36 13) Tennessee ............35 14) California 33 15) Oregon .................26 16) Delaware ..............23 17) Maryland 22 18) New Hampshire 20 19) Nevada .................19 20) Texas 12 21) Montana 11 22) Washington ............9 23) Massachusetts .......7 24) Louisiana 4 25) Kentucky ................4 26) Michigan .................3 27) Idaho 3 28) Nebraska ................2 Total .......................1823 2022 1) Indiana 347 2) Ohio 294 3) Illinois 211 4) Missouri ..............173 5) Wisconsin ...........135 6) Oklahoma ...........121 7) Pennsylvania 92 8) New York 78 9) Iowa......................53 10) Tennessee ............46 11) Oregon .................37 12) Maryland ..............37 13) Maine 36 14) New Hampshire 36 15) Connecticut ..........35 16) Minnesota.............34 17) Kansas .................33 18) Massachusetts 32 19) Nevada 22 20) California 19 21) Washington ..........17 22) Delaware ..............13 23) Michigan ...............12 24) Texas 11 25) Florida 11 26) Montana ...............10 27) Nebraska .............10 28) Kentucky ................7 29) Louisiana ................5 30) Arkansas 2 Total .......................1969

We look forward to seeing other Shropshire

Page 19 May 2023 Street Shropshires Mitch Street and Family and Dennis and Nancy Avery 4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036 (317) 606-5234 (Mitch’s Cell) or (574) 209-0988 (Dennis’ Cell)
Last year we set out to increase our hip and muscle, but we still wanted to maintain show appeal and design in the lambs that hit the ground at our place. We feel like we are heading in the right direction!
at the
Showcase. The barn is always open!
breeders and friends

Emily Petzel

2012 Shropshire Scholarship Winner

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

How Shrops and Shrop people, changed a life.

Long ago...

“Growing up I was active in 4-H and chose the Shropshire breed as my focus. Cody Hiemke helped me get a Wisconsin Shrop Starter Grant and to understand the breed. We went to Tim Elsbury’s place and came back with some nice sheep. Tim and Cody deserve credit as the people that got me going on this adventure. I wound up getting a ewe from Rick Adams later, a few from Erik Mrozinski, and a bunch from City Limits. Every person that I dealt with helped me on my path. I was quiet

and took it all in.The Shropshires afforded me the opportunity to travel the United States to show and experience production schemes in different parts of the country.

I graduated from Unity High School in Balsam Lake, Wis. and applied for and received one of the Shropshire scholarships back in 2012. I then enrolled at the University of Wisconsin to study animal science and pre-vet. While in school in 2016, I agreed to step into the Wisconsin/Michigan region ASRA board seat when Cody Hiemke decided to step down. I was an active member for a young person and did my part speaking my opinions at meetings. School was taking all my time, so I decided to step away in 2019 and let the region appoint my mother (Debbie Petzel) to fill the roll.

It was my passion for the sheep industry that led to me attend South Dakota State University for my masters from 2016 to 2018 under the mentorship of Dr. Jeff Held and Dr. Derek Brake. At South Dakota State, I had the opportunity to help with a variety of trials pertaining to both sheep and cattle production while my Master’s program focused on cattle.

My research helps to identify diets selected by cattle grazing corn residue after harvest

Page 20 Shropshire Voice
Emily Petzel Emily Petzel’s master’s program at South Dakota State University focused on cattle.

and the energetic value of the corn residue thus helping farmers to know how long a field of cornstalks will last for their respective herds. After South Dakota State, I moved to Columbia, Mo. to start my Ph. D. program. My research at the University of Missouri is a little more diversified, studying both lactating dairy cattle and feedlot cattle nutrition.

I am currently finishing my Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition at the University of Missouri and applying for jobs in academia to continue researching ways to increase efficiency of ruminant production.

Now, at the tail-end of my formal education, I can reflect on the support received throughout the journey. Scholarships, like those provided by the Shropshire Association, allow students to fully immerse themselves in educational and life experiences that is otherwise diminished by financial burden. I will be graduating from Mizzou with a Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition thanks to all the people in the Shrop world. You never really know the impact you have on kids.

Page 21 May 2023
JIM & DONNA GRUENHAGEN 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd., Davenport, IA 52807 // (563) 355-6730 // SS Shrops Consigning 1 fall ewe & 2 January ewe lambs to the Ohio Showcase Sale. Darin & Kim Merveldt 8104 N. Alfadale Road, El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473 • Merveldt Shropshires Congratulations Brooklyn Ross from Choctaw, Oklahoma 4-H Club SUPREME CHAMPION PUREBRED SHROPSHIRE EWE Good job!
Page 22 Shropshire Voice Look for lambs sired by CLSF “Toxic” 2078 “Toxic” Maple Lawn Farm Brendan Pimm 7766 Townline Road Bergen NY 14416 (585) 494-1429 CLSF 22055 Mrozinski 2030 Res. Champion Ram 2020 National Open Show
Page 23 May 2023 Adams SHROPSHIRES Rick Adams 10828 W 1000 S Rd., Bonfield, IL 60913 (815) 228-2903 “Your Foundation For Quality” Lambs out of “Sport Pepper” Hiemke 12034 Thanks to Don Knepp for letting us use this semen to make these great breed character lambs. If you are looking for this kind of breed character, give us a call!

NAILE Junior Show 2022

Page 24 Shropshire Voice
Photos by Taylor Young Futurity winners show off the new Shropshire banners provided by the ASRA.


Connie L. Slutz, 74, of LaMoille, Ill. passed away peacefully on Feb. 10, 2023. Connie was born on May 15, 1948, in Princeton, Ill. to the late Albert and Dorothy (Heuer) Anderson. She graduated from Princeton High School Class of 1966 and attended IVCC.

Connie met the love of her life, Tom Slutz, in April 1965. They married on Jan. 21, 1968 and celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary this past January.

She worked at the Bureau County Extension Services, Browning Ford and retired after 17 years from the Bureau County Courthouse. Throughout her years, she attended many sheep shows to watch her children and grandchildren show sheep. She enjoyed mending sheep blankets, doing crafts, going on cruises, vacationing with friends and making friends wherever she went. She was active in 4-H as a leader and was a member of the Bureau County Home Extension.

Connie is survived by her husband, Tom, their three children, Tracy (Don) Newberry, Tonya (Chris) Flaxington, Brad (Carol) Slutz; six grandchildren, Jaedyn, Rachelle, Logan, Hunter, Drake and Kodey.; a sister, Carolyn (Mike) Welch, two sisters-in-law; and many nieces, nephews and cousins.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert L. and Dorothy J.Anderson; and in-laws, Donald and Lois Slutz; one sister, two brothers; and one nephew.

Services were held at Norberg Memorial Home, Inc. & Monuments and was officiated by Pastor Michael Slutz. Memorials may be directed to the LaMoille Fire Department or LaMoille Park.

Connie will be deeply missed by family and

friends, but most of all by her loving family.


Karen Sue Johnson, Marshfield, Mo. was born Aug. 9, 1944 in Cabool, Mo. to Alpha and Daisy (McCubbins) Morse. She departed this life on March 12, 2023, in Mercy Hospital, Springfield, at the age of 78.

Karen was a 1962 graduate of Cabool High School, and an SMSU graduate. She was united in marriage with Robert Glenn Johnson on July 23, 1966.

Karen was tough, fun, sarcastic, and loved a good joke – even at her expense. She was a great cook. She loved puzzles and was an avid Wordle player. She was a teacher. She taught at home, school and church. She was great at teaching and had an impact on many kids in the Marshfield school system. We were so lucky to have a great mom!

Karen had worked as an elementary school teacher for Marshfield Schools for many years. She was a member of Marshfield United Methodist Church.

She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, Jay Morse, Ronald Morse, and Donald Morse; and one sister, Mary Lou Henry. Karen is survived by her husband of 56 years, Bob Johnson, of the home; four children, Kari Johnson (Rob Hill), Marshfield, Russell Johnson (Molly),Wooster, Ohio, Regina Wilson (Kalen), Bentonville, Ark., and Mary Anne Keck (Jason), Niangua; eight grandchildren; three siblings, and a brother-in-law.

Celebration of Life Services were March 19 in the chapel of Fraker Funeral Home, Inc. Inurnment will be in Missouri Veterans Cemetery, Springfield. Memorial contributions may

Page 25 May 2023
~ In Memoriam ~

be made to T.L.C. Program or The Ark @ UMC, in care of Fraker Funeral Home, Inc., P.O. Box 85, Marshfield, MO 65706.

Larry F. Derricks

Larry F. Derricks, passed away on January 5, 2023, at his home in Jacksonville, Illinois. He was born on Sept. 19, 1936, in Denmark, Wis., the oldest of seven children. He graduated from Denmark High School in 1954 and attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison for two years in agriculture studies. He was hired by Armour Meat Packing as a livestock buyer and traveled extensively in the US. His work brought him to Illinois in the 1960s where he met and married his wife, Barb, in 1964. After his position with Armour ended, Larry became a claims adjuster with Country Companies and then began his true calling as a salesman with Gordon Implement in Riggston in 1970 where he sold John Deere equipment throughout the Midwest. He retired after 50 years of selling John Deere equipment in 2020. After retirement, he kept busy helping out at J.O. Harris Sales.

Larry’s life outside of sales was heavily involved in 4-H, FFA, and livestock judging. One of Larry’s proudest moments was winning the Reserve Champion Carcass Lamb at the Chicago International show at age 16. He kept up with the industry by helping run the Oxford show in Louisville, Ky. for several years; serving on the Board of Directors for the Oxford Association; served as the wether superintendent at the Illinois State fair for several years; and had a 30-year run as Sheep superintendent for the Greene County Fair in Illinois.

Larry enjoyed helping the kids. He advocated for ways to give everyone a chance to show. He wanted guidelines that didn’t make

things difficult or deter a good herdsman. Larry held up his end of an old phrase “someone has to do it” and he did it well.

Larry is survived by his wife, Barb, and two daughters, De De (Keith) Fricke and Darcie (Rob) Reckers, one grandson, three brothers and one sister.

Larry loved spending every spare moment watching his grandson Mason play sports and being his right hand man with Fricke Show Goats. Mason was his pride and joy. Larry also loved auctioneering and consignment sales. Larry never met a stranger.

Memorials to Prairieland Heritage Museum or Junior Livestock Department of the Morgan County Fair, Illinois.

Remembering Larry F. Derricks

Larry showed several prominent flocks (Wisconsin origin) at Chicago International before coming to Roodhouse, Ill. as an Armour Order Buyer (cattle, sheep, hogs), making friends everywhere, especially with owners of purebred sheep. His girls showed sheep at 16 county fairs each summer often picking up other junior’s sheep strings (10-12 sheep), transporting these flocks for them with his girls’ sheep from county fair to the next fair. Larry was always interested in judging, especially market lambs. A hands-on guy, maybe touching a lamb four or five times, he always carried a towel but was still covered with lanolin after a show.

Working with Dale Lehman (Sheep Supt. Illinois State Fair), Larry made great strides as Whether Supt. at Illinois State Fair both in the junior show and open show. Dale and Larry made many friends along the way with a big sheep family. As a auctioneer with friends over a seven state area he could help find breeding stock on a certain farm implement for his farmer friends at reasonable prices.

He was sheep superintendent for Green County Fair for 30 years. Auctioneering many Oxford sales, knowing most everyone there, he pulled when needed, but knew when to stop. He will be missed.

Page 26 Shropshire Voice

Let’s talk sheep, we have tons to offer this year!

We will have consignments at the Ohio Showcase and Midwest Stud Ram Sale! We have picked many good ones that shouldn’t even leave the farm. One of those consignments being a ram that Taylor says is the most attractive ram to walk our farm to date. Our loss with his close relation to our ewe base can be your gain! He not only brings the pretty but is stamped with shape.

We will also be offering a hand full of brood ewes ranging from ages two to six. These are all proven ewes with successful lambing histories. As we have decided to cut back our flock, they can help grow yours! As we are going to have some yearling ewes and ewe lambs consigned to Ohio and Stud ram we will have some available off farm as well! Be watching our Facebook for more information and pictures!

If you liked Taylor’s yearling ram at the Midwest Stud Ram last year, be on the look out again this year as we offering a son from him. This ram has grown out spectacularly and definitely took after his father. If you are needing a breeding ram soon we will be offering many off farm!

Page 27 May 2023 Kemp Shropshires New Horizons Farm Lori & Darron Shrum (660) 346-0121 or (660) 651-8881 Taylor Kemp (660) 415-1313
31522 Kennel Street, Macon, MO 63552


This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on

Adams Shropshires

10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913

Cell: (815) 228-2903

Anderson Farms

Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503

Averill, David Village Farm

115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421

Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires

151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988

Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415

Barnes, Shane & Kim. SKB Shropshires

1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673

Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms

5707 Mooney Road

Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125

Cell: (740) 815-2402

Brown, Rob & Ron

Clay-Nob Farms 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 (814) 431-8133

Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053

Calvert Farm

Christine Sanders 735 N Perry Hwy Mercer, PA 16137 (724) 974-8208

Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) 465-0565

Dirlam, John & Matt

11646 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 443-2901

Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428

Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174

Cell: (785) 458-9174

Edmondson, Andy

Lazy E Ranch

4456 Fruitland Rd

Loma Rica, CA 95901 (541)281-2311

Page 28 Shropshire Voice

Elsbury, Mike & Karen

Elsbury’s Shropshires

5385 E 500 N

Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461

Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm

W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr

Adell, WI 53001


Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292

West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610

Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders

1626 Atlantic Rd

Noblesville, IN 46060


Fleener, Tim & Sarah 273 South Mountain Rd.

Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181

Facebook/Fleener Livestock

Fritz, Caleb 104 Sells Rd.

Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) 653-0867

Fuss, Ashley

Greenbrier Acres

12737 Woodsboro Pike

Keymar, MD 21757 (240) 405-9383

Grohmann, Stacy

Step Ahead Shrops

994 Step Rd

Gilson, IL 61436

Cell: (309) 371-4260

Farm: (309) 876-2364

Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna

SS Shrops

7622 Jersey Ridge Road

Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730

Hardisky, Denise

Southern Tier Shropshires

254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) 687-7967

Heaton Farms

Fred & Pam Heaton Family

622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118

Hiemke, Cody

Mapleton Mynd Shropshires

1773 Koshkonong Rd.

Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035

High Life Farms

David & Jodi High & Family

3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road

McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907

Hubbard, Brenna

Land Run Shrops

354636 E 750 Rd

Cushing, OK 74023 (918)225-9743

J&R Farm

Norbert Jackson & Family

4125 West St Rt 28

Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057

Page 29

Johnson, Bob & Karen

RoKaJo Farm

569 St. Hwy. DD

Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452

Mary Anne Keck


Kalina Family

Sue and Bessie Kalina

35586 Oakville RD SW

Albany, OR 97321 (503) 939-0303

Kemp, Taylor Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm

31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121

King, Craig & Andrea

Weston King

Peiter Shrops

860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (573) 767-0003

Kipp, James & Terri Grey Feather Farm

E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) 255-8300

Breeder’s Index

Only$30/year 3 issues of Voice and 12 months on website

Knepp, Don

Knepp Shropshires

128 Old Barrington Rd

North Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 846-6354

Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria Cross Country Shropshires

239 Cunard St. Fulton, OH 43321 (740) 751-3183

LaFramboise, Andy, Rebekah & Elizabeth LaFramboise Livestock 16481 Unicorn Rd. Stark City, MO 64866 (503) 580-7430

Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm

3370 Cattail Branch Road

Harrington, DE 19952 302-233-8912

Larson Livestock

Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) 790-1671

McCabe, Mark & Marilyn

McCabe Shropshires

5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103

Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road

El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473

Moore, Adam

MoBo Junction Farms

27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546 660-676-2825

Page 30 Shropshire Voice

Motter, Jan

Lane’s End Farm

12211 W. Rt. 973

Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078

Mrozinski, Erik

6333 N 600 E Road

Rolling Prairie, IN 46371

Cell: (219) 716-4921

Nicholson Family

Sand Meadow Farm

92 Frog Hollow Rd

Ellington, CT 06029

(860) 490-7238

Pence Farms

1083 W. Co. Rd. 61

Tiffin, OH 44883

Mike: (419) 992-4305

Doug: (419) 986-5848

Jay: (419) 992-4701

Percival, Jim & Denise

Schoolhouse Shropshires

961 Hoop Road

Xenia, OH 45385

(937) 374-3371

Petzel, Debbie

Windswept Crest Farm

2037 180th Ave

Centuria, WI 45824 (612) 578-1528

Powell, Doris

40405 Route 187

Rome, PA 18837

(570) 247-7316

Reason, Sandra M.

High Desert Hay & Livestock

PO Box 3819

Tonopah, NV 89049

(775) 482-4191

Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms

29754 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, OK 73093

Cell: (405) 314-3370

Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm

2435 W. McCracken Road

Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301

Cell: (317) 358-3260

Rueber, Carol & Aimee Rueber Shropshires

2530 280th St

Marshalltown, IA 50158

Carol: (319) 231-7626

Aimee: (319) 230-9739

Shrum, Lori and Darron

New Horizons Farm

31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660)651-8881

Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm

P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 638-2177

Tom: (815) 866-5031

Brad: (815) 766-0584

Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires

2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784

Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch

E8977 Pierce Hill Rd.

Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151

Page 31
May 2023

Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires

4753 W. 1400 N.

Elwood, IN 46036

Mitch: (317) 606-5234

Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988

Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm

968 Drift Creek Rd NE

P.O. Box 319

Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 873-4005

Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail

Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608

Mark your Calendar

National Shropshire Showcase Show and Sale – May 12 & 13

Freedom Fest Jackpot Show (Southwest Regional) – May 27 & 28

Shropshire Scholarship due – June 1 Midwest Stud Ram Sale – June 12-17

AAJS – June 28-July 2

North East Youth Sheep Show – July 14-16

Penn & SO Regional Show, Maryland – September New England Regional Show – September

Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires

17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) 424-2543

Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc.

1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603

Page 32 Shropshire Voice
ADVERTISERS ‘ INDEX Adams ............................ 23 Banner ............................ 32 Doyle 12 Gruenhagen .................. 21 Heeg ..............Back Cover Kemp .............................. 27 McKinstry ...................... 11 Merveldt ................................ 21 Midwest Stud Ram ............. 10 Moore Inside Front Cover Ohio Showcase................5 Poynter ... Inside Back Cover Pimm .............................. 22 Slutz.......................... 16-17 Stephenson.... Cover & 6 Street ............................... 19 Webster 14 Whiting .............................8 Weidauer ..........................7
and Junior
Shows – November PromotingThe Improvement of the Entire SheepIndustry 1 Year – $35 2 Years – $60 Breeder’s Directory Listing – $75 P.O. Box 500 • Cuba, IL 61427 (309) 785-5058 • Fax: (309) 785-5050
National Open

is ecstatic to introduce our next Stud Ram:

Slack- 2313 “ANOTHER


NAILE Junior Shropshire Champion Ram NAILE Open Show Jr. Champion Ram  NAILE Open Show Res. Champion Ram

Come visit and check out his lambs at our farm this fall!

We’ve pursued this ram long before he hung the banners at NAILE. When I saw him as a lamb I knew he had a spot in our breeding program!

INDIANA PREMIER SALE CONSIGNMENTS: 3 Yearling Ewes • 2 January Ewe Lambs

NATIONAL SHROPSHIRE SALE IN OHIO CONSIGNMENTS:  • 3 Yearling Ewes • 2 Fall Ewe Lambs • 1 January Ewe Lamb  • 1 Yearling Ram • 1 Fall Ram Lamb  • 1 January Ram Lamb

Jared, Kara, Westin & Faith Maple Park, IL 60151 (815) 276-2200

Jeff & Jan Paris, IL 61944 (217) 251-9984

Page 1
May 2023
Jason, Denise, Dash, Myka & Ken Heeg 1269 HWY 200 W • Jordan, MT 59337 (406) 855-1478

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