May 2024 Shropshire Voice

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~ The ShropShire Voice ~

Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association

Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October

Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher

Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association


Rick Adams, Illinois (2024) 10828 W 1000 S Rd., Bonfield, IL 6091


Mike Elsbury, Indiana (2026) 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140

Bill Bryant Jr., Ohio (2026) PO Box 136 Fredericktown, OH 43019

Mandy Curtiss, NY/New Engl. (2026) 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011

Caleb Fritz, Penn & South (2024) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313

Ashley Fuss, Penn & South (2026) 12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757

Jim Gruenhagen, N Central (2024) 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807

Jason Heeg, West (2025) Po Box 217 Shepherd, MT 59079-0217

Mary Anne Keck, South West (2025) 665 Niangua Rd. Niangua, MO 65713

Adam Moore, South West (2024) 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546

Jon Nicholson, NY/New Eng. (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074

Jared Poynter, Illinois (2025) 8 N 215 McGough Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151

Danny Rogers, Indiana (2025) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157

Charlotte Stephenson, Wis/Mich (2025) E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665

Rick Whiting, Ohio (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146


American Shropshire Registry Association

All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit

Shropshire Voice Advertising Rates

Rates effective since February 1, 2010

Full Page


Half Page ...................................... $75

Quarter Page................................. $50

Front Cover Full Color............... $325

Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250

Inside Page Full Color $250

Center Two Page Spread ............ $375

Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10

Full Color added to any ad $125

Full Page in Voice and four

Months on Web site $225

Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30

Add your website link $20


February Voice .............. Jan. 15

May Voice March 15

October Voice ................ Sept. 1

Voice Advertising Manager (217) 474-9365

P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876

ASRA Office Hours:

Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST

Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.

Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association

Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337 Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652

Shropshire Voice & Website

If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shropshire website,, contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.

Rinda Maddox

P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@ (217) 288-9365 (office) (217) 474-9365 (cell)

Junior Activities

For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:

“The American Shropshire Registry Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.”

Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President 913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle , TN 37020

Shropshire Voice


Hello everyone! Welcome to spring, sale and show season. If you haven’t already done so get out to see the Shropshire offerings at the sales.

I hope your lambing season was successful and your lambs are growing and developing well.The spring holidays have helped lamb prices be better than they have for a while. I have sold some lambs recently and have been pleased with how good the check was. Shropshires make very good lambs for any size that your market demands.

There have been several meetings by the DNA/Competition Committees to discuss how to use DNA to help give confidence in our pedigrees. A lot of good points have been raised and a lot of thought is going into any decision that may be made in the future.There are a lot of opinions and desires from all sides

and they will all be considered. Please discuss your thoughts with your director.

Our breed continues to offer a lot of opportunity for the youth of our organization. The started flock, and royalty have been selected and will be announced at our spring sales. Please support the Futurity program by nominating your ewes that are in the sales. The scholarship application deadline for Shropshire youth is June 1. Please use all these opportunities to help guide our kids to adulthood and a successful show season. If you ever want to talk about the things the board is working on or other issues that need to be addressed, give me, or your director, a call. I always look forward to talking to you.

Enjoy your show season. Rick

Granddaughters, Kylie, Avery and Kenzie Adams showing Shropshires at the Iroquois Fair.


Hello Shropshire mania! Spring is coming in like a lion here in western Massachusetts. We had had some nice warm weather early in March but then it turned pretty darned cold last week and today we have snow and ice. Our mud was gone and I was hoping to get out and spread some of the stuff in our new manure pit before the spring registration work became impossible to keep up with. I guess I will have to regroup on that one.

I hope you all have had an easy lambing season and have a good set of show and replacement prospects in your flocks. It’s amazing how much lambs can change as they grow. They can get a bit “piecey” for a while and then they hit a stage where they just seem to put it together and take off. May those all be your lambs!

shire Hall of Fame inductee and hopefully also introduce the 2024 Starter Flock winner and the young Royalty representatives.

There certainly has been much discussion of late about using the valuable tool of genetic testing. Take a look at how successful breeders of all breeds were with nearly eliminating the S gene allele from our gene pool. And look how we did with getting scrapie under control by reducing the incidence of QQ sheep. The same will happen with the Dwarf gene and those that want to be free of it can be. And all of this is good for maintaining the Shropshire breed.

This being said, yes, there have been conversations around the barn about a program to verify pedigrees. However, there is currently no plan to mandate or restrict the breeding of Shropshires or to require members to participate. As discussions progress, please be aware that the integrity of the breed and breeders and benefits to the members will be first and foremost.

The Ohio Shropshire Breeders are hosting a dinner at our National Sale in Ohio, again this year, for some camaraderie between consignors and buyers alike. Information will be available soon regarding dinner reservations. At this time we will honor the Shrop-

Registration season is upon us. As always I preach about the correctness of your applications. Double check your notes and barn charts for accuracy of your birthdates and parents. If you have leased a ram or sold semen, please be sure to provide the owners of the ewes with a Ram Lease so they can register their lambs. Frequently I have to go chasing these records and this causes significant delays in providing registration papers for these folks. If you have sold a bred ewe, make sure you have submitted the actual registration paper to transfer to the new owner. This failure is a very common cause for very long waits for needed paperwork.

Fund raising season is now. Our junior programs need your assistance. The Shropshire Registry is requesting $35 class sponsorships for the All-American Junior Show so that we may be able to pay our way into the show. That show has a HUGE budget and your help is needed.

Integrity Online Sales is hosting an Online Semen Auction on May 20 to benefit the show. If you have could spare 2-5 units of Shropshire ram semen to be sold, please let me know or contact Mike Crowder directly at

The Shropshire Starter Flock always needs support to help one or two kids a year to get a good start in this breed. And the Junior Association will be holding another online sale in May for donated items and award sponsorships. Please remember that the Juniors are the future of this breed and your choice of one or more of these support options are crucial to their programs.

Thanks for reading and I wish you a very successful year with your Shropshires!


Southdowns, Shropshires, Hampshires, Suffolks, Oxfords SALE SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, MAY 11 CATTLE PAVILION, 9 A.M. Breed order same as show

2024 National Shropshire Sale

Get yourself to Greenville, Ohio for May 9-11 for the Ohio Showcase Sale! 2024 will be the fourth year this sale is managed by Select Livestock Services and held at the Darke County Fairgrounds. Shropshires will show third in the order on Friday, May 10 in the cattle pavilion and sell third on Saturday, May 11 as the breed order rotates from year to year. Alex Wolf of Ohio will sort the classes to determine the sale order. Auctioneers Danny Westlake, Bill MacCauley and Gary Saylor will sell all of the sales.

A used equipment sale will be in the Coliseum on Thursday, May 9 at 6 p.m. Good working equipment and supplies are encouraged. Items should be checked in at that location from noon to 4 p.m.

Rams will show and sell first and the following classes are offered:Yearling Rams, Fall Ram Lambs, January and February and after Ram Lambs, Yearling Ewes, Fall Ewe Lambs, Early January, Late January, Early February and Late

February and after Ewe Lambs. Shropshires are required to guarantee codons of NN and RR or QR. No QQ or NS sheep will be allowed to sell.

In additions all Shropshires offered for sale will be FF for the Dwarf f genotype. The ASRA will award banners to the champion and reserve champion rams and ewes. The show will be live-streamed on YouTube on the All-American Junior Show channel. The Sale will be webcast with live bidding at Set up your account and payment method on their website ahead of time if you are buying from home. Mail and phone bids must be paid within five days. Futurity Ewe Lambs and Yearling Ewes will be marked with an “F” on their backs and on the sale order. This year there is a minimum bid of $400 on all lots. All transit sheep on the grounds must stay on trailers. Camping is permitted on the grounds and lodging is available in Greenville, Brookville and New Paris, Ohio and Richmond, Ind. For further information consult

It will be good to see some good Shrops folks and sheep in May!

May 3 Shropshire Junior Association Online Kick-off Sale

May 9-11 Ohio Showcase Sale at Greenville, OH

May 20 All-American Junior Show Benefit Semen AuctionIntegrity Sales

May 24-26 Freedom Fest Breeding Sheep Show - Springfield, IL

June 12-15 Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO

November NAILE- Louisville, KY Mark your Calendar

Mike Callicrate, the owner of No-Bull Enterprises based in St. Francis, Kansas, has introduced a humane and innovative method for the non-surgical removal of testicles in smaller livestock. It’s called the Callicrate WEE Bander. Let’s explore the details:

What is the WEE Bander?

• The WEE Bander is a castration tool designed for calves, kids (young goats), and lambs.

• It offers a bloodless and effective method of castration without the need for manual cutting or crimping of the loop.

• When stretched, the WEE Loop™ opens to approximately a 1 ½-inch triangle.

• If the testicles fit within the loop, the WEE Bander works effectively.

Advantages of the WEE Bander:

• Achieving adequate tightness during banding is crucial for reducing stress. The WEE Bander combines simple technology with proper tension, resulting in complete ligation.

• Unlike traditional elastrator rings, which lack sufficient tension and cause stress, the WEE Bander provides an alternative that meets humane animal treatment standards.

• Studies have shown that hightension banding triggers a natural analgesic effect, blocking pain while minimizing swelling and complications.

• The WEE Bander is a step toward improved animal care and well-being.

Kit Details:

WEE Bander™ Kit for early castration (newborn) includes the WEE Bander tool and 5 WEE Loops™. Additional WEE Loops™ are available in bags of 25 or 100.

The WEE Loop Stretcher™

The Callicrate WEE Bander provides a humane and stress-reducing solution for castrating young animals, promoting their well-being

New Christen Names

Any person registering Shropshire sheep may designate a name for a specific sheep, either at the time of registration or some time

afterward or ahead of time for future use for a $25 fee. Once that name is reserved, it may not be used again for 10 years, either as an informal name or a reserved name.

Names should be submitted in writing, either at the time of registration or by written request submitted with an existing registration certificate in which case a new certificate with the sheep’s Christened name will be issued.The Christened name will appear on the pedigrees of all progeny.

It is still recommended that a farm or flock name be used and a number matching a tag or tattoo in the sheep’s ear is required. No sheep will be officially named without payment of this $25 fee.

A list of names recorded in 2023 follows: 468829 “On The Rocks” Poynter F1-4 471491 “Tiffany” JKE 2326 470700 “Another Round” Slack 9195 471644 “Machine” Miner 2301 469291 “Get Tucked Up” Rockin K 2201 466608 “Brassy” Rockin K 2105

ASRA Zoom Board Meeting Minutes

Jan. 28, 2024

Rick Adams called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Also present were Jason Heeg, Danny Rogers, Bill Bryant, Jon Nicholson, Rick Whiting, Mike Elsbury, Jim Gruenhagen, Jared Poynter, Charlotte Stephenson and Mandy Curtiss. Not present were Mary Anne Keck, Ashley Fuss, Caleb Fritz and Adam Moore.

Secretary’s Report – Becky had previously sent the November 11 meeting minutes. Jared Poynter moved to accept as presented. Seconded by Danny Rogers. Report accepted.

Treasurer’s Report – 2023 Final also sent earlier. Becky went through a few points: Total assets were $53,082.66; P&L showed net loss of $5,501.52 which was $4281.95 over budget. This report will be published in the February 2024 Voice. Jared Poynter move to accept report with a second from Bill Bryant. Report accepted.


Finance Committee – Jim Gruenhagen reported on the proposed budget for 2024. Becky had worked it up with previous income and expected expenses to a bottom line of a $5400 loss. Discussion followed. Registrations are down slightly, more advertising support for the Voice is needed. There really are not any expenses to reduce. Rick asked for more input before a budget can be

approved and budget to be finalized before next meeting.

Voice and Promotion – would going to only two issues per year help? The Voice is a service to the members.

Royalty Program – Charlotte Stephenson suggested checking with the candidates to see which day works best at the National Sale. Charlotte thought it would help to have the new recipients submit material about their past year in the program and the work that they did. Becky noted that it is hard for the older kids to help out at shows as they are showing more and that the younger kids are more available to help in the show rings.

Junior Activities – Sandy Kovacs had done a good job with fund raising in 2023. Hope to have a Thursday evening meal instead of trying to get a lunch together on the weekend.

Futurity – There had been previous discussion regarding the minimum age of futurity exhibitors. Possibly no lower age limit as long as exhibitor is on the head in the ring. That is difficult to watch over and police. Question sent back to committee to designate minimum age. Jason Heeg asked about adding a Bred & Owned division. Discussion followed. Jason will follow up with Caleb to work out details. Discussion also followed about nomination fees. Currently $20 per nomination and all of it goes back to payout fund.

Starter Flock – no changes made to program. Only fully complete applications will be considered. Will make application available

to the Extension Service to promote.

Competition Committee – New Chair is Bill Bryant. Concerned about DNA testing and parentage confirmation. This is deferred to New Business.

Breed Standards – after 2023 revision and publication, there is not much to do now. Keep committee intact but allow it to go idle until needed. Bill Bryant suggested committee try to evaluate progress.

Hall of Fame – only one application has been received. Presentation will be made at Ohio Sale dinner on Friday evening.

Judging Committee – Jon Nicholson recapped the 2023 selection for the 2024 National Show. The following list of judges to be submitted to the NAILE staff (Jeff Held, Mike Elsbury and Austin Brockmann). This year nominations accepted from July 1 to Sept 30.

DNA Committee – Rick Whiting reported on the 2023 sampling at NAILE and AAJS and test results. Twenty-six were sampled (5% of entries) and there were two “FD” (7% of sampled). Becky sent a registered letter to MWSRS requesting rule of no D carriers can be consigned. Will also try to contact Dan Willoughby about his live sales. Noted that education about the Dwarf gene is needed. Rick reminded the board that help is needed at sampling time with record keeping and making sure correct sheep are sampled.


2024 Committees – Rick had made assignments. List will be published in the Voice

and posted on the website.

National Sale – Jim Gruenhagen has Champion and Reserve banners. Ohio Association will have a dinner on Friday evening. There was confusion about the dinner reservations last year. Hope to make it clearer in 2024. Shrops show and sell third in the order. Alex Wolf will judge. Is there interest and a possibility for a Preview? It is pretty popular but there is not much room available and it is a lot of work. Bill Bryant will investigate.


Pedigree confidence and DNA – Bill Bryant presented a survey of some Ohio breeders that showed low confidence of the five generation pedigree and would like to see a program developed where DNA can be on file and designated on the registration certificate. Flock 54 offers several tests including parentage if sire and dam are also on file for $18. Turn around time is longer. Discussion followed. Board assigns this to both the Competition and DNA Committees and asked for a report at the May meeting. So moved by Mandy Curtiss with a second from Charlotte Stephenson. Motion passed 9 for, 2 against.

Jared Poynter requested that the record show that it is his opinion some of the latest board actions have discouraged memberships and registrations. So noted.

Next meeting, Zoom May 5, 2024 8 PM EST

Bill Bryant moved to adjourn at 9:25 PM. Seconded by Rick Whiting. Meeting adjourned.

Tyler Bruhin: ’09 Scholarship

This year we visited with William Tyler Bruhin who was a recipient of a Shropshire Scholarship in 2009. You may remember Tyler around the Shropshire events with his younger brother, Jared, and Dad, Alan. Both boys were pretty competitive and were active in the youth activities. Alan served the breed as a member of the board from 2011 to 2017 and was very helpful with the junior group.

Tyler graduated from Sevier County High School in 2009 where he was active in 4-H and FFA and received several recognitions and served in several leadership roles in both programs. He then attended Walter’s State Community College majoring in agriculture business and then transferred to the University of Tennessee. After graduation he went back and got his masters in Agricultural Leadership Education & Communication.

In 2015 Tyler joined the Tennessee Department of Agriculture to work in the State Vet’s Office. He worked from home but spent lots of time on the road covering six counties, running bloodwork on poultry for health certification. He also inspected livestock markets in Jefferson and Knoxville Counties, as well as county fairs and also served as communication to the extension service. He was also active in the Agriculture Enhancement Plan helping to administer grants for farm improvements.

Tyler also worked with the University of

Tennessee as an agricultural extension agent in Anderson County. Education focused, he assisted farmers and homeowners with issues, working mostly with beef cattle and home gardening, especially in the Master Gardener program.

Tyler now is with the United Parcel Service, serving as a package handler and sometimes driver but working mostly inside.Acknowledging that sometimes the career plans of young people can be overwhelming, he recommends keeping an open mind. Find something you like and don’t be afraid to make changes.

As a young guy, Tyler was busy with his sheep projects from fourth grade to his early 20s and misses that identity of those days and the memories he made.

The ASRA offers two $400 scholarships to young Shropshire breeders enrolled in secondary education. The application and information is available on the Shropshire website The application deadline is June 1.

Special Moments by Jessica

Hello, I am Jessica Lindow, I am 17 years old and a Junior in high school. Besides raising show sheep, pigs and rabbits, I own my own photography business. I do wedding, graduation and more special events, but in the livestock industry I do show pictures, online sales and more. If you need a photographer for your next project I would be happy to help you out. 715-819-6027 •  Facebook: Special Moments by Jessica N5147 Hiline Ave., Chili, WI 54420

Tyler Bruhin

All-American Junior Show

The 2024 All-American Junior Sheep Show is going to be held at the Michigan State University Livestock Pavilion, Lansing, Mich. from July 4-7, 2024. This will be the fifth time the All-American has visited Lansing, a very popular venue among exhibitor families. The show has grown every year it has been held in Michigan and plans are being made to add additional sheep housing at MSU to meet the expanding exhibitor needs.

There has also been a change to the Top Gun guidelines to decrease the number of live animal placings counted from the top 14 placings to a top 10 count to also help alleviate some housing issues along with a hard entry deadline of May 25. The AAJS cannot guarantee any late entries being accepted after that deadline.

The All-American is the premier and largest junior breeding sheep show in the country.The breeds participating this year are: Polled Dorsets-Fitted & Slick Shorn, Horned Dorsets, Dorset Advantage, HampshiresFitted & Slick Shorn, Southdowns, Border Leicesters-White & Natural Colored, Cheviots, Cotswolds, Shropshires, Oxfords, Montadales, Romneys-White & Natural Colored, Shetlands, Lincolns-White & Natural Colored, Natural Coloreds, North Country Cheviots, Rambouillets, Targhees, Texels, Tunis, Dorpers, White Dorpers, Columbias, Corriedales, Katahdins, Merinos, Babydoll Southdowns and Suffolks-Fitted & Slick Shorn. Valais Blacknose will be having their inaugural show this year at the AAJS. Polled Dorsets, Hampshires and Suffolks have two completely separate shows for fitted and slick

shorns, while Lincolns, Romneys and Border Leicesters feature two separate breed shows for the white and natural colored sheep.

The National Junior Tunis Show, National Junior Suffolk Show, National Romney Junior Show, National Junior North Country Show and National Junior Corriedale Show will be held in conjunction with the All-American Junior show this year. Judges for this year’s event will be Dan Spilde, Wis., Mona Lisa Estes, Calif.; and Julia ‘Duckey’ Chute, NH.Thank you to all of the National Breed Associations and their breeders for their continued special sponsorship of this show!

If you have never attended an All-American Junior Show, please make plans to attend this very special event! It is much more than just a sheep show, as there are several activities for the whole family. The show features a lamb camp for young sheep owners, a Michigan Corn Hole tourney for exhibitors, a fun Ag Olympics social event, a sheep skil-a-thon competition with several participation awards being sponsored, a sheep judging contest, free complimentary food service for exhibitors and their families, individual and team showmanship competitions, a wool show, promotional contests featuring a fun social media video category for exhibitors and an adult age photo division, a college scholarship program for older exhibitors, a thank-you note writing booth where participation awards are given away, a fun virtual shearing contest with an adult division, and a lead line and dress-asheep competition, plus much more!

This will be the third year of the Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe drive on Sunday afternoon after the breed shows are completed and prior to the closing ceremonies. Profiles Show Supply & Embroidery will be donating chairs to the winners. Thank you to them for their special donation.

Also, we want to remind everyone of the implementation of a minimum age limit of 4 years old by January 1 for a junior exhibitor to enter the breeding sheep or market lamb classes. Younger exhibitors are still more than welcome to participate in showmanship classes, lead line and dress-a-sheep contests,

Sheep Farm City Limits

Your Source for Shropshire Semen

Frozen semen is currently available on all the following rams.

Semen is stored at RSG and on the farm.  We are cleaning out the tanks, call for special pricing and help with breeding decisions.


City Limits 23106 RRNNFF 2023 Res. National Champion Ram


City Limits 22034 RRNNFF Champion Ram 2022 NEYSS

“Sonic Boom”

City Limits 23091 RRNNFF Res. Champion Ram 2023 All American Jr. Show


City Limits 23098 RRNNFF Champion Ram 2023 Indiana State Fair

City Limits 1894 RRNNFF 2018 National Champion Ram Open & Junior Shows ALSO AVAILABLE:

• Summit RRNNFF, 2019 National Champion Ram Open Show

• Public Enemy RRNNFF, 2019 Champion Ram National Jr. Show

• No Fear RRNNFF, 2020 National Champion Ram

• Barbwire RRNNFF, 2021 National Champion Ram Open & Jr. Shows

• Dark Rum RRNNFF, Res. Champion Ram 2022 Freedom Fest

• Entourage RRNN, Sire of Kaboom

• Grey Goose RRNN, Sire of Public Enemy

• Fear Factor RRNNFF, Sire of No Fear

attend lamb camp, assist older exhibitors in the breeding sheep show rings and participate in all of the promotional contests and other fun activities associated with the show.

The All-American extended show schedule will continue as it works out very well for our attendees and staff. The sheep need to arrive by Thursday, July 4, at noon as all checkins will take place on Thursday morning.

Activities actually start Thursday with the Lamp Camp (a new extended one-time session!) Judging Contest, Weaver Fitting Demo, and the Leadline & Dress-A-Sheep Contests. The Michigan Committee is planning a pie and ice cream social for everyone also on Thursday afternoon.

The Opening Ceremonies will kick things off on Friday morning, July 5, followed by Sydell Showmanship Classes and some Breed Shows. On Friday night there will be the Michigan Corn Hole tournament and the Harry & Mary Blome pizza party starting at 6:30 p.m. right on the show site. The everpopular Ag Olympics will take place at the show site Saturday evening July 6 also starting at 6:30 p.m..

THE AAJS is excited to have back the platinum show sponsor, Sydell. Not only will they continue with a special $1000 gift certificate toward the purchase of any of their own manufactured products for the AAJS Raffle, but they are going to sponsor the exhibitor T-shirts and staff clothing as well as sponsoring the showmanship class winning awards. The AAJS welcomes back Sydell as a platinum show sponsor!

Honor Show Feeds is a major show sponsor and will be back in Michigan. Weaver Leather is also a major show sponsor providing embroidered wether blankets for the champion and reserve champion market lambs as well as a $250 E-Gift Certificate for our junior raffle ticket selling incentive program. They also sponsor the fitting demos on Thursday for exhibitors.

Tractor Supply will be providing prizes for the ever-popular exhibitor thank-you booth and has also become a major show sponsor as well as the sponsor of the judging contest

this year! Kalmbach Feeds, Stock Show Secrets, Ewe-Nique Gifts-Alex Ainger, Carp Ferrari, and MacCauley Suffolks are returning as major show sponsors for the show in Lansing. The American Lamb Board will be donating 350 thank-you notes for the booth. Profiles Show Supplies will continue their vendor show sponsorship. Select Livestock Services, Wolf Brothers Natural Coloreds and Milton Mobile Animal Care-Dr. Richard & Judy Schambow are also part the All-American family by being general show sponsors. B

Benchmark Graphic Co. will be donating the specially designed Michigan welcome bags for the exhibitor families. Novel Designs is donating their services as the AAJS web site host and thank-you to them for doing a great job. Emily Adcock Photography & Design will be returning as official show photographer. Theisen Designs will be at the show once again doing show apparel. They donate back a portion of their proceeds directly to the All-American Junior Show, thank-you!

The AAJS will once again be hosting a benefit Ram Semen Online Sale Auction on May 20, 2024. The sale hosting services and organization has been donated by Integrity Livestock Sales. Please contact Mike Crowder directly at 765-366-3135, email: with your consignments.We are looking for 2-5 straw lot donations of stud rams to be sold with all benefits going to the AAJS. If you want to support the All American and don’t necessarily have ram semen to sell, other items can also be consigned. At the Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, Mo. during the Supreme Champion Show on Thursday, June 13, the AAJS Benefit Auction will be held and this year we will be auctioning off some very exceptional items. Reproductive Specialty Group has donated an ET flush and transfer surgery and 5 LAI surgeries, Ringside Sheep Magazine has donated a one-color page ad, Mumm Sheep Equipment has donated a walkthrough gate, Premier 1 Supplies has donated a pair of their new cordless shears and Sullivan Supply will be donating a mini-air express blower. Willoughby Livestock Online Sales

will be offering a $250 buyers’ credit to any online/live sale they host, and Gene Check has put together a DNA testing package.

Thank you to all for these special donations to our special Big Ticket Benefit Auction! Specifics and details on all items can be found on the AAJS web site. Thank you to Heartland Group for allowing us to have this special benefit at the sale as this has become a major fundraiser for the show. Please be on hand or contact the AAJS show committee to bid on these special items!

Each year the AAJS holds a major raffle in which exhibitors sell raffle tickets prior to the show. Exhibitors will be getting their starter tickets in the mail very soon! Thank you to All American Junior Show Committee and Sydell for donating the awards for the raffle. For the past few years, the AAJS started a raffle ticket selling incentive program for our exhibitors. It has become very popular among the kids and Weaver Livestock has donated a $250 egift certificate for their website to the high seller and there are cash prizes for the rest of the top five sellers. Since its inception it has generated a raffle ticket sale increase of 100%! Thank you in advance to all that participate in this important fundraising event for the AAJS.

Michigan’s Host Committee is being organized by Co-Chairs Karen Scovill and Donna Averill along with several other Michigan sheep breeders. They are all working hard on fundraising activities. A big thank-you also go out to all the Michigan sheep families involved in the local planning committee. Several local

sheep breeders and youth supporters have stepped up to the plate to organize events and volunteer to help out. It is thanks to all of you that this show will be a special All-American for the junior sheep exhibitors and their families.

The Michigan Planning Committee is in the middle of fundraising for the show. It is essential this year that support comes in due to the higher food costs and fairgrounds rental. Thank you to the following sponsors that have stepped forward to date to help sponsor events at the upcoming 2024 show: Snow Cap Cheviots (Leadline), Lightning Ridge Farm (Opening Ceremonies), Benchmark Graphic Co.(Welcome Table/Bags), MacCauley Suffolks (Suffolk Ring), Tractor Supply (Judging Contest), Texel Sheep Breeders Society (Blome Pizza Party), Dutchess County Sheep & Wool Growers (Skil-A-Thon), ZoLo Halters (Award Sponsor) and GreenStone Farm Credit Services(General Show Sponsor).

They are also looking for donations for the contents for the 450 exhibitor welcome bags. We look forward to getting more local Michigan show supporters on board. If you are interested in supporting the 2024 show contact Donna Averill

Check out the show website for premium book, schedule, entry forms, promotional contests and a list of motel accommodations. Specific questions should be directed to Deb Hopkins, (401) 829-1360 or email

1269 HWY 200 W P.O. Box 468

Jordan, MT 59337 (406) 855-1478

Jason, Denise, Dash, Myka & Ken Heeg

We are bringing some cool pieces to Greenville including this Fall Ewe Lamb out of Mythical & Powell 2215 (O’Neill 19-21)

Check her out and our other entries at the National Shropshire Sale!

Mid-States Wool Growers

Maryland State Fair

Sept 3, Judge: Brad Schrock

Yearling Ram

1. Ashley Fuss City Limits 22033

2. Taryn Stem M&C 0053

3. Alison Roles Low Key Acres 1001

4. Shawn Mitchell Miller 1171

5. Ashley Gouge Gouge 15

Early Junior Ram Lamb

1. Brady Clark Clark 2310 Champion Ram

2. Brady Clark Clark 2352

3. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2307

4. Elliott Weishaar Weishaar 1411

5. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2302

6. Shawn Mitchell SM 302

Late Junior Ram Lamb

1. Tim & Sarah Fleener Fleener 2352Reserve Champion Ram

2. Brady Clark Clark 23112

3. Brady Clark Clark 2375

4. Ashley Fuss City Limits 23089

5. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2310

6. Ashley Gouge Gouge PP18

7. Brandon Gouge Gouge PP22

8. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 23-SM97

9. Shawn Mitchell SM 305

10. Ashley Gouge Gouge B54PP19

Pair Ram Lambs

1. Brady Clark

2. Ashley Fuss

3. Shawn Mitchell

4. Ashley Gouge

Yearling Ewe

1. River Lease Fleener 2212

2. Taryn Stem Sand Meadow 2205

3. Brady Clark Clark 2210

4. Brady Clark Clark 2267

5. Greenbrier Acres Greenbrier 2114

6. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2207

7. Alison Roles Greenbrier 2209

8. Jason Mazepink Powell 2207

9. Shawn Mitchell SM 293

10. Jason Mazepink Powell 2214

11. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2205

12. Greenbrier Acres Greenbrier 2220

13. Shawn Mitchell SM 296

14. Taryn Stem Fritz 2219

Pair Yearling Ewes

1. Brady Clark

2. Ashley Fuss

3. Greenbrier Acres

4. Jason Mazepink

5. Taryn Stem

6. Shawn Mitchell

Senior Ewe Lamb

1. Tim & Sarah Fleener High Life 2313

Champion Ewe

2. Shawn Mitchell Triple J 223

3. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2318

4. Jason Mazepink Powell 2256

5. Lisa Maxwell Powell 2248

Early Junior Ewe Lamb

1. Natalie Harmeyer Rockin K 3264

Reserve Champion Ewe

2. Brady Clark Clark 2350

3. Natalie Harmeyer MoBo Junction 2315

4. Elliott Weishaar Diamond 1407

5. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2303

6. Alison Roles Low Key Acres 1008

7. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2301

8. Alison Roles Low Key Acres 1009

9. Lisa Maxwell Powell 2302

10. Shawn Mitchell SM 301

Late Junior Ewe Lamb

1. Brady Clark Clark 23104

2. Tim & Sarah Fleener Fleener 2353

3. Brady Clark Clark 2398

4. Natalie Harmeyer Rockin K 3270

5. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2309

6. Ashley Gouge Gouge PP21

7. Ashley Fuss Greenbrier 2312

8. Ashley Gouge Gouge PP20

9. Shawn Mitchell SM 303

10. Jason Mazepink JDCL 2310

11. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 23-SM98

12. Taryn Stem Show-Motion 23-SM100

Pair Ewe Lambs

1. Brady Clark

2. Natalie Harmeyer

3. Ashley Fuss

4. Alison Roles

5. Ashley Gouge

6. Shawn Mitchell

7. Taryn Stem

Pen of 4 Lambs

1. Brady Clark

2. Ashley Fuss

3. Shawn Mitchell

4. Ashley Gouge

Exhibitors Young Flock

1. Tim & Sarah Fleener

2. Brady Clark

3. Ashley Fuss

4. Shawn Mitchell

5. Ashley Gouge

6. Taryn Stem Flock

1. Brady Clark

2. Ashley Fuss

3. Taryn Stem

4. Shawn Mitchell

Premier Exhibitor

Brady Clark

Houston Stock


February 27 Judge: Todd Taylor

Ram Lamb

1.Vivian Stephenson

2.Vivian Stephenson

3. Christi Keeton

4. Christi Keeton

Two-tooth Ram

1.Vivian Stephenson – Champion Ram

2.Vivian Stephenson

3. Addison Bandy

Four to Six-tooth Ram

1.Vivian Stephenson – Res. Champion Ram

2. Christi Keeton

3. Christi Keeton

4. Christi Keeton

Pair Rams

1.Vivian Stephenson

2. Christi Keeton

Ewe Lamb

1. Addison Bandy – Res. Champion Ewe

2.Vivian Stephenson

3. Lucas Dunn

4. Swingin T Ranch

Two-tooth Ewe

1.Vivian Stephenson – Champion Ewe

2. Christi Keeton

3.Vivian Stephenson

4. Swingin T Ranch

Four to Six-tooth Ewe

1.Vivian Stephenson

2.Vivian Stephenson

3. Christi Keeton

4. Christi Keeton

Pair Ewes

1.Vivian Stephenson

2. Christi Keeton

3. Swingin T Ranch

Best Pair Sheep (both sexes)

1.Vivian Stephenson

2. Christi Keeton

3. Swingin T Ranch

4. Addison Bandy

Exhibitors Flock

1. Vivian Stephenson

2. Christi Keeton

3. Swingin T Ranch

Oklahoma Youth Expo

March 16 Judge: Barrett Carlisle Class 1 (lambs teeth)

1. Lincoln Oldenburg Charmasson 23125

Res. Champion Ewe

2. Addi Jones Rexwinkle 3447

3. Ryder King Charmasson 23141

4. Brooklyn Torrone Swingin T Ranch 1281

5. Adysen Dishman WEG W-337

6. Mikey Torrone Swingin T Ranch 1282

7. Kaylee Vandenburg BKLC 0003

8. Kason Junghanns NOC 23169

9. Courtney Ross Merveldt 2319

10. Courtney Ross Merveldt 2318

11. Ryker Ninman Roberts Farm 23-7

Class 2 (Lambs teeth)

1. Presley L Johnson Nelson 2320

Champion Ewe

2. Sophia Rexwinkle Rexwinkle 3426

3. Brieley Scott Scott 13

4. Anna Capps Charmasson 23093

5. Courtney Holcroft Swingin T Ranch 1283

6. Taylor Martin Scott 15

7. Courtney Ross Merveldt 23-9

8. Warren Syzemore Syzemore 100039

9. Hagan Martin Merveldt 23-6

10. Hagan Martin Merveldt 23-14

Yearling Ewes ( 2 tooth)

1. Mark Raper Prough 2336

2. Clayton Prough Prough 2304

When the show matters, the feed matters.

Home Fresh® 20 Sheep

Starter Grower HE 45DQ

Show lamb breeze 45dq

Show lamb gale force 18dq

Show lamb gale force HE 18dq

ShowBoss™ Lowdown®

ShowBoss™ Biomend™

ShowBoss™ Fit N Finish®

ShowBoss™ Final Drive™


This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on

Adams Shropshires 10828 W 1000 S Rd

Bonfield, IL 60913

Cell: (815) 228-2903

Anderson Farms

Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503

Askelsen Croft

Colin Askelsen 1434 C Ave. Ogden, IA 50212 515-490-3439

Averill, David Village Farm 115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421

Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires 151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988

Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415

Barnes, Shane & Kim. SKB Shropshires 1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673

Barnes, Tim & Deb

Barnes Farms 5707 Mooney Road Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125 Cell: (740) 815-2402

Brown, Rob & Ron Clay-Nob Farms 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 (814) 431-8133

Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053

Calvert Farm Christine Sanders 735 N Perry Hwy Mercer, PA 16137 (724) 974-8208

Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) 465-0565

Dirlam, John & Matt 11646 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 443-2901

Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428

Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174

Cell: (785) 458-9174

Edmondson, Andy Lazy E Ranch 4456 Fruitland Rd Loma Rica, CA 95901 (541)281-2311

Elsbury, David, Colleen & Logan, Kaylee 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 435-0628

Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461

Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI 53001 262-483-4668

Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610

Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders 1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 317-508-4738

Fleener, Tim & Sarah

273 South Mountain Rd. Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 Facebook/Fleener Livestock

Fritz, Caleb 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) 653-0867

Fuss, Ashley Greenbrier Acres 12737 Woodsboro Pike Keymar, MD 21757 (240) 405-9383

Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Cell: (309) 371-4260 Farm: (309) 876-2364

Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS Shrops 7622 Jersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730

Hardisky, Denise Southern Tier Shropshires 254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) 687-7967

Heaton Farms

Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118

Hiemke, Cody

Mapleton Mynd Shropshires 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035

High Life Farms

David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907

Hubbard, Brenna Land Run Shrops 354636 E 750 Rd Cushing, OK 74023 (918) 225-9743

J&R Farm

Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057

Johnson, Bob & Karen

RoKaJo Farm 569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452 Mary Anne Keck 417-844-589

Kalina Family

Sue and Bessie Kalina 35586 Oakville RD SW Albany, OR 97321 (503) 939-0303

Kemp, Taylor

Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121

King, Craig & Andrea

Weston King Peiter Shrops 860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (660) 651-2032

Kipp, James & Terri

Grey Feather Farm E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) 255-8300

Knepp, Don

Knepp Shropshires 128 Old Barrington Rd North Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 846-6354

Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria

Cross Country Shropshires 239 Cunard St. Fulton, OH 43321 (740) 751-3183

LaFramboise, Andy, Rebekah & Elizabeth LaFramboise Livestock 16481 Unicorn Rd. Stark City, MO 64866 (503) 580-7430

Larimore, Larry & Sharon

Triple J Farm 3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 302-233-8912

Larson Livestock

Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) 790-1671

Liskai, Chase Bedrock Acres 7290 W US Highway 6 Gibsonburg, OH 43431 414-340-7957

McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires 5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103

Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473

Miller, Bryan 15525 A Motter Station Rd Rocky Ridge, MD 21778 (301) 514-7955

Moore, Adam MoBo Junction Farms 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546 660-676-2825

Motter, Jan Lane’s End Farm 12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078

Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 Cell: (219) 716-4921

Nicholson Family Sand Meadow Farm 92 Frog Hollow Rd Ellington, CT 06029 (860) 490-7238

Pence Farms

1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883

Mike: (419) 992-4305

Doug: (419) 986-5848 Jay: (419) 992-4701

Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 374-3371

Petzel, Debbie Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824 (612) 578-1528

Powell, Doris 40405 Route 187 Rome, PA 18837 (570) 247-7316

Reason, Sandra M.

High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box 3819 Tonopah, NV 89049 (775) 482-4191

Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms 29754 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, OK 73093

Cell: (405) 314-3370

Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm 2435 W. McCracken Road Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301 Cell: (317) 358-3260

Rueber, Carol & Aimee Rueber Shropshires 2530 280th St

Marshalltown, IA 50158

Carol: (319) 231-7626

Aimee: (319) 230-9739

Shrum, Lori and Darron

New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660)651-8881

Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm

P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330

Tom: (815) 866-5031

Brad: (815) 766-0584

Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784

Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian

Sugar Ridge Ranch E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151

Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires 4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036 Mitch: (317) 606-5234 Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988

Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box 319 Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 873-4005

Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608

Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires 17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) 424-2543

Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603

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