May 2022 The SHROPSHIRE VOICE TRIBUTE TO Fred Groverman 1933-2022 Groverman 5517 In Remembrance By: Adams Shropshires Mapleton Mynd Knepp-LaFolletteShropshiresShropshires

Page 2 Shropshire Voice Sand Meadow 2130 daughter sired by Bartender LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE IN GREENVILLE FOR THE OHIO SHOWCASE MAY 12-14! Be sure to stop by our pens to view all of consignments our Farm Visits & Private Sales Always Welcome Jon, Katherine, Addisen & Oliver Nicholson 906 Main Street South Windsor, CT sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com860-490-723806074 We’ve Got BIG NEWS 2022 Bartender ewe lamb donated by Sand Meadow Farm to be auctioned at Big Ohio Sale to benefit the Northeast Shropshire Association. All Proceeds will go to Shropshire Youth Events at the All-American and Northeast Youth Show

Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher
Vice President
Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary
Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October
~ The ShropShire Voice ~T
Mandy Curtiss (2023) 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011
Debbie Petzel (2022) 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824
Bill Bryant Jr (2023)
Rick Adams (2024)
19411 S Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290
Tom Slutz (2022) PO Box 177, 602 S Main St LaMoille, IL 61830-0177
Jon Nicholson (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Caleb Fritz (2023) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Rick Whiting (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146
Mary Anne Keck (2022) 665 Niangua Rd Niangua, MO 65713
Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association
Fredericktown, OH 43019
Ashley Fuss (2023) 8608 Hunters Drive Frederick, MD 21701
5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140
Darrell Dockter (2022)
Volume 42, Issue 2 May 2022
Adam Moore (2024) 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Page 1May 2022
PO Box 136
7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807
Mike Elsbury (2023)
Bonfield, IL 60913
Danny Rogers (2023) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
10828 W 1000 S Rd
Jim Gruenhagen (2024)
Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association
Phone/Fax –(413) ShropshireShropsec@hotmail.com624-9652Voice&Website
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shrop shire website,, contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator.RindaMaddoxP.O.Box475Sidell,IL61876
shropshirevoice@ (217)(217)thesidellreporter.com288-9365(office)474-9365(cell)
Shropshire Voice Advertising Rates
Full Page $125
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process reg istrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt. Contact her at: American Shropshire RegistryBeckyAssociationPeterson,Secretary 41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337
RINDA MADDOX (217) 474-9365
Junior Activities
ASRA Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Half Page $75 Quarter Page................................. $50
Page 2 Shropshire Voice
Voice Advertising Manager
P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 American Shropshire Registry
VOICE DEADLINES February Voice .............. Jan. 15 May Voice March 15 October Voice ................ Sept. 1 “The
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President 913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle, TN tslivestock18@gmail.com37020
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
Rates effective since February 1, 2010
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Pay ments are also available via credit card. Visit
American Shropshire Registry Association
Front Cover Full Color............... $325
Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250 Inside Page Full Color $250 Center Two Page Spread ............ $375 Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10 Full Color added to any ad $125 Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site $225 Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30 Add your website link $20
Association does not necesarrily endorse paid advertisement published in this publication.” CONTACT US
Apple (deceased), the family of Jasper Dirlam (deceased), the family of Frederick Groverman (deceased), Dennis Avery and Michael Anderson. Read about these Shropshire breeders on the Hall of Fame page of and in future issues of the Shropshire Voice.

Your 15-member board of directors from across the Unit ed States work hard to bring new ideas and changes to your registry but we are always looking for new ideas for promoting your breed and any improvements that should be made. We are working on ideas at the pres ent time but could always use more thoughts and members to help us accomplish those ideas. If you have any, please reach out to your director in your region or ask them how you can get involved. Thank you for your support with member ships, registrations, and transfer work, along with supporting our key programs that take donations to keep them viable and growing for the future. The ASRA had a successful year in 2021 and let’s make it better in 2022. Good luck with all your Shropshires!JimGruenhagen
I am pleased to say our Shropshire Registry is growing. We are having many new members and youth join the Shropshire breed. We are well into the sale season by now and hope you have taken ad vantage of the numerous online auctions or the National Sale at the Indiana Premier sale to add or start your Shropshire flock. You still have opportunities at the Ohio Showcase sale, Great Lakes Sale and the Midwest Stud Ram sale to do so.
The Ohio Showcase sale will be held May 13th and 14th with the sale on Saturday, May 14th. We will once again have a silent auc tion for the ASRA website’s centerstage for you to promote your flock. We will have bid sheets at a table for you to bid starting at $100 for each month on the website. If you are unable to attend but would like to bid for a month, please contact myself or Becky and we will get your bid placed.
Our National Sale was held in Greenfield, Ind. at the Indiana Pre mier sale on April 23rd. Exhibitors and buyers enjoyed a great banquet hosted by the Indiana Shropshire Association and a great showing of Shropshire were sold on Saturday. Thank you to the Indiana Shropshire Associa tion for hosting such a great event for our National Sale.
The Starter Flock Committee has chosen
Applications will be accepted through De cember 31 for the 2023 class and are available on the website, as well.
two winners for the starter flock this year, the winner received $1000 to be used on two ewes and the runner up winner received $500 to be used on one ewe to assist them with a new Shropshire flock pur chased from accredited and ap proved ASRA live sales or online sales. Without the help from you for donations to this great pro gram it would not happen. Thank you to those donors and please help this program throughout the year! Our juniors are our future!
First inductees to Hall of Fame
This program has been in its design stages for some time and finally it has happened. A call for nominations was placed in the spring of 2021 with applications taken until the end of the year. We are honored to announce the first class of inductees to be presented at the National Sale dinner on April 23 in Greenfield, Indiana.
Congratulations to the family of Noble T
Page 3May 2022
We’ve made yet another trip around the sun and it is out longer every day and it will be spring here in a few days. In between the multiple changes from winter to spring and back again this year we’re also in our fifth season– MUD. This is by far my least favorite time of year but I try to endure it to get to the good part of green grass and dry ground.
Page 4 Shropshire Voice
If you would like to help a different cause this year, the All-American Junior Shropshire Show is always in need of class sponsors. Class sponsorships are $35 and your name will be on a large banner hanging at ringside at the show. General AAJS sponsorships are also needed as the show has a huge budget. If you are thinking of attending the show for Continued next page
You’ve probably been reading or maybe hearing about the NOT NEW Shropshire rule requiring Shrops to be shown without wool on the belly or flank or on the leg above the knee or hock joint. This rule is in print and is announced during the show but some ringside bad attitudes were seen at the 2021 NAILE show. It is quite likely that your Shrops at major shows where the ASRA has contributed funds will be in spected before the show to avoid some of this and to give those exhibitors a chance to correct their presentation instead of being dismissed from showring make-up area. The extra shag left on the upper hind legs or forelegs does little to enhance your breed ing sheep. So please help us to avoid making our Shropshire classes look like a wether
New registration work is arriving almost daily now after some very sparse weeks of late. I urge sale consignors not to wait until the last few days before their sale to send in their work and to double check birth dates and sire and dam information to avoid delays.
Your help is also highly appreciated for the Starter Flock. At this writing in early March, we have four really nice applications so far and hope to receive several more to keep the selection committee busy. By the time you read this, the winners will have been selected and hopefully introduced at the National Sale and a couple of kids will have their start in the breed. If you would like to help support the program, please contact me in the Shropshire office with your donation.
your July family showcation, stay an extra week and enjoy the North East Youth Sheep Show in the same facility on the grounds of the Big E in West Springfield, MA. If you choose to do that, bring along some new or used sheep supplies or equipment. Yours truly has been re-recruited into managing an equipment auction on Saturday, July 16. We expect 400 or more lots and it draws a lot of interest. Eleven percent of the pro ceeds go to the New England Sheep & Wool Growers Association, the NEYSS sponsoring organization.

We appreciate the support of all of our junior programs as the kids are the future of the breed. Your futurity nominations on your sale sheep go, yes to a small group of kids, but also contribute to a growing interest in showing Shropshire fe males and trying just that bit harder to suc ceed. Last year 182 ewes were nominated and that creates a great deal of interest. We expect some really nice ewes to be nominat ed this year to keep the program growing.
The Shropshire Junior Association will be active again at spring and summer events. There will be the usual fundraising activities that help to support the works of the group. There will be some sort of get-together at the AllAmerican for the Shrop exhibi tors and their families. Can we top last years “Slip & Slide Kickball” game? If you were ex hibiting at the NAILE Junior Show last No vember and one of the 15 that came away without a green Shropshire fleece blanket, please let me know where you will be and I can try to make a connection with it.
Meanwhile, I hope to see lots of Shrop shire families this year at the Ohio Showcase Sale, the All-American, maybe a state fair or two and of course, Louisville. Stay positive, test negative and keep working on those sheep!
Page 5May 2022
name will appear on the pedigrees of all progeny. It is still recommended that a farm or flock name be used and a number matching a tag or tattoo in the sheep’s ear is required.
show. It is definitely an issue and we ask for your compliance. If you are unsure of how to achieve the proper presentation, please contact me in the office or your state or region director. ‘Nuff said!
May 16, 2022
465775 “HOMESCHOOL” Slack 8122 466601 “TOP SHELF” Sand Meadow 2109 462527 “STONE COLD” Dirlam 19-19 467417 “LIMITLESS” Adams 21064 465218 “HARRY” Rafter W 20-19 467850 “PRODIGY” AV 8002 467849 “EROS” AV 8001 465224 “FRANKLIN” Rafter W 20-28 (Any or all of these animals may have been named by a subsequent owner).
on Integrity Livestock Sales

AAJS Benefit Ram
Names should be submitted in writing, either at the time of registration or by written request submitted with an existing registration certificate in which case a new certificate with the sheep’s Chris tened name will be issued. The Christened
Continued from Page 4
Semen Auction
Call Mike Crowder mike@integritylivestocksales.com765-366-3135

Secretary’s Notes,
No sheep will be officially named with out payment of this $25 fee.
Any person registering Shropshire sheep may designate a name for a specific sheep, either at the time of registration or some time afterward or ahead of time for future use for a $25 fee. Once that name is reserved, it may not be used again for 10 years, either as an informal name or a reserved name.
New Christened Names registered
Please consider a donation of 2-5 straws of semen from your best Shropshire rams. This also presents a good opportunity to buy into some great genetics.
The FamilyWeidauer Greg, Liz, Colin & Sara (320) Greg.Weidauer@gmail.com424-2543
A list of names recorded in 2021 and added to the list published in May 2021 follows:
RR or QR. No QQ or NS sheep will be al lowed to sell.
Continued next page
6333 N 600 E, Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 • (219) 716-4921 • 1 & 2 Yearling ewes sired by Avery’s Lockdown 19-23 for the big Ohio sales 3 Ewe sired by our Buckham 18-37 ram 4 Late yearling ewe sired by Avery’s 19-23 Lockdown A Sample Of Our Ewes Being Offered At Spring Sales... 12 34
Rams will show and sell first and the fol lowing classes are offered: Yearling Rams, Fall Ram Lambs, January and February & after Ram Lambs, Yearling Ewes, Fall Ewe Lambs, Early January, Late January, Early February, and Late February and after Ewe Lambs. Shropshires are required to guarantee codons of NN and

Page 6 Shropshire Voice
Ohio Showcase set for May 13 & 14
The ASRA will award banners to the champion and reserve champion rams and ewes. The sale will be webcast with live bidding at Mail and phone bids must be paid within five (5) days or will incur a 10% added fee. Futurity ewe lambs and year ling ewes will be marked with an “F” on their backs and on the sale order. All transit sheep on the grounds must stay on trailers. Camping is permitted on the grounds and lodging is available in Greenville, Brookville and Rich mond, Ind. Catalogs will be mailed to all previous consignors and will also be posted sale and Shropshire websites. For further informa tion consult

The silent auction for the Shropshire web site’s Centerstage will take place over the two days. Breeders are encouraged to bid to purchase a month-long ad on the home-
The 2022 Ohio Showcase remains in Greenville this year and is managed again by Select Livestock Services. Come to the Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville on May 13 & 14 for your Shropping opportunity at what has been the largest Shropshire show and sale of the last decade.There will be several breeds involved so there would also be likely haul ing arrangements if you are unable to attend. Shropshires will be in the cattle pavilion and show and sell in the second in the order (after Hampshires) so both days will be early. Evan Snyder will judge and establish a sale order. Auctioneers will be Gary Saylor, Danny Westlake and Bill MacCauley.

Ohio Showcase continued from Page 6 Your sponsorship is always needed for the Starter Flock Fund & All-American Jr. Show Shropshire classes. Thank you for generosity!your
page of publisher Rinda Maddox will design your ad and allow you to proof it and it will also get a one-time post on the Shropshire Facebook page. Bidding will be available on Friday but check your bids on Saturday as the sale will close 30 minutes after the conclusion of the Shropshire Sale. Minimum bid is $100. Payment should be made on the day of the sale to the ASRA.The proceeds will keep the website in operation and promoting the breed.
wether-sire Thursday. Total of 152 head sold online for $170,000. Thursday’s sales had 700 viewers for 71 head online for $64,300; Friday 1000 viewers sold 56 head for$63,000; Saturday 600 viewers, sold 45 for $41,000. There seems to be no problem transporting sheep into or out of Sedalia making the online sales work.They will continue to use this tech nology.
Freedom Fest is a Breeding Sheep Jackpot Show held May 27-29 at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, Mo. This is in its third year and originated in 2020 after COVID-19 caused a need for show venues.
Mid West Stud Ram Sale
Entries open on April 1st, with classes for rams and ewes in many breeds. Check out the Facebook page Freedomfestsheepshow to fol low the details or contact Bobby Spoonster at (636)359-5487 or
Page 7May 2022
One of the country’s largest sheep hub events continues this year in Sedalia, Mo. from June 14-18. Shropshires will be judged in the swine barn at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, June 15 by John Mrozinski. The Larry Mead Supreme Champion Event takes off at 6 p.m., followed by his memorial service. Larry was a funda mental part of the success of the Midwest Sale event.Shropshires will be the sixth breed to sell on Friday, June 17, following by the Polled and Horned Dorsets. Several breeds are involved in this long-running show and sale and it is a wonderful opportunity to find transportation connections for around the U.S. For further information call 515-442-0950 or email info@ are June 12-17.
Freedom Fest Jackpot Show
The MWSRS is managed by Heartland Livestock Services LLC. Bret Oelke, a Heartland representative, spoke briefly at the November board meeting, reporting some 2021 statistics: 1400 head pre-entered, over 1100 head shown, 965 head sold. The record average was $1257 with a gross sale of $1.2M. Online viewing and bidding works well for them. Most notable was the 400 web viewers on both Tuesday and Wednesday, 800 viewers on the
It has been designated as several regional shows including the Mid-West Regional Shropshire Show. Showmanship classes will be held on Friday, May 27, followed by two days of breed classes.The organizers are doing a great job getting it together, gathering and recogniz ing sponsors. The show looks like it will be a great deal of fun!
2022 budget needs to be set and approved. A committee of Adam Moore, Ashley Fuss and Becky Peterson will review and propose bud get for May meeting. Any new spending items need to be included.
Royalty – Debbie Petzel sent the royalty application info to the committee for review.Any changes will be made and applications posted. Deadline is March 15. Presentations will be at the National Sale dinner on April 23 in Indiana.
Finance Committee - It was noted that the
Minutes of Zoom Board Meeting
Voice & Promotion Committee – Chair Darrell was not present. It was noted to plan Cen terstage website auction at a spring event. Dis cussion followed. It was decided to run the Silent Auction again and hold it with the Ohio Show case Sale in May. Jim Gruenhagen will organize it.
Junior Activity – Mary Anne is looking at awards for NAILE and possibly AAJS Showmanship awards and will provide pricing for chairs and banners. She is also planning on the meal and activity for the AAJS exhibitors. The Northeast Association is working to co-spon sor the Futurityevent.–Is there a need to look at the payouts. Ewe lambs pay four regional and
The meeting was called to order at 8:04 p.m. by President Jim Gruenhagen. Present were Jon Nicholson, Adam Moore, Danny Rogers, Rick Adams by phone, Rick Whiting, Tom Slutz, Caleb Fritz, Mike Elsbury, Bill Bryant by phone, Ashley Fuss, Mary Anne Keck, Deb bie Petzel and Mandy Curtiss. Darrell Dockter did not Secretary’sattend.Report was previously distrib uted. Danny Rogers moved to accept with a second by Bill Bryant. Motion passed.
Page 8 Shropshire Voice
Promoting SheepofImprovementThetheEntireIndustry 1 Year – $35 2 Years –ListingDirectoryBreeder’s$60–$75 P.O. Box 500 • Cuba, IL 61427 (309) 785-5058 • Fax: (309) www.bannersheepmagazine.comads.banner@sybertech.net785-5050 Did you miss seeing the snapshot page of Shropshire youth in this issue? So did we! Please share your spring and summer show and barn photos of the kids and their sheep for the next issue of the Voice. Deadline Sept. 1. Send photos to Rinda at: shropshirevoice

Treasurer’s Report was also previously distributed. The end of year total assets was $59,318.68 and Net Income was $6,954.28. Registration stats showed 2285 head and 1306 transfers. There was no further discussion. Bill Bryant moved to accept the report with a sec ond from Danny Rogers. Motion passed.
Jan. 30, 2022
Page 9May 2022 Jerry Flanders, DVM 16260 Atlantic Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060 317/508-4738 • Semen for Sale from my Proven Sires!

Page 10 Shropshire Voice
Starter Flock – Application needs to be reviewed and updated if necessary and publi cized for March 15 deadline. Committee chair Rick will follow November discussion pointed toward two awards for $1000 and $500 to go toward the purchase of two or more ewes and for one or more ewes respectively. Sponsorships are still needed.
seven overall places. Yearlings pay 10 places and not all of them were used in the past two years and some money was not used. Becky will send a little history to the committee to review and recommend changes at the May meeting. Chair Caleb Fritz remarked that the photo plaques awarded in the past have been a little plain and would like to award Silver buckles to the ewe lamb and yearling win ner. Caleb Fritz moved to work on this with a second from Adam Moore. He will look for prices and look into sponsorships so as not to impact the budget. Perhaps banners could be used for the regional ewe lambs. Futurity committee will make final choice.
National Sale – Jim Gruenhagen will order

Belly and Leg Wool – Jim Gruenhagen re viewed the ringside scuffle during the junior
JIM & DONNA GRUENHAGEN 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd., Davenport, IA 52807 // (563) 355-6730 // SS Shrops Consigning 1 fall ewe & 2 January ewe lambs to the Ohio Showcase Sale.
the banner sashes for the champion and re serve champion ram and ewe. Mike Elsbury’s committee is working on local grants to help. Consignors will have banquet tickets, class winner prizes.They are working on hats, shirts and have a photo backdrop ordered. They will make an email blast with the entry form and for the catalog. John Mrozinski will judge the sale sheep. This sale will meet the Indiana 4-H ownershipCompetitiondeadline.–Committee is to look at the “DNA project”. The Southdown Associa tion has a policy to test for the Dwarf gene. Southdown consignors will have to attest to freedom of Dwarf and Spider gene as well as at least QR for Scrapie. They also test four winners and one random at NAILE. Becky will forward the Southdown email to the board members. Bill Bryant will look into the logistics and funding and also details of the par entage testing. Committee will have a Zoom meeting with that info.
Committee Assignments – President Jim Gruenhagen had set up committees and the list has been sent to place in the February Voice and will also be on the website.
Darin & Kim Merveldt 8104 N. Alfadale Road, El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473 • Merveldt Shropshires Yearling buck we raised and used last fall, I will have a few lambs out of him I will sell off the farm. Contact me anytime.Merveldt 21-1 RRNN FF

in Indiana as a starting point. Jon Nicholson seconded.
Page 11May 2022
A committee of three appointed by the Board will be on hand for Thursday’s check-in and paint branding at the Indiana Sale in April. Motion passed. Ashley Fuss is working on a flyer/banner to be distributed/displayed and will have it worked up by March.
show. Mary Anne Keck discussed implement ing a code of ethics. Discussion followed. The Belly and Leg Wool rule is not new and has been printed in national event rules and is announced on site. There is no excuse for not following it or for parents etc, to deni grate the persons trying to enforce it. There needs to be a penalty for such activity. Tom Slutz asked if show staff would support any action taken by the ASRA. Becky will bring this to the NAILE advisory committee in March. Could we pay a non-Shropshire exhibitor to be ringside and inspect? Is there a possibility to pre-check all Shropshires on the day be fore the show at these events? Discussion followed. Mary Anne moved to try one year with prior day pre-checking all Shrops for the NAILE Junior and Open Show, AAJS and Na tional Sale events. Mike Elsbury seconded. Discussion followed, noting the difficulty involved in finding all Shropshires in the NAILE barn or hauling 12 head to a central point. Mary Anne amended her motion to say the prior day PreCheck will take place at only the National Sale
Hall of Fame - Five applications were sub mitted (Mike Anderson, Jasper Dirlam, Dennis Avery, Fred Groverman and Noble Apple). Tom Slutz moved to name all five this year. Second from Rick Adams. These will all be put on the website and in the May Voice. Introduc tions will be made at the Friday night dinner at the National Sale in Indiana. Ashley Fuss is looking into a physical memento for recipi ents. A scrap book will be made and displayed at Shropshire events. Jon Nicholson moved that the secretary and president should send a letter to the living recipients and families of the deceased with an invitation to the Indiana event. Seconded by Tom Slutz. Motion passed. OldNAILEBusinessJudge nominations – Becky provid ed a tally of the nominations received at the NAILE event and afterward as follows: Bobby Spoonster (7), Evan Snyder (4), Tim Gatsby (3), Jason Mumm (3), Craig Beckmier (2), Ja son Heeg (2), and Jim Percival, Alan Johnson, Skip Anderson, Clink Rust, Joel Parker, Bill Bry ant, Aaron Crome, and Mark Johnson (1 each). Mike Elsbury moved to accept these and submit them to NAILE in that order.Adam Moore seconded. Motion passed. Discussion followed about the nomination method which currently allows any paid adult member to submit a judge name. A suggestion was made having only NAILE Open exhibitors of the last three years to submit names. Others countered sug gesting all members should be a driving force. Discussion followed. Rick Adams felt that any change should be done at an Annual Meeting though it is not a By-Law.The issue will be put on the agenda for November 2022.
Improve the 3Ps of your Flock: Profitability, Performance and Parentage

New Business
Regional Youth Funds allocations – NE/NY, PA/South, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan/Wisconsin and Southwest regions are eligible for the $300 youth funds. Directors should re quest funds, date needed and recipient
Take the guess work out and make breeding decisions based on data, identifying the potential for disease resistance, twinning, meat quality and parentage for as little as $18 per head. Reported traits include: • Scrapie • Spider • Dwarf
Conflict of Interest Forms – Becky asked again for Board members to complete these forms as they are required to be kept on file for the D&O Insurance. Becky will email them again.Next
meeting – Typically held in conjunction with National Sale. Several directors didn’t think they would get to Indiana and most would not go to both Indiana and Ohio. It was decided to hold the Board meeting be tween the sales as a Zoom meeting on May 1. With no other business to come before the Board Mary Anne Keck moved to adjourn at 10:17 PM, seconded by Adam Moore.
nominated Mary Anne Keck as Vice President. Seconded by Adam Moore. Tom Slutz moved to close nominations and cast one ballot for Mary Anne Keck as vice-president.
May 12-14 .......... Ohio Showcase Sale May 27-29 .......... Freedom Fest Jackpot May 28-29 ......... Great Lakes Sale June 14-18 ......... Midwest Stud Ram Sale June 1 ................ Scholarship deadline June 31-July 3 .... All-American Jr. Show Nov. 2022 ........... NAILE Calendar
Election of Officers – This had to be de layed from November since current president and vice presidents’ terms were up and they had to be renominated to the BOD at the annual meeting. As stated in Annual Meeting minutes this did happen. Mary Anne Keck nominated Jim Gruenhagen as president. Tom Slutz seconded. Mike Elsbury moved to close nominations for president and to cast one ballot for Jim Gruenhagen. Mike Elsbury
Page 12 Shropshire Voice
Contact us at or Look for Flock54SM Certification when buying breeding stock. Presented by RILE Ag.
Page 13May 2022 STREET SHROPSHIRES Mitch Street and Family Dennis and Nancy Avery 4753 W. 1400 N., Elwood, Indiana 46036 (317) 606-5234 (Mitch’s Cell) (574) 209-0988 (Dennis’ We always welcome farm visits! Check out our online sale April 19 with Mrozinski Farms & Avery Shropshires through Willoughby’s. The National Sale (Greenfield, IN) Ohio Showcase (Greenville, OH) WANT TO SEE WHAT’S BEEN GOING ON IN OUR BARNS?

Page 14 Shropshire Voice May 12-14, 2022 Darke County Fairgrounds, Greenville, Ohio 800 Sweitzer St, Greenville 2021 OHIO SHOWCASE SHROPSHIRE SALE AVERAGED $939.69 ON 97 HEAD! MarchEntriesclose25! The Fritz Champion ram was sold to Mandy Curtiss of New York. The Fleener Champion Ewe was sold to Phil Colwell of Tennessee. SHOW SCHEDULE: FRIDAY, MAY 13 CATTLE PAVILION, 8 A.M. Hampshires, Shropshires, Oxfords, Polled & Horned Dorsets, Suffolks, Southdowns) SALE SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, MAY 14 CATTLE PAVILION, 9 A.M. Breed order same as Show P.O. Box 25, Rushsylvania, OH 43347 Gary: 937-597-7214 – Pat: 937-935-1975 – Jim: 937-658-3119 – Dan: 937-243-5111 – AUCTIONEERS: Gary Saylor Danny Westlake Bill MacCauley JUDGE FOR SHROPSHIRES: Evan Snyder Online Entries are available

designated sales will include the following: Indiana Premier Shropshire Sale, Greenfield, Ind.; Shropshire Showcase, Greenville, Ohio; Great Lakes Sale, Wooster, Ohio; Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, Mo. and Online Sales (if they meet the conditions listed in the sale nomination rules.) To have a new sale designated as a Futurity Sale, notification must be made in writing to the Board of Directors at least three months in advance of the sale.
4. Each ewe must conform and abide by the rules and regulations of the individual sale to which it is consigned. All normal entry and commission fees will apply.
h) All registered Shropshire ewes in an online sale must be nominated if any are nominated.
j) Online sale photos must include a face
d) The nomination of the animal is indicated for the entire time the sale listing is on the internet and identified by the scrapie tag number.
i) Sale management will notify the ASRA office of intent to hold an online sale at least 48 hours before the sale and a list of nominated lambs must be available before the sale starts.
For the 21st year, The American Shropshire Registry Association will sponsor a Shropshire ewe lamb and yearling ewe futurity in 2022. The futurity will not only enhance the junior members ability to purchase extremely high quality breeding stock but will also make it more beneficial for the breeders to consign their very best animals.
5. The American Shropshire Registry Association will not be responsible and shall be held harmless for any disputes and/or disagreements between buyers and sellers.
c) Consignor pays direct to ASRA office a $20 nomination fee for each animal that receives a bid
1. Entries are open to all ewe lambs born September 1, 2021, thru March 31, 2022, and to all yearling ewes born September 1, 2020, thru May 31, 2021.
2. A nomination fee of $20 is required and payable to The American Shropshire Registry Association. Sale management may deduct nomination fee from sale settlements or consignors will be invoiced from the ASRA office within 30 days after the sale.Any animal not selling but receiving bids will be assessed the nomination fee. Animals that do not receive a bid (nosale) will not pay the fee. Animals will be nominated for that sale only; nomination will not carry over to another sale.
Page 15May 2022
7. Ewes may be nominated from online sales (if they meet the following conditions)
a) The Sale Management Company agrees to all terms of the ASRA show and sale policy.
b) The Sale Management Company is bonded.
f) Only sales conducted by a management company qualify, if an individual breeder has an online sale.
The rules of the futurity are relatively simple and are outlined below. You can buy a top quality ewe at one of the designated sales that has been nominated for the futurity, exhibit the ewe at the shows you normally attend and then send in your results on the point record form. A junior can add a top quality female to his or her flock, and possibly win back a sizable premium.The2022
g) Sales that have 5 or more ewes nominated can qualify as Futurity designated.
3. Each ewe must be properly identified, according to the registration certificate. Futurity ewes will be recorded by their scrapie tag number and paint branded with an F before entering the sale ring. The flock tag number will also be recorded for identifying purposes
6. Animals sold privately will not be eligible for nomination.
e) The consignor sends to the ASRA office a list of all animals nominated with name of the purchaser within 14 days.

9. Junior members must exhibit their own Futurity ewes within a class. If they have two ewes in the same class, another junior member may exhibit the second ewe.
1. A point card must be filled out for each show and forwarded to Becky Peterson, 41 Bell Road, Leyden, MA 01337 within 21 days of the show. Must have a post mark of 21 days or fewer to count. The card must be signed by the superintendent of the appropriate show. The point card can also be scanned and e-mailed to
7. No Futurity entrant can compete with more than two ewe lambs. Total points earned by two ewe lambs may not be combined into one lamb’s total.
20 states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware,Virginia,
8. No Futurity entrant can compete with more than two yearling ewes. Total points earned by two yearling ewes may not be combined into one yearling’s total.
2. Not more than 21 years of age on January 1 of the current year.
Page 17May 2022
5. Ewes are to be registered to individuals only, no “and family”, no partnerships, and no joint registrations.
6. No immediate family transfers will be allowed to be exhibited as Futurity animals. Sales to children, grandchildren or siblings will not be eligible.
4. Ewes and points earned in the Futurity are not transferable to any other person, nor are the points from one ewe to another.
2. At each individual show the ewe lamb or yearling ewe may earn Futurity points from the open division, the junior division, or from both (when a different judge or day is involved) except at NAILE, where only the junior show placing will be counted.
3. Junior member must be at least 5 years of age with no partnerships or joint registrations.
10. If an exhibitor that owns a ewe is not present at the respective show-Futurity points are not eligible and should not be submitted.
West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee)
3. Ewe lambs and yearling ewes can compete at an unlimited number of shows. The exhibitor may submit as many cards as they want for that ewe. Each ewe’s point cards will be kept separately. The five highest point award cards will be recorded as Futurity points. (Note for 2022, in the event
12. Point reporting forms are available from the ASRA office and also on www.
Mid-West 4 states (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky)
11. If either the scrapie tag or the flock tag is lost the Shropshire office must be notified about the replacement, immediately.
Yearling ewes:
2022 will be the 12th year for the Yearling Ewe Futurity. Junior exhibitors may renominate their 2021 Futurity ewe lamb as 2022 Futurity yearling ewes for a fee of $20. These ewes may not have been sold or transferred to another owner. This renomination needs to be done by May 1, 2022. A renomination form can be found on Another option for juniors wanting to participate will be to purchase a futurity nominated yearling ewe at one of the designated futurity sales. The yearling ewe will need to be consignornominated at the sale ($20).
shot which shows a legible scrapie tag number.
1. Up to date paid junior membership in the American Shropshire Registry Association.
West 24 states (Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California)
Page 18 Shropshire VoicePage 18 Shropshire Voice Rife “On-Line” Ram Semen Also offering: Madness, Golden Ticket, Heavy Hitter & Rhino Our entire semen bank is RRNNFF 10% of the entire sale proceeds will be donated to the All-American Jr. Show! “Bone Chiller” “Bear Claw” “Bootlegger” “Kaboose” “Loch Ness” Flash!

Page 19May 2022 Page 19May 2022 Sale May 17th w/Integrity All semen was collected by and is stored at RSG, under Dr. Tad’s impeccable quality control! Call Randy at 937-603-0535 for further information Best Bred Character Ram & Ewe Sired By “Bear Claw” – 2016 Big E National Show Champ. Stars Sale “Madness” sired Res. National Sale “Madness” sired Champ. Mid-west Elite Sale “Madness” sired “Kaboose” grandson“Bone Chiller” sired ➙ &ownedBothshownbyEmilyStevens ➙

Page 20 Shropshire Voice forAuctionSilentwebsiteads Ohio MayGreenville,ShowcaseOhio13&14,2022Minimumbid:$100 SHEEPEBERTFARM We might not sell many sheep that get shown butwhen we do, our customers are highly successful! Jeff, Christine, & Monica Ebert10015 Flush RoadSt. George, KS 66535(785) www.ebertsheepfarm.comebertsheepfarm@gmail.com458-9174 2022 SalesPrivate Treaty off the farmOhio Showcase Sale - May 12-14Midwest Stud Ram Sale June - 13-18 Champion Ewe2018 Ohio State FairShown by Mike Fox 2nd in class 21 AAJS and ReserveChampion Ewe in both junior andopen shows at Ozark Empire Fair.Shown byWyatt Graves Champion Ram2021 Oregon State FairShown by the Pallin Family Cross County Shrops Cross County Shropsworking to produce complete femaleswho are show ring competitive. January Ewe Lamb sold at the Ohio SaleThanks Avery Vasko for purchasing her!Also, 1st in Class at theOld Washington Breeder’s Classic Fall Lamb Reserve Champion at theOld Washington Breeder’s ClassicAlso, 3rd in Class at the All-American McCabe Shropshires5154 Nickelson Rd., Prospect, OH 43342740-360-1103 • mamccabe51@hotmail.comFB: McCabe Shropshires & Llama Kovacs Family239 Canard St., Fulton, OH 43321Sandy’s cell: 740-751-3183 2019SupremeReserveChampionEweOhioStateFairJuniorShow Mitch and Brittany Street and Family (317) 606-5234 (Mitch’s Visitors always welcome to the farm! Street 18-04 “GameRRNNFFChanger” We used him heavily this year and couldn’t be happier! Semen is available! Street RRNNFF Look her at the National Sale Avery “Lockdown”19-23RRNNFF You aren’t going to want to miss the offspring coming out of him. Semen is available! Street 20-08 RRNNFF Sired by Game Changer Look for him at National Sale. Be sure to check the Hoosier Bob and Karen Johnson & Family 569 St. Hwy DD, Marshfield, MO 65706 Mary Anne Keck (417) 844-5895 Introducing “Lucky” Thank youNew Horizons, MoBo Junction, Sand Meadow and Step Ahead for allowing us to add their genetics to our flock this past spring. The four ewes have complimented our keeper pen and look to be our lead ewes next summer. Be watching for their successes!! Our MoBo Junction fall ewe lamb we purchased. A “Paul Harvey” son out of a “BIG Jerry” daughter These yearling ewes are currently exposed to either “Lucky” or a ram we call “Pa.” Elsburyhropshires We SaleNationaleveryonewelcometotheShropshireinGreenfield,Ind.onApril21-23. We plan to consignseveral sheep. Mike & Karen Elsbury & Family5385E 500N, Greenfield, IN 46140 • (317) 326-4461 /Users/rinda/Dropbox/Amanda & Rinda share/ centerstage high-res color.tif SHROPSHIRESAdams Rick Adams 10828 W 1000 S Rd.,Bonfield, IL 60913 (815) 228-2903 We expect this ram lamb to seesignificant service this fall.SEMEN $100 WHEN HE BECOMES AVAILABLE.Book your semen now! Adams 21064 RRNNFF “Limitless” Sired Adams“MAQ”by20067 MAQ was ChampionShropshire Ram at theIndiana Premier Show and theNorthern Illinois Youth Expo Land Run Shrops Brenna Hubbard 354636 E 750 Rd, Cushing OK 74023 Aaron’s cell : 918 225-9743 “Summit”CLSF 1919 RRNNFF Grey Goose x Entourage 2019 National Champion Ram Owned with City Limits “Barbwire” CLSF 21106 RRNN Kaboom x Entourage Reserve Champion Ram at Freedom Fest Owned with City Limits Attica Loc-UpChris, Mandy, Robert & Anita Curtiss1698 Nesbitt Rd, Attica, NY 14011Cell 716-465-0565 Rockin K 2021Purchased at the National Sale2nd Place Late Yearling Ewe Big E Great year! See everyonenext year with anotherlittle one in tow!

Page 21May 2022
1-6 6 5 4 3 2 1 7-12 12 11 10 9 8 7
Ewe Lamb Futurity Payout
Placing in class
Yearling Ewe Futurity Payout
569 State Hwy DD Marshfield, MO 65706 417-859-4452 • Bob & Karen Johnson & Family Providing lamb for dinner for folks in Southwest Missouri!

Premiums based on percentages of the total amount of money collected for futurity ewe lambPayoutentries.
Premiums-based on percentages of the total amount of money collected for Futurity Yearling Ewe entries. Payout FIRST 25% SECOND 20% THIRD 15% FOURTH 10% FIFTH-TENTH 5%
5. At two shows double points are awarded. These shows are The All-American Jr. Show and the National Jr. Show (at NAILE in 2022). The higher placing lamb at NAILE in Louisville will break ties. In the event there is still a tie for 1st place, please allow 30 days for awards to be made.
4. Points will be awarded on a sliding scale based on the number of entries in the class.
Region Overall FIRST 8% 12% SECOND 6% 8% THIRD 4% 6% FOURTH 2% 5% FIFTH 4% SIXTH 3% SEVENTH 2%
that many shows are cancelled because of the Pandemic, only the 3 highest point cards will be counted. If such a decision is made, all info will be posted on the Shropshire website and mass member email)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th # in Points awarded class 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2022 Point Scale for both Ewe Lambs and Yearling Ewes
13 + 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
In the event that regions or divisions are not full, unused Futurity premium payment will be directed to the Shropshire Starter Flock program. Premiums and awards will be sent from the ASRA office as soon as possible after the NAILE Junior Shropshire Show. Additional recognition for the exhibitors and breeders will appear in the Shropshire Voice and on the Shropshire Website.
All placings below 18th will receive 1 point
Matthew Christie Emily Andrew
Page 22 Shropshire Voice Ande rsonFarms
Grant City, MO • 660-988-3503 • Packages available summer 2022 #realshrops #authenticpedigrees #excellentbreedtype #shortears #notjetblack #greatmothers #easycare #easykeepers #lowmaintenance #NSIP #BredByFred

2022 All-American Junior Show Heading Back East To New England At The Big E Fairgrounds July 4th Weekend
The 2022 All-American Junior Sheep Show is going to be held at the BIG E Fair grounds, West Springfield, MA from June 30July 3, 2022. This will be the third time the All American has visited New England and we are looking forward to bringing the show back to where we play the 3-On-3 Basketball Tourna ment at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame. It is a special evening for the whole family as not only do we host the tourney there but the museum is open exclusively to the AAJS Families for their browsing pleasure on Friday night! It has been recently re-worked so there are a lot of new exhibits. Another important activity is the following weekend at the exact same venue, another premier junior breeding sheep show will be held. It is the Northeast Youth Sheep Show and runs from July 8th10th. Sheep can remain in the facility and ar rangements are being made for some special activities for the stay-over families between the shows, or you can go off on your own as there are plenty of activities in New England to check out! You can truly make it a “Showca tion” and enjoy attending two premier junior shows in one trip!
The All-American is the premier and larg est junior breeding sheep show in the country. The breeds participating this year are: Polled Dorsets-Fitted & Slick Shorn, Horned Dorsets, Dorset Advantage, Hampshires-Fitted & Slick Shorn, Southdowns, Border Leicesters-White & Natural Colored, Cheviots, Cotswolds, Shropshires, Oxfords, Montadales, RomneysWhite & Natural Colored, Shetlands, LincolnsWhite & Natural Colored, Natural Coloreds, Targhees, Texels, Tunis, Dorpers, White Dorpers, Columbias, Corriedales, Katahdins, Meri
Page 23May 2022
If you have never attended an All-American Junior Show please make plans to attend this very special event! It is much more than just a sheep show, as there are several activities for the whole family.The show features a lamb camp for the young sheep owners, a 3-on-3 basketball tourney for the exhibitors, a sheep skil-a-thon competition with several participation awards being sponsored, a sheep judging contest, free complimentary food service for exhibitors and their families, individual and team showmanship competitions, wool show, promotional contests for exhibitors that also features an adult age photo division, a college scholarship program for older exhibitors, a thank-you note writing booth where par ticipation awards are given away, a fun virtual shearing contest, and a lead line and dress-asheep competition, plus much more!
New to the show this year will be the Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe drive on Sun day afternoon after the breed show are completed and prior to the closing ceremonies. The AAJS is planning some very special awards for our winners! Also, new is the implementation of a minimum age limit of 4 years old by January 1st for a junior exhibitor to enter the breeding sheep or market lamb classes.Younger exhibitors are still more than welcomed to participate in the showmanship classes, the lead line and dress-a-sheep contests, attend lamb camp, assist older exhibitors in the breeding sheep show rings and participant in
By Deb Hopkins
nos, Babydoll Southdowns and Suffolks-Fitted & Slick Shorn. Polled Dorsets, Hampshires and Suffolks will have two completely sepa rate shows for Fitted and Slick Shorns, while Lincolns, Romneys and Border Leicesters are going to feature two separate breeds shows for the white and natural colored. Judges for this year’s event will be Dustin Cruit, IL; Troy Longenecker, PA; and Nick Miniter, CT. The National Junior Southdown Show, National Junior Tunis Show and National Junior Suffolk Show will be held in conjunction with the All American Junior show this year. Thank you to all of the National Breed Associations and their breeders for their continued special sponsorship of this show!
The All-American extended the show schedule by a half day three years ago and will continue to do so this year as it worked out very well for all of the attendees and staff. Sheep need to arrive by Thursday, June 30th at noon as all check-in will take place on Thurs day. Activities actually start Thursday after noon with the Judging Contest, Fitting Demos, Lamb Camp and Leadline & Dress-A-Sheep Contests. Hood Ice Cream will be sponsoring the Ice Cream Treats for everyone.
all of the promotional contests and other fun activities associated with the show.
The Opening Ceremonies will kick things off on Friday morning, July 1st followed by Showmanship Classes and some Breed Shows. On Friday night there will be the ever popu lar 3 on 3 three basketball tourney and the Harry & Mary Blome pizza party. The site for this year’s basketball tournament will be at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame starting at 6:30 PM so; we will host the pizza party at the fairgrounds starting at 5:30 PM. There will be a family Chicken BBQ on Saturday night with the fun activity Ag Olympics taking place for all, with prizes given out. Come and enjoy the family fun!
show sponsor!
The Eastern States Farmers Market & Wine Café will be open during our show, on Satur day and Sunday for you to visit. Products on sale include sweaters, shawls, gourmet foods, kitchenware, cheeseboards, wine accessories and more.Wine by the glass, and wine slushies are also available.The Farmers market is locat ed right our front of the Mallary Ag Complex next to the rotunda.
THE AJSS is excited to announce a new platinum show sponsorship from Sydell. Not only will they continue with their trimming stand donation for the AAJS Raffle but they are going to sponsor all the exhibitor t-shirts and staff clothing as well as sponsoring the showmanship class winning awards.The show manship show is going to be named the “Sydell Showmanship Competition” in recognition of their great support. Sydell is also going to be donating a couple of their products for the silent auction held during the show itself. The AAJS welcomes’ Sydell as its first platinum
Honor Show Chows is a major show sponsor and will be back with us in Massachusetts. Weaver Leather is also a major show sponsor providing embroidered wether blankets for the champion and reserve champions mar ket lambs as well as an AJJS hanging show box for our new junior raffle ticket selling incen tive program. Kalmbach Feeds is returning as a Major Show Sponsor for the show in New England. Hopkins Southdowns has donated the wireless Bose headphones for the AAJS raffle and Tractor Supply will be providing prizes for the ever popular exhibitor thank-you booth and has also become a general show sponsor. The American Lamb Board will be donating 600 thank-you notes for the booth. Profiles Show Supplies and Stockyard Style will continue their vendor show sponsorship. Select Livestock Services and Milton Mobile Vet Care-Dr. Richard & Judy Schambow have also joined the All American family becoming a general show sponsor. Novel Designs is donating their services as the AAJS web site host and thank-you to them for doing a great job. Theisen Designs will be at the show once again doing our show apparel. They donate back a portion of their proceeds directly to the All American Junior Show, thank-you!
The AAJS will once again be hosting a benefit Ram Semen Online Sale Auction on May 16, 2022.The sale hosting services and organi zation has been donated by Integrity Livestock Sales. Please contact Mike Crowder directly at 765-366-3135, email: mike@integritylive with your consignments. We are looking for 2-5 straw lots donations of stud rams to be sold with all benefits going to the AAJS. If you want to support the All American and don’t necessarily have ram semen to sell, other items can be consigned also.
At the Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO during the Supreme Champion Show on Wednesday, June15, the AAJS Benefit Auction will be held and this year we will be auction ing off some very exceptional items! Ketcham Sheep Equipment has donated an A-Frame 10’ Feeder, Reproductive Specialty Group has do nated an ET flush and transfer surgery and 5
Page 24 Shropshire Voice
Standard413-781-1010Rooms at $129.00 (non-smoking, double queens), indoor pool, pet friendly, parking height restrictions apply, 2.0 miles to the GroupfairgroundsName:All American Junior Sheep Show 2022, cutoff date for group rate 5/31/2022
Our New England host committee is being organized by Chair Nancy Miniter, Becky Peterson, Duckey Chute, and several other New England and New York sheep breeders. They are all working hard on fundraising activities. A big thank-you also goes to all the Northeast sheep families involved in the local planning committee. Several local sheep breeders and youth supporters have stepped up to the plate to organize events and volunteer to help out. It is thanks to all of you that this show will be a special All American for our junior sheep exhibitors and their families.
Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel (10 rooms) One Monarch Place, Springfield, MA 01144
The New England planning committee is in the middle of fundraising for the show. Thank you to the following major sponsors that have stepped forward to date: Eastern States Expo sition, New England Sheep & Wool Growers, Farm Credit East, Dutchess County Sheep & Wool Growers Association, Syngenta, Scitu ate Lumber,Tufts Vet Field Service, Jack Miller’s Tractor & Truck, INC., George Fiske, Bayer, Salmon Run Farms, Twist of Fate, Wilson’s Skyview Farm, Thistle Down Farm, Hardwick Farmers Co-Op, Yered Trailers, Mt. Salem Suffolks, A & B Insurance Group LLC, Two Rock Farm, TK Farm, Snow Cap Cheviots, Lightning Ridge Farm, Scott & Duckey Chute, Claudette Choma, Orchard Valley Farm, Azuluna Foods, Langebec Wood Shavings, Araujo Farms, Campo’s Express, Benchmark Graphic Co., The Barnyard, Garden State Sheep Breeders, New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Growers, Hukowicz Farm,Wanczyk Nursery, Greenfield Coop erative Bank, Betts Sheep Farm, BAAY State
Page 25May 2022
Standard413-739-1122Rooms at $129.00 (non-smoking, double queens), indoor pool, full kitchen with fridge, microwave, dishwasher, coffee maker, 2 burner stovetop, dishes, pots, pans, utensils, 2.7 miles to fairgrounds
Group Name: All American Junior Sheep Show, cutoff date for group rate 5/31/2022
LAI surgeries, Banner Magazine has donated a one color page ad, Mumm Sheep Equipment has donated two folding gates, and Premier 1 Supplies has donated a pair of their new cordless shears. We have a new item donator Sullivan Supply, who will be donating a mini-air express blower. Thank-you to them for joining our special Big Ticket Benefit Auction! Specifics and details on all items can be found on the AAJS web site. Thanks to Heartland Group for allowing us to do this special benefit at the sale as this has become a major fundraiser for the show. Please be on hand or contact the AAJS chow committee to bid on these special items!
Group Name: All American Junior Sheep Show, cutoff date for group rate 6/15/2022
Blanket, New England Southdown Breeders Association, The Local Butcher, Kyle Farms and Aaron’s Shearing. They have also gained donations for the contents for the exhibitor welcome bags. So far, Kringle Candle, Webs, Massachusetts Cranberry Growers, Vermont Maple Producers, and Pleasant View Farms have committed to donating items.Thank-you to them for their support! We look forward to getting more local New England show supporters on board. If you are interested in supporting the 2022 show contact Nancy Miniter: (508)740-3839, jnen@aol.com2022 All American Hotel & Camping Information West Springfield, Massachusetts Hotels with Group Rates: La Quinta by Wyndham (30 rooms) 100 Congress St Springfield, MA 01104
Standard413-781-0900Rooms at $95.00 (non-smoking, double queens), pet friendly, free breakfast, indoor pool, 2.5 miles to fairgrounds
Candlewood Suites (25 rooms) 572 Riverdale St W. Springfield, MA 01089
Group Name:All American Junior Sheep Show 2022, cutoff date, 5/31/2022
64 Border Way W. Springfield, MA 01089
Page 26 Shropshire Voice
W. Springfield, MA 01089
Tickets are available at the Continental Dorset Club Office, P.O. Box 506, North Sci tuate, RI 02857. Many sponsoring breeds mail out raffle tickets with their office work and annual dues notices so when you see them PLEASE lend your support! Junior show ex hibitors also have raffle tickets to sell and they will be trying to be top salesman in our popu lar ticket incentive program so help them
Standard413-732-1300Rooms at $129.00 (non-smoking, double queens), free breakfast, outdoor pool, pet friendly, 3.4 miles to fairgrounds
Group Name: All American Junior Sheep Show, cutoff date for group rate 5/30/2022
BIG E Fairgrounds (actual show site): Camping rate is $25.00 per night. Camp ground is located right next to the sheep barn.
All-American Jr. Show Raffle
Cost $5.00 each or 5 for $20.001st Prize: $1000 Cash Prize2nd Prize Sydell Hydraulic Trimming Stand ($720 value)3rd Prize: Bose Quiet Comfort 45 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones ($300 value)
Standard413-732-9543Rooms at $159.00 (non-smoking, single queen with sofa bed & king beds suites), pet friendly, oven, dishwasher, microwave, stove, utensils, pots/pans, toaster, free break fast, 5.8 miles to fairgrounds
All proceeds will go directly towards the All American Junior Show.
Hampton Inn (25 rooms)
Hilton Garden Inn Springfield (15 rooms)
Campground includes electricity, sewer and water. Showers are available in the sheep barn. No reservations required, pay at the entrance gate when you arrive at fairgrounds. Entries close: MAY 25th, 2022. There will be a higher entry fee for any late entries submitted after the deadline date and post entries at the show. Check out the All-American Website: for entry and further information.
800 Hall of Fame Avenue Springfield, MA 01105
Sale will be held on May 16, 2022 on Integrity Livestock Online Sale Site at: www.integrity Pleaselivestocksales.comsupportthis major fundraising event by bidding on semen lots, and some specialty items will also be offered.
Standard413-886-8000Rooms at $135.00 (non-smoking, double queens), indoor pool, located right next to Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, 2.0 miles to the fairgrounds
Share ofphotosyour kids in their summer activities for the next Voice!
Group Name: All American Junior Sheep Show, cutoff date for group rate 5/31/2022
1011 Riverdale St
Residence Inn by Marriott (25 rooms)
The All-American Junior Show Committee has four major fundraising activities that are held to help raise funding for this special junior show. Following is information on these activities and the show would certainly appre ciate your support in these fundraising efforts: AAJS Ram Semen Online Benefit Auction
All-American Gift Basket & Specialty Item Silent Auction Gift Baskets and specialty items will be on dis play during the duration of the All-American Show for bidding. Bidding will close on Sunday, July 3rd at noon. Basket and item donations would be greatly appreciated. Just bring them to the show in West Springfield!
2022 Used Sheep AuctionEquipment
Ketcham Sheep Equipment has donated an A-Frame 10’ Feeder; Reproductive Specialty Group has donated ET Flush & transfer sur gery and LAI surgeries; Banner Publications has donated a one page color ad in “The Banner,” Mumm Sheep Equipment has donated two folding gates; Premier 1 Supplies has do nated a set of cordless electric shears; Sullivan Supply has donated an Air Express Mini Blow Dryer.We are also encouraging support of the Northeast Youth Sheep Show. Here is some important information about the event and one of their major show fundraisers:
Pair of Rams
Four to Six Tooth Ewe
1.LambKord Henry, Champion Ram
1.LambHaydan Lowrey, Champion Ewe
Two-Tooth Ewe
4. Parker Lowrey Pair
2. Christi Keeton
2. 2M Livestock
2. 2M Livestock
-Complete show and entry information can be found at:
Exhibitor’s Flock
1. Christi Keeton
Entry Fee: $15.00 per head
3. Tatum Duncan
*Consignors must be paid members of the NEWSGA, dues can be deducted from settle ment.** Anyone coming for the All American can bring items to enter in the auction, even if you aren’t staying! The sales commission collected goes directly towards the NEYSS youth show.
Two-Tooth Ram
1. Kannon Travis
2. Christi Keeton
37th Annual North East Youth
All-American Jr. Show Auctions
July 8 - July 10, 2022
Mallary Complex, Eastern States Exposition West Springfield, Massachusetts
Auction starts at 10am on Saturday, July 10th Contact Becky Peterson, (413)624-5562
by buying tickets from them! Final drawing will take place on Sunday, July 3rd. Need not to be present to win. The high selling raffle ticket juniors will be receiving some great prizes!
Entry Deadline: June 10, 2022
Sheep Show
February 28 Judge: Dr. Mike Salisbury
3. Christi Keeton
4. Christi Keeton
1. Parker Lowrey , Res. Champion Ram Ram
1. Christi Keeton
Page 27May 2022
Camping Fee: approximately $25 per night
2. Christi Keeton
3. Christi Keeton Ewe
1. Tatum Duncan, Res. Champion Ewe
Best3.2.1.Ewes2MLivestockKannonTravisChristiKeetonPairofSheep(Both sexes)
Consignments should arrive on Friday, July 8th between 9am and 6pm
1. Parker Lowrey
(During the Midwest Stud Ram Sale Supreme Champion
Page 28 Shropshire Voice SHROPSHIRESAdams Rick Adams 10828 W 1000 S Rd., Bonfield, IL 60913 (815) 228-2903 “Your Foundation For Quality” We’ve been working on our breed character. Are you happy with yours? We have breed character solutions for you.

One of the oldest Shropshire flocks in the United States has moved from the farm near Caledonia, Marion County, Ohio to a farm near Columbia, Missouri.

In the fall of 1926, R. E. Douce bought eight bred registered Shropshire ewes from J. G. Sterts, Plymouth, Ohio. There have been registered Shropshires on the same farm for 95 years. Countless ewes and rams have improved a great number of flocks.

Over the years, two sons, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, all showed Shropshires at the Ohio State Fair and many county fairs.
One of the oldest Shropshire flocks moves to a new home
The 1946 farm sign when Everett joined his father, Richard Earl, in raising Shropshires.

Page 29May 2022
Written by Everett J. Douce 21 April 2021
We are now selling the flock to another grandson near Columbia, Mo.They will be reg istered as Douce & Douce & Family, owned by Philip E. Douce, 5917 North O’Neil Rd., Columbia, MO 65202.
Richard Earl Douce’s oldest son, Low ell Douce (Douce Farms, Washington C. H., Ohio) got his foundation flock from this flock. In 1946, Richard Earl’s youngest son, Ev erett Douce, went in partnership, now as R. E. Douce and Son. Later on, grandson, Allen Douce, came into the partnership, known as Douce & Douce, which then became Douce & Douce and Family.
Everett Douce
Everett Douce, right and his grandson, Philip.
“I saw him as a veterinarian and a volun teer fireman,” said Walker. “He was always involved in trying to make the community better.”Lynge
Dr. Fred Groverman
He was a volunteer firefighter and school board member, was on the hospital board that got Petaluma Valley Hospital built and he helped established the Sonoma County 4-H Foundation. The result? A Sonoma County Farm Bureau Hall of Fame induc tion – jointly, with his late wife, Pat – and a community packed with people who knew, respected and loved Fred Groverman. That was perhaps never more apparent than when Judy Walker, one of Groverman’s four children, took to Facebook to share the news of his passing.
Simone, Groverman’s wife of the past eight years, said a public celebration of Groverman’s life was to be held April 23, at Herzog Hall in the Petaluma Fairgrounds. The hall holds 900 people, and that capac ity was a key reason for its selection. She also offered plenty of praise for her late husband, as she listed off decades of accom plishments, pausing several times to say, “I’m a pretty proud wife.”
~ In
Dr. Fred Groverman
Groverman worked as a vet in some capacity until 2015, and he kept his skills sharp volunteering his services at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds to vet check the livestock each year.
Dr. Fred Groverman, a Petaluma, Calif. native and an institution in Sonoma County agriculture, died Feb. 12, 2022 at home. He was 88.
Groverman, a longtime veterinarian and rancher in south Sonoma County, spent his entire life on a 50-acre parcel between Petaluma and Penngrove, raising the world’s oldest registered flock of Shropshire sheep while making his mark on the agricultural community – and beyond.

Page 30 Shropshire Voice
Simone originally met Groverman when she worked at the Cotati veterinary hospi tal he co-founded with Bill Kortum, saying she was lucky to work with both men, pil lars of south Sonoma County.
Walker, who said she grew up thinking every family was involved in multiple boards, committees and other volunteer efforts, called the community response to Grover man’s passing “amazing.”
Along the way, Groverman tended to his flock of Shropshire sheep, a breed that originated in England during the 1840s. Groverman’s flock would eventually be come the oldest reg istered flock in the world, and in the past several years, he has worked with others to share that gift with ranchers in Oregon, Washington, Texas, Wisconsin, New York, Connecticut and Ohio, selling regis tered Shropshires to Memoriam
Page 31May 2022
He married Patricia “Pat” Humble June 20, 1957, and the couple welcomed chil
“I had many interactions with Fred over the years, and his passion for Sonoma Coun ty and in particular agriculture was always evident,” Rabbitt said. “He will be missed. We lost another stalwart of ag in the county with Fred’s passing.”
dren Karen, James, Judy and William while cementing their place in Sonoma County agriculture for more than 50 years, before Pat died in 2012. Groverman had six grand children as well.
Rick Whiting 1779 Green Rd., Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) Rick.Whiting@cascorp.com685-2603

Perhaps Groverman’s proudest accom plishment, Simone says, is his work as a member of the Petaluma Valley Hospital board, where he quite literally secured fund ing to build the hospital, flying to New York to seal the deal on a loan. Groverman Hall is named in his honor.
Sonoma County Supervisor David Rabbitt, a former Petaluma City Council mem ber, called Groverman “a force within the youth ag community,” including FFA and 4-H, thanks to his countless hours volun teering and mentoring.
others looking to carry on the tradition. He also served for a time as the campus veterinarian for Sonoma State University, where he was also on the president’s advi sory board for nearly two decades. If you’re getting the impression that Groverman was involved in a little bit of everything, you’d be “Whenright. I grew up, I didn’t realize every body else’s parents weren’t the same as my parents,” Judy said. “We grew up volunteering, and Dad was always involved in one board or another.”
Knapp, Flock Consultant and Professional Fitter Visit our pens at the Ohio Showcase Sale!
Petaluma and Sonoma County was his birthplace, but Groverman, who attended Waugh Elementary School, Petaluma Junior High and Petaluma High School, made it his home.Born Dec. 30, 1933, to parents Bernard Groverman and Ida Petersen, Fred eventu ally obtained his veterinary degree from University of California Davis.

Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) darrell.dockter@gmail.com327-1428
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660)
Anderson Farms
Village Farm
5707 Mooney Road Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125
Cell: (815) adamsshropshires.comradams1976@hotmail.com228-2903
Barnes, Shane & Kim SKB Shropshires
Adams Shropshires
Cell: (740) www.barnesfarms.comtroytongrn@gmail.com815-2402
Brown, Rob & Ron Clay-Nob Farms 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 claynob75@gmail.com814-431-8133
115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) saverill48@yahoo.com778-9421
1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) kmbarnes@mail.wvu.edu852-2673
Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires
Page 32 Shropshire Voice
Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) swartzm721@yahoo.com465-0565
Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 Cell: (785) www.ebertsheepfarm.comebertsheepfarm@gmail.com458-9174
10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on
Dirlam, J.N. & Sons & Matt Dirlam 11673 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) www.dirlamshropshires.comdirlamjd@aol.com831-2130
Averill, David
Call, C. Donald 964 Mohawk Trail Shelburne, MA 01370 (413) doonyc@netscape.net625-2436
151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574)
Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Fredericktown,Rd.OH 43019 (740) bbryant4@hotmail.com398-2053
Graves, Andy, Jodi, Wyatt, Breanna, Trey & Olivia Outlaw Farm 3010 East 1370 Rd. El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 jgraves@tigersk12.org417-296-5909417-876-7136
Elsbury, David & Colleen 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) ecolleen4@hrtc.net326-3893
Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Cell: (309) 371-4260 Farm: (309) s_jo6@hotmail.com876-2364
Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS 7622ShropsJersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) ssshrops@gmail.com355-6730
Page 33May 2022
Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) david_evans_5884@hotmail.com363-3610
Lazy E Ranch 4456 Fruitland Rd Loma Rica, CA 95901
Hardisky, Denise Southern Tier Shropshires 254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) dmh268@cornell.edu687-7967
Fuss, Ashley Greenbrier Acres 8608 Hunters Dr Frederick, MD 21701 (240)
Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders 1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 www.vipclublambs.comvipdvm2355@gmail.com317-508-4738
Heaton Farms
Edmondson, Andy
Fleener, Tim & Sarah 273 South Mountain Rd. Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) Facebook/Fleenerfleenerlivestock@gmail.com413-5181Livestock
Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI doubledoctim@gmail.com262-483-466853001
Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) www.elsburyfarms.comelsburyfamily@aol.com326-4461
Fritz, Caleb 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) caf3r@mtmail.mtsu.edu653-0867
Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) heatonfarms@centurylink.net526-3118
Groverman, Fred, DVM F & L Groverman Shropshires 400 Ormsby Lane Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-3132 Cell: (707) fredgroverman@gmail.com782-8152
Mary Anne Keck rokajomaj@gmail.com417-844-589
Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm 3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 threejfarm@gmail.com302-233-8912
Johnson, Bob & Karen RoKaJo Farm 569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) rokajo6@centurytel.net859-4452
Kalina Family
Larson Livestock Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) glarson@scattercreek.com790-1671
Land Run Shrops 354636 E 750 Rd Cushing, OK
Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) JRFarm1977@outlook.com754-7057
Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria Cross Country Shropshires 239 Cunard St.Fulton, OH 43321 (740) sbushatz@gmail.com751-3183
Mapleton Mynd Shropshires 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415)
Page 34 Shropshire Voice
Melvin Family Shropshires 9347 White Oak Rd. Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143 (740) pjmelvin46@hotmail.com207-0786
Hubbard, Brenna
King, Craig & Andrea Weston King Peiter Shrops 860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (573) 767-0003
McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires 5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) mamccabe51@hotmail.com360-1103
Hiemke, Cody
Lutz, Candy 3 Point Farm 314 W Easton Rd West Salem, OH 4427 (330) 3pointfarm@gmail.com464-0430
High Life Farms
Sue and Bessie Kalina 35586 Oakville RD SW Albany, OR 97321 (503) skalina26@gmail.com939-0303
David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road McDermott, OH 45652 (740) highlifefarm2000@yahoo.com259-1907
Kipp, James & Terri Grey Feather Farm E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) www.greyfeatherfarm.cominfo@greyfeatherfarm.com255-8300
J&R Farm
Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) Kempshropshires@gmail.com346-0121
Kemp, Taylor
Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm 2435 W. McCracken Road Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301 Cell: (317) crogers821@yahoo.com358-3260
Mies, Ed & Family 10000 Waverly Rd. Waverly, IL 62692 (217) jmies3@hotmail.com435-7091
Page 35May 2022
Nicholson Family Sand Meadow Farm 906 Main St So. Windsor, CT 06074 (860) sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com490-7238
1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883
Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road El Reno, OK 73036 (405) dkmerveldt@aol.com206-6473
Petzel, Debbie Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824 (612) dspetzel@gmail.com578-1528
Doug: (419) 986-5848
Rueber, Carol & Aimee Rueber Shropshires 2530 280th Marshalltown,St IA 50158
Powell, Doris 40405 Route 187 Rome, PA 18837 (570) dorisap@frontiernet.net247-7316
Carol: (319) 231-7626 Aimee: (319)
Moore, Adam MoBo Junction Farms 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Pence Farms
Motter, Jan
Lane’s End Farm 12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078
Jay: (419) 992-4701
Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) schoolhousshrops@aol.com374-3371
Reason, Sandra M. High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box Tonopah,3819NV 89049 (775) 482-4191
Shrum, Lori and Darron New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552
Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms 29754 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, OK 73093 Cell: (405) timrobertsfarms@gmail.com314-3370
Mike: (419) 992-4305
Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 Cell: (219) emrozins@gmail.com716-4921
Dennis Avery: (574)
Mitch: (317) 606-5234
KW Shropshires
Page 36 Shropshire Voice
Floyd Avery: (208) KWshrops@hotmail.com921-8740
Slutz, Tom
Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box Silverton,319OR 97381 (503) rawa@joyofdoing.com873-4005
Only$30/year 3 issues of Voice and 12 months on Shropsec@hotmail.comwebsite Breeder’s Index Adams ............................ 28 Anderson....................... 22 Banner Flanders...............................8.............................9 Gruenhagen .................. 10 Issacs ............................... 13 Johnson .......................... 21 Merveldt ................................ 11 McCabe/Kovac .... Inside Back Midwest Stud Ram ............. 16 Moore.............Back Cover Mrozinski ........................... 6 Nicholson...... Inside front Ohio Showcase............. 14 Rife ........................... 18-19 Street ............................... 13 Weidauer ..........................5 Whiting .......................... 31 ADVERTISERS ‘ INDEX
Kim: (208) 921-3706
City Limits Sheep Farm P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 638-2177
Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) Rick.Whiting@cascorp.com685-2603
565 N. Sunset Ridge Ln Kuna, ID 83634
Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian
Sugar Ridge Ranch
Ware, Kimberly
4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036
Tom: (815) 866-5031 Brad: (815) www.citylimitssheepfarm.comtcslutz@gmail.com766-0584
E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608)
Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) lbsmith@woodstocktel.net823-4784
Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires
Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608 Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires 17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) Greg.Weidauer@gmail.com424-2543
High on style & breed character –the lambs are sired by Apollo, our 2021Ohio State Fair Grand Champion Ram Cross County Shrops

Page 1May 2022 McCabe Shropshires “Shrops With Tops” 5154 Nickelson Rd., Prospect, OH 43342 740-360-1103 • FB: McCabe Shropshires & Llama Kovacs Family 239 Canard St., Fulton, OH 43321 Sandy’s cell 740-751-3183 Victoria’s cell 740-341-8129 The Lord has really blessed us with 80% ewe lambs in our last two groups.

Unfortunately for the girls, we can’t keep all the lambs! We have had an abundance of beautiful, quality ewe lambs in our late lamb crop and are looking to sell a group. They will be weaned just prior to the Ohio Sale. We would love for you to visit the farm and see the sheep.

Thank you to City Limits for offering these stud yearling ewes to us –this is one genetic powerhouse group of stud ewes! We also want to thank all of the visitors this Spring and a special thank you to: Belt Kids Shrops, MO Doyle Brothers, IL & Bailey Show Lambs, MO for your purchases!!