Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association
Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher
Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association
Jim Gruenhagen (2024) 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807
Vice President
Mary Anne Keck (2022) 665 Niangua Rd Niangua, MO 65713
Rick Adams (2024) 10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913
Bill Bryant Jr (2023) PO Box 136 Fredericktown, OH 43019
Mandy Curtiss (2023) 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011
Darrell Dockter (2022) 19411 S Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290
Mike Elsbury (2023) 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140
Ashley Fuss (2023) 8608 Hunters Drive Frederick, MD 21701
Caleb Fritz (2023) 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313
Adam Moore (2024) 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546
Jon Nicholson (2024) 906 Main St. South Windsor, CT 06074
Debbie Petzel (2022) 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824
Danny Rogers (2023) 2435 W McCracken Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157
Tom Slutz (2022) PO Box 177, 602 S Main St LaMoille, IL 61830-0177
Rick Whiting (2024) 1779 Green Rd. Martinsville, OH 45146
All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Pay ments are also available via credit card. Visit shropshires.org/registrations.
ASRA Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST
Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process reg istrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt.
Rates effective since February 1, 2010
Full Page $125 Half Page ...................................... $75 Quarter Page................................. $50
Front Cover Full Color $325 Other 3 Covers Full Color.......... $250 Inside Page Full Color $250 Center Two Page Spread ............ $375
Each Photo (If full color, no charge) .... $10
Full Color added to any ad $125 Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site $225 Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website ...... $30 Add your website link $20
Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Rd., Leyden MA 01337 Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652 Shropsec@hotmail.com
If you need to place an ad or news item in the ShropshireVoice, or on the Shrop shire website, shropshires.org., contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator. Rinda Maddox P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@ thesidellreporter.com (217) 288-9365 (office) (217) 474-9365 (cell)
Voice Advertising Manager (217) 474-9365 P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@thesidellreporter.com
For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact:
Taylor Young, Junior Assoc. President 913 Brothers Rd. Bell Buckle, TN 37020 tslivestock18@gmail.com
As September rolls around on the calendar, we have finished up our show season with seven summertime shows with many cham pions and a few Supremes. Our 10-year-old grandson is getting more involved each year showing and exhibited in every show but one this summer. I have seen many other pictures and heard from other breeders of Shropshires at other shows winning Supreme champions across the country, as well. Shropshires are competing well across flocks and junior exhibitors at many fairs.
The national show in Louisville will be here soon and your Board of Directors will be meeting to discuss and decide many items on the agenda. A couple of key topics that committees have been working on is the DNA testing of the dwarf gene in Shropshires. Other breeds have taken a proactive approach to testing for that gene to limit that gene from spreading into their flocks. I believe that the
committee and board will have a workable program to go forward with for years to come. Comments can be made to your board member for your district or committee members from the competition committee. Another topic is the wool length on legs and belly wool at national sponsored shows and sale. This has been a hot topic for several years with exhibitors and the board of directors.
We will most likely have our annual meeting after NAILE by Zoom conference call. This approach enables more members to participate instead of hav ing an in-person meeting in Louisville during NAILE. I hope you can attend!
Your Shropshire Board of Directors all vol unteer their time and resources to help lead the organization in the present and into the future, please do not be critical of what we do. Instead ask to be involved so you can also help the Shropshire Registry and the Shrop shire breed be successful!
Hello from Massachusetts! I hope everyone and their flocks is doing well and coping with whatever weather you have been dealt over the past few months. As of September 1, we have been very dry here and the crops are slow. In 2021, it was so wet that hay couldn’t be made and though there was a lot of grass.This year, the hay weather has been great but the grass is pretty sparse.We have begun to get a little rain now so we are hoping things will look up some. The Shropshire registration desk has had a busy summer, but still a little short of the 2021 COVID-19 catch-up year. As of August 31, 1848 sheep were registered, 896 have been transferred. Memberships are steady with 160 juniors, 147 returning adults and 10 new members.
The Futurity Program is strong with 195 nominations of yearling ewes and ewe lambs for the year. Point cards are being recorded and results posted biweekly. Two Shropshire starter flock stipends were awarded in April. Lyla Engel of Pennsylvania received $1000 and purchased two ewes. Indiana’s Zoey Pressel purchased two ewes with the help of her $500 award.
The All-American Junior Show went off without a hitch earlier in the summer in West Springfield, Mass. The Shropshire show was strong. Some stayed on for another week to participate in the North East Youth Sheep Show. Folks enjoyed some New England touring in between shows. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put on those two events.
Thankfully our show seasons have returned to normal. Most of the state fairs are now in the books with just the North American left for the larger shows. As of this writing there is finally a premium book available online. The junior show should be on Sunday, Nov. 13 as the second breed. The National Open Shropshire Show will be the third breed on
Monday, Nov. 14, tentatively judged by Bobby Spoonster. The Annual Member meeting will be held via Zoom later in the month.
The Shropshire breed and its breeders are rich in his tory. Five Shropshire breeders were inducted to the new Hall of Fame during the National Sale in Greenfield, Ind. on April 22. The families of Noble T Apple and Jasper Dirlam were recognized and presented with awards, as were Dennis Avery and Mike Anderson. Recently deceased Fred Groverman was also heralded. Congratulations to these men and many thanks for their contributions to the Shropshire breed and registry association. Information and applications for the 2023 class are on the Shropshire website and will be accepted until December 31.Thank you to those breeders who have blazed the trail of the Shropshire in the U.S.
Current topics within the Shropshire breed are creating animated discussion. Breed type and judging standards are popular subjects. We need to educate judges and new breeders. Also common of late are questions and opinions about genetic testing. We know that the ability to determine scrapie resistance and find the spider gene carriers helped to almost eliminate those problems within the U.S. sheep population. The technology is so readily available now that it would seem ridiculous not to use it to help eliminate dwarfism and other conditions that may be loom ing on the horizon for the Shropshire breed. So please participate in these talks and learn what we can do to keep Shrops moving in the right direction. It is important to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
I hope to see lots of Shropshire enthusiasts later this fall in Louisville and am looking forward to our chats.
Official notice is hereby given to all members of the American Shropshire Registry Associa tion, Inc. that the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Sunday November 27 at 8 PM Eastern Time via Zoom.The purpose of said meeting is to hear and approve the reports of the President and Secretary/Treasurer to ratify the acts of the Board of Directors since the last annual meeting of the members; to act on any old or new business which may be brought before the meeting; and to elect directors for districts having directors whose terms expire in 2022.
Article VI, Section 2 of the By Laws allows for the direct election of a director for a district if that district has an active, recognized Shropshire association.All Directors for districts not having an active state or regional Shropshire association shall be elected at the annual meeting of the members.
Directors whose terms will expire at this time are:
•Darrell Dockter West District
•Mary Anne Keck – Southwest District
•Tom Slutz – Illinois District
•Debbie Petzel – Wisconsin/Michigan District
Each membership in the American Shropshire Registry Association, Inc. is entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Such vote must be cast in person. Those members attending the Annual Meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the busi ness of the Association. All members are encouraged to attend and participate.
Zoom note: Each Senior member who has paid dues since 2020 is entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting of the Members and they are encouraged to attend and participate. If you have paid your Senior dues in the past 3 years, you will receive an email with a Zoom link during the week prior to the meeting.There will be a link to click on or paste into your browser on a smart phone or a computer and you can attend with or without a camera or you can phone in to a number specified in the invitation. Feel free to call with questions
Peterson, SecretaryThe May meeting of the ASRA Board of Directors was held via Zoom and was called to order at 8:02 p.m. by President Jim Gruenhagen. Also present were Danny Rogers, Mary Anne Keck,Adam Moore, Darrell Dockter, Rick Adams, Jon Nicholson, Mike Elsbury, Bill Bryant, Ashley Fuss, Caleb Fritz, Debbie Petzel, Tom Slutz and Mandy Curtiss. Rick Whiting was not able to participate.
Becky had sent the minutes of the January meeting out to the Board Members. Danny Rogers moved to accept the report with a second from Bill Bryant. Motion passed.
Becky reviewed the treasurer’s report as sent previously for the period through April 30. Becky noted that there was recent work received that is not included. Report showed $52,731.52 in total assets. It does appear that registration and transfer numbers are down slightly. Some fund promises and futurity nominations have not been logged as nothing has been received at this point.There are donations
for the futurity belt buckles.The Voice advertis ing income and production expense is for the February issue only. Travel expense so far for the Indiana sale trip and airfare for Ohio sale trip but is way above the 2021 year already. Net loss so far shows $7492.61. Bill Bryant moved to accept the treasurer’s report, with a second from Rick Adams.
There will be a bylaw revision to take place at the Annual Meeting in November and the second notice will be published in the October Voice. This will be to “clean-up” some wording and to insert the previous amendment into the document itself.
Budget Committee – Becky, Adam and Ash ley went over the budget the previous week. Becky has requested a $1000 for a computer update and travel expenses probably will in crease. With most other things staying the same, a profit of $4577 is expected. Bill Bry ant moved to accept the budget, with a second from Rick Adams. Motion passed.
Fundraising/Promotion – Darrell reported that there was nothing new on that front.
Royalty – Becky reported that there had been one Bo Peep, two princesses, one prince, and one queen applications. Committee had decided to recognize all of them. All were pres ent at the Indiana Sale for the introduction and helped out there. Four sashes and one hat were awarded.
Junior Association – Mary Anne Keck said she would get door prizes for the AAJS lunch and suggested an email blast to promote the Junior Association Silent Auction at the Ohio Showcase Sale.
Futurity – Chair Caleb Fritz has been work ing on funding for the silver belt buckles for the ewe lamb and yearling ewe winners in 2022 and has raised $350. He also would like to award banners for the Top 10 instead of the photo plaques. Discussion followed. Darrell moved to provide banners to the three regional ewe lamb winners, runner-up overall ewe lamb and runner-up yearling ewe for a total of five ban ners in addition to the buckles. Seconded by Jon Nicholson.
Caleb also brought up some points for dis cussion regarding AAJS and NAILE as double
point shows. These will be addressed at the November Board meeting. Jon Nicholson requested to waive the futurity nomination fee for a ewe lamb he was donating at the Ohio Showcase Sale to benefit the North East Youth Show and AAJS. So moved by Danny Rogers and Tom Slutz.
Starter Flock – two winners selected for 2022. Lyla Engle of Pennsylvania received a $1000 stipend and purchased a ewe lamb in an online sale and will look for a yearling ewe at the Ohio Showcase. Zoe Pressel of Indiana re ceived a $500 stipend and used it at the Indiana Premier sale. Rick Adams added that funding is still needed for the Starter Flock program to continue.
2022 National Sale – The Indiana Premier Sale is complete and averaged $824. Fifty-one head were shown and offered for sale. Online sales amounted to $9000. A dinner was provided and it was a fun evening with the Royalty presented, as well as the 2022 Hall of Fame inductees. Mike Elsbury reported that there were 20 head shown in the Noble Apple Junior Show and they were judged by Mike Anderson.
Hall of Fame – There were five inductees in the 2022 class. All were presented with glass photo plaques at the National Sale dinner. Becky has assembled a simple scrapbook with stories or obituaries and clipping for each one and this will be shown with the promotional display when feasible. More nominations will be needed for 2023.
Belly & Leg Wool – As planned the sale sheep at the National Sale were inspected prior to the show. A few had to be revised.This seemed to be better received than the ringside inspections. Jim Gruenhagen asked that a flyer or poster be made available to help educate exhibitor and consignors. Ashley will set up a graphic that can be emailed to AAJS exhibitors prior to the show. She asked for some photos to use with it. Also it might be useful to have a non-Shropshire inspector at ringside.
Website auction will be run as a silent auc tion at the Ohio Showcase Sale. August 2022–July 2023 (not September) will be available. Sale will conclude one half hour after the sale.
NAILE – Shropshires will tentatively be shown on Monday. Nov. 14 as the third breed. Junior show will be on Sunday. Judges have not been confirmed.
DNA testing program – Competition Committee is to discuss this at length.“Flock 54” has a test panel that will test for several genes for a reasonable fee. Representative Karissa Isaacs can help with a presentation to the committee. Rick Adams and Bill Bryant will try to set this up.
New Business – Mike Elsbury requests the National Sale for Indiana in 2023. This will be discussed further at the November meeting.
Darrell Dockter of the West District an nounced that he wished to step down from the Board at the end of his term this fall after serving 15 years. Nominations for Director of the West Region will be taken from the floor during the Annual Meeting.
Next meeting – Suggested Saturday 10 a.m. at NAILE, November 12. Annual meeting to be November 27 via Zoom.
Mary Anne Keck moved to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.,second from Tom Slutz. Motion passed.
Respectfully Becky Peterson
I have been asked by The Indiana Shropshire Sheep Association to write this nomination to the National Shropshire Hall of Fame for my grandfather, Noble T. Apple. Since he passed away almost 30 years ago many Shropshire Breeders today are not aware of his Shropshire and community accomplishments.
In 1946 he added Shropshire Sheep to his show cattle and farming operation. Shropshires quickly became his passion and by the late 1940s his flock was one of the leading flocks in the country. He began to travel the show circuit to all the major shows and state fairs with the likes of Claude Rahl and Keith Chrome. He was the only Shropshire breeder in their caravan that traveled during the late summer and early fall to these major shows.
He became the breed promoter, informa
tion source, storyteller and historian from the late 1940s until the mid-1960s. His flock was tremendously successful winning at hundreds of shows including all the major state fairs. From 1951 until 1953 (aged ewes were shown back then) his lead show ewe, Apple’s Queen, was undefeated and champion ewe at over 50 shows and more than 15 state fairs. Her pen mate, Silver Lady, stood second to her in every show except the yearling ewe class at the Indiana State Fair in 1952 where they stood first and third. There were 101 yearling ewes exhibited in class that day.
That same year, an envoy from the Japa nese agriculture department approached Noble at the Iowa State Fair after the ewes were Champion and Reserve in an attempt to purchase them and import them to Japan. The original offer for the pair was $1000, in 1952 that was more than my grandfather made in a year farming. He declined that offer and the next two offers at $1250 and $1500 for the pair of yearling ewes.
Perhaps even more important to him than the tremendous success he had breeding and showing his Shropshires was the friendships and camaraderie that he had with sheep breeders from around the country. He helped dozens of breeders get a start in Shropshires, including the Wilcliff, Kennedy, Petty and Smith families in his home county, alone. He became the flock consultant, advisor, and animal health adviser for these flocks and several more.
Noble was often involved with the state as sociation and donated multiple achievement lambs to the top Shropshire 4-H member at the state fair. He was awarded the Lifetime Service to Youth Award by the Hancock County Farm Bureau. He was presented the first, that I am aware of for lifetime achievement, which included free admission to the In diana State Fair. Since that time Jasper Dirlam also received this award.
During the 1960s and 70s Apple judged many times at various fairs. The county, to the east of his home county, had him judge so many years in a row because he spent more
time after the show helping the youngsters with their sheep than the show would take.After several years in a row he finally suggested it was time for them to find someone else to do their judging On one occasion when the judge for his home county unexpectedly didn’t make it to the show the local group had him judge the show with his own children exhibiting.
When his loving wife, Mary, became ill and then passed away, he seldom got far from home, but he kept a fantastic set of sheep until his death. He passed away in the barn while working with that year’s crop of Shropshire ewe lambs. The county fair was just starting when he passed away. They closed US 40 and the 4-H parade went by the mortuary during his funeral visitation period. They have not closed the road for the parade ever since. Three days after his passing a ewe lamb with his breeding was selected as the Supreme Champion Ewe over all breeds at one of the biggest county sheep shows in the state. One ewe lamb was kept after he passed away to be exhibited in his name and sold at The National Shropshire Show and Sale held at the Indiana State Fair the next year. The ewe didn’t win the show but placed and sold very well. The ewe was purchased by an FFA adviser from an adjacent county that wanted to show his appreciation for over 20 years of allowing his judging teams to come to the farm and prac tice judging.
Noble’s true love for the Shropshire breed has been passed down from generation to generation, each with their own Shropshire success story. There are five families that are direct descendants that are still raising and showing Shropshires. There are currently four great-great-grandchildren showing Shrops at junior shows, all of them too young for 4-H, but already excited about their sheep.
The Indiana Association recognized Noble with a special award after he exhibited at the Indiana State Fair for 70 years. Since his passing, The Champion Indiana Shropshire Flock is presented an award each year at the state fair in his honor and memory. A few years ago, the Indiana Association started hosting the Indiana Premier Sale and each year there is a junior
Veteran exhibitor Noble Apple, is in a familiar haunt – one of the livestock barns at the Indiana State Fair. Apple was presented with an award honoring his 70 years as a livestock exhibitor at the State Fair. The award was presented by the Indiana Shropshire Associa tion.
show held in conjunction with the sale. That junior show has also been named in his honor. This next year the Noble T. Apple Junior Show will be held in conjunction with the National Shropshire Sale.
Even though it has now been several years since his passing, Noble T. Apple was one of the greatest Shropshire breeder, exhibitor and promoter of all time. He is most deserving of being inducted into the National Shropshire Association Hall of Fame and the Indiana Shropshire Association is proud to nominate him for this recognition.
July 27 Judge: Alex Wolf
Yearling Ram
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
Champion Ram
2. Ashley Gouge
3. Larry & Sharon Larimore
4. Shawn Mitchell
5. Ashley Gouge
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore Res. Champion Ram
2. Larry & Sharon Larimore
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Larry & Sharon Larimore
3. Ashley Gouge
4. Ashley Gouge
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1. Shawn Mitchell
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Ashley Gouge
Yearling Ewe
1. Shawn Mitchell Res. Champion Ewe
2. Shawn Mitchell
3. Larry & Sharon Larimore
4. Larry & Sharon Larimore
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Shawn Mitchell
2. Larry & Sharon Larimore
Early Junior Ewe Lamb
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore Champion Ewe
2. Shawn Mitchell
3. Ashley Gouge
Late Junior Ewe Lamb
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Robyn Hunter
3. Ashley Gouge
4. Shawn Mitchell
5. Shawn Mitchell
Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Ashley Gouge
3. Shawn Mitchell
Pair Yearlings, both sexes
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Shawn Mitchell
Pair Lambs, both sexes
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Shawn Mitchell
3. Ashley Gouge
Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Ashley Gouge
3. Shawn Mitchell
Young Flock
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Ashley Gouge
3. Shawn Mitchell
Get of Sire
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Shawn Mitchell Breeder’s Flock
1. Larry & Sharon Larimore
2. Shawn Mitchell
Judge: Jim Brandt
Yearling Ram
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel Champion Ram
2. Dave Elsbury
3. Timothy Elsbury
4. Mike & Karen Elsbury
5. Weston Harrell
6. Duane Elsbury
7. Midnight Star Farm
8. David & Sunshine Harrell
9. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
10. David & Sunshine Harrell
11. Miley Williams
12. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Westin Poynter Res. Champion Ram
2. Tahia Ames
3. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
Early Junior Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
2. Westin Poynter
3. Rockin K Livestock
4. Dave Elsbury
5. Leila Street
6. J. N. Dirlam & Sons
7. Dave Elsbury
8. Timothy Elsbury
9. Steve & Nancy Elsbury
10. David & Sunshine Harrell
11. Danny Rogers
12. David & Sunshine Harrell
13. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Late Junior Ram Lamb
1. Kenyon Buckland
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
3. Mike & Karen Elsbury
4. Timothy Elsbury
5. Timothy Elsbury
6. Camden Cory
7. Miley Williams
8. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
9. Crimson Ridge Farm
Pair Ram Lambs
1. Westin Poynter
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
3. Dave Elsbury
4. Timothy Elsbury
5. David & Sunshine Harrell
6. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel Champion Ewe
2. Riley Smith
3. Duane Elsbury
4. J. N. Dirlam & Sons
5. Katelyn Elsbury
6. Abbey Hughes
7. J. N. Dirlam & Sons
8. Danny Rogers 9. Danny Rogers
10. Tahia Ames
11. Stetson Williams
12. Dave Elsbury
13. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
2. Steve & Nancy Elsbury
3. Justin Proper 4. Rockin K Livestock
5. Leila Street 6. Timothy Elsbury
7. Mike & Karen Elsbury 8. Hayze Klotz
9. Timothy Elsbury 10. Dave Elsbury
11. Camden Cory
12. Crimson Ridge Farm
13. Justin Proper
14. Midnight Star Farm
Yearling Ewe Group 3
1. Kenyon Buckland
2. FP Livestock Alivia, Ainsley, Braylon Porter
3. Westin Poynter 4. Rockin K Livestock
5. Leila Street 6. Mark Wisehart
7. Miley Williams 8. Audrey Fitzsimmons
9. Audrey Fitzsimmons
10. David & Sunshine Harrell 11. David & Sunshine Harrell 12. Midnight Star Farm
Yearling Ewe Group 4
1. Westin Poynter 2. Abbey Hughes 3. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 4. Mike & Karen Elsbury 5. Duane Elsbury 6. Crimson Ridge Farm 7. Savanna Elsbury 8. Mark Wisehart 9. Tenley Cory 10. CW Livestock 11. Tenley Cory 12. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Westin Poynter 3. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 4. Duane Elsbury 5. Abbey Hughes 6. Rockin K Livestock 7. Leila Street 8. J. N. Dirlam & Sons 9. Mike & Karen Elsbury 10. Timothy Elsbury
11. Danny Rogers 12. Justin Proper 13. Dave Elsbury 14. Mark Wisehart 15. Crimson Ridge Farm 16. Audrey Fitzsimmons 17. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell 18. Midnight Star Farm 19. David & Sunshine Harrell 20. Landree Street
1. Westin Poynter
2. Kenyon Buckland 3. Leila Street
4. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 5. Justin Proper 6. Mike & Karen Elsbury 7. Tahia Ames 8. Miley Williams 9. Kenyon Buckland 10. Danny Rogers 11. Justin Proper 12. Danny Rogers 13. Stetson Williams
14. Audrey Fitzsimmons
Early Spring Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Westin Poynter
2. Katelyn Elsbury
3. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
4. Mike & Karen Elsbury
5. Leila Street
6. J. N. Dirlam & Sons
7. Hayze Klotz
8. Timothy Elsbury
9. Duane Elsbury
10. J. N. Dirlam & Sons
11. Tahia Ames
12. Mark Wisehart
13. Midnight Star Farm 14. Audrey Fitzsimmons
Early Spring Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Kenyon Buckland
2. Rockin K Livestock
3. Timothy Elsbury
4. Leila Street
5. Danny Rogers
6. Mike & Karen Elsbury
7. Tahia Ames
8. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 9. Dave Elsbury
10. Mark Wisehart 11. Justin Proper 12. Justin Proper 13. Tenley Cory 14. David & Sunshine Harrell
Early Spring Ewe Lamb Group 3
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Kenyon Buckland 3. Westin Poynter 4. Cooper Rooze 5. Dave Elsbury 6. Camden Cory 7. Camden Cory 8. Tenley Cory 9. David & Sunshine Harrell 10. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell 11. Miley Williams 12. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
Late Spring Ewe Lamb Group 1 1. Kenyon Buckland 2. Abbey Hughes 3. Westin Poynter 4. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 5. Drake Slutz 6. Savanna Elsbury 7. Mike & Karen Elsbury 8. Crimson Ridge Farm 9. Midnight Star Farm 10. Dave Elsbury 11. Mark Wisehart 12. J. N. Dirlam & Sons 13. Mark Wisehart 14. David & Sunshine Harrell
Late Spring Ewe Lamb Group 2 1. Abbey Hughes Res. Champion Ewe 2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 3. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 4. Westin Poynter 5. Rockin K Livestock 6. Timothy Elsbury 7. Timothy Elsbury 8. Dave Elsbury 9. Mike & Karen Elsbury 10. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 11. Miley Williams Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Westin Poynter 2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 3. Kenyon Buckland 4. Abbey Hughes 5. Mike & Karen Elsbury 6. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 7. Leila Street 8. Rockin K Livestock 9. Timothy Elsbury 10. Dave Elsbury 11. Mark Wisehart 12. Danny Rogers 13. Justin Proper 14. Miley Williams
15. Camden Cory
16. Midnight Star Farm 17. Tenley Cory 18. Audrey Fitzsimmons 19. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell
20. David & Sunshine Harrell
Mixed Pair
1. Westin Poynter
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 3. Kenyon Buckland 4. Rockin K Livestock 5. Timothy Elsbury 6. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 7. Mike & Karen Elsbury 8. Leila Street 9. Dave Elsbury
10. Tahia Ames 11. Danny Rogers 12. Miley Williams
13. Camden Cory 14. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell 15. David & Sunshine Harrell
16. Midnight Star Farm 17. Crimson Ridge Farm
Best 4 Head
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Westin Poynter 3. Kenyon Buckland
4. Abbey Hughes
5. Timothy Elsbury 6. Rockin K Livestock 7. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 8. Mike & Karen Elsbury 9. Duane Elsbury 10. Dave Elsbury 11. Mark Wisehart 12. Justin Proper 13. Midnight Star Farm 14. Miley Williams 15. Danny Rogers 16. Tenley Cory 17. Camden Cory 18. Leila Street 19. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell 20. David & Sunshine Harrell Flock 1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Westin Poynter 3. Leila Street 4. Rockin K Livestock 5. Timothy Elsbury 6. Steve & Nancy Elsbury 7. Mike & Karen Elsbury 8. Danny Rogers 9. Dave Elsbury 10. Midnight Star Farm 11. Wyatt & Sophie Harrell 12. David & Sunshine Harrell
Premier Exhibitor Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
Iowa State Fair
August 18 Judge : Noel Olsen Yearling Ram 1. SS Shrops Fall Ram Lamb 1. Kish-Flock Shropshires January Ram Lamb 1. WEG/I80 Champion Ram 2. Rueber Shropshires Res. Champion Ram 3. SS Shrops February Ram Lamb 1. Rueber Shropshires 2. WEG/I80 3. SS Shrops March & After Ram Lamb 1. Kish-Flock Shropshires Pair of Ram Lambs 1. WEG/I80
2. Rueber Shropshires
3. SS Shrops
Yearling Ewe
1. SS Shrops Champion Ewe
2. Rueber Shropshires
3. WEG/I80
4. SS Shrops
5. Rueber Shropshires
6. WEG/I80
7. Kish-Flock Shropshires
Pair of Yearling Ewes
1. SS Shrops
2. Rueber Shropshires
3. WEG/I80
Fall Ewe Lamb
1. WEG/I80
2. Kish-Flock Shropshires 3. SS Shrops
4. Warren Mott
January Ewe Lamb
1. SS Shrops 2. WEG/I80
3. Rueber Shropshires 4. SS Shrops
February Ewe Lamb
1. WEG/I80 – Reserve Champion Ewe 2. SS Shrops
3. Rueber Shropshires
4. Warren Mott
March & After Ewe Lamb
1. Rueber Shropshires 2. WEG/I80
Pair of Ewe Lambs 1. WEG/I80
2. Rueber Shropshires 3. SS Shrops
4. Warren Mott Pair of Lambs 1. WEG/I80
2. Rueber Shropshires
3. SS Shrops, Davenport
4. Kish-Flock Shropshires
Young Flock
1. WEG/I80
2. Rueber Shropshires
3. SS Shrops
1. WEG/I80
2. Rueber Shropshires 3. SS Shrops
Premier Exhibitor WEG/I80
August 16 Judge: Jeff Ebert
Yearling Ram
1. Brenna Hubbard Champion Ram
2. Hagan Martin 3. Hagan Martin 4. Evan Peiter 5. Brody Horstmeier Fall Ram Lamb
1. Thomas Belt 2. Landon Peiter
Spring Ram Lamb Group 1
1. Lane Falch – Reserve Champion Ram
2. Thomas Belt 3. Faith Calvin 4. Amy Myers 5. Hagan Martin
Spring Ram Lamb Group 2
1. Brenna Hubbard 2. Olivia Graves 3. Taylor Kemp 4. Taylor Kemp 5. Olivia Graves Pair Ram Lambs
1. Thomas Belt 2. Taylor Kemp 3. Olivia Graves 4. Faith Calvin 5. Evan Peiter
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Brenna Hubbard Champion Ewe 2. Lane Falch 3. Olivia Graves 4. Taylor Kemp 5. RoKaJo
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Olivia Graves Res. Champion Ewe 2. Brenna Hubbard 3. Faith Calvin 4. Lane Falch
5. Taylor Kemp
Pair Yearling Ewes
1. Brenna Hubbard 2. Olivia Graves 3. Lane Falch 4. Taylor Kemp 5. RoKaJo Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Thomas Belt
2. Thomas Belt 3. Emily Anderson 4. Austin Bartholomew 5. Emily Anderson
Spring Ewe Lambs Group 1
1. Thomas Belt 2. Brenna Hubbard 3. Olivia Graves 4. Lane Falch 5. Brenna Hubbard Spring Ewe Lambs Group 2 1. Landon Peiter 2. Thomas Belt 3. Taylor Kemp 4. Callie Bailey 5. Taylor Kemp Spring Ewe Lambs Group 3
1. Taylor Kemp 2. Brenna Hubbard 3. Lane Falch 4. Lori Shrum 5. Brenna Hubbard Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Thomas Belt 2. Brenna Hubbard 3. Olivia Graves 4. Lane Falch 5. Taylor Kemp Best Pair 1. Brenna Hubbard 2. Olivia Graves 3. Thomas Belt 4. Lane Falch 5. Taylor Kemp Breeder Flock 1. Brenna Hubbard 2. Olivia Graves 3. Thomas Belt 4. Lane Falch 5. Taylor Kemp
Pen of 4 Lambs
1. Brenna Hubbard 2. Thomas Belt 3. Olivia Graves 4. Taylor Kemp 5. Faith Calvin Premier Breeder Thomas Belt
July 31 Judge: Richard Adams
Yearling Ram
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Kennedy Algire 3. Kennedy Algire Fall Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Tahia Ames 3. Eli Petry 4. Victoria Kovacs 5. Justin Rife
Early Spring Ram Lamb
1. Emily Stevens 2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 3. Luke Raudebaugh
4. Kennedy Algire 5. David High 6. Schindel Shropshires
Late Spring Ram Lamb
1. Kennedy Algire
2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 3. Emily Stevens 4. Kellen Algire 5. Justin Rife 6. Kennedy Algire 7. David High 8. David High 9. Schindel Shropshires 10. Dave Evans 11. Robert Sando
12. Troy Weber
13. Baylee Weber
Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
2. Emily Stevens
3. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 4. Justin Rife 5. Emily Stevens 6. Kennedy Algire 7. Tahia Ames 8. Mike Fox 9. Tim McKinstry
10. Garrett L Petry 11. Abby Isler
12. Ben Isler
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
2. Kennedy Algire 3. Mike Fox 4. Natalee Eskridge 5. Kennedy Algire 6. Schindel Shropshires 7. Isaac Petry 8. Shelby C Petry
Yearling Ewe Group 3 1. Luke Raudebaugh 2. Justin Rife 3. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 4. Kennedy Algire 5. Schindel Shropshires 6. Victoria Kovacs 7. Victoria Kovacs 8. Troy Weber 9. Baylee Weber Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Emily Stevens 3. Justin Rife 4. Victoia Kovacs 5. Abby Isler 6. Tahia Ames
7. Robert Sando Early Spring Ewe Lamb 1. Luke Raudebaug 2. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
Justin Rife
Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
David High
Robert Sando
Kennedy Algire
Emily Stevens
Troy Weber
Tahia Ames
Natalee Eskridge
Baylee Weber Intermediate Spring Ewe Lamb 1. David High
Luke Raudebaugh
Kellen Algire 4. Emily Stevens 5. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 6. Kennedy Algire
Tahia Ames 8. Justin Rife
Ben Isler 10. Justin Rife 11. Kennedy Algire 12. Sidney Street 13. Schindel Shropshires
14. Garrett L Petry 15. Abby Isler 16. Mike Fox 17. Natalee Eskridge 18. Dave Evans Spring Ewe Lamb 1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. David High 3. Brianna Moeller 4. Mindy Raudebaugh 5. Luke Raudebaugh 6. Schindel Shropshires 7. Troy Weber 8. Natalee Eskridge 9. Mike Fox 10. Troy Weber 11. Sidney Street 12. Dave Evans 13. Shelby C Petry
Late Spring Ewe Lamb 1. Mindy Raudebaugh 2. Kennedy Algire 3. David High 4. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 5. David High 6. Kennedy Algire 7. Eli Petry 8. Luke Raudebaugh
Dave Evans 10. Victoria Kovacs Best Pen of 4 1. Luke Raudebaugh Flock 1. Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel 2. Kennedy Algire Premier Exhibitor Kassidy & Kaitlyn Schakel
C. Donald Call, 82, of Shelburne, Mass. passed away unexpectedly at Cooley-Dickinson Hospital on May 22, 2022.
Born in Colrain, Mass. on May 28, 1939, he was the son of the late Calvin P. and Marion Call. Don grew up in Colrain and graduated from Arms Academy in Shelburne Falls. He soon enlisted in the United States Coast Guard where he served aboard a cutter ship equipped for antisubmarine warfare.
He later worked for the Boston & Maine Railroad as a welder and hoisting engineer for many years. He left the railroad to help run the Shelburne Country Shop with his dad.
Don had a variety of interests. He often worked at his father’s auctions throughout Franklin County when he was young. Trips with his wife to Maine, Martha’s Vineyard and the Midwest were memorable, though none might compare to his solo adventure to Alas ka as a teenager to visit his uncle Reuben. He often shared stories of his time there. He and Reuben walked almost everywhere, always carrying tin cans tied together to shake and scare off the bears. They mostly ate what they caught or raised. After that, Don never ate salmon again.
Boating on the Harriman Reservoir, spend ing time at his cabin in Colrain, snowmobiling and collecting antiques and local memorabilia
were popular pastimes over the years.
For all his other interests, he was most passionate about raising Shropshire sheep. He loved springtime when the new lambs arrived. Sheep sales and shows all across the country were not to be missed. Many friendships were made at these events. The first sale in May was a must in order to see all these friends after a long winter.
He will be deeply missed by his wife, Anne Bolles; his sister, Lois Stearns of Longmeadow, Mass., his nephew, John Stearns (Mary Anne) of East Longmeadow, Mass.; his niece, Judith Stearns of Enfield, Conn.; and several grandneph ews and nieces. Dear friends that were like family to Don were Jim and Wendy Cameron of Middleboro and Nate Trojanoski of Terryville, Conn.
At Don’s request, all services will be private.
July 10 Judge: Evan Snyder
Yearling Ram
1. Connor Priest
Senior Ram Lamb
1. Blake Webster Intermediate Ram Lamb 1. Jaedyn Slutz Champion Ram 2. Chloe Stonesifer Res. Champion Ram 3. Jaedyn Slutz 4. Addisen Nicholson Junior Ram Lamb
1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Addisen Nicholson 4. Blake Webster 5. Connor Priest Pair of Ram Lambs 1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Blake Webster Best Headed Ram 1. Blake Webster
Yearling Ewe
1. Jaedyn Slutz Champion Ewe 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Drake Slutz 4. Jaedyn Slutz 5. Oliver Nicholson 6. Taryn Stem 7. Drake Slutz 8. Taryn Stem 9. Connor Priest 10. Blake Webster 11. Addisen Nicholson 12. Connor Priest 13. Lizzy Miller 14. Annabelle Miller
Pair of Yearling Ewes
1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Taryn Stem 3. Drake Slutz 4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Connor Priest
Senior Ewe Lamb
1. Addisen Nicholson 2. Blake Webster 3. Taryn Stem
Intermediate Ewe Lamb 1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Drake Slutz 3. Addisen Nicholson 4. Drake Slutz 5. Oliver Nicholson 6. Jaedyn Slutz 7. Dash Heeg 8. Oliver Nicholson 9. Taylor Ruitto 10. Addisen Nicholson 11. Chloe Stonesifer 12. Blake Webster 13. Chloe Stonesifer 14. Connor Priest 15. Morgan Riley Junior Ewe Lamb
1. Drake Slutz Res. Champion Ewe
2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Dash Heeg 4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Addisen Nicholson 6. Connor Priest 7. Hailey Ryan 8. Taryn Stem 9. Blake Webster 10. Lizzy Miller 11. Annabelle Miller Pair of Ewe Lambs
1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Drake Slutz 3. Oliver Nicholson 4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Blake Webster 6. Dash Heeg 7. Chloe Stonesifer 8. Connor Priest 9. Taryn Stem Best Headed Ewe
1. Oliver Nicholson
Exhibitors Flock
1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Addisen Nicholson
3. Blake Webster 4. Chloe Stonesifer
5. Connor Priest
July 3 Judge: Nick Miniter
Fall Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel
2. Blake Webster
3. Westin Poynter 4. Victoria Kovacs 5. Alison Roles
January Ram Lamb
1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Kassidy Schakel 4. Jaedyn Slutz 5. Quincy Moore 6. Kenyon Buckland 7. River Lease
February Ram Lamb 1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Riggin Klotz 3. Jaedyn Slutz 4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Westin Poynter 6. Vivian Stephenson 7. Connor Priest 8. Blake Webster 9. Kaz Jaracz March Ram Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Grand Champion 2. Jaedyn Slutz Res. Grand Champion 3. Vivian Stephenson 4. Troy Weber 5. Baylee Weber Pair Ram Lambs
1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Westin Poynter 4. Vivian Stephenson Yearling Ewe Group 1 1. Kassidy Schakel
Sr. & Res. Grand Champion
2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Riggin Klotz 4. Emily Stevens 5. Jaedyn Slutz 6. Kenyon Buckland 7. Drake Slutz 8. Hayze Klotz 9. Kade Mennen 10. Addisen Nicholson 11. Quincy Moore 12. River Lease 13. Quincy Moore 14. Taryn Stem 15. Taryn Stem 16. Connor Priest 17. Alison Roles 18. Kaycee Engle 19. Camden Cory Yearling Ewe Group 2 1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Alivia Porter 3. Kenyon Buckland 4. Drake Slutz 5. Riggin Klotz 6. Addisen Nicholson 7. Westin Poynter 8. Westin Poynter 9. Victoria Kovacs 10. Vivian Stephenson 11. Penelope Moore 12. Penelope Moore 13. Miley Williams 14. Alison Roles 15. Oliver Nicholson 16. Connor Priest 17. Lyla Engle 18. Blake Webster 19. Tenley Cory 20. Tenley Cory Pair Yearling Ewes 1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Riggin Klotz 3. Kenyon Buckland 4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Westin Poynter 6. Taryn Stem 7. Connor Priest 8. Alison Roles
Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel Res. Senior Champ 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Victoria Kovacs 4. Kenyon Buckland 5. Blake Webster 6. Victoria Kovacs 7. Taryn Stem 8. Westin Poynter 9. Kaycee Engle January Ewe Lamb
1. Jaedyn Slutz Jr & Grand Champion 2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Drake Slutz 4. Kassidy Schakel 5. Hayze Klotz 6. Kenyon Buckland 7. Drake Slutz 8. Addisen Nicholson 9. Kenyon Buckland 10. Addisen Nicholson 11. Emily Stevens 12. Quincy Moore 13. Westin Poynter 14. Blake Webster 15. Dash Heeg 16. Victoria Kovacs 17. River Lease 18. Connor Priest 19. Troy Weber 20. Alison Roles 21. Baylee Weber February Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Jaedyn Slutz 2. Drake Slutz 3. Kenyon Buckland 4. Riggin Klotz 5. Emily Stevens 6. Addisen Nicholson 7. Sallie Everhart 8. Penelope Moore 9. Katherine Gartrell 10. Troy Weber 11. Kaycee Engle 12. Morgan Riley February Ewe Lamb Group 2 1. Drake Slutz
Res. Junior Champion 2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Kassidy Schakel 4. Addisen Nicholson 5. Quincy Moore 6. Westin Poynter 7. Kaz Jaracz 8. Vivian Stephenson 9. Hailey Ryan 10. Blake Webster 11. Lyla Engle 12. Dash Heeg 13. Kaz Jaracz 14. Taryn Stem
March Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Addisen Nicholson 3. Vivian Stephenson 4. Quincy Moore 5. River Lease 6. Stockton Klotz 7. Westin Poynter 8. Miley Williams Pair Ewe Lambs
1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Kenyon Buckland 3. Addisen Nicholson 4. Victoria Kovacs 5. Emily Stevens 6. Westin Poynter 7. Vivian Stephenson 8. Dash Heeg 9. River Lease 10. Troy Weber 11. Kaz Jaracz Young Flock
1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Kenyon Buckland 3. Addisen Nicholson 4. River Lease 5. Vivian Stephenson 6. Westin Poynter 7. Victoria Kovacs 8. Blake Webster 9. Troy Weber 10.Kaz Jaracz
Best Four Head of Ewes
1. Kassidy Schakel 2. Kenyon Buckland
3. Addisen Nicholson
4. Westin Poynter Market Lamb
1. Nash Johnson Grand Champion 2. Katie Miller Res. Grand Champion 3. Victoria Kovacs 4. River Lease 5. Rachel Olver 6. Derek Coleman 7. Katherine Gartrell 8. Jackson Crisp
Freedom Fest, Sedalia, MO • May 28 Judge: Adam Heffelfinger Yearling Ram
1. Jaedyn Slutz – Senior Champion Ram 2. Kinley Tenney 3. Taylor Kemp 4. Dalton Payne Shropshire Fall Ram
1. Westin Poynter Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion Ram 2. Kassidy Schakel Spring Ram Lamb
1. Riggin Klotz – Junior & Grand Champion Ram 2. Jaedyn Slutz – Reserve Junior Champion Ram 3. Westin Poynter 4. Kassidy Schakel 5. Jaedyn Slutz 6. Jaedyn Slutz 7. Brenna Hubbard 8. Jaedyn Slutz 9. Quincy Moore 10. Brody Belt 11. Lane Falch 12. Olivia Graves 13. Faith Calvin 14. Taylor Kemp 15. Jaedyn Slutz Yearling Ewe Group 1
1. Riggin Klotz – Senior & Grand Champion Ewe
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Jaedyn Slutz
4. Charleigh Spoonster 5. Hayze Klotz 6. Drake Slutz 7. Brenna Hubbard 8. Hope Miller 9. Faith Calvin 10. Callie Bailey 11. Olivia Graves 12. Lane Falch 13. Camden Cory
Yearling Ewe Group 2
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Westin Poynter 3. Kassidy Schakel 4. Alivia, Ainsley and Braylon Porter
5. Riggin Klotz 6. Tanner Beckmier 7. Brenna Hubbard 8. Drake Slutz 9. Taylor Kemp 10. Lane Falch 11. Taylor Kemp 12. Olivia Graves 13. Tenley Cory
Yearling Ewe Group 3
1. Brenna Hubbard 2. Brenna Hubbard 3. Westin Poynter 4. Charleigh Spoonster 5. Quincy Moore 6. Faith Calvin Fall Ewe Lamb
1. Kassidy Schakel – Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion Ewe 2. Westin Poynter 3. TJ Belt 4. Ross Doyle 5. William Taylor 6. Brody Belt
January Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Brenna Hubbard –Junior Champion Ewe
2. Kassidy Schakel
3. Jaedyn Slutz 4. Brenna Hubbard 5. Westin Poynter 6. Drake Slutz 7. Quincy Moore 8. Taylor Kemp 9. Brooke Young 10. Penelope Moore 11. Olivia Graves
January Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Kinley Tenny 3. Westin Poynter 4. Penelope Moore 5. Drake Slutz 6. Taylor Kemp 7. Quincy Moore 8. Faith Calvin 9. Olivia Graves 10. Ross Doyle 11. Dalton Payne
February Ewe Lamb Group 1
1. Riggin Klotz – Reserve Junior champion Ewe 2. Jaedyn Slutz 3. Dalton Payne 4. Drake Slutz 5. Westin Poynter 6. Olivia Graves 7. Taylor Kemp 8. Brooke Young 9. Quincy Moore
February Ewe Lamb Group 2
1. Jaedyn Slutz
2. Kassidy Schakel 3. Drake Slutz 4. Westin Poynter 5. Quincy Moore 6. Kinley Tenny 7. Lane Falch 8. Brenna Hubbard 9. Olivia Graves 10. Callie Bailey
March Ewe Lamb
1. Westin Poynter
2. Westin Poynter 3. Brenna Hubbard
Fall Ram Lamb – Shropshire Voice, Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull
January Ram Lamb – Bill & Stacey Webster
February Ram Lamb – Bill & Stacey Webster
March Ram Lamb – Miley & Stetson Williams
Pair Ram Lambs – BWB Farms
Champion Ram – North East Shropshire Assoc
Reserve Champion Ram – McKinstry Shrops, Tim McKinstry
Yearling Ewe (Class 1) – Shropshire Voice, Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull
Yearling Ewe (Class 2) – Sand Meadow Farm
Pair Yearling Ewes – O’Neill Shropshires
Fall Ewe Lamb (Class 1) – GreenBrier Shropshires - Ashley Fuss
January Ewe Lamb (Class 1) – Sand Meadow Farm
February Ewe Lamb (Class 1) – BeeEwe Shropshires Art Brown
February Ewe Lamb (Class 2) – Cross County Shropshires
March Ewe Lamb – Schoolhouse Shropshires
Pair Ewe Lambs – Fritz Farm, Caleb Fritz
Champion Ewe – North East Shropshire Assoc
Reserve Champion Ewe – VIP Shropshires
Young Flock – JEM Farms
Best 4 Head of Ewes – Shropshire Voice Rinda Maddox & Amanda Rull
Market Lamb Light – Kenyon Buckland
Market Lamb Heavy – Rockin K Livestock Riggin Hayze & Stockton Klotz
Ram Fleece – Step Ahead Shropshires
Ewe Fleece – Webby Farms
Top Gun – Street Shropshires, Erik Mrozinksi, Avery Shropshires
Additional Sponsorships – McKinstry Shrop, Chip Hallet
Each year the ASRA offers two $400 college scholarships to students directly involved with Shropshire sheep and enrolled in an un dergraduate program. Students must submit an application, two letters of recommendation and complete transcript by June 1. This year four applications were received and they were all very good.The winners were Emily Stevens of Norwalk, Ohio and Luke Raudebaugh of Danville, Ohio. Read below about Emily. Luke’s story will appear in the February 2023 Voice.
Emily Stevens graduated from the New London High School last June where she kept up a GPA of 3.00 and will be attending the Northern Oklahoma College in the fall to study agribusiness. She is the daughter of Dan and Nicole Stevens. Emily made the Honor Roll each year since 2019 and received the Ohio Governor’s Award for Excellence in Environmental Protection Research and the Peter G. Finke Water Management Award. She was named Outstanding Student at the Mohican District Science Day with a Superior rating. Emily was active in FFA since the eighth grade and held a variety of offices.
She garnered first place in the Ohio Agriscience Fair and placed eighth in the national event with her project, “The Use of Wool to Control Sediment and Phosphorus Loss for an Ohio Soil.” She earned her Ohio FFA State Degree and was first place in the State FFA Sheep Proficiency. Emily has also been a 4-H member since age six and served in the secretary and president offices. Emily has also been very active in the OHIO LEAD organization and serves as a Junior Director. She has also been on the Board of the Junior Shropshire Association.
Emily writes: As an eighth grader enrolled in ag ed, I realized having my own flock was my opportunity to choose my own pathway as a young sheep producer, and was motivated to move away from the 100-head commercial sheep flock my parents were raising. I spent
a lot of time researching breeds, trends and youth opportunities in the industry and land ed on the Shropshire breed. The Ohio Shrop shire Association had a grant program for youth interested in pursuing Shropshires and in 2018 I received the grant and purchased my first two Shropshire ewes at the Big Ohio Sale in May.
I found the experience with them on the summer show circuit very rewarding and as a result, I knew I made the right choice and purchased three bred ewes that fall to lamb in January of 2019. I currently run 30 mature ewes, 10 replacements and two rams utilizing artificial insemination and embryo transfer in order to utilize the most current genetics to raise and market offspring. When I started my flock in 2018, my parents guided and advised many key decisions concerning feeding ra tions, sales of animals, and breeding decisions, while I delivered the daily care and feeding responsibilities under their guidance. However, as I grew older with more experience, more exposure to several breeders that are close mentors, as well as additional learning online, those decisions became my responsibility. My freshman year, I started consulting with local feed dealers and began making feed decisions be selecting the best feed for multiple nutri tional needs in the flock including gestational, creep, exhibition, pre-breeding and growth and maintenance rations. During the breeding season, I deliver all pre-breeding tasks of hood trimming, deworming and any vaccina tions the sheep may need to ensure they are in the correct body condition and equipped with a defense against threats during gesta tion, breeding and lambing. I now also manage all breeding selections of sires by purchasing rams or semen and decide which ewes will see what rams annually. Lambing season brings several challenges, but I am the primary source for lamb watch, ewe assistance, newborn care and processing, utilizing Dad’s help if parturition gets difficult. I also make all decisions as to which ewes are culled, which lambs are
slated for sales, which make the show string and those that are held for replacements or sold in early targeted seasonal lamb markets as well as sold to juniors for exhibition. During these long four years I have been raising Shropshires I have had many successful show seasons, my top awards being in the National Futurity every year and having champions at the Ohio State Fair, OYLE, as well as having class winners at the All-American Junior Show and the North American. The Shropshire breed will never be far from my heart and will always hold a special place in my development. Congratulations to Emily on her success and we wish her the best of luck in her future.
Slack “Homeschool” has sired many of our leading show, sale and replacement ewes. We have retained 2 of his offspring for stud rams.
A Northern Division of Poynter Sheep Farm
Give us a call for your Shropshire needs (Stud Rams, Ewes, and Market Lambs)
Stay tuned for a “special announcement” this spring as we may decide to offer him up in a package deal with 10-15 brood ewes. This would make a great starter flock or quality addition for any existing breeder!
Jared, Kara, Westin & Faith Poynter Maple Park, IL 60151 (815) 276-2200
Jeff & Jan Poynter Paris, IL 61944 (217) 251-9984
Standing Exhibitor
Regional Ewe Lamb
Region Flock Tag
# shows Points
1 Brendan Pimm NY Highlife Farm 2213 3 29
2 Brendan Pimm NY City Limits 22055 3 28
3 Lyla Engle PA Sand Meadow 2237 3 25
4 Brooke Young TN Sand Meadow 2206 2 23
5 tie Brendan Pimm NY Mrozinski 22-06 3 22
5 tie Taryn Stem PA Sand Meadow 2205 3 22
7 Brooke Young TN Fleener 2265 2 21
8 Taryn Stem PA Fritz 2219 3 19
9 Brendan Pimm NY S Shrops 21-47 3 16 10 Katherine Gartrell MD City Limits 22070 2 14
1 Emily Stevens OH R&A 2617 5 60
2 Emily Stevens OH Fleener 2221 5 44
3 Katelyn Elsbury IN Slack 2155 4 39
4 Hayze Klotz IN SS Shrops 22-9 2 34
5 W. Hudson Weisand OH City Limits 22041 5 27
6 Abbigale Cattrell OH City Limits 22004 3 14
7 tie Troy Weber OH CCS-Kovacs 22-16 2 13
7 tie Tahia Ames OH BWB 2209 2 13
9 Tahia Ames OH SS Shrops 22-3 2 12
10 tie Troy Weber OH Highlife Farm 2223 2 10
10 tie Baylee Weber OH McKinstry 22-03 3 10
12 Olivia Clark IN Dirlam 22-4 1 9 13 Troy Weber OH BWB 2202 2 8
Drake Slutz IL R&A 2618 4 72
2 Brenna Hubbard MO Fritz 2201 4 34 3 Warren Mott IL BWB 2153 4 21
4 Brenna Hubbard MO City Limits 22024 2 17
5 Autumn Smiley MO Highlife Farm 2219 2 16 6 Drake Slutz IL R&A 2616 1 8
Standing Exhibitor
Flock Tag # shows Points
Drake Slutz R&A 2618 4 72
2 Emily Stevens R&A 2617 5 60
3 Emily Steens Fleener 2221 5 44
4 Katelyn Elsbury Slack 2155 4 39
5 tie Hayze Klotz SS Shrops 22-9 2 34
5 tie Brenna Hubbard Fritz 2201 4 34
Brendan Pimm
Highlife Farm 2213 3 29
8 Brendan Pimm City Limits 22055 3 28
9 W. Hudson Weisand City Limits 22041 5 27
10 Lyla Engle Sand Meadow 2237 3 25
11 Brooke Young Sand Meadow 2206 2 23
12 tie Brendan Pimm Mrozinski 22-06 3 22
12 tie Taryn Stem Sand Meadow 2205 3 22
14 tie Brooke Young Fleener 2265 2 21
14 tie Warren Mott BWB 2153 4 21
16 Taryn Stem Fritz 2219 3 19
17 Brenna Hubbard City Limits 22024 2 17
18 tie Brendan Pimm SS Shrops 21-47 3 16
18 tie Autumn Smiley Highlife Farm 2219 2 16
20 tie Katherine Cattrell City Limits 22070 2 14
20 tie Abbigale Cattrell City Limits 22004 3 14
22 tie Troy Weber CCS-Kovacs 22-16 2 13
22 tie Tahia Ames BWB 2209 2 13
24 Tahia Ames SS Shrops 22-3 2 12
25 tie Troy Weber Highlife Farm 2223 2 10
25 tie Baylee Weber McKinstry 22-03 3 10
27 Olivia Clark Dirlam 22-4 1 9
28 tie Troy Weber BWB 2202 2 8
28 tie Drake Slutz R&A 2616 1 8
Haydan Lowrey
Sugar Ridge 2107 5 46
2 Katelyn Elsbury Poynter 21-1 4 44
3 Parker Lowrey Sugar Ridge 2109 4 40
4 Connor Priest Step Ahead Shrops 2 5 39
5 tie Camden Cory S&N Elsbury 57 5 28
5 tie Taryn Stem CLSF 20135 3 28
7 Addiesen Nicholson R&A 2549 2 26
8 Taryn Stem CLSF 2141 3 25
9 tie Kylie Adams Rockin K 2123 ET 4 23
9 tie Emily Stevens Step Ahead 225 2 23
11 tie Lyla Engle Mrozinski 21-22 3 14
11 tie Emily Stevens Slack 1190 3 14
13 Autumn Smiley Step Ahead 234 2 13
14 Brenna Hubbard CLSF 2115 1 12
15 Olivia Clark Step Ahead 240 1 10
16 Tenley Cory JEM 2111 1 6
17 Faith Calvin CLSF 21132 1 1
Note that the All American Junior Show and NAILE Junior Show are Double Point Shows. All ties will be broken at NAILE. Futurity Rules can be found on www.shropshires.org. Questions should be directed to Becky Peterson, 413-624-9652 or shropsec@hotmail.com
This program enjoyed five youngsters this year. Applications were received and reviewed early in the spring. All were present at the National Sale event at the Indiana Premier in Greenfield on April 23.
The new Bo Peep is nine-year-old fourth grader Elizabeth LaFramboise of Missouri. She
writes that she wants to be the Bo-Peep be cause it sounds really fun and she likes to talk to people about her sheep. Elizabeth spent most of her day that Friday helping to present awards during the judging of the Shropshire consignments.
Brother/sister team Troy, 11, and 15-year-
old Baylee Weber of Ohio were named as Prince and Princess. They both wrote that they like to show sheep together and meet sheep people.
Also named as a Princess is Abbigale Cat trell, age 12, of Ohio. She said she would work really hard to promote Shropshires.
Last but not least is the 2022 Shropshire Queen, 18-year-old 12th grader Abigail Hughes of Indiana. Abbey wrote that it would be an honor to exemplify Shropshires as an organization nationally and wants to be able to continue to represent and educate on how impactful the Shropshire industry can be through being Queen.
All five of these youngsters were busy help ing at Shropshire shows over the summer. Hopefully, we will see more of them in November at our national event.
Applications for the 2023 royalty are relatively simple and will be available on the Shropshire website during the winter. The deadline for submissions is March 15th.
A program in its ninth year, the Shrop shire Starter Flock has been doing its job of getting kids involved in the breed. There are some state or regional programs but this one
is open to everyone in the U.S.
It began in 2014 with
Tennessee. The next year a $1500 monetary stipend was awarded to Justin Weckler of Ohio. Ashlyn Reddick of Georgia started her flock in 2016. In 2017 Kyle Gross of Nebraska got a jump on his project. Layne Lingley of Illinois was the 2018 recipient followed by Lee Ann Martin of Tennessee in 2019.
The COVID year was hard for everybody but James Bend of Illinois found a way to make things happen in 2020. The following year found Arabella Knuth of Wisconsin as the winner. This past year two awards were given. Lyla Engle, 9, of Pennsylvania received $1000 toward the purchase of two ewes and Zoe Pressel, 14, of Indiana used her $500 at the National Sale.
Applications for the program will be avail able in January on the Shropshire website and the deadline to apply is March 15. Applicants must send an essay describing their interest in Shropshires and their experience in general, one or more letters of recommendation and a budget for the keeping of two or more Shrop shire ewes for one year. The recipient(s) will
receive a stipend to use at any of the spring live sales (Indiana, Ohio, or Sedalia) or any of the approved online sales. Private sales are not covered.
We appreciate the continued support of the program from the following sponsors in 2022: Chip Hallet, Tom Slutz Family, Sand Meadow Farm, Shropshire Voice-Rinda Mad dox & Amanda Rull, SS Shrops, Windswept Crest Farm and Brad Slutz & Family. Please consider joining them with your sponsorship for 2023 to keep this program growing.
As we continue to grow, develop and establish our flock, we would like to thank all of the people who took the time to visit and have supported our farm. We are excited about where we are, and even more about where we are heading. A special thanks goes to the following for their most recent purchases.
Thanks for your support.
Triple J Farm and the Larimore Family (DE) Jennifer Wise (Spring Mills, PA)
Jeff and Elise Koning (Indiana)
This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on shropshires.org.
Adams Shropshires
10828 W 1000 S Rd Bonfield, IL 60913
Cell: (815) 228-2903 radams1976@hotmail.com adamsshropshires.com
Anderson Farms
Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 15884 W State Hwy NN Grant City, MO 64456 (660) 988-3503 anderson_farms@hotmail.com Facebook.com/AndersonFarms andersonfarmsmissouri.com
Averill, David Village Farm 115 Cape Cod Hill Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 (207) 778-9421 saverill48@yahoo.com
Avery, Dennis & Nancy Avery Shropshires 151 Beechwood Dr. Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988 davery@etproducts.com Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415 www.averyshropshires.com
Barnes, Shane & Kim SKB Shropshires 1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673 kmbarnes@mail.wvu.edu
Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms 5707 Mooney Road Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125 Cell: (740) 815-2402 troytongrn@gmail.com www.barnesfarms.com
Brown, Rob & Ron Clay-Nob Farms 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 814-431-8133 claynob75@gmail.com
Bryant, Bill Jr 6838 Bryant Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053 bbryant4@hotmail.com
Call, C. Donald 964 Mohawk Trail Shelburne, MA 01370 (413) 625-2436 doonyc@netscape.net
Curtiss, Mandy Attica Loc-up 1698 Nesbit Rd. Attica, NY 14011 (716) 465-0565 swartzm721@yahoo.com
Dirlam, J.N. & Sons & Matt Dirlam 11673 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 831-2130 dirlamjd@aol.com www.dirlamshropshires.com
Dockter, Darrell & Janet 3-D Sheep Co 19411 So Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428 darrell.dockter@gmail.com
Ebert Sheep Farm, Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 Cell: (785) 458-9174 ebertsheepfarm@gmail.com www.ebertsheepfarm.com
Edmondson, Andy Lazy E Ranch 4456 Fruitland Rd Loma Rica, CA 95901 (541)281-2311 sheep00@live.com
Elsbury, David & Colleen 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 326-3893 ecolleen4@hrtc.net
Elsbury, Mike & Karen Elsbury’s Shropshires 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461 elsburyfamily@aol.com www.elsburyfarms.com
Elsbury, Tim & Family Double Doc Farm W 7112 Cherry Hill Dr Adell, WI 53001 262-483-4668 doubledoctim@gmail.com
Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610 david_evans_5884@hotmail.com
Flanders, Jerry Flanders & Rachel Flanders 1626 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 317-508-4738 vipdvm2355@gmail.com www.vipclublambs.com
Fleener, Tim & Sarah 273 South Mountain Rd. Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com Facebook/Fleener Livestock
Fritz, Caleb 104 Sells Rd. Beech Bluff, TN 38313 (615) 653-0867 caf3r@mtmail.mtsu.edu
Fuss, Ashley Greenbrier Acres 8608 Hunters Dr Frederick, MD 21701 (240) 405-9383 afuss95@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Greenbrier-Acres
Graves, Andy, Jodi, Wyatt, Breanna, Trey & Olivia Outlaw Farm 3010 East 1370 Rd. El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 417-876-7136 417-296-5909 jgraves@tigersk12.org
Grohmann, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Cell: (309) 371-4260 Farm: (309) 876-2364 s_jo6@hotmail.com
Groverman, Fred, DVM F & L Groverman Shropshires 400 Ormsby Lane Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-3132 Cell: (707) 782-8152 fredgroverman@gmail.com
Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS Shrops 7622 Jersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730 ssshrops@gmail.com
Hardisky, Denise Southern Tier Shropshires 254 E Sullivanville Rd. Horseheads, NY 14845 (570) 687-7967 dmh268@cornell.edu
Heaton Farms Fred & Pam Heaton Family 622 Fessler Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118 heatonfarms@centurylink.net
Hiemke, Cody
Mapleton Mynd Shropshires 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035 cjhiemke@gmail.com Facebook.com/MapletonMyndShropshires
High Life Farms
David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907 highlifefarm2000@yahoo.com
Hubbard, Brenna Land Run Shrops 354636 E 750 Rd Cushing, OK 74023 (918)225-9743 megafarms1@yahoo.com
J&R Farm
Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 West St Rt 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057 JRFarm1977@outlook.com
Johnson, Bob & Karen RoKaJo Farm 569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452 rokajo6@centurytel.net Mary Anne Keck 417-844-589 rokajomaj@gmail.com
Kalina Family
Sue and Bessie Kalina 35586 Oakville RD SW Albany, OR 97321 (503) 939-0303 skalina26@gmail.com
Kemp, Taylor
Kemp Shropshires & New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121 Kempshropshires@gmail.com
King, Craig & Andrea Weston King Peiter Shrops 860 CR 315 Taylor, MO 63471 (573) 767-0003
Kipp, James & Terri Grey Feather Farm E 5085 Irish Ridge Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (715) 255-8300 info@greyfeatherfarm.com www.greyfeatherfarm.com
Kovacs, Sandy & Victoria Cross Country Shropshires 239 Cunard St. Fulton, OH 43321 (740) 751-3183 sbushatz@gmail.com
LaFramboise, Andy, Rebekah & Elizabeth LaFramboise Livestock 16481 Unicorn Rd. Stark City, MO 64866 (503) 580-7430 laframboiselivestock@gmail.com
Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm 3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 302-233-8912 threejfarm@gmail.com
Larson Livestock Ashley & Gerry Larson PO Box 454 Tenino, WA 98589 (360) 790-1671 glarson@scattercreek.com
Lutz, Candy 3 Point Farm 314 W Easton Rd West Salem, OH 4427 (330) 464-0430 3pointfarm@gmail.com
McCabe, Mark & Marilyn McCabe Shropshires 5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103 mamccabe51@hotmail.com
Melvin Family Shropshires
9347 White Oak Rd. Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143 (740) 207-0786 pjmelvin46@hotmail.com
Merveldt, Darin & Kim 8104 N. Alfadale Road El Reno, OK 73036 (405) 206-6473 dkmerveldt@aol.com
Mies, Ed & Family 10000 Waverly Rd. Waverly, IL 62692 (217) 435-7091 jmies3@hotmail.com
Moore, Adam MoBo Junction Farms 27568 Morgan Way Greentop, MO 63546 660-676-2825 Facebook.com/MOBOJunctionFarms/
Motter, Jan Lane’s End Farm 12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078
Mrozinski, Erik 6333 N 600 E Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 Cell: (219) 716-4921 emrozins@gmail.com
Nicholson Family Sand Meadow Farm 906 Main St So. Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 490-7238 sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com
Pence Farms 1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883 Mike: (419) 992-4305 Doug: (419) 986-5848 Jay: (419) 992-4701
Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 374-3371 schoolhousshrops@aol.com
Petzel, Debbie Windswept Crest Farm 2037 180th Ave Centuria, WI 45824 (612) 578-1528 dspetzel@gmail.com
Powell, Doris 40405 Route 187 Rome, PA 18837 (570) 247-7316 dorisap@frontiernet.net
Reason, Sandra M. High Desert Hay & Livestock PO Box 3819 Tonopah, NV 89049 (775) 482-4191
Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms 29754 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, OK 73093 Cell: (405) 314-3370 timrobertsfarms@gmail.com
Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm 2435 W. McCracken Road Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301 Cell: (317) 358-3260 crogers821@yahoo.com
Rueber, Carol & Aimee Rueber Shropshires 2530 280th St Marshalltown, IA 50158 Carol: (319) 231-7626 Aimee: (319) 230-9739 aimeer_@hotmail.com www.freewebs.com/ruebershrops
Shrum, Lori and Darron New Horizons Farm 31522 Kennel Street Macon, MO 63552 (660)651-8881 Newhorizonsfarm@hotmail.com
Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 638-2177 Tom: (815) 866-5031 Brad: (815) 766-0584 tcslutz@gmail.com www.citylimitssheepfarm.com
Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784 lbsmith@woodstocktel.net
Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151 sugarridgeranch@frontiernet.net www.sugarridgeranch.com
Street, Mitch, Brittany, Leila and Landree Street Shropshires 4753 W. 1400 N. Elwood, IN 46036 Mitch: (317) 606-5234 Dennis Avery: (574) 209-0988 Facebook.com/StreetShropshires
Ware, Kimberly KW Shropshires 565 N. Sunset Ridge Ln Kuna, ID 83634 Kim: (208) 921-3706 Floyd Avery: (208) 921-8740 KWshrops@hotmail.com
Warren-Allen, Rachael A. Silver Cliff Farm 968 Drift Creek Rd NE P.O. Box 319 Silverton, OR 97381 (503) 873-4005 rawa@joyofdoing.com
Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608
Weidauer, Greg Rafter W Shropshires 17624 340th Ave Starbuck, MN 56381 (320) 424-2543 Greg.Weidauer@gmail.com
Whiting, Rick BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603 Rick.Whiting@cascorp.com