October 2013 Shropshire Voice

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October 2013



Congratulations Dalton Hicks


with his ewe purchased from us as a lamb

AVERYshropshires _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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“Great Genetics Make The Difference”

Winning group of 4 Lambs at Ohio State Fair A Big Thanks to all for a fantastic year!!! Best Consignment – IL Shropshire Spectacular Best Consignment – Ohio Classic Sale Best Consignment – Midwest Stud Ram Sale Premier Exhibitor – Ohio State Fair

Randy, Julie, Justin, Melissa, Olivia, Zachary & Nicholas Rife 2423 Clifton Road, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Only 6 miles south of I-70 (Exit 54) (937) 767-1871 Cell: (937) 603-0535 randy@rifeshropshires.com

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4Check out Page 64 for a Special Announcement! _________________________

Shropshire Voice October 2013

Volume 33, Issue 3

October 2013

~ The Shropshire Voice ~

Official Publication of The American Shropshire Registry Association Published in the interest of Shropshire Breeders each February, May and October Becky Peterson, ASRA Secretary

Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher

Board of Directors of the American Shropshire Registry Association Brad Slutz – Pres. (2013) 50 W 735 Old State Rd. Maple Park, IL 60151 (815) 766-0584 bslutz@1stfarmcredit.com

Robert Dinsmore (2014) 5842 Broad Run Road Jefferson, MD 21755 (301) 371-4483 cod-cnh@fred.net

Jim Percival, V.Pres. (2014) 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH (937) 374-3371 schoolhousshrops@aol.com

Darrell Dockter (2013) 19411 S. Carpenter Rd. Snohomish, WA 98290 (425) 327-1428 dddockter@earthlink.net

Rick Adams (2015) 6898 S 7000 W. Rd Chebanse, IL 60922 (815) 697-2903 radams1976@hotmail.com

Jim Gruenhagen (2015) 7622 Jersey Ridge Rd. Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730 ssshrops@netins.net

Alan Bruhin (2014) 2064 Tranquility Lane Sevierville, TN 37876-0101 (865) 453-4767 wabruhin@utk.edu

Cody Hiemke (2013) 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035 cjhiemke@hotmail.com

Re Call (2015) 964 Mohawk Trail Shelburne, MA 01370 (413) 625-2436 doonyc@netscape.net

Norbert Jackson (2014) 4125 W. State Route 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057 njackson@macdermid.com

R.J. Creamer (2015) 4094 Centerville-Newmans Rd. Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 262-3972 creamer@marion.net

Robert Johnson (2015) 569 State Highway Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452 rokajo6@centurytel.net

Sandy Cross(2014) 260 Bonney Eagle Rd. Standish, ME 04084 (207) 671-3078 sandycross@masiello.com

Tim Roberts (2015) 27954 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, OK 73093 (405) 485-9255 timrobertsfarms@gmail.com

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Contact us

American Shropshire Registry Association

All registrations and payments should be made to The American Shropshire Registry Association office. Payments are also available via credit card. Visit shropshires.org/registrations.

ASRA Office Hours:

Mon.-Thurs.–11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST Mon. & Thurs. evenings –8-11 p.m. EST

Shropshire Voice Advertising Rates

Rates effective since February 1, 2010

Full Page..................................... $125 Half Page....................................... $75 Quarter Page.................................. $50 Front Cover Full Color............... $325 Other 3 Covers Full Color........... $250 Inside Page Full Color................ $250 Each Photo (Full color no charge)........ $10 Spot color•..................................... $35 Full Page in Voice and four Months on Web site..................... $225 Breeder’s Directory (3 Voice issues and 12 months on the website....... $30    Add your website link........... $20

Voice Deadlines

February Voice...............Jan. 15 May Voice....................March 15 October Voice................. Sept. 1 Rinda Maddox

Voice Advertising Manager (217) 288-9365 or (217) 288-9493 P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876


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Secretary Becky Peterson will be near the office at most other times and will return calls as soon possible. She will make the best effort to process registrations and transfers within a day or two of receipt. Contact her at: American Shropshire Registry Association Becky Peterson, Secretary 41 Bell Rd. Leyden MA 01337 Phone/Fax –(413) 624-9652 Shropsec@hotmail.com

Shropshire Voice & Website

If you need to place an ad or news item in the Shropshire Voice, or on the Shropshire website, shropshires.org., contact Rinda Maddox, Voice Publisher/Web Coordinator. Rinda Maddox P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876 shropshirevoice@ thesidellreporter.com (217) 288-9365 (office) (217) 288-9493 (home) (217) 474-9365 (cell)

Junior Activities

For questions on any of the junior events for the Shropshire Association, contact Mark McCabe or Tim Roberts. Mark McCabe 5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103 Mamccabe51@hotmail.com Alan Bruhin 2064 Tranquility Lane Sevierville, TN 37876-0101 (865) 453-4767 wabruhin@utk.edu _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

From the Secretary The summer of 2013 is winding down as I work here at the Big E in West Springfield, Mass. We had some very summerlike heat and humidity earlier this week which made it miserable getting sheep ready to show but we awoke to great New England fair weather this morning. That is a sign of things to come as soon we’ll enjoy fall foliage here and then it will be winter and we will begin the season cycle again. The office has been busy again. Registration numbers started out with a large increase due to two new early sales but have slowed down to a slight drop from the same period last year. Transfer numbers, however, are still slightly ahead of last year. But this is not to say that the office has been slow. There are several long days and or nights from June to mid-August running papers for people who need them for their shows. I appreciate those breeders who allow time for processing. Mail is opened on the day it is

received. Paid rush orders are normally run that day so as to make the next day’s mail. Otherwise, work is processed in the order in which it is received, usually within three days. The exception to the rule is when I have been away during the week to shows or sales and then the processing time is a bit longer. I squeeze other urgent requests in where I can, trying to be fair to everyone.   With today’s high speed information transfer technology, one would think that the paperwork can do itself but that really isn’t the case. Urgent faxed, phoned and electronic requests take just as long for me to process as do the ones delivered by our mail truck. I would like to remind people, though, that these work orders need to be paid for just like the mailed ones and PayPal is very simple and reliable to use. Shropshires had a good year in numbers at the shows and sales with almost 300 head ➛

LEGAL NOTICE Annual Meeting of the Members Official notice is hereby given to all members of the American Shropshire Registry Association, Inc. that the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at 7 p.m. in Louisville, Ky. The purpose of said meeting is to hear and approve the reports of the President and Secretary/Treasurer to ratify the acts of the Board of Directors since the last Annual Meeting of the members; to act on any old or new business which may be brought before the meeting; and to elect directors for districts having directors whose terms expire in 2013. Article VI, Section 2 of the By Laws allows for the direct election of a director for a district if that district has an active, recognized Shropshire association. Directors whose terms will expire at this time are:

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Brad Slutz – Illinois District Darrell Dockter – North West District (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming) Cody Hiemke – Wisconsin/ Michigan District Each membership in the American Shropshire Registry Association, Inc. is entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Such vote must be cast in person. Those members attending the Annual Meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the Association. All members are encouraged to attend and participate. The location of the meeting will be posted on the website and also on the display board at NAILE. No meal will be served. Becky Peterson, Secretary _______ Page 3

From the Secretary, continued… being sold at the regular sales. A new sale was added in late April in Tipton, Ind. State fair numbers have been very good also and the quality has been outstanding. Shrops had the third largest show at the All-American with 145 head. The Shropshire show here at the Big E just concluded with an awesome exhibition of 106 head. No matter what or where the show, big congratulations go to those in the winner circles! Shrops continue to look great with their body wool off.Thank you to everyone who is adhering to this recommendation.   The Futurity contests are running along nicely. One hundred twenty-four ewe lambs were nominated at the five sales as were 28

yearling ewes. Point cards for both contests are coming in to the office regularly and the standings are updated on Shropshires.org about every two weeks. The contest will wrap up in Louisville. The National Show will take place in Louisville again this year. The events will be spread out a little more this year with the junior events and the Stars of Louisville Sale happening over the weekend. The Open Show is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21. Anyone staying for entire sheep show will have a few days in between to see some of the other species or Louisville venues. Two scholarships are being awarded this year to Jared Bruhin and Katherine Wenner. Congratulations to these young people and best wishes go to them from the ASRA on

LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Members Regarding By-Law Amendment According to Article III, Section 2 of the Bylaws, “The Board of Directors shall be composed of 15 members, including the President and Vice-President. All Board Members shall represent one of 10 districts:

Northwest–1 West–1 North Central–1 Southwest–2 Illinois–2 Indiana–1 Ohio–2 Wisconsin/Michigan–1 New York/New England–2 Pennsylvania/South–2.

Every six years, beginning in 1994, the Board of Directors shall present to the Annual Meeting a proposal regarding the allocation of seats on the National Board. This proposal will take into account the number of registrations by area, but in no case shall any district have more than two representatives.” At the Board meeting on May 10, 2013, the ASRA Board of Directors approved the addition of one Director to the Indiana Region and the combining of the West and Northwest Districts upon the “Redistricting” that is to occur every six years, next happening in 2014. This would effectively reduce the number of regions to nine and leave the number of directors at 15. Since the number of _______ Page 4

districts and the number of directors within them are defined by the Bylaws, and changes to them would require a Bylaw Amendment which is defined by Article X: “By-Law Amendments must first be adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Notice of the Board of Directors’ amendment adoption must be published in consecutive editions of the Official Publication of the Association. The second such notice will include a time frame for the vote to take place. The official ballot will be distributed by first class mailing. Votes are limited to one per active membership. Completed ballots will be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer, who will be responsible for verifying there are no duplicate votes per membership. The Secretary/Treasurer and three Board Members appointed by the President shall be responsible for tallying the vote.” Therefore, please accept this as the first notice of the amendment adoption. The second notice will be published in the next issue of the Voice, as well as the notification of the mailed ballot. _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

their future endeavors. Also give your support to the Junior Shropshire Association as they work hard to strengthen the connection between the young and older Shropshire breeders. Many thanks go to Alan Bruhin for arranging the Gatlinburg Getaway for the Shropshire fundraiser this year. He was able to procure the donation of a three-day stay in a luxury log cabin at the Mountain Shadows Resort, tickets to the Dolly World Theme Park, and an evening show at Country Tonight Theater.This package was auctioned off during the National Shropshire Sale at the Classic. It was purchased by Scott Van Sickle of Auburn, Ky. Thank you Alan and Scott for helping to add to the Shropshire funds. Our best wishes go to the Percival family of Xenia, Ohio and to the Mies family of Laomi, Ill. Denise Percival and Ed Mies were severely injured in separate farm machinery accidents earlier this summer. Both are working on a long road toward recovery and we wish them both well. Meanwhile, I hope to see everyone in Louisville in November.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2013 A meeting of the Board of Directors took place during the National Sale weekend on May 11, 2013. The meeting was called to order by President Brad Slutz at 4 p.m. Attending were Jim Percival, Rick Adams, Alan Bruhin, Re Call, R.J. Creamer, Jim Gruenhagen, Cody Hiemke, Norbert Jackson and Robert Johnson. Robert Dinsmore, Sandy Cross,Tim Roberts and Darrell Dockter had all notified the secretary of their plans not to attend. Alan Bruhin moved to dispense with the reading of the previously distributed minutes and to accept the secretary’s report. Rick Adams seconded the motion. Motion passed. Becky presented the treasurer’s report as of April 30 which showed total assets of $46,449.38 and a net income of $2,371.87 so far this year. Becky noted that the most recent Voice advertising has been invoiced and that registration work is up which con-


Owned with Creamer Shrops

We will be selling two ewe lambs at Stars of Louisville! – Groups of 3-10 Brood Ewes and Ewe Lambs for sale –


_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Bill Bryant

P.O. Box 136, Fredericktown, OH 43019 Email-bryantb3@hotmail.com www.bryantsheepandhorses.com _______ Page 5

A special group of ewes now call

Barnes Farms home! Thanks Ken Visocky for the opportunity to work with you and take your sheep to the next level!


will be bred to these ewes.

When you need the best!


Our grandsons Garrett, 5707 Mooney Rd., Radnor, OH 43066 Sam and Carter at the Ph: (740) 494-2125 Ohio State Fair e-mail: troytongrn@gmail.com • web: www.barnesfarms.com

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tributes to the increase in assets from the same time last year. She reported that registrations were up 303 head due to the early sales. Transfers were also up by 74 head, again due partly to the earlier sales. Jim Percival moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Alan Bruhin seconded. The report was accepted. Becky reported on the status of the audit. The Non-Profit reinstatement application has been filed and no response has been received. Becky requested that all tax returns be filed now by an accountant. After discussion, Rick Adams and Alan Bruhin moved to employ an accounting firm to file all necessary forms. Motion passed. Discussion followed about the status of the Non-Profit reinstatement application. Becky reported that there were still some receivable accounts and credits from inactive accounts from before 2008 and she would like to clear them. Alan Bruhin and Jim Gruenhagen moved to write-off those old balances. Cody Hiemke asked to table the motion until the November meeting when a total figure could be presented. Motion tabled until the November meeting of the directors. Committee Reports Fundraising - Alan Bruhin discussed the donation of a weekend getaway in Gatlinburg, Tenn. that would be auctioned during the Classic sale. The proceeds will go into the General Fund of the ASRA.Thank you to Alan for putting that together. Voice & Promotion - Neither Rinda nor Darrell were present to discuss the Voice but Becky said that Rinda has been very proactive in selling advertising and that the cost of the publication was very close to the income from advertising.Voice publisher Rinda Maddox had submitted a letter requesting direction concerning online/emailed notices regarding Shropshire sales. Discussion followed. Cody Hiemke and Rick Adams moved to allow Becky or Rinda to send mass Emails to ASRA members regarding public Shropshire sales upon request of paid Voice advertiser of same sale. Requests will not be honored from private-treaty sales or individual

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sale consignors. Motion passed. Discussion followed about mass Emails from the secretary or Voice publisher to ASRA members with email addresses readily visible be discontinued and that blind carbon copies be utilized in mass emailing. So moved by Cody Hiemke and Rick Adams. Motion passed. Performance – Cody discussed Genetic mapping project. A full report will be available at a future date. He noted that there was a new chairperson of the NSIP. NAILE– Becky reported that permission has been requested of NAILE for a Saturday sale. She noted that 15 to 20 high quality ewes would be needed. She noted that the long day of the Junior Breeding Sheep Show continues to be a problem and that the NAILE Sheep Committee is trying to find a way to make the day shorter. Futurity – Becky reported that 33 ewe lambs have been nominated from the Illinois and Indiana sales so far. Still left are the Classic, Great Lakes and Midwest Sales. Fourteen yearling ewes have been nominated so far. Becky noted that the renominations of the previous year’s ewe lambs come in slow. Bob Johnson and Norm Jackson moved to extend the deadline to July 1st for renominations in future years. Motion passed. Old Business Indiana Directorship – The committee has viewed the districts’ registration and membership statistics of the past three years and made the following recommendation in accordance with the Bylaws which allows for 15 directors: The West and North West Districts would be combined into a single West District to be represented by one director, currently the North West director. The Indiana district would then be allowed two directors. This redistricting would take place in 2014 and requires a bylaw amendment as the number of directors per district is specified. Proposals to amend the bylaws must be published in two consecutive issues of the Voice (upcoming October 2013 and February 2014 issues). Then an official ballot will be mailed from the ASRA office to _______ Page 7

members eligible to vote per the bylaws.The Indiana Shropshire Association would nominate their second director at the summer 2014 meeting and this person would join the ASRA Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of 2014. Junior Association activities – The juniors are getting information together for the Starter Flock. Becky has provided them with a list and contact information of breeders registering a sufficient number of sheep so they could solicit for donated sheep to fill the project. Mentoring program - Becky noted that

Voice magazine mailing policy The Shropshire Voice will be mailed, normally by first class mail, to all ASRA members (defined in the bylaws as having paid annual dues in two of the past three years). This includes junior members. Membership or subscription status is noted on the mailing label. Non-members may subscribe to the Voice for an annual subscription fee of $15 or $5 per issue. Special requests will be handled on an individual basis at the discretion of the editor and/or publisher. The Shropshire Voice is the official publication of the American Shropshire Registry Association and the only magazine published by, for and about the American Shropshire Sheep.

Voice Subscription

Single copies:

$5 each

for additional copies to ASRA members and for non-ASRA members

ASRA Office – (413) 624-9652 _______ Page 8

she can identify new Shropshire owners and will send their contact information to breeders in their areas. Spring Sale reports- There were two sales already held. The Spectacular usually held in Springfield, Ill. in June was held in Bloomington in early April. Twenty-eight head sold at an average of $499.11. A new sale was held in Tipton, Ind. in late April. Twenty-eight head sold there also at an average of $366.07. The Spring Fling Online sale sold nine of 17 head. New Business R.J. Creamer asked about the possibility of making dispersal sales eligible for futurity nominations. Discussion followed but no motions were made. Jim Percival asked to discuss the possibility of creating an appendix or upgrade registry to allow for genetics from outside the breed. Cody Hiemke described an upgrading program to allow purebred but unregistered Shropshires to be included. There were several comments made but limited discussion. No motions were made. R.J. Creamer asked about updating the photos on the Shropshire display board. In keeping with the current method of using non-show ring winner photos, it was suggested that each board member submit at least one photo of their animals. The secretary reported that a member had asked for discussion regarding a sifting committee to eliminate very undesirable characteristics and defects at National Sales. Discussion followed which ended with the judge of the day being the one required to perform the task. No motions were made. The next meeting of the Board of Directors was suggested to be after the sale on Saturday, Nov. 16, depending on the show schedule. Becky will follow up. [Meeting was later scheduled for Wed., Nov. 20.Time to be announced]. With no further business to come before the Board, Cody Hiemke motioned to close the meeting. Jim Percival seconded and the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Becky Peterson _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

North American Livestock Expo If you are wondering what to do with your free time in November, you should make the trip to Louisville, Kentucky! If you have attended before, you’ll know about all of the wonderful things to see at the Exposition Center. If you’ve never been, it’s time you went! The dates for this year are November 5 to 22. Specifically, sheep are on exhibit starting the 15th. All of the major breeds and a few of the minor breeds will have important competitions. The very popular Lead Line event takes place at noon on Friday, Nov. 15. Five classes determined by age and an additional costume class will be judged. The American Shropshire Sheep Registry Association offers premiums of $35, $25 and $10 to the top three contestants in each class leading a Shropshire. Junior Breeding Sheep Showmanship starts at 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15 with Stacy Taylor assessing showing skills. Breeds will be shown together and youngsters divided by age. Four age classes in each of the Junior, Intermediate and Senior divisions will be judged. The champions of each division will receive trophy belt buckles. The kick-off to the Shropshire activities will be on Saturday, Nov. 16 with the 5th An-

Reminder! cut it short! All sheep are to be shorn completely to the knees and hocks. Sheep found to be carrying extra wool above the knee or hock at a show or sale will need to be re-sheared before entering the ring for judging. – ASRA Board of Directors _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

nual Stars of Louisville Sale in the sale arena. The junior activities will follow late in the afternoon with fun activities, a Junior Association meeting and refreshments. The day-long wether show takes place on Saturday, also. There is generally one or two classes of Shropshire wethers. The ASRA provides $50 to the exhibitor of the Champion Shropshire wether if it is a purebred, registered animal. The Junior Breeding Sheep Show will run all day on Sunday, Nov. 17. Four rings will be utilized this year in an effort to keep the show to a manageable length. The National Junior Shropshire Show will run on Sunday, Nov. 17 as the third breed of the day, Ring 3. Tor Sorenson will be sorting the entries. The National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association provides a new traveling trophy to the Champion Ram and Champion Ewe. ASRA and NAILE offer a total of $2075 in premiums for this show. The ASRA is also providing extra funds to allow an additional ewe lamb class if necessary. At the conclusion of the Junior Breeding Sheep Shows the Champion Shropshire Ewe will be eligible to compete for the $1000 Supreme Champion Ewe Award. Another excellent Shropshire entry is expected for the National Shropshire Show on Thursday, Nov. 21. Steve Taylor of State College, Penn. will serve as the official judge. $3645 is offered in premiums. Other attractions at NAILE while you are enjoying the sheep events include the Championship Rodeo Finals in Freedom Hall, Beef Cattle judging in Freedom Hall and Broadbent Arena. Lets not forget the Country Store where you may purchase sheep supplies and equipment, aluminum trailers, roping saddles, silver jewelry, cattle chutes, catfish and pork loin sandwiches, just to name a few of the things offered. There’s plenty to do in a beautiful facility. If you do not have a premium book, you may find more information at www.livestockexpo.org. We’ll see you there! _______ Page 9

HHH Stars of Louisville While you are in Louisville this November, be sure to take in the fifth Stars of Louisville Shropshire Sale on Saturday, Nov. 16 in the sale arena, near the “office trailer”. We have been very fortunate to have been able to retain the opening time slot in the day’s sale events. We will begin our morning with the entries being evaluated at 8:30 a.m. by Stacy Scramlin. The entries will be available for buyers’ inspection.The order of sale will be posted and the sale will follow as soon as possible after 10 a.m. in order to maintain the schedule of the remaining breed sales of the day. Danny Westlake of Marysville, Ohio will serve as auctioneer.Terms of sale are cash or good check paid on sale day. If you are unable to attend the sale in person, any member of the sale committee can handle a bid for you but requests for mail bids should be directed to Sale Manager, Becky Peterson. The sale committee consists of Chairman Randy Rife, Bob Johnson, Jim Brandt and Dennis Avery. As in any other sale, ownership transfers will be made in the ASRA office after the sale and will be returned to the buyer as soon as possible.


The Voice would like you to share your vintage photos for a “Guess Who” and other photo fillers. Contact Rinda Maddox at (217) 288-9365 or email her:   shropshirevoice@    thesidellreporter.com _______ Page 10

Nancy Miniter, a Massachusetts sheep breeder, vet tech and ultrasound technician, will scan ewes for pregnancy status. The resulting information will be announced at the sale block. Consignors have been asked to guarantee that sale entries are free of the “spider gene” and be resistant to Scrapie by being either QR or RR at codon 171. A veterinarian will be on hand to issue health certificates. If your state requires an entry permit, please contact your state veterinarian’s office ahead of time to make the necessary arrangements. All sheep will be identified by a USDA approved ear tag or tattoo. For a few other sale perks, consignors will be able to nominate ewe lambs entered in this sale to be eligible to compete in the fifth Shropshire Yearling Ewe Futurity in 2014, if purchased by youth buyers. Also, sale management has been able to allow consignors to retain rights to show their entries in the Junior Shropshire Show on Sunday, Nov. 17 and/or the Open Show on Thursday, Nov. 21. This encourages the breeder to consign a sheep that he considers worthy of showing in the National Show in Louisville and making that quality available to buyers. We will assist purchasers who are not exhibitors in obtaining an early release for purchased animals only after the Junior or Open show if the animal is entered. Also, with exhibitors attending from across the country, consignors and the sale committee will work with buyers needing transportation of sheep purchased at the sale. A sale catalog may be obtained by contacting ASRA secretary and Sale Manager Becky Peterson at 413-624-9652 or shropsec@hotmail.com . The catalog is also available at www.shropshires.org. Consignors will be encouraged to provide photos of consignments ahead of time to be posted on the website with the sale catalog. So be sure to join us in Louisville. It is just another good reason to come and celebrate our 129th year of Shropshires in the U.S.! _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

On the Cover...

Champion Ewe 2013 All American Junior Show

Thanks to Dalton Hicks on purchasing this ewe from us as a lamb. News Flash – This ewe was also Champion Ewe at Tulsa State Fair Open Show!

Res. Grand Champion Ram Midwest Sale

Sold to Otis Lavone Wilse Family, OH

Grand Champion Ewe Midwest Sale Sold to Eli Sample, MO

A Special Thanks… to Clay Nob Farms, PA

who purchased our Res. Senior Champion Ram at the Ohio Shropshire Classic

to the Mark Miller family & Edison Shippy family

who bought ewes off the farm Thanks to all our buyers Thanks John Mrozinski at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale for 33 years and at the farm! and counting.

Congratulations to KW Shropshires on their Supreme Ewe at the Western Idaho State Fair

Fall lambs are on the ground running! Call early for your show ewe or next stud ram.

shropshires (574) 209-0988 • www.averyshropshires.com

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3 lambs s n i w s s a l c +4

! s s e c c u s r i a F e t a t S Early spring ram

Fall ewe lamb Early spring ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs The Future Direction lambs are turning out to be very good!

Adams Shropshires

Rick Adams 6898 S 7000 W Rd., Chebanse, IL 60922 • (815) 228-2903 AdamsShropshires.com • radams1976@hotmail.com

“Your Foundation For Quality” _______ Page 12

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Annual shows and sales report Ohio Classic

The Ohio Classic Shropshire Sale continues to be a Classic event and this year was designated as the National Shropshire Sale. Banner Sale Management saw to all of the paperwork for the weekend. Lisa Scramlin of North Dakota served as the judge of the entire consignment, which showed midday on Friday, May 10. The Ohio Shropshire Breeders Association coordinated the Sale Preview on Saturday. All of the ewe classes were lined up in “wether racks” according to their sale order. This makes a very nice way for prospective buyers to inspect these sheep away from the showring. This is a very popular gathering. Danny Westlake of Ohio sold the sale at an average of $669.66 missing the 2012 average by $46. Nine of the 102 females sold for over $1000. The sale started with Rife Shropshire’s Champion Ewe and Senior Champion, a yearling, selling to Attica Loc-up of NY for $1025.The Reserve Senior Champion yearling ewe was a City Limits ewe selling for $850 to Dawson Peak, TN. Other good sellers were a Callie Taylor ewe bringing $850 form Nathan Douglas of Woodstock, IL; a City Limits ewe selling at $900 to Josh Sargent of Bradford, OH; an Erik Mrozinski ewe going to Triple J Farm of Harrington, DE for $750; and a Moshier Step Ahead ewe selling to McKay Grohmann of Gilson, IL for $700. A ewe from Sargent Shropshires sold at $1000 to nephew Josh

Sargent; an Ohio Barnes Farms ewe sold at $1400 to Rachel Flanders of Noblesville, IN; Washburn’s sold a ewe to Barnes Farms of Radnor, OH for $600 and the Elsburys sold a $700 ewe to Visocky Shropshires of Spencer, OH. Thirty one yearlings averaged $552.42. The Fall Ewe Lamb Class sold eight lots at an average of $575. The high seller in this group was a ewe from the Rife flock that brought $1200 from Olivia Nichols of Harrodsburg, KY. A Kyle Moshier Step Ahead ewe brought $650 from Nathan Douglas. The Early January Ewe lambs boasted a strong average of $766.67. The high seller in this group was the Reserve Grand and Junior Champion from Austin and Trent Bechtold. She brought $1900 from Kent Cunningham of Ligonier, IN. Other popular ewe lambs from that class were a Rife ewe going to Colby Clark of Gilmanton, NH at $750 and two Erik Mrozinski ewe lambs going to Nathan Douglas for $750 and John Melvin for $800. A Rife ewe also brought $800 from Schindel Shrops of Piqua, OH. Sixteen lambs sold out of the Late January class that averaged $621.88. These included the Reserve Junior Champion ewe from High Life Farm who brought $1000 from Seth Evans of Ada, OH. Mike and Karen Elsbury sold a $2000 ewe to Jacob Elsbury of Greenfield, IN. The Bechtolds had another popular one going to Northern Star Livestock of Lonsdale, MN for $1250. Emily Petzel of Centuria, WI selected a Mrozinski lamb for $700. Twenty Early February Ewe Lambs hit

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Lamb • Goat • Deer • Raccoon • Coyote • Beaver • Etc. Brian Federick, President Box 204, 220-1/2 N. Ambler St. (Rear) Quakertown, PA 18951

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

215-536-6614 buckscofur@verizon.net

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Wally Yoder gives a holler for another bid during the Shropshire Classic in Bloomington, Ill. in April. On the block are Brian Mohr, right and Richard Craig. the books averaging $426.25. The high seller in this group was a Bechtold ewe going to Josh Sargent for $1000. Rife sold a nice lamb to Steve Spayd of Manheim, PA for $700 and another to Derrick Bollinger, also of Manheim, for $500. The Edison Shippy ewe brought $500 from Sam McDermit of Elwood, IN. High Life Farm sold a ewe to the Martin Conklin flock of Xenia, OH for $450. Prices jumped back up a hair when Dalton Hicks got $525 from Denise Hardisky of Nicholson, PA and the Bechtold’s lamb brought $550 from Clayton Stephens of Clinton Corners, NY. Kennedy Algire of Fredericktown, OH chose a BWB Farms lamb for $600. The youngest group of ewe lambs was born in late February. Eighteen sold for an average of $373.83. John Melvin sold two in this class, one going to Schindel Shrops for $400 and another going to Emily Petzel got $475. The Rife ewe brought $550 from Olivia Nichols. Art Brown sold a $525 ewe to Dawson Peak. Clayton Stephens found a Hicks ewe for $750. Alex Swan of Wilmington, DE found a Washburn lamb for $425. Moeller Shrops sent a $600 lamb to Iowa with SS Shrops of Davenport. _______ Page 14

The ram portion of the sale sold only 29 head. The Senior and Grand Champion Ram was a yearling from Erik Mrozinski. This ram brought $2300 from Dawson Peak. Three yearling rams averaged $1050. Avery Shropshires sold the Reserve Senior Champion Fall Lamb to Clay-Nob Farms of Saegertown, PA for $1600. Four fall lambs averaged $725. The Reserve Grand and Junior Champion ram was a January lamb from Callie Taylor that sold to Woelber Shropshires of Pipestone, MN for $1700. The Reserve Junior Champion was a Rife ram that sold to Ashley Fuss of Frederick, MD for $1250. The high selling sheep of the sale was a Bechtold lamb that brought an eye-opening $15,000 from Kent Cunningham of Ligonier, IN. Erik Mrozinski received $1100 from Emily Washburn on his lamb.Ten January Ram Lambs averaged $2162.50. The last ram class to sell was the February lambs that averaged $522.92 on 12 head. Rife’s lamb brought $1000 from Spring Run Farm of Standish, ME. The Bechtold boys sold a $1600 lamb to Woelber Shrops. McKinzie Farms received $700 from Schindel Shrops. Ohio’s Rife Shropshires was honored to _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Bill Bryant, left and RJ Creamer measure a ewe before the bidding begins at the Shropshire Spectacular.The event was moved to Bloomington, Ill. this spring. receive the Townsend Best Consignment Award at this sale. A complete Ohio Shropshire Classic Sale report can be viewed at www.shropshires.org.

Shropshire Spectacular The Shropshire Spectacular enjoyed a new venue this year in Bloomington, Ill. April 6. This was held in conjunction with the Illinois Dorset Sale and the Illini All Breeds Sale at the Interstate Center. Nearby motels and eateries were plentiful so the location offered many positive aspects. The Sale was managed by Banner Sale Management and auctioned by Tyler Lobdell. Kevin Young sorted the entries. Twenty-eight Shropshires were sold at an average of $499.11. The Champion Ram was a Fall Lamb from Adams Shropshires and he sold to Cole Arvin of Congerville, IL for $950. The Reserve Champion Ram was a yearling consigned by Bryant Shrops. He sold to

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Taylor Young of Bell Buckle,TN for $500.The six rams sold averaged $433.30. Brockmann Shropshires sold the Champion Ewe, a yearling, to Jackson Musselman of Mabel, MN for $1000. Eight yearling ewes averaged $565.63.The Reserve Champion Ewe came from the Randy Rife flock. She sold to Alicia Heinecke for $600. Seven fall ewe lambs sold at average of $500. The Spring Ewe lamb class sold seven head also at an average of $478.57.The entire ewe division averaged $517.05 on 22 head. Rife Shropshires was named as the Best Shropshire Consignor and was awarded a plaque sponsored by Ken Townsend of Townsend Equipment.The official sale report can be viewed at www.shropshires.org.

Hoosier Heartland Sale Tipton, Indiana, April 27

A new sale was held this year in Indiana in late April. It was the combined effort of the _______ Page 15

Shropshire, Southdown and Tunis breeders. The sale manager was Lynn Kuhn with the clerking assistance of Bill Jones. Twenty eight Shrops were sold including five wethers or market lambs and the averaged $368.07. The sheep were not judged; the sale order was random drawn. Mike Crowder was the auctioneer. Seven yearling ewes sold at an average of $382.14. The high price of $500 was met in this class two times with a Rife ewe going to Rachel Flanders of Noblesville, IN and a Double Doc Elsbury ewe going to Dave Elsbury of Greenfield, IN. Two fall ewe lambs averaged $350, one from Elsbury selling to Sara Trotter of Marysville, IN for $300 and one from Adams Shropshires going to Cale Robertson of Reynolds, IN for $400. The high selling ewe of the sale was a spring ewe lamb from the Rife flock selling to Avery Shropshires of Bremen, IN for

Now accepting on-line payments! BANK CARD

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_______ Page 16

$525. Fourteen spring lambs sold in all for an average of $371.43. Five wethers or market lambs sold at an average of $255. New sales are hard work and not easy to get off the ground. Many thanks go to those who took the plunge and made this one happen. The report for this sale can be viewed at www.shropshires.org.

Great Lakes Sale Wooster, Ohio, May 26

Banner Sale Management ran yet another Shropshire Sale on May 26.This sale was held with several other breeds including some that had national sales. Judy Moore served as judge for the event and Gary Saylor and Danny Westlake saw to the selling. Nineteen Shropshires sold with the average being $459.21. Rife Shropshires sold the Champion Ram and High Selling ram to Jennifer Wise of Spring Mills, PA for $350. Three fall ram lambs averaged $325. Randy Rife also sold a spring ram lamb to Dillon Harris

THANK YOU Erik Mrozinski for purchasing our brood flock. We wish you continued success!

The Shropshire Association for 20 great years of breeding and showing.


Chris & Sarah McKinzie Laura Baepler

334 Deerfield Place, Jefferson City, MO 65109

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

of Ludlow, MA for $300. Two spring rams averaged $275. The high selling Shropshire was the Champion Ewe, a yearling from Callie Taylor, going to Rachel Flanders of Noblesville, IN for $2750. Four yearling ewes averaged $912.50. One fall ewe lamb sold from Randy Rife to Dillon Harris for $600. The January ewe lambs had a nice class of four averaging $387.50.The top seller in that class was a Rife entry going to Ryan Corder of Monticello, KY for $500. Jacob Wenner of Lewis Center, OH picked up another Rife lamb at the same price. Five ewe lambs sold from the February class with an average there of $280. Callie Taylor sold the $400 lamb to Ryan Corder. Again, the complete sale report can be seen on www.shropshires.org.

Midwest Stud Ram Sale Sedalia, Missouri, June 28

June is a hot month in Missouri so it was hot in Sedalia. Larry Mead and company worked through the heat once again to perform the Midwest Sale. Forty-nine Shropshires sold on Friday after being judged on Tuesday, June 25 by Evan Snyder. The average was $503.57. One yearling ram sold from Robert and Karen Johnson to Hailey Varnell of Porum, OK for $300. The Champion Ram came out of the Early Spring Ram Lamb group and was consigned by Slack Club Lambs. He sold at $2500 to Hunter Thomason of Harrah, Oklahoma. Avery Shropshires

sold the Reserve Champion Ram out of the same class to Lavone Wiles Family of Hicksville, Ohio for $750. The seven rams in that class averaged $635.71. Seven Late Spring Ram Lambs sold next at an average of $700. Morgan Cabaniss sold the sale high seller from that class for $3250 to Majors Show Lambs of Milan, MI. The 15 rams sold averaged $643.33. Eight Yearling Ewes sold, averaging $421.88. Randy Rife sold a $700 ewe to Sara Walker of Perkins, OK. Hayden Meeks of Halls, TN found a Glenn High ewe for $600. The Ebert flock sold a nice ewe to Rebecca Jones of Brighton, MO for $450.There was only 1 Fall Ewe Lamb sold, going to Sara Walker from Randy Rife at $1100. The Champion Ewe came from The Early spring class again in the ewe department. Avery Shropshires sold her to Eli Sample of Annapolis, MO. Sara Walker found another Rife ewe for $700.The high seller of the class was a Cabaniss lamb going to Adriana Wendland of Prior Lake, MN for $1250. Heeg’s Crazy H Club Lambs sold a lamb to Bryant Shrops of Fredericktown, Ohio for $500.The 15 lots in that class averaged $383.33. The Late February Ewe Lamb class boasted the Reserve Champion Ewe from the Ebert’s. She went to Woelber Shrops of Pipestone, MN for $1300. Ebert’s sold another to Woelber for $800 and yet another to Jansyn Van Horn of Garfield, Kansas for $700. Ten late spring lambs averaged $480. The entire ewe sale numbered 34 head and averaged $441.91.

A place to go for all your Christmas gifts: clothing, jewelry, Christmas cards, stationery, stuffed animals, books, figurines and calendars for the sheep enthusiast. Check out the website or ask for a new catalog Toll-free- 1-877-ewesful Business Phone: 1-920-623-3536 7868 State Road 73 Columbus, Wisconsin 53925 _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

www.ewesfulgifts.com _______ Page 17

Anderson RES. CHAMPION RAM Farms 2013 Iowa State Fair 220 SPRING RAM LAMB CLASS WINNER “Edward”

Emily CHAMPION Anderson RAM 4 2013 Wisconsin Sheep

& Wool Festival Jr. Show Sired by Barnes Farms “Scioto”

2013 Missouri State Fair

(19 in class) Sired by AF 215, Res. champion 2012 Missouri State Fair

Emily has been busy showing this summer with over 30 champions, 6 Grand Champions and Supreme Flock twice! She was Premier Exhibitor at Missouri State Fair Junior Show and won the skillathon and the Sweepstakes for her age division at the 2013 Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. Congratulations Emily!

Barnes Farms 3007 “Time” daughter

Welcome to our flock!

r s on e d n A Matthew Christie


Emily Andrew

919 Coates St., Macon, MO 63552 • 660-988-3503 _______ Page 18

“Like” us on Facebook www.facebook.com/AndersonFarms

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

State Fair Results Missouri

Aug. 12 • Judge Ken Spilde The farm family recognized was the Bartholomew Family of Callao, Mo. Yearling Rams   1. RoKaJo, Marshfield, Mo.   2. Anderson Farm, Macon   3. Anderson Farm   4. Long Branch, Bartho   lomew, Callao, Mo.   5. Rebecca Jones, Brighton   6. Wyatt Graves,    El Dorado Springs, Mo.   7. Long Branch   8. Alexis Looten, Olean   9. Anderson Farm 10. Long Branch Senior Ram Lambs   1. RoKaJo   2. Long Branch Spring Ram Lambs   1. Anderson Farm   2. RoKaJo   3. Long Branch   4. RoKaJo   5. Anderson Farm   6. Long Branch   7. Long Branch   8. Alexis Looten   9. Alexis Looten 10. Wyatt Graves 11. RoKaJo 12. Anderson Farm Pair Ram Lambs   1. RoKaJo   2. Anderson Farm   3. Long Branch   4. Wyatt Graves   5. Alexis Looten   6. Peiter Shrops   7. Taylor Kemp Yearling Ewes, Class I   1. Alicia Heinecke,    Stoutsville, Mo.   2. RoKaJo   3. Anderson Farm   4. Peiter Shrops, Palmayra

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

5. Rebecca Jones   6. Craig and Andrea King,   Shelbyville, Mo.   7. Wyatt Graves   8. Long Branch   9. Weston King, Shelbyville 10. Marshall Kemp 11. Taylor Kemp Yearling Ewes, Class II   1. RoKaJo   2. Craig and Andrea King   3. Anderson Farm   4. Alicia Heinecke   5. Rebecca Jones   6. Weston King   7. Peiter Shrops   8. Long Branch   9. Wyatt Graves 10. Taylor Kemp Pair Yearling Ewes   1. RoKaJo   2. Alicia Heinecke   3. Anderson Farm   4. Craig and Andrea King   5. Rebecca Jones   6. Peiter Shrops   7. Weston King   8. Long Branch Senior Ewe Lambs   1. Rebecca Jones   2. RoKaJo   3. Alicia Heinecke   4. Long Branch   5. Long Branch Intermediate Ewe Lambs   1. Alicia Heinecke   2. Anderson Farm   3. Peiter Shrops   4. RoKaJo   5. Wyatt Graves   6. Long Branch   7. Peiter Shrops   8. RoKaJo   9. Peiter Shrops 10. Rebecca Jones 11. Wyatt Graves 12. Weston King Junior Ewe Lambs   1. RoKaJo   2. Rebecca Jones

3. Alicia Heinecke   4. Anderson Farm   5. Long Branch   6. Alexis Looten   7. Long Branch   8. Weston King   9. Craig and Andrea King 10. Alexis Looten 11. Craig and Andrea King Pair Ewe Lambs   1. Rebecca Jones   2. RoKaJo   3. Alicia Heinecke   4. Peiter Shrops   5. Long Branch   6. Anderson Farm   7. Craig and Andrea King   8. Wyatt Graves   9. Alexis Looten 10. Weston King Best Pair   1. RoKaJo   2. Rebecca Jones   3. Anderson Farm   4. Long Branch   5. Long Branch - Austin Bartholomew   6. Wyatt Graves   7. Peiter Shrops   8. Alexis Looten 4 Lambs   1. RoKaJo   2. Rebecca Jones   3. Anderson Farm   4. Long Branch   5. Peiter Shrops   6. Wyatt Graves   7. Alexis Looten Breeder’s Flock   1. RoKaJo   2. Anderson Farm   3. Rebecca Jones   4. Long Branch   5. Peiter Shrops   6. Wyatt Graves   7. Weston King Champion Ram – RoKaJo on Senior ram lamb Res. Champion Ram – RoKaJo on yearling ram ➛ _______ Page 19

Champion Ewe – RoKaJo on Class II Yearling Ewe Res. Champion Ewe – Alicia Heinecke on Class I Yearling Ewe Premier Exhibitor – RoKaJo

Ozark Empire

July 30 Ram, 1 Yr. & under 2   1. Rebecca Jones, MO   2. RoKaJo, Marshfield, Mo.   3. Taylor Kemp, Macon, Mo. Fall Ram Lamb   1. RoKaJo Spring Ram Lamb   1. Tim Roberts, OK   2. Dalton Hicks, OK   3. RoKaJo   4. RoKaJo   5. Taylor Kemp   6. Taylor Kemp Pair of Ram Lambs   1. RoKaJo   2. Taylor Kemp

One proud S.O.B. –

Ewe 1 Yr. & under 2   1. RoKaJo   2. Tim Roberts   3. RoKaJo   4. Dalton Hicks   5. Dalton Hicks   6. Tim Roberts   7. Rebecca Jones   8. Rebecca Jones   9. Taylor Kemp 10. Taylor Kemp 11. Marshall Kemp Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. RoKaJo   2. Dalton Hicks   3. Tim Roberts   4. Rebecca Jones   5. Taylor Kemp Fall Ewe Lamb   1. Tim Roberts   2. RoKaJo   3. Rebecca Jones Spring Ewe Lambs   1. RoKaJo   2. Tim Roberts

3. Tim Roberts   4. Rebecca Jones   5. Dalton Hicks   6. RoKaJo   7. Paige Burns, Purcell, OK   8. Dalton Hicks   9. Rebecca Jones 10. Trevor Burns, Purcell, OK Pair of Ewe Lambs   1. Tim Roberts   2. Rebecca Jones   3. RoKaJo   4. Dalton Hicks   5. Trevor Burns Best Pair Ewe and Ram   1. RoKaJo   2. Tim Roberts   3. Rebecca Jones   4. Dalton Hicks Young Flock   1. RoKaJo   2. Tim Roberts   3. Dalton Hicks Pen of 4 Lambs, both sexes   1. RoKaJo

CHAMPION RAM & EWE Missouri State Fair

An S.O.B. Fall Lamb son

An S.O.B. Yearling daughter

out of S.O.B. and Older Ewes FOR Lambs We’re cutting back on the number of ewes lamb out. We can offer them S ALE ! we willexposed or bred to S.O.B. 569 State Hwy DD, Marshfield, MO 65706 417-859-4452 • rokajo6@centurytel.net

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ob & Karen


_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

2. Rebecca Jones Exhibitor’s flock   1. RoKaJo   2. Tim Roberts   3. Dalton Hicks   4. Rebecca Jones

Ohio State Fair

August 2 • Matt Martin Yearling Ram (15)   1. Jake Mingus, OH Res. Champion Ram   2. Bryant Shrops,   Fredericktown, OH   3. High Life Farm,   McDermott, OH   4. Isler Shropshires, Prospect, OH   5. Randy and Julie Rife,  Yellow Springs, OH   6. Nancy Conklin, Xenia Fall Ram Lamb (2)   1. Randy and Julie Rife   2. Jared Bruhin, TN Early Spring Ram Lamb (22)   1. Bryant Shrops –Champion   2. Randy and Julie Rife   3. Kennedy Algire,   Fredericktown, OH   4. High Life Farm   5. Josh Sargent, Bradford, OH   6. Come Again Farm,   New Bremen, OH Late Spring Ram Lamb (24)   1. Randy and Julie Rife   2. Mark McCabe, Prospect, OH   3. Brandt Southdowns, OH   4. Tim Barnes, Radnor, OH

5. BWB Farms, Martinsville, OH   6. Kaitlin Klair, Wilmington, DE Pair Ram Lambs (12)   1. Randy and Julie Rife   2. High Life Farm   3. BWB Farms Early Yearling Ewe (21)   1. Randy and Julie Rife Res. Champion Ewe   2. Josh Sargent   3. Jared Bruhin   4. Josh Sargent   5. Randy and Julie Rife   6. Mark McCabe Late Yearling Ewe (29)   1. John Melvin,   Mount Sterling, OH   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Bryant Shrops   4. Pence Farms, Tiffin, OH   5. Bryant Shrops   6. Randy and Julie Rife Pair of Yearling Ewes (13)   1. Bryant Shrops   2. Josh Sargent   3. Randy and Julie Rife Fall Ewe Lamb (5)   1. High Life Farm   2. Come Again Farm,   New Bremen, OH   3. Randy and Julie Rife Early Spring Ewe Lamb (23)   1. Randy and Julie Rife   2. Randy and Julie Rife   3. Brandt Southdowns   4. Kaitlin Klair   5. Jared Bruhin   6. Brandt Southdowns

J & R Farm Shropshires

Int. Spring Ewe Lamb (25)   1. Jacob Fowler, Salesville, OH   2. Randy and Julie Rife   3. Glenn & Joan High,   Lexington, OH   4. Bryant Shrops   5. High Life Farms   6. Randy and Julie Rife Spring Ewe Lamb (23)   1. Randy and Julie Rife   Champion Ewe   2. Glenn & Joan High   3. Jacob Wenner, OH   4. BWB Farms   5. Tim Barnes   6. Brandt Southdowns Late Spring Ewe Lamb (12)   1. High Life Farm   2. Bryant Shrops   3. BWB Farms   4. Evans Shropshires, OH   5. Randy and Julie Rife   6. Brandt Southdowns Pair of Ewe Lambs (18)   1. High Life Farm   2. Randy and Julie Rife   3. Glenn & Joan High Best Pen of 4 Lambs (6)   1. Randy and Julie Rife   2. High Life Farm   3. Bryant Shrops Flock (8 )   1. Randy and Julie Rife   2. Bryant Shrops   3. High Life Farm Premier Exhibitor Randy and Julie Rife ➛ Norbert Jackson & Family 4125 W. St. Rt. 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057

Reserve Champion Indiana Ewe

2013 Indiana State Fair on an Avery yearling ewe purchased at last year’s Ohio Classic _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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Illinois State Fair

Aug. 17 • Judge: Steve Taylor Yearling Ram   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Step Ahead Shrops   3. Nathan Douglas Senior Ram Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Elle & Cole Arvin   3. Step Ahead Shrops Early Junior Ram Lamb   1. Richard Adams   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Jaedyn Slutz Late Junior Ram Lamb   1. Step Ahead Shrops   2. Jaedyn Slutz Pair of Ram Lambs   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Step Ahead Shrops   3. Michael L. Anderson Champion Ram Jaedyn Slutz Reserve Champion Ram   Cameron Snyder Yearling Ewe (Class 1)   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Step Ahead Shrops   3. Drake Slutz Yearling Ewe (Class 2)   1. Step Ahead Shrops   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Michael L. Anderson Pair Yearling Ewes   1. Step Ahead Shrops   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Michael L. Anderson Senior Ewe Lamb   1. Richard Adams   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Michael L. Anderson Early Junior Ewe Lamb   1. Rick Adams, Chebanse, IL   2. Lauren Mohr, Carlock, IL   3. Michael L. Anderson, IL Late Junior Ewe Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Michael L. Anderson   3. Jaedyn Slutz Pair of Ewe Lambs

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1. Richard Adams   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Michael L. Anderson Champion Ewe Jaedyn Slutz Reserve Champion Ewe    Step Ahead Shrops Flock   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Step Ahead Shrops   3. Michael L. Anderson Premiere Exhibitor Award   Jaedyn Slutz

Wisconsin State

Aug. 11 • Judge: Steve Reid Yearling Ram   1. Jaedyn Slutz, Maple Park IL Senior & Grand Champion   2. Step Ahead Farm, Gilson IL   3. Jacob Elsbury, Greenfield IN   4. Tim Elsbury Adell WI   5. Charlotte Stephenson,  Viroqua, WI Fall Ram Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz Res. Senior Champion   2. Step Ahead Farm   3. Jacob Elsbury January Ram Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz - Reserve Jr.. & Res. Grand Champion   2. Tim Elsbury   3. Step Ahead Farm   4. Step Ahead Farm February Ram Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz Junior Champion   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Charlotte Stephenson   5. Step Ahead Farm   6. Step Ahead Farm   7. Emily Petzel Centuria, WI March Ram Lamb   1. Step Ahead Farm Pair Of Ram Lambs   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Step Ahead Farm

Yearling Ewe   1. Jaedyn Slutz – Senior & Grand Champion Ewe   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Tim Elsbury   5. Step Ahead Farm   6. Jaedyn Slutz   7. Step Ahead Farm   8. Jacob Elsbury   9. Jacob Elsbury 10. Charlotte Stephenson 11. Emily Petzel 12. Charlotte Stephenson Pair Of Yearling Ewes   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Tim Elsbury   3. Jacob Elsbury   4. Step Ahead Farm   5. Charlotte Stephenson Fall Ewe Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz Res. Senior Champion   2. Jacob Elsbury   3. Step Ahead Farm January Ewe Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz – Junior & Res. Grand Champion   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Step Ahead Farm   4. Jacob Elsbury   5. Step Ahead Farm   6. Charlotte Stephenson   7. Tim Elsbury   8. Emily Petzel February Ewe Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz Reserve Junior Champion   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Tim Elsbury   5. Step Ahead Farm   6. Step Ahead Farm   7. Jacob Elsbury   8. Emily Petzel   9. Charlotte Stephenson March Ewe Lamb   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Jaedyn Slutz   3. Step Ahead Farm ➛

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

woelbershropshires.com We strive to promote breed consistent, commercially viable, structurally sound sheep that can compete in the show ring, promoting the Shropshire breed because of it’s functionality and inclusiveness to all ages. We appreciate the genuine welcome into the breed and look forward to helping it grow.

New Stuck Bucks

Taylor 13014 Reserve Champion Ram 2013 Ohio Classic

Bechtold 3064 2nd Place Feb. Ram Lamb 2013 Ohio Classic and Woelber 8R (Transformer son)

We were blessed with a great start from the Randy Rife family. The females from Rife Shropshires and their offspring are the base of our flock. 2013 Show Results Res. Champion Ewe - MN State Fair Res. Champion Ram - SD State Fair Champion and Res. Champion Ram Idaho State Fair Res. Champion Ewe - Idaho State Fair Res. Champion Ewe - Utah State Fair

Troy Woelber Family

1565 60th Ave., Pipestone, MN 56164 507-825-2204 (H) 507-215-0458 (M) woelbershropshires@gmail.com

Watch for Woelber Shropshires in the 2014 sales.

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

_______ Page 23

Champion Jr. and Res. Overall Ewe Early January Ewe Lamb Shropshire Classic

1st Place Early February February Ewe Lamb Shropshire Classic

Also at the Classic...

2nd place Feb. ram lamb 3rd place Jan. ram lamb (high seller)

Thanks to the Ohio Classic buyers and bidders! Kent Cunningham, Ind. • Clayton Stephens, NY Northern Star Livestock Service, Minn. Woelber Shrops, Minn. • Josh Sargent, Ohio • Mark Fiegl, NY

Bret, Michelle, Austin & Trent

N. Manchester, IN | Home: (260) 982-7769 | Cell: (260) 578-7769 | bbbechtold@frontier.com _______ Page 24

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

4. Charlotte Stephenson   5. Step Ahead Farm Pair Of Ewe Lambs   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Tim Elsbury   3. Jacob Elsbury   4. Step Ahead Farm   5. Charlotte Stephenson   6. Emily Petzel Exhibitor’s Flock   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Tim Elsbury   3. Jacob Elsbury   4. Step Ahead Farm   5. Charlotte Stephenson Premier Exhibitor   1. Jaedyn Slutz   2. Step Ahead Farm

Kansas State Fair

Sept. 10 • Steve Anderson Fall Ram Lamb   1. Drew Strunk, KS   2. Jeff Ebert, St. George, KS Spring Ram Lamb   1. Jeff Ebert   2. Jansyn Van Horn, KS   3. Jeff Ebert   4. Dalton Hicks, OK   5. Carolyn Strunk, KS   6. Drew Strunk Late Spring Ram Lamb   1. Jeff Ebert   2. Jeff Ebert   3. Sarah Walker, OK   4. Carolyn Strunk   5. Drew Strunk Pair of Ram Lambs

1. Jeff Ebert   2. Carolyn Strunk   3. Drew Strunk Grand Champion Ram Jeff Ebert Yearling Ewe   1. Dalton Hicks, Champion   2. Dalton Hicks   3. Jeff Ebert   4. Jansyn Van Horn   5. Sarah Walker   6. Jeff Ebert   7. Jansyn Van Horn   8. Sarah Walker   9. Carolyn Strunk 10. Drew Strunk Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. Dalton Hicks   2. Jeff Ebert   3. Sarah Walker   4. Jansyn Van Horn   5. Carolyn Strunk   6. Drew Strunk Fall Ewe Lamb   1. Sarah Walker   2. Jeff Ebert Spring Ewe Lamb   1. Dalton Hicks   2. Jansyn Van Horn   3. Jeff Ebert   4. Sarah Walker   5. Dalton Hicks   6. Jeff Ebert   7. Drew Strunk   8. Carolyn Strunk Late Spring Ewe Lamb   1. Sarah Walker   Res. Champion

2. Jansyn Van Horn   3. Jeff Ebert   4. Jeff Ebert   5. Jansyn Van Horn   6. Carolyn Strunk   7. Dalton Hicks   8. Carolyn Strunk Pair of Ewe Lambs   1. Jansyn Van Horn   2. Sarah Walker   3. Dalton Hicks   4. Jeff Ebert   5. Carolyn Strunk   6. Drew Strunk Pair of Lambs, Both Sexes   1. Jeff Ebert   2. Dalton Hicks   3. Jansyn Van Horn   4. Sarah Walker   5. Drew Strunk   6. Carolyn Strunk Young Flock   1. Jeff Ebert   2. Sarah Walker   3. Jansyn Van Horn   4. Dalton Hicks   5. Carolyn Strunk   6. Drew Strunk Kansas Breeder’s Flock   1. Jeff Ebert   2. Jansyn Van Horn   3. Carolyn Strunk   4. Drew Strunk Flock   1. Dalton Hicks   2. Jeff Ebert   3. Jansyn Van Horn   4. Sarah Walker ➛

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_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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_______ Page 25

5. Carolyn Strunk   6. Drew Strunk Premier Exhibitor Jeff Ebert

Maryland Fair

Sept. 1 • Judge: Zach Smith Yearling Ram   1. Larry & Sharon Larimore Triple J Farm, DE   2. Kaitlin Klair, Bittersweet Farm, Wilmington, DE   3. Alex Swan-Klair Bittersweet Farm, DE   4. Danielle Moore WD Ranch, Taneytown, MD   5. Shawn Mitchell, Greenwood DE Senior Ram Lamb   1. Bryan Miller, MD   2. Bryan Miller Pair of Senior Ram Lambs   4. Bryan Miller Early Junior Ram Lamb   1. Ashley Fuss, MD Champion Ram   2. Alex Swan-Klair Reserve Champion   3. Larry & Sharon Larimore   4. Larry & Sharon Larimore   5. Bryan Miller   6. Bryan Miller   7. Shawn Mitchell   8. Ashley Fuss   9. Danielle Moore WD Ranch Late Junior Ram Lamb   1. Bryan Miller   2. Larry & Sharon Larimore   3. Bryan Miller   4. Larry & Sharon Larimore   5. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   6. Kaitlin Klair     7. Kirsten Saylor, MD Pair of Junior Ram Lambs   1. Larry & Sharon Larimore   2. Ashley Fuss None   3. Bryan Miller None   4. Danielle Moore WD Ranch Yearling Ewe   1. Alex Swan-Klair _______ Page 26

2. Bryan Miller   3. Paige Wright, Milton, DE   4. Larry & Sharon Larimore   5. Larry & Sharon Larimore   6. Bryan Miller   7. Kaitlin Klair   8. Shawn Mitchell   9. Kirsten Saylor 10. Shawn Mitchell 11. Danielle Moore WD Ranch 12. Kaitlin Klair 13. Ashley Fuss 14. Danielle Moore WD Ranch 15. Ashley Fuss 16. Ned Maxwell, Four Elms Acres, Forest Hill, MD 17. Anne Maxwell Four Elms Acres, Forest Hill, MD Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. Larry & Sharon Larimore   2. Bryan Miller   3. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   4. Ashley Fuss   5. Shawn Mitchell Senior Ewe Lamb   1. Bryan Miller   2. Bryan Miller Pair of Senior Ewe Lambs Bryan Miller Early Junior Ewe Lamb   1. Kaitlin Klair   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Larry & Sharon Larimore   4. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   5. Bryan Miller   6. Ashley Fuss   7. Anne Maxwell   8. Bryan Miller   9. Alex Swan-Klair 10. Shawn Mitchell 11. Greenbrier Acres, Walkersville, MD 12. Shawn Mitchell 13. Ashley Fuss 14. Greenbrier Acres 15. Danielle Moore WD Ranch Late Junior Ewe Lamb   1. Paige Wright Champion Ewe   2. John Passwaters

Shepherd’s View, DE Reserve Champion Ewe   3. Alex Swan-Klair   4. Bryan Miller   5. Larry & Sharon Larimore   6. Bryan Miller   7. Alex Swan-Klair   8. Shawn Mitchell   9. Ashley Fuss 10. Kaitlin Klair 11. Ashley Fuss 12. Greenbrier Acres 13. Kirsten Saylor Pair of Junior Ewe Lambs   1. Kaitlin Klair   2. Larry & Sharon Larimore   3. Bryan Miller   4. Alex Swan-Klair   5. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   6. Shawn Mitchell   7. Ashley Fuss None   8. Greenbrier Acres Pair of Yearlings   1. Larry & Sharon Larimore   2. Alex Swan-Klair   3. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   4. Kaitlin Klair   5. Shawn Mitchell Pair of Lambs, any age   1. Bryan Miller   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Ashley Fuss   4. Alex Swan-Klair   5. Larry & Sharon Larimore   6. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   7. Shawn Mitchell   8. Kirsten Saylor Pen of 4 Lambs   1. Kaitlin Klair   2. Alex Swan-Klair   3. Bryan Miller   4. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   5. Ashley Fuss   6. Shawn Mitchell   7. Larry & Sharon Larimore Exhibitors Young flock   1. Alex Swan-Klair   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Ashley Fuss   4. Bryan Miller _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

5. Larry & Sharon Larimore   6. Danielle Moore WD Ranch   7. Shawn Mitchell Flock   1. Larry & Sharon Larimore   2. Bryan Miller   3. Ashley Fuss   4. Shawn Mitchell   5. Danielle Moore WD Ranch

Eastern States Expo

Sept. 14 • John Mrozinski Yearling Ram   1. Washburn Shrops, NY Senior Champion Ram   2. Elaine Jaycox, NY Best Headed Ram   3. Triple J Farm, DE   4. Attica Loc-Up, Ballston Spa, NY   5. Bishop & Bishop Shrops, Gouverneur, NY Senior Ram Lamb   1. Blake Webster, ME

Res. Senior Champion   2. Colby Clark, NH   3. William T Weston, Hancock, NH   4. Colby Alejandro, NH January Ram Lamb   1. Washburn Shrops Junior Champion and Grand Champion Ram   2. William T Weston   3. Colby Clark   4. Triple J Farm   5. Blake Webster   6. Clayton Stephens, Clinton Corners, NY   7. C Donald Call, Shelburne, MA   8. Dillon Harris, Ludlow, MA February Ram Lamb   1. Colby Clark Reserve Jr.. Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Ram   2. C Donald Call

3. Washburn Shrops   4. Washburn Shrops   5. Triple J Farm   6. Blake Webster   7. C Donald Call   8. Triple J Farm   9. Britt Hallet, Sterling, MA March Ram Lamb   1. Colby Clark   2. Attica Loc-Up   3. Blake Webster Pair of Ram Lambs   1. Washburn Shrops   2. C Donald Call   3. Colby Clark   4. William T Weston   5. Blake Webster   6. Triple J Farm Yearling Ewe Group 1   1. Attica Loc-Up Senior Champion and Grand Champion Ewe, Supreme Champion Shropshire, Best Headed Ewe ➛

BWB had a great day at the OSF! 4th place pen of 4 lambs, including: 5th and 10th place Late Spring Rams 3rd place pair of Ram lambs 4th place Spring Ewe lamb 3rd place Late Spring Ewe lamb 6th place pair of Ewe lambs All sired by “POWER” Pence Farms 11-112

Randy Barr

4417 Sorg Rd Hillsboro, OH 45133 (937) 288-0001

www.bwbfarmsinc.com _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Rick Whiting

BWB Farms, Inc. Shropshire Sheep

1779 Green Rd Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 685-2603

bwbfarmsinc@frontier.com _______ Page 27

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_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

2. Washburn Shrops Reserve Sr. Champion   3. Blake Webster   4. Colby Clark   5. Elaine Jaycox   6. Brendan Pimm, NY   7. Triple J Farm   8. Dillon Harris   9. Brendan Pimm 10. William T Weston 11. William T Weston 12. Attica Loc-Up 13. Colby Alejandro 14. Colby Alejandro Yearling Ewe Group 2   1. Blake Webster   2. Washburn Shrops   3. Colby Clark   4. Clayton Stephens   5. C Donald Call   6. Britt Hallet   7. Triple J Farm   8. Bishop & Bishop Shrops   9. C Donald Call 10. Bishop & Bishop Shrops 11. Clayton Stephens 12. Britt Hallet 13. Washburn Shrops 14. Chip Hallet, Sterling Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. Washburn Shrops   2. Blake Webster   3. Colby Clark   4. Attica Loc-Up   5. Triple J Farm   6. C Donald Call   7. Britt Hallet

8. William T Weston   9. Brendan Pimm 10. Bishop & Bishop Shrops 11. Clayton Stephens 12. Colby Alejandro Senior Ewe Lamb   1. C Donald Call   2. Colby Clark   3. Blake Webster   4. Blake Webster   5. William T Weston   6. Dillon Harris   7. C Donald Call   8. William T Weston January Ewe Lamb   1. Blake Webster Res. Jr. Champion Ewe   2. Washburn Shrops   3. Colby Clark   4. Kaitlin Klair, DE   5. Elaine Jaycox   6. Triple J Farm   7. Brendan Pimm   8. Colby Clark   9. Washburn Shrops 10. Blake Webster 11. C Donald Call 12. Clayton Stephens Feb. Ewe Lamb Group 1   1. Triple J Farm   2. Clayton Stephens   3. Attica Loc-Up   4. Elaine Jaycox   5. Colby Clark   6. Britt Hallet   7. Chip Hallet   8. Britt Hallet

9. C Donald Call Feb. Ewe Lamb Group 2   1. Washburn Shrops   2. Triple J Farm   3. Kaitlin Klair   4. Washburn Shrops   5. Paige Wright, Harbeson, DE   6. Blake Webster   7. Brendan Pimm   8. Attica Loc-Up March Ewe Lamb   1. Washburn Shrops Jr. Champion and Res. Grand Champion   2. Shepherds View, Bridgeville, DE   3. Blake Webster   4. Colby Clark   5. Colby Clark   6. Blake Webster   7. Colby Clark   8. Dillon Harris   9. Attica Loc-Up 10. Clayton Stephens Pair of Ewe Lambs   1. Washburn Shrops   2. Triple J Farm   3. Blake Webster   4. Colby Clark   5. Kaitlin Klair   6. Jaycox, Elaine   7. C Donald Call   8. William T Weston   9. Dillon Harris 10. Brendan Pimm 11. Attica Loc-Up ➛

Webster Family SHROPSHIRES

Bill, Ryan & Blake and “the white-faced girls” Darcey & Ashley

413 Roosevelt Trail, Windham, ME • 207-831-0608

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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Mike & Karen Elsbury & Family


El bury


5385E 500N Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 326-4461



Elegant Legacy 1344 NNRR Indiana State Fair

2013 Champion Ewe



1359 NNRR Indiana State Fair

2012 & 2013 Champion Ram

Thank you to all of our buyers in 2013! The Indiana Shropshire Assocation is planning another sale for late April. The Shropshire association in Indiana will be managing the sale. _______ Page 30

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

12. Britt Hallet 13. Clayton Stephens Exhibitor’s Flock   1. Washburn Shrops   2. Colby Clark   3. Blake Webster   4. Triple J Farm   5. C Donald Call   6. William T Weston   7. Attica Loc-Up   8. Britt Hallet   9. Clayton Stephens Breeder’s Flock   1. Washburn Shrops   2. Colby Clark   3. William T Weston   4. Britt Hallet Get of Sire   1. Washburn Shrops   2. Blake Webster   3. Colby Clark   4. Triple J Farm   5. C Donald Call Premier Exhibitor Washburn Shrops

New York State

Sept. 1 • Judge: Brian Barkley Yearling Ram   1. Elaine Jaycox, Middleburgh, NY   2. Mandy Swartz Ballston Spa, NY   3. Bishop & Bishop Shrops, Gouverneur, NY Intermediate Ram Lamb   1. Mark Fiegl, Marion, NY   2. Elaine Jaycox, Junior Ram Lamb   1. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick & Family, Wayland, NY   2. Mandy Swartz   3. Mark Fiegl   4. Mandy Swartz   5. Brendan Pimm, NY   6. Brendan Pimm   7. Naomi Moon, NY Pair Ram Lambs   1. Mark Fiegl   2. Mandy Swartz

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

3. Brendan Pimm Champion Ram Elaine Jaycox Reserve Champion Ram Mark Fiegl Senior Yearling Ewe   1. Mark Fiegl   2. Mandy Swartz   3. Adam Hixenbaugh Bergen, NY   4. Brendan Pimm Junior Yearling Ewe   1. Mandy Swartz   2. Bishop & Bishop  Shrops   3. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   4. Elaine Jaycox   5. Bishop & Bishop Shrops   6. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   7. Brendan Pimm   8. Fiegl, Mark   9. Naomi Moon 10. Naomi Moon Pair Yearling Ewes   1. Bishop & Bishop Shrops   2. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   3. Mandy Swartz   4. Mark Fiegl   5. Brendan Pimm Senior Ewe Lamb   1. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick Intermediate Ewe Lamb   2. Mandy Swartz   3. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   4. Elaine Jaycox   5. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   6. Brendan Pimm   7. Mark Fiegl   8. Mandy Swartz Junior Ewe Lamb   1. Mandy Swartz   2. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   3. Elaine Jaycox   4. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   5. Brendan Pimm   6. Swartz, Mandy   7. Brendan Pimm   8. Mark Fiegl Pair Ewe Lambs   1. Mandy Swartz   2. Elaine Jaycox

3. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   4. Brendan Pimm   5. Mark Fiegl Champion Ewe Mandy Swartz Reserve Champion Ewe Mandy Swartz Mixed Pair   1. Elaine Jaycox   2. Mandy Swartz   3. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   4. Bishop & Bishop Shrops   5. Mark Fiegl   6. Brendan Pimm Pen of 4 Lambs   1. Mandy Swartz   2. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   3. Brendan Pimm   4. Mark Fiegl Flock   1. Mandy Swartz   2. Dan & Lynn Fitzpatrick   3. Mark Fiegl   4. Brendan Pimm

Indiana State Fair

Aug. 14 • Judge: David Simms Yearling Ram   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Bryant Shrop   3. Mike and Karen Elsbury   4. Tim Elsbury   5. Jacob Elsbury   6. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   7. Erik Mrozinski   8. Mark Wisehart Senior Ram Lamb   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. City Limits Sheep Farm   3. Mike and Karen Elsbury   4. Norbert Jackson   5. Mark Wisehart Early Junior Ram Lamb   1. City Limits Sheep Farm   2. Mike and Karen Elsbury   3. City Limits Sheep Farm   4. Tim Elsbury   5. Bryant Shrop   6. Blaze Brooks   7. Kennedy Algire ➛ _______ Page 31

8. Mike and Karen Elsbury   9. Erik Mrozinski 10. Julie Elsbury 11. David Harrell 12. Danny Rogers 13. Rachel Flanders 14. David Harrell Late Junior Ram Lamb   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. City Limits Sheep Farm   3. Erik Mrozinski   4. Mike and Karen Elsbury   5. City Limits Sheep Farm   6. Tim Elsbury   7. Kennedy Algire   8. Bwb BWB Farms   9. Julie Elsbury 10. Bwb BWB Farms 11. Bryant Shrop 12. Duane Elsbury 13. Rachel Flanders Pair of Ram Lambs   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. City Limits Sheep Farm   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Erik Mrozinski   5. Bryant Shrop   6. Bwb BWB Farms   7. Kennedy Algire   8. Julie Elsbury   9. David Harrell Champion Ram Mike and Karen Elsbury Reserve Champion Ram City Limits Sheep Farm Yearling Ewe Class 1   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury     2. City Limits Sheep Farm   3. Norbert Jackson   4. Julie Elsbury

_______ Page 32

5. Erik Mrozinski   6. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   7. Erik Mrozinski   8. Jacob Elsbury   9. Danny Rogers 10. Rachel Flanders 11. Bwb BWB Farms 12. Ethan Elsbury 13. David Harrell Yearling Ewe Class 2   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Bryant Shrop   3. Kennedy Algire   4. Norbert Jackson   5. Duane Elsbury   6. Blaze Brooks   7. Tim Elsbury   8. Tim Elsbury   9. Danny Rogers 10. Abigail Elsbury 11. Mark Wisehart 12. Porshe Kellems 13. Porshe Kellems Yearling Ewe Class 3   1. City Limits Sheep Farm   2. Duane Elsbury   3. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   4. Julie Elsbury   5. Kennedy Algire   6. Bryant Shrop   7. Jacob Elsbury   8. Crimson Ridge Shrops   9. Mark Wisehart 10. David Harrell 11. Rachel Flanders Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Norbert Jackson   3. Duane Elsbury   4. Kennedy Algire

5. Erik Mrozinski   6. Bryant Shrop   7. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   8. Julie Elsbury   9. Tim Elsbury 10. Jacob Elsbury 11. Mark Wisehart 12. Danny Rogers 13. David Harrell 14. Porshe Kellems Senior Ewe Lamb   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Mike and Karen Elsbury   3. Norbert Jackson   4. Erik Mrozinski   5. Jacob Elsbury   6. Ethan Elsbury   7. Mark Wisehart Early Jr. Ewe Lamb Class 1   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   3. Kennedy Algire   4. Duane Elsbury   5. Erik Mrozinski   6. Michael Bokelman   7. Erik Mrozinski   8. Norbert Jackson   9. Bryant Shrop 10. Danny Rogers 11. David Harrell 12. Danny Rogers 13. David Harrell Early Jr. Ewe Lamb Class 2   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Tim Elsbury   3. Norbert Jackson   4. Bryant Shrop   5. Jacob Elsbury   6. Camden Cory   7. Camden Cory ➛

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Thank you … to the buyers

Ashton Daniels and Dalton Payne of Weston, Mo for purchasing the ewes. Elaine Lacko-Jaycox of Middleburg, NY for purchasing 5th Quarter. Good luck to Dusty for the ewes he is keeping!

… for the help from Dusty Rincker

… for the friendships I have made in the Shropshire breed and the sheep world

I look forward to attending shows and sales as a spectator! Semen still available from 5th Quarter, Future Direction and the ram I raised that was Land of Lincoln Champion at the 2012 Illinois State Fair. Call me if you are interested.





Michael L. Anderson

346N 1600E, Paxton, IL 60957 (217) 379-3189 _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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F a e r c m n e s P

Pence Farms 12-06

Ohio State Fair Jr. Show

Champion Ewe

Ohio State Fair Jr. Show

Reserve Champion Ram Pence Farms 12-20 (Cooper’s Son)







jpence@woh.rr.com _______ Page 34

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

8. Jacob Elsbury   9. Abigail Elsbury 10. Crimson Ridge Shrops Late Jr. Ewe Lamb Class 1   1. Tim Elsbury   2. Mike and Karen Elsbury   3. Mike and Karen Elsbury   4. Erik Mrozinski   5. Duane Elsbury   6. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   7. Bryant Shrop   8. Danny Rogers   9. Bwb BWB Farms 10. Ethan Elsbury Late Jr. Ewe Lamb Class 2   1. Duane Elsbury   2. Julie Elsbury   3. Kennedy Algire   4. Erik Mrozinski   5. Julie Elsbury   6. Danny Rogers   7. Steven & Nancy Elsbury   8. Katelyn Elsbury   9. Mark Wisehart 10. Mark Wisehart

11. Bwb BWB Farms 12. Abigail Elsbury Pair of Ewe Lambs   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Julie Elsbury   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Kennedy Algire   5. Norbert Jackson   6. Duane Elsbury   7. Bryant Shrop   8. Jacob Elsbury   9. Erik Mrozinski 10. Steven & Nancy Elsbury 11. Danny Rogers 12. Ethan Elsbury 13. David Harrell 14. Camden Cory 15. Mark Wisehart 16. Abigail Elsbury Champion Ewe Mike & Karen Elsbury Res. Champion Ewe City Limits Sheep Farm Mixed Pair   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury

2. Erik Mrozinski   3. Tim Elsbury   4. Bryant Shrop   5. Norbert Jackson   6. Duane Elsbury   7. Kennedy Algire   8. Mark Wisehart   9. Danny Rogers 10. David Harrell Best Four Head   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Duane Elsbury   3. Erik Mrozinski   4. Bryant Shrop   5. Norbert Jackson   6. Tim Elsbury   7. Jacob Elsbury   8. Danny Rogers   9. Kennedy Algire 10. Mark Wisehart 11. David Harrell Flock   1. Mike and Karen Elsbury   2. Erik Mrozinski   3. Duane Elsbury ➛

Sport Pepper

After breeding Sport Pepper to two frame type ewe lambs last fall, resulting in three late April lambs that we like a lot, we bred him to all our ewes for the 2014 lamb crop. We are focusing on upgrading our flock in three key areas:

1) the genotype of our flock 2) forage consumption efficiency 3) natural muscling and loin eye measurements We have moved the flock to southern Wisconsin and in the short term limited showing will be done. As this process moves forward we anticipate that we will return again to a full show and sale program. Watch our website for more information!

Hiemke 12034 RRNN

Thanks Brian Mohr and his family for 6 years of winners in the show and sale ring!


Walking away from the competitors…

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

128 Old Barrington Road North, Barrington, IL 60010 trbear@mc.net • Cell: 847-846-6354


_______ Page 35

4. Norbert Jackson   5. Bryant Shrop   6. Tim Elsbury   7. Jacob Elsbury   8. Kennedy Algire   9. Danny Rogers 10. Mark Wisehart 11. David Harrell Premier Exhibitor Mike and Karen Elsbury

Nebraska State

Aug. 23 • Judge: Evan Snyder Yearling Ram   1. WEG Shropshires, Virginia Gergen, NE   2. Dave Richardson, 3G Shropshires, NE   3. Larry Richardson Richardson’s Shrops, NE Fall Ram Lamb   1. WEG Shropshires   2. Jeff & Christine Ebert,

Genotype NN required for all sale sheep No Shropshires are to be sold at any public sale that is not of the genotype NN. These sales include the major sales (Ohio Classic, Shropshire Spectacular, Great Lakes Sale and Midwest Stud Ram Sale), as well as any other minor sales such as the Penn-Mar Sale, Tennessee Sheep Producers, New England Sale or any other purebred sale where registered Shropshires are sold. All responsibility will lie   with the   consignor. _______ Page 36

St. George KS   3. Dave Richardson   4. Jeff & Christine Ebert   5. Dave Richardson   6. Virginia Gergen I-80 Flocks, Geneva, NE   7. Larry Richardson, Spring Ram Lamb   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   Grand Champion   2. WEG Shropshires, Reserve Champion   3. Jeff & Christine Ebert   4. Larry Richardson,   5. WEG Shropshires   6. Monica Ebert, St George KS   7. Dave Richardson   8. Larry Richardson   9. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Pair Ram Lambs   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   2. WEG Shropshires,   3. Dave Richardson   4. Larry Richardson   5. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Yearling Ewe   1. Dave Richardson   2. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks   3. Dave Richardson   4. Jeff & Christine Ebert   5. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks   6. Jeff & Christine Ebert   7. WEG Shropshires   8. Larry Richardson   9. Larry Richardson 10. WEG Shropshires Pair Yearlings Ewes   1. Dave Richardson   2. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks   3. Jeff & Christine Ebert   4. Larry Richardson   5. WEG Shropshires Fall Ewe Lamb   1. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Grand Champion   2. Jeff & Christine Ebert   3. Dave Richardson   4. Jeff & Christine Ebert   5. Dave Richardson

6. Larry Richardson   7. Larry Richardson   8. WEG Shropshires   9. WEG Shropshires Spring Ewe Lamb   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   2. Jeff & Christine Ebert   3. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks   4. Dave Richardson, 3G Shropshires   5. Monica Ebert   6. Monica Ebert   7. WEG Shropshires   8. Dave Richardson   9. Larry Richardson 10. Larry Richardson 11. WEG Shropshires Pair Ewe Lambs   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   2. WEG Shropshires   3. Monica Ebert   4. Dave Richardson,   5. Larry Richardson   6. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Mixed Pair   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   2. WEG Shropshires   3. Dave Richardson   4. Monica Ebert   5. Larry Richardson   6. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Young Flock   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   2. WEG Shropshires   3. Monica Ebert   4. Dave Richardson   5. Larry Richardson   6. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Pen of 4; any sex   1. Jeff & Christine Ebert   2. WEG Shropshires   3. Dave Richardson,   4. Larry Richardson   5. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks Breeders Flock   1. WEG Shropshires   2. Dave Richardson   3. Jeff & Christine Ebert   4. Larry Richardson   5. Virginia Gergen, I-80 Flocks

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

All-American Junior Show Another awesome All-American event is in the books with the completion of 20th annual show in East Lansing, Mich. this past July. Michigan State University’s Livestock Pavilion was the place to be for 33 youngsters from 14 states to exhibit 145 Shropshires among 1430 total sheep shown. Shropshires were the third largest numbered breed present. Many, many thanks go to the Michigan area groups and all of the breed volunteers to help put this show on and make it successful. The AAJS started in 1994 at the Monroe County Fairgrounds in Bloomington, Ind. with six breeds. In 1995 they moved to the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Franklin, Ind. It stayed there until they started to rotate the show into different regions.The show has since been held in Missouri, Ohio,Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Michigan, Delaware, Iowa and now it is headed to Kansas in 2014. The All-American Junior Show is mainly funded by the participating breed associations and donations from supporters.Thanks All-American Results Fall Ram Lamb   1. Jared Bruhin    2. Brianna Brockmann   3. Colby Clark   4. Jacob Elsbury January Ram Lamb   1. Josh Sargent Champion Ram   2. Rachel Flanders   3. Jared Bruhin   4. Colby Clark   5. Jake Mingus   6. Dillon Harris   7. Alexandra Swan   8. Ashley Fuss   9. Clayton Stephens February Ram Lamb   1. Rachel Flanders Reserve Champion Ram

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

also go to everyone who donated and was listed on the banners hung in the showring. The other fundraiser for the All-American is the yearly raffle prizes. Thanks to all who sold raffle tickets for this year’s show. Also congratulations to the 2013 winners of our raffle prizes! • 1st prize – $1000 cash • 2nd prize – Hydraulic Trimming Stand • 3rd prize – Popup Canopy Outside of that, other money makers include the sale of promotional items such as hats, sweatshirts, button-ups, and T-shirts. Thanks to everyone who purchased promo items this year. Wear them proudly and if you missed out, we’ll have more next year! We are looking forward to next year’s show at Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Kan. Mark your calenders for July 4-6. The show was judged by Matt Scramlin.

2. Jared Bruhin   3. Kaitlin Klair   4. Colby Clark   5. Kennedy Algire   6. Cameron Snyder   7. Colby Clark   8. Seth Evans   9. Jake Mingus 10. Nathan Douglas 11. Emily Petzel March Ram Lamb   1. Tyler Rozema   2. Jared Bruhin   3. Tyler Rozema   4. Jared Bruhin Yearling Ewe Class 1   1. Austin Hicks, Champion Ewe   2. Dalton Hicks   3. Colby Clark

4. Dalton Hicks   5. Jared Bruhin   6. Clayton Stephens   7. Rachel Flanders   8. Brianna Brockmann   9. Jacob Elsbury 10. Nathan Douglas 11. Dillon Harris 12. Kaylee Elsbury 13. Emily Petzel 14. Emily Petzel 15. Brady Miller Yearling Ewe Class 2   1. Kaitlin Klair     2. Rachel Flanders   3. Brianna Brockmann   4. Colby Clark   5. Austin Hicks   6. Ashley Fuss   7. Kennedy Algire ➛

_______ Page 37

HUNTER NUTRITION Your Complete Feeding Program

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www.sheepfeed.com _______ Page 38

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Thank You The All-American Junior Show Shropshire Exhibi-

tors would like to thank the ASRA and the following people for sponsoring class awards in 2013. Fall Ram Lamb – Come Again Farm, New Bremen, OH January Ram Lamb – Randy & Julie Rife, Yellow Springs, OH February Ram Lamb – Avery Shropshires, Bremen, IN March Ram Lamb –Erik Mrozinski, Rolling Prairie, IN Champion Ram – R.J. Creamer & Family, Prospect, OH Reserve Champion Ram – Crago Family Ranch, Columbus, MT Yearling Ewe (class 1) – Majors Show Lambs, Milan, MI Yearling Ewe (class 2) – Avery Shropshires, Bremen, IN Pair of Yearling Ewes – Jim & Nancy Cessna, Cygnet, OH Fall Ewe Lamb – ROKAJO Shropshires, Marshfield, MO January Ewe Lamb – Windswept Crest Farm, Centuria, WI February Ewe Lamb (class 1) – SKB Shropshires, Sycamore, PA February Ewe Lamb (class 2) – Peterson Family, Leyden, MA March Ewe Lamb – Curtis Trew, Ocoee, TN Pair of Ewe Lambs – Schoolhouse Shropshires, Xenia, OH Champion Ewe – Callie Taylor, State College, PA Reserve Champion Ewe – Tranquility Farm, Sevierville, TN Young Flock – BWB Farms, Inc, Martinsville, OH Best 4 Head of Ewes – Washburn Shropshires, Gouverneur, NY Market Lamb – Rick Adams, Chebanse, IL

Thanks to all for helping to make a special show! _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

8. Kennedy Algire   9. Jared Bruhin 10. Kaitlin Klair 11. Rylie Miller 12. Logan Elsbury 13. Jansyn Van Horn 14. Nathan Douglas 15. Jacob Elsbury 16. Jake Mingus Pair Yearling Ewes   1. Kaitlin Klair   2. Austin Hicks   3. Rachel Flanders   4. Brianna Brockmann   5. Colby Clark   6. Dalton Hicks   7. Kennedy Algire   8. Jared Bruhin   9. Jacob Elsbury 10. Nathan Douglas 11. Emily Petzel Fall Ewe Lamb   1. Olivia Nichols   2. Jared Bruhin   3. Dillon Harris ➛

NJSSA Officers and Directors Josh Sargent, President Ohio District Dalton Hicks, Vice-President Southwest District Megan Hardesty, Secretary-Treas. Director at Large Kaitlin Klair Penn./South District Jared Bruhin Ambassador Cameron Snyder Illinois District Trent Bechtold Indiana District Clayton Stevens, New York/ New England District _______ Page 39

4. Logan Elsbury   5. Nathan Douglas   6. Kaylee Elsbury   7. Jacob Elsbury January Ewe Lamb   1. Dalton Hicks   2. Tyler Rozema   3. Kaitlin Klair   4. Jacob Elsbury   5. Colby Clark   6. Jared Bruhin   7. Emily Petzel   8. Lauren Mohr   9. Colby Clark 10. Jacob Fowler 11. Rachel Flanders 12. Josh Sargent 13. Lauren Mohr 14. Brianna Brockmann 15. Ashley Fuss 16. Clayton Stephens 17. Nathan Douglas 18. Tyler Rozema 19. Kaitlin Klair 20. Seth Evans 21. Thomas Rozema 22. Jake Mingus 23. Jake Mingus February Ewe Lamb Class 1   1. Clayton Stephens   2. Tyler Rozema   3. Josh Sargent   4. Jacob Fowler   5. Colby Clark   6. Kennedy Algire   7. Rylie Miller   8. Dillon Harris   9. Jansyn Van Horn

10. Dillon Harris 11. Jake Mingus 12. Logan Elsbury 13. Kaylee Elsbury February Ewe Lamb Class 2   1. Rachel Flanders Reserve Champion Ewe   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Brianna Brockmann   4. Dalton Hicks   5. Kaitlin Klair   6. Josh Sargent   7. Emily Petzel   8. Clayton Stephens   9. Colby Clark 10. Ashley Fuss 11. Seth Evans 12. Kennedy Algire 13. Tyler Rozema 14. Jacob Mohr, 15. Jared Bruhin 16. Lauren Mohr 17. Alexandra Swan 18. Emma Douglas March Ewe Lamb   1. Rachel Flanders   2. Mallory Rozema   3. Brianna Brockmann   4. Jared Bruhin   5. Colby Clark   6. Jared Bruhin   7. Cameron Snyder   8. Dillon Harris   9. Mallory Rozema 10. Jacob Fowler 11. Clayton Stephens 12. Jessica Rugar Pair Ewe Lambs

1. Rachel Flanders   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Josh Sargent   4. Dalton Hicks   5. Clayton Stephens   6. Jared Bruhin   7. Brianna Brockmann   8. Jacob Fowler   9. Tyler Rozema 10. Colby Clark 11. Dillon Harris 12. Emily Petzel 13. Kennedy Algire 14. Jacob Elsbury 15. Lauren Mohr 16. Seth Evans 17. Nathan Douglas 18. Mallory Rozema 19. Kaylee Elsbury 20. Logan Elsbury Young Flock   1. Rachel Flanders   2. Kaitlin Klair   3. Colby Clark   4. Josh Sargent   5. Jared Bruhin   6. Dalton Hicks   7. Brianna Brockmann   8. Seth Evans   9. Kennedy Algire 10. Jacob Elsbury 11. Tyler Rozema 12. Dillon Harris 13. Nathan Douglas 14. Emily Petzel Best 4 Head of Ewes   1. Rachel Flanders   2. Dalton Hicks

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_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

3. Colby Clark   4. Brianna Brockmann   5. Kennedy Algire   6. Clayton Stephens   7. Jared Bruhin   8. Jacob Elsbury   9. Dillon Harris 10. Emily Petzel 11. Nathan Douglas Market Lamb Light   1. Colby Clark   2. Tyler Rozema

3. Clayton Stephens   4. Jake Mingus   5. Colby Clark   6. Clayton Stephens Market Lamb Heavy     1. Abigayle Burns Champion   2. Lindsey O’Hara Reserve Champion   3. Shelby Harwood   4. Jared Bruhin   5. Coral Nelson

6. Josh Sargent   7. Thomas Rozema Showmanship Group 9 Jacob Fowler Ram Fleece Jared Bruhin Ewe Fleece Brianna Brockmann Power Point Sr. Jared Bruhin Top Gun Winner Jared Bruhin

National Juniors meeting Nov. 16 The National Shropshire Junior Association will meet at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at NAILE to go over the 2013 activities and plan for 2014. Most important will be the election of the Junior directors. The current president and secretary are both aging out this year so the group needs continuing enthusiasm to keep up the momentum they have established. A junior director is needed from each region of the Shropshire nation. Therefore if you are a junior, or know of a junior Shropshire exhibitor attending NAILE, please encourage them to attend. Pizza, drinks and fun activities will be included. Location will be posted in the Shropshire display area and announced. The Junior Association will again hold a 50/50 raffle with tickets available Saturday and Sunday. The drawing to be held during

the Champion Ewe drive. There will also be a silent auction of baskets. If you would like to donate, bring your basket to the area near the sheep office. Bidding will open Saturday and continue through the week, concluding at the end of the Shropshire Open Show. Please support the activities of the juniors. Before we know it, they will be driving the breed!

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Emily Anderson is

oving her



Emily Anderson is in her second year of 4-H (Easy Riders) but has been helping her mom and dad with their flock since she was born. The 10-year-old is a fifth grader and is home schooled. Emily has her own flock of Natural Colored sheep besides the family’s Shropshire flock. Emily’s favorite thing about showing is being in the show ring and making new friends. This was her first year doing lead line which she really liked. She can’t wait to get to Louisville this year! Emily is the daughter of Matthew and Christie Anderson of Macon, Mo. She has a younger Emily Anderson is pictured on the far left with her Supreme Flock at NEMO Fair, Kirksville, Missouri. brother, Andrew. _______ Page 42

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The Larimore grandchildren look over their sheep pen, from left, Jennifer Parson 8, Caleb Murphy 10, Cole Murphy 8, Grace Murphy 6, Brooklyn Larimore 2, Jack Parson 5 and Colton Parson 1-1/2, in the background held by his dad, Luke Parson.

Grandkids are focus for Larimores Larry and Sharon Larimore of the Triple J Farm Flock in Harrington, Delaware got help from all seven of their grandchildren at the Delaware State Fair this summer. Five of the kids were in the show ring at one time or another throughout the show. Notice the ribbons proudly shown in their back pockets.Two-year-old Brooklyn, who finished seventh in the class, got a

ribbon and she was so excited. Her words were, “Mommy! I made the team!” At this show all three of Larry and Sharon’s kids, their spouses and all seven grandkids were there to be a part of the excitement. “This is what we are trying to accomplish with our grandkids,” Larry and Sharon Larimore proudly stated.

Snap Shot your Junior member

The Shropshire Voice is always looking for photos and stories of the junior Shropshire members and their sheep. If you have a fun photo or a story to share about one of your youth in their Shropshire activities please send it to Voice publisher Rinda Maddox at shropshirevoice@thesidellreporter.com or mail to Shropshire Voice, P.O. Box 475, Sidell, IL 61876. _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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North East Youth Sheep Show

2. Colby Clark   3. James Surgenor Junior Ram Lamb   1. Colby Clark Pair of Ram Lambs   1. Colby Clark Yearling Ewe   1. Colby Clark   2. Alyssa Weld, Warwick, MA   3. Clayton Stephens   4. Colby Clark   5. Alyssa Weld   6. John Hayward   7. Clayton Stephens   8. Dillon Harris   9. Dillon Harris 10. Taylor Harrison 11. James Surgenor Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. Alyssa Weld   2. Colby Clark   3. Dillon Harris   4. Clayton Stephens Senior Ewe Lamb   1. Dillon Harris   2. Jason Zimmerman

Intermediate Ewe Lamb   1. Colby Clark   2. Clayton Stephens   3. Dillon Harris   4. Colby Clark,   5. Dillon Harris   6. Taylor Harrison   7. Clayton Stephens   8. Taylor Harrison Junior Ewe Lamb   1. John Hayward   2. Colby Clark   3. Jason Zimmerman   4. Dillon Harris   5. Jessie Rugar, Clinton Corners, NY   6. Clayton Stephens   7. Clayton Stephens Pair of Ewe Lambs   1. Colby Clark   2. Dillon Harris   3. Jason Zimmerman   4. Taylor Harrison Exhibitors Flock   1. Colby Clark   2. Dillon Harris   3. John Hayward   4. Jason Zimmerman

Kirsten Keck gets help from

Austin Bartholomew holds his lamb for the judges in the Junior Preview.

Becca Jones of Brighton, Mo. does some touch up in the Junior Preview.

Senior Showmanship   1. Colby Clark, Gilmanton, NH   2. Clayton Stephens, Clinton Corners, NY   3. Dillon Harris, Ludlow, MA Junior Showmanship   1. Jessie Rugar, Clinton Corners, NY   2. Taylor Harrison, Tivoli, NY   3. Jason Zimmerman, Reinholds, PA Yearling Ram   1. James Surgenor, Meriden, NH Senior Ram Lamb   1. Colby Clark   2. John Hayward, No Yarmouth, ME   3. Jason Zimmerman Intermediate Ram Lamb   1. Dillon Harris

Kasey Schniedermeyer, back,

in the Junior Preview. _______ Page 44

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Midwest Junior Preview

Sedalia, Missouri Yearling Ram   1. Andrew Anderson   2. Emily Anderson   3. Sara Bartholomew   4. Sara Bartholomew   5. Austin Bartholomew   6. Alicia Heinecke   7. Taylor Kemp Fall Ram   1. Alicia Heinecke   2. Sara Bartholomew   3. Marc Schmidt Spring Ram   1. Dalton Hicks   2. Dalton Hicks   3. Alicia Heinecke   4. Alicia Heinecke   5. Sara Bartholomew   6. Emily Anderson   7. Emily Anderson   8. Taylor Kemp   9. Taylor Kemp 10. Taylor Kemp Champion Ram Alicia Heinecke Reserve Champion Ram Dalton Hicks

Eric Bruns has his yearling ewe judged at NEYSS. _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Yearling Ewe   1. Alicia Heinecke   2. Dalton Hicks   3. Dalton Hicks   4. Dalton Hicks   5. Emily Anderson   6. Alicia Heinecke   7. Sara Bartholomew   8. Austin Bartholomew   9. Emily Anderson 10. Marshall Kemp 11. Taylor Kemp 12. Taylor Kemp Fall Ewe   1. Rebecca Jones   2. Colby Chastain   3. Dalton Hicks   4. Cole Damman   5. Sara Bartholomew Spring Ewe   1. Alicia Heinecke   2. Alicia Heinecke   3. Austin Bartholomew   4. Kirsten Keck   5. Emily Anderson   6. Dalton Hicks   7. Colby Chastain   8. Rebecca Jones   9. Rebecca Jones 10. Hunter Keck 11. Sara Bartholomew Champion Ewe Alicia Heinecke

Reserve Champion Ewe Alicia Heinecke

Clark County Fair, Wash.

Judge: Justin Benz Yearling Ewe   1. Laurie Koch   2. Laurie Koch   3. Kady Fugre   4. Lindsey Larson Pair of Yearling Ewes   1. Laurie Koch Spring Ewe Lamb   1. Tate Dockter   2. Laurie Koch   3. Lindsey Larson   4. Laurie Koch Pair of Ewe Lambs   1. Laurie Koch Best Two Sheep   1. Laurie Koch Champion Ewe Laurie Koch Yearling lamb Res. Champ Ewe Tate Dockter Spring ewe Senior Showmanship   1. Laurie Koch   2. Kady Fugre

NEYSS exhibitors, from left, Jessica Rugar, John Hayward, Colby Clark,Taylor Harrison, Dillon Harris, Jason Zimmerman and Clayton Stephens. The New England Shropshire Association provided embroidered sheep blankets to all Shropshire exhibitors. _______ Page 45

to these breeders who nominated Shropshire ewes to the 2013 Futurity Programs!

Without you, there would be no success with this program. Ewe Lambs

Ewe Lambs – 121 Adams Shropshires - 4 Art Brown & Family - 2 Austin & Trent Bechtold – 4 Avery Shropshires – 1 Brandt Sheep farm – 2 Brianna Brockmann – 2 Bryant Shrops – 1 BWB Farms Inc – 1 Callie Taylor – 1 Christine & Monica Ebert – 4 City Limits Sheep Farm – 7 Crago Family Ranch – 2 Craig & Patterson – 2 Dalton Hicks – 2 Edison Shippy & Family – 2 Emily Washburn - 2 Emma Joy Hawkins – 2 Erik Mrozinski – 5 Glenn High & Family – 5 High Life Farm – 4 Isler Shropshires – 2 Jason Heeg – 2 JN Dirlam & Sons – 3 John Melvin & Family – 2 Katie Schimm – 1 Kyle Moshier – 4 Mike & Karen Elsbury Family – 4 Mark McCabe & Family – 1 Michael L Anderson – 3 Moeller Shrops – 1 Creamer Shrops – 2

Morgan Cabaniss – 2 Randy & Julie Rife – 25 Rueber Shropshires – 1 Schoolhouse Shropshires – 4 Sugar Ridge Ranch – 2 Tim Elsbury – 1 Wayne Brooks – 2 Wenner Family Farm - 1

Yearling Ewes

Yearling Ewes - 21 Bryan Miller – 1 Callie Taylor – 2 City Limits Sheep Farm – 2 Erik Mrozinski – 3 Mark McCabe & Family – 1 Michael L Anderson – 2 Randy & Julie Rife – 3 Sargent Shropshires – 2 Majors Show Lambs – 1 Isler Shropshires – 1 Avery Shropshires – 1 David W Harrell – 1 JS Shropshires – 2 Creamer Shrops - 1

In addition, there were three 2012 Futurity Ewe Lambs renominated to the 2013 Yearling Ewe Futurity Jaedyn Slutz -1 Dalton Hicks – 2 Jake Mingus – 1 Kaitlin Klair – 1 Total 28 Yearling Ewes

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_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

2013 Scholarship recipients Eight scholarship applications were received in 2013 and they all showed numerous academic, community, leadership and Shropshire accomplishments. Two equal scholarships of $400 are being awarded to Jared Bruhin and Katherine Wenner.

Jared Bruhin Jared Bruhin of Sevierville, Tenn. is the son of Alan and Debbie Bruhin. He graduated from Sevier County High School last May. There, Jared held a GPA of 4.0. He was an honors student for all four years and was selected several times to attend several leadership classes and forums. At Sevier, he was a member of the Science Club, the Math Club and the Beta Club. Jared was also very active in the FFA where he has been a state finalist in the Sheep Proficiency for the past two years. Jared was also an avid 4-Her and was the State Sheep Project Winner in last year. Jared also attended the Tennessee Governor’s School for Agriculture in 2012. Jared will attend University of Tennessee in the fall where he will major in Agriculture Animal Science Here is a portion of his scholarship essay: “I first became involved with the sheep project in the 4th grade. I enrolled in 4-H and had to try all the animal projects. My first year I was showing heifers, sheep and hogs. Needless to say, my family stayed on the go that first show season. My dad encouraged me to cut back so I could do a better job with the species I selected. After a lot of consideration, I decided to focus on my sheep project. My first year I showed market lambs, commercial ewes and registered Shropshires. I was always attracted to the Shropshires at the shows. Slick shearing was something I could handle. I convinced my dad that Shropshires was the way to go. The very next spring, we made our way to the Shropshire Classic Sale held in Ohio. I picked

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Jared Bruhin out two ewe lambs and I was in the Shropshire business. I really had a good time showing that year. We attended several county fairs all over East Tennessee. We didn’t always win, but we always had a good time. Show season wasn’t over before I had started on my dad that we needed to expand the show flock for the next year. I still have that same feeling eight years later. I have been very lucky to develop a small but successful show flock of Shropshires. We have a very limited amount of pasture at home so I am always culling to keep only the very best ewes. Currently I have a small but high quality flock of two rams, 20 brood ewes and four yearlings for show and replacement. My flock is made up of ewes I have purchased or raised the past six years. The foundation is made up of the breeding of several of the top flocks in the country. I have used rams from Mark McCabe, Randy Rife and Rolling Hills. Along with the sheep came responsibilities. Early on it was just feeding and exercising my lambs, however as I have grown so have my responsibilities. Today I assist with lambing and all management practices such as health care. Learning to tube a lamb was pretty exciting. I had always watched but never felt comfort_______ Page 47

able doing it until this past year. Getting lambs ready to show has also become more of my responsibility. It’s not uncommon for us to have as many as 24 animals to get ready for our state junior livestock expo. In addition to that, I have a small group of junior 4-Hers from my county that I work with in a project group. I often assist them in getting their lambs ready for show, as well. I have always enjoyed working with younger 4-H members. In addition to my project group, each year I hold an animal science day. I do this in cooperation with the local Extension Office. Over the past six years, I have had over 70 4th and 5th graders come to learn about lambs. During this workshop I try to teach everything they will need to know about lambs. I try to make the class as much “hands on” as possible. Each young person will wash, shear and show a lamb during the day. They also learn about nutrition, equipment and showmanship. It is always a highlight of my year to see some of these young people select a lamb and follow through the project. My FFA Advisors also keep be busy. Each year I bring lambs to school and help teach the sheep part of the animal science class. As I have grown with my sheep project so has the number of shows I attend. This past year was our most involved in the show ring. We started the show season July 4 at the All- American and did not finish until the North American. Shows in-between included all the small county shows and several of the larger state shows. I attended the four major fairs in Tennessee including the state fair as well as the Georgia National, North Carolina and South Carolina State Fairs. The highlight of my sheep career has been becoming involved at the national level with other junior Shropshires breeders. I have served the past two years as the Junior Shropshire Association Ambassador and have had the opportunity to serve on the board of directors for the newly formed junior association. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the American Shropshire Association for the interest they have taken in young people showing sheep. The Shropshire Futurity and this scholarship show the commitment you have made to the future of our breed. I, for one, have benefitted greatly from the programs you offer.Thanks for all you do.” _______ Page 48

Katherine Wenner

Katherine Wenner Katherine Wenner of Lewis Center, Ohio is the daughter of Beth and Kevin Wenner. She is currently a senior at the Ohio State University where she has been on the Dean’s List for five semesters and is also a member of the School of Music. Katherine also is an outstanding young leader recruiting students to OSU and also serving as the National 4-H Conference Collegiate Facilitator in Washington D.C. in 2011 and 2012. Katherine is also a figure skater and has served as an elementary school tutor. She is majoring in Animal Sciences and Nutrition at Ohio State. Here is a portion of her essay: “In 2005, a friend asked me to help show a market lamb at the county fair and I said yes, thus receiving my first experience working with sheep, after showing cattle from age nine and originally coming from a non-agriculturally oriented family. Weeks later in the fall of 2005, I purchased a commercial ewe, but then was introduced to the Shropshire breed in spring 2006. I formally began my purebred flock of _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

elite Shropshire sheep that spring and have been actively involved in the industry ever since. After I began my flock, I recruited my family to join me in promoting the sheep industry.We now work together to improve our flock and increase overall awareness of the industry. I personally own 18 ewes (14 brood ewes which produced 23 lambs this past spring) and I am responsible for managing a flock totaling 51 sheep. I select new show stock, breeding ewes and bucks necessary for improvement of the flock. I analyze stock to improve genetics and characteristics of the flock with a goal to have a positive impact on the Shropshire breed. I was responsible for feeding, watering, sanitation and lambing during the high school years, during the summer months and currently during the school year as often as my undergraduate academic schedule allows. As I study to receive my Bachelors of Science in nutrition with an Animal Science degree, nutrition is of high importance when making management decisions; I work to plan the best feed rations for our sheep, considering production stage, body condition score and current finances. I am responsible for treatment program; vaccinations, regular treatment for internal and external parasites, and regular examinations for various illnesses that may occur. I am the primary caretaker of our marketing media site; and determine the keep/cull for all sheep. We market to the Mt. Vernon United Producers, Incorporated. We have shown and sold registered ewes at the Shropshire Classic and

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Great Lakes sales. I served as the 2010-2011 Ohio Shropshire Ambassador and advised club and county 4-H members, teaching showmanship and show preparation to members. I am currently serving as the Extension 4-H Animal Sciences intern. I was responsible for preparing the 2011 and 2012 Ohio State Fair Sheep Skillathon competitions. I’ve assisted with livestock judging clinics and teaching state livestock judging competitors about sheep selection. I have shown my Shrops at the North American International Livestock Exposition, the Ohio State Fair Open and Jackpot shows, Delaware County Junior Open Breeding and Market Lamb Shows as well as the Sheep Lead-in contest. I have participated in the National-H Skillathon contest where I was the high National Individual overall and was a member of the 4th National team in 2008.� Congratulations to both of these young Shropshire enthusiasts. We are very proud of our young people and look forward to supporting our youth activities. Two $400 awards will be available on 2014. Students are encouraged to apply for these scholarships as long as they are currently enrolled in an under-graduate program and directly involved with Shropshire sheep. Applications are available on www.shropshires. org and are due June 1st, 2014 in the office of the ASRA. Only complete applications which will include official transcripts of all high school and college work completed along with two letters of recommendation will be considered.

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Dalton Hicks Champion Shropshire Ewe at Kansas State Fair

with his Roberts Farm yearling ewe. Watch for her at Louisville!

Tim Roberts & Family Registered Shropshire Sheep _______ Page 50

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

2013 Shropshire Ewe Lamb Futurity as of 10-05-13 Ewe Lamb Futurity



Rank Exhibitor

Ewe Lamb



1   1   3   3     5   6   7

Clayton Stephens Dillon Harris Dillon Harris Kaitlin Klair Dillon Harris Clayton Stephens Alex Swan Colby Clark

Bechtold 3047 Rife 13-015 Rife 13-198 Rife 13-110 Rife 13-179 Hicks 13-08 Washburn 1340 Rife 13-052

30 30 27 27 26 20 13 5

2 5 5 3 5 1 2 1

East (NY) East (MA) East (MA)  East (MD) East (MA) East (NY) East (MD) East (NH)

1   2   3   4   5   5

Josh Sargent Kennedy Algire Seth Evans Seth Evans Jake Mingus Megan Hardesty

Bechtold 3054 BWB 1289 Elsbury 1441 High Life 1303 Schoolhouse 1301 City Limits 1254

60 20 16 8 6 6

5 2 1 1 2 3

MidEast (OH) MidEast (OH) MidEast (OH) MidEast (OH) Mid East (OH) MidEast (OH)

1   2   3   4   4   6   7   8   9 10 10 12 13

Jacob Elsbury Nathan Douglas Lauren Mohr Emily Petzel Emily Petzel Lauren Mohr Nathan Douglas Rebecca Jones Jansyn Van Horn Alicia Heinecke Alicia Heinecke Jaedyn Slutz Emma Douglas

Elsbury’s 1434 Mrozinski 13-05 Anderson 1309 Melvin 3679 Mrozinski 13-12 Adams 1310 Step Ahead 2583 Mike Anderson 13-02 Ebert 3121 Rife 13-039 Rife 13-016 Elsbury 1436 Schoolhouse 1347

50 31 30 27 27 24 20 12 11 10 10 10 6

5 4 2 3 3 2 4 3 3 1 1 1 2

West & Central (IN) West & Central (IL) West & Central (IL) West & Central (WI) West & Central (WI) West & Central (IL) West & Central (IL) West & Central (MO) West & Central (KS) West & Central (MO) West & Central (MO) West & Central (IL) West & Central (IL)

CLSF 1213 Majors 12-1439 Mrozinski 12-07 Percival 010 Rife 12-030 Bilyeu 12010 Moeller 2908 Rife 12-083 Elsbury 1349 Adams 1203

36 35 30 23 20 20 11 10 10 7

4 4 2 4 1 3 2 1 1 1

MidEast (OH) Mid East (OH) West & Central Mid East (OH) West & Central West & Central (IL) East (MD) West & Central (MO) West & Central (IL) West & Central (MO)


Yearling Ewe Futurity   1   2   3   4   5   5   7   8   8 10

Josh Sargent Josh Sargent Dalton Hicks Jake Mingus Dalton Hicks Nathan Douglas Kaitlin Klair Alicia Heinecke Jaedyn Slutz Alicia Heinecke

Note that the All-American Junior Show and the NAILE Junior show are double point shows. All ties will be broken at NAILE. Questions should be directed to Becky Peterson at 413624-9652 or shropsec@hotmail.com

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_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Genetic profiling project By Cody Hiemke This spring Shropshire breeders throughout the world collected DNA samples for a genomic profiling project. The purpose of this project was to genetically evaluate diversity throughout the breed. Prompted in part be a project the Shropshire Sheep Breeders Association (SSBA) in the UK was undertaking, American Shropshire producers were afforded the opportunity to join in the project. Drs. John Woolliams and Ricardo PongWong from the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland have been essential in assisting us in evaluating the results. Currently the entire Shropshire data set has been evaluated. The following is a recap of the evaluation so far. Samples submitted A variety of samples were submitted from across the world. In the UK the SSBA picked up the cost for the samples they submitted (which included one US sample). The UKbased samples were selected from the 15 most unrelated rams within their population. What was considered the “American data set” included sheep from the US, Canada, New Zealand, and Denmark (via Norway). Individual producers picked up the $175 per sample cost to evaluate each sample; in an effort to gain greater amounts of samples some producers covered more than their share of samples. An effort was made to gather samples that represented the diversity of the American Shropshire population. For purposes of evaluation, the “American data set” (including the US sample submitted by the UK) was categorized based on knowledge of pedigree

and type. See Table 1 for a listing of the categories and number of samples submitted. Individuals within the data set were assigned a numerical code that would allow for easy identification when the samples were plotted. (See Table 1 below) Sample analysis The samples of DNA processed by GeneSeek in Nebraska using a 50K SNP chip. The data generated from that analysis was analyzed by Dr. Ricardo Pong-Wong, a colleague of Dr. John Woolliams at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland. The analysis done by Dr. Pong-Wong determined four principal components over the entire 50,000 snip evaluation that was significant to the Shropshire population. Principal components are a technique used for exploratory data analysis when groups of individuals have a number of measurements taken on them. Principal components find the weighted sum of the measurements that create the greatest differences between individuals, which it calls the first principle component. Next it looks for a combination that is completely different from the first but exhibits the next greatest differences among individuals; this is the second principle component. The analysis carries on in this way, and with a number of different measurements one can identify a number of different directions (i.e. a number of different principle components, with each successive direction having less and less variation, more and more similarity). In this application the measurements are the genotypes at each of the marker loci. The usefulness of this technique in genetics

TABLE 1       : Shropshire samples for genomic evaluation Category # of samples Plot color Sample ID number range UK 15 pink NA Traditional North American 6 red 11 – 16 Traditional US w/NZ influence 4 green 21 – 24 Modern US 13 dark blue 31 – 43 New Zealand 1 yellow 81 Danish 3 light blue 91 – 93

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is that, if within a group of individuals there is a mix of several groups that differ in the frequencies of some or all of the marker genotypes, then these markers identify distinct differences between the groups compared. These differences will be picked up by the initial principle components. Therefore if data is mixed from several breeds and they differ in frequencies for a number of markers then it would be expected to see these groups being separated out by the technique. Principal components will pick up on the relatively large differences between breeds compared to within breeds. Other techniques would be used to find the best discriminator among a set of breeds, but principle components is an easy technique to apply to see how strongly the breed structure emerges from the variation observed among all the animals. For Shropshires, the complete (US and UK) data sets can be graphed to show significant variation within the first two principal component (Graph 1 below). This plot is fascinating to step back and look at. However since it is expected that popula-

tions within a breed will start to segregate genetically within different geographical areas over time, this graph is of limited use to compare “purity� of samples submitted. This plot simply shows the similarity of the various samples submitted. Next Steps In order to complete the evaluation of these samples, principal components must be determined for the entire Shropshire data set when compared to like breeds. A data set representing Irish and Australian Suffolks exists as result the International Sheep Genome Consortium work was provided by Dr. James Kijas at CSIRO in Australia. This data can now be compared to this Shropshires. We are actively seeking similar data sets for American downland breeds (Suffolk, Southdown, Hampshire, and Oxford) and a grant is being considered to fund tests for these four breeds. Another update will be provided as this process takes the next step forward. Should you have questions about what is presented here, please feel free to contact Cody Hiemke at 415-302-8035 or codyh@nimanranch.com.

Graph 1: UK and US data sets graphed on the first two principal components

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City Limits

Sheep Farm CLSF 1228 “Titan”

Champion Ram

2013 Wisconsin & Illinois State Fairs

For Sale

at StarS oF louiSville!

CLSF 1322

First Feb. Ewe Lamb

2013 Wisconsin & Illinois State Fairs

Champion Ewe

Wisconsin & Illinois State Fairs

Reserve Champion Ewe and Ram Indiana State Fair

Premier Exhibitor

CLSF 1253 First Fall Ewe Lamb

2013 Wisconsin & Indiana State Fairs

Second Fall Ewe Lamb 2013 Illinois State Fair

Wisconsin & Illinois State Fairs Thanks to all of our bidders and buyers from the sales and farm! Look at our sale entries for the Stars of Louisville sale.

www.citylimitssheepfarm.com Tom Slutz & Family Brad Slutz & Family

P.O. Box 177, LaMoille IL 61330 815-638-2177 • tcslutz@gmail .com _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Maple Park IL 60151 • 815-766-0584 bslutz@1stfarmcredit.com _______ Page 55

r h o S ps S S

Iowa State Fair

Reserve Champion Ewe February Ewe Lamb

SS Shrops 13-33

Iowa State Fair

1st place March Ram

SS Shrops 13-43

Iowa State Fair

1st Pair Ewe Lambs (1st Jan & 1st Feb)

SS Shrops 13-17 & 13-33


7622 Jersey Ridge Rd., Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730 • ssshrops@netins.net _______ Page 56

Also at the State Fair: 2nd & 3rd January Ram 1st March Ram 2nd pair Ram lambs 2nd Fall Ewe 1st & 3rd January Ewe 1st February Ewe 2nd & 3rd March Ewe 1st pair Ewe lambs 1st pair mix lambs 1st Young Flock 2nd Flock 2nd Premier exhibitor

Thanks to Blair and Stacy for helping show this year! _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Michael Anderson of Paxton, Ill. holds the plaque he received for Land of Lincoln Purebred Breeders Association. Pictured with Anderson, front, from left, August Schetter State FFA Reporter, Michael Anderson, Rachel Hawk State FFA Vice-President, Sam Detwiler, State FFA President, Cody Carmon, State FFA Secretary, Joe Heavner, State FFA Treasurer.

Anderson accepts plaque for LOL The Land of Lincoln Purebred Livestock Breeder’s Association was recognized with the 50 Year Sponsor Award by the Illinois Foundation FFA. The plaque was presented at the Salute to Ag Day held August 13, 2013 at the Illinois State Fair. The 2013-2014 Illinois State FFA Officers presented the plaque to Mr. Michael Anderson, president of the Land of Lincoln Association.

Anderson, of Paxton, Ill. a Shropshire breeder for 57 years, dispersed his flock earlier this spring. The 50 Year Sponsor Award is presented to sponsors of the Illinois Foundation FFA who have donated to the Foundation for 50 years with at least $50 annually. Money donated is used to provide incentive awards and leadership training for the more than 17,000 FFA members in Illinois.

E rik M ros zi n ski

hrop shirE s

5906 E. 650 N. Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 (219) 716-4921 • emrozins@gmail.com

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~ In Memory ~ Robert “Bob” Tobey of Rochester, Ind. died April 20, 2012. His wife, Shirley died Sept. 4, 2013. They were long-time Shropshire breeders. Their daughter, Lee Ann Eizinger writes about her parents: The Shropshire breed was raised on Mom’s family farm starting back in 1919. Mom and Dad were married in 1955 and began raising their own flock. They lived a half mile north of the home place where Mom was born and raised. They moved back to that home place in 1976. I have all the records and registration papers. I can remember my Grandfather Wagoner getting his rams for Mr. Hopper down at Onward, Ind. My dad got a couple rams from Sam Washburn over at Fowler, Ind. in the early 70’s. Those rams really changed our flock for the better. My Dad bought a couple of rams from Jasper Dirlam and got involved in the State Breed Association and activities. Later, we bought rams from Illinois and Ohio. The last rams that my Dad bought were from Randy Rife. He enjoyed riding over to Yellow Springs and checking out the flock. Randy really helped the kids out one time when dogs got into the 4-H sheep and they bought three bred ewes. They really appreciated the breed character in his sheep. My kids only bought ewes a couple times when they needed to replace what was lost by dogs. One of my kid’s quote is “it takes a special person who can be proud of what they have raised and kept up the pedigrees, any one can go out and purchase a lamb.” Over the years my parents were very active in the Indiana Shropshire Association. They held picnics at the farm south of Rochester. My kids, Amy and Burke, became active in the breed from the time they were small. I showed at the Indiana State Fair twice in my 10 year 4-H career and the kids showed there from 1992-2003 during their 4-H years. My parents served on different commit_______ Page 58

tees when Indiana was host to two National shows in 1992 and 2002 and Tobey/Eizinger sheep were there. I also got involved in the junior activities and got things going for both the ewe and wether shows. Participants got T-shirts for first-time showmen and pizza parties were enjoyed the 4-Hers sponsored by the Indiana Shropshire Association. Trips to Louisville to the National Livestock show were special to my parents. They liked going to Madison and onto Louisville. Their anniversary was the last of November so that was a good way to celebrate. Once the grandkids came into the family it became a family trip. Sometimes just the kids would go and other times it was the whole family. My parents also took the kids and their sheep to Louisville two different years. The sheep have always been a part of the family. Last year, just two weeks after my father passed, the newest addition to the family arrived. Collette Reice Ott, Amy’s daughter. The flock will continue as I have cared for it for the last five years. ROBERT (BOB) TOBEY Lifelong Fulton County farmer, Robert C. “Bob” Tobey, 77, of Rochester, Ind. passed away Friday, April 20, 2012. He was born on Sept. 15, 1934, in Fulton County, the son of Howard and Mary Newell Tobey. Growing up he shared his childhood with a brother, Thomas and two sisters, Jane and Phyllis. As a young man Bob attended the Woodrow School for eight years. During his freshman year he began attending Rochester High School. A member of the RHS football team, Bob graduated with his class of 1952. Embracing agriculture during his youth Bob was a charter member and one of the founders of the Rochester High School Future Farmers of America Chapter. He loved judging livestock in FFA and enjoyed attending fairs around northern Indiana to just visit the livestock barns and take in visual images of all of the animals he would see. Bob was also a 10-year member of Fulton County 4-H. With great pride Bob showed _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

the Jersey calf at the Indiana State Fair. He also showed a hog he raised at our county fair that was recognized as Grand Champion Hog. He was an active participant in the Hoosier Quality Wether Shows. During his youth, Bob developed a strong work ethic and a passion for agriculture. Each day there were many chores and with great dedication he addressed them meticulously and on time. Among his prized livestock were a fine herd of Jersey cows, and Chester White hogs. Their farm also produced beans, hay and corn. During the late 1950’s more livestock was added to the farming operation including purebred Shropshire Sheep, and Hereford/ Simmental Beef Cattle. White Emden Geese also inhabited the farm and one year more than 300 went to Chicago for the holidays. Some will remember Bob during the planting and harvest season perched on top of his International 806 or his 1952 N - Ford tractor. There are many fond memories with Bob on the farm. One is the “green bean processing day,” a true production line. The entire family would provide a team effort to harvest the green beans, snap, and wash prior to canning the delicious veggies that would be enjoyed by all thru the winter to early spring. Another prominent memory is “Wash Day,” an annual event just prior to the arrival of Fulton County 4-H week. Bathing and grooming their sheep, hogs and geese so they would be attired in their finest for their judging day! There was no better cattle caller or bird caller than Bob as his calls could be heard all over the neighborhood. Over the years Bob enjoyed many aspects of horticulture. He planted a beautiful variety of flowers that enhanced the landscape of his home, exploding with bloom throughout the summer and fall seasons. He is best remembered for his ability to grow Zinnias. With a touch of craftsmanship he would arrange fresh flower bouquets or incorporate a grapevine wreath with a touch of fresh cut flowers to share with family, neighbors and special friends. One year 20 Shropshire

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Bob and Shirley Tobey lambs bred and born on Tobey Farms were found in seven different counties. Bob was accomplished with his ‘favorite’ tools of the trade, binder twine and bailing wire. A memorable 4-H accomplishment occurred during Burke’s show tenure. Taking nearly three and a half decades, Tobey Farms was the proud home of the Fulton County Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Ewes and Grand Champion Dam and Daughter a clean sweep, a rare achievement for any farming operation. In 2008 the State of Indiana recognized Tobey farms with a Centennial award as the farm had been owned by the family for over 100 years as it was established by family in 1894. Bob witnessed his dream of his grandchildren competing at the Indiana State Fair with Shropshires for 11 years. He also showed in the open event two times. Bob and Burke and Amy all represented Tobey farms at the International Livestock Expo in Louisville on several occasions, showcasing some of their finest sheep. Bob was a 77 year member of the Trinity United Methodist Church. He and Shirley were members of the Come-Join-Us Sunday School Class. There was many memories of hayrides, wiener roasts and New Year’s cel_______ Page 59

ebrations with the class. Bob was a devoted member of the Fulton County Republicans serving Precinct # 7 as committeeman during the 60’s and 70’s. Other memberships include the Fulton County Farm Bureau, Fulton County Purebred Breeders Association, member and past president of the Shropshire Breeders Association, National Shropshire Breeders Association, Fulton County Extension Board serving a 15 year stint. Fulton County Sheep Committee for +50 years, serving as sheep superintendent during the 1960’s and early 1970’s. Bob led the Woodrow Sodbusters for over 45 years as leader. As a young man he was a member of the Indiana Jersey Registry and the Chester White Registry. In addition to farming Bob worked for the Farm Bureau Coop as bulk delivery driver for 17 years. Later he worked for the State Highway Department also for 17 years, retiring in 2000. He told many stories of his adventures driving the plows clearing the Indiana highways making Hoosier driving safe.To

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relax he and Shirley looked forward to their annual November trek to Louisville, home of the International Livestock Exposition. Shirley Tobey Shirley Colleen Wagoner Tobey, 76, of Rochester, Ind. passed away unexpectedly, Sept. 4, 2013, at her home. On Oct. 1, 1936, Shirley Colleen was born at home in Fulton County, the cherished daughter of Charles C. and Pearl E. Marsh Wagoner. She lived most of her life in the home where she was born, but always lived in Rochester Township in the Mt. Zion neighborhood. Shirley attended the Woodrow School for the first eight years before her high school years at Rochester High School, graduating with her class in 1954. As a youngster Shirley was a 10-year member of the Woodrow Peppers. Her father, Charles Wagoner, bred and raised a fine flock of Shropshire sheep beginning in 1919, when he bought the farm, a wonderful place to raise his family. Growing up she helped tend the laying hens, Jersey cattle and Chester White hogs. She and her mother sold eggs in town. Her dad wouldn’t let her show the sheep until her later years of 4-H because in that era it wasn’t lady like. Winning the heart of her future soul mate, Shirley could bake an extraordinary fluffy chiffon cake. On Nov. 25, 1955 at Rochester’s E.U.B. Church, Shirley Colleen Wagoner married her best friend, Robert Charles Tobey. Their union spanned 56 years of love, family and adventures in life. Together they raised two beautiful daughters Deborah and Lee Ann. Tragically Debbie passed away dur-

If you have an obituary to include in the Voice, email it to shropshirevoice@    thesidellreporter.com _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

ing her freshman year in high school. The added blessings of two grandchildren, Amy and Burke, and a great-granddaughter completed the family tree. Shirley was a member of the of the Trinity United Methodist Church for over a half century. She and Bob were members of the Come-Join-Us Sunday School class, and also members of the young Republican Club. A vibrant member of the Republican Women’s Club, Shirley served the group as president for a number of years. She also played a vital roll with the Central Committee and served as secretary of the county G.O.P. For her dedicated service to the Fulton County Republicans, Shirley was recognized and awarded with the 2007 Republican Woman of the Year. For nearly 36 years Shirley could be found in the courthouse serving the public from the extension office, treasurer’s office and retiring from the surveyor’s office in December of 2006. At home in the earlier years, at the holidays and special family celebrations the family would gather for the feast at Shirley’s treasured Tell City hard rock maple dining set. She and Bob looked forward to shopping trips to Indianapolis and visiting L.S. Ayres or J. Shepherd searching for bargains and special sales. She loved the warmth of


her Pendleton woolen suits. To relax, Shirley would sit on the front porch swing, observing the wren’s nest in the gourds that Bob had grown and hung in order to help their little feathered friends. Over the years, Shirley canned and froze all kinds of produce from the gardens and fruit trees. She was especially remembered for her cookie baking and decorating at the holidays. Grandma Shirley was proud of her grandchildren and their accomplishments. The arrival of Collette, the fourth generation, marked some very special memories. Bob and Shirley are lovingly remembered by his daughter, Lee Ann Tobey Eizinger and husband Tim of Rochester, Ind.; two grandchildren Amy Eizinger Ott (husband Eric) of Greenfield, and Burke Eizinger (wife Tasha) of Syracuse; a great-granddaughter Collette Reise Ott; and several nieces and nephews. Bob also is survived by a sister and a brother. Preceding them in death are a beloved daughter, Deborah Sue Tobey on September 1970, a sister and infant brother of Shirley and their parents. The family requests memorials to the Robert C “Bob” Tobey Memorial Scholarship Fund thru the Northern Indiana Community Foundation, 715 Mail Street, Rochester, IN 46975.

13 calendar

Nov. 15-22................ NAILE Sheep Show, Louisville, KY

Nov. 15................ Noon. Leadline.

Nov. 16................ 9 a.m. Stars of Louisville Shropshire Show

Nov. 15................ 5 p.m. Junior Breeding Sheep Showmanship Nov. 16................ 10 a.m. Stars of Louisville Shropshire Sale Nov. 16................ All Day Junior Wether Show

Nov. 16................ 5 p.m. Junior Shropshire Association Meeting

Nov. 17................ Junior Breeding Sheep Show

Nov. 20................ 7 p.m. ASRA Annual Meeting of the Members

Nov. 20................ 10 a.m. ASRA Board of Director’s Meeting

Nov. 21................ 8 a.m. National Shropshire Open Show

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ast summer a young fellow made the statement, “Dad and I have worked over 10 years getting our sheep bigger and now they don’t want big ones!” Our Shropshire breed has been through several distinct transformations over the past century. At the Ohio State Fair in the mid-60s I was sitting on a show box with Earl Douce (Lowell and Everett’s dad). He showed me a picture of the Champion Shropshire Ram at the Ohio State Fair in 1919, a 325 pound, big, open-faced ram with loads of substance. In the early 1900s there were more Shropshires registered than all other breeds combined. Then in the 1930s and 40s, short, squatty woolly headed Southdowns were

totally wool-blind, wide-as-it-was-tall “toy breed” that in many areas was smaller than it’s Southdown counterpart. In fact, in 1951 a popular champion yearling ewe at Chicago weighed just 134 pounds. The vogue for complete wool covering from hooves to nostrils became a necessity for consideration under many judges. The commercial man gave up on Shropshires and the breed’s prominence died! For one thing their wool blind stud ram would get lost and run into the fences. A few foresighted, progressive breeders made a bold step. They went to England and bought larger, open-faced look-alikes of our 19th Century Shropshires. In 1948 Gavin

Change… By Randy Rife Breed Historian

the only thing you can really

winning the wether shows. Shropshire folks followed suit, thinking we must look like Southdowns and they reduced the once universally popular, medium-large, open faced, commercially viable Shropshire to a

Corky – Grand Champion Wether - 1940 American Royal & International Livestock Expo Bred & shown by Iroquois Farm, Cooperstown, N.Y.

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count on!

McKerrow of Wisconsin, imported 26 head he had selected from five leading flocks and in 1951 Farrell Shultz of Ohio hand-picked two powerful studs, “Sir Winston” and “Tern Cambridge.” Other importations followed, but these were the key to turning our breed around. The challenge of blending these two radically different strains of the same breed, the new English genetics and the small, woolly toads was a nearly impossible task. A much larger endeavor was that of getting their progeny accepted by entrenched, zealous breeders. Change is hard to accept! Two decades pass and ”the frame race was on!” We have seen 40 years of selection to make our sheep bigger and taller. We created sheep that lacked capacity, hardiness and durability. The hog industry also went this direction in the mid 70s and quickly aborted that decision. The cattle boys with the Charolais and Chianina also saw the light in short order and went to thicker, meatier _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

animals. In fact, they even put height restrictions for some breeds. Why has the sheep industry been such “slow learners?” While attending the Midwest Stud Ram Sale a few years ago, I went to a Burke and Heggemeier Suffolk production sale. Tom Burke, in his introductory remarks, made the statement, “Suffolks have been through a Baptism of Fire!” I’m sure he was referring to the spider and scrapie issues, but also the dramatic drop in their breed’s registrations. (112,000 in 1981 to 13,000 in 2006, to 8,000 now). The latest change… Shropshire folks and our entire industry are now diligently working at putting more meat, thickness, bone and substance into our sheep. We can’t go back to the small sheep of the ‘30s and ‘40s. We must retain our breed identity. We must keep our breed character and style. A couple of years ago in one of our Ohio Shropshire meetings a longtime prominent Shropshire breeder made the following statement, “The market lamb breeders know more about Shropshire breed character than most Shropshire breeders.” Many wether shows have breed determination judges that don’t hesitate to toss a questionable lamb into the crossbred class. This is as it should be! Let me challenge each and every one of us to accept change, but to maintain our breed identity, to retain Shropshire breed type and style, and to be patient, diligent breeders. Hopefully history will be kind to us! I read awhile back that last year the per capita con-

Shropshire Ram - Topeka, Kansas - 1898 sumption of lobster was greater than that of lamb in this country. Raising sheep with larger loin eyes and more explosive legs surely won’t hurt us. The chicken and hog industry have each done a fabulous job. Can you believe that wings, ribs and bacon bring more money than chicken breasts and pork loins! Has 40 years of the frame race signed our epitaph? We can turn it around. Let’s make it happen… or possibly in another 100 years the Jack Hanna at the Columbus Zoo hopefully will include a few Shropshires. One thing for sure, there will be many changes. Note: Credit must be given to Doug Chamber’s 1984 “The American Shropshire Registry Ass’n – The First Hundred Years” for much of the data in this article.

A band of 4,000 Shropshire ewes on the A.J. Knollin Ranch, Soda Springs, Idaho in winter quarters, 1919.

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Rife 12-050 Our Champion Ewe from the Classic Sale, purchased by Mandy Swartz of New York. Big E Champion Ewe, Supreme Shropshire and Best Headed Ewe.

Congratulations, Mandy ~Randy and Julie

Save the dates! “Great Genetics Make The Difference”

Cream of the Crop I On-line Sale March 23-24, 2014

Cream of the Crop II On-line Sale April 20-21, 2014

Attend our open house, inspection and BBQ Sunday afternoon March 23 and April 20. Check mid-March for catalog, photos and video with Willoughby Sales at www.wlivestock.com

Our 2013 Champion Ewe Ohio State Fair _______ Page 64

(937) 767-1871 Cell: (937) 603-0535 randy@rifeshropshires.com

www.rifeshropshires.com _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Breeder’s Index This list is a paid subscription published both in the Voice and on shropshires.org.

Adams Shropshires 6898 S 7000 W Road Chebanse, IL 60922 (815) 697-2903 radams1976@hotmail.com adamsshropshires.com Anderson Farms Matthew, Christie, Emily & Andrew 919 Coates St. Macon, MO 63552 (660) 988-3503 anderson_farms@hotmail.com Anderson, Michael L. 346 N 1600 E Paxton, IL 60957 (217) 379-3189 (Cell) 217-781-3348, mike.anderson3@frontier.com Avery Shropshires Dennis & Nancy Avery 1500 Douglas Road Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 209-0988 davery@etproducts.com Floyd & Sharon Avery (229) 942-3415 www.averyshropshires.com Barnes, Shane & Kim SKB Shropshires 1122 Browns Creek Rd. Sycamore, PA 15364 (724) 852-2673 kmbarnes@mail.wvu.edu

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Barnes, Tim & Deb Barnes Farms 5707 Mooney Road Radnor, OH 43066 (740) 494-2125 Cell: (740) 815-2402 troytongrn@gmail.com www.barnesfarms.com Bechtold, Austin & Trent 4068 E 1100 N N. Manchester, IN 46962 (260) 578-7769 bbbechtold@frontier.com Benson, Robert Benson Brothers Shropshires 3839 E. 169th Street Westfield, IN 46062 (317) 896-2213 Botsford, Jason Rolling Hill Farms 4646 Rt. 536 Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (507) 301-1034 stctylr@rollinghillssheep.com www.rollinghillssheep.com Brandt Sheep Farms Jim Brandt 8181 SR 274 Anna, OH 45302 (419) 629-1188 Cell: (937) 658-3119 brandtfarms@hotmail.com Brockmann Shropshires Gary, Vicky, Brianna & Austin 2011 Blake Road Garden Prairie, IL 61038 (815) 544-4515

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_______ Page 66





Number of Lambs Raising: Store and Location:

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Brooks, Wayne, Blaze & Jenny 2018 N. State Rd. 101 Decatur, IN 46733 (260) 301-1840 brooksshropshires@yahoo.com Brown, Rob & Ron Clay-Nob Farm 17527 Maple Drive Saegertown, PA 16433 (814) 763-3140 claynob@peoplepc.net Bryant Shropshires Bill Bryant 6838 Bryant Road Fredericktown, OH 43019 (740) 398-2053 Cell: (740) 398-2053 bryantb3@hotmail.com www.bryantsheepandhorses.com Buckham Farms 6508 West R Avenue Schoolcraft, MI 49087 (269) 375-7676 buckhamfarms@yahoo.com BWB Farms, Inc. 1779 Green Road Martinsville, OH 45146 Randy Barr (937) 288-0001 Rick Whiting: (937) 685-2603 Barry Barr: (937) 403-4411 bwbfarmsinc@frontier.net www.bwbfarmsinc.com Cessna, Jim & Nancy Cessna Farms 11100 Jerry City Road Cygnet, OH 43413 (419) 655-3209 jhcessna@dacor.net Corder, Ronnie Ronnie, Diane, Ryan 448 Corder Farm Road Monticello, KY 42633 Home: 606-348-6588 Cell: 606-307-2419 rcorder@windstream.net

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Crago Brothers Shropshires Steve & Louise Crago & Sons 1499 Hiatt Road Clarksville, OH 45113 (937) 289-3167 steven_crago@AOL.com Creamer, R.J. & Molly 4094 Centerville-Newmans Rd. Prospect, OH 43342 RJ: (740) 262-3972 Molly: (740) 391-8314 creamer@marion.net www.creamershropshires.webs.com Diehl, J.L. & G.L. 902 St. Rt. 14 Deerfield, OH 44411 (330) 584-2192 Dirlam, J.N. & Sons & Matt Dirlam 11673 N. Bethesda Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 (317) 831-2130 dirlamjd@aol.com www.dirlamshropshires.com Dockter, Darrell, Janet, Stacy & Jason 3-D Sheep Company 19411 S. Carpenter Road Snohomish, WA 98290 Cell: (425) 327-1428 dddockter@earthlink.net www.3dsheepcompany.com Douglas, Donna April Aire Farms 11802 Pleasant Valley Road Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 337-0598 Ebert, Jeff, Kerri, Christine & Monica Ebert Sheep Farm 10015 Flush Rd. St. George, KS 66535 Home: (785) 494-2436 Cell: (785) 458-9174 ebertj@wamego.net www.ebertsheepfarm.com _______ Page 67

Elsbury, David & Colleen 7800 N 250 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 326-3893 ecolleen4@hrtc.net Elsbury, Mike Elsbury’s Shropshires 5385 E 500 N Greenfield, IN 46140-8939 (317) 326-4461 elsburyfamily@aol.com www.elsburyfarms.com Elsbury, Tim Double Doc Farm W 7112 Cherry Hill Drive. Adell, WI 53001 (920) 994-2538 www.doubledoc.net Estep, Rick Midnight Star Farm 6318 US 40 E Lewisburg, OH 45338 (937) 962-4089 estep962@yahoo.com Evans, Dave 5884 St Rt 292 West Mansfield, OH 43358 (937) 363-3610 david_evans_5884@hotmail.com Fiegl, Mark Lindenview Meadow Farm 5550 Eddy Ridge Rd. Marion, NY 14505 (315) 576-1930 mfiegl1@rochester.rr.com Rachel Flanders VIP Club Lambs 16260 Atlantic Rd Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 773-3232 email vip@vipanimalcare.com www.vipclublambs.com

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Groverman DVM, Fred F & P Groverman Shropshires 400 Ormsby Lane Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-3132 (Cell) 707-953-4456 fredgroverman@gmail.com Gruenhagen, Jim & Donna SS Shrops 7622 Jersey Ridge Road Davenport, IA 52807 (563) 355-6730 ssshrops@netins.net Hardesty, Megan & Molly Come Again Farm 00427 Clover Four Road New Bremen, OH 45869 (419) 629-7205 msac@bright.net Hawkins, Emma Joy EJ & AJ the Joyful Shrops 30737 Green Valley Rd. Shedd, OR 97337 (541) 990-2913 Heaton, Fred & family 622 Fessler-Buxton Rd. Russia, OH 45363 (937) 526-3118 heatonfarms@centurylink.net Hiemke, Cody Hiemke Family and Mapleton Mynd Shropshires 1773 Koshkonong Rd. Stoughton, WI 53589 (415) 302-8035 cjhiemke@hotmail.com High Farms Glenn & Joan High 7078 Co. Rd. 47 Lexington, OH 44904 (419) 362-3666

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

High Life Farms David & Jodi High & Family 3388 McDermott Pond Creek Road McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 259-1907 highlifefarm2000@yahoo.com Isler, Jim Isler Shropshires 1340 Klingel Rd. Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 494-2798 Cell: (740) 360-7682 islerjk@ngamail.com Jack Show Lambs Heinecke Family 29771 Rt U Stoutsville, MO 65283 (573) 721-2149 heinecke@parismo.net Jackson, Norbert 4125 W. State Route 28 Alexandria, IN 46001 (765) 754-7057 njackson@macdermid.com Jaycox, Elaine Willaine Farm 3758 State Rt. 30 Middleburgh, NY 12122 (518) 827-5726 Cell: (518) 231-7245 willaine@midtel.net www.willainefarm.net Johnson, Bob & Karen RoKaJo Farm 569 St. Hwy. DD Marshfield, MO 65706 (417) 859-4452 rokajo6@centurytel.net Josefson, Stacy Step Ahead Shrops 994 Step Rd Gilson, IL 61436 Cell: (309) 371-4260 Farm: (309) 876-2364 s_jo6@hotmail.com

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Knepp Shropshires Donald Knepp 128 Old Barrington Rd. Barrington, IL 60010 847-381-5872 trbear@mc.net Kowalyshyn, Lisa Kindred Crossings LLC 868 Route 32 North Franklin, CT 06254 (860) 642-4243 (860)642-6210 kindredcrossings@msn.com www.kindredcrossingsfarm.com Larimore, Larry & Sharon Triple J Farm 3370 Cattail Branch Road Harrington, DE 19952 (302) 398-4680 Cell: (302) 233-8912 threejfarm@gmail.com Majors, Joe & Cheryl Majors Show Lambs 17864 Couper Rd. Milan, MI 48160 (734) 439-5651 majorsjc@msn.com McCabe, Mark & Family McCabe Shropshires 5154 Nickelson Road Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 360-1103 mamccabe51@hotmail.com www.mccabeshropshires.com McKinzie, Chris and Sarah McKinzie Farms 334 Deerfield Place Jefferson City, MO 65109 (812) 219-2432 (812) 219-2903 sarah.mckinzie@gmail.com

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McNeal, Robert J. 1511 S.E. Eaton Blvd. Battle Ground, WA 98604 (360) 687-3410 Melvin Family Shropshires 9347 White Oak Rd. Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143 (740) 207-0786 pjmelvin46@hotmail.com Mies, Ed & Family 14810 Maxwell Hall Rd. Laomi, IL 62661 (217) 435-7091 jmies3@hotmail.com Miller, Bryan, Fabiola & Edith L. 15525A Motters Station Rd. Rocky Ridge, MD 21778-9711 (301) 253-3530 (301) 514-7955 bryan.miller@shropshires.info www.shropshires.info Motter, Jan Lane’s End Farm 12211 W. Rt. 973 Jersey Shore, PA 17740 (570) 398-2078 Mrozinski, Erik 5906 E 650 N Road Rolling Prairie, IN 46371 Cell: (219) 716-4921 emrozins@gmail.com Mumm, Megan 49 CR 1300 N White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 687-2874 Nichols, Sarah 24271 Oxford Rd. Quaker City, OH 43773 (740) 758-5449

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Oehler, Nellie Oehler Family Shropshires 5570 SW West Hills Road Corvallis, OR 97333-2623 (541) 757-3937 Cell: (541) 868-6897 oehlershrops@gmail.com Peiter Shrops 5580 Shelby 234 Shelbyville, MO 63469 (573) 769-0003 Pence Farms 1083 W. Co. Rd. 61 Tiffin, OH 44883 Mike: (419) 992-4305 Doug: (419) 986-5848 Jay: (419) 992-4701 Percival, Jim & Denise Schoolhouse Shropshires 961 Hoop Road Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 374-3371 schoolhousshrops@aol.com www.schoolhouseshropshires.com Phillips, Shaun and Stephanie Rafter Club Lambs 21784 St Hwy 5C Tipton, OK 73570 580-305-2662 dodgeramchick10@excite.com rafterclublambs.com Proffitt, Jim 38208 Brady Creek Road Richmond, MO 64085 (816) 225-6032 Cell: (816) 210-3205 jproffitt6842@gmail.com Rife, Randy & Julie Rife Shropshires 2423 Clifton Rd. Yellow Springs, OH 45387 (937) 767-1871 Cell: (937) 603-0535 randy@rifeshropshires.com www.rifeshropshires.com

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Roberts, Tim Roberts Farms 27954 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, OK 73093 (405) 485-9255 Cell: (405) 314-3370 timrobertsfarms@gmail.com Rogers, Danny & Cynthia R&G Farm 2435 W. McCracken Road Monrovia, IN 46157 (317) 996-3301 Cell: (317) 358-3260 crogers821@yahoo.com Rueber, Carol & Aimee Rueber Shropshires 24632 210th St. Sumner, IA 50674 (563) 578-8663 www.freewebs.com/ruebershrops Seals Family S Bar S Ranch 2360 B Shafer Ave. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-1789 Cell: (408) 472-8195 sbarssheep@earthlink.net Slutz, Tom City Limits Sheep Farm P.O. Box 177, 602 S. Main St. LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 638-2177 Tom: (815) 866-5031 Brad: (815)766-0584 tcslutz@g-mail.com www.citylimitssheepfarm.com Smith, Lance or Brenda Smith Sisters Shropshires 2129 130th Ave. Russell, MN 56169-3072 (507) 823-4784 lbsmith@woodstocktel.net

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Smith, Gordon & Alyce Cedar Bend Farm N 7922 U.S. Highway 12 Elkhorn, WI 53121 (262) 742-3580 cedarbendfarm@elknet.net Snyder, Claudia & Cameron 2537 US Hwy 67 Monmouth, IL 61462 cmsnyder@farmland.com (309) 255-9500 Stephenson, Jon, Charlotte & Vivian Sugar Ridge Ranch E8977 Pierce Hill Rd. Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 774-3151 sugarridgeranch@frontiernet.net www.sugarridgeranch.com Switzer, Jane, and Steve Ford Switzer Shropshires 6741 S. 1150 W Redkey, IN 47373 (765) 369-2844 Cell: (260) 729-2066 steve.jane@switzershropshires.com switzershropshires.com Trew, Emily 389 York Road Ocoee, TN 37361 (888) 831-2619 billtrew@comcast.net Verduin, Calvin Verduin’s Apple Hill Farm 4391 Miller Road Dansville, NY 14437 (585) 335-3703 calv8@hotmail.com Ware, Kimberly KW Shropshires 565 N. Sunset Ridge Ln Kuna, ID 83634 Kim: (208) 921-3706 Floyd Avery: (208) 921-8740 KWshrops@hotmail.com

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Washburn, Emily Washburn Shrops 1755 Lead Mine Road Gouverneur, NY 13642 Cell: (315) 408-2478 nyshrops@yahoo.com

Webster, William 413 Roosevelt Trail Windham, ME 04062 (207) 831-0608 stillweb@roadrunner.com

Breeder’s Index

Only $30

for 12 months! includes your listing on shropshires.org and in 3 issues of the Voice E-mail info to


Willie, Karol 27250 Erickson Rd. Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 344-8963 Wisehart, Mark & Patty & Sons 9372 N 400 E Greenfield, IN 46140 (765) 778-770 Woelber Shropshires Troy Woelber Family 1565 60th Ave Pipestone, MN 56164 (507) 825-2204 Cell: (507) 215-0458 woelbershropshires@gmail.com www.sugarloafdorsets.com

Advertisers Index Adams........................................................12 Anderson, Matthew................................18 Anderson, Mike........................................33 Avery................................Front cover &11 Banner ......................................................60 Barnes..........................................................6 Bechtold....................................................24 Bryant..........................................................5 Bucks County Fur...................................13 BWB...........................................................27 Callicrate...................................................52 Ebert.........................................Back Cover Elsbury.......................................................30 Ewesful Gifts.............................................17 Gruenhagen..............................................56 Hunter Nutrition....................................38 Jackson .....................................................21 _______ Page 72

Ketcham’s..................................................46 Knepp........................................................35 Majors...........................Inside Back Cover McKinzie....................................................16 Milk Specialties.........................................66 Mrozinski...................................................57 Pence..........................................................34 Pipestone..................................................40 Rife................................Inside Cover & 64 Roberts......................................................50 RoKaJo.......................................................20 Sheepman Supply.....................................28 Slutz............................................................55 Sydell..........................................................41 Townsends................................................25 Webster....................................................29 Woelber....................................................23

_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

Majors Show Lambs & “SuperSport” Our new Cabiness ram. We’ve added this young ram to our Shrop program to use on Discovery and Curley daughters.


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Visit bs.com majorsshowlam tries! to view our en

Joe & Cheryl Majors, Milan, MI 734-439-5651 * majorsjc@msn.com _________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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_________________________ Shropshire Voice October 2013

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