Re Modeling the brownfield of Surat City

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1. Connectivity and Walkability due to its strategic location is very well 1.Adajan Connectivity connected to the restand partsWalkability of Surat city. However, when we look at walkability we observe that the Adajan due to its strategic location is very well block sizes are of not navigable through connected to in theAdajan rest parts Surat city. However, 1. Connectivity and Walkability walking. when we look at walkability we observe that the 1. Connectivity and Walkability Adajan due its strategic location is through very well block sizes in to Adajan are not navigable 2.

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connected to the rest parts of Surat city. However, walking. Adajan due to its strategic location is very well when we look at walkability we observe that the connected to the rest parts of Surat city. However, blockPublic sizes inTransportation Adajan are not navigable through when we look at walkability we observe that the walking. Adajan is wellareserviced with through city bus block sizesarea in Adajan not navigable transportation system and BRT system. When walking. Public Transportation envisaging for future development, there is also a Adajan is wellpassing serviced with city rail route through the bus area, Metro area Public Transportation transportation system and BRT system. When suggesting probable changesDevelopment in development Land aUse and Land for future development, alsobus envisaging a pattern of the area. Public Transportation Adajan area is well serviced there with iscity The area is observed to be developed in the past rail route Metro passing the area, transportation system and through BRT system. When Use and Land Development fewLand decades implementation Adajan area is with well the serviced with city of busTP suggesting a probable changes in development envisaging for future development, there is also a schemes and improvement in the connectivity to transportation system BRT system. When ofrail the pattern area. The area is observed to and be developed the past route passing through inthe area, Metro envisaging for future development, there is also a the rest of the city, with further changes in road few decades with the Land implementation of TP Land and Development suggesting aUse probable changes in development network and coming up of in metro the area likely rail route passing through the is area, Metro schemes and improvement the connectivity to pattern of the area. to observe a change in land use and land Land Use and Land Development suggesting a probable changes in development is observed The area to be developed in the past the rest of the city, with further changes in road development pattern. pattern of thecoming area. few decades with the implementation of TP network of metro the area is likely The area and is observed up to be developed in the past schemes and improvement in the connectivity to to observe a with change inimplementation land use andof land few decades the TP River Edge and Floods the rest of the city, with further changes in road development schemes and pattern. improvement in the connectivity to network and coming up of metro the area is likely Adajan, thethe lowest in the Surat city in is prone the city, point changes rest of with further road to observe a change in land use and land to frequent flooding. And also in the entire picture network andEdge comingand up of metro area is likely River development pattern. Floods Adajan, athechange part along theuse river toof observe in land andedge landis Adajan, thetolowest point the Surat city prone observed be dead. Aninintervention for isthe flood development pattern. Riverflooding. Edge andalso Floods todevelopment frequent in theinentire land andAndchanges thepicture ofdevelopment Adajan, the part along the river edge is mechanisms might liven up the River Adajan, theEdge lowestand point Floods in the Surat city is prone observed to be dead. An intervention for the flood space and provide a city scale recreational space to to frequent flooding. And also in the entire picture Adajan, the lowest point in the Surat city is prone development and changes in the land city dwellers. the part along the river edge is of Adajan, to frequent flooding. And alsomight picture in the liven entireup development mechanisms the observed to be dead. An intervention for the flood of Adajan, the part along the river edge is a city to space and provide scale recreational space development and changes in land the observed to be dead. An intervention for the flood city dwellers. development mechanisms might liven up the development and changes in land the space and provide a city scale recreational space to development mechanisms might liven up the ||city MS || TK dwellers. space and provide a city scale recreational space to

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2. Public Transportation Through primary observations, Stakeholders consulation primary surveys, Adajan area is welland serviced with city 2. Public Transportation the issues and potentials for Adajan were understood in four categories of: system and BRT system. W transportation envisaging for future development, there is als Adajan area is well serviced with city b Metro rail route through theWha systempassing and BRT system. transportation 2. Publica Transportation suggesting probable changes in developm 1. Connectivity and Walkability envisaging for future development, there is also pattern of the area. 2. Public Transportation Adajan is well serviced withthe Metro railarea route passing through Adajan due to its strategic location is very well connected to the rest parts ofcityare

transportation system changes and BRT W suggesting developme Surat city. However, when weAdajan look at walkability thatin thesystem. block areaa probable is we wellobserve serviced with city bu for envisaging future development, there is als pattern of walking. the area. system and BRT system. Whe transportation sizes in Adajan are not navigable through

Metro rail route passing through the a envisaging for future development, there is also suggesting a probable changes in developm Metro rail route passing through the are pattern of the area. suggesting a probable changes in developme pattern of the area.

2. Public Transportation Adajan area is well serviced with city bus transportation system and BRT system. When envisaging for future development, also a Metro rail River Edgethere andis Floods route passing through the area, suggesting a probable changes in development Adajan, the lowest point in the Surat city is pr pattern of the area.

4. frequent River Edge and AndFloods flooding. also in the entire pic of Adajan, the part along the river edge Adajan, the lowest point in the Surat city is pro observed to be dead. Analso intervention for the fl to frequent flooding. And in the entire pictu 4. River Edge and Floods 3. Land Use and Land Development development and changes in the of Adajan,in the part few along the with river the edge l The area is observed to be 4. developed the mechanisms past decades development might liven uppr River Edge and Floods Adajan, the lowest in the Suratfor city to be dead.point An intervention theisfloo implementation of TP schemesobserved and improvement to the space and provideina the city connectivity scale recreational spac to frequent flooding. And also in the entire pic

development andpointchanges the lan Adajan, the Surat city is pron rest of the city, with further changes in the roadlowest network and in coming upinofriver metro city dwellers. of Adajan, edge the part along the development mechanisms might liven up to frequent flooding. And also in the pattern. entire pictut the area is likely to observe a change inand landprovide use and observed to be dead. An intervention forspace the fl space aland citydevelopment scale recreational

of Adajan, the part along the river edge development and changes in the l city dwellers. observed to be dead. An intervention for the floo development mechanisms might liven up development and changes in the lan space and provide a city scale recreational spac 4. River Edge and Floods development mechanisms might liven up th city dwellers. Adajan, the lowest point in thespace Surat cityprovide is proneato frequent flooding. And and city scale recreational space also in the entire picture of Adajan, the part along the river edge is observed city dwellers.

to be dead. An intervention for the flood development and changes in the land development mechanisms might liven up the space and provide a city scale recreational space to city dwellers.

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