Urban Anthills - Exploring the need to optimise Vertical Housing using Generative Design

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Shruthadev. B | Semester 8 | NU16UAR034 | Nitte Institute of Architecture

Generative Design History Generative design in architecture can be traced back to the 70s where George Stiny and William Mitchell developed a set of design shape rules based on Andrea Palladio’s work. Andrea Palladio’s design process involved designing through logical design rules by studying Greek and Roman architecture. The Palladian Grammar6 helped create many variations of Palladio’s designs.

Figure 6. Figure showing variations of plans derived from the Palladian Grammar


Stiny, G., & Mitchell, W. J. (1978). The Palladian Grammar. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 5(1), 5–18. The Palladian Grammar - G Stiny, WJ Mitchell, 1978

Generative Design

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