2012 november

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November 8, 2012

Volume 30

CONTENTS News......................................2 Features.................................4 Profiles..................................8 Arts & Entertainment..........10 Opinion................................11 Sports...................................12

BEAT Number 2

Drugs, Doors and Dodgeball BY JAY MEYER Staff Writer According to the SADD website, the purpose of the Red Ribbon campaign is to present a visible commitment to a safe, healthy and drug-free lifestyle. In addition, the campaign attempts to create awareness concerning the problems related to the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. In 1985, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lost Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena to a violent kidnapping and murder. At the time, Agent Camarena had been investigating officers of the Mexican Army, police forces and government as suspected perpetrators of a multibillion dollar drug scam. A few days after the kidnapping, Agent Camarena was found in a shallow grave, beaten and brutally tortured before he was killed. In 1988, the first National Red Ribbon Week was organized by the National Family Partnership in honor of Agent Camarena and his dedication to combat the spread of illegal drugs. For the sixty members of Sacred Heart’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Red Ribbon Week is a very busy time of the year. In preparation for this week, these members are actively promoting the event’s message of drug awareness through various means. This includes putting up student made drugawareness posters with supportive slogans like, “Say peace out to drugs.” SADD Members also decorated the cafeteria in red ribbons and streamers and, most notably, organized the door decorating competition. “We’ve been doing Red Ribbon Week for eleven years now,” said physical education teacher Mrs. Karen Horan, SADD’s coordinator at Sacred Heart. The idea of decorating doors was something Mrs. Horan brought to Red Ribbon Week at Sacred Heart.

Sacred Heart rocks Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week bracelets and T-shirt

“Students weren’t motivated to actually decorate them, so I asked a student a few years ago, ‘how can I motivate them?’” The student gave her a simple answer, “Dodgeball.” So started the annual “Red Ribbon Week Dodgeball Tournament.” This tradition has been an essential part of Red Ribbon Week, and is one of the activities that students and faculty alike look forward to the most. At the end of the week, the doors are assessed by three anonymous judges. The doors are judged on how creatively they promote the Red Ribbon Week theme, and help spread the message of a drug free atmosphere for Sacred Heart. For students at the high school level, the two top homerooms opposed each other and “dodged class for dodgeball,” The winners for this year were

Photo by Katie Mullen

Mr. Connelly’s eleventh grade homeroom and Mrs. Cardey’s twelfth grade homeroom. They met in a dodgeball match on Thursday, November first and Mr. Connelly’s junior homeroom took home the trophy. For Mrs. Keough’s eighth grade homeroom, the winner of the intermediate school’s door decorating contest, SADD is providing a pizza party. Over the years, SADD has not only focused on drug awareness, but also texting and driving, teen drinking, and other destructive decisions. Other upcoming SADD events are gift wrapping at the mall, the winter semiformal, and the giving tree. All of these events are held to promote awareness of destructive decisions or to directly help those in need.

Hurricane Sandy strikes BY NICOLETTA PAPPAS Staff Writer The Halloween spirit was dampened this year by the arrival of ‘Frankenstorm,’ Sandy, which struck the Eastern Seaboard on Monday, October 29, 2012. Superstorm Sandy affected an area stretching from South Carolina to New Hampshire, with winds reaching up to 80 miles per hour. Radar proved to forecasters that if Sandy was a state, it would be twice the size of Texas. For the first time since 1888, the New York Stock Exchange was closed for two consecutive weekdays because of weather. New York Harbor experienced waves of about 32 feet, forcing the city’s mayor Michael Bloomberg to state that Sandy was “a storm of unprecedented proportions, being one of the worst storms the city has ever seen.” The Jersey Shore was heavily battered, resulting in at least six deaths in the state. Parts of Bergen County, New Jersey were under six feet of water, causing residents to travel only by boat. The death toll for the entire country is climbing past 56 people, while emergency crews continue to inspect houses and tear through wreckage.

Although Massachusetts was not in the eye of the storm, many residents spent Monday watching the intense surf or taking shelter inside their homes. Governor Deval Patrick issued a state of emergency and advised all schools to shut down in order to limit road travel. A few hours after Governor Patrick’s broadcast, every Sacred Heart family received a recorded call from President Pamela Desmarais canceling school for Monday. “My power went off for a few hours when the wind was severe,” said sophomore Kam Murphy of Carver. “Driving to school the next day was difficult because the streets were covered in branches and flooded in small areas.” Senior Jay Meyer of Plymouth ventured to Plymouth beach Monday to snap pictures of the high surf. “The water came so close so fast that I was afraid my camera would get wet and break,” Meyer said. As Frankenstorm Sandy died down, Sacred Heart students returned to school Tuesday morning. Schools in New York City like Fordham University where Sacred Heart graduate Nick Hardiman is in attendance were closed down for a week. “Public transportation has been suspended in the city for the time being. I can’t come

Photo by Katie Mullen and Jay Meyer “Sandy hits Plymouth beach”

home until it is back and running,” Hardiman said. Some college deadlines for Early Action have been moved until the 15th of November. FEMA and the Red Cross have been working diligently to bring relief to the devastated New York metropolitan area. Experts predict that this region will not regain all its power for weeks or months. It will be a long time before everything is back to normal on the East Coast.


2 November 8, 2012


Induction night for National Honor Society BY JEN HABEEB Contributing Writer Sacred Heart’s National Honor Society Induction took place on October 18, 2012 at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium. As the new inductees processed into the auditorium, Sr. Rosemonde Deck played a processional piano piece. Dr. Michael Gill, Sacred Heart High School principal, then took the stage for a quick opening prayer and a few words of wisdom for the new members. Sacred Heart’s National Honor Society Officers, president LeighAnn D’Andrea, vice president Stephanie Rodway, secretary Sophia Pizzi, and treasurer Amanda Walsh were also in attendance. Each officer gave a short speech on the four qualities of the National Honor Society: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Each of the four qualities has significant meaning to the society. Scholarship is a commitment to learning, leadership is representing their fellow peers and taking action, service is to help those in need, and character is to do the right thing even in the most difficult situations. These four qualities are the central themes of the National Honor Society, and a symbolic candle was lit for each. New members of the society are expected to maintain and dedicate themselves to these four qualities. The inductees then rose to say the induction pledge and were called forward to sign an official registration book. Each inductee then shook the hand of the National Honor Society’s Moderator, Sr. Janice Carmen, and received a certificate with his/her name hand written by former math teacher, Sr. Adrienne Curran. Once all the members were seated, guest speaker Timothy J. McGourthy, class of ‘89 and urban planner in Worcester, Massachusetts, presented his speech. McGourthy’s speech was an appropriate blend of humor and knowledge. He encouraged students to branch out and live history, not just read about it. He included his own personal stories about choosing the right college and

trying to make ends meet, all the while searching for his true passion. McGourthy also encouraged students to take their Sacred Heart education with them beyond the classroom saying, “Sacred Heart taught me not just knowledge, but character, and to be a whole person.” There was also advice for juniors and seniors who were undergoing dramatic changes as they make the shift from high school to college. “Think carefully, but be open to any possibility,” McGourthy said. The National Honor Society presented McGourthy with a gift and the ceremony was closed by LeighAnn D’Andrea and another piano piece by Sr. Rosemonde Deck. New members and officers processed out of the

auditorium and made their way to the library for refreshments. In total, twenty five juniors and five seniors were newly inducted and the current members were also in attendance for moral support. The five seniors inducted were Vanessa Dailey, Michael Nee, Dafei Lu, Tian Yang, and Qichao Zha. “I’m really proud to be in the Honor Society,” junior Moira Gattoni said. “I worked really hard for this and I’m honored to be a part of it.” President LeighAnn D’Andrea was equally as proud to be elected president. “It feels great. I know it’s a lot of responsibility, but I’m ready to take on the challenge.”

NHS officers listen to former National Honor Society president, Timothy McGourthy

Staff photo by Tom Griffin

Making music, one note at a time

Sacred Heart creates afterschool music program with the South Shore Conservatory BY CHRIS DECAMP Staff Writer Sacred Heart is adding an after school music program to its array of extra-curricular activities. Last fall, Sacred Heart School President, Pamela Desmarais, conducted a survey of parents and students to see if there would be any interest in expanding the present music program. The results of the survey showed an overwhelming interest in the music program’s expansion, which is what prompted Ms. Desmarais to contact the South Shore Conservatory. Now, Sacred Heart School has a partnership with the South Shore Conservatory. Students who have already signed up can take private guitar lessons with Erik Calderone on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 6:00 and private piano lessons with Alex Gordon on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 6:00 at the preschool. Students will also receive a 20% discount if they want to take private music lessons at the South Shore Conservatory’s location in Duxbury. The initial reaction from students seems to be relatively strong. Ms. Desmarais stated that the private guitar and piano lessons are already filled, and several students are taking lessons at the Conservatory in Duxbury. Desmarais said that there will be group lessons for younger children in the elementary school in the future; however, there wasn’t enough interest for those programs to start this session.

Ms. Desmarais doesn’t see this blooming music program as a separate entity, but as “part of what we’re teaching here at Sacred Heart.” The reason so much effort was put into forming this partnership with the South Shore Conservatory is because both Ms. Desmarais and the Sisters of Divine Providence believe very strongly in the arts. Ms. Desmarais began playing the violin at a young age and continued to play through her undergraduate years. That experience made her a strong believer in music. “There is a lot of research out there that shows that learning about music is great for your brain,” Desmarais said. Also, she noted that the Sisters of Divine Providence believe the arts to be one of the “backbone pieces of Sacred Heart.” Ms. Desmarais wants to make it clear that Sacred Heart School’s partnership with the South Shore Conservatory is only the beginning of Sacred Heart’s fledgling music program. She believes that the music program in its current state is a “beginner step to see how many people will show an interest.” She really wants to incorporate a band or orchestra elective into our school’s curriculum in the near future. Students would have to choose either band or orchestra; both couldn’t be incorporated at the beginning. Choosing both would cause people to be spread too thin and not enough interest would be generated in one particular elective for it to prove effective. Albeit it band or orchestra, Ms. Desmarais thinks that this elective could become part of Sacred Heart’s curriculum within the next five years. Staff photo by Katie Mullen

Piano teacher Alex Gordon instructs a first-year elementary school student



November 8, 2012

Kieran’s ride to victory

Senior Sarah Kieran takes first place in the Massachusetts Horsemen’s Council “One person who was essential in my success is my trainer, Julie Kelly,” Kieran said. “She won the Mass. Finals when she was 11 years old back in 1986, and is like the sister I never had.” When Kieran was only 6 years old, she overheard Julie telling another rider about how she had won the Mass. Finals. “A couple days later,” Kieran said, “I promised her that one day, I would win, too.” Each year, the competition has a different “theme.” For example, one year it tested how well you and your horse can “bounce,” or, jump, take one step, then jump again. This year, the question proposed to the 123 contestants was: “How well can you communicate with your horse based on certain circumstances?” Each rider is responsible for answering this question in her exposition. “It’s more of a head game than anything,” Kieran explained. “The stress and pressure are out of control. In a football game, a player has four quarters to prove his skill, whereas here, you only have 90 seconds of absolute perfection. It’s crazy.” When the first round ends, the top 25 riders are called back for a second round. “The second round was a little easier,” Kieran said. “The question was all about equitation–that is, how you look on and handle your horse.” After the second round, they usually call back the top four or six riders for a final test; this year they called back five. This final 90 seconds is when the judges really test the riders’ skill. How slick can she be? How many risks can she take? Who can pull off the course the best? Generally, at this point, the riders end up with the place they entered. Sarah went into the third round at fifth place, and therefore believed she had earned fifth place. This, however, was not the case. The top five performed in reverse order, meaning Sarah went first. “I watched the four other riders and they all

BY SOPHIA PIZZI Staff Writer Twelve years of training, hard work, and dedication paid off this past September for senior Sarah Kieran, who won first place in the Massachusetts Horsemen’s Council Junior Medal Championship. On September 29, Kieran competed against 123 equitation riders. Equitation is the art and practice of horsemanship and horse riding. Coming out on top, she explains, was “an unbelievable and unforgettable moment that fulfilled one of my life-long dreams.”

tested really well,” Kieran said. “So when they announced fifth place and it wasn’t me, I was shocked.” “If I moved up at all, I thought it would be fourth place. However, the announcers went on to call fourth place and again it wasn’t my name. That’s when I began to panic.” “Third place was called, and my face went pale. With only two spots left, I was convinced I earned second, which is also known as the reserved champion. My trainer was already in tears. Another trainer had texted a close friend saying I had won second place at Mass finals. We were sure of it.” “Then the time came for the announcement of the reserved champion, and I was prepared to accept the title. However, they called reserved champion number 54, but I was number 335. I instantly started bawling my eyes out. That was the moment I knew my dream had come true.” It was a bittersweet moment when Sarah won the title. “I will never forget the moment Julie hugged me and told me how proud she was,” she said. Along with the title of Mass. Finals champion, Kieran also won two ribbons, a trophy, gift certificates, a plate, a bridle, a jacket, and a horse cooler. “My favorite part is the trophy because it has my name and my trainer’s name engraved on it together,” Kieran said. “That’s something that can never be taken away.” Looking back, Kieran still cannot wrap her head around such an exciting win. “Everything was so unexpected,” she explains. “The people who win the finals are usually people with the nicest horses and a lot of money. Me, on the other hand, I’m a working student and I was riding a nice horse with a bad reputation.” “Winning didn’t feel like ‘I beat everyone,’” Kieran said, “it was more like, ‘I proved to myself that I could do it.’ It might sound like a cliché but I realized that if you think you can do something, you can. Nothing is impossible.”

Photo courtesy of Sarah Kieran

Elizabeth Warren takes the Senate Incumbent Republican Senator Scott Brown loses to Democrat Elizabeth Warren


Thursday, November 6th, 2012, the United States welcomed Democratic President Barack Obama back into the White House, and Democrat Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts into the Senate; the first woman in the state’s history to become a senator. Harvard law professor, and now Senator, Warren told the ecstatic crowd at her Boston headquarters that she planned on fighting for middle-class workers, and providing for families who have been battling the economic crisis. “We are going to fight for a level playing field and we are going to put people back to work,” Warren told her audience. “To all the small business owners who are tired of a system rigged against them, we’re going to hold the big guys accountable,” she said. Although Warren’s path to victory wasn’t easy, and her competitor incumbent Republican Senator Scott Brown held his own in the race, Warren won roughly 54% of the vote, while Brown won 46% of the vote. Warren’s lead was definitely aided by voters who supported Martha Coakley in her 2010 Senate campaign against Brown. Statistics from boston.com’s political section say that Warren gained 95% of the voters who supported Coakley, and of the 21% of voters who didn’t vote in the 2010 election, 60% voted for Warren. The senatorial debates leading up to the election revealed a very closely contested race. The first of the debates was held at WBZ’s TV studio on September 20th, and according to the Huffington Post, the public thought that Brown had won the debate by a very slim margin saying, “Sixty percent of the voters said they didn’t tune in, but 14 percent said Brown won, and 12 percent said Warren won. Eleven percent considered it a tie.”

The second debate was held at UMass Lowell on Octo- and maintained complex arguments while tieing Brown ber 1st, where incumbent Senator Brown advocated his to the Republican Party which he was desperately trying bipartisan mindset, challenging his opponent to come to distance himself from. up with a single Republican she could work with in the In her acceptance speech, Warren listed some of Senate. Warren went on the offensive by telling the audi- the groups she intends to fight for in Washington: the ence that Scott Brown was not the man to represent the families who have been crippled financially, the small middle class worker, but stood with the upper echelons business owners struggling against the system, the senior of society. citizens who deserve to retire with the benefits they “He stands with the millionaires. He stands with bought into, and the youth of the nation who have done the billionaires. He’s not for the people who are out of nothing wrong but are saddled with debt. Warren adwork,” Warren said. This debate was just as close as the dresses these people saying “We will invest in you.” first, with a report from NBC news saying that this time Warren had a slight lead on Brown. According to the Huffington Post, the third and last of the debates held (there were originally four senatorial debates scheduled) revealed Warren as the winner, although Senator Brown had the familiar Bay State charm that swayed many voters. “He addresses himself directly to the crowd, calls the voters ‘folks’… he exudes charisma, to a degree that most politicians would envy,” the Huffington Post remarked after the last debate. Warren was able to combat Brown’s charm through the power of intelPhoto courtesy of wbur.org lect; she displayed her Warren proudly waves to her supporters on election night more academic side



Social Studies Soars at SHS! The great debaters

November 8, 2012

Join the fun in the history club BY TIAN YANG Staff writer

Staff photo by Thomas Griffin Eight students prepare to begin their debate, moderated by Jim Coogan (middle)


On Thursday October 11th the senior class took a field trip to the John F. Kennedy library and museum. Nina Tisch, Education Specialist at JFK, ran and organized the day’s schedule for the students. Besides Sacred Heart, Watertown, Chelsea, St. Sebastian and Urban Science high schools attended the program. At 9:45 the schools broke into small groups for discussions on political topics including healthcare, immigration, and energy. “The Sacred Heart students enjoyed collaborating with students from other diverse backgrounds and came to a better understanding of different positions on various issues,” said History teacher, Mr. George Rose. The high schools returned to JFK’s Smith Hall for a debate beginning at 10:45 between Republican Peter Blute and Democrat John Walsh. Peter Blute has had a long career in Massachusetts politics. He is currently the Honorary Deputy Chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party. John Walsh is presently the Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. He was Deval Patrick’s Campaign Manager and Transition Director in 2006. John Walsh also spent ten years as a member of the Abington Board of Selectmen and served three years as a member of the Plymouth County Charter Commission. During the debate the students were able to pose questions to the two speakers. After Blute championed Romney’s Republican platform, Walsh spoke from Barack Obama’s point of view.

“Watching a live debate really piqued my interest in politics, I truly enjoyed it and would go again in a heartbeat,” said Michael Nee ‘13. At noontime the Sacred Heart students got back on the bus for a quick lunch and headed to Plymouth. There, the seniors split into two groups. Half of the students went to the Democratic Party office and the other to the Republican party office. At the offices, the seniors got to witness the production of Staff photo by Dafei Lu campaign posters Senior Qichao Zha testing (You know those the phone lines at the very persuasive Republican Headquarters lawn signs? That’s where you go to find them!) They also got to see the volunteers and employees make phone calls to potential voters. All seniors were able to visit both party offices. “I thought it was really informative to go to the offices. I was surprised to find out how many people were involved and how much work went into the campaign,” said senior Stephanie Rodway The seniors returned to the school at the end of the day, having gotten an in-depth look into the life of John F. Kennedy and the campaign offices of both the Republican and Democratic parties.




Presidential press

D by to ho

On Thursday October 18, 2012, Sacred Heart High School held its first Presidential Debate. Seniors Lizzie Sullivan-Hasson, Jeff Millman, Pat MacDonald and Nikki Pappas represented the Democratic Party’s view. Seniors Andrew Buckley, Leighann D’Andrea, Kelsey Malone and Adam Tomasi spoke for the Republican platform. Jim Coogan, a retired high school Social Studies teacher, author of eight books, and a columnist for the Cape Cod Times served as the debate’s moderator. The debate began at 8:53, when all eight debaters reviewed the issues about which they are most passionate. Specific issues addressed included: jobs and economy, taxes, energy, healthcare, immigration, military spending, and human rights. After the reviews were completed, the debate opened to the students who were given the chance to go to a microphone and ask either the Democratic or Republican representatives their stance on specific topics. Some of the students had prepared their questions beforehand in their history classes. “The debate was exceedingly fun to watch and it was intriguing to see the two party’s

view points on different issues,” stated eight grader Yanni Pappas. After being asked questions, Democrats or Republicans were given about twenty five to thirty seconds to respond. The party could flip a question to the opposing side, but had to first ask the moderator and then the moderator delivered the question to the other political party. “The best part of the debate was that it was student run from start to finish. Having the questions and answers by the students really made a difference. The debate also helped raise awareness for democracy and its importance,” said Mr. Walter Lucier, History Department Chairman The debate lasted for about an hour, giving the debaters a chance to both give their political points of view as well as answering questions from the audience. “I thought that the debate was a good idea and that the students who were chosen to debate did very well. I only wish that it had been longer so the answers could have been more in-depth, “ said junior Allie Pasquale. Both students and faculty considered the mock presidential debate a success. For the first time at Sacred Heart High School students were really able to become involved in the presidential election.

Founded only three years ago, the History Club is one of the newest student-organized clubs at Sacred Heart High School. Primarily the club goes on trips around the Boston metropolitan area on weekends. This provides the club members an opportunity to spend their spare time learning more by enjoying interesting experiences outside of school. The History Club is a great place to meet new people from different grades, and the club is always interested in attracting new members. New members bring new ideas- one of the club’s primary objectives. “We have meetings among students,” said senior and History Club president Lauren Price. “We pretty much decide where we want to go and what we want to do there. Then, Mr. Lucier and Mr. Rose help us to organize the trips. “ Sta ff p History Club trips are always open to anyone, regardless of whether you are a member or not. “Come and join us!” said the History Club moderator Mr. Walter Lucier. “You can go on any trip you want with your friends in our History Club. If you come up with any place in the New England area where you want to go, come and talk to us. I haven’t said no to any idea they came up with so far,” Lucier said. One of the good aspects about History Club is that students don’t have to go on every single trip but can still be a member of the club. “Last year, we went on a trip to watch the movie, War Horse,” Lucier said. “None Sr. Mary Traupman informs of the seniors came, but that’s totally ok students about current with me; you can go on the trip you are political issues interested in.” This year, club members have gone on a trip to the Lizzie Borden Museum in Fall River. On the same day, they also went to the New Bedford Whaling Museum and a seafood festival. Six members attended this excursion. To the club’s surprise, they also had an unexpected encounter with Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. “I loved the trip we went to this year,” senior Stephanie Rodway said. “My favorite part was the seafood festival.” “We also walked by Scott Brown,” senior Emily Johnson said. “He was right in front of me and that was really exciting.” Traveling to various New England destinations is a great way to extend personal experience. It’s more fun to learn new things by actually seeing, touching, hearing, and talking. “It’s wonderful that students spend their day-off time to go on a history trip,” Social Studies teacher Mr. George Rose said. “They are crazy but I love them.” “We tend to make History Club trips both fun and educational for students,” added Lucier. “We will try to go to Boston more and spend more time in the restaurant district,” Lucier said. “Students loved that so much from the last trip we went on. We always try to make our trips both fun and educational, so come and join us!” History club has organized several in-school events as well. They held a presentation which was given by Sister Mary Traupman, who is both a nun and a practicing lawyer. All students who were present learned about and discussed the issues involved in the separation of church and state. Many of the topics covered are relevant to the current political election.

History club members pose for the camera at the whaling museum

Photo courtesey of Mr. Lucier


5 November 8, 2012

Another successful year for C2C

Sacred Heart students collect clothes and toys for Cradles to Crayons BY DAFEI LU Staff Writer

Photo courtesey of Mr. Maci

C2C member and eighth-grader Michaela Dodge collects donations

Sacred Heart School has a long history of caring for the needs of the vulnerable. There are plenty of schoolsponsored activities aiming to improve the lives of people who are struggling. One of those activities is Cradles to Crayons. As the name illustrates, Cradles to Crayons is a program that provides children from birth through age 12, who are living in homeless or low-income situations, with essential items needed to thrive. These items are provided and distributed by volunteers. According to Cradles to Crayons’ official webpage, more than 305,000 Massachusetts children 12 years old and younger live in poor or low-income households. More than 100,000 Massachusetts children will experience homelessness. The goal of Cradles to Crayons is to help them all. Many companies and schools are trying their best to help meet this challenge. Maggie Hurley, a 2011 Sacred Heart High School graduate, introduced this program to our school. Mrs. Nancy Swanson, Intermediate School Spanish teacher, is the newest organizer of Cradles to Crayons at Sacred Heart. “I’m very excited to get this job. It’s such a great opportunity to help kids who need our help. It’s also a great chance for our students to think about children who are less fortunate than them and learn to be thankful,” Mrs. Swanson said.“It’s a wonderful experience for our students. They have done an excellent job.” The Cradles to Crayons drive took place from September 26th through October 4th. The whole school heard about the donating process during the morning an-

Staff photo by Dafei Lu

nouncements. A number of Intermediate School students went to each homeroom to collect donations. Special posters for Cradles to Crayons were made by Intermediate School students. They put them on the wall between the posters of President Obama and Governor Romney that dominate our hallways. Mrs. Swanson couldn’t hide her pride. “I didn’t expect we would post any posters since it’s the election season and there are political posters everywhere.” “However, my students made these posters and even found space to put them on. I am proud of them,” said Mrs. Swanson. This year, Sacred Heart School raised 70 bags of donations, including 63 bags of clothing. “It’s huge for a small school like us. The students and parents who donated items really make the difference,” concluded Mrs. Swanson.

Bagels Galore! BY KELSEY MALONE Staff Writer Imagine this: bagels, cases of water, skittles, chips, bagels, cookies, donuts, bagels, juice boxes, and more bagels. When the email went out calling for donations for the National Forensic League’s Novice Tournament held at Sacred Heart High School on October the 13th, supplies flew in. Within hours, parents of competitors, teachers, and even parents of non-speech students responded with generous offers. Unlike the usual speech tournaments, this tournament was geared toward introducing new speech students to the activity so there were no traditional “finals.” At the award ceremony, each student receiving the top score in at least one round was presented with a medal. Freshman novice, Benjamin Novak, looks forward to “going to other schools and meeting new people and winning glory for SHHS.” In addition to the unconventional awards, novices got to watch previous speech performances. Successful pieces from last year were chosen to inspire the young novices. There was a Declamation piece (Hannah Wisniewski, Sacred Heart Co-Captain), a Duo piece (Sean Lambert and Nate Hitchings, Shrewsbury High School Captains), a Humorous Inter-

pretation piece (Harry Wood, Milton Academy Captain), and an Extemporaneous Speaking piece (George Chamoun, Needham High School Senior). Along with these performances, Milton Academy’s Deborah Simon, President of the Massachusetts Forensic League, reminded the novices that these students had slaved over their pieces for the entire year; suggesting to the novices that with hard work, this level of expertise is obtainable. A typical speech tournament has 3 rounds for each event. Each round is split up into a number of rooms in order to have 5-7 students in each. The results are given to “tab.” Once the results are tabulated, final rounds are posted. The students doing the best in each event must again compete for the top spots of first place to sixth place in that tournament. The staple events for this National Forensic League Speech tournament were as followed: Radio Broadcasting, Prose Reading, Play Reading, Poetry Reading, Original Oratory, Declamation, Duo Interpretation, Impromptu, Extemporaneous Speaking, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Student Congress, Group Discussion, and Public Forum Debate. The only missing staple events were Dramatic Interpretation and Humorous Interpretation.

Staff photo by Dafei Lu

Over 30 different high schools entered the tournament’s competition. This posed a logistical problem for Sacred Heart High School. How could roughly 500 people actively be competing, judging, eating, and tabulating results all at once in a relatively small school? Rooms like Chapel Hall, Costume Room, Yearbook A-C, and Guidance 1-5 made up for the deficit. Sacred Heart Speech Co-Captain, LeighAnn D’Andrea said, “It was such a change to have a tournament at Sacred Heart. The beginning was stressful as we tried to direct the strangers around, but overall it was great.” “It was more than anyone could’ve expected,” said Daniel Sapir, Sacred Heart’s Speech and Debate Advisor. Novices Benjamin Novak, Nicole Henderson, Devlin Flaherty, Alex Minnelli, Robert Norris, Noelle MacDonald, Kory Turner, and Jordan Dunn met with success. The majority of Sacred Heart novices

received medals. In fact, Sapir expressed his delight as the speech team grew by 5 to 7 members within a week! He went on to say that he hopes that “most of them will continue on and we pick up additional people as the year progresses.” MacDonald and Turner have previously competed on the Sacred Heart Middle School Speech team with MacDonald also serving as Co-Captain of the SH Middle School Speech Team. What does this tournament mean for the future of Sacred Heart Speech? Sapir remarked it was a “good introduction.” The Speech year has only begun, with approximately 15 tournaments left in the year. Sapir continued, “the one thing about Speech is that it’s very traditional. We maintain our travel tournaments: Yale in Connecticut, St. Joseph’s University in Pennsylvania, George Mason University in Virginia, Columbia in New York City, and Harvard in Massachusetts.” Sacred Heart students were not alone in their overall enthusiasm of the tournament. Milton Academy Captain, Harry Wood, was delighted to report; “It was a lot of fun and ran very smoothly. The Sacred Heart kids were super helpful, and everyone made sure that I always knew where I was going.” In fact, he was so pleased that he gave Novak his first “1” in a round. The Speech and Debate Team can only hope that this tournament is a bright forecast for what they should be expecting for the upcoming Speech and Debate year.

Staff photo by Dafei Lu


On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the people of America came together as one, in the spirit of our democratic system, and reelected incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama. President Obama won with 303 electoral votes, beating his opponent, Republican party nominee Mitt Romney, by a wide electoral margin of over 100 votes. Romney, however, did come in a very close second, winning 48% of the popular vote. The Election Day began with polls opening all across the nation at 7am. Lines and waits for voting booths were long, some ranging from 30 minutes to a few hours in certain Florida districts. However, the day was not without its share of controversy. Around noon a video was posted on YouTube that depicted a faulty voting touch-screen booth. The screen recorded a vote for Romney when the person voting had pressed the button for Obama. Also, in Oregon a voting center worker was fired for only accepting Republican ballots. As the day came to a close, and votes began to be counted, many pundits and political critics began to predict the outcome. At around 11pm EST, MSNBC, CNN and many other TV networks each predicted that Obama would be the winner with

274 electoral votes. It was not until the early morning hours of Wednesday that Obama’s victory was made official. Early Wednesday morning, Romney made his concession speech at his Boston headquarters. Romney waited until the results from the battleground state of Ohio were certain. In his speech, Romney thanked his family and Republican voters for their support throughout the election cycle, and discussed the reasons for his campaign. “I ran for office because I’m concerned about America. This election is over, but our principles endure. I believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to a resurgent economy and to renewed greatness.” Shortly after Romney’s concession, Obama took the stage in his Chicago election headquarters. The newly elected President welcomed the results in front of a crowd of thousands. “I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggests. We’re not as cynical as the pundits believe,” Obama said. “We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are and forever will be the United States of America.” While the suspense of the week is nothing but a memory now, and the country is returning to normalcy, many voters may ask, “If the election was predicted as being very close, how did Obama win by such a large electoral margin?”

All infographics provided by CNN

The Presidential election is determined by two factors: the popular vote and the electoral vote. The popular vote is simply how many voters voted for a particular candidate. The electoral vote is determined by the Electoral College, an institution where electors cast votes. The number of electoral votes a state has is determined by the state’s population. The electors vote for whoever wins the state’s popular vote. In order to become the next President, a candidate must be the first to reach 270 electoral votes. It is possible to win the election if one wins the electoral vote, but loses the popular vote. In fact, a number of presidential elections including the 1876 election of Rutherford B. Hayes and the 2000 Bush-Gore election have been won by a candidate who did not win the popular vote. One of the largest reasons for Obama’s re-election was keeping control of crucial “battleground states”, states that were largely divided over each candidate. These states are called battleground states because of the large number of electoral votes each state holds. These states include Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina and Iowa. Initially, Romney had a slight lead

Photo coutesy of People.com

Four More Years.

in Virginia and Wisconsin, and a steady lead in Iowa and North Carolina. As the day progressed, however, Obama overtook Romney in both Virginia and Wisconsin. Obama maintained steady leads in Colorado and Nevada. Florida, known for being very crucial because of its 29 electoral votes, remained largely down the middle until late Wednesday evening, leaving Obama with a slim 0.5% lead over Romney. Voter demographics also aided Obama’s victory. One of the largest demographics for Obama was the African American community who cast 85% of its vote for the President. The Latino community, women, and young voters (ages 18-29) all supported Obama in far greater percentages than they suppported Romney. Romney’s strongest demographics were senior citizens with a 16% lead over the President and white voters with a 22% lead. On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, Barack Obama was reelected the 44th President. Regardless of political affiliation or ideology, we are all one nation. As Obama said, “We are and forever will be the United States of America.”


8 November 8, 2012


Rodway hits the ground running BY MEAGHAN DUPUIS Staff writer

“I always like to strive for excellence in everything I do.”

This season, thirteen-year-old Caitlin Rodway has been an essential part of the girls’ varsity cross country team. The eighth-grader has been running for two years and her fastest time for the 1.8 mile course is 12 minutes and 29 seconds, and for the 2.9 mile course, 20 minutes and 23 seconds. This year, Rodway has won four Mayflower League cross country races. Rodway’s coach, Mr. George Rose, states that Rodway “has talent, innate ability, a tremendous work ethic, great attitude, and really seems to love the sport. That’s what makes her such a great runner.” Rose also said, “I don’t like to place expectations on runners, but I really think that running will open doors for her in the future, possibly for college.” As of now, Rodway holds the third fastest time for Sacred Heart’s cross-country course. Before every race, Rodway always makes sure she has a plan. She says that if she knows the course, she can make sure that she is at a certain place at a certain time. She prepares to race by retying her laces just before the meet starts. Rodway loves being on the varsity team. “I can always look up to the older kids. They’re all very helpful and encouraging and they’re the reason why I love cross country so much,” said Rodway.

-Caitlin Rodway

Staff photo by Dafei Lu

Caitlin Rodway runs to victory at SH cross country meet

Crossword puzzle winners!

Rodway has also competed in some races that are not affiliated with Sacred Heart High School. She loves running so much that she plans to run for the school’s varsity track team in the spring. Rodway’s advice to other runners is “to stick with the sport and not give up.” Extremely selfmotivated, Rodway’s running philosophy is the same as her life philosophy: “I always strive for excellence in everything I do,” Rodway said. On Wednesday, October 31st, the Mayflower League Conference meet was held in Wrentham, Massachusetts. Rodway finished the 3.1 mile course in 21 minutes and 59 seconds, placing sixth out of approximately one hundred and twenty runners from eleven different schools. Rodway also received a trophy. Along with her trophy, Rodway was awarded the title of All-Star. Altogether, the girls varsity cross country team placed third, missing second by only four points. “Caitlin ran very well. Sixth place is amazing for an eigth-grader,” Coach George Rose said proudly.


Staff photos by Katie Mullen

The Heart Beat staff would like to congratulate senior Meghan Quinn (left) and junior Andriana DiMaria (right) for tying in the “How well do you really know our faculty?” crossword contest in The Heart Beat’s last edition. Both of their submissions were sent at the same minute! For their efforts, they each received a $10 iTunes gift card. Thank you to all who participated, and keep reading for more fun opportunities like this!


Feeling artistic? Enter your masterpiece to become one of two new murals in the library! The theme is “Knowledge is Power.” Murals must be student designed. Ms. Arnold is asking those who wish to participate to design their mural on an 8.5x11 piece of paper and turn them in to her no later than December 3rd. The designs will then be voted on by the student body and painted by the submitting artist! The prize is some serious amazon cash: a $50 gift card to cover of all your shoe and book fetish expenses. The deadline for submissions is coming quickly so please get creative !


9 November 8, 2012


Welcome to Sacred Heart, Mrs. Stoloski Meet the Elementary School’s new principal! BY LIZZIE SULLIVAN-HASSON Staff writer

The new elementary school principal, Mrs. Kim Stoloski, has found an educational and spiritual home at Sacred Heart Elementary School. Mrs. Stoloski was working as an elementary school principal in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, but was looking for a position closer to family she had living on Cape Cod when she heard about the job opportunity at Sacred Heart Elementary. Mrs. Stoloski said there were definitely some differences between Bethlehem Elementary and the Sacred Heart school system. “There are huge differences because Bethlehem (elementary school) was a public school, and I’ve worked in public schools for a long time, so moving to a private school was new for me,” Stokoski said. That was only one of the changes Stoloski encountered when she took the job at Sacred Heart Elementary. “Also, moving to a Catholic school was very different for me,” she continued. Stoloski is currently working on a Doctoral program in education at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire which includes a strong religious component, and Sacred Heart gives Stoloski the perfect opportunity to interact with the elementary students on a new, more spiritual level.

“We are all in this together; we all want the same thing ; we want Sacred Heart to be the best school on the planet, and we are the only ones who can make that happen.”

-Mrs. Stoloski

Literary Magazine

Meaning ‘bridge language’, Lingua Franca’s theme for the 2012-2013 school year encomapasses the idea of finding common ground through creative expression.Working on an artistic masterpiece? Writing a short story? Send in your literary or art piece to the Winter issue of Lingua Franca! Please send all submissions to: czigouras@sacredheartkingston.com.



“When a student is upset or having difficulty we can pray together. And that is a beautiful thing; you’re actually dealing with the whole child instead of bits and pieces,” Stoloski explained. Stoloski also has some big plans for Sacred Heart elementary school. She is actively trying to integrate iPads and smart boards into all the grades; starting with iPads in the lower grades and smartboards in the higher grades, and eventually having the two cross over so that the entire elementary school will have both. “We’ve already installed 10 smart boards in the classrooms in the intermediate grades as a result of the funds raised at the gala last spring. And we also have 60 iPads over at the early childhood center which

is preschool, pre-k and kindergarten,” Stoloski said. These new iPads along with a collection of iPads in the school’s library have the elementary teachers itching to get their own iPad. With the help of the new technological tools, learning can be much more interactive and teaching can literally come alive. Technology fever is not the only exciting change Mrs. Stoloski is bringing to Sacred Heart Elementary; she is also zealously working to boost the teaching morale, create a closer sense of community, bring more music instruction into the school, and organize a quicker and safer dismissal policy. Mrs. Stoloski noted that the teachers at the elementary school have never really had any time built into their schedules to communicate with one another on using different teaching tactics. “The teachers have never really had common planning time so that they can get together with their grade-level partners and coordinate instruction across the grade-level. But we now have grade levelplanning once a week so the teachers can staff photo by Katie Mullen make sure they are all on the same page. It’s a great way to improve instruction,” New elementary school principal Kim Stoloski poses with pride Stoloski stated. Mrs. Stoloski is also strengthening the support network a music program in early childhood center. the teachers have by instituting a policy of trust and respect “We started a program with our preschool, a kindermusic among the administrative team. She has the teachers program which puts together music and movement for setting goals, as she tries to achieve one of her own younger kids to get them engaging in music and learning goals of creating a school where students are not afraid to love music.” to venture their own opinions and use their own voices. Although Mrs. Stoloski has been working extremely Coincidentally, all of the hard work Mrs. Stoloski is doing hard to transform and improve the elementary school, she and has done is directly related to her doctoral thesis. hopes to also find some time this winter for one of her “My dissertation is on teacher/administrative trust favorite hobbies- being a ski instructor at Bretton Woods and increasing student achievement. There is lots of ski resort. data to suggest that if there is this trusting relationship “I have been a professional ski instructor for the past between teachers and other administrators that academic 30 years, and have worked to become a level 3 instructor, achievement increases,” Stoloski said. Mrs. Stoloski which is the highest level you can get. I can teach any is working to build that foundation of trust this year by level of skiing,” Stoloski said. fully immersing herself in the activities of the elementary With a dissertation to write and her duties as principal, school. She is outside with the students at dismissal time Mrs. Stoloski is in for a busy year, and skiing is a way for seeing that the new plan is working smoothly, and she her to recharge her batteries. She said that some people has installed many of the smart boards in the classrooms just didn’t understand how she could work all week long herself. Mrs. Stoloski has definitely chosen to lead by and then go and work more on the weekends, but for example. Stoloski is isn’t work, it is doing what she loves. “I’m not going to ask my teachers to do anything that The school year at Sacred Heart Elementary is off to an I wouldn’t do myself,” she stated. “We are all in this industrious start. The new music program, integration of together; we all want the same thing; we want Sacred the iPads, and the use of smart boards are previews of other Heart to be the best school on the planet, and we are the great changes Principal Stoloski will bring to the school. only ones who can make that happen,” Stoloski said. With her team of administrators as excited and enthusiastic The once part-time music teacher, Mrs. Paine, also now as she is, no challenge is too great to overcome. has a full-time position, and Mrs. Stoloski has also started


10 November 8, 2012


The best album. Like ever. Now let us step into the more diverse facet of the album. With the help of pop-producer Max Martin, Swift challenges her established genre. As far as pop goes, “22” is the epitome of a girl’s night out anthem. I honestly cannot resist jamming out to this in my car; it’s an instant mood-changer. Another unexpected side of Swift is heard on the track “I Knew You Were Trouble.” (Note the period... Sassy Taylor). This song still contains Swift’s talented vocals while also adding the exciting and dramatic dimension of dubstep. This style creates that nearly tangible, dangerous, regretful emotion that Swift is singing about. Now I bet you’re thinking: “This album couldn’t possibly get any better!” However, my dear friends, you are mistaken. The album also contains two breathtaking duets. The first of these is the track titled “The Last Time,” featuring Gary Lightbody, the lead singer of the band Snow Patrol. This ballad encompasses both artists’ ability to portray heartbreak through music. The second duet is titled “Everything Has Changed,” and features the dashing British heartthrob Ed Sheeran; part time singer, part time songwriter, and full time ginger. Unlike many of the songs on this album, Swift and Sheeran collaborate to sing about the hope of falling in love and starting anew. Along with all of the songs mentioned above, there are also several other equally amazing songs that I would highly recommend. Completing the track-list is the lighthearted country tune, “Begin Again.” I find this final song ironic considering once it ends, the title is exactly what I do with the CD – begin it again. And again. And again. And again. After years of anticipation for her fourth studio album, my fellow Swifties and I would agree that the 16 new songs were worth every second spent anxiously waiting for October 22nd to come. Since the release, I have practically forgotten what a social life is; the CD has been on repeat (in my car, on my iPod, and in my mind), I have decoded all of Taylor’s secret messages, and I have discovered the true meaning behind the lyrics, “I’m wonder struck, dancing around all alone.”



hether or not it’s her best yet may be debatable, but with sales of over 1.2 million in its first week, Taylor Swift’s fourth studio album Red has proven to be a huge success. Of course, maybe that success is from people like me who have purchased a hard copy, digital copy, and the Target© Deluxe edition. Regardless, the album did not disappoint. In August, when Swift released her first single, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” many fans were skeptical of what her new album would hold. The song was undeniably catchy, but wasn’t really considered to be the “country Taylor” with whom everyone is familiar. Now that the whole album is out, I find that Taylor picked the perfect song to release as the album’s first single. It was merely a sneak preview of the new, unique approach Swift took to create this fourth CD. Swift made each of the 16 tracks distinct in its own way, referring to it as a “patchwork of her emotions.” Along with country, Swift experiments with pop, rock, and even a little dubstep. Through these various genres, Swift is able to precisely capture the feeling and emotion of her subjects. A perfect example of this is the opening track titled “State of Grace.” This song strays from Swift’s usual sound with a clear rock influence of bands such as U2. Although the lyrics are well written, this track is more about the sonics presented through its drum beats and electric guitar techniques. For all of you die-hard country fans who yearn for the “old Taylor,” do not fret. Red includes several country songs in which the country singer’s classic style shines through brighter than ever. Some of these tracks include: “Stay, Stay, Stay,” “I Almost Do,” “Treacherous,” and “All Too Well.” This handful of songs definitely falls into that notorious “O-M-G-Taylor-Swift-knows-exactlyhow-I-feel” category. Ladies, you know what I mean.

Ultimately, Swift is living out her theme of ‘Fearless’ presented two albums ago. With Red, she is taking a risk in the music industry and presenting many shades of herself that her audience has never seen. It is flawless, fun, captivating, colorful, magical, and most definitely enchanting. Go buy this album. Seriously.

Photo courtesy of HappyFame.com

Keep your eyes open for these! BY NICOLETTA PAPPAS Staff Writer

Music Artist: Rihanna Album: Unapologetic Release Date: November 20

Photo courtesy of ryansecrest.com

Artist: Ke$ha Album: Warrior Release Date: December 4

Need a good book to read? Concert to attend? Movie to see? Music to for your iPod? Check out this chart of new and upcoming events or releases!

Concerts The Script

Location: Agganis Arena, Boston Date: November 9, 2012

Books Son

By: Lois Lowry Overview: This is the story of Water Claire, a woman exiled from her community in desperate search for her son. The problem is she rememTaking Back Sunday Location: The House of Blues, Boston bers nothing of him and where he last was seen. “Son” is the final installDate: November 20, 2012 ment that delivers a conclusion to Lowry’s series that started with The Giver. Kiss 108 Jingle Ball ft. Justin Beiber, The Wanted, Karmin, Bridgit Mendler, Cher Lloyd, Ed Sheeran, Alex Clare, Train and Timeflies Location: TD Garden - Boston Date: December 6, 2012

Wiz Khalifa ft. Juicy J, Chevy

Woods, and more Performing at: Dunkin Donuts Center, Providence, RI Date: December 8, 2012 Photo courtesy of JustJared.com Photo courtesy of TheDailyFig.com

Movies The Great Gatsby

Release Date: December 25, 2012 Overview: The best selling novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald takes it to the big screen. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey McGuire, the film will take its viewers to Long Island circa 1922. The novel tells the life of Jay Gatsby, a man controlled by money and success.

Zero Dark Thirty

Release Date: December 12, 2012 Overview: The “Greatest manhunt in history” of Osama Bin Laden is made into a movie by Oscar winning producer Kathryn Bigelow and director Mark Boal. This movie shows how the CIA tracked Bin Laden, and how the Navy SEAL team carried out the deed.


11 November 8, 2012


#SocialNetworking On an average day, there is about an hour and a half between the time I wake up and the time I arrive at school. Every school-day since childhood, my daily routine has consisted of basic tasks such as putting on my uniform, eating breakfast, and brushing my teeth. Now, however, with modern technology, there is another task inevitably added to my list: checking my social networking sites. This way, I not only partake in my own daily routine, I also learn about the routines of others. Many argue that social networking hinders our generation’s ability to physically socialize with other people. However, websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram have ultimately brought us together. Today, we are closer than ever. Social networks allow people all over the world to communicate more efficiently. This enables relationships to be formed or even rekindled. We are almost always able to contact friends, family, and classmates. This makes conversing easier, quicker, and sometimes less awkward. People with common interests are also brought together instantaneously. This is where the infamous “hashtag” (#) comes into play. When you tweet with a hashtag (i.e. “#PresidentialDebate”), you can

#editorial then view everyone tweeting with the same hashtag. This allows you to see what other people are saying about topics that interest you the most. Understanding our global community is easier with the help of social networking; we can see videos from China, listen to music from England, or chat with family from Florida all with the tap of a screen. News now spreads like wildfire. Twitter notified me that Ray Bradbury died within the hour of his passing; I saw Miley Cyrus’ haircut (hairchop?) as it was happening, and when school was cancelled due to a hurricane, I knew before I even received the phone call. We are contemporary, connected, and updated now more than ever. Many colleges have Facebook pages. Upon admittance, students are encouraged to join the school’s Facebook group. Through this, new students are able to contact the members of their class, find out information, ask questions, and become more comfortable with an unfamiliar environment. Social networking also allows us to express ourselves creatively to a wider range of people. Whether one is comically, musically, or photographically

talented, social networking allows him to convey that side of his personality. We don’t just read what others are doing, we also hear and see their experiences through photos, videos, or music. Apart from its serious aspects, this can be considered the fun, exciting, and entertaining part of social networking. There are a few downsides to the pervasiveness of social networking, but most of them can be avoided. Some say social sites deter the intimacy of faceto-face social interaction, but this can be avoided by moderating the time spent online. Others argue that networking websites can retrieve any personal information or photos posted, even after deletion. However, with proper knowledge and awareness, one will know what is or isn’t appropriate to share. Remember: with the freedom to post comes the responsibility of posting appropriately. Although we may treat our electronic devices as if they are anatomical appendages, when it comes down to it, they are benefitting our society. We may spend a lot of time looking at screens, but it allows us to communicate more fluidly. Social networking is so important in our culture that it really is no wonder that we ask: “How did people survive without it?”

The Distorted Mind of Jeff Millman BY JEFFREY MILLMAN Contributing Writer What with college fairs, college visits, college essays, college applications, and college, it’s really no wonder that many seniors at Sacred Heart High School have mentally checked out. The term “senioritis,” and its origins date back to the early 1840’s, when Mr. Boccalini was in high school.

“Oh yeah, I know about senioritis,” he told me. “When I was a senior, I used to play hooky all the time. I’d go down to the lake and skip rocks. Then maybe go and pick up some hot older babe for a carriage ride in my horse and buggy.” And Mr. Boccalini isn’t the only teacher who could tell me about senioritis. Mr. Foresta told me that even today, he still has moments of senioritis. “I just can’t take it somedays. Seriously, if you had to look at Michael Nee’s face every day, you’d be ready to jump out of a window, too,” he explained. Of course, senioritis has also affected the majority of seniors. I found Molly Greenwood in the library, sleeping on a table. “Honestly, I just feel like sitting on my couch and eating cake all day,” she said after I had woken her up. “I mean, I do that already, but still.”

Senior Jay Meyer has also felt senioritis creeping into his system. “When I got home last night, I stared at a wall for three hours,” he said. “Then I watched reruns of Three’s Company and cried myself to sleep.” But why? Why does senioritis attack the best of us? Is it because we’re too stressed to handle any more pressures? Or because we just don’t care anymore? Senior Nikki Pappas tells me that senioritis stems from everything else going on in our lives. “I am literally so busy. I’m applying to 374 colleges, and that takes up most of my time,” she said. My research of senioritis also forced me to look within myself, and I’ve found that I too have been struck with the deadly disease. As a result, my work has become very sloppy, and much of my writing ends abrup


Editors-in-Chief: Sophia Pizzi Elizabeth Sullivan-Hasson Photo Editor: Thomas Griffin Front Page Editor: Jay Meyer News Editor: Patrick MacDonald Features Editor: Sarah Kamp Double Truck Editor: Kelsey Malone A&E Editor: Nicoletta Pappas Opinion Editor: Christopher DeCamp Profiles Editor: Tian Yang Sports Editor: Thomas Gerhard Photographers: Dafei Lu Kathryn Mullen Staff Writers: Meaghan DuPuis Shauna Sweeney Contributing Writers: Jeffrey Millman Jennifer Habeeb

THE HEART BEAT is the student newspaper of Sacred Heart High School, located at 399 Bishops Highway, Kingston, MA 02364. The views expressed herein are those of the staff. Responsible letters should be addressed to the Editorial Staff c/o Mr. Boccalini or via e-mail at vboccalini@sacredheartkingston.com. THE HEART BEAT welcomes readers’ opinions on all topics. Letters must be signed. The editors reserve the right to reject, edit, or shorten letters. THE HEART BEAT is printed by Graphic Developments, Inc.

Mission Statement The Heart Beat is Sacred Heart High School’s newspaper. As the present custodians of this long-standing and award-winning publication, we pledge ourselves to the following threefold purpose: To inspire and foster a sense of passion and love for journalism, journalistic ethics and the integrity of the written word; To create and develop an atmosphere of responsible leadership, commitment to truth and dedication to the highest standards of journalistic principles; To recognize that in all we do, we are in the service of our Provident God who has blessed us with the opportunity to minister to the Sacred Heart community. -Vincent Boccalini Moderator The Heart Beat

Press Affiliations Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) New England Scholastic Press Association (NESPA) American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA) Suffolk University (SU)




November 8, 2012

Valentine strikes out!

The Red Sox end their season with their first losing record in 15 years With the 2012 season behind them, the Red Sox made many rebuilding Staff Writer changes to the organization. In August, when the Sox knew they weren’t making the playoffs, they traded away After 86 years of futility, the 2004 three of their most costly players to the Boston Red Sox finally became World Los Angeles Dodgers, Adrian Gonazlez, Series Champions. The Sox followed Carl Crawford, and Josh Beckett. This up that accomplishment with another trade freed up $250 Million to rebuild Championship in 2007. During the the team. last decade, the Red Sox have been Ben Cherington, the Red Sox General a competitive franchise with a loyal Manager said, “As we look forward to and avid fan base. All of that changed building the next team, we felt like to this season. Whether it was the loss of truly have a fresh start and provide some Terry Francona and hiring of Bobby momentum forward, and a jolt into the Valentine as manager, the lack of offseason and next year, we needed to successful pitchers, or a host of other make a change in the manager’s office possibilities, the Red Sox turned and start anew there.” the Boston franchise in the wrong On Sunday, October 21st, the Red direction and had their first losing Sox signed Toronto manager John record in 15 years. Farrell to a three year contract. The Red Sox ended their season A former Red Sox pitching coach, at an extremely unsuccessful 69-93, Photo courtesy of beacherreport.com Farrell said, “I’m extremely excited their worst record since 1965. Despite Bobby Valentine’s facial expression sums up the Red Sox 2011-2012 season to be returning to the Red Sox and to this terrible record, they were only the Boston. I love this organization. It’s third worst team in the American League. The Boston Red Sox hired Valentine as manager in a great franchise in a special city and region, with great Before coming to the Red Sox, Valentine managed 2011 because of his success in Japan. The way he turned fans, and we want nothing more than to reward their faith many other professional and Triple A teams, including the Marines around was very appealing, but the season to in us.” the New York Mets and the Texas Rangers. During these come wouldn’t be so. As Valentine devastated the Red Sox’s dignity and tore years, his highest accomplishment was reaching the 2000 Valentine was fired the day after the Red Sox’s last apart the locker room, frustrating much of the team and World Series with the Mets, only to lose the series to the game. On his firing, Valentine said, “I understand this pulling players apart, Farrell is expected to bring back the New York Yankees. decision. This year in Boston has been an incredible unity and dignity that a winning team like the Red Sox Although he wasn’t very successful in the United States, experience for me, but I am as disappointed in the results needs. Valentine was successful abroad. He managed the Chiba as are ownership and the great fans of Red Sox nation.” Although their season is over, there is no looking back Lotte Marines in Japan, and was successful. He joined the While he clearly wasn’t the best choice as the new on the 2012 season. The team hopes to accent the potential team while they were in a losing stint but he turned the Red Sox manager, his tenure was also complicated by a of the ball club. Red Sox management, is expected to team around and lead the team to its first Japan League number of internal problems, including a lack of bullpen, make many more changes in the organization, all of which title in 31 years. inexperienced players, and many assorted player injuries. Red Sox Nation hopes will better the team. BY TOM GERHARD

Saints’ soccer makes strides The boys’ and girls’ soccer teams travel to Boston for the breast cancer walk BY SARAH KAMP Staff writer October is breast cancer awareness month, and a number of Sacred Heart High School’s sports teams are showing their support by wearing pink. On Sunday, October 14th, the girl’s and boys’ varsity soccer teams headed to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk supported by the American Cancer Society. Both teams wore matching pink shirts in support of breast cancer awareness. The girls’ team also had a sleepover the night before and took the early T into Boston together.

“The walk was completely student organized, and they did a great job. It’s the community involvement that sets us apart from other schools.”

-Bob Duquette

“It was great to spend time with the team without the pressure of a game or practice, and knowing we were doing something for the community made it even more fun,” said senior Kelsey Gailes.

The Making Strides walk is six miles long and takes place along the Charles River. It took the teams about two hours to finish, both walking across the finish line at the same time. “The walk was pretty hard because of the rain, but that made it feel even more rewarding after we finished,” said the boys’ soccer coach Matt Brunninghaus. Each team member made a donation to the American Cancer Society. The Boston walk alone raised over $1.7 million for breast cancer research, comprehensive support for women diagnosed with breast cancer, and more access to mammograms. “The leadership shown by the captains and upperclassmen sets a great example for the underclassmen which keeps the tradition going from year to year,” said Bruninghaus. “The walk was completely Staff photo by Thomas Griffin student organized, and they did The boy’s and girl’s varsity soccer teams pose and show their support for a great job. It’s the community those fighting breast cancer. On October 14th, the two teams met in Boston involvement that sets us apart to complete the 6 mile walk to support breast cancer awareness. from other schools,” said athletic director Bob Duquette.

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