Sacred Heart Annual Report for 2018-2019

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Annual Report of Giving 2017-2018

As this report is being published, we are welcoming back students to the 72nd opening of Sacred Heart School. Uniform and backpacks are still crisp and new, but the many traditions which accompany the beginning of a Sacred Heart School year – faculty convocation, photo days, back to school picnics – are familiar, carrying us from year-toyear, connecting grades, classes and families to our special school. This report is an opportunity to honor another tradition – giving at Sacred Heart. In the pages that follow, you will read about the many generous donations made over the course of the last school year. We are especially grateful to those donors who helped push the Day of Giving total past that of last year and for those who gave so generously to our newly established Family Emergency Fund. In the year ahead, we hope you too will be inspired to participate in philanthropy at Sacred Heart School. We will hold our Day of Giving on November 13th and our Annual Gala on April 6th (our exceptional Caritas Award winner will be announced October 1st.) New this year, Sacred Heart is partnering with the Edaville Road race on November 3rd – the only race to be run amongst the bogs of Edaville. Sacred Heart is reliant upon our outstanding volunteers to help us organize events and activities such as those listed above. Please consider serving on an event committee or helping to make calls during our Day of Giving. For more information on volunteering, please contact Beth Eddy, at All the best for a warm and wonderful Fall season.

Tracey Merrill Chief Development Officer

Table of Contents A Note from the President................................... 1 Leadership Donors.............................................. 2 Sacred Heart Fund Donors................................. 3 Fall Fete Donors.................................................. 7 STEM at Sacred Heart........................................ 9

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.� - Booker T. Washington

Stay in Touch! Sacred Heart School strives to reach as many members of our community as possible. If you have updated contact and address information, please pass it on. Send your updated email, phone number, address, and/or news to our Director of Development Services Beth Eddy at We love hearing from you!

*Every effort has been made to accurately list the philanthropic support of our generous donors. Please contact Beth Eddy at 781-585-7511 ext.347 should you have any questions.

“To Light Through Love!” A note from Sister Myra One of the most beautiful sayings of the Foundress of our Congregation, Marie de la Roche, is the motto which heads my letter to you. It has made me think of the Love which you have extended to our Sacred Heart students and Sacred Heart School through your generous donations during the past year. Through your generosity, Sacred Heart is able to Light up the world of education for our students, and illuminate many new adventures in learning. You have truly brought our students to the light of Catholic education through your Love and I am personally very grateful to all of you. I would like to share some of the investments your contributions made possible and also give you an idea of our priorities for the next few years. We have been able to expand the Science Program in all of our schools. The Elementary School has introduced Sphero Robotic Kits into their curriculum and added a 3D printer in the building, and the ECC continues to expand the KIBO Robotics program. At the Middle and High School we’ve hired a new physics teacher who will be introducing a robotics and engineering program. We’ll also be offering two new Computer Science courses including AP Computer Programming and an Introduction to Coding course for middle school students. Our Communications curriculum continues to expand at the Middle/High School with the return of WSHS, our broadcast journalism program, and thanks to your generosity we have been able to invest in new equipment for our broadcast studio. Academic excellence has always been our top priority and your generosity has ensured that we are able to deliver on that promise. And we’re making that academic experience even more accessible as across the campus, more school-wide funds are available for tuition assistance and merit scholarships. I began this letter with the quote, “To Light Through Love”, from our Foundress, Marie de la Roche, because I sincerely believe that your donations, no matter the size, have been given from Love – Love for our children, our students, our faculty, and Sacred Heart School. Your gifts make it possible to enlighten the world of our “Little People” (as I like to call the students at the ECC,) and to brighten the futures of the young women and men of our Elementary, Middle School, and High School through quality education. May you be enveloped in the Loving Care of our Provident God!

Blessings, Sr. Myra Rodgers, CDP


Leadership Donors Supporting Sacred Heart Making the Journey Possible - With the Destination in mind. We’d like to thank, with deep appreciation, all of the donors who supported Sacred Heart in the 2017-18 school year. We would like to acknowledge those donors who made gifts in our two leadership level categories - The Sacred Heart Society (gifts of $10,000 or more dollar) and The Ketteler Guild (gifts of $5,000 - $9,999).

Sacred Heart Society and the Ketteler Guild - $5,000 -$100,000 Mr. and Mrs. John Aucello^ Catholic Health Foundation Catholic Schools Foundation The Flatley Foundation Mrs. Dolores Tassinari

Bauman Family Foundation and Mrs. Diane Hunt Dr. Lynn Beaulieu ‘61 and Mrs. AnnMarie Beaulieu Mr. William Devin and Mrs. Susan Devin ‘61 Entergy Services Roby`s Propane Gas, Inc. Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation Mrs. Samira Schumann and Family The Sisters of Divine Providence

Donor Key: *Day of Giving Donors ^Day of Giving and additional gift(s) to the Sacred Heart Fund


LaRoche Guild $1,000 - $4,999

Ahold USA Ms. Margaret Alfonso ‘81^ Mr. Mark Brodeur ‘88* Cohasset Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dick^ Mr. Charles Farrington, III ‘91^ Mr. and Mrs. Wes French* Mr.and Mrs.John Graham* Ms. Virginia Greeley Kyocera New England Mr. Dana Galgana and Ms. Mary MacCormack* Minot Technology Group, LLC Ocean Spray Mr. Emmanuel Gastard and Ms. Johanna Skrzypczyk ‘02^ Society of St. Vincent dePaul Mr. Demetrios Stavropoulos ‘90 Ms. Rosemary Sullivan Brown* Tracy Chevrolet, Cadillac- Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tracy Drs. Nicholas and Amy Vega^ Mr. Thomas Welling Dr. Laurie Campbell ‘75

Sacred Heart Fund Donors

Slyke Circle $500 - $999

Accord Vending Mr. and Mrs. John Albanese Ancient Order of Hibernians Mrs. Neila Andreson-Decelles ‘84^ ArtSonia Mr. Brian Berry and Mrs. Erin Benoit-Berry’98^ Bertucci’s Italian Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buckley* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dransfield^ Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Everett’s Auto Parts - The Andrade Family Mrs. Adele Hajj-Williams Mr. Daniel Hartnett Mrs. Heidi Cuneo Mr. and Mrs. George Latini* Mr. Donald Lonergan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malone* Rev. Francis J. McGann Ms.Shannon Norrie ‘84* Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Ridge ‘82 Mr. and Mrs.Paul Spacek* Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Straface* Ms. Ann Taylor and Mr. Doug Wilson^ Ms. Mary Tiernan ‘82^ Massachusetts Cultural Council Drs. Jay and Hannah Yamin*


Crusaders Club $250 - $499

Mr. and Mrs. Alves * Mr. Allan Aylward* Bonvee, Inc., Mixed Bag Fundraisers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carchidi^ Dr. Virnaliza and Mr. Sean Cassidy* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulthard^ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunio Mr. and Mrs. Steve Daudelin Ms. Donna Keller Farrington Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fava * Mr. and Mrs. Al Fehrm* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Straut^ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Persechini* Mr. Josh Person and Mrs. Jamie Person ‘93* Ms. Judith Fisher* Mr. Michael Gray ‘63^ Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Porelle* Mr. John Harlin* Mr. Edward Harrington and Atty. Elizabeth Harrington* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hokanson ‘90^ Ms. Elizabeth Holland Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hulien^ Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kiesewetter* Ms. Colleen King* Ms. Mary Ann Luddy ‘65 Mrs. Jean Marston* Dr. and Mrs. Brian McManus* Mr. and Mrs. Greg Meikle* Ms. Tracey Merrill* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Ms. Mia Montagna ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Persechini Mr. Josh Person and Mrs. Jamie Person ‘93 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pettine Mr. and Mrs. Porelle PR First* Ms. Laurie Solis* Rev. Gerald Souza ‘04* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spadoni^ Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Straut^ Mr. and Mrs. Sean Varano^ Mrs. Lauren Wall-Allessandrini^ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whittaker*

Century Club $100 - $249

Mr. Frank Alsheimer ‘58* Amazon Smile Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bailey* Ms. Mary Banks Dr. John Barlow ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnes* Ms. Marie Baroni Allen ‘61

Century Club cont.

Ms. Debbie Barry^ Mr. Ken Binder* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Boyles Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bradford^ Mr. Charles Capone and Ms. Erin Burns* Ms. Molly Cahill ‘09 Dr. Mary Callahan and Mr. Michael Kszystyniak* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carchidi^ Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carreau* Ms. Mary Carroll^ Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ceurvels* Ms. Jennifer Chapin ‘96 Mr. Robert Collins ‘70 Mrs. Sharon Collins Short ‘65 Ms. Kimberly Crociati* Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Crowley^ Fr. Richard Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham Mr. Howard Davis and Mrs. Patricia Davis ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Day* Ms. Lisa Decas-Jacques ‘80* Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Deveau* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dion* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dolan ‘90* Mr. and Mrs. James Dooley Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott Falmouth Fruit & Produce Ms. Patricia A. Feineigle Ms. Nancy Gaffey Mrs. Susan Gallitano* Mr. Michael Gill, Ed.D and Mrs. Tara Gill^ Ms. Jean Goetz ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goyette* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goyette Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greeley* Mr. Steven Murphy and Mrs. Joy Murphy ‘91* Mr. and Mrs. J. Garry Hebert Ms. Rena Hines Ms. Kathryn Holmes* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howard* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Howell* Ms. Karen January’66 Ms. Ann Marie Jordan ‘61 Mr. Daniel Kailher ‘93* Mrs. Jennifer Keane Mrs. Lauren Kelley* Mr. and Mrs.David Kennedy* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. William Klanian Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Kral* Mr. and Mrs.Walter Kuketz Ms. Karen Lock Dr. Michelle Lockwood ‘87* Br. Richard Lunny, CFX Mr. and Mrs. Neil Madden* Mr. and Mrs. James Mallett*


Century Club Cont.


Mr. and Mrs. John Mannix* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason Mrs. Deborah Mattie* Mr. Thomas McDermott ‘64 Mr. Timothy McGourthy ‘89* Mr. and Mrs. Scott McIsaac* Mr. and Mrs. James Michaud* Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Morgan* Mrs. Marina Hines Mortimer* Mr. Joseph Mullen ‘91* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Nagy* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neil Mr. Stephen Nickerson* Mrs. Anne Norrie* Ms. Kathleen Norris’64 Ms. Carol O’Brien* Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Olson* Mr. and Mrs. John Palie * Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Pangione Mrs. Laura Parry* Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pelrine* Mr. and Mrs. Erik Piantedosi* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Picone* PR Restaurants, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Luis Presutti* Mr. and Mrs. Ben Quelle^ Mr. Dennis Perkins and Mrs. Robin Quinn Perkins ‘62 Red Robin International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reiber* Mr. David Rogers ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sansone Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Schaub Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaub III* Mr. and Mrs. Drew Segadelli Ms. Imani Seunarine* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shirkus^ Ms. Jennifer Silva* Mrs. Alesandra Soares ‘66 Staatsburg, NY Fire Department Sr. Anne Stevenson, SND, Ph.D* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stofa Ms. Karen Storey ‘77 Mr. William Sullivan* Ms. Rita Sullivan ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sullivan Mrs. Joanne Swirbalus Ms. Marylou Tavares* Mr. Lloyd Thimas ‘74 Mr. James Tierney* Town of Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tracy^ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tura ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Whittaker* Ms. Jamie Wile*

Blue & White Club Up to $99

Accurate Accounting & Tax Services Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Allen* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Amadon* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Amoling* Mr. and Mrs.Stuart Baker Mrs. Kim Balaschi* Ms. Geraldine Barbeau ‘58* Barnes & Noble Booksellers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bellantoni* The Berry Family* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bonaparte* Ms. Katelynn Borgatti* Ms. Tammy Borgatti* Mr. Chris Bulger and Mrs. Margaret Bulger ‘85* Ms. Betty Byrne* Mr. Christopher Callahan and Mrs. Elizabeth Callahan ‘01* Mr. Brian Campbell ‘04 Sr. Janice Carmen, SND* Ms. Lisa Chevrier* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chick* Ms. Nancy Chieregato ‘77 Mr. Munjun Cho ‘12* Ms. Nancy Clay Ms. Bonnie Cole Mr. and Mrs. Ray Concannon* Mr. and Mrs. John Condon Ms. Maureen Connelly* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conroy* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Costa Mr. Sean Cunningham ‘99 Mr. Lance Cunningham ‘89 Sr. Adrienne Curran, SND Ms. Irene Daniels Mr. Raymond Darling* Mrs. Jennifer Deegan^ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dena Mrs. Kerri Desmarais Devaney Energy, Inc. * Ms. Kristen DeYoung* Ms. Jenna Dillion* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doherty* Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue* Mr. Andrew Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Doyle* Mr and Mrs Alex Dubois* Ms. Kristine Duhamel ‘86* Ms. Kelly Dun ‘86* Ms. Elizabeth Eddy* Ellis Landscape Service, Inc. Dr. Kathryn Evers ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Forcier Sr. Juliana Frisoli, CDP* Mr. and Mrs. David Gabriel* Ms. Jeanne Gill

Blue & White Club cont. Mrs. Celeste Gobeille Ms. Patricia Hall ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hanby Ms. Barbara Hanigan ‘59 Ms. Carla Harris* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hayward* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hogan* Ms. Kathryn Holmes Ms. Gail-Ann Houlahan ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Howell* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurm^ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jennings* Mr. and Mrs. Ed Juliano* Mrs. Christine Keane Mrs. Lauren Kelley* Mr. Sean Kiley* Mrs. Mary Alice Kirby Bwana Payeye Kizito Mr. Kevin Kocur* Mr. Michael LaBelle* Mr. and Mrs. Richard LaGrassa* Ms. Karen LeBlanc* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Levangie ‘00 Ms. Evangeline Liapis Ms. Ellen Martin* Mr. Joseph Masi* Ms. Maribeth Mason ‘15* Mr. Andrew Mason ‘17* Ms. Christine Mason ‘19* Ms. Carrie Mathias* Ms. Meiling May ‘10* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayo* Mrs. Johanna McCafferty Ms. Julia Michaud* Mrs. Dawne Corti-Migre ‘86* Ms. Paula Mooney* Ms. Brenda Moran Ms. Louise Moriarty Ms. Lynn-Anne Murphy* Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy* Sr. Marjorie Nickel, CDP, Ph.D Atty. and Mrs. Geoff Nickerson* Ms. Kathleen Norris* Ms. Jacqueline Norton* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Leary*

Ms. Christina Ouimet ‘64* Ms. Teri L. Page Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Perfetti Mr. Benjamin Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Rogers^ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rogers* Ms. Barbara Ryan ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Nikolas Schneider Mr. Robert Sgarzi ‘60 Ms. Lauren Shaw*

Mrs. Jade Smolinsky* Mr. Tom Kusnierz and Mrs. Arlene Stolz ‘87 Ms. Joann Stransky Taft* Mr. and Mrs. David Struski ‘85* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swanson^ Ms. Brett Sylvia* Mr. Jeffrey Tatarka* Ms. Jennifer Taylor McCloskey ‘98 Ms. Neila Teixeira ‘75 The Kula Foundation The New Brave* Mrs. Judith Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Mr. Michael Thomas, Jr. ‘93* Ms. Mary Jane Tilden Mrs. Deirdre Wallace ‘91* Sr. Claudia Ward, CDP Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Watts* Ms. Jill Weaver* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williamson ‘64* Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindsay Wilson Mrs. Joan Winterson * Ms. Emily Wisniewski ‘10*

Welcome Back Sister Ella Jane! Sister Ella Jane Bruen C.D.P. has returned to the Sacred Heart School System after teaching for a number of years at LaRoche College in Pittburgh. A native of Cohasset, she graduated from Sacred Heart High School, Bridgewater State College, and Harvard University. Sister is also the author of a Civil War book “Through Ordinary Eyes”, a life of a solider from Abington. For many years Sister Ella Jane was Director of Camp Mishannock. She joins the Development Office at Sacred Heart, and will be particularly involved with alumni engagement. Sr. Ella Jane says it is great to be back on her home turf, returning to Sacred Heart and reconnecting with old and new alumni. To contact Sister Ella Jane email:


Fall Fete - Donors


AJ Marks Jewelers Colony Place Development EduBoston, LLC Minot Technology Group, LLC Royal Contract Lighting, Inc. Dennison Lubricants Donnelly’s School Apparel Kyocera New England Mr. James Hogue and Ms. Elizabeth Yekhtikian ‘88 PR First Mr. John Alessandrini Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Alves Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Amadon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bacci Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bailey Mr. Brian Berry and Mrs. Erin Benoit-Berry ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blain Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blasi Brabo Benefits, Inc - Mr. Scott Hokanson’90 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Muftah Bugazia Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carchidi Dr. Virnaliza and Mr. Sean Cassidy Ms. Paula Chevrier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulthard Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunio Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Day DeMelo Brothers Landscaping Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dick Mr. Andrew Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dransfield Falmouth Fruit & Produce Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fava Mr. and Mrs. Al Fehrm Ms. Judith Fisher Mr. William Fitzgibbons and Ms. Shannon Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frame Dr. and Mrs. Edward Freccero Mr. Dana Galgana and Ms. Mary McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hall Mr. Edward Harrington and Atty. Elizabeth Harrington Ms. Kathryn Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howard Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hulien Mr. and Mrs. Jay Irving Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jackson

Rev. Carlton and Mrs. Marie Jackson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordan Mrs. Lauren Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirwan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kokoska Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kowalker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krol Mrs. Heidi MacCurtain Mr. Tyler Matschullat Mrs. Deborah Mattie Mr. and Mrs. Scott McIsaac Mr. William McLean Mr. and Mrs. James Michaud Mr and Mrs John J. Montuoro Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Defalco Ms.Shannon Norrie ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Connell Mrs. Mary O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Olson Mr. Shai Patel and Ms. Terri Marino Paul Effman Music Service Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Porelle Mr. and Mrs. Luis Presutti Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prezioso Radius International, Inc. Rite-Way Electric Rockland Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Rogers Mrs. Ann Marie Rouse ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumann Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smeloff Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Straface Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tatarka The Buckley Group The Swallow Shoppe TopSafe Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Sean Varano Drs. Nicholas and Amy Vega Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wallace Mrs. Lauren Wall-Allessandrini Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Jason Whipple ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whittaker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Willis

2018 Sacred Heart Golf Tournament Donors Hunton& Williams -Mr. Martin Gaynor ‘85 Roby`s Propane Gas, Inc. Chartwell Educational Dining Service Mayflower OMS PLLC Royal Contract Lighting A. Murphy Electric Donnelly’s School Apparel Hulien & Company, LLC Brabo Benefits, Inc - Mr. Scott Hokanson ‘90 Diaz Construction Kyocera New England McLean Telecom LLC Sisters of Divine Providence The Buckley Group Coastal Heritage Bank Dennison Lubricants Devaney Energy, Inc. Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation EduBoston, LLC Minot Technology Group, LLC NASAR Jewelers, Inc. Colonial Ford Bruno, PC- Ms. Christine Bruno ‘86 Blue Hills Cemetery - Mr. Gerald Ridge ‘82 Envision Bank Gallery Automotive Group, LLC - South Shore BMW Knight International Insurance Agency, Inc. Mezza Luna Restaurant - Mr. EJ Cubellis ‘90 Milhench Supply Company PR First We Print Today - Mr. David Struski ‘85 Shrewsbury Landscapes Mr. Tony Baldwin Mr. Andrew Burns Mr. Mark Carchidi Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation Colonial Ford Mrs. Eileen Comeau Mrs. Patricia DiBiase Mr. Daniel Dransfield Hannon Murphy Insurance Mrs. Christine Healy Mr. Michael Hurm Mrs. Kathryn Kennedy

Mrs. Tricia Koylion Mr. Gregory Kullberg Mr. Michael LaBelle Mrs. Aimee LaGrassa Mr. Edward Conroy Mr. William Lenahan Mr. Craig Lochiatto Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason Melchionda Construction Co, Inc Mrs. Susan Morgan Ms. Lynn-Anne Murphy New England Golf Guide Mr. Stephen Nickerson Northeast Protech, Inc Mr. George Olson Mr. Jon Olson Mr. Thomas Olson Mr. Kevin O’Reilly Paul Effman Music Service Mrs. Sydney Porelle Powderhorn Press Mr. and Mrs. Luis Presutti Mrs. Kara Rinehard Rite-Way Electric Mr. Peter Shirkus Shrewsbury Landscapes Mrs. Lisa Slavik Mr. Nicholas Tartarka The Clean Team Mrs. Kim Tracey Mr. Jason Trulby


At Sacred Heart, STEM Learning is the Common Thread From Preschool to Grade 12

“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” - Steve Jobs, November, 2013. Jobs’ comments reflect Sacred Heart School’s belief that critical thinking and problem-solving are drivers to enhancing students’ cognition and innovative thinking. Computer programming isn’t just about learning to make computers do what we want them to do, it is about breaking tasks into parts and learning that each step has an order, consequence, and sequence. Sacred Heart School offers a continuum of STEM programs and curricula that begins in kindergarten and continues through grade 12. These programs provide students with mastery of key engineering and technology concepts including design, programming, coding, and critical thinking. These skills translate across all of their areas of study. They learn how to break down tasks, to read for detail, process information on a high level, and to analyze how things work. Student start learning to code at age five at the Early Childhood Center through a selective partnership with the Tufts University’s KIBO Robotics program. Developed in conjunction with National Science Foundation, KIBO allows students age 4 -7 to experience the building blocks of coding. This instruction continues at the Elementary School level where students are exposed to the hands-on Spheros robotics program. Spheros allows them to expand their coding and programming knowledge and introduces more complex skills and principles. At the Middle/High School students have the opportunity to pursue computer science in earnest. The computer science curriculum begins at the 7th grade level and once students have this basic coding course, they continue to apply it in many different areas. Students can join the Robotics and Engineering Club, where they can build robots for competition, gain experience with 3D printers and CAD software to explore their own designs. Students can pursue Advanced Placement as early as 9th grade. They can take AP Computer Science Principles, which explores how computers work, how data is handled, security on the web, digital footprints and fingerprints, and more. Students can then advance to AP Computer Programming Java A, where they will solve real-world programming problems. Both AP courses are certified by College Board and are recognized by colleges and universities and many will offer college credit for successful completion of these classes. 9

These programming and coding concepts are also applied within the Middle/High School Science Department curriculum. SHS approaches science teaching as a process, where a body of knowledge is built through theory, testing and analysis. Biology, AP Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics, Marine Science and finally Environmental Science provides students with another context in which to implement and hone critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Generous funding by Sacred Heart alumni, has enabled the expanded use of the state-of-the-art Vernier Software & Technology for gathering and analyzing data. Vernier was started by science teachers who had a need to gather data in real time and show students the direct correlation between action and recording. Sister Ida Mary Lutz, former Science Department Chair, was the one who first brought Vernier to Sacred Heart a number of years ago when they were still a small start up company. The alumni donation has been made in memory of Sister Ida Mary. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has determined coding skills will be among the most critical skill sets in many key industries of manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Thanks to the ongoing investment in our STEM and robotics programming, Sacred Heart students will be equipped with these skills and more as they prepare for success in college and beyond. - Claire Lombardo, Science Dept. Chair


Special Philanthropic Initiatives at Sacred Heart Schools For the 2018-19 School Year Engineering and Technology

SHS prides itself on bringing innovation to our classrooms through investments in technology and professional development for faculty. Last year, over $30,000 was raised to give students hands-on experience in coding, logic models, and computation thinking using flexible robotics kits and provide faculty training in technology-related curricula. This year, $25,000 is needed for the refurbishment of the music building into a Robotics & Engineering Center. The new lab will consist of flexible space for experimentation with coding, robotics, and 3D printers. Opening the Robotics & Engineering Center will enable SHS to launch a competitive robotics team. This Middle High School team will enter local and regional competitions such as the FIRST robotics challenge.

Sacred Heart School Student Emergency Fund

Extreme and urgent circumstances - loss of parent, house fire, chronic or terminal illness, natural disaster, or tragic accident - can turn a student’s world upside down. The need for this unforeseen emergency support grows each year and in response, Sacred Heart School has established an Emergency Fund to support families with a one-time grant to alleviate the immediate financial crisis. SHS hopes to increase the fund with gifts totaling $25,000 for the 2018-19 school year.

Fitness Center Upgrades

The Fitness Center, located on the Middle/High School campus in the Student Athletic Center, is an integral part of health and well-being for our students. The Fitness Center is used by Physical Education classes and available to all teams for training. SHS is hoping to raise $15,000 for the purchase and installation of new strength training and cardio equipment for the Fitness Center.

Sacred Heart School, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Divine Providence, is a private, Catholic, co-educational learning community. The school welcomes students in preschool through grade twelve to a respectful community which is academically challenging, and rooted in the Gospel. Students develop critical thinking skills, engage in service to those in need, broaden their awareness of global perspectives, and make God’s Providence visible.

The Sacred Heart Class of 2018

399 Bishops Highway • Kingston, MA • 781-585-7511

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