Sacred Heart Annual report 2016-2017

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Annual Report of Giving 2016-2017 The Journey and The Destination

The Journey and the Destination...

Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to present for your review Sacred Heart School’s 2016-17 Annual Report. This issue reflects giving from across our constituency – alumni, faculty and staff, foundations, local businesses, parents, and past parents. Each donation represents a belief in and commitment to the work we do each day at Sacred Heart School to educate young people within a safe and nurturing environment, to develop critical thinking skills and dedication to service. The theme of this report is Journey and Destination as it focuses not only on our recent graduates, (see our listing of colleges acceptance on page 19), but spotlights four alumni whose unique journeys have lead to study, work, volunteerism, and life abroad. Our most recent graduates, like the 4,000 alumni before them, carry a passion, ignited here at Sacred Heart, to make God’s providence visible in the world. We are grateful for your passion and commitment to the mission of Sacred Heart School. Without your generosity, our students would not have the resources and experiences that make their journey here so unique. When you make the decision to support Sacred Heart, you are making an immediate and tangible impact on the daily life of each student on our campus. Enclosed you will find a giving envelope and I hope that you might please consider extending your commitment to this fiscal year and join us once again in ensuring we remain an outstanding private, Catholic, co-educational environment for South Shore students and their families. Sincerely,

Tracey Merrill Chief Development Officer

This report is dedicated to the Memory of Sister Ida Mary Lutz, CDP, and Sister John Francis Danko, CDP, who committed so much of their lives to the students of Sacred Heart School.

Table of Contents A Note from the President................................... 1 Leadership Donors.............................................. 2 Sacred Heart Fund Donors................................. 3 Alumni Abroad.................................................... 9-14 In-Kind Giving.................................................... 15 Golf Classic Sponsors........................................... 16 Platinum Celebration Sponsors.......................... 17 Recent College Acceptances................................. 19 2017 - 2018 Calendar of Events.......................... 20

“May God bless you all the days of your life and be ever with you to guide and protect you.� - Mother Marie De La Roche

Stay in Touch! Sacred Heart School strives to reach as many members of our community as possible. If you have updated contact and address information, please pass it on. Send your updated email, phone number, address, and/or news to our Director of Development Services Beth Eddy at We love hearing from you!

*Every effort has been made to accurately list the philanthropic support of our generous donors. Please contact Beth Eddy at 781-585-7511 ext.347 should you have any questions.

A Note From Sister Myra... Dear Friends,

As I write this, I am returning from my trip to Mainz, Germany on behalf of the Sisters of Divine Providence. This journey was part of four commissions bringing together members of our community from Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and South America. We are charged with identifying opportunities to positively impact significant global issues like human trafficking, the Middle East refugee crisis, and widespread famine. It is a blessing to be able to take part in such important conversations, especially when they resonate so deeply with the work we do every day at Sacred Heart. I am proud to be able to share the stories of our students and alumni who are dedicated to the pursuit of social justice on a global scale. This report is a testament to that vital work and will speak to the value we ascribe to ensuring our students leave here with an understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. It starts at the earliest level, with our preschoolers who receive Spanish language instruction. Our World Language program at the middle and high school allows students to graduate with six years of foreign language instruction including AP level courses. Every Sacred Heart student has the opportunity to study or pursue mission work abroad. Recently, students have traveled to China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Italy, and France. Here at home we are proud of our international student program which typically comprises ten percent of the high school student body. Most importantly, our students carry these lessons in global living with them when they leave our halls. Sacred Heart alumni are engaged in all facets of international work, study, and travel. Currently we have alumni on five of the seven continents carrying out research, leading humanitarian efforts, delivering healthcare to impoverished communities, and even flourishing in the international arts community. We have featured four alumni in this report whose lives and work refelect how far reaching the Sacred Heart community is. Please know that you, our supporters, allow Sacred Heart School to be an impactful and relevant educational force in our world. While our beautiful, peaceful, and safe corner of the world is the ideal setting to nurture young hearts and minds, our community, faculty, and staff are committed to preparing our students to engage, serve, and lead in a global context.


Blessings, Sr. Myra Rodgers, CDP

Leadership Donors Supporting Sacred Heart Making the Journey Possible - With the destination in mind. Sacred Heart School thanks, with deep appreciation, the 545 donors whose totals gifts to Sacred Heart School exceeded $450,000 in the 2016-17 school year. We would like to especially acknowledge those donors who made gifts in our two leadership level categories - The Sacred Heart Society (gifts of $10,000 or more dollar) and The Ketteler Guild (gifts of $5,000 - $9,999).

Sacred Heart Society and the Ketteler Guild - $5,000 -$100,000 Mr. and Mrs. John Aucello *^ Bauman Family Foundation and Mrs. Diane Hunt Catholic Schools Foundation Catholic Health Foundation EduBoston, LLC The Flatley Foundation

Rockland Charitable Trust Foundation Mrs. Samira Schumann and Family*^ Mrs. Dolores Tassinari UK Elite

Donor Key: *Day of Giving Donors ^Day of Giving and additional gift(s) to the Sacred Heart Fund


Sacred Heart Fund Donors

LaRoche Guild $1,000 - $4,999

Ahold USA Barnes & Noble Booksellers Mr. Peter Cirelli ‘92* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dennison, Sr. ‘76* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dick Mr. Edward Dingley Falmouth Road Race Mr. and Mrs. Wes French* Mr. Martin Gaynor, III ‘85* Dr. and Mrs. S. Craig Gillard Mr. and Mrs. John Graham*^ Ms. Kathleen Kennedy* Kyocera New England*^ Ms. Susan Lonergan Ms. Catherine Miller ‘73 Ms. Mary O’Donnell Sisters of Divine Providence, Pittsburgh Ms. Johanna Skrzypczyk ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slavin Society of St. Vincent De Paul South Shore Playhouse Associates, Inc. Mr. Demetrios Stavropoulos ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Buckley, Jr.* Ms. Mary Tiernan ‘82*^ Sr. Mary Traupman, CDP* Drs. Nicholas and Amy Vega* Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign WPLM - Dr. Laurie Campbell ‘75

Slyke Circle $500 - $999


Ms. Margaret Alfonso ‘81* Anonymous * Cape Auto Body - Mr. David Gallerani ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. David Colombo*^ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Comeau Ms. Joanne Cronin* Mr. Paul DuWors ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. Al Fehrm*^ Fidelity Charitable*^ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gelina*^ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goyette*^ Mr. and Mrs. James Hannon Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Mr. Scott Hokanson ‘90 and Mrs. Ann Marie Hokanson* Mr. Dana Galgana and Ms. Mary MacCormack* McLean Telecom LLC * Ms. Loyola McManus ‘63 Atty. Michael S. Mehrmann Minot Technology Group, LLC* Mr. John Mogul and Ms. Dianne Lockwood Mr. Robert Muse New Generation Moving and Storage* Mrs. Louise Owen P& JV Management Corporation

Slyke Circle Cont. $500 - $999

Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Ridge ‘82* Rockland Trust Bank Mr. Dana Sacchetti ‘95* Sacred Heart School System, Inc.* Mr. Frank Smith, III*^ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spacek* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spadoni*^ Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tanner-Sullivan*^ Truist Veterans of Foreign Wars Plymouth Memorial Post #1822

Crusaders Club $250 - $499

Ms. Marie Baroni Allen ‘61*^ Ms. Anne Beaudoin ‘93*^ Mr. Mark Brodeur ‘88* Mr. Robert Burns ‘64* Mrs. Yvonne Cunio* Mr. Sean Cunningham ‘99*^ Mrs. Pamela Desmarais ‘82 Mr. F. Matthew Dolloff ‘01 Mr. Charles Farrington, III ‘91* Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Mr. Paul Giovanetti and Mrs. Suzanne Giovanetti ‘70*^ Mr. Michael Gray ‘63*^ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hulien*^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kowalker* Mr. and Mrs. George Latini*^ Massachusetts Cultural Council Mr. and Mrs. Scott McIsaac* Mr. and Mrs. Greg Meikle*^ Ms. Tracey Merrill*^ Dr. Teri Miner and Mr. Christopher Cox Monponsett Inn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin Ms. Kathleen Nee ‘79 Plymouth Cultural Council Ms. Kathryn Rodriguez ‘61*^ Mr. Philip Ryan ‘04* Dr. and Mrs. Charles Schaub III*^ Sr. Ann Therese Connolly, CDP Sr. John Francis Danko, CDP Sr. Rosemonde Deck, CDP Sr. Charlotte Deveau, CDP Sr. Juliana Frisoli, CDP Sr. Julia Hillary, CDP Sr. Danella Hyland, CDP Sr. Mary Joan Kerner, CDP Sr. Rose Marie Lipke, CDP Sr. Jacqueline Meyer, CDP Sr. Emma Jean Middendorf, CDP Sr. Marjorie Nickel, CDP Sr. Francesca O’Regan, CDP

Sr. Helen Plivelic, CDP Sr. Angela Provost, CDP Sr. Myra Rodgers, CDP Sr. Tania Santander Atauchi, CDP Sr. Gladys Segovia Leon, CDP Sr. Claudia Ward, CDP Sr. Lorraine Zappala, CDP Sr. Betsa Palomino Montalvo, CDP Sr. Jeanne Morris, CDP Sr. Lydia Steele, CDP *^ Ms. Laurie Solis*^ Ms. Kelly Thorndike* Town of Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tracy* Mr. John Vaughan ‘66* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whittaker* Drs. Jay and Hannah Yamin*

Century Club $100 - $249

AAA Northeast Ms. Daria Akers ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. John Albanese* Mrs. Jane Alfieri Mr. Fran Alsheimer ‘58* Amazon Smile Ms. Donna Austin ‘64* Mr. Rashad Awad* Mr. Allan Aylward* Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Baker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balzarini ‘04* Ms. Mary Banks Dr. John Barlow ‘61 Ms. Debora Barry*^ Dr. Lynn Beaulieu ‘63 Mr. Steven Bellatoni and Mrs. Kerri Bellatoni ‘98 Mr. Brian Berry and Mrs. Erin Benoit-Berry ‘98 Mr. Kenneth Binder* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blain Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Blake* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blasi* Mr. Peter Blasi ‘85* Bolduc Sanitation & Excavation, Inc. * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brissette * Ms. Marie Bruninghaus ‘83* C.W. Douglas Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Damien Cahill Dr. Mary Callahan and Mr. Michael Callahan * Mr. Charles Capone and Ms. Erin Burns Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carchidi * Dr. Virnaliza and Mr. Sean Cassidy* Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Cellai Ms. Laura Ceurvels* Coastal Heritage Bank* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman


Century Club Cont. $100 - $249


Mr. George Collins Ms. Sharon Collins Short ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulthard* Mr. and Mrs. David Crampton Mr. Dennis Crocco ‘81 Ms. Mary Crossman ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Crowley Ms. Shirley Czaja Ms. Patricia Daly ‘61* Mr. Howard Davis and Mrs. Patricia Davis ‘59* Mrs. Phyllis Day* Ms. Decas-Jacques ‘80*^ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Delbos* Devaney Energy, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dion* Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Doncaster* Mr. and Mrs. James Dooley Ms. Becky Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Downey, Sr.*^ Ms. Louise Duffy Mr. David Elliott* Emerald Excavating Co., Inc.* Falmouth Fruit & Produce Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Faranetta*^ Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fava*^ Mr. Joseph Ferreira ‘72* Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzpatrick Mr. Joseph Flaherty ‘02 Dr. and Mrs. Edward Freccero Freccero Medical Associates G&G Silk Screening Ms. Marcella Gallerani ‘74*^ Mrs. Susan Gallitano* Mrs. Sheila Garzoni ‘68 Ms. Kristin Gaynor ‘00* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geller ‘62 Mr. Michael Gill, Ed.D and Mrs. Tara Gill* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gillis* Ms. Jean Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goyette Mr. Thomas Grattan ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graziano Ms. Nancy Greeley* Ms. Kathleen Hallman ‘70* Mr. and Mrs. J. Garry Hebert Ms. Rena Hines* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hogan*^ Ms. Elizabeth Holland Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howard*^ Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Howell Dr. Larry Hung and Mrs. Amy Hung ‘66*^ Mrs. Diane Hunt Mr. Gary Jones ‘61 Atty. Kathryn Joyce ‘71

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keane* Mr. Michael Kelley Mrs. Lauren Kelley*^ Ms. Joanne Kelly Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy*^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy* Ms. Christine Kidd* Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kiley* Ms. Colleen King* Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Koylion* Mrs. Stephanie Krol* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuketz Mr. Robert Lannin ‘59 Ms. Stacey Last* Ms. Sarah Lemieux ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard* Mr. and Mrs. Steven Levangie Ms. Karen Lock Ms. Mary Margaret Lozeau ‘62 Mr. Walter Lucier* Ms. Mary Ann Luddy ‘65* Br. Richard Lunny, CFX Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malone* Ms. Danielle Maniscalco ‘01* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marshall Ms. Christine Martin ‘66* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason*^ Mr. Andrew McCabe* Mr. Thomas McDermott ‘64* Mr. Timothy McGourthy ‘89* Mr. Joseph McGrath ‘61* Ms. Mary McLean ‘72 Dr. and Mrs. Brian McManus* Mrs. Kathy Mears Mr. and Mrs. Mark Melchionda* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller* Ms. Judith Mills Mr. Peter Miraglia ‘91 and Mrs. Mary Jane Miraglia*^ Mr. Philip Moran Ms. Louise Moriarty* Mr. Steven Murphy and Mrs. Joy Murphy ‘91* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neil Atty. and Mrs. Geoff Nickerson* Ms. Kathleen Norris ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Meara ‘70* Ms. Sharon Ostrowski Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Pangione Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pappas Mr. William Petrell ‘65* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Phillips* Mrs. Emily Pina* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Porelle* PR First* Mr. and Mrs. Luis Presutti* Mr. and Mrs. Ben Quelle* Dr. Louis Ragonetti ‘62

Century Club Cont. $100 - $249

Ms. Peggy Sue Richards ‘68 Sr. Myra Rodgers, CDP*^ Ms. Mary Ann Rogers ‘72 Ms. Theresa Romano Mr. Michael Roth* Mr. Matt Rouse and Mrs. Anne Marie Rouse ‘83*^ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruggiero Sacred Heart Elementary School* Sacred Heart Parents Associations* Mr. Gregory Samos ‘96* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sansone* Ms. Cindi Schaub* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schilling* Ms. Mary Sembrowich ‘62 Ms. Janet Sheehan ‘62 Mrs. Alesandra Soares ‘66 Rev. Gerald Souza ‘04 Special Tees Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Stevens* Sr. Anne Stevenson, SND, Ph.D* Mrs. Ann Stoma ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Straut* Mr. and Mrs. David Struski ‘85 Mr. Kevin Sullivan* Mr. William Sullivan ‘65* Ms. Rita Sullivan ‘65 Mr. Michael Josselyn Ms. Ann Taylor and Mr. Doug Wilson*^ Mr. Ronald Teitelbaum The Arc of Greater Plymouth, Inc. Mr. Lloyd Thimas ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tura ‘63* Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Vlaco* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Volney* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward* Mr. and Mrs. Glen Whittaker* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williamson ‘64*^ Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindsay Wilson Ms. Theresa Yesket

Blue & White Club cont. Up to $99

Mr. Myles Abrams and Mrs. Marie Olga Abrams ‘66* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alfonso* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Allen* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Amadon* Mr. and Mrs. George Anzuoni Mrs. Kimberly Balaschi* Ms. Susan Balboni* Ms. Geraldine Barbeau ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnes* Ms. Eleanor Bassick-Trovato Mr. and Mrs. Steven Berlo* Ms. Leanne Bishop

Ms. Katelynn Borgatti* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Boyles* Ms. Brittany Bradford ‘11 Ms. Erin Bradley* Mrs. Bryanne Bradley* Ms. Lynda Branagan-Greco ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bresnehan* Mr. and Mrs. Francis Broderick Mr. Seth Bubbins ‘93 Ms. Julie Buente* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunn* Mr. Charles Capone and Ms. Erin Burns* Ms. Molly Cahill ‘09* Mr. Christopher Callahan and Mrs. Elizabeth Callahan ‘01* Mr. Paul DeCot * Mr.and Mrs. John Cardarelli* Mr. and Mrs. Art Carey* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carey* Sr. Janice Carmen, SND* Mr. Stephen Carrillo Ms. Mary Carroll* Mr. and Mrs. Colin Casey* Ms. Joy Casserly ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cegleski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chick* Ms. Nancy Chieregato ‘77 Mr. Jonathan Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Tim Coletti* Ms. Jessica Colligan ‘99* Mr. Dylan Collins* Ms. Susan Colson Mr. and Mrs. Ray Concannon* Mr. and Mrs. James Conery, Jr. ‘86* Mrs. Maureen Connelly* Atty. and Mrs. Edward Conroy* Mr. Joseph Cote* Ms. Eileen Craffey ‘68 Ms. Rachael Crimmins ‘97 Mrs. Julie Cronin Mr. Matthew Dalbec Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D’Arcy Mrs. Jennifer Deegan*^ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dena* Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Deveau* Mrs. Kristen DeYoung* Ms. Helene Dick ‘09* Mr. Spencer Dick ‘12* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DiGiandomenico Mrs. Jenna Dillon* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doherty* Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue* Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Doyle* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dransfield Ms. Ruth Driscoll* Mr and Mrs Alex Dubois* Mr. Michael Duchaney Mrs. Kristine Duhamel ‘86* 6

Blue & White Club cont. Up to $99


Mr. Robert Duquette Ms. Elizabeth M. Eddy*^ Mr. and Mrs. George Egan* Mr. Steve Ennis* Mrs. Martha Equi* Ms. Bethany Evans ‘02 Ms. Kathryn Evers ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Ewell Mr. Anthony Fagen* Mr. and Mrs. James Fahey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faut Ms. Kim Ferazzi Ms. Lorethea Finley Mrs. Ruth Finn* Ms. Sheila FitzPatrick Ms. Jayne Flaherty Tynan ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flynn* Mr. and Mrs. David Foley* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fortini ‘65* Mr. James Fougere ‘86* Mr. Thomas Fowler* Sr. John Francis, CDP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fratus* Ms. Nancy Gaffey* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher* Ms. Adrienne Garzoni* Mr. Patrick Gavin ‘74* Ms. Caitlin Gavin Day ‘96* Ms. Patricia Gerner* Ms. Patricia Gillespie* Mr. Andrew Glynn* Mr. and Mrs. James Grande* Mrs. Barbara Grasso ‘65*^ Ms. Kayla Greenwood ‘08 Mrs. Catherine Gren-Forcier* Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Grillone Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hall Ms. Patricia Hall Mr. Michael Halunen ‘94 Ms. Barbara Hanigan ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harrenstein* Mrs. Paula Harris Ms. Elizabeth Hartigan ‘85* Ms. Susan Haskell ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Healy Mr. J. Scott McNamara and Ms. Krista Hennessy ‘75 Ms. Mary Hickey* Ms. Sandra Higgins ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. David Hood Mr. Mike Farrell and Ms. Colleen Houde Mrs. Andrea Hurm*^ Ms. Kathleen Iannaccone*^ Dr. and Mrs. John Iannarone Mr. and Mrs. Jay Irving*

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jennings* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordan* Mrs. Marguerite Juliano* Mr. and Mrs.William Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy* Ms. Gayle Keough* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kiesewetter* Mr. James Kilroe ‘15* Mr. and Mrs. Kyoung Eun Kim* Mr. Fares Zaki and Mrs. Jane Kirby-Zaki ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krol* Mrs. Debby Krueger* Ms. Victoria Kuketz Mr. Michael LaBelle* Ms. Michelle LaBelle* Mr. Jean LaFortune* Mr. and Mrs. Richard LaGrassa* Ms. Alice Lague* Mrs. Karen LeBlanc*^ Ms. Janet Levangie* Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lewis* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lutz Mr. and Mrs. George Lutz Ms. Nicole MacDonald ‘89* Ms. Hallie MacInnis ‘10 Mr. Allen MacLeod Ms. Linda Mangini Mr. and Mrs. John Mannix* Ms. Ellen Martin* Mr. Joe Masi* Mrs. Carrie Mathias* Mr. Joseph Mathias* Ms. Lydia Mathias* Mr. Ronald Maurice* Ms. Meiling May ‘10* Ms. Catherine Mayes Mrs. Phyllis McDonough Mr. Frederick McGovern ‘84* Mr. Daniel McKiernan and Mrs. Tina McKiernan ‘84* Ms. Evelyn McPeake ‘66* Mrs. Julia Michaud* Mr. and Mrs. James Michaud* Ms. Mary Midkiff Mrs. Dawne Migre ‘86* Ms. Jennifer Mitchell ‘87* Ms. Kathleen Moore ‘64 Mr. Joseph Moore ‘62 Mr. Greg Morehouse* Ms. Brenda Moran* Mr. and Mrs. Joel Moreno* Ms. Joy Moriarty ‘17* Mr. and Mrs. John Moriarty* Mr. and Mrs. Todd Morse* Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy* Ms. Sarah Nitsch ‘94* Mr. Kyle Norman ‘01*

Blue & White Club cont. Up to $99 Mrs. Kathleen Norris * Ms. Candice O’Brien* Mr. Roderick O’Connor ‘69 Mr. Gerald O’Leary* Mr. Jon Olson* Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Neil Mrs. Susan O’Neil* Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Neill* Mr. Simon Ostrowski ‘10* Ms. Christin Ouimet ‘64 Mrs. Teri Page*^ Sr. Janice Paine, SND* Mr. and Mrs. John Palie* Ms. Dorothy Parker* Mrs. Laura Parry* Mr. and Mrs. Francesco Pasquale* Ms. Alessandra Pasquale ‘14* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Paul ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pellegrini Mr. and Mrs. John Pesa* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pescatore* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Picone* Mr. Anthony Provenzano, Jr.* Sr. Angela Provost, CDP* Ms. Robin Quinn-Perkins ‘62 Mr. Michael Raciti ‘02* Mr. Edward Raeke ‘86* Ms. Theresa A. Ramsell* Ms. Kay Ramsey ‘62 Ms. Kristen Reske ‘03* Ms. Dianne L. Richard Ms. Courtney Richardson ‘94 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rinehard* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rodway Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Rogers Mr. George Rose, Jr.* Ms. Debra Roth Ms. Laurie Ruszala ‘00* Ms. Barbara Ryan ‘70 Mr. Paul Savoy Mr. Matthew Sawicki* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scampoli* Mrs. Amira Schumann* Mr. Dylan Schumann ‘25* Mrs. Sheila Sgarzi ‘95* Mr. Robert Sgarzi ‘60 Mrs. Lauren Shaw* Mrs. Jacqueline Sheehan* Mr. Daniel Sheehan ‘80* Ms. Dana Shepard ‘10* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair* Ms. Janice Smith ‘60 Mr. Frank Smith IV* Ms. Courtney Smith*

Mrs. Jade Smolinsky* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Snyder* Sr. Lydia Steele, CDP* Ms. Lisa Stevens Mr. and Mrs. John Stofa*^ Dr. Kim Stoloski, Ed.D. and Mr. William Stoloski* Mr. Tom Kusnierz and Mrs. Arlene Stolz ‘87 Mr. Wesley Stonely and Mrs. Adrianne Stonely ‘02* Ms. Karen Storey ‘77 Ms. Joann Stransky Taft* Ms. Rita Sullivan ‘65 Ms. Joanna Sullivan* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swanson* Mrs. Susan Sweeney* Ms. Judith Tanner* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tatarka* Ms. Lauren Tavares* Ms. Neila Teixeira ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas, Jr. ‘93 Mr and Mrs Tibbetts* Ms. Mary Jane Tilden Mr. Michael Trostel ‘02 Mrs. Maureen Twohig* Mrs. Patricia Venezia Mr. and Mrs. William Wall Ms. Deirdre Wallace ‘91* Mr. Greer Ward ‘01* Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Watts* Ms. Laurie Ann Webster* Mrs. Valerie White ‘90* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Willis Mrs. Joan Winterson Ms. Emily Wisniewski ‘10* Sr. Joan Wolf, CDP* Mr. Kevin Wolfe ‘04*


Sacred Heart Alumni Abroad

Dana Sachetti ‘95 Italy

Deirdre Hayes ‘85 England

Jesse-Lee Costa Dollerup ‘96 France / Denmark

Rose Pincelli Boglione ‘66 Italy, Turkey, Moscow, Dubai

In the following pages we are excited to introduce you to just a few of our alumni who have embraced the message of global citizenship that Sacred Heart has taught since its inception. These are alumni who have gone on not only to have great adventures but also have made a positive impact on the world around them!


A Note From Our International Program Coordinator The Sisters of Divine Providence have a legacy that includes a desire to share their mission of peace and social justice via a global platform. In support of this value, Sacred Heart has welcomed students from Canada, China, Honduras, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, South Korea, Spain and Switzerland. International students offer the Sacred Heart Community the unique opportunity to view the world from different perspectives through diverse ideas, languages, and cultures. For example, our Asian students enjoy sharing their culture with the celebration of Lunar New Year. Chinese and Korean high school students visit grades four and five to discuss their New Year traditions. This year our students and teachers performed a surprise lion dance for the high school and elementary schools! Students in our international extra-curricular group the “We are the World Club” learned to make dumplings from our Chinese students and served them to the high school. We hope to make this an annual tradition. There are a variety of reasons international students choose to study in the United States. While improving their English in preparation for college is one of their most important goals, at Sacred Heart they are also fully immersed in social, civic, and artistic opportunities. One of our seniors, Zhongshan Gui, from China, is entering his senior year at Sacred Heart. Gui is confident he has positioned himself well to be admitted to one of his dream colleges. “My goal of coming to America was to study. To be honest, Sacred Heart has given me much more than I could have expected. Participating in “We are the World” Club, International Festival, speech team and the football team, I made many friends. These opportunities helped me to fit in and learn more about the American culture.” Gui hopes to attend school in New England so can remain close to the Sacred Heart community he considers a second family. Learning to communicate with someone who does not share the same native language or culture can be challenging at first. Students’ efforts are rewarded with memories and friendships they cherish forever. Zen Weng, a graduate of the 2017 class attends the University of Washington where he is majoring in Psychology. Weng will “never forget the teachers and students at Sacred Heart. They are all so kind, smart and helpful - really lovely people who took time to get to know me. I will never regret choosing Sacred Heart as my first step of study in America.” In the 2016-2017 school year, we provided a new leadership opportunity for our domestic students with the nomination of fourteen Global Ambassadors in grades 8-12. Global Ambassadors complete a training program in cultural literacy. They then apply what they have learned, using their skills and talents, to enhance the cultural experience for both our domestic and international students. Sacred Heart will host our third International Festival this spring, a new favorite tradition! We will continue to provide opportunities for all our students to celebrate the diverse ideas, talents and cultures that make individuals unique, while finding the connecting values that bring our community together.

For more information or to be involved with the International Festival, We are the World Club, Global Ambassadors, or to host a student, please contact our International Program Coordinator, Laura Parry at


Dana Sacchetti Class of 1995, Officer with the UN World Food Programme, delivering the commencement address for the Class of 2017 Mr. Dana Sacchetti, a member of the Sacred Heart Class of 1995, delivered the commencement address on May 26th to the members of the graduating class of 2017. Currently, Dana serves as a senior Partnerships and Governance Officer for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Rome. In this role, he is charged with directing resource mobilization and partnership strategies across WFP operations in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Middle East. Dana previously served as Senior Political Affairs Officer at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). In this role, he served as part of the delegation that sought to resolve outstanding issues regarding Syria’s chemical weapons programme, and he also served as speechwriter for the Director-General. Prior to joining the OPCW, he served as Program Manager for the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). At the IAEA, he mobilized resources and managed a portfolio of cancer-related technical cooperation projects and initiatives across thirty countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. He earlier served as senior member of a team that dealt with the Iranian nuclear crisis and the Fukushima nuclear accident emergency in Japan. Dana came to UN service after several years in the private sector, as management consultant and strategic adviser for Deloitte Consulting, Hewlett-Packard, and other technology firms in Silicon Valley. Dana graduated with distinction from Syracuse University and holds a degree in communications and political science.

“No matter your path, I urge you to go boldly out into the world. Reach far beyond your comfort zone. Take risks. Challenge yourself by traveling to places where the challenges are the greatest. Challenge yourself by listening to others whose views are different from your own. Embrace the fact that you were born with great fortune, and with great fortune comes great expectations.” - Dana Sacchetti ‘95, 2017 Commencement Address 11

A Q&A with Jessie Costa-Dollerup , Class of 1996 How did your Sacred Heart education prepare you for life abroad? I feel that the education I received at Sacred Heart, and especially a number of truly inspirational teachers I encountered during my years there helped to encourage my perhaps unquenchable curiosity-- the need to question and to keep questioning and striving for knowledge about the world at my feet and everything beyond. If you wanted to achieve something, find out what it takes to get there and get started! How did your Sacred Heart education impact your career path? I work in Denmark in the field of museum education, developing cultural history and art historical educational programs for school children and adults in the museum as an alternative learning space. I’ve always had a keen love of the Humanities and the Arts and feel that my teachers and education at Sacred Heart fostered my interest in history languages. I was also involved in the Theater Arts program and Forensics Club which definitely influenced my choices at university both in the US and in Denmark to work with languages, alternative pedagogy, and museum learning. When you reflect on your Sacred Heart years, what elements of our mission resonate with you today? I feel that acting with compassion, working for a just society and in service to society all resonate particularly with me today and I strive to live up to these values both in my private and working life and hope to pass them on to my children. When I think back on my years at Sacred Heart, I think of the openness with which I felt received as a student both by my teachers and the sisters despite background or belief. No matter what faith, belief, or path in life, the aforementioned values are universals that should bind us all in a society. What teachers had the greatest impact on you at Sacred Heart?

Jessie-Lee with her son Sune.

Gerry Golden who I had for history and Russian literature, was such a huge inspiration for me. Among other things, he introduced our history class to the work of Howard Zinn, took some of us to the Kennedy Library to see a lecture by Robert McNamara, and encouraged us to question and think critically, even if it meant questioning our own text books. He has had such a huge influence on my own personal approach to learning, something I wouldn’t realize until years later. I would feel privileged to inspire the audiences that I work with in museum learning in such a way. Cathy Coppola, my French teacher, was also an inspiration and inspired me to pursue french and organized a trip to Paris which made me decide that I wanted to live there as a college student. Mrs. Coppola also came to Paris to visit me and two other Sacred Heart Alumni during our college junior year abroad. Anything else you would like to add about the value of travel/living abroad for Sacred Heart students? I wish that everyone had the chance that I’ve had to see their home from different points of view. In learning the many idiosyncrasies of different cultures you come to recognize those present in your own. After a while the valuable similarities that bind us all are what comes to the fore and eclipses the differences. As they say the more you learn, the less you know and that is perfect for a curious soul like me!


In Her Own Words... Deirdre Hayes, Class of 1985 When I attended Sacred Heart in Junior High School it was diverse. There were students from different places and backgrounds including resident students from other countries. This experience, the mission of the school, and the lessons I learned in kindness, striving for personal excellence, compassion, and building self confidence, all helped to prepare me not only for life but life abroad. My own experience abroad was unique and included the opportunity to go to England as a Professional Basketball Player and Coach. I also coached the England Under 18 women’s basketball team in four European Championships, Worked for a men’s professional basketball team as the General Manager of their charity leading their community work for one of the largest programs in England. Apart from my time living in England I was also able to travel to places like Macedonia, Estonia, Israel, Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, France, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands just to name a few. The preparation I received at Sacred Heart impacted my career path on many levels. The quality of the education, the dedicated faculty and their support in small classroom settings really encouraged me to work hard and achieve, and to have accountability while striving to do my best without excuses. I truly believe that each teacher I had during my time at Sacred Heart touched my life and helped in my development into the person I’ve become. Some of the faculty members that stand out are Mr. Duquette, Ed Dunn, Ron Bruninghaus, Sister Johnette, Sister Francesca, and Sister Deloris. It’s important to note that while the teachers and administration were the backbone of the school, my classmates and friends made Sacred Heart so special and played a key role in who I am today. Since I’ve returned to the states I’ve been working as the admissions and marketing director for a large nursing home. The Sisters of Divine Providence’s mission statement resonates with me daily as I work with people who require help and compassion. I’ve internalized that mission as I work to make life easier for these people and help them to achieve personal and physical success. My advice to current Sacred Heart students is not to buy heavy furniture! Go and experience the world. The decision to stretch myself and travel to a different country where I created a life and a career was amazing and life-changing. I feel so lucky and so blessed by the people I’ve met and touched and become friends and family with.

“My advice to current Sacred Heart students is not to buy heavy furniture! Go and experience the world. The decision to stretch myself and travel to a different country where I created a life and a career was amazing and life-changing. I feel so lucky and so blessed by the people I’ve met and touched and who have become friends and family.” 13

Rose Pincelli Boglione Class of 1966 Rose currently resides in Florence, Italy and is the Treasurer for the International Federation of Dental Hygenists. In the last year she has given lectures in Dubai, Moscow, and Turkey. It’s clear that she has truly embraced that global spirit. Rose remembers Sister Mary, Sister Rosalie, and Sister Ida Mary as being the most influential in her time at Sacred Heart. Saying that “At Sacred Heart I learned to respect, excel, and achieve.” Rose also credits her brother Dr. Michael Pincelli ’64 as an inspiration, “he taught me when you do something always try to be the best and always try to do the best.”

Some images of our Chinese and Korean high school students visiting grades four and five to discuss their New Year traditions. And suprising students with a traditional lion dance!


In-Kind Giving We would like to recognize our in-kind donors who donated to Sacred Heart events, special projects and classroom activities. Thank you for the many thoughtful gifts you gave throughout the year.

Orta Restaurant Mr. Ward Parker Pawtucket Red Sox PINZ Powder Horn Press, Inc.5 Mrs. Erin Presutti and The Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ben Quelle Ms. Sara Radseszewski Roger Williams Park Zoo Ms. Laurette Ryan ‘80 Ryco Excavating Contractor, Inc. Sacred Heart Junior Girl Scouts Troop 62639 Sacred Heart Spirit Store Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schilling Scout Bags Southwick Zoo Ms. Jennifer St. Gelais Sullivan Brothers Nissan Swan Boats of Boston, Inc. Mr. Jim Tassinari Wachusett Mountain Mr. David Struski ‘ 85 and Mrs. Christine Struski Sr. Joan Wolf, CDP Drs. Jay and Hannah Yamin

42 Degrees North Restaurant A.J. Marks Jewlers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baken Bar Rustic - The Studio Kitchen BEHN Basketball Camp Texas Roadhouse Restaurant - Mr. Brian Berry and Mrs. Erin Benoit-Berry ‘98 Best Chevrolet Mr. Kenneth Binder Boston Red Sox Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bradley Capstone Production Group Captain John Whale Watching Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carchidi Citrin Cooperman & Company Coca Cola Bottling Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Crowley Dillon’s Local Mr. Robert Duquette Duxbury Gardeners Falmouth Road Race Mr. and Mrs. Al Fehrm Fisher Family Dentistry, PC Mr. Dana Galgana and Ms. Mary MacCormack Game Truck Boston Dr. and Mrs. S. Craig Gillard Grafton Group “A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that Guilty Bakery individual can be you. And then there will be another ‘you,’ Heritage Museum & Gardens Mr. Scott Hokanson ‘90 and another ‘you,’ and it turns into an ‘us.’ And so, does hope Indian Pond Country Club begin when we have an ‘us?’ No. Hope began with one ‘you.’ Mr. and Mrs. Jay Irving Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy When there is an ‘us,’ there begins a revolution.” Law Office of Mark D. Carchidi, PC Legal Sea Foods, LLC LegoLand Boston ~ Pope Francis in his 2017 TED Talk Martini’s Bar & Grill MAZIPLY Toys & Collectibles Mr. Andrew McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Meikle Ms. Tracey Merrill Mr. EJ Cubellis ‘90 Mount Sunapee Representative Matthew Muratore Ms. Lynn-Anne Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Hannon Ocean Spray


Golf Classic Sponsors Sacred Heart School 2017 Golf Classic was held on Monday, June 26th at Indian Pond Country Club. The tournament was dedicated to William Christopher Hunt ’87 who lost his life in the terror attacks of September 9, 2001. Sacred Heart school remembers Bill each year with the awarding of the William C. Hunt ’87 Scholarship Fund. Over 100 golfers and friends joined the events of the day which included a the awarding of a hole-in-one prize! SAVE THE DATE – 2018 Golf Classic, June 18th, Indian Pond Country Club

Capstone Productions Manion Gaynor & Manning, LLP - Martin Gaynor ‘85 Rockland Trust Bank Sullivan Brothers Citrin Cooperman & Company Colony Place Development Dennison Lubricants - Mr. Tim Dennison, Sr. '76 Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Glynn Electric Mayflower Food and Spirits Minot Technology Group, LLC Beacon Telecom Best Automatic Sprinkler Blue Hills Cemetery - Gerald Ridge '82 Brabo Benefits, Inc. - Scott Hokanson '90 Bruno, PC - Christine Bruno '86 Chartwell Educational Dining Services Colony Place Development Devaney Energy, Inc. Donnelly's School Apparel Falmouth Fruit & Produce Hannon-Murphy Insurance Hanover Glass Company, Inc. Hulien & Company, LLC Kyocera New England L. Knife & Son Mayflower Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery McSweeney & Ricci Insurance Melchionda Construction Co, Inc Mezza Luna Restaurant - EJ Cubellis ' 90 Paul Effman Music Service PR First Rite-Way Electric Roby`s Propane Gas, Inc. - Waldo Roby, Sr. and Waldo Roby Jr. ' 82 Royal Contract Lighting, Inc. We Print Today - David Struski '85

Event Sponsor Event Sponsor Event Sponsor Event Sponsor Registration Sponsor Registration Sponsor Registration Sponsor Registration Sponsor Registration Sponsor Registration Sponsor Registration Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor


Platinum Celebration Sponosors On April 1st, 300 alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends gathered to celebration the 70th anniversary of Sacred Heart School. The venue, Indian Pond Country Club, was the backdrop for an elegant evening of dining, auction and dancing. The event raised $134,000 for the school, including its next special project, a new basketball court for the elementary school. Presentations that evening were made by Sister Michele Bisbey, Provincial Director, CDP, Representative Mathew Muratore (R-Plymouth), State Senator Vinny deMacedo (R-Plymouth) and State Representative Tom Calter. SAVE THE DATE – Fall Fête, Mirbeau, November 3rd, 2017




EduBoston, LLC Roby`s Propane Gas, Inc. Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation

Gold Gold Gold

A. Murphy Electric A.J. Marks Jewelers Beantown AC Inc. Brabo Benefits, Inc. - Scott Hokanson '86 Manion Gaynor & Manning, LLP - Martin Gayor ‘85

Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver

The Buckley Group Capstone Production Group Colony Place Development Donnelly's School Apparel Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Entergy Services Minot Technology Group, LLC Sisters of Divine Providence The Hogue /Yekhtikian Family & Deloitte

Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends

Citrin Cooperman & Company Coastal Heritage Bank Marty's Buick GMC Ms. Mary O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Peter Philips PR First Mayflower OMS PLLC W.B. Mason Drs. Jay and Hannah Yamin P& JV Management Corporation Paul Effman Music Service PR First

Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor

Fall Fete Friday, November 3, 2017 7 - 11 pm Henri-Marie at Mirbeau Plymouth, MA $75 per person

Join us for a fun-filled Fall evening in support of Sacred Heart School. Enjoy great food, music, cocktails, and more at Henri-Marie in the beautiful Mirbeau Inn and Spa nestled in Plymouth’s Pine Hills. Don’t miss out on our three bigticket raffle items all valued at $1,000! Space is limited so purchase your tickets early at: Please contact Meg Juliano at with any questions.


Journey and Destination In the spirit of this report we would like to share where graduates of Sacred Heart have taken the next steps of their journey over the last four years. Listed in bold are the universities ranked by Barron’s as the Most Competitive schools that our students have chosen to attend.


Ave Maria U. American U. Assumption College Babson College Becker College Bentley University Boston College Boston University Bradley University Brandeis University Bridgeton Academy Bridgewater State University Bryant University Cape Cod Community College Catholic University of America Champlain College Clark University Clarkson University Coastal Carolina University Colby-Sawyer College College of Mt. St. Vincent College of the Holy Cross Colorado State University Columbia College Chicago Columbia University Curry College Dean College East Carolina University Eckerd College Elms College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Emerson College Emmanuel College Endicott College Fairfield University Florida State University Framingham State University George Washington University Goucher College Hampshire College Hartwick College High Point University Hofstra Indiana University, Bloomington Ithaca College Keene State College Lasell College Long Island University Post Loyola University, Chicago Marist College Mass Maritime Academy Mass. College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Massasoit Community College Merrimack College

Middlebury College Mt. Holyoke College Mt. Ida College New York University Nichols College Northeastern University Norwich University Ohio Wesleyan University Pennsylvania State University Plymouth State College Providence College Purdue University Quincy College Quinnipiac University Regis College Richmond The American University in London Rochester Institute of Technology Roger Williams University Rollins College Saint Anselm College Saint Michael’s College Salve Regina University Southern New Hampshire University St. John’s University St. Joseph’s University St. Michael’s College Stonehill College University of Rhode Island University of Tampa University College London University of Alabama University of California, Irvine University of Connecticut University of Hartford Suffolk University Syracuse University University of Denver University of Maine University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Honors University of Massachusetts, Boston University of Massachusetts, Lowell University of New Hampshire University of Oklahoma University of Ottawa Business Honors University of Rhode Island University of Vermont University of Washington Villanova University Wagner College Wake Forest University Wentworth Institute of Technology Wheaton College Worcester Polytechnic Institute

2017-2018 Events Calendar Sacred Heart is pleased to share its annual events calendar and welcome you to join us for these great events! October 10/12 - Alumni Open House 2 pm at the Early Childhood Center 10/21 - Boston Alumni & Friends Event (21 or older) Wine Riot, Wine Tasting and Expo 2 - 5 pm at The Castle at Park Plaza November 11/3 - Fall FĂŞte 7 - 11 pm at Henri Marie at Mirbeau, Pinehills 11/14 - Day Of Giving Everywhere and everyone - Support Sacred Heart during our community fund drive! 11/22 - Plymouth Alumni Gathering 5 - 8 pm Pinz, Kingston Collection December 12/3 - Breakfast with Santa Sacred Heart School High School January/February 1/28 to 2/3 - Catholic Schools Week May 5/4 to 5/6 - Reunion Weekend June 6/18 - Sacred Heart Golf Classic

For information on any of these events,please contact Meg Juliano at 20

Sacred Heart School is a private, Catholic, co-educational learning community for students in preschool through grade 12. As a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Divine Providence, we strive to inspire minds, define character and encourage responsible leadership through a curriculum that prepares students to pursue knowledge now and throughout their lives. In the tradition of the Sisters of Divine Providence, we seek to develop a community of faith that encourages students to act with compassion, to work for a just society, and to pursue opportunities to develop and share their God-given talents in service to society.

The Sacred Heart Class of 2017

399 Bishops Highway • Kingston, MA • 781-585-7511

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