Sacred heart Admissions View Book 2015

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Inspiring Minds Fostering Faith

Admissions View Book



Since 1947, Sacred Heart School in Kingston has been a leader in top-tier Catholic education on the South Shore. We are dedicated to helping our students achieve academic excellence, define character, and develop leadership skills and integrity. All of this is built on a foundation of faith and a mission of compassion and social justice. From our youngest students in preschool at the Early Childhood Center to our graduating seniors, earnest excitement for learning is a common thread. Our faculty share it as well, and they are passionate about our students’ success. At each grade level, students reap the benefits of small class sizes that support true, interactive learning environments and strong student-teacher relationships. Family is a popular word used by students and faculty to describe our community. It’s because our students know we genuinely care about them, and their best interest and academic success are always our top priority. Students feel safe because they know each other and they know the faculty and staff; there’s always a helping hand or a friendly smile nearby.

One School Preschool to Grade 12 on 120 Beautiful Acres


Table of Contents Mission and Faith.........................................................4 The Early Childhood Center.......................................6 Curriculum................................................8 Technology.................................................10 Experiential Learning................................12 The ECC Campus......................................14 The Elementary School................................................16 Curriculum................................................18 Activities....................................................20 Hands-On Learning..................................22 Integrated Technology...............................23 The Elementary School Campus..............24 The High School...........................................................26 Curriculum.................................................28 Science and Innovation Center.................30 The Kohout-Dingley Observatory.............32 Integrated Technology................................33 Guidance and College Placement..............34 Athletics.......................................................36 Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities.....38 Drama Club and Speech and Debate.......39 Serving Our Community..........................40 International Students..............................41 The High School Campus.........................42 Tuition Across the School..........................................46 Sacred Heart At A Glance..........................................47 Mission Statement: Sacred Heart School is a private, Catholic, co-educational learning community for

students in preschool through grade 12. As a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Divine Providence, we strive to inspire minds, define character and encourage responsible leadership through a curriculum that prepares students to pursue knowledge now and throughout their lives. In the tradition of the Sisters of Divine Providence, we seek to develop a community of faith that encourages students to act with compassion, to work for a just society, and to pursue opportunities to develop and share their God-given talents in service to society. 3

Mission and Faith

As a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Divine Providence, our Catholic identity is at the core of all we do. We are commited to providing our students with a foundation of character, moral values, and respect that will direct the way they use the well-rounded education they receive at Sacred Heart School. We have a Campus Ministry team that coordinates Masses, religious services, community outreach, and also moderates Sacred Service and Peer Ministry. These ministers are an invaluable asset to our community and are always available to help students develop a better understanding of their faith. They also play a key role in encouraging our students to develop habits of responsible leadership, respect for the dignity of all persons, and dedication to service. We welcome students of all religions, and encourage them to grow in their own faith and share their experiences, seeking common ground and striving for peace.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.� - Aristotle


We live out our faith in a variety of ways across campus including: • Kindergarteners and their parents celebrate a beautiful end-of-the-year Mass. Students participate in readings and sing hymns and songs they learned throughout the year. • Every September, we gather for an all-school, outdoor family Mass that offers the entire school community a chance to come together and bless the year ahead. • In addition to monthly Masses, we hold teaching Masses at the Elementary School where students learn about the different traditions and elements of the Catholic Mass. • The High School holds monthly Masses celebrating important days in the Catholic calendar. Students play a key role, singing with the liturgical choir, doing readings, and acting as altar servers. We also have “Pizza and Prayer” days in our beautiful chapel and many other special faith ceremonies. • Faith-based service opportunities are many, including assisting at places like Matthew’s Kitchen and Pilgrim Hope Shelter; mission trips; food, can, and clothing drives; Advent/ Christmas service projects; and Habitat for Humanity. • At the High School, students can enroll in the Peer Ministry elective and help to coordinate and take part in school programs and service projects. 5

The Early Childhood Center Designed specifically for 3 to 5 year olds Our award-winning Early Childhood Center provides the first stepping stones on the path to an outstanding private Catholic education. Built in 2007, on its own dedicated piece of Sacred Heart’s 120-acre campus, the Center is the ideal environment for the development and growth of preschool to kindergarten age children. Children learn and play in classrooms constructed with their specific needs in mind. Classes are led by an outstanding faculty who specialize in early childhood development. The student experience is tailored to ensure a safe and nurturing environment where the youngest members of our community can begin to discover and develop their talents. The Center includes full and half-day preschool options, full-day pre-k, and full-day kindergarten. We know how busy our families are; and at the preschool level, our 2, 3, and 5 day schedules are available for full days, or both a.m. and p.m. half days. We want to ensure a convenient early education option that can fit any family’s needs.


Schedules: Half-day Preschool for 3 year old children Mornings 8:00 -11:30 a.m. Afternoons 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. Must be 3 years old by August 31 Full-day Preschool for 3 year old children 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Must be 3 years old by August 31 Available Daily Preschool and Pre-K Schedules: 2 days (Tues. & Thurs.) 3 days (Mon.-Wed.-Fri.) 5 days (Mon.-Fri.)

Full-day Pre-Kindergarten for 4 year old children 7:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Must be 4 years old by August 31 Full-day Kindergarten for 5 year old children 7:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Mon. - Fri.) Must be 5 years old by August 31


Curriculum The Early Childhood Center provides a structured educational program based on developmentally-appropriate practice and includes play and opportunities for exploration and social interaction. Our interdisciplinary approach to learning creates a hands-on environment in which children participate in a variety of interactive experiences focused on all areas of development (social, emotional, language, cognitive, physical), academic-readiness skills, and faith development. We work to foster positive self-esteem and self-confidence as well as cooperation and care and respect for others. Preschool The curriculum for our full and half-day preschool classes for 3 year old children offers a variety of experiences following a theme-based, seasonal pattern. The classroom is “centersbased” with a daily routine and schedule that allows for “circle-time”, introductory reading and math concepts, prayers, storytelling, music, art, fine and gross motor skills, as well as play and social interaction. Pre-Kindergarten The curriculum for our full-day, pre-kindergarten classes offers students a diverse experience while also following a theme-based, seasonal pattern. Academic concepts are introduced in the Program’s reading and mathematics curriculum series. Topics are introduced through direct instruction, teacher-directed exploration, and independent exploration which allow students to learn through a variety of activities focusing on mastery of specific skills.


Kindergarten The academic curriculum for our full-day kindergarten is consistent with the Elementary School curriculum for grades one through six. Concepts and skills are introduced which are appropriate to each child’s stage of development. These concepts reinforce the cognitive and developmental skills needed for the academic, social, emotional, and spiritual growth of each child. Taking into consideration each child’s learning style, readiness skills are taught using various techniques and providing hands-on activities as well as visual and auditory experiences. The general curriculum includes readiness skills in the areas of religion, language arts (which includes phonetics, reading, writing, and spelling), math, social studies and science. Children are engaged in small and large group activities, and attention is given to the development of fine and gross motor skills.

Early Childhood Center 9


Even our youngest students benefit from the integration of cutting-edge technology. Each classroom at the Early Childhood Center is equipped with a SMARTBoard and an iPad learning center allowing teachers to bring lessons to life while seamlessly and safely utilizing all the resources of the internet. Engaging our students in interactive, hands-on lessons is a key component of the Sacred Heart experience at any grade level. The SMARTBoards utilize advanced touch-screen technology, literally putting the subject matter at the students’ fingertips. At the kindergarten level, students have time once a week to visit the Elementary School library to hone information and digital literacy skills such as: • Combining the ability to recognize information needed with finding, evaluating, and effectively and responsibly using information • Combining the use of traditional print media and the latest software and technology to create new and exciting projects based on their research 10

• Discovering new tools to organize and manage research

Early Childhood Center

The current generation of students are growing up in a society where advanced technology is a part of daily life. At Sacred Heart, we believe in early education and exposure to different technologies. We strive to provide a strong foundation for the responsible and safe use of these resources as our students progress from the Early Childhood Center to the Elementary School and finally the High School.


Experiential Learning and Special Classes

Whether it’s a field trip, a visit from the Kingston Fire Department, or a magic show about recycling, Sacred Heart brims with interactive and experiential learning which is key to engaging our students. Every year, ECC students have the opportunity to take part in some traditional experiences like the annual visit to Bog Hollow Farm to learn about the local habitat and pick pumpkins and cranberries. We also host several special guest speakers and programs throughout the year. A few recent examples include: • A visit from a dental hygenist • A recycling magic show • A program about penguins by South Shore Natural Science Center • A special kindergarten teaching Mass with a local priest • A visit from the Kingston Fire Department along with their fire engine • The Mystery Readers Program that brings in surprise guests to read to the children • Visits with 5th grade “buddies” from our Elementary School 12

Early Childhood Center

Kindergarten students also takes part in several specialized classes including: • • • • •

Physical Education Art Spanish Library Music


The ECC Campus

The Early Childhood Center enjoys the unique benefit of residing on Sacred Heart’s sprawling 120-acre campus, and has its own dedicated space where children enjoy the outdoors in a safe and fun setting. Just outside their classrooms, children find a well-equipped play area complete with swingsets, jungle gyms, slides, and more. The wide variety of play options ensures that there is something age-appropriate for each class level. The various ecosystems surrounding Sacred Heart’s campus allow for exciting and interactive science and nature lessons. From finding turtles and frogs that make their way up from the nearby pond, to learning about composting and the role worms play in it, our campus is an ideal setting for environmental studies. 14

Early Childhood Center

All across campus, the grounds provide an opportunity for students to appreciate and learn about the beauty of God’s creation. At the Early Childhood Center young students are constantly in awe of nature.


The Elementary School Sacred Heart Elementary School combines outstanding academic preparation, a culture of mutual respect and responsibility, and a Catholic worldview. Students are prepared by our outstanding faculty to enter middle and high school with an unparalleled level of academic readiness, a firm grasp of faith-based values, and a keen understanding of social justice. The Elementary School is an ideal environment for young students to explore new subjects, develop study skills, and lay the foundation for academic success and a life-long love of learning.


Our Elementary School students benefit from a variety of specialized learning experiences including: • Music and School Band Program • Chorus • Theater • Art • Spanish • Physical Education • Library/Information Systems



Student success is built on a multi-faceted foundation that includes challenge, continuity in skill building, diversity of approach, and balance. Our curriculum was developed with these specific factors in mind. Students are challenged to go beyond their perceived capabilities, step out of their comfort zones, develop existing skills, and learn new ones. Sequentially developed and reinforced programs in religion, language arts, math, science, and social studies provide continuity in skill bulding throughout the elementary years. Our faculty seamlessly interweaves contemporary and traditional teaching methodologies establishing a diversity of approach to ensure each student is learning in the style that fits them best. Techniques include basic skill mastery, large and small group instruction, hands-on activities, cooperative learning groups, and technology integration to remediate, reinforce, and challenge. Science classes are now using FOSS (Full Option Science System) kits as the foundation of their curriculum. Students are able to participate in a breadth of hands-on science experiments and activities. These new kits allow our students to become real scientists every day and learn the core concepts and methods that will be key when they transition to middle and high school. 18

Creative and critical thinking, writing, and problem-solving skills are encouraged and developed in every class. Students enjoy access to a fully-equipped library where they participate in information and digital literacy classes. Balancing our holistic educational approach, students have the opportunity to take chorus and band programs, and all students take art, music, physical education, Spanish, and religion classes. Integrated technology is a key part of the curriculum at every level at Sacred Heart. At the Elementary School, every classroom has SMARTBoard technology and iPad learning centers to enrich the academic experience and put all the resources of the digital world at students’ fingertips. In addition, the majority of curriculum series include an online component and resources to aid in practicing skills and expanding content knowledge.

The Elementary School 19

Activities Beyond the classroom, students have a wide variety of opportunities to develop their existing talents and cultivate new ones, all while staying fit, being creative, and serving others. Clubs and extracurricular activities play a vital role in enhancing the educational experience at any level. Strong friendships are formed over mutual interests and teamwork. We see confidence levels soar as children perform at chorus concerts, master a new piece on their musical instruments, display their artwork, and come together on the soccer field after a hard-fought game.

Band Program Sacred Heart is partnering with Paul Effman Music to offer small group instrumental instruction for students in grades 4 to 6. More than 90 students participate in the program. Members of the band meet once a week during the school day for small group instruction and to prepare for full band concerts.


Led by our Elementary School music teacher, the chorus is comprised of 60 students. They perform songs at concerts throughout the school year, including the annual Elementary School Christmas Concert. The chorus sometimes does special performances as well, such as singing for the Sisters at Providence House.

Art Club

Our Elementary School art teacher moderates the art club, giving students an opportunity to learn new artistic mediums and create beautiful pieces of artwork that can often be found on display at the school! 20

South Shore Conservatory Music Lessons

Sacred Heart partners with South Shore Conservatory to offer students the unique opportunity to receive individual and group instrumental instruction after school from the talented Conservatory faculty. Lessons are taught on our campus for the convenience of our students and their families.

Elementary School Soccer (Fall and Spring)

1st and 2nd grade soccer is an intramural, instructional program. Parents coach and assist, and all students in these grades are invited to play. Competitive soccer is offered for students in grades 3 through 6. Parents also coach and assist at this level. Teams are limited, and students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Sacred Heart partners with Priscilla Beach Theater Company to offer Elementary School students a chance to take part in the production and performance of a show each spring!

Sacred Service

Students in grades 4, 5, and 6 have the opportunity to develop and exercise their leadership skills in service to the school through Sacred Service. One boy and one girl are elected by each homeroom class to serve as their representatives. The purpose of Sacred Service is to provide students with a group of peers to voice their thoughts and ideas for the school with pride and awareness of their community. 21

The Elementary School

Theater with Priscilla Beach Theater Company

Hands-on Learning Experiential learning opportunities abound at our Elementary School. We are always actively employing hands-on educational experiences to enrich and build on the lessons learned in the classroom. There are annual trips that every student looks forward to, such as the 2nd grade visit to the Mayflower and Plimoth Plantation to learn about our rich local history, as well as presentations and programs throughout the year that touch on a variety of subjects. 5th grade students are especially excited about the Nature’s Classroom overnight trip in the spring.

Recent examples include: • A visit from a local apiarist (bee keeper) to explore the fascinating world of honey bees and better understand the ecosystems they live in. • The BFit Program, an interactive presentation by Brian Richards, that uses comedy and magic to educate children about the importance of health and nutrition. • A Rock and Roll recycling show from a band complete with bicycle-powered equipment. Students had a chance to show off their pedal power and learn about recycling and energy conservation. • A Spanish cultural program led by a professional Spanish dancer where students learned about traditional Spanish dress and dance styles. 22

Integrated Technology Integration of cutting-edge technology enhances lessons and brings the learning experience to life. We are committed to providing our students with access to the latest technology and digital resources. More than that, we ensure that they learn to use it responsibly. Aside from each classroom being equipped with SMARTBoards and iPad learning centers, students and teachers also use Google apps for education, which includes a Google email address and online storage. This storage allows each student to compile a digital portfolio of their work starting as early as first grade that they’ll add to each year right up until high school.

When students reach 6th grade, they even explore the exciting process of creating online content and the standards and practices that must be followed.


The Elementary School

We are also very fortunate to be able to offer an Information and Digital Literacy class. Our Information and Digital Literacy instructor is a Common Sense Certified educator, who is specially qualified to teach our students invaluable lessons about digital citizenship, responsibility, and online security. Students learn information gathering and research techniques, as well as the core digital skills they’ll need as they progress through school.

The Elementary School Campus

Like much of our campus, the Elementary School enjoys the benefit of wide-open spaces. The setting is ideal for these high-energy students. The outdoor play area includes open fields for playing sports and a terrific assortment of playground equipment, including a climbing wall! Another benefit of our location is the wealth of ecosystems that surround the campus and allow students to study many different species and habitats. We have forests, ponds, and grassy fields all at our disposal. Science students and teachers regularly venture outside to learn about the world around them. Perhaps one of the most unique and important aspects is that all three of our schools are connected by paths and walkways. Students at the Elementary School are only steps away from the resources of the High School. Also, because we have many siblings enrolled across the school, it is often comforting for a student to know that big-brother or big-sister is only a building away. 24

The Elementary School

The Elementary School soccer fields are beautiful all year round, and in the fall and spring are bustling with activity. There is always a team either practicing or playing at any given time!


The High School The High School is dedicated to inspiring minds, defining character, and encouraging responsible leadership. Our curriculum prepares students to pursue knowledge now and throughout their lives. Students and teachers share a passion for learning and a drive to succeed. Our students are challenged to do their best and are given the resources and guidance to ensure they are achieving at the highest level. Our graduates are prepared for success in higher education. They have the writing, public speaking, organizational, reasoning, and analytical skills needed for college and careers. We are blessed with an outstanding faculty. Our teachers genuinely care about their students; and share a special relationship based on mutual trust and respect. That care transcends the classroom; our teachers are mentors, coaches, and moderators of clubs and organizations. Our faculty is actively invested in the intellectual, spiritual, and social/emotional development of each student.


Did you know? • Sacred Heart offers 9 Advanced Placement courses on site and several others through Virtual High School Calculus BC English Language and Composition Spanish Language English Literature and Composition Biology U.S. History Physics European History Calculus AB • In 2014, 7 Sacred Heart students earned perfect scores on the National Latin Exam. • Both the High School Newspaper, Heart Beat, and the Literary Magazine, Lingua Franca, have won multiple first place recognitions by the American Scholastic Press Association. • Sacred Heart has launched a new Robotics Club, giving students the chance for deeper exploration of engineering and robotics principles. • Students who qualify can take part in an expansive program of Virtual High School courses as juniors or seniors. • Sacred Heart’s Speech and Debate team is home to the State Champion in Declamation, and the #2 ranked Lincoln-Douglas debater in the country!



Our High School serves students in grades 7 to 12 through a curriculum that interweaves Sacred Heart’s Catholic identity, culture of service, and commitment to faith formation with our dedication to academic excellence and whole-student education. Developed to provide a rigorous and challenging academic experience, the grade 9 to 12 curriculum is balanced and diverse and includes advanced placement instruction, honors courses, and opportunities to take advantage of various gifted and talented programs such as the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. At the 7th and 8th grade level, the curriculum is tailored to the unique developmental and intellectual needs of students at this transitional stage. These students benefit from a program of study specifically designed to prepare them for the grade 9 to 12 curriculum, as well as access to many of the same programs and resources that the upper classmen have. Additionally, the transition from middle to high school is eased by having become familiar with not only faculty and facilities, but also upper classmen and the day-to-day life at the high school level. 28

Course Requirements Grades 7 and 8

Students will also be enrolled in four or five of the following exploratory classes: Instructional Technology Chorus Speech Health/Physical Education Intro to Peer Ministry

Religious Studies – 4 years Social Studies – 3 years Fine Arts – 1 year English – 4 years World Languages – 2 years Humanities – 1 year Mathematics – 3 years Science – 3 years (two must be labs) Physical Education – 1 year Elective – 1 year


The High School

Religious Studies –­2 years English Literature – 2 years Mathematics – 2 years Social Studies – 2 years World Languages – 2 years Science – 2 years

Grades 9 to 12 Graduation Requirements

The Science and Innovation Center 2014 marked the completion of the Sacred Heart Science and Innovation Center. This world-class facility is the result of a $2 million investment in our commitment to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). The new labs and preparation space offer students a cutting-edge environment to take part in hands-on science experiments and instruction. The equipment and resources available also provide students with a close approximation of collegiate science labs and the type of work they can expect to do in them. We believe our students deserve every advantage as they prepare for college. The Science and Innovation Center is as much an investment in their futures as it is for the school.


The Science and Innovation Center Includes: • New Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, Earth and Space, Computer, and Physics Labs

The High School

• A fully-functioning greenhouse attached to the Biology Lab • A state-of-the-art lab prep room and new safety equipment • Ceiling mounts in the Physics Lab for putting experiments in flight • Two flat-screen monitors and an interactive, ceiling-mounted projector in each lab • New lab tables, chairs, and cabinetry • New hallway lighting, flooring, and ceiling structure 31

The Kohout-Dingley Observatory

The Kohout-Dingley Observatory was renovated over the summer and fall of 2014. Updates to this unique feature of the Sacred Heart campus include a new stateof-the-art Celestron EDGEHD 11 telescope, a top-ofthe-line set of astronomy binoculars, and a green laser used for pointing out features of the night sky! The observatory is a terrific advantage for our science classes and astronomy club. We are also excited to be able to host “Star Parties”, giving students at all grade levels and members of the public an opportunity to visit the observatory and have a world-class view of our universe. In addition to the new equipment, we’re looking forward to the installation of high-definition monitors on the first level of the observatory that will display the view from the telescope for students waiting for their turn at the top. 32

Integrated Technology Technology is fully integrated into our classrooms and used to enhance lessons and engage students on a deeper level. The entire Sacred Heart campus is wireless, and, at the high school level, students participate in our 1:1 iPad program that allows every student to have their own iPad Air to keep and use throughout the year. Each classroom is equipped with professional projectors and AppleTV, allowing teachers and students to project their work on the board for more interactive lessons. Additionally, we have computer labs in the Flaherty Library and in the Science and Innovation Center that students can access throughout the day for research, writing, and classwork.

Our library has online subscriptions allowing students access to thousands of full-text journals and other online reference resources. Students can enroll in Virtual High School courses to take part in innovative programs and unique online course offerings. 33

The High School

All faculty and students have access to Google apps for education and personal school Gmail accounts for easy communication between students and teachers.

Guidance and College Placement Sacred Heart's Guidance Office offers a comprehensive program for students in grades 7 to 12. Guidance Counselors provide academic advising and college counseling, fostering selfawareness and promoting academic and career exploration. Through individual appointments, group sessions, classes, workshops and presentations, Sacred Heart students are prepared to make responsible decisions regarding their education and career goals. The Guidance Office also provides information on current national testing programs, scholarship opportunities, and innovative college programs. Sacred Heart Guidance Counselors foster the personal, social, academic, and spiritual growth of each student throughout his/her school career. We also have an adjustment counselor on campus to provide additional support. As a college preparatory school, part of our mission is to prepare students for the next stage in their academic journey, as they enter into higher education. Counselors interact with students to provide appropriate academic advising, supply students with the college and career information necessary for effective decision making, and to provide counseling as it relates to school performance. Counselors offer academic advice that deals with the student’s practical needs: study skills, student/teacher collaboration, peer relationships, course selection, career information, testing, and college selection. We do have a 100% college acceptance rate!


Connect with Success is a six-year plan created by our Guidance Department and designed to ensure that each student will succeed in the world beyond our 120-acre campus. The Connect with Success program takes students beyond the classroom and unlocks their potential. The program is crafted to provide every Sacred Heart student with: • The academic program that best fits and appropriately challenges each student’s intellectual commitment • An understanding of spirituality, the allencompassing love of God, and respect for self and others • The skills and information necessary to make realistic and constructive decisions about both their life and education, and to share their gifts and talents

Some of the schools our recent graduates have been accepted to: Mass College of Pharmacy Merrimack College Michigan State University New York University Northeastern University Norwich University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University Plymouth State University Providence College Purdue University Queens College, Canada Regis College Richmond University, England Salve Regina University Simmons College Smith College St. Anselm College

St. Michaels College Stonehill College Suffolk University Syracuse University Tulane University United States Naval Academy U. of Alabama U. of CA Los Angeles U. of Karlova, Czech Republic U. of Maine U. of New Hampshire UNC, Chapel Hill U. of Notre Dame U. of Rhode Island U. of Texas Villanova University Wentworth Institute of Tech. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 35

The High School

Assumption College Auburn University Bentley University Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Catholic University of America Clemson University College of the Holy Cross Dublin City University, Ireland Emerson College Florida Institute of Technology Georgetown University Harvard University Johnson and Wales University Mass Maritime Academy Mass College of Art and Design


Sacred Heart is home to the Fighting Saints. Designed to foster leadership qualities, selfconfidence, discipline, physical competence and good sportsmanship, our athletic programs are competitive and a source of school pride! Our students are scholar-athletes and their focus is always on school first, but our teams continue to impress as their dedication carries over from the classroom to the field and vice-versa. We captured three Mayflower Conference Championships in the 2014 Fall season, and our football team completed its second year with an impressive 8-1 record. In 2013, we watched our Boys Soccer team fight their way into the South Sectional Division Final; our Hockey team qualified for the State Tournament; and we celebrated several other Mayflower Conference Championships in each season! 36

Winter Sports

Spring Sports

Cross Country Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Volleyball Football Golf Cheerleading

Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Hockey Swimming Cheerleading Gymnastics

Baseball Softball Boys Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse Boys Tennis Girls Tennis Track & Field

Intermediate School Sports Soccer Basketball Volleyball

Softball Track

The High School

Fall Sports


Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities Sacred Heart offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities that allows students to explore their interests, develop talents, master skills, and build strong relationships! Current clubs and activities include: Amnesty International Art Club Chess Club Coffee House Delta Epsilon Phi Games Club The Heart Beat ( Newspaper) History Club La Societe Honoraire de Francais La Sociedad Honoraria Hispånica 8th Grade Spanish Book Club Latin Honor Society Lingua Franca (Literary Magazine) Liturgical Choir Moody’s Mega-math Challenge We Are The World Multicultural Club National Honor Society Robotics Club Roots and Shoots Sacred Heart Scholars SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Student Council Tech Dorks Yearbook 38

Drama Club / Speech and Debate

Our Drama Club delights us each year with a fall musical and a competition play in early spring. Students involved get to experience everything it takes to put on a full theater production including set building, light and sound work as well as rehearsing and preparing to act. Fall 2014 brought Shrek The Musical to Sacred Heart’s stage. The show was a blast with terrific music, costumes, and a cast of unforgettable, fairy-tale characters! Previously, we’ve seen shows like The Wizard of Oz and Grease. Whether it’s a land of Fairy Tales or High School in the 1950’s, our actors always do a terrific job.


The High School

The Sacred Heart Speech and Debate Program is widely respected and boasts an abundance of extremely talented, and, in many cases, nationally-ranked students! Members of the team compete in a variety of events including extemporaneous speaking, declamation, dramatic performance, humor, and more. Currently our team features the State Champion for declamation as well as the #2 ranked LincolnDouglas Debater in the nation.

Serving Our Community As a Catholic School community, we have a collective heart for service and compassion. Students are encouraged to seek opportunities to serve and take advantage of the many service events organized across the school. Throughout the year, all of our students take part in food and clothing drives; clean up beaches and local camp grounds; make care packages for soldiers; and partner with local places like Matthew’s Kitchen to regularly prepare and serve food at local shelters. Students learn a powerful lesson when they discover that serving others is one of the most meaningful and joyful ways to practice our faith. Through service, they experience the personal rewards of giving of themselves - an experience that generates compassion and a sense of responsibility. Not all service opportunities are local either. We’ve had student groups travel as far as Peru, and Africa—where they helped to build a school that was also the recipient of 3,000 of our Elementary School uniforms! Sacred Heart is always actively looking for new and unique ways to serve others locally and globally.


International Students From its inception, Sacred Heart School has welcomed students from around the world into our community. Currently 32 students from across Europe and Asia are enrolled in Sacred Heart. Agencies like EduBoston help to match students from other countries with our school. Because we are committed to diversifying our community, we have relationships with many agencies, all specializing in different parts of the world. When international students join our school community, they are met with a system of support designed to ease the transition and ensure that they benefit from the full Sacred Heart experience. We have two International Student Coordinators who provide academic and social support and assist in immersion activities. Since 2010, we have enrolled students from the following countries:

The High School

China Germany Italy Ireland Mexico South Korea Switzerland Vietnam Finland Thailand 41

The High School Campus

• The Student Athletic Center houses the beautiful Flaherty Gymnasium and Fitness Center where student athletes can train and condition together throughout the school year. Our basketball and volleyball teams play their home games here, and our cheerleaders keep the crowd pumped up! Students also use the space for physical education classes and special events. The ground floor of our main building includes a second gym. • We have an excellent 400-meter track and infield utilized by our track teams, physical educationclasses, and the Elementary School annual fifth grade race, as well as other special events. 42

The High School

• Our athletics fields include: - A Football field - A Baseball diamond - Two Softball fields - Two Soccer fields - A Lacrosse field - Cross Country Trails - 400-meter Track and Infield • We also have six outdoor tennis courts where the school team practices and hosts home matches! • Aside from the athletics facilities, our campus is surrounded by a beautiful forest and connected through various walking trails. 43

At Sacred Heart School You Are


Not Just Another Face In The Crowd


Tuition Across the School Tuition Half Day Preschool AM - 2 days..............$3,175 Half Day Preschool AM - 3 days..............$3,975 Half Day Preschool AM - 5 days..............$5,450 Half Day Preschool PM - 2 days...............$2,250 Half Day Preschool PM - 3 days...............$2,750 Half Day Preschool PM - 5 days...............$3,800 Full Day Preschool - 2 days.......................$3,825 Full Day Preschool - 3 days.......................$5,500 Full Day Preschool - 5 days.......................$8,050 Full Day PreK - 2 days.............................. $3,825 Full Day PreK - 3 days.............................. $5,550 Full Day PreK - 5 days.............................. $8,200 Kindergarten to Grade 6........................... $8,350 Grades 7 to 12............................................$13,900

Fees: Parents Association ........... $15 annually Athletics (per season)........ $75 Elementary $85 Intermediate $135 High School Speech and Debate............. $150 Financial aid is also available at all levels. To find out more, contact our Admissions Office at 781-585-7511 ext. 338 or email 46

Sacred Heart At A Glance • Sacred Heart School System includes:

Early Childhood Center (Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten)

Elementary School (Grades 1 to 6)

High School (Grades 7 to 12) • Located on a 120-acre campus in Kingston, MA • Total school enrollment is approximately 750 • 46% of students are female and 54% are male • 75% of the students are Catholic • Students reside in 35 communities within a 45-mile radius of the school • Bus transportation, with centralized stops, is available from most of our communities • Vibrant Summer Programs for all ages

Admissions The best way to experience our community and learn more about our students, teachers, programs, and facilities is to visit our campus! For more information or to schedule a tour or shadow-day, call the Admissions Office at 781-585-7511 ext. 338 or email:

Want a Sneak Peek?

Visit our website for a virtual tour at: 47

Inspiring Minds l Fostering Faith

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