Newspaper of Summit High School
October 2009 Volume 9 Issue 1
Eating Right Will Enhance Athletes’ Performances
this issue of Verve:
Get Fit to Stop Stressing!
Photo by Aaron Brody
By LAUREN MEYERS After an arduous practice, athletes usually come home and eat everything and anything in sight to replenish their famished bodies. They generally don’t think about what they are consuming because everything, healthy or not, sounds good to a hungry stomach. Many athletes fail to recognize that it is crucial to hydrate and replenish their bodies with the right foods and drinks before and after practice in order to achieve an optimal performance. The Varsity coaches at Summit High School are stressing the importance of eating properly to their players. During preseason, sports nutritionist Julia Picinich came and gave the women’s tennis and soccer team a lecture on sports nutrition. "Thanks to Ms. Picinich, we now see food as fuel and everyday we train, we add that fuel to
Summit Spirit. SHS band members march with a maroon and gold banner at the Summit vs. A.L. Johnson football game on September 26. successful," explained women's soccer coach, Christine Bohan. It is essential for athletes to consume a high carbohydrate meal and about two cups of water three hours prior to a competition. During a strenuous game, athletes need these carbohy-
Schools Go Green
Page 6
Globe.............2&3 Opine..................4 S&S.....................5 Buzz....................6 Turf...............7&8
What's Up: Oct. 5: Start of Spirit Week Oct. 9: Friday Night Lights Oct. 10: SAT Oct. 12: No School Oct. 17: PSAT Oct. 23: Cabaret Oct. 31: Halloween
It seems that ever since Al Gore pro“Going green” has not always been claimed that we, the human species, our planet’s top priority. Before this were facing a planetary emergency, eco-friendly revolution, recycling bins the world has suddenly taken an inter- seemed scarce, or at least invisible, and est in protecting our planet. Winner of when people said the word green, only the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his grass and the color came to mind. Now, authoritative campaign against global not only does describing something as warming, Gore’s beliefs made the world green suggest that it is environmentally aware of the impending danger of liv- friendly, but also almost everything is ing on an unhealthy planet. He forced becoming green or related to “going us to ask the question, “What can we do green.” Supermarkets are selling green to save and protote bags to tect the earth?” shoppers so Now “going they can carry green” is one of their purchasthe most impores instead of tant and funded repeatedly uscauses today. ing and throwThe Environing out, or, in mental Protecother words, tion Agency wasting, plashas become tic bags. Ceran incredibly tain cars now prominent govrun on water, ernment organileaf compost, zation and Presor electricSaving the earth one Snapple can at a time. ident Obama ity to decrease has called for Sophomore James DesMoine helps the environthe use of oil Americans to ment by recycling his Snapple can from lunch. and the readopt a greener lifestyle. He also is lease of toxic fumes. Even clothing has striving to get hybrid cars out on the become organic, and on some organic road, make green jobs available, and cotton T-shirts phrases such as “Green provide more clean energy. Many in- is the new black” are standing out and dividuals, whether they are activists, spreading the message. The world does scientists, or normal people who sim- seem to be turning a healthier shade of ply use a recycling bin in their house, green, but what are schools doing to are also determined to help out, world- contribute towards helping this ecowide, cross-country, and in our own friendly movement? community. Continued on page 2... Photo by Ian Cunningham
Photo from
drates to keep their brain and muscles fueled. The reason for this is that carbohydrates consist of a high level of glucose, which is the primary energy source for the nervous system. Continued on page 7...
Coronation For The New Kings of Rock By SPENCER DUKOFF air at the sold-out Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey, stayed at a near-lethal level. The band, Kings of Leon, whose newfound dominance in the States has brought them from under-appreciated next-big-things to mainstream rock gods, kept the intensity going throughout the entire show. Composed of the three Followill brothers, singer and guitarist Caleb, drummer Nathan, and bassist Jared, along with their guitarist cousin Matunder the radar since 2003 when they released their rowdy Southern-rock debut, Youth and Young Manhood. Along with 2005’s Aha Shake Heartbreak and 2007’s Because of the Times, the band has had an ever evolving sound. One of the most popular groups in Europe (namely the United Kingdom), Kings of Leon have had a tough time gaining that level of success in their home country, the United States. However, with their latest debut, Only By The Night, they have become megastars, both commercially and critically, largely due to their singles “Use Somebody” and “Sex On Fire.” If there was any doubt who the new “Kings of Rock n’ Roll” are, the band decided to celebrate their coronation in front of thousands of screaming fans on September 12. Continued on page 5...