Vol XV Iss 9 June 2015

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Parking Changes Afoot

Which Sweeny Todd Participants Take Home Rising Star Awards?

See page 10

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Summit High School

June 8, 2015

Volume XV Issue 9

Junior and Senior Prom 2015

125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901 umphrey

Callie H

Photo by Jack Meister

Photo by Sara Szynal




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Photo by Aman

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Photo by Nicole Trone

Kristina B


Faculty bid adieu to library, security, English and math peers

Have book, will travel Farewell to Putnam By Laura Pasquale Screen & Sound Editor

The completion of this school year will include the retirement of librarian and book whisperer Mrs. Karen Putnam, who has been a media specialist in various schools since 1990. “The part of my job I’ve al-

ways enjoyed most is reader guidance – connecting people to books I think they’ll enjoy. To do that well, you have to do a lot of reading yourself – and since that’s one of my favorite activities, it’s worked out fine,” Putnam said. Putnam has reached students outside the library too. She is proud to have been the Gay­-Straight Alliance’s first faculty adviser. She said she advises her re-

placement to, “be prepared to be flexible, since things are always changing and you never know what people are going to ask you.” Putnam often worked alongside Mrs. Judy Shue, whom she credits with much of the library’s success. Shue said, “Mrs. Putnam has dedicated the last 15 years of her professional career to developing students’ research

skills and a love of learning. Some of the things I will miss about Mrs. Putnam are her warm smile, laid-back personality and kindness.” Putnam is moving to Gloucester, Massachusetts, with her husband, where they will live by the beach. She hopes to pursue a parttime career as a copy editor and is very excited to start traveling in the off-season.

27 Year Career Mr. Lamparello

He has worked for 27 years in the district, at every school, but for the last few years has worked exclusively at the high school. Lamparello said that, since he began working in the district, special education has become less exclusive and more inclusive, putting children with special needs in regular classrooms rather than in separate ones.

The thing he will miss most is the close relationships between his colleagues. He said his favorite part of the job was the fluidity of every day, not having to do the same things everyday, and being able to set up his own schedule. For the incoming staff, he advises, “Be flexible, yet straightforward. One of my favorite sayings is to treat oth-

and of course, the students.” After he retires, he plans to travel the globe and play much more golf. He also looks forward to spending much more time with his grandchildren. Day Watchman Mr. Froisland said, “Mr. McCandless has given over a dozen years

on his future endeavors.” Guidance Secretary Ms. Annette Pantano said,“I have known John McCandless for over 40 years, but the best years were being part of the McCandlessProcaccini comedy show in the attendance office.”

By Emily Gao Buzz Editor

Mr. Robert Lamparello Photo Credit: Emily Gao

Mr. Robert Lamparello, a member of the Child Study team in the Special Education department, served as a psychologist and consultant for the high school in the area of special needs.

Juniors and Seniors attended this annual event on May 15, where they gathered for pictures, dinner and dancing with friends.

(cont. page 9)

Mrs. Karen Putnam Photo Credit: Laura Pasquale

ers as you would like to be treated. “Don’t take things personally when disagreeing with a parent or student,” he said. When asked about his greatest achievement, Mr. Lamparello said, “I have set out to do what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a psychologist and work with young people.”

A Community Man school maintains its safety a good run. The things I will of good service to this reputation. However, this miss the most are the every- school. He will be greatly Mr. John McCandless past 2014-15 school he be- day routine, my co-workers, missed and I wish him well

By Sophie Lees Staff Reporter

Mr. John McCandless has dedicated the past 15 years of his career to protecting and tending to the needs of our school. In the past 14 years, McCandless has served as the day watchman, making sure our

came the night watchman. McCandless has always been one to give back to the community through his career. Before he came to the Summit High School, he worked as a police officer in Summit for twenty two years. McCandless said, “It was

Inside this month’s Verve....

Staff Page............................ 2 Awards of Excellence ......... 3 - 5 Last Will & Testament ........ 6 - 7 Class of 2015 Post-Grad Plans 8

Mr. John McCandless Photo Credit: Sophie Lees

Class of 2015 Destinations.............. 9 Rejected Senior Superlatives.......... 10 Class of 2015 Facts & Predictions.. 11 Turf ................................................ 12

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