Vol XV Iss 8 May 2015

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Turn to pages 4 and 5 for the annual Senior Car Exposé!

See Globe, page 2, for a Verve Views on memories of Magic Fountain!

Summit High School

May 1, 2015

Volume XV Issue 8

125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901

Fifty years later, Title IX continues to create opportunities for girls

By Anika Becker Globe Editor

Local athletics always maintain top programs and produce top players in a wide range of sports. One sport that has really flourished as it has become more popular across the country is lacrosse. On the girls lacrosse team alone, there are 10 girls committed to top Division One lacrosse teams at academically esteemed colleges and universities. The girls Varsity lacrosse team consists of commits across grades 10-12, including schools such as Colgate, Cornell, Duke, Holy Cross, Lafayette, Lehigh, Loyola, Northwestern, Stanford, UNC, USC, UVA, Vanderbilt, Villanova, Yale, among others. Title IX is a portion of the United States Education Amendments of 1972, which mandates gender equality.

This law has evolved and according to Title IX, if a college or university wishes to start a boys sports program, they also have to start a girls program. This is also true for public high school athletics. As a result of the law, over 400 men’s athletic programs have been eliminated in order for universities to become NCAA compliant. This has presented girls with new opportunities that hadn’t previously been presented to them. According to Birch Bayh, cocreator of Title IX, credit for the push for this law goes to his first wife, Marvella. Bayh said “We can’t afford to ignore the development of 53 percent of the brainpower in this country, I had no idea how far that basic idea would go.” The principle of Title IX is that men and women are equal, and this has opened doors for

millions of women, setting a path in life that they might not have otherwise taken if not for the law. An example of Title IX at work is at the prestigious Northwestern University. Northwestern doesn’t have a men’s lacrosse team, but established a girl’s team which developed a strong program over time. Had the law not existed, there would be no lacrosse program at Northwestern , excluding many bright and talented athletes from the school. Junior Sara Szynal, who is committed to play at Northwestern University, said, “even though Northwestern doesn’t have a men’s lacrosse team, their women’s lacrosse team is a national contender every year. In the future it would be awesome for Northwestern to begin a men’s lacrosse

College Board makes life harder, again

Crunch time! Junior Emily Tulsky prepares for the “new and improved” AP Chemistry exam. Photo Credit: Emily Gao

By Emily Gao Buzz Page Editor

After suffering through the revised AP Biology exam during their sophomore years, junior and senior students are now faced with new and unfamiliar AP US History, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics exams. Not only are these exams being changed, according to CollegeBoard, effective fall of 2016, most of the STEM AP exams will undergo alterations, such as the AP Calculus exams and the AP Computer Science Principles exams. The changes are being made to help students develop conceptual understanding, to encourage in-depth teaching

of concepts and skills, and to provide science standards that align vertically with the redesigned AP Science courses. For the US History, changes will be made to the course structure, targeted themes, defined expectations and exam design. Instead of 12 themes suggested to structure the course and 28 time periods with suggested specifics, the new exam will test seven big ideas, nine periods organized into three key concepts every period, and students’ historical thinking skills, according to a handout from CollegeBoard. Got that? According to Carolina Biological Supply Company, the new AP Chemistry exam “changes its perspective from a

list of major topics to a framework of six big ideas.” In order to concentrate on the new depth of the course, CollegeBoard has issued Exclusion Statements that specify which concepts are no longer required for the exam. Chemistry teacher Mrs. Jodi Friedman said, “The changes to the exam caused me to focus a little bit more on concepts rather than just calculations. Also, several topics were removed from the exam and others were added.” Students who are more skilled in math may find the exam harder, as now they must understand more about why the calculations work. On the contrary, students who are not as good at math but better at understanding concepts may find the exam easier. “I think the changes are annoying, and make everyone’s lives more difficult,” said Junior Emily Tulsky, who is taking the AP Chemistry exam in May. For the next several years, students will be tasked with tolerating similar changes.

This month’s Verve....

Globe...................2 Car Exposé...........4-5 Screen & Sound....7 Opine...................3 Buzz........................6 Turf.......................8

Lax! The 11 girls commited to play D1 lacrosse pose after practice. Photo Credit: Anika Becker

program- that way everyone could enjoy the sport! Northwestern is a great institution with such a huge athletic fan base that I think both a men’s and women’s team would have great success there. I cannot wait to get there and play for such a respected university!” Being talented athletes has given students leverage in the college search process.

However the true talent of these students is in the classroom. Committed to such prestigious colleges, the students still need to maintain certain grade point averages and receive certain scores on standardized tests. The minimum requirements vary depending on the school and their standard expectations.

Students, admins excited as block scheduling to begin By Rachel Isralowitz Staff Writer

Assistant Principal Mrs. Stacy Grimaldi has confirmed that block scheduling will commence next year. Under block scheduling, students have six classes each day instead of eight. Each class and lunch will be an hour. “There are many pros to the switch in block scheduling including a longer period of time each day in class and the common lunch,” Grimaldi said. Students with busy schedules support the upcoming change. “I think block scheduling benefits students like me who can’t fit a study hall into their schedules. The hourlong lunch will be super helpful because you can spend 20 minutes eatting and spend the rest of the period studying or seeing a teacher,” said sophomore Catherine Hassert. In addition to improving students’ academic lives, block scheduling will offer more opportunities to join


5/2: SAT @ SHS 5/30: Mr. Summit 5/13: Maroon Room 5/15: Jr & Sr Prom

clubs. “It’s hard to get people to come to meetings in the mornings because they don’t like to wake up. The afternoon is also hard because everyone has sports and homework. Having the hour-long lunch for club meetings makes it so much easier to get people to come,” said sophomore Amalia Tobias, who runs the school’s Family Promise Club. According to a November 2013 presentation by Principal Mr. Paul Sears to the Board of Education, 62 percent of staff members favored the move to block scheduling. Grimaldi is confident that teachers will smoothly adjust to the change. “There will be some transition for teachers to teach an hour long class for every period, but since they are used to teaching an hour-long class at least once a week, I know they will be able to do an awesome job. In addition, we are planning on some professional learning time for teachers to plan for the change to the block schedule,” she said.

5/19: Athlete Banquet 5/21: Spring Concert 5/25: Memorial Day 5/27: Aw’ds Excellence

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