See page 5 for a special on the school theater production, Sweeney Todd!
See Turf for a list of recruited athletes in this year’s senior class! Page 8
Summit High School
March 5, 2015
Volume XV Issue 6
125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901
Students shine at Teen Arts Festival By Laura Pasquale Screen & Sound Editor This year, SHS will host the 43rd Annual Teen Arts Festival. This two-day free event honors talented students’ artistic achievements from grades six to 12. Three neighboring towns join Summit: Berkeley Heights, Mountainside, and New Providence for this multischool festival. Sponsored by the ParentTeacher Organizations and Associations of the public middle schools and high schools of the participating towns, as well as through donations, the event will be held on Friday, Apr. 17 from 7 - 9:30 PM, and Saturday, Apr. 18 from 10 AM to 3 PM. Mrs. Amy Tenny, Teen Arts Co-Chairperson, said, “Some people are shy and don’t want to participate - but this isn’t a contest, it’s an opportunity that creates a sense of pride for the different communities that are participating.” Interested students can submit up to two individual entries and one group entry in the following categories: Creative Writing, Performing Arts, Video Arts, or Visual Arts.
Teen Arts Co-Chairperson Mrs. Marianne Suffern said, “We have had 1,200 pieces, 30 performers, and dozens of videos and hundreds of pieces of creative writing submitted by many hundreds of students from seven schools, all in the area, in past years” Student artists that wish to be involved must fill out the required entry forms by March 13 for Creative Writing and Video Arts and by March 27 for Visual and Performing Art pieces. When submitting these forms, students must indicate whether or not they wish to be critiqued. Judges and critics for Teen Arts are professionals in the fields, and each will provide confidentially written, constructive feedback to the participating artists. Photography teacher and Judge Mr. Donald Standing said, “It is also a great way for the dedicated and hard working Art Teachers to see the results of their own creativity with the assignments that they present to their classes in school this year.” All information, contact info, and forms can be found at http://www.teenartsfestival. org.
App causes procrastination, fails to predict school snow closings
By Ethan Mandelbaum Metro News Editor
When a student hears the magic words, a student goes to the magic website. “99%,” the magic number, is posted all over social media on winter weeknights whenever there is any chance of snow-induced school closings. Seemingly a biweekly occasion, students tend to find themselves on Snowday Calculator, hoping, praying to see that the next day will be a snowday. But then the false predictions crop up, and there are ramifications to student productivity. When a student sees the optimistic “Snowday likely!” the noxious result is often staying up late, not doing homework. If this happens the night before an incorrect prediction, students become miserable at school the next day. Junior Anton Voci said, “I came to school on Monday Feb. 9 running on two hours of sleep and a newly found hatred for the Snowday Calculator. I would’ve gone to sleep at a regular time, but the Calculator said there was a 99%
chance of a snowday.” On Jan. 27, Feb. 9, Feb. 10, and March 2, Snowday Calculator showed a 99% chance of a snowday for the 07901 zip code. On Jan. 27, students instead found themselves taking period 7 and 8 exams. In Feb. and March, many students found themselves in class, both unprepared and sleep deprived. Sophomore Sophie ReitzBouren said, “The Snowday Calculator is responsible for nearly all of my procrastination. After seeing 99%, I have
lost dozens of hours of sleep on school nights. I wish it didn’t exist.” Though it appears to be a student’s best friend, the Snowday Calculator is inordinately harmful. It seems that students who make their decisions based on it are to be the ones who suffer. Those who function independent of the Calculator receive the advantage of either being prepared for class, or having a full day to do whatever pleases them, as opposed to the previous night’s homework.
Viral media report: What color is dress?!?
By Ethan Mandelbaum Metro News Editor
On Feb. 26, the photo swept across social media. Battle cries of “Blue and Black!” and “White and Gold!” strained the civility of social media. The infamous dress is actually blue. Skeptical? Invert the colors on your smartphone. The inverted version displays white and gold. This means the colors definitely are not white and gold. But how can this be? According to Adam Rogers at Wired, the brain discerns the color of an object based on the wavelength of the light it emits. Subconciously, the brain decides what color to see. According to neuroscientist Bevin Conway, Wellesly Teen Arts Festival! Congratulations to Junior Rebecca Wilson, whose College, “What’s happening here is your visual system submission (above) won the Teen Arts Festival Poster Contest. is looking at this thing, and
This month’s Verve.... Globe...................2 Screen and Sound...4 Buzz....................3 Spring Musical.......5
Pray! Seniors Conner Tomasello and Zach Rissman check Snowday Calculator and are disappointed to only see 68% for the next day. Photo Credit: Ethan Mandelbaum
Headache! No one seems to agree what color this dress is. This photo, orginally posted on, begged a question:“guys please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black?”
you’re trying to discount the chromatic bias of the daylight axis.” He also said that the photo is a little blurry and the lighting is abnormal, and this causes some confusion because the daylight axis is unclear. The first thing a person’s brain does is counterituitive. Instead of determining the color the dress actually is, it determines all the colors it is not.
Opine.................6-7 Turf.......................8
3/4-7: Sweeney Todd 3/9: Meet the Coaches 3/10: Maroon Room 3/12: Boosters Night
That’s why some people, even after discovering that in reality the dress is blue, insist that it is white and gold. Their brains have ruled out the possibility of the dress being blue, so they literally cannot see a blue dress once they see it as white. Blue and black or white and gold, there seems to be only one general consensus about the dress: it is ugly.
3/14: SAT 3/21: SEF Casino Night 3/22: Bowling Tourney 3/26: Music Marathon