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Netflix addiction is common in SHS!
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Summit High School
May 2013
125 Kent Place Blvd. Summit, NJ
Golf team swings into spring season
Volume 13 Issue 8
Advanced theater students direct selection of small plays
Photo by Meredith Robertson
Fore!! Coach Keating, (Front Left) poses with the team and captains, Andrew Bowyer (Front second from the left) and Ian Drummond (Back fifth from the left).
By MEREDITH ROBERTSON The SHS golf team, with a current record of 7-0, has had a smooth season launch. With twenty-six team members on the roster, the recordbreaking turnout has already deemed the 2013 golf team to be one of the most promising. Coached by Mr. Dick Keating for the past 23 years, this crew is looking better than ever. The current captains are sophomore Andrew Bowyer and Senior Ian Drummond. “We have a lot of great guys on the team this year and have a lot of returning players too,” explains member Bobby Moriarty ‘14,“We’re all hoping to build on what we accomplished last year and hopefully win the county championship.” The team has a roster large
enough to be divided into Varsity A, B, and C teams, but with so few players on competing schools’ teams, SHS has no JV or Freshman team, thus
“We’ve definitely grown in the last couple years, and I’m proud of how far we have come.” Andrew Bowyer different levels of varsity were created to compensate for the larger turnout. Although Summit offers golf as a spring sport to boys and girls, this year only boys came out for the team. These golfers are currently preparing for the
state tournament held at the end of May, and the Union County Tournament, held at Echo Lake Country Club on May 9. This team hasn’t lost an in-conference meet in seven years. Captain Andrew Bowyer said, “This season I’m looking forward to some solid play from the team’s younger core. Overall we have such a high morale, I’m sure we’ll go far.” “We’ve definitely grown in the last couple years, and I’m proud of how far we have come,” he adds. The SHS golf team seems aligned for a good season. Upcoming contests include May 7 v. David Brearley at Canoe Brook.
On May 2, Summit students will be performing in and directing five short plays after school in the auditorium. Director’s Showcase is where advanced theater students put on short plays and students, whether they are in the theater elective or just interested in the program, are cast. The shows include a musical, Twenty Fifth Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, directed by Hayley Dalton ‘13, Emily Claypoole ‘13, and Drew Schwendiman ‘14. This show follows six diverse and quirky teens that enroll in a spelling bee and sing about their lives as they compete. Fans of the high school’s production of Beauty and the Beast will be interested to know that the actors behind the Beast, Belle, and Lefou (Allison Scott ‘14, Bradley Przedpelski ‘13, and Matthew McGinn ‘15) will be directing a funny and dramatic satire together called Baby With the Bathwater. The play focuses on a couple that raises their son as a girl even though he is a boy and it follows him into adulthood. Annie Schmidt ‘13, Gregory Archer ‘14, and Melissa Ryden
‘15 will collaborate to direct To Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind, more of an audienceinteractive and unique play. In usual productions it would have thirty short plays packed into sixty minutes, but with the time constraints it will be cut down to twenty short excerpts. John Lennon and Me, directed by Aidan Proshuto ‘14, Beth Ann Powers ‘13, and Victoria Abut ‘14, is about a die-hard Beatles fan named Star who is dying of cystic fibrosis and her new hospital roommate Courtney, a popular cheerleader who doesn’t seem very sick. The play follows both girls as they learn more about each other and themselves in this comedic drama. The last but hilarious show that will be performed is Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, directed by Lynsey Newsham ‘14, Keenan Buckley ‘15, Abby Dephillips ‘14, and Jack LeGoff ‘14, where five bridesmaids are hiding out in the sister of the bride’s room and form a bond. Director’s showcase is filled with many different genres and stories. It is definitely worth going to see!
VINE LABS Inc. introduced the latest popular social networking app called Vine. It is catching on fast with iPhone users and is very popular here at Summit High School. Vine is a social networking service that allows the users to create short, six-second videos that other users can see. Vine provides fast and creative ways for users to get ideas across, and already people are creating six-second resumes for job interviews (user Dawn Siff posted the first one, “Why you should hire me, in six seconds,” on February 21), sports highlight reels, advertising promos (the new Wolverine movie debuted its 6-second twitter teaser
or #TWZZR on March 25), and comical videos. Additionally, Vine is used as a news medium that can display current videos, all around the globe. The Boston Marathon explosion, a has been preserved as a looping short on Vine. Vine co-founder Don Hoffman says, “We believe constraint inspires creativity, whether it’s through a 140 character Tweet or a six-second video.” He mentions Twitter because Vine and Twitter are in a partnership and the two apps have features that resemble each other. Vine, a free app, was initially released on January 24. Downloading the app is easy, and it’s also very simple to nav-
igate. From setting up a profile to following your friends, to see their latest Vines, to creating videos of your own, anyone is able to participate. Many students rave about the app, including James Tully ‘14 who says, “Vine is the new Instagram!” Senior John Persche also added, “Social media has successfully broken the video frontier...and it’s called Vine!” With many students becoming attached to the app, download it soon before VINE LABS starts charging for it. If you’d like to be acquainted with Vine, visit vinepeek.com to see new uploads.
Vive la France! The entire group of advanced French students smile outside of Musee les Invalides in Paris (Back L-R) Serena Thomas, Colleen Kovar, Megan Shaw, Amanda Bringewatt, Pam Alvarado, Sara-beth Arnold, Carolyn Saxton, Melissa MacPherson, Jessica Martins, (Front L-R) Sarah Salter, Emily McDonnell, Abby MacMillan, Sofia Vizitiu.
SHS powers up! With 1,024 students and 79 teachers, Summit not only has a culturally diverse student population, but has retained its Gold Medal distinction while moving up 7 slots in NJ. 04/23/2013.
Photo by Megan Shaw
Addictive Vine creeps to top of early adopters’ social apps list