Verve Vol XIV Iss 2 Nov 2013

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What to give and to receive? Verve’s annual Holiday Gift Guide is here to help!

Marathon runners cross the GWB Page 2

Pages 6 - 7

Summit High School

November 2013

Volume XIV Issue 2

125 Kent Place Blvd. Summit, NJ 07901

Chromebooks enable student collaboration in the cloud

Coaching update: boys’ Varsity b’ball preseason By Cam Fuoti Staff Reporter

Davidson said he knows that “The kids have done a nice job in the offseason and working in the weight room and going to open gym.” The season opens Dec. 17 against Passaic Valley. Many players are looking forward to the start of the season including junior power-forward, Jackson Sidebottom. “We have potential, we have lots of good pieces and we could really be good if we gel Fun and Effective Learning! Seniors Tommy Kane (L) and Blaise together,” said Sidebottom. Even though the team lost Johnson enjoyed working on Google Docs in Mr. Lawrence Seid’s its two top scorers, Ba’Shawn (seen in background) AP European History Class. Stephanie McIntyre, said, Mickens graduated and Ryan By Tommy DiSibio “As applications and proSweeney transferred to South Editor-in-Chief cesses move more toward the Kent, other players such as seThis is the first year the high cloud, it makes sense to get niors Robbie Walsh and Mac school is using a new technol- the equipment that capitalizes Wiesner, look to lead the team ogy, Google Chromebooks, on that trend, especially if this year. Come support the boys’ and English and history class- they are more cost effective.” rooms now have better access The Chromebooks, costing a basketball team and its new to the Internet with the abunthird of a Macbook Pro, hercoach this year as they look to dance of these web-surfing ald an opportunity for more achieve a state championship devices. laptops for the classroom. run. Chromebooks are manufacWith each student having a tured by Google, and can be Google docs account, workused to access the Internet, to ing on assignments has beopen and create word docu- come a lot easier. ments, and to print instantEnglish supervisor Mr. ly. They do not have a hard Corey Walsh said, “The drive, therefore making them Chromebooks have been a unable to save documents, great addition to our technolbut this gives the advantage ogy resources and integration of making them ultra-light- in the classroom. It allows a weight. smooth transition for students New technology teacher, Ms. who participate in a writing Determined! Coach Davidson is preparing for an exciting season. Photo by Nic Lalicato

Photo by Tommy DiSibio

Guidance Counselor James Davidson accepted the head coaching job of the boys’ Varsity basketball team. Many know him as the coach that has led Summit to numerous championships in boys’ Varsity lacrosse, which remains true; however, Davidson said he is excited about his new job, and his new focus in the winter on basketball. Davidson said, “No matter what sport you’re coaching, I think the work ethic is what we really need to try and instill in the program. If you can do that in any sport you’re going to be successful.” He replaces Mr. David White, who led basketball to its outstanding 18-6 record last season. With a talented group of seniors, the team looks to repeat its success and hopefully win a county or state championship.

Students drop gym, pick up school work

All sophomores, juniors and seniors will be able to drop one day of gym per week for a study hall period this year, as opposed to only students in a Varsity sport being exempt. Most students have been reacting very well to the news that they will receive 40 minutes more of studying, a.k.a. playing Candy Crush, during the week. And, no, hour periods cannot be used for a study hall. Seniors do not get an extra unassigned, but are allowed to leave early if their study hall period falls on the last period of the day. With much complaint about the exclusivity of last years’

policy, when only Varsity athletes could drop a gym period, now all students, except freshmen are eligible. The convincing arguments were that most theater students spend twice as much time in their activity as the athletes and some students participate in club sports outside of school. Over the summer, a series of about ten meetings were set up with assistant principals, teachers, parents and students to decide how the gym policy would be set up for this year. Gym teacher Mr. Brian Erickson said, “Summit always seem to strive to be the very best at everything, but it seems for PE they are satisfied with the bare-minimum.”

Athletes exempted from on period of gym per week will also be granted four more days of a study hall period during each marking quarter in addition to their existing drop day.

Students interested in taking a gym exemption day can request a form from P.E. teachers. Forms must be completed and handed in on the Thursday prior to the requested drop day.

Photo by Nic Lalicato

By Stephanie Ollom Editor-in-Chief

Studying Hard... 22 students take a P.E. exemption for some extra study time during period 1, Tuesday Oct. 29 in room 108.

workshop in class to go home and open the same document to keep working.” New group activities teachers are creating with the Chrome books can entice students to learn more and to work harder. Senior Danny Childers described his group English project on “Of Human Bondage” as, “incredible, because we all were typing on the same page from different computers. Getting our work done more efficiently has given us a better opportunity to do well on assignments.” Chromebooks are not without complaint. Senior Gillian McIlroy said, “They can be annoying because they can be slow and sometimes irritating when the screen freezes when I need to take notes.” Relying on the Internet, Chromebooks would not be too useful during a power or network outage, but those times are rare. Assuming the Internet is working, Chromebooks are the new classroom kick this year. With their lightweight build and great productivity opportunities Chromebooks are the future of learning.

Inside this issue of Verve Globe... 2 Opine... 3 S+S... 4 Teachers... 5 Holiday Gift Guide... 6-7 Buzz... 8-9 Turf... 10-11 Halloween... 12

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