Verve vol 12 iss 1 october 2011

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Newspaper of Summit High School

October 2011 Volume 12 Issue 1

More Frozen Yogurt? Fruit Ninja: Summit Style

INSIDE this issue of Verve:

Beyonce's Baby Bliss

Many Summit High School students have taken notice of the new frozen yogurt shop near Magic Fountain. Its bright pink and green awning with “Sweet Orange” written across the front makes it hard to miss. I know what many of you are thinking, “Another frozen yogurt place? How many does Summit need?” From the outside, Sweet Orange appears to be just like every other frozen yogurt shop, however Sweet Orange is quite different than other frozen yogurt hotspots like Red Mango. When you enter the shop, you are greeted by the friendly employees and directed to the back where there


is a wall of 16 unique flavors. Red Mango on the other hand has a limited number of selections. At Sweet Orange you have the option of mixing different flavors or trying the blends that are offered next to each flavor. After choosing your yogurt, you move on to the table of 48 toppings that range from healthy snacks like strawberries to sweet treats like chocolate chips. After tasting the all natural, creamy, Sweet Orange frozen yogurt, you will definitely be back for more. The kosher yogurt tastes almost like ice cream, while Red Mango’s tastes more like sorbet. Senior Claire McKenzie came with

No More Facebook? By ELLIE SCHAFFER

Globe....................2 Opine....................3 S&S.......................4 Buzz.................5&6 Turf..................7&8

What's Up:

10/6: Back-to-School-Night 10/10: No School

10/14-10/16: Hilltopper Alumni Weekend

Photo provided by

Photo provided by

750 million addicted teenagers, adults, leave their profile un-updated? There children, and even elders log on to is potential peril rapidly spiraling toFacebook for an average of and a half ward current Facebook users. In order hours each day. The familiar “bing” of to shield ourselves from absolute chaos a received inbox, clicking confirmed without Facebook, we need to take a friends request, and the multiple blue step back. Preperations may be necesand white thumbs up signs on your re- sary in order to be ready for a shut down. cently added “mupload” are imprinted Limiting our time and using other deon each user’s mind. Facebook has vices as a back up plan, will make it a circled the globe, and has changed much more relaxed transition. and modernized the world as we know Many people believe we cannot live it. But what if one without Faceday, Facebook book, howwas deleted from ever I believe cyberspace? the world is On November not as depen5th, the AnonOps dent on it as of the Guy Fawkes we think. If Association plans it really does to take down the go down we familiar website in will be forced an attempt to draw to deal with users away from the loss some their beloved comway or anputer screens. In other. Withthe past, the group The Big "F." Facebook may permanently shut out any ushas hacked other ers whatsoever, down on November 9th, 2011. popular websites, the social pressure such as PlayStation. Many find it un- to be online will decrease. Subtractbelievable that their next coordinated ing the endless hours spent on the attack will be on the world renowned computer will open up a whole new Facebook. But, if this were to hap- spectrum of time for each ex-user. pen, would it really be such a tragedy? The time has come: time to log off. Everyone knows that once you’re ad- Once our adored network is hacked and dicted there’s no turning back. But demolished on November 5th, the hunmaybe if users were pulled away dreds of millions of preoccupied users with no other choice, it could end our will have to say goodbye. As the final Facebook obsession once and for all. notification pops up, and we click the The question is, can the world handle it? red exit circle on the left upper corner, Can crazed Facebook addicts stand to we will realize it is time to move on.

me on my taste test of both stores. She commented on the treats saying, “Personally, I prefer Sweet Orange when I’m feeling like ice cream, but Red Mango seems healthier and I prefer their fruit flavors.” Red Mango only sells fruit flavors, but Sweet Orange has a varied selection of fruit and ice cream flavors ranging from coconut to thin mint cookie. If you’re looking for a healthy and satisfying snack then Red Mango is your best bet, but if you have a sweet tooth like me then you’ll be a regular customer at Sweet Orange. I recommend the cake batter and chocolate with mini M&M’s and chocolate chips!

Hilltop Burgers and Fries Comes to Summit By CARLY NYMAN

The new Hilltop Burger’s and Fries located in downtown Summit has captured the Hilltopper spirit through its themed décor and tasty food. The unique and affordable restaurant serves it’s specialty burgers, which are named after the various schools in the Summit school district. If you prefer choosing your own toppings for your hamburger, then you can “build-a-hill-topper.” Customers are able to choose from a large assortment of toppings to add to their burgers. Besides burgers, customers may choose from a selection of five different types of french fries! There are even toppings for the french fries, such as chili and cheese. Healthy salads and flavorful wings are also available to customers. Hilltop Burger’s and Fries offers friendly service and high-quality food. The restaurant is always filled with seniors during unassigned lunch periods who escape the torturous school day for a bite of a juicy burger. The Summit themed atmosphere is very inviting; there are Summit’s maroon and gold colors throughout the restaurant, along with sports jersey’s and team pictures displayed on the walls. Another advantage that the restaurant has is its key location as well as convenient parking. Hilltop Burger’s and Fries is sure to be a hit in town!

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