Verve Vol XIV Iss 7 April 2014

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Congrats to Mrs. Anne Poyner -- NJ Forensics Coach of the Year! See page 4

Mr. Kaplow writes a guest column in Opine! See page 3

Summit High School

April 2014

Volume XIV Issue 7

125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901

Music Marathon Success By Anika Becker Staff Reporter

“I think we had one of the best turnouts, audience-wise” - Mr. Rapp Mr. Rapp, as well as all others involved with the Music Marathon, worked hard to prepare for such an exciting and beautiful evening of music.

Photo from Tje Alternative Press

The music program’s annual Music Marathon kicked off this year on March 21. The Music Marathon encompasses all music programs such as chorus, band and orchestra, with varying levels in each. ​Throughout this free event, students from each program and level performed in order to thank all of the programs’ supporters who have helped to fund music class expenses throughout the year. These performances included numbers by the chorus, band, and orchestra from both the middle and high school, as well as others from jazz and percussion groups. Junior Maddy Ashmun performed with the chamber and school orchestras, as well as in the Hilltop Quartet. Ashmun said she “looks forward to the Music Marathon every year. It’s fun to get a chance to see all of the different musical groups in the

district perform at one concert.” This was an event that invited all to join in the company of great music from one of the state’s most well-regarded orchestras. Band teacher, Mr. Steven Rapp said “The Music Marathon went fantastic. I think we had one of the best turnouts audience-wise. There were a lot of great performances, between the Middle School and the ensembles, and it was a really great night.”

The high school chorus performed at Music Marathon on March 21, along with choral groups from the middle school.

Board decides make-up day strategy: abridges April break Duking for days off. The few remaining vacation days for the year will be, hopefully, spared from further cuts. It can snow as late as April, but the Board of Education felt optimistic enough to make the call for Spring Break.

By Carly Leiter Screen & Sound Editor

The sun is finally out, spring sports are in full swing

and summer is on the horizon. By April 1, the sun will rise at 5:41 a.m. and set at 6:22 p.m. – 13 hours and 21 minutes of daylight—and by May 1, there will be almost 14 hours of daily sunshine, according to the Astronomical Applications Department at the US Naval Observatory.

“...we have to change our flights...” --Emma F. With the rough winter that

Illustration by Anika Becker

the North has endured this year, the warmth is more uplifting than usual. However, the highly anticipated, weeklong spring break is not taking place anymore. Due to the extraordinary seven snow days that were doled out this year (only four are allotted in the school calendar), spring break has been cut short. Instead of having a full nine days to vacation or relax at home, students now have only five days. According to a memo released by Superintendent Nathan Parker on Monday March 17, all schools will be in session on Monday and Tuesday, April 14 and 15, with

spring break commencing on Wednesday April 16 and going through Easter Sunday. Students and families that observe Passover, which begins on Tuesday April 15, may be affected by this change in the school calendar. A third makeup snow day will be on Friday, May 23, which had previously been scheduled as a professional development day for teachers. The decrease of days off for Spring break has Summit citizens adapting to the change. Junior Emma Flannery vented, “My mom had planned a trip to Jamaica and now we have to change our flights and not have as many days in the Jamaican heat.”

Seniors debate SAT changes: pros & cons on Opine


he SAT has long been a painful and important part of the college application process. For a long time, the test had two sections, math and English, and was scored out of 1600.

However, since 2005, the SAT has been graded as a three-part test with the addition of writing increasing the scoring to a 2400 scale. Recently though, The College Board, the organization that administers the test, has decided to change

the SAT again, which will become effective in the spring of 2016. The remodeled test will once again be scored out of 1600, but will still keep the essay, which will be graded separately. Additionally, the test will be shortened by 45 minutes to three hours, with 50 minutes for the essay following com-

pletion of the exam. On top of that, the infamous SAT vocabulary has been made easier, and free test prep is now available to all students and testtakers who sign up for the SAT test. There are

people who defend and challenge the revision. Meet two of them on Opine. (Continued on page 3)

Senior wisdom rules. Seniors Gwen Rogers & David Meyers sound off , challenging and defending the announced changes to the SAT standardized test, effective Spring of 2016. Photos by Stephanie Ollom

This month’s Verve.... Globe......... 2 Buzz................. 4 Opine......... 3 Turf/S+S.......... 5

6 7 8

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Passover: Tues 4/15 - Tues 4/22 Easter Weekend: Fri. 4/18 - Mon 4/21 SATs at SHS: Saturday May 3

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